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[Keyword] OMP(3945hit)


  • Low Voltage High-Speed CMOS Square-Law Composite Transistor Cell

    Changku HWANG  Akira HYOGO  Hong-sun KIM  Mohammed ISMAIL  Keitaro SEKINE  


    E82-A No:2

    A new low voltage high-speed CMOS composite transistor is presented. It lowers supply voltage down to |Vt|+2 Vds,sat and considerably extends input voltage operating range and achieves high speed operation. As an application example, it is used in the design of a high-speed four quadrant analog multiplier. Simulations results using MOSIS 2µm N-well process with a 3 V supply are given.

  • Performance Enhancement on Digital Signal Processors with Complex Arithmetic Capability

    Yoshimasa NEGISHI  Eiji WATANABE  Akinori NISHIHARA  Takeshi YANAGISAWA  


    E82-A No:2

    Digital Signal Processors with complex arithmetic capability (DSP-C) are useful for various applications. In this paper, we propose a method for the effective implementation of specific circuits with real coefficients on DSP-C. DSP-C has special hardware such as a complex multiplier so that a complex calculation can be performed with only one instruction. First, we show that nodes with two real coefficient input branches can be implemented by complex multiplications. We apply this implementation to 2D circuits and transversal circuits with real coefficients. Next, we introduce a new computational mode (Advanced mode) and a new multiplier into PSI, a kind of DSP-C which has been proposed already, in order to process the circuits effectively. The effectiveness of the proposed method is shown by simulation in the last part.

  • Multi-Input Floating Gate Differential Amplifier and Applications to Intelligent Sensors

    Takeyasu SAKAI  Hiromasa NAGAI  Takashi MATSUMOTO  


    E82-A No:2

    Multi-input floating gate differential amplifier (FGDA) is proposed which can perform any convolution operation with differential structure and feedback loop. All operations are in the voltage mode. Only one terminal is required for the negative feedback which can suppress distortions due to mismatches of active elements. Possible applications include intelligent image sensor, where fully parallel DCT operation can be performed. A prototype chip is fabricated which is functional. A preliminary test result is reported.

  • REMARC: Reconfigurable Multimedia Array Coprocessor

    Takashi MIYAMORI  Kunle OLUKOTUN  

    PAPER-Computer Hardware and Design

    E82-D No:2

    This paper describes a new reconfigurable processor architecture called REMARC (Reconfigurable Multimedia Array Coprocessor). REMARC is a small array processor that is tightly coupled to a main RISC processor. It consists of a global control unit and 64 16-bit processors called nano processors. REMARC is designed to accelerate multimedia applications, such as video compression, decompression, and image processing. These applications typically use 8-bit or 16-bit data therefore, each nano processor has a 16-bit datapath that is much wider than those of other reconfigurable coprocessors. We have developed a programming environment for REMARC and several realistic application programs, DES encryption, MPEG-2 decoding, and MPEG-2 encoding. REMARC can implement various parallel algorithms which appear in these multimedia applications. For instance, REMARC can implement SIMD type instructions similar to multimedia instruction extensions for motion compensation of the MPEG-2 decoding. Furthermore, the highly pipelined algorithms, like systolic algorithms, which appear in motion estimation of the MPEG-2 encoding can also be implemented efficiently. REMARC achieves speedups ranging from a factor of 2.3 to 21.2 over the base processor which is a single issue processor or 2-issue superscalar processor. We also compare its performance with multimedia instruction extensions. Using more processing resources, REMARC can achieve higher performance than multimedia instruction extensions.

  • Region-Based Prediction Coding for Compression of Noisy Synthetic Images

    Yu LIU  Masayuki NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E82-D No:2

    Noise greatly degrades the image quality and performance of image compression algorithms. This paper presents an approach for the representation and compression of noisy synthetic images. A new concept region-based prediction (RBP) model is first introduced, and then the RBP model is utilized on noisy images. In the conventional predictive coding techniques, the context for prediction is always composed of individual pixels surrounding the pixel to be processed. The RBP model uses regions instead of individual pixels as the context for prediction. An algorithm for the implementation of RBP is proposed and applied to noisy synthetic images in our experiments. Using RBP to find the residual data and encoding them, we achieve a bit rate of 1.10 bits/pixel for the noisy synthetic image. The decompressed image achieves a peak SNR of 42.59 dB. Compared with a peak SNR of 41.01 dB for the noisy synthetic image, the quality of the decompressed synthetic image is improved by 1.58 dB in the MSE sense. In contrast to our proposed compression algorithm with its improvement in image quality, conventional coding methods can compress image data only at the expense of lower image quality. At the same bit rate, the image compression standard JPEG provides a peak SNR of 33.17 dB for the noisy synthetic image, and the conventional median filter with a 33 window provides a peak SNR of 25.89 dB.

