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  • Generalized Ray Expansion with Elliptic Ray Tubes in Hybrid Analysis of EM Scattering by Open Cavities

    Robert J. BURKHOLDER  Prabhakar H. PATHAK  Hsi-Tseng CHOU  Dennis ANDERSH  


    E78-C No:10

    A hybrid analysis of the electromagnetic scattering by an open cavity containing an interior obstacle when it is illuminated by an external source is presented so that it is valid for high frequencies. This hybrid approach breaks down the problem into three basic parts which can be analyzed separately, via methods best suited for each part, and these separate solutions are then combined systematically via generalized recipricity relations to obtain the total solution. The three separate analyses deal with the scattering by the open end being illuminated, the wave propagation within the cavity, and the scattering by the interior obstacle. The propagation region analysis is based on the use of the generalized ray expansion that employs a new elliptic ray tube basis set which makes this expansion far more efficient in that it requires significantly fewer number of these than is possible with conventional ray tubes. Numerical results illustrating the utility of this hybrid approach are presented.

  • Synchronization Phenomena in RC Oscillators Coupled by One Resistor

    Seiichiro MORO  Yoshifumi NISHIO  Shinsaku MORI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E78-A No:10

    In this study, we propose a system of N Wien-bridge oscillators with the same natural frequency coupled by one resistor, and investigate synchronization phenomena in the proposed system. Because the structure of the system is different from that of LC oscillators systems proposed in our previous works, this system cannot exhibit N-phase oscillations but 3-phase and in-phase oscillations. Also in this system, we can get an extremely large number of steady phase states by changing the initial states. In particular, when N is not so large, we can get more phase states in this system than that of the LC oscillators systems. Because this system does not include any inductors and is strong against phase error this system is much more suitable for applications on VLSI compared with coupled system of van der Pol type LC oscillators.

  • Scattering by Two-Dimensional Rectangular Resistive Plane Gratings with Anisotropic Slab

    Masamitsu ASAI  Jiro YAMAKITA  Shinnosuke SAWA  Junya ISHII  


    E78-C No:10

    We present a 44 matrix-based analysis of scattering form a two-dimensional rectangular resistive plane gratings placed on an anisotropic dielectric slab. The solution procedure used is formulated by extending the 44 matrix approach. The fields are expanded in terms of two-dimensional Floquet modes. Total fields can be given as sum of primary and secondary fields whose expression are obtained through eigenvalue problem of coupled wave matrix. Unknown currents on resistive patches are determined by applying Galerkin's method to the resistive boundary condition on resistive grating. Results are compared with other numerical examples available in the literature for isotropic cases. Further, numerical calculation are performed in the case of gratings with polar-type anisotropic slab.

  • Electromagnetic Wave Scattering in Media Whose Particles are Randomly Displaced from a Uniformly Ordered Spatial Distribution

    Mitsuo TATEIBA  


    E78-C No:10

    Coherent and incoherent electromagnetic (EM) waves scattered by many particles are approximately expressed as solutions of integral equations by unconventional multiple scattering method. The particles are randomly displaced from a uniformly ordered distribution, and hence the distribution of particles can change from total uniformity to complete randomness. The approximate expressions of the EM waves are systematically given, independent of the distributions of particles, on the following assumptions. First the particles are identical in material, shape, size and orientation. Second each random displacement of particles from the ordered positions is statistically independent of each other and homogeneous in space. These assumptions may be extended to more general ones but have been used here to make clear the derivation process of the coherent and incoherent EM waves. The approximate expressions of the EM waves are reduced to known ones for both limiting cases: a periodic distribution and a very sparse random distribution. The effective dielectric constant of a random medium containing randomly distributed dielectric spheres can be calculated from the coherent EM wave and compared with those given by conventional methods such as the quasi-crystalline approximation, using the previous results. The comparison indicates the advantage of the method presented here. The present method is expected to be useful for the study of interaction of EM waves with many particles.

  • A 3-D Boundary Element Analysis of EM Wave Scattering by a Perfectly Conducting Body with Edges and Corners

    Katsuya MANABE  Yasumitsu MIYAZAKI  


    E78-C No:10

    A numerical scheme to analyze a three-dimensional perfectly conducting body that has edges and corners is presented. The geometry of the body can be arbitrary. A new formulation using boundary element method has been developed. This formulation allows that a scatterer has edges and corners, where the behavior of the electromagnetic fields become singular.

