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  • The Role of Coherence in Regulating the Time-Asymmetry of a Spectral Predictive Discrimination Model


    LETTER-Speech Processing and Acoustics

    E78-D No:11

    The coherence in the time movement of the spectral vector sequence is modelled by a vector linear predictor. Such a model of the stop consonant transition is used for discrimination of the places of articulation of/ba/,/dha/,/da/, and/ga/. The effect of cross-channel correlation in giving improved recognition performance and also in reducing the time asymmetry of the predictive recognizer is studied. The high recognition score of vector model and the considerable differnce in the forward reverse score of the scalar model than a vecter model is highlighted in this study on a speech data of a set of four speakers.

  • On Symbolic Model Checking in Petri Nets

    Kunihiko HIRAISHI  Minoru NAKANO  


    E78-A No:11

    The symbolic model checking algorithm was proposed for the efficient verification of sequential circuits. In this paper, we show that this algorithm is applicable to the verification of concurrent systems described by finite capacity Petri nets. In this algorithm, specifications of the system are given in the form of temporal logic formulas, and the algorithm checks whether these formulas hold in the state space. All logical operations are performed on Binary Decision Diagrams. Since the algorithm does not enumerating each state, the problem of state space explosion can be avoided in many cases.

  • A Study on Start-Up Characteristics of Crystal Oscillators Using Resonators with Nonlinear Drive Level Characteristics

    Naoto OHTAKA  Yasuaki WATANABE  Hiroshi SEKIMOTO  


    E78-A No:11

    This paper describes a simulation technique of start-up characteristics that considers a nonlinearity of the drive level of quartz crystal resonators. A nonlinear resonator model for SPICE where the resonant resistance varies with the voltage added to a resonator is proposed. In an examination using a transistor Colpitts oscillator, the simulation using this technique agreed with the experimental results very well.

  • Vertical Magnetoresistive/Inductive Head

    Takuji SHIBATA  Munekatsu FUKUYAMA  Norio SAITO  Yoshitaka WADA  Yutaka SODA  


    E78-C No:11

    A vertical magnetoresistive (MR)/inductive head using the current bias technique has been developed for high-density magnetic recording. In this head, the sense current is orthogonal to the air-bearing surface (ABS). The area exposed at the ABS of the MR element is beneath the front lead, and the active area of the sensor is positioned behind that area. The MR element is composed of two permalloy films separated by a thin nonmagnetic material. The easy axis of the films is oriented parallel to the ABS and the films are magnetostatically coupled. The magnetic field created by the sense current is applied in the direction of the easy axis and the MR element is stabilized. In this head structure, no MR-element-stabilizing layer, such as an antiferromagnetic film or a hard magnetic film, is needed. Since the permalloy film beneath the front lead acts as a front flux guide, the signal flux propagates in the sensing area of the MR element behind the ABS. The new vertical MR head has the same electrical performance characteristics as the conventional horizontal MR head. The offtrack signal profile is symmetric against the track center because the magnetization of the two permalloy films rotates symmetrically in the signal-flux direction. The output signal level of this head is independent of the read trackwidth, which favors a narrow trackwidth. The exposed portion at the ABS is only connected to the common lead and is at ground potential. In this design, electrostatic breakdown does not occur and no corrosion is observed. Tests have shown that as the flying height is reduced, the error rate is reduced and noise does not increase. This head structure appears suitable for the near-contact recording of the near future.

