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[Keyword] OEF(171hit)


  • Relaxation of Coefficient Sensitiveness to Performance for Neural Networks Using Neuron Filter through Total Coloring Problems


    LETTER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E84-A No:9

    In this paper we show that the neuron filter is effective for relaxing the coefficient sensitiveness of the Hopfield neural network for combinatorial optimization problems. Since the parameters in motion equation have a significant influence on the performance of the neural network, many studies have been carried out to support determining the value of the parameters. However, not a few researchers have determined the value of the parameters experimentally yet. We show that the use of the neuron filter is effective for the parameter tuning, particularly for determining their values experimentally through simulations.

  • A Measure of Coefficient Quantization Errors for Linear Discrete-Time State-Space Systems

    Shumon SAITO  Masayuki KAWAMATA  

    PAPER-Digital Filter

    E84-A No:8

    This paper proposes a measure of coefficient quantization errors for linear discrete-time state-space systems. The proposed measure of state-space systems agrees with the actual output error variance since it is derived from the exact evaluation of the output error variance due to coefficient deviation. The measure in this paper is represented by the controllability and the observability gramians and the state covariance matrix of the system. When the variance of coefficient variations is very small, the proposed measure is identical to the conventional statistical sensitivity of state-space systems. This paper also proposes a method of synthesizing minimum measure structures. Numerical examples show that the proposed measure is in very good agreement with the actual output error variance, and that minimum measure structures have a very small degradation of the frequency characteristic due to coefficient quantization.

  • A High-Speed Multiplier-Free Realization of IIR Filter Using ROM's and Elevated Signal Rate



    E84-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a high-speed multiplier-free realization using ROM's to store the results of coefficient scalings in combination with higher signal rate and pipelined operations, without the need of hardware multipliers. By varying some parameters, the proposed structure provides various combinations of hardware and clock speed (or throughput). Examples are given comparing the proposed realization with the distributed arithmetic (DA) realization and direct-form realization with power-of-two coefficients. Results show that with proper choices of the parameters the proposed structure achieves a faster processing speed with less hardware, as compared to the DA realization, while it is much faster than the direct-form with slightly more hardware.

  • A Note on Synthesis of a Complex Coefficient BPF Based on a Real Coefficient BPF

    Kazuhiro SHOUNO  Yukio ISHIBASHI  


    E84-A No:6

    A complex coefficient filter obtained by directly exchanging several reactance elements included in a real coefficient BPF for imaginary valued resistors is described. By using the proposed method, we obtain four varieties of complex coefficient filters. The stability problem is examined.

  • A Basic Study of Cough Signal Detection for a Life-Support System

    Shoichi TAKEDA  Shuichi KATO  Koki TORIUMI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E83-A No:12

    Aged people who live alone are in particular need of a daily health check, medication, and of warm communication with family and friends. The authors have been developing a life-support computer system with such functions. Among them, a daily health check function with the capability of measuring blood pressure, detecting diseases from coughing, and so on would in particular be very powerful for primary care. As a first step to achieving quick services for a daily health check with a personal computer, utilization of cough information is considered. Features of cough data are analyzed aiming at developing an automatic cough data detection method. This paper proposes a novel method for extracting cough signals from other types of signals. The differential coefficient of a low-pass filtered waveform is first shown to be an effective parameter for discriminating between vowel and cough signals, and the relationship between cut-off frequency and cough detection rate is clarified. This parameter is then applied to cough signals mixed with vowel signals or white noises to evaluate robustness. The evaluation tests show that the cough feature can be perfectly detected for a 20 dB S/N ratio when the cut-off frequency is set to 24 [Hz]. The experimental results suggest that the proposed cough detection method can be a useful tool as a primary care for aged people with a bronchitis like an asthmatic bronchitis and a bronchopneumonia.

