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  • Analysis of Bandpass Filters with Shielded Inverted Microstrip Lines

    Ushio SANGAWA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E87-C No:10

    A bandpass filter (BPF) with shielded inverted microstrip lines (SIMSL), previously demonstrated by the author, has shown the nontrivial asymmetry of filter responses in spite of adopting a conventional filter synthesis procedure. This paper will reveal the mechanism of the asymmetry and propose prescriptions for recovering the defect, in addition to observing the wave propagation property of SIMSL. Firstly, the behavior of phase constants or effective dielectric constants for various modes propagating on single SIMSL are indicated in terms of the line configuration, and the dispersion characteristics of the quasi-TEM mode are interpreted from the point of mode coupling between the pure TEM mode and dielectric slab modes. Then it is shown that the asymmetry is dependent only on the transmission characteristics of SIMSL parallel-coupled lines involved in the filter circuits. Theoretical considerations reveal that the asymmetry is due to the fact that SIMSL has quite different phase constants for the even- and odd-mode. On the basis of these results, the optimized BPF is designed and it is experimentally demonstrated that the symmetry of its responses is notably recovered. Furthermore, this optimization is still quite efficient for achieving high attenuation properties at its harmonics.

  • High Spurious Suppression of the Dual-Mode Patch Bandpass Filter Using Defected Ground Structure

    Min Hung WENG  Hung Wei WU  Ru Yuan YANG  Tsung Hui HUANG  Mau-Phon HOUNG  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E87-C No:10

    This investigation proposes a novel dual-mode patch bandpass filter (BPF) that uses defect ground structure (DGS) to suppress spurious response. The proposed dual-mode patch BPF has exhibits a wide stopband characteristic owing to that uses the bandgap resonant characteristic of DGS in the harmonic frequency of the dual-mode patch BPF. The novel proposed filter demonstrates the frequency characteristics with center frequency f0 = 2.2 GHz, 3-dB bandwidth (FBW) of 8% and wider stopband from 2.6 to 6 GHz at the level of -35 dB. The experimental and simulated results agree.

  • Use of Interlaced Grid to Parallelize the AIM CFIE Solver for Execution on Distributed Parallel Computer Cluster

    Banleong OOI  Tionghuat NG  Pangshyan KOOI  

    PAPER-Basic Electromagnetic Analysis

    E87-C No:9

    In this paper, we present the interlaced fast Fourier transform (FFT) method to parallelize the adaptive integral method (AIM) algorithm for the radar cross-section (RCS) computation of large scattering objects in free space. It is noted that the function obtained after convolution is smoother as compared to the original functions. Utilizing this concept, it is possible to interlace the grid current and charge sources in AIM and compute the potentials on each set of interlaced grid independently using FFT. Since the potentials on each interlaced grid are smooth functions in space, we can then interpolate the potentials to every other nodes on the original grid. The final solution of the potentials on the original grid is obtained by summing the total contributions of all the computed and interpolated potentials from every individual interlaced grid. Since the potentials of each interlaced grid can be computed independently without much communication overheads between the processes, such an algorithm is suitable for parallelizing the AIM solver to run on distributed parallel computer clusters. It is shown that the overall computation complexity of the newly proposed interlaced FFT scheme is still of O(N log N).

  • Stolen-Verifier Attack on an Efficient Smartcard-Based One-Time Password Authentication Scheme

    Wei-Chi KU  Hao-Chuan TSAI  Maw-Jinn TSAUR  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E87-B No:8

    Recently, Yeh, Shen, and Hwang proposed a smartcard-based one-time password authentication scheme as an improved version of S/KEY, and claimed that their scheme is superior to other similar schemes in security and efficiency. In this letter, we show that Yeh-Shen-Hwang's scheme is still vulnerable to a stolen-verifier attack that may cause serious security problems.

  • A One-Time Password Authentication Method for Low Spec Machines and on Internet Protocols

    Takasuke TSUJI  Akihiro SHIMIZU  


    E87-B No:6

    Applications for transforming money or personal information are increasingly common on the Internet and in mobile communications. These applications require user authentication for confirming legal users. One-time password authentication methods change the verifier every time by sending the present verifier along with the next verifier. However, such methods risk attacks because those protocols use two verifiers every session. The SAS (Simple And Secure password authentication protocol) is a one-time password authentication method that the method uses a hash function five times, but it requires high overhead on low spec machines. In this paper, we propose a new method, SAS-2, which reduces overhead of hash function adaptation by 40%. This method has a mutual authentication phase, which maintains synchronous data communications in its authentication procedure. Moreover, SAS-2 can be applied to key-free systems.