  • The Differential CMA Adaptive Array Antenna Using an Eigen-Beamspace System

    Kentaro NISHIMORI  Nobuyoshi KIKUMA  Naoki INAGAKI  


    E78-B No:11

    This paper addresses approaches to enhancement of performance of the CMA (Constant Modulus Algorithm) adaptive array antenna in multipath environments that characterize the mobile radio communications. The cost function of the CMA reveals that it has an AGC (Automatic Gain Control) procedure of holding the array output voltage at a constant value. Therefore, if the output voltage by the initial weights is different from the object value, then the CMA may suffer from slow convergence because suppression of the multipath waves is delayed by the AGC behavior. Our objective is to improve the convergence characteristics by adopting the differential CMA for the adaptive array algorithm. First, the basic performance of the differential CMA is clarified via computer simulation. Next, the differential CMA is incorporated into the eigen-beamspace system in which the eigenvectors of the correlation matrix of array inputs are used in the BFN (Beam Forming Network). This BFN creates the optimum orthogonal multibeams for radio environments and works helpfully as a preprocessor of the differential CMA. The computer simulation results have demonstrated that the differential CMA with the eigen-beamspace system has much better convergence characteristics than the conventional CMA with the element space system. Furthermore, a modified algorithm is introduced which gives the stable array output voltages after convergence, and it is confirmed that the algorithm can carry out more successful adaptation even if the radio environments are changed abruptly.

  • Equivalent Net Reduction for Firing Sequence

    Masato NAKAGAWA  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Dong-Ik S. LEE  


    E78-A No:11

    In this paper, we discuss an abstraction method for Petri nets based on an equivalence of firing sequences of a specified subnet or a specified subset of transitions. Specifically, a method is presented to generate an equivalent net which preserves firing sequences of a specified subnet or a specified subset of transitions. The abstraction can be applied to an efficient behavioral analysis of concurrent systems constructed by composition of modules such as communication networks and Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS).

  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave by Double Periodic Array with a Dielectric Substrate



    E78-A No:11

    In this paper, electromagnetic scattering by infinite double two-dimensional periodic array of resistive upper and lower elements is considered. The electric field equations are solved by using the moment method in the spectral domain. Some numerical results are shown and frequency selective properties are discussed.

  • Linear Systems Analysis of Blood Clotting System

    Hirohumi HIRAYAMA  Kiyono YOSHII  Hidetomo OJIMA  Norikazu KAWAI  Shintaro GOTOH  Yuzo FUKUYAMA  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E78-A No:10

    The controllability and the stability of the blood clotting system are examined with the linear system analysis. The dynamic behavior of the clotting system consisting of a cascade of ten proteolytic reactions of the clotting factors with multiple positive feed back and feed forward loops is represented by the rate equations in a system of non linear ordinary differential equations with 35 variables. The time courses of concentration change in every factor are revealed by numerical integration of the rate equations. Linearization of the rate equations based on the dynamic behavior of the chemical species relevant to the nonlinear terms leads to the linear systems analysis of the clotting system to clarify the essential features of blood coagulation. It follows from the analysis that the clotting system is uncontrollable regardless of changes in any system parameters and control input and that all the chemical species of the system are uncontrollable so that the sequential reactions in the cascade proceed irreversibly, once they are activated. More over by the analysis of the eigen values, the clotting reaction as a total system was shown to be unstable which was insensitive to changes in the system parameters. These characteristic natures of clotting system must be derived in the sequential cascade reaction pattern and the inherent multiple positive feed back and feed forward regulation.

  • Scattering by Two-Dimensional Rectangular Resistive Plane Gratings with Anisotropic Slab

    Masamitsu ASAI  Jiro YAMAKITA  Shinnosuke SAWA  Junya ISHII  


    E78-C No:10

    We present a 44 matrix-based analysis of scattering form a two-dimensional rectangular resistive plane gratings placed on an anisotropic dielectric slab. The solution procedure used is formulated by extending the 44 matrix approach. The fields are expanded in terms of two-dimensional Floquet modes. Total fields can be given as sum of primary and secondary fields whose expression are obtained through eigenvalue problem of coupled wave matrix. Unknown currents on resistive patches are determined by applying Galerkin's method to the resistive boundary condition on resistive grating. Results are compared with other numerical examples available in the literature for isotropic cases. Further, numerical calculation are performed in the case of gratings with polar-type anisotropic slab.

  • Principles of Radar Polarimetry

    Ernst LÜNEBURG  


    E78-C No:10

    Research in radar polarimetry is hampered by shortcomings of the conventional formulation of polarimetric backscatter concepts. In particular the correct form of the Sinclair backscatter matrix under changes of polarization bases is derived from the antenna voltage (energy transfer) equation yielding the erroneous impression that radar polarimetry is a mongrel between scattering behavior and network performance. The present contribution restores logical consistency in a natural way by introducing the concept of an antilinear backscatter operator. This approach decouples scattering process and network performance, illuminates matrix analytical properties of the radar backscatter matrix and highlights characteristic states of polarization.