  • Propagation of Light in Waveguide Systems with Random Imperfections

    Akira KOMIYAMA  Masayuki TOKIMOTO  

    PAPER-Rough Surface Scattering

    E83-C No:12

    The power coupling coefficients between cores of waveguide systems with random geometrical imperfections along the fiber axis are determined by comparing numerical solutions of the coupled mode equations with numerical solutions of the coupled power equations and the dependence of the power coupling coefficient on the correlation length with respect to the propagation constants of modes is clarified. When the correlation length D is small the power coupling coefficient is proportional to κ 2 D where κ is the mean mode coupling coefficient and is independent of the fluctuation of the propagation constants. For sufficiently large D the power coupling coefficient dc decreases in proportion to D-1 with increasing D and when D , dc 0. Then the dependence of the power coupling coefficient on the mode coupling coefficient and the fluctuation of the propagation constants δ β is expressed as a function of a single variable κ /δ β .

  • FVTD Simulation for Random Rough Dielectric Surface Scattering at Low Grazing Angle

    Kwang-Yeol YOON  Mitsuo TATEIBA  Kazunori UCHIDA  

    PAPER-Rough Surface Scattering

    E83-C No:12

    The finite volume time domain (FVTD) method is applied to electromagnetic wave scattering from random rough dielectric surfaces. In order to gain a better understanding of physics of backscattering of microwave from rough surface, this paper treats both horizontal and vertical polarizations especially at low- grazing angle. The results are compared with those obtained by the Integral equation method and the small perturbation method as well as with the experimental data. We have shown that the present method yields a reasonable solution even at LGA. It should be noted that the number of sampling points per wavelength for a rough surface problem should be increased when more accurate numerical results are required, which fact makes the computer simulation impossible at LGA for a stable result. However, when the extrapolation is used for calculating the scattered field, an accurate result can be estimated. If we want to obtain the ratio of backscattering between the horizontal and vertical polarization, we do not need the large number of sampling points.

  • A Note on a Sequence Related to the Lempel-Ziv Parsing

    Tsutomu KAWABATA  

    LETTER-Source Coding and Data Compression

    E83-A No:10

    The expected lengths of the parsed segments obtained by applying Lempel-Ziv incremental parsing algorithm for i.i.d. source satisfy simple recurrence relations. By extracting a combinatorial essence from the previous proof, we obtain a simpler derivation.

  • Response of Microwave on Bare Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness by X-Band Scatterometer

    Dharmendra SINGH  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Keshev Prasad SINGH  


    E83-B No:9

    This paper describes an individual effect of soil moisture (mg) and surface roughness (hrms) of bare soil on the back scattering coefficient (σ0) at the X-band frequency. The study contributes to the design of an efficient microwave sensor. For this purpose, experimentally observed data was utilized to provide a composite σ0 equation model accounting for individual effect in regression analysis. The experimental data are compared with Small Perturbation Method. It is observed that the X-band gives better agreement up to incidence angle 50 for HH-polarization and 60 for VV-polarization as compared to the C-band. The lower angles of incidence give better results than the higher angles for observing mg at the X-band. The multiple and partial regression analyses have also carried out for predicting the dependence of scattering coefficient (σ0) on mg and hrms more accurately. The analyses suggest that the dependence of dielectric constant (i.e., mg) is much more significant in comparison to surface roughness at lower angles of incidence for both like polarizations. The results propose the suitable angle of incidence for observing bare surface roughness and soil moisture at the X-band. All these data can be used as a reference for satellite or spaceborne sensors.

  • Three-Dimensional Fully Polarimetric Imaging in Snowpack by a Synthetic Aperture FM-CW Radar

    Toshifumi MORIYAMA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  


    E83-B No:9

    This paper presents a three-dimensional polarimetric detection result of targets buried in snowpack by synthetic aperture FM-CW radar system. Since the FM-CW radar is suitable for short range sensing and can be equipped with fully polarimetric capability, we further extended it to a polarimetric three-dimensional SAR system. A field experiment was carried out to image and detect targets in a natural snowpack of 280 cm deep. The polarimetric detection and identification schemes are the polarimetric filtering, three-component decomposition, and the power polarization anisotropy coefficient. These approaches to acquired data show the usefulness of three-dimensional polarimetric FM-CW SAR system.