  • All-Optical NRZ-to-Inverted-RZ Converter with Extinction Ratio Enhancement Using a Modified Terahertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer

    Hyuek Jae LEE  Kwangjoon KIM  Jee Yon CHOI  Hae-Geun KIM  Chu Hwan YIM  

    LETTER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-B No:2

    To enhance the extinction ratio (ER) of NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter based on cross-gain compression of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), a modified terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) is cascaded. ER is improved from 1.6-6.7 dB to 5.4-14.5 dB, depending on the intensity of input optical NRZ signal. The proposed NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter enhances and regulates ER to a high value (14.5 dB) for very wide optical NRZ signal intensity range.

  • On Relocation Decision Policies of Mobile Databases



    E82-D No:2

    Recently, mobile computing has received much attention from database community. Sharing information among mobile users is one of the most challenging issues in mobile computing due to user mobility. Replication is a promising technique to this issue. However, adopting replication into mobile computing is a non-trivial task, since we are still facing other problems such as the lack in disk capacity and wireless network bandwidth used by mobile users. We have proposed a dynamic replica allocation strategy called User Majority Replica Allocation (UMRA) that is well suited to the modern architecture of mobile computing environment while avoiding such problems mentioned above. In this paper, we propose two relocation decision policies for UMRA and we provide a cost analysis for them. We also provide a cost analysis for another replica allocation strategy called Static Replica Allocation (SRA) for a comparison purpose.

  • A 1.5 V, 8 mW, 8 b, 15 Msps BiCMOS A/D Converter

    Michio YOTSUYANAGI  Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Masaharu SATO  


    E82-A No:2

    A 1.5 V 8 mW BiCMOS video A/D converter has been developed by using a BiCMOS pumping comparator. Combining Bipolar high-speed and good-matching characteristics with CMOS switched capacitor techniques, this A/D converter is suitable for use in battery-operated multimedia terminals.

  • All-Optical NRZ-to-Inverted-RZ Converter with Extinction Ratio Enhancement Using a Modified Terahertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer

    Hyuek Jae LEE  Kwangjoon KIM  Jee Yon CHOI  Hae-Geun KIM  Chu Hwan YIM  

    LETTER-Photonic Switching Devices

    E82-C No:2

    To enhance the extinction ratio (ER) of NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter based on cross-gain compression of a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA), a modified terahertz optical asymmetric demultiplexer (TOAD) is cascaded. ER is improved from 1.6-6.7 dB to 5.4-14.5 dB, depending on the intensity of input optical NRZ signal. The proposed NRZ-to-inverted-RZ converter enhances and regulates ER to a high value (14.5 dB) for very wide optical NRZ signal intensity range.

  • A Real-Time Low-Rate Video Compression Algorithm Using Multi-Stage Hierarchical Vector Quantization

    Kazutoshi KOBAYASHI  Kazuhiko TERADA  Hidetoshi ONODERA  Keikichi TAMARU  


    E82-A No:2

    We propose a real-time low-rate video compression algorithm using fixed-rate multi-stage hierarchical vector quantization. Vector quantization is suitable for mobile computing, since it demands small computation on decoding. The proposed algorithm enables transmission of 10 QCIF frames per second over a low-rate 29.2 kbps mobile channel. A frame is hierarchically divided by sub-blocks. A frame of images is compressed in a fixed rate at any video activity. For active frames, large sub-blocks for low resolution are mainly transmitted. For inactive frames, smaller sub-blocks for high resolution can be transmitted successively after a motion-compensated frame. We develop a compression system which consists of a host computer and a memory-based processor for the nearest neighbor search on VQ. Our algorithm guarantees real-time decoding on a poor CPU.