  • A Formal Technique to Analyze Event Concurrent Response

    Hiromi KOBAYASHI  Yasunari SHIDAMA  

    LETTER-Software Systems

    E78-D No:10

    We present that event-transition diagrams are useful to analyze event concurrent response visually. Event-transition diagrams are dual for state-transition diagrams in graph theory. As an example of an usage of an event-transition diagram, a simple model of a railroad crossing is presented.

  • Electromagnetic Wave Scattering in Media Whose Particles are Randomly Displaced from a Uniformly Ordered Spatial Distribution

    Mitsuo TATEIBA  


    E78-C No:10

    Coherent and incoherent electromagnetic (EM) waves scattered by many particles are approximately expressed as solutions of integral equations by unconventional multiple scattering method. The particles are randomly displaced from a uniformly ordered distribution, and hence the distribution of particles can change from total uniformity to complete randomness. The approximate expressions of the EM waves are systematically given, independent of the distributions of particles, on the following assumptions. First the particles are identical in material, shape, size and orientation. Second each random displacement of particles from the ordered positions is statistically independent of each other and homogeneous in space. These assumptions may be extended to more general ones but have been used here to make clear the derivation process of the coherent and incoherent EM waves. The approximate expressions of the EM waves are reduced to known ones for both limiting cases: a periodic distribution and a very sparse random distribution. The effective dielectric constant of a random medium containing randomly distributed dielectric spheres can be calculated from the coherent EM wave and compared with those given by conventional methods such as the quasi-crystalline approximation, using the previous results. The comparison indicates the advantage of the method presented here. The present method is expected to be useful for the study of interaction of EM waves with many particles.

  • Synchronization Phenomena in RC Oscillators Coupled by One Resistor

    Seiichiro MORO  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Shinsaku MORI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:10

    In this study, we propose a system of N Wien-bridge oscillators with the same natural frequency coupled by one resistor, and investigate synchronization phenomena in the proposed system. Because the structure of the system is different from that of LC oscillators systems proposed in our previous works, this system cannot exhibit N-phase oscillations but 3-phase and in-phase oscillations. Also in this system, we can get an extremely large number of steady phase states by changing the initial states. In particular, when N is not so large, we can get more phase states in this system than that of the LC oscillators systems. Because this system does not include any inductors and is strong against phase error this system is much more suitable for applications on VLSI compared with coupled system of van der Pol type LC oscillators.

  • A 3-D Boundary Element Analysis of EM Wave Scattering by a Perfectly Conducting Body with Edges and Corners

    Katsuya MANABE  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  


    E78-C No:10

    A numerical scheme to analyze a three-dimensional perfectly conducting body that has edges and corners is presented. The geometry of the body can be arbitrary. A new formulation using boundary element method has been developed. This formulation allows that a scatterer has edges and corners, where the behavior of the electromagnetic fields become singular.

  • Bifurcation of the Delay Lock Loop in Spread Spectrum Communication

    Jiro ISHIKAWA  Hisato FUJISAKA  Chikara SATO  


    E78-A No:10

    It is important to analyze a tracking or synchronizing process in Spread Spectrum (SS) receiving system. The most common SS tracking system considered here consists of pseudorandom (PN) generator, Lowpass Filter (LPE) and Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO). The SS receiver is to track or synchronize its local PN generator to the received PN waveform by VCO. The fundamental equation of the system is known by a second order nonlinear differential equation in terms of phase difference between local PN generator and received PN waveform. The differential equation is nonautonoumous due to PN function of time t with period T. Picking up the gain of VCO as the main parameter in the system we show that the system has bifurcation from the normal oscillation through subharmonic oscillation to finally chaos. In the final case, chaos is confirmed by investigating maximum Liapunov number and both stable and unstable manifolds.