  • Cryptanalysis on One-Time Password Authentication Schemes Using Counter Value

    Takasuke TSUJI  Akihiro SHIMIZU  


    E87-B No:6

    The Internet and mobile communication systems are being developed, and related applications for managing personal information require user authentication for confirming legitimate users. One-time password authentication methods secure user's authorities by changing the verifier every time. The S/Key is a famous one-time password authentication scheme, which is based on Lamport's scheme. T.-C. Yeh et al. have point out security problems of the S/Key scheme and have proposed a variant of the S/Key scheme, which can be applied to smart cards. However, this method risks certain attacks, too. Those two proposed schemes use counter value, which can easily be modified by an attacker. Herein we discuss security problems of the S/Key and Yeh-Shen-Hwang's password authentication schemes using forgery attacks and stolen-verifier attacks.

  • Reflection Attack on a Generalized Key Agreement and Password Authentication Protocol

    Wei-Chi KU  Hui-Lung LEE  Chien-Ming CHEN  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E87-B No:5

    In this letter, we show that a key agreement and password authentication protocol proposed by Kwon and Song is potentially vulnerable to a reflection attack, and then suggest simple improvements.

  • A Time-Interleaved Switched-Capacitor Band-Pass Delta-Sigma Modulator with Recursive Loop

    Minho KWON  Jungyoon LEE  Gunhee HAN  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E87-C No:5

    A band-pass delta-sigma modulator (BPDSM) is a key building block to implement a digital intermediate frequency (IF) receiver in a wireless communication system. This paper proposes a time-interleaved (TI) switched-capacitor (SC) BPDSM architecture that consists of 5-stage TI blocks with recursive loop. The proposed TI BPDSM provides reduction in the clock frequency requirement by a factor of 5 and relaxes the settling time requirement to one-fourth of conventional approach. The test chip was designed and fabricated for a 30-MHz IF system with a 0.35-µm CMOS process. The measured peak SNR for a 200-kHz bandwidth is 63 dB while dissipating 75 mW from a 3.3-V supply and occupying 1.3 mm2.

  • Hybrid MOM-Immittance Approach for Full-Wave Characterization of Printed Strips and Slots in Layered Waveguide and Its Applications

    Rakhesh Singh KSHETRIMAYUM  Lei ZHU  

    PAPER-General Methods, Materials, and Passive Circuits

    E87-C No:5

    A hybrid method-of-moments (MoM) and immittance approach for efficient and accurate analysis of printed slots and strips of arbitrary shape in layered waveguide for various applications has been proposed. An impedance-type MoM is formulated from the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for printed strip case and an admittance-type MoM is formulated from the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) for the printed slot case, using the Galerkin's technique. Immittance approach has been used to calculate spectral dyadic Green's functions for the layered waveguide. For efficient analysis of large and complex structures, equivalent circuit parameters of a block are first extracted and complete structure is analyzed through cascaded ABCD matrices. The equivalent circuit characterization of printed strip and slot in layered waveguide has been done for the first time. Finite periodic structure loaded with printed strips has been investigated and it shows the electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) behavior. The electromagnetic (EM) program hence developed is checked for its numerical accuracy and efficiency with results generated with High-frequency structure simulator (HFSS) and shows good performance.

  • Evaluation of Performance Prediction Method for Master/Slave Parallel Programs

    Yasuharu MIZUTANI  Fumihiko INO  Kenichi HAGIHARA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E87-D No:4

    This paper describes the design and implementation of a testbed for predicting master/slave (M/S) programs written using Message Passing Interface (MPI) programs. The testbed, named M/S Emulator (MSE), aims at assisting developers in evaluating the performance of M/S programs and dynamic load-balancing strategies on clusters of PCs. In order to realize this, MSE predicts the communication time by using a realistic parallel computational model, an extension of the LogGPS model. This extended model improves the prediction accuracy on a large number of processors, because it captures the master's bottleneck: the overhead required for retrieving arrival messages from the slaves. Current MSE also employs a best effort emulation method for predicting the calculation time. In our experiments, MSE demonstrated an accurate prediction on clusters, especially on a larger number of nodes. Therefore, we believe that our extended model enables us to analyze the scalability of the M/S program performance.