  • Masked Trnsferring Method of Discontinuous Sectors in Disk Cache System

    Tetsuhiko FUJII  Akira YAMAMOTO  Naoya TAKAHASHI  Minoru YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Computer Systems

    E78-D No:10

    This paper proposes a masked data transferring method for the write-back controlled disk cache system employing a fixed-length recording disk drive, enabling data transfer of discontinuous sectors on the same track between the cache and the disk. This paper also evaluates the method. In write-back controlled disk cache sytems, random write requests cause dirty data (write-pending data on a cache) on discontinuous areas on the cache. It is likely that several sectors on the same track become dirty. These dirty sectors must be written onto the disk according to the cache management scheme. In conventional data transferring methods between a disk cache and a disk drive, plural sectors can be transferred in one single operation when the sectors are adjacent, but discrete sectors must be transferred by individual operations. In the methods, an address of the head sector and number of sectors to be transferred are given to the transfer unit. For example, when two sectors on the same track are located closely but not adjacently, and data transfer is requested for those two sectors, the transfer operation for the second sector must be prepared after the first transfer had completed and before the second sector arrives under the disk head. Although the time for the head to pass by the uninterested sector is often too short for the software overhead for the first transfer to be completed and the second transfer to be prepared, which leads to an unwanted extra rotation of the disk. With the masked transferring method proposed in this paper, the micro program creates a bit-map specifying the target sectors to be transferred and passes it to the data transfer unit, enabling to transfer the discontinuous sectors without latency. The method was evaluated using OLTP warkloads. Results show an improvement in random I/O throughput of between 8% and 27%. The masked transferring method is adopted in Hitachi's A-6521 disk subsytems, shipped since December 1993.

  • A Computer Supported System of Meetings Using a Model of Inter-Personal Communication

    Tomofumi UETAKE  Morio NAGATA  


    E78-D No:9

    Information systems to support cooperative work among people should be first designed to help humam communication. However, there are few systems based on the analysis of human communication. Standing on this situation, we propose a meeting support system for the participants' understandings by indicating the suitable information about the topic of the scene". Our system provides only useful information by monitoring each statement without complex methods. To show something useful multi-media information for members, we propose the following structure of the meeting on the basis of the analysis of communication. Each statement is classified into two levels, either; a statement about the progress" of the meeting (context-level utterances) or, a statement about objects" (content-level utterances). Further, content-level utterances are classified into two types, position utterances and argument utterances. Using this classification of statements, the proceeding of the meeting is represented as the tree model which is called a context-tree". If the structure of meetings is fixed, it is possible to select only useful information from all shared information for members by analyzing each content-level utterance. The system introduced in this paper shows appropriate multi-media information about the topic of the scene" by using the above model. We have implemented a prototype system based on the above ideas. Moreover, we have mode some experiments to show the effectiveness of this system. Those results show that our method is effective to improve the productivity" of meetings.

  • Performance of an ATM Multiplexer with Selective Cell Discarding for On-Off Bursty Traffics

    Sang Won MIN  Hae CHUNG  Chong Kwan UN  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E78-B No:9

    We study an asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) multiplexer with selective cell discarding (SCD), and propose as a new traffic parameter the ratio of high and low priority cell streams when a cell stream multiplexed is classified by the cell loss priority (CLP) field in a cell header. By having loss priority control, it is possible to increase the multiplexing gain. For performance analysis we assume that an on-of T bursty traffic is described with several traffic parameters and the proposed priority ratio, and is approximately modeled by a Markov-modulated deterministic process (MMDP). Assuming that several independent and homogeneous on-off bursty traffics with priority discrimination are multiplexed, we present an analytical procedure for the cell loss probability of each priority level in statistical cell multiplexing with loss priority control, and use the performance results for connection admission control (CAC). Also, we consider the effect of the proposed priority ratio. Although loss priority control increases the statistical multiplexing gain, it is not appropriate for the on-off bursty traffic to change the value of the high-priority ratio in order to obtain a larger multiplexing gain, since the admissible load is determined by the loss probability of low priority traffic for most cases and the values of the ratio in a certain range slightly affect it.

  • A Low-Voltage GaAs One-Chip Oscillator IC for Laser-Diode Noise Suppression

    Tsuyoshi TANAKA  Hideo NAGAI  Daisuke UEDA  


    E78-C No:9

    A GaAs defferential oscillator IC with on-chip LC resonator has been developed for suppressing the relative intensity noise (RIN) of a laser diode. The relationship between the Q-factor and minimum supply voltage for oscillation is fully described. In view of reducing the present LC resonator, we made use of BST (Barium Strontium Titanate) capacitor to make the resonator without increasing the chip area. The oscillation frequency is stable since it's determined by the geometry of the resonator. The experimentally fabricated oscillator IC achieved the output power of 12 dBm at the frequency of 600 MHz with voltage/current conditions of 2 V/20 mA. The present IC keeps quite stable RIN value less than -138 dB/Hz under the light-feedback condition up to 10%.

