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  • A Synthesis Method for Decentralized Supervisors for Timed Discrete Event Systems

    Masashi NOMURA  Shigemasa TAKAI  

    LETTER-Concurrent Systems

    E96-A No:4

    In this paper, we study decentralized supervisory control of timed discrete event systems, where we adopt the OR rule for fusing local enablement decisions and the AND rule for fusing local enforcement decisions. For any specification language satisfying a certain assumption, we propose a method for constructing a decentralized supervisor that achieves its sublanguage. The proposed method does not require computing the achieved sublanguage.

  • A Low-Power LDPC Decoder for Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks

    Meng XU  Xincun JI  Jianhui WU  Meng ZHANG  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E96-B No:4

    This paper presents a low-power LDPC decoder that can be used in Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks. Three low power design techniques are proposed in the decoder design: a layered decoding algorithm, a modified Benes network and a modified memory bypassing scheme. The proposed decoder is implemented in TSMC 0.13 µm, 1.2 V CMOS process. Experiments show that when the clock frequency is 32 MHz, the power consumption of the proposed decoder is 38.4 mW, the energy efficiency is 53.3 pJ/bit/ite and the core area is 1.8 mm2.

  • AspectQuery: A Method for Identification of Crosscutting Concerns in the Requirement Phase

    Chengwan HE  Chengmao TU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E96-D No:4

    Identification of early aspects is the critical problem in aspect-oriented requirement engineering. But the representation of crosscutting concerns is various, which makes the identification difficult. To address the problem, this paper proposes the AspectQuery method based on goal model. We analyze four kinds of goal decomposition models, then summarize the main factors about identification of crosscutting concerns and conclude the identification rules based on a goal model. A goal is crosscutting concern when it satisfies one of the following conditions: i) the goal is contributed to realize one soft-goal; ii) parent goal of the goal is candidate crosscutting concern; iii) the goal has at least two parent goals. AspectQuery includes four steps: building the goal model, transforming the goal model, identifying the crosscutting concerns by identification rules, and composing the crosscutting concerns with the goals affected by them. We illustrate the AspectQuery method through a case study (a ticket booking management system). The results show the effectiveness of AspectQuery in identifying crosscutting concerns in the requirement phase.

  • Model-Based Approach to Recognize the Rectus Abdominis Muscle in CT Images Open Access

    Naoki KAMIYA  Xiangrong ZHOU  Huayue CHEN  Chisako MURAMATSU  Takeshi HARA  Hiroshi FUJITA  

    LETTER-Medical Image Processing

    E96-D No:4

    Our purpose in this study is to develop a scheme to segment the rectus abdominis muscle region in X-ray CT images. We propose a new muscle recognition method based on the shape model. In this method, three steps are included in the segmentation process. The first is to generate a shape model for representing the rectus abdominis muscle. The second is to recognize anatomical feature points corresponding to the origin and insertion of the muscle, and the third is to segment the rectus abdominis muscles using the shape model. We generated the shape model from 20 CT cases and tested the model to recognize the muscle in 10 other CT cases. The average value of the Jaccard similarity coefficient (JSC) between the manually and automatically segmented regions was 0.843. The results suggest the validity of the model-based segmentation for the rectus abdominis muscle.

  • A Second-Order All-Digital TDC with Low-Jitter Frequency Shift Oscillators and Dynamic Flipflops

    Toshihiro KONISHI  Keisuke OKUNO  Shintaro IZUMI  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  


    E96-C No:4

    We present a small-area second-order all-digital time-to-digital converter (TDC) with two frequency shift oscillators (FSOs) comprising inverter chains and dynamic flipflops featuring low jitter. The proposed FSOs can maintain their phase states through continuous oscillation, unlike conventional gated ring oscillators (GROs) that are affected by transistor leakage. Our proposed FSOTDC is more robust and is eligible for all-digital TDC architectures in recent leaky processes. Low-jitter dynamic flipflops are adopted as a quantization noise propagator (QNP). A frequency mismatch occurring between the two FSOs can be canceled out using a least mean squares (LMS) filter so that second-order noise shaping is possible. In a standard 65-nm CMOS process, an SNDR of 61 dB is achievable at an input bandwidth of 500 kHz and a sampling rate of 16 MHz, where the respective area and power are 700 µm2 and 281 µW.