  • A Monte-Carlo Method to Analyze the Small Signal Response of the Semiconductor Carriers

    Mihail NEDJALKOV  Hans KOSINA  Siegfried SELBERHERR  

    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    An approach for analysis of the small signal response of the carriers in semiconductors is presented. The integro-differential equation, describing the phenomenon in the time domain is transformed into a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. The response of the carrier system to a small signal of a general time dependence can be calculated by the knowledge of the response to an impulse signal, defined by a delta function in time. For an impulse signal, the obtained integral equation resembles the basic structure of the integral form of the time dependent (evolution) Boltzmann equation. Due to this similarity a physical model of the impulse response process is developed. The model explains the response to an impulse signal in terms of a relaxation process of two carrier ensembles, governed by a Boltzmann equation. A Monte-Carlo method is developed which consists of algorithms for modeling the initial distribution of the two ensembles. The numerical Monte-Carlo theory for evaluation of integrals is applied. The subsequent relaxation process can be simulated by the standard algorithms for solving the Boltzmann equation. The presented simulation results for Si and GaAs electrons serve as a test of the Monte-Carlo method and demonstrate that the physical model can be used for explanation of the small signal response process.

  • Method for the Measurement of Scattering Coefficients Using a Metal-Plate Reflector in the Microwave Region

    Ryoichi UENO  Toshio KAMIJO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E83-B No:7

    A new method for measuring the scattering coefficient using a metal-plate reflector was developed in order to provide a non-destructive way for the assessment of microwave materials in free space. By displacing the position of the metal-plate reflector on the specimen to be tested, the incident wave and the scattered wave from the measured area were determined without the influence of extraneous waves such as the direct coupling between transmitting and receiving antennas and scattered waves from background objects. Because the behavior of a metal-plate reflector is similar to that of an optical shutter in optics, our new scattering measurement system enables us to measure both backward- and forward-scattering coefficients of small regions of the specimen for various types of materials in a non-destructive manner. Our study examined the metal-plate size dependence of the complex reflection and transmission coefficients of some dielectric sheet samples. The measured data indicated that the reflection and transmission coefficients of a Bakelite flat plate and Styrofoam sheet were constant for various sizes of metal plates at the X-band.

  • Synthesis of a Complex Coefficient Filter by Passive Elements Including Ideal Transformers and Its Simulation Using Operational Amplifiers

    Kazuhiro SHOUNO  Yukio ISHIBASHI  


    E83-A No:6

    In this paper, a realization of an imaginary resistor using an ideal transformer is proposed. In the same fashion as the conventional method, a signal path is divided into a real signal path and an imaginary path. We name circuits which constitute a real signal path and an imaginary signal path, a real circuit and an imaginary circuit, respectively. An imaginary resistor is converted into an ideal transformer embedded between the imaginary circuit and the real circuit. The imaginary circuit becomes a dual circuit of the real circuit. This filter consists of terminating resistors, inductors, capacitors and ideal transformers. This prototype circuit is simulated by using operational amplifiers. A 3rd-order complex Chebyshev bandpass filter is designed and its frequency response is measured. Finally, the sensitivity property of the proposed filter is evaluated by a computer simulation.

  • Base-φ Method for Elliptic Curves over OEF

    Tetsutaro KOBAYASHI  


    E83-A No:4

    A new elliptic curve scalar multiplication algorithm is proposed. The algorithm offers about twice the throughput of some conventional OEF-base algorithms because it combines the Frobenius map with the table reference method based on base-φ expansion. Furthermore, since this algorithm suits conventional computational units such as 16, 32 and 64 bits, its base field Fpm is expected to enhance elliptic curve operation efficiency more than Fq (q is a prime) or F2n.