  • The Range of Passband QAM-Based ADSLs in NTT's Local Networks

    Seiichi YAMANO  

    PAPER->Communication Cable and Wave Guide

    E78-B No:9

    The use of existing metallic local line facilities is being studied for providing "video on demand (VOD)" services to residential subscribers across asymmetric digital subscriber lines (ADSL). ADSL carries a high-rate channel in the downstream direction from a central office (CO) to the subscriber, and a low-rate channel in both directions on an existing 2-wire pair. Audio and video signals are compressed by the moving picture experts group's standardized algorithms (MPEG 1 and MPEG 2), and delivered to the subscriber in the high-rate channel. Control (demand and response) signals are transceived in the low-rate channel. This paper presents the line length coverage of ADSL systems given the environment of NTT's local networks. The bit rates in the downstream and upstream directions are assumed to be 1.6-9.2Mbit/s and 24kbit/s, respectively. Two types of ADSL systems are considered: transceiving ADSL signals using the plain old telephone service (POTS) line or the basic rate access (BRA; 320 kbaud ping-pong transmission system) line on the same 2-wire pair. 16-QAM, 32-QAM and 64-QAM are compared as transmission schemes. Intra-system crosstalk interference (interference between identical transmission systems) and inter-system crosstalk interference (interference between different transmission systems) with the existing digital subscriber lines (DSL) are estimated. It is shown that the inter-system crosstalk interference with BRA is most stringent, and ADSL with 16-QAM yields the best performance in NTT's local networks. This paper concludes that realizing ADSL with 16-QAM can achieve channel capacities of up to 9.2Mbit/s for fiber-in-the-feeder (FITF) access systems, but the possibility of applying ADSL to direct access systems is remote except for a restricted short haul use. Some comparisons regarding American local networks are also described.

  • A New Approach to Constructing a Provably Secure Variant of Schnorr's Identification Scheme

    Satoshi HADA  Hatsukazu TANAKA  


    E78-A No:9

    Schnorr's identification scheme is the most efficient and simplest scheme based on the discrete logarithm problem. Unfortunately, Schnorr's scheme is not provably secure, i.e., the security has not been proven to be reducible to well defined intractable problems. Two works have already succeeded to construct provably secure variants of Schnorr's scheme. They have been constructed with a common approach, i.e., by modifying the formula to compute the public key so that each public key has multiple secret keys. These multiple secret keys seem to be essential for their provable security, but also give rise to a penalty in their efficiency. In this paper, we describe a new approach to constructing a provably secure variant, where we never modify the formula, and show that with our approach, we can construct a new efficient provably secure scheme.

  • A Requirement Description Approach in Natural Language Based on Communication Service Knowledge

    Yoshizumi KOBAYASHI  Tadashi OHTA  Nobuyoshi TERASHIMA  


    E78-D No:9

    This paper proposes a requirement description and elicitation approach for communication services. Requirements are described in natural language, refined with a knowledge base, and converted to a formal language for program generation. A model for communication services is made as a set of three items: terminal state, terminal action and the response of the communication system to the action. This set, in turn, corresponds to natural language syntax that expresses two conditions (terminal state and action) and their result. These conditions and result are expressed as a sequence of simple sentences that describe the relationship between a terminal and a communication system. Thus, by defining such a description style to reflect the features of communication services, it should be possible to achieve both a high level of description and mechanical processing capabilities at the same time. However, requirement descriptions usually include omission and inconsistency. This problem cannot be solved by merely introducing natural language for the descriptions. Knowledge about the target domain of requirements is needed to resolve it. This paper reports on a knowledge base that stores constraints existing between conditions and results in communication services. This knowledge base is shown to be effective in supplementing omissions and resolving inconsistency. This paper also presents a technique for converting the elicited requirements in natural language to descriptions in a formal language that can be used to generate a program.

  • Signal Dependent Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Signal Representations Designed Using the Radon Transform

    Branko RISTIC  Boualem BOASHASH  


    E78-A No:9

    Time-frequency representations (TFRs) have been developed as tools for analysis of non-stationary signals. Signal dependent TFRs are known to perform well for a much wider range of signals than any fixed (signal independent) TFR. This paper describes customised and sequential versions of the signal dependent TFR proposed in [1]. The method, which is based on the use of the Radon transform at distance zero in the ambiguity domain, is simple and effective in dealing with both simulated and real data. The use of the described method for time-scale analysis is also presented. In addition, the paper investigates a simple technique for detection of noisy chirp signals using the Radon transfrom in the ambiguity domain.