  • Reconfiguring Cache Associativity: Adaptive Cache Design for Wide-Range Reliable Low-Voltage Operation Using 7T/14T SRAM

    Jinwook JUNG  Yohei NAKATA  Shunsuke OKUMURA  Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  Masahiko YOSHIMOTO  


    E96-C No:4

    This paper presents an adaptive cache architecture for wide-range reliable low-voltage operations. The proposed associativity-reconfigurable cache consists of pairs of cache ways so that it can exploit the recovery feature of the novel 7T/14T SRAM cell. Each pair has two operating modes that can be selected based upon the required voltage level of current operating conditions: normal mode for high performance and dependable mode for reliable low-voltage operations. We can obtain reliable low-voltage operations by application of the dependable mode to weaker pairs that cannot operate reliably at low voltages. Meanwhile leaving stronger pairs in the normal mode, we can minimize performance losses. Our chip measurement results show that the proposed cache can trade off its associativity with the minimum operating voltage. Moreover, it can decrease the minimum operating voltage by 140 mV achieving 67.48% and 26.70% reduction of the power dissipation and energy per instruction. Processor simulation results show that designing the on-chip caches using the proposed scheme results in 2.95% maximum IPC losses, but it can be chosen various performance levels. Area estimation results show that the proposed cache adds area overhead of 1.61% and 5.49% in 32-KB and 256-KB caches, respectively.

  • Indoor Scene Classification Based on the Bag-of-Words Model of Local Feature Information Gain

    Rong WANG  Zhiliang WANG  Xirong MA  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:4

    For the problem of Indoor Home Scene Classification, this paper proposes the BOW Model of Local Feature Information Gain. The experimental results show that not only the performance is improved but also the computation is reduced. Consequently this method out performs the state-of-the-art approach.

  • Hierarchical Cooperation in Ultra-Wide Band Ad Hoc Networks

    Won-Yong SHIN  Koji ISHIBASHI  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E96-B No:3

    We show an improved throughput scaling law for an ultra-wide band (UWB) ad hoc network by using a modified hierarchical cooperation (HC) strategy; the n wireless nodes are assumed to be randomly sited. In a dense network of unit area, our result indicates that the derived throughput scaling depends on the path-loss exponent α for certain operating regimes due to the power-limited characteristics. It also turns out that the use of HC is helpful in improving the throughput scaling of our UWB network in some conditions. More specifically, assuming that the bandwidth scales faster than nα+1(log n)α/2, it is shown that the HC protocol outperforms nearest multi-hop routing for 2 < α < 3 while using nearest multi-hop routing leads to higher throughput for α ≥ 3.

  • Robust Scene Categorization via Scale-Rotation Invariant Generative Model and Kernel Sparse Representation Classification

    Jinjun KUANG  Yi CHAI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E96-D No:3

    This paper presents a novel scale-rotation invariant generative model (SRIGM) and a kernel sparse representation classification (KSRC) method for scene categorization. Recently the sparse representation classification (SRC) methods have been highly successful in a number of image processing tasks. Despite its popularity, the SRC framework lucks the abilities to handle multi-class data with high inter-class similarity or high intra-class variation. The kernel random coordinate descent (KRCD) algorithm is proposed for 1 minimization in the kernel space under the KSRC framework. It allows the proposed method to obtain satisfactory classification accuracy when inter-class similarity is high. The training samples are partitioned in multiple scales and rotated in different resolutions to create a generative model that is invariant to scale and rotation changes. This model enables the KSRC framework to overcome the high intra-class variation problem for scene categorization. The experimental results show the proposed method obtains more stable performances than other existing state-of-art scene categorization methods.