  • The Complexity of an Optimal File Transfer Problem

    Yoshihiro KANEKO  Shoji SHINODA  

    LETTER-Graphs and Networks

    E82-A No:2

    A problem of obtaining an optimal file transfer on a file transmission net N is to consider how to distribute, with a minimum total cost, copies of a certain file of information from some vertices to others on N by the respective vertices' copy demand numbers. This paper proves such a problem to be NP-hard in general.

  • Floating-Point Divide Operation without Special Hardware Supports

    Takashi AMISAKI  Umpei NAGASHIMA  Kazutoshi TANABE  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E82-A No:1

    Three multiplicative algorithms for the floating-point divide operation are compared: the Newton-Raphson method, Goldschmidt's algorithm, and a naive method that simply calculates a form of the Taylor series expansion of a reciprocal. The series also provides a theoretical basis for Goldschmidt's algorithm. It is well known that, of the Newton-Raphson method and Goldschmidt's algorithm, the former is the more accurate while the latter is the faster on a pipelined unit. However, little is reported about the naive method. In this report, we analyze the speed and accuracy of each method and present the results of numerical tests, which we conducted to confirm the validity of the accuracy analysis. Basically, the comparison are made in the context of software implementation (e. g. , a macro library) and compliance with the IEEE Standard 754 rounding is not considered. It is shown that the naive method is useful in a realistic setting where the number of iterations is small and the method is implemented on a pipelined floating-point unit with a multiply-accumulate configuration. In such a situation, the naive method gives a more accurate result with a slightly lower latency, as compared with Goldschmidt's algorithm, and is much faster than but slightly inferior in accuracy to the Newton-Raphson method.

  • Practical and Proven Zero-Knowledge Constant Round Variants of GQ and Schnorr

    Yvo G. DESMEDT  Kaoru KUROSAWA  


    E82-A No:1

    In 1992 Burmester studied how to adapt the Guillou-Quisquater identification scheme to a proven zero-knowledge proof without significantly increasing the communication complexity and computational overhead. He proposed an almost constant round version of Guillou-Quisquater. Di Crescenzo and Persiano presented a 4-move constant round zero-knowledge interactive proof of membership for the corresponding language. A straightforward adaptation of the ideas of Bellare-Micali-Ostrovsky will also give a constant round protocol. However, these protocols significantly increase the communication and computational complexity of the scheme. In this paper we present constant round variants of the protocols of Guillou-Quisquater and Schnorr with the same (order-wise) communication and computational complexity as the original schemes. Note that in our schemes the probability that a dishonest prover will fool a honest verifier may be exponentially small, while it can only be one over a superpolynomial in Burmester's scheme. Our protocols are perfect zero-knowledge under no cryptographic assumptions.

  • Achieving Higher Success Probability in Time-Memory Trade-Off Cryptanalysis without Increasing Memory Size

    Il-Jun KIM  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  


    E82-A No:1

    The time-memory trade-off cryptanalysis for block ciphers with a search space of size 2N (N: key length) cannot achieve a success probability excceding 63%. This is caused by some unavoidable overlapping of keys in the space. For elavating the success probability of finding the correct key, a larger search space is necessary. That is, the increase of time complexity for precomputation would be inevitable. This paper theoretically shows, however, no further price is required for the size of look-up tables for the number of encryptions for searching for the key that matches the given ciphertext - plaintext pairs. This theory is confirmed by some empilical results.

  • A Small and Fast Software Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over GF(p) on a 16-Bit Microcomputer

    Toshio HASEGAWA  Junko NAKAJIMA  Mitsuru MATSUI  


    E82-A No:1

    Recently the study and implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECC) have developed rapidly and its achievements have become a center of attraction. ECC has the advantage of high-speed processing in software even on restricted environments such as smart cards. In this paper, we concentrate on complete software implementation of ECC over a prime field on a 16-bit microcomputer M16C (10 MHz). We propose a new type of prime characteristic of base field suitable for small and fast implementation, and also improve basic elliptic arithmetic formulas. We report a small and fast software implementation of a cryptographic library which supports 160-bit elliptic curve DSA (ECDSA) signature generation, verification and SHA-1 on the processor. This library also includes general integer arithmetic routines for applicability to other cryptographic algorithms. We successfully implemented the library in 4 Kbyte code/data size including SHA-1, and confirmed a speed of 150 msec for generating an ECDSA signature and 630 msec for verifying an ECDSA signature on M16C.