  • Reliability Functions for Concatenated Codes Employing Modular Codes with Maximum Likelihood Decoding

    Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Junya KAGA  Eiji OKAMOTO  


    E78-A No:9

    This paper investigates the error correcting capabilities of concatenated codes employing algebraic geometry codes as outer codes and time-varying randomly selected inner codes, used on discrete memoryless channels with maximum likelihood decoding. It is proved that Gallager's random coding error exponent can be obtained for all rates by such codes. Further, it is clarified that the error exponent arbitrarily close to Gallager's can be obtained for almost all random selections of inner codes with a properly chosen code length, provided that the length of the outer code is sufficiently large. For a class of regular channels, the result is also valid for linear concatenated codes, and Gallager's expurgated error exponent can be asymptotically obtained for all rates.

  • Optical Path Accommodation Design Enabling Cross-Connect System Scale Evaluation

    Naohide NAGATSU  Ken-ichi SATO  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E78-B No:9

    This paper proposes novel optical path accommodation design algorithms for networks wherein the number of wavelengths multiplexed into a fiber is restricted. This algorithm optimizes both optical path route and wavelength assignment in VWP/WP networks. It minimizes optical path cross-connect (OPXC) system scale in terms of incoming/outgoing fiber port numbers. A comparison in terms of required OPXC system scale between the WP and VWP schemes is demonstrated for the first time.

  • Growth, Design and Performance of InP-Based Heterostructure Bipolar Transistors



    E78-C No:9

    This paper discusses crystal-growth and device-design issues associated with the development of high-performance InP/InGaAs heretostructure bipolar transistors (HBTs). It is shown that a highly Si-doped n+-subcollector in the HBT structure causes anomalous Zn redistribution during metalorganic vapor phase epitaxial (MOVPE) growth. A thermodynamical model of and a useful solution to this big problem are presented. A novel hybrid structure consisting of an abrupt emitter-base heterojunction and a compositionally-graded base is shown to enhance nonequilibrium base transport and thereby increase current gain and cutoff frequency fT. A double-heterostructure bipolar transistor (DHBT) with a step-graded InGaAsP collector can improve collector breakdown behavior without any speed penalty. We also elucidate the effect of emitter size shrinkage on high-frequency performance. Maximum oscillation frequency fmax in excess of 250 GHz is reported.

  • Two-Dimensional Discrete Orthogonal Transforms by Means of Two-Dimensional LMS Adaptive Algorithms

    Tokunbo OGUNFUNMI  Michael AU  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E78-A No:9

    This paper establishes a general relation between the two-dimensional Least Mean Square (2-D LMS) algorithm and 2-D discrete orthogonal transforms. It is shown that the 2-D LMS algorithm can be used to compute the forward as well as the inverse 2-D orthogonal transforms in general for any input by suitable choice of the adaptation speed. Simulations are presented to verify the general relationship results.

  • Resistively Coupled Oscillators with Hybrid Connection

    Mozammel HOQUE  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E78-A No:9

    In this letter we propose a novel method of connection, called the hybrid connection, and find that a resistively coupled oscillator with hybrid connection has stable in-phase and anti-phase synchronized oscillations. Averaging method is used to investigate the stability of the synchronized oscillations. The theory is verified by the experimental results.

  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Plane Waves by a Perfectly Conducting Wedge: The Case of E Polarization

    Michinari SHIMODA  Tokuya ITAKURA  Yuko YAMADA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E78-C No:9

    The two-dimensional scattering problem of electromagnetic waves by a perfectly conducting wedge is analyzed by means of the Wiener-Hopf technique together with the formulation using the partition of scatterers. The Wiener-Hopf equations are derived on two complex planes. Investigating the mapping between these complex planes and introducing the appropriate functions which satisfy the edge condition of the wedge, the solutions of these equations are obtained by the decomposition procedure of functions. By deforming the integration path of the Fourier inverse transform, it is found that the representation of the scattered wave is in agreement with the integral representation using the Sommerfeld contours.

  • A Separation of Electroretinograms for Diabetic Retinopathy

    Yutaka MAEDA  Takayuki AKASHI  Yakichi KANATA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E78-D No:8

    The electroretinogram (ERG) is used to diagnose many kinds of eye diseases. Our final purpose in this paper is a detection of diabetic retinopathy by using only ERG. In this paper, we describe a method to examine whether presented ERG data belong to a group of diabetic retinopathy. The ERG mainly consists of the a-wave, the b-wave and the oscillatory potential (op-wave). It was known that the op-wave varies as progress of retinopathy. Thus, we use the latency, the amplitude and the peak frequency of the op-wave. First, we study these features of sample ERG data, statistically. It was clarified that some of these characteristics are significantly different between a normal group and a group of diabetic retinopathy. By using some of these characteristics, we classify unknown ERG data on the basis of the Mahalanobis' generalized distance or the linear discriminant function. The highest accuracy of this method for the unknown data is about 92.73%.