  • A Power-Down Circuit Scheme Using Data-Preserving Complementary Pass Transistor Flip-Flop for Low-Power High-Performance Multi-Threshold CMOS LSI

    Ki-Tae PARK  Tomokatsu MIZUKUSA  Hyo-Sig WON  Kyu-Myung CHOI  Jeong-Taek KONG  Hiroyuki KURINO  Mitsumasa KOYANAGI  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E87-C No:4

    A new power-down circuit scheme using data-preserving complementary pass transistor flip-flop circuit for low-power, high-performance Multi-Threshold voltage CMOS (MTCMOS) LSI is presented. The proposed circuit can preserve a stored data during power-down period while maintaining low leakage current without any extra circuit and complex timing design. The flip-flop provides 24% improved delay and 30% less silicon area compared to conventional MTCMOS flip-flop circuit. A 16-bits DSP processor core using the proposed circuit and 0.18 µ m CMOS technology was designed. The DSP chip was successfully operated at 120 MHz, 1.65 V and its total leakage current in power-down mode was four orders smaller than conventional DSP chip.

  • A Noise-Shaping Algorithm of Multi-bit DAC Nonlinearities in Complex Bandpass ΔΣAD Modulators

    Hao SAN  Haruo KOBAYASHI  Shinya KAWAKAMI  Nobuyuki KUROIWA  


    E87-A No:4

    This paper presents a technique for improving the SNR and resolution of complex bandpass ΔΣADCs which are used for wireless communication systems such as cellular phone, wireless LAN and Bluetooth. Oversampling and noise-shaping are used to achieve high accuracy of a ΔΣAD modulator. However when a multi-bit internal DAC is used inside a modulator, nonlinearities of the DAC are not noise-shaped and the SNR of the ΔΣADC degrades. For the conversion of complex intermediate frequency (IF) input signals, a complex bandpass ΔΣAD modulator can provide superior performance to a pair of real bandpass ΔΣAD modulators of the same order. This paper proposes a new noise-shaping algorithm--implemented by adding simple digital circuitry--to reduce the effects of nonlinearities in multi-bit DACs of complex bandpass ΔΣAD modulators. We have performed simulation with MATLAB to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm, and the results show that the proposed algorithm can improve the SNR of a complex bandpass ΔΣADC with nonlinear internal multi-bit DACs.

  • Design of Lower-Order IIR Digital Low-Pass Filters with Flat Monotonic Passbands and Equiripple Stopbands

    Yoshiro SUHARA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E87-A No:4

    An IIR digital low pass filter with flat monotonic passband, equiripple stopband and narrower transition bandwidth than that of Inverse Chebyshev digital filters of the same order is designed. The requisite equiripple stopband is realized by designing the filter in Deczkeys' w-plane. The characteristic functions are designed so as to have a root of multiplicity n at ω = 0 to ensure the n degree of flatness of the passband, and to have a pair of complex conjugate roots with coordinates constrained such that the magnitude response of the passband attenuates monotonically. The freedom in the coordinate of the complex conjugate roots is exploited to minimize the transition bandwidth. The equations are derived that give the minimum transition bandwidth of the proposed filter, which is considerably narrower than that of Inverse Chebyshev filters. It is showen through practical numerical examples that the order of the proposed filter is as low as half that of the Inverse Chebyshev filter satisfying the same specification.

  • Design of Novel Parallel-Coupled Band-Pass Filter with Dielectric Guide in Coupled Sections

    Ic-Pyo HONG  Seong-Kyun PARK  

    LETTER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E87-C No:3

    In this letter, we present the new type parallel-coupled band-pass filter (BPF) which uses the dielectric guide in coupled sections with finite metallization thickness. A mode-matching method has been used to analyze this new structure and the simulation results are shown and validated through comparison with other available data. The results in this letter show that the dielectric guide of coupled lines with finite metal strips can be newly added to the design parameters of the parallel-coupled BPF structure and other microwave applications.

  • One-Time Password Authentication Protocol against Theft Attacks

    Takasuke TSUJI  Akihiro SHIMIZU  


    E87-B No:3

    Software applications for the transfer of money or personal information are increasingly common on the Internet. These applications require user authentication for confirming legitimate users. One-time password authentication methods risk a stolen-verifier problem or other steal attacks because the authentication on the Internet server stores the user's verifiers and secret keys. The SAS-2 (Simple And Secure password authentication protocol, ver.2) and the ROSI (RObust and SImple password authentication protocol) are secure password authentication protocols. However, we have found attacks on SAS-2 and ROSI. Here, we propose a new method which eliminates such problems without increasing the processing load and can perform high security level same as S/Key systems without resetting the verifier.