  • Efficient Private Information Retrieval

    Toshiya ITOH  


    E82-A No:1

    Informally, private information retrieval for k 1 databases (k-PIR) is an interactive scheme that enables a user to make access to (separated) k replicated copies of a database and privately retrieve any single bit out of the n bits of data stored in the database. In this model, "privacy" implies that the user retrieves the bit he is interested in but releases to each database nothing about which bit he really tries to get. Chor et. al. proposed 2-PIR with communication complexity 12 n1/32 that is based on the covering codes. Then Ambainis recursively extended the scheme by Chor et. al. and showed that for each k 2, there exists k-PIR with communication complexity at most ckn1/(2k-1) some constant ck > 0. In this paper, we relax the condition for the covering codes and present time-efficient 2-PIR with communication complexity 12 n1/3. In addition, we generally formulate the recursive scheme by Ambainis and show that for each k 4, there exists k-PIR with communication complexity at most ck' n1/(2k-1) for some constant ck' << ck.

  • Joint Low-Complexity Blind Equalization, Carrier Recovery, and Timing Recovery with Application to Cable Modem Transmission

    Cheng-I HWANG  David W. LIN  

    PAPER-Communication Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E82-B No:1

    We present a receiver structure with joint blind equalization, carrier recovery, and timing recovery. The blind equalizer employs a decomposition transversal filtering technique which can reduce the complexity of convolution to about a half. We analyze the performance surface of the equalizer cost function and show that the global minima correspond to perfect equalization. We also derive proper initial tap settings of the equalizer for convergence to the global minima. We describe the timing recovery and the carrier recovery methods employed. And we describe a startup sequence to bring the receiver into full operation. The adaptation algorithms for equalization, carrier recovery, and timing recovery are relatively independent, resulting in good operational stability of the overall receiver. Some simulation results for cable-modem type of transmission are presented.

  • Presumption of Permittivity for Dielectric Inverse Scattering ProblemSource and Radiation Field Solution

    Daisuke KATO  Shinobu TOKUMARU  


    E81-C No:12

    In this paper, we analyze the inverse scattering problem by a new deterministic method called "Source and Radiation Field Solution," which has the merit that both the source and the radiation field can be treated at the same time, the effect of which has already shown in ordinary scattering problems.

  • Program Slicing on VHDL Descriptions and Its Evaluation

    Shigeru ICHINOSE  Mizuho IWAIHARA  Hiroto YASUURA  

    PAPER-Design Reuse

    E81-A No:12

    Providing various assistances for design modifications on HDL source codes is important for design reuse and quick design cycle in VLSI CAD. Program slicing is a software-engineering technique for analyzing, abstracting, and transforming programs. We show algorithms for extracting/removing behaviors of specified signals in VHDL descriptions. We also describe a VHDL slicing system and show experimental results of efficiently extracting components from VHDL descriptions.

  • A New Image Coding Technique with Low Entropy Using a Flexible Zerotree

    Sanghyun JOO  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  Shigenobu SASAKI  Jaeho SHIN  

    PAPER-Source Encoding

    E81-B No:12

    A zerotree image-coding scheme is introduced that effectively exploits the inter-scale self-similarities found in the octave decomposition by a wavelet transform. A zerotree is useful for efficiently coding wavelet coefficients; its efficiency was proved by Shapiro's EZW. In the EZW coder, wavelet coefficients are symbolized, then entropy-coded for further compression. In this paper, we analyze the symbols produced by the EZW coder and discuss the entropy for a symbol. We modify the procedure used for symbol-stream generation to produce lower entropy. First, we modify the fixed relation between a parent and children used in the EZW coder to raise the probability that a significant parent has significant children. The modified relation is flexibly modified again based on the observation that a significant coefficient is more likely to have significant coefficients in its neighborhood. The three relations are compared in terms of the number of symbols they produce.