  • Discrete Higher-Order Leaky-Wave Modes and the Continuous Spectrum of Stripline

    Dennis P. NYQUIST  David J. INFANTE  


    E78-C No:10

    Discrete higher-order modes of stripline, both proper and leaky, as well as its continuous spectrum are conceptualized and quantified by a full-wave integral operator formulation through complex analysis in the axial Fourier-transform plane. Poles associated with the parallel-plate background environment lead to branch points in the axial transform plane. A criterion for choice of associated branch cuts to restrict the migration of poles in the transverse transform plane is identified. The higher-order discrete modes are both bound (proper), with a low-frequency cutoff, and leaky (improper). The higher-order proper mode has a propagation constant very nearly equal to that for the TM parallel-plate mode. Distributions of the continuous-spectrum currents appear to consist of a smooth transition from those of the highest propagating proper discrete mode, as might be expected physically. The continuous spectrum is dominated by the propagating portions associated with any TM background modes (poles) which are above cutoff, and in fact by spectral points in a region very near to the branch point.

  • Data Bypassing Register File for Low Power Microprocessor

    Makoto IKEDA  Kunihiro ASADA  

    LETTER-Integrated Electronics

    E78-C No:10

    In this paper, we propose a register file with data bypassing function. This register file bypasses data using data bypassing units instead of functional units when actual operation in functional units such as ALU is unnecessary. Applying this method to a general purpose microprocessor with benchmark programs, we demonstrate 50% power consumption reduction in functional units. Though length of bus lines increases a little due to an additional hardware in register file, as buses are not driven when data is bypassed, power consumption in bus lines is also reduced by 40% compared with the conventional architecture.

  • Diffraction Characteristics of a Finite Metal-Strip Grating Integrated with a Planar Dielectric Waveguide

    Victor I. KALINICHEV  


    E78-C No:10

    The radiation and scattering characteristics of a metal-strip grating of finite extent printed on the surface of a dielectric waveguide are analyzed within a two-dimensional model. The diffraction properties are obtained from a solution to the problem of surface mode scattering by a finite number of metal strips, taking into account their mutual couplings. The analysis is based on the electromotive force technique which does not require a grating to be periodic. Obtained results concern the antenna applications of radiating gratings excited by the dominant TE or TM surface mode of the wavegude. The proposed approach can be applied not only to the design of radiators but also filters based on periodic strip gratings.

  • A New Scheduling Scheme in Responsive Systems

    Seongbae EUN  Seung Ryoul MAENG  Jung Wan CHO  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerant Computing

    E78-D No:10

    The integration of both real-time systems and fault-tolerant systems has been emerged as one of the greatest challenges of this decade. It is called a responsive system, which has the objective to optimeze both timeliness and reliability. The performance measure in responsive systems is responsiveness that tells how probable a system executes correctly on time with faults occurred. While there have been some achievements in communication protocols and specification, we believe that scheduling problems in responsive systems are not understood deeply and sufficiently, yet. In this paper, we discuss the scheduling problem in responsive systems. At first, we investigate the issues in the scheduling and propose the precise definition of the responsiveness. We also suggest a scheduling algorithm called Responsive Earliest Deadline First (REDF) for preemptive aperiodic tasks in a uniprocessor system. We show that REDF is optimal to obtain the maximum responsiveness, and the time complexity is analyzed to be (N 2N). By illustrating a contradictory example, it is shown that REDF can be enhanced if a constraint on tasks is released.

  • Locating Large Gas Leaks in Pressurized Subscriber Cable Networks by Using an Electrical Network Analysis Technique

    Kazutoki TAKEDA  

    PAPER->Communication Cable and Wave Guide

    E78-B No:10

    A method is proposed for locating large gas leaks in subscriber cable networks composed of different type cables and/or branch cables that uses pressures periodically measured at several points. Theoretical pressure curves corresponding to these measured pressure curves are calculated using a model representing the actual cable network. These curves are called the calculated pressure curves. The position of the leak is varied in the calculation model and where the measured and calculated pressure curves coincide the most, the leak position in the calculation model indicates the estimated leak position. The calculated pressure curves are based on the Laplace transform and an analogy between the pneumatic characteristics in cable networks and the electrical characteristics in electrical transmission networks. An experiment using a cable network about 910m long resulted in a location error of less than 30m.