  • Security of a Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards

    Her-Tyan YEH  Hung-Min SUN  Bin-Tsan HSIEH  


    E87-B No:1

    Recently, Hwang and Li proposed a smartcard-based remote user authentication scheme. Later, Chan and Cheng showed that Hwang and Li's scheme is insecure against a kind of impersonation attack where a legitimate user can create another valid pair of user identity and password without knowing the secret key of the remote system. However, an assumption under Chan and Cheng's attack is that the attacker must be a legal user. In this paper, we further present a more fundamental and efficient impersonation attack on Hwang and Li's scheme. Using our attack, any users (including legal and illegal users) can easily get a specific legal user's password, impersonate this specific user to login to the remote system, and pass the system authentication.

  • Sparse Realization of Passive Reduced-Order Interconnect Models via PRIMA

    Yuya MATSUMOTO  Yuichi TANJI  Mamoru TANAKA  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E87-A No:1

    This paper describes a sparse realization of passive reduced-order interconnect models via PRIMA to provide the SPICE compatible models. It is demonstrated that, if the SPICE models are directly realized so that the reduced-order equations obtained via PRIMA are stamped into the MNA matrix, the simulations of networks containing the macromodels become computationally inefficient when size of the reduced-order equations is relatively large. This is due to dense coefficient matrices of the reduced-order equations resulting from congruent transformations in PRIMA. To overcome this disadvantage, we propose a sparse realization of the reduced-order models. Since the expression is equivalent to the reduced-order equations, the passivity of the SPICE models generated is also guaranteed. Computational efficiency on SPICE is demonstrated in performing the transient analysis of circuits containing the proposed macromodels.

  • Realization of Low Spurious Responses by Various Bandpass Filters Using Open-Ended λ/2 Resonators

    Kouji WADA  Takanobu OHNO  Kouichi NAKAGAWA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  


    E86-C No:12

    This paper focuses on the realization of low spurious responses by various bandpass filters (BPFs) using open-ended λ/2 resonators. The first part of this paper gives the resonance characteristics of the open-ended λ/2 resonators when the excitation methods are chosen. Secondly, various BPFs obtained with our methodology are provided. For constructing the BPF, (1) point-coupled resonators, (2) comb-line resonators, (3) quasi comb-line resonators and (4) parallel-coupled resonators are used. It is verified that the presented BPFs can be used to obtain low spurious responses both theoretically and experimentally.

  • Location of Multiple Transmission Zeros by Tap-Coupling Technique for Bandpass Filters and Duplexers Using Short-Ended λ/2 Resonators

    Kouji WADA  Yoshiyuki AIHARA  Tomohide KAMIYAMA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  


    E86-C No:12

    In this paper, the method of locating multiple transmission zeros by the tap-coupling technique is described for bandpass filters (BPFs), using short-ended λ/2 resonators and its application to a duplexer. First, the method of locating the transmission zero using the short-ended λ/2 resonators is examined with various excitation methods. We focus on four types of short-ended λ/2 resonators: the end-coupling type, tap-coupling type, capacitive tap-coupling type and inductive tap-coupling type. Secondly, the BPFs based on the basic characteristics of the respective resonators are proposed and designed on the basis of a general filter theory with narrow band approximation. Lastly, we propose and design new duplexers consisting of the proposed BPFs. The results lead to the conclusion that the basic characteristics of the short-ended λ/2 resonators are useful for realizing a BPF with multiple transmission zeros and a high-performance duplexer fabricated without increasing the number of elements.

  • An Adaptive Array Antenna Based on the IQ-Division Bandpass Sampling

    Shinya SASAKI  Tetsuki TANIGUCHI  Yoshio KARASAWA  


    E86-B No:12

    In this paper, as an important technology for the software-defined radio, a novel scheme of adaptive array antenna utilizing bandpass sampling technique is proposed. For adaptive signal processing, it is necessary to convert the radio frequency signal received by the antenna that is given by real number into baseband region, i.e., complex number region. Then, the method for dividing the bandpass sampled signal to in-phase and quadrature components is analyzed. The sampling scheme is called the IQ-division bandpass sampling. An adaptive array antenna based on the IQ-division bandpass sampling is characterized by the signal processing at the bandpass sampled signal stage, namely, intermediate frequency stage, not baseband. Finally, we will confirm the validity of the proposed scheme through an experiment in a radio anechoic chamber.