  • LAPAREX-An Automatic Parameter Extraction Program for Gain- and Index-Coupled Distributed Feedback Semiconductor Lasers, and Its Application to Observation of Changing Coupling Coefficients with Currents

    Toru NAKURA  Yoshiaki NAKANO  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E83-C No:3

    A reliable and automatic parameter extraction technique for DFB lasers is developed. The parameter extraction program which is named "LAPAREX" is able to determine many device parameters from a measured sub-threshold spectrum only, including gain- and index-coupling coefficients, and spatial phases of the grating at front and rear facets. Injection current dependence of coupling coefficients in a gain-coupled DFBlaser is observed, for the first time, by making use of it.

  • Design of Integer Wavelet Filters for Image Compression

    Hitoshi KIYA  Hiroyuki KOBAYASHI  Osamu WATANABE  


    E83-A No:3

    This paper discusses a method of designing linear phase two-channel filter banks for integer wavelet transform. We show that the designed filter banks are easily structed as the lifting form by leading relationship between designed filters and lifting structure. The designed integer wavelets are applied to image compression to verify the efficiency of our method.

  • Simple Sampling Techniques for Discovery Science

    Osamu WATANABE  


    E83-D No:1

    We explain three random sampling techniques that are simple but widely applicable for various problems involving huge data sets. The first technique is an immediate application of large deviation bounds. The second and the third ones are sequential sampling or adaptive sampling techniques. We fix one simple problem and explain these techniques by demonstrating algorithms for this problem and discussing their correctness and efficiency.

  • Narrow-Band 2 GHz Superconducting Filter

    Genichi TSUZUKI  Masanobu SUZUKI  Nobuyoshi SAKAKIBARA  Yoshiki UENO  

    PAPER-Passive Devices and Circuits

    E82-C No:7

    We propose a novel planar filter design for narrow-band applications. The filter consists of half-wavelength ring resonators with open gaps. This design has three advantages over conventional planar designs: a smaller size despite narrow bandwidth, a sharper skirt response at the passband edge without notch, an excellent out-band attenuation. We demonstrated these advantages by fabricating an 8-poles filter centered at 1.95 GHz with a 5 MHz bandwidth using YBCO films on a 2 inch diameter MgO substrate.

  • Classification of Target Buried in the Underground by Radar Polarimetry

    Toshifumi MORIYAMA  Masafumi NAKAMURA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Wolfgang-M. BOERNER  

    PAPER-Electronic and Radio Applications

    E82-B No:6

    This paper discusses the classification of targets buried in the underground by radar polarimetry. The subsurface radar is used for the detection of objects buried beneath the ground surface, such as gas pipes, cables and cavities, or in archeological exploration operation. In addition to target echo, the subsurface radar receives various other echoes, because the underground is inhomogeneous medium. Therefore, the subsurface radar needs to distinguish these echoes. In order to enhance the discrimination capability, we first applied the polarization anisotropy coefficient to distinguish echoes from isotropic targets (plate, sphere) versus anisotropic targets (wire, pipe). It is straightforward to find the man-made target buried in the underground using the polarization anisotropy coefficient. Second, we tried to classify targets using the polarimetric signature approach, in which the characteristic polarization state provides the orientation angle of an anisotropic target. All of these values contribute to the classification of a target. Field experiments using an ultra-wideband (250 MHz to 1 GHz) FM-CW polarimetric radar system were carried out to show the usefulness of radar polarimetry. In this paper, several detection and classification results are demonstrated. It is shown that these techniques improve the detection capability of buried target considerably.

  • A New Simple Method for Extracting the Capacitance Coupling Coefficients of Sub-0.5-µm Flash Memory Cells

    Keiichi HARAGUCHI  Hitoshi KUME  Masahiro USHIYAMA  Makoto OHKURA  


    E82-C No:4

    A new simple method for extracting the capacitance coupling coefficients of sub-0.5-µm flash memory cells is proposed. Different from the previously proposed methods, this method is not affected by a dopant profile of source region because a band-to-band tunneling current from the interface between the drain and the substrate is probed. Use of a reference device eliminates the necessity to make assumptions concerning the electron transport mechanism. Comparison with the other methods shows that the proposed method is simple and accurate.