  • Scalable Detection of Frequent Substrings by Grammar-Based Compression

    Masaya NAKAHARA  Shirou MARUYAMA  Tetsuji KUBOYAMA  Hiroshi SAKAMOTO  


    E96-D No:3

    A scalable pattern discovery by compression is proposed. A string is representable by a context-free grammar deriving the string deterministically. In this framework of grammar-based compression, the aim of the algorithm is to output as small a grammar as possible. Beyond that, the optimization problem is approximately solvable. In such approximation algorithms, the compressor based on edit-sensitive parsing (ESP) is especially suitable for detecting maximal common substrings as well as long frequent substrings. Based on ESP, we design a linear time algorithm to find all frequent patterns in a string approximately and prove several lower bounds to guarantee the length of extracted patterns. We also examine the performance of our algorithm by experiments in biological sequences and other compressible real world texts. Compared to other practical algorithms, our algorithm is faster and more scalable with large and repetitive strings.

  • Proportionally Quasi-Fair Scheduling for End-to-End Rates in Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

    Dang-Quang BUI  Won-Joo HWANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E96-B No:3

    Known an a criterion that solves the trade-off between fairness and efficiency, proportional fairness is well-studied in cellular networks in the Qualcomm High Data Rate System. In multi-hop wireless networks, proportional fairness is solved by maximizing the logarithmic aggregate utility function. However, this approach can deal with instantaneous rates only where long term fairness is to be targeted. In this case, cumulative rates are more suitable. This paper proposes a framework for multi-hop wireless networks to guarantee fairness of cumulative data rates. The framework can be extended to other kinds of fairness such as max-min fairness, and to more complex networks, multi-channel multi-radio wireless networks.

  • VHF Radio Wave Observations by Maido-1 Satellite and Evaluation of Its Relationship with Lightning Discharges

    Hiroshi KIKUCHI  Satoru YOSHIDA  Takeshi MORIMOTO  Tomoo USHIO  Zenichiro KAWASAKI  


    E96-B No:3

    We examine the relationship between 116 VHF sensor events recorded by the VHF sensor on the Maido-1 satellite and lightning strokes detected by the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) to show that most of the VHF sensor events were caused by lightning discharges. For each VHF sensor event, the WWLLN events within 1400 km from the subsatellite point and within 1 sec, 30 sec, and 300 sec of the VHF sensor trigger time are analyzed. We find that the coincidence rates in the North and South American continents, and in Southeast/East Asia and the Australian continent are greater than 0.90. Those in the African and European continents, and in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans are less than 0.61. These high enough coincidence rates indicate that the VHF sensor events were emitted from lightning, although the coincidence rates in the other regions are quite low because of the low detection efficiency of the WWLLN in the regions. We also focus on 6 coincident events measured by both the VHF sensor and the WWLLN. The incidence angles of the EM waves for the VHF sensor are estimated from the group delay characteristics of the recorded EM waveforms. Compared with the WWLLN lightning locations, the two incidence angles are temporally and spatially coincident. These results indicate that a large fraction of the VHF sensor events are emitted by lightning discharges.

  • Understanding the Impact of BPRAM on Incremental Checkpoint

    Xu LI  Kai LU  Xiaoping WANG  Bin DAI  Xu ZHOU  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E96-D No:3

    Existing large-scale systems suffer from various hardware/software failures, motivating the research of fault-tolerance techniques. Checkpoint-restart techniques are widely applied fault-tolerance approaches, especially in scientific computing systems. However, the overhead of checkpoint largely influences the overall system performance. Recently, the emerging byte-addressable, persistent memory technologies, such as phase change memory (PCM), make it possible to implement checkpointing in arbitrary data granularity. However, the impact of data granularity on the checkpointing cost has not been fully addressed. In this paper, we investigate how data granularity influences the performance of a checkpoint system. Further, we design and implement a high-performance checkpoint system named AG-ckpt. AG-ckpt is a hybrid-granularity incremental checkpointing scheme through: (1) low-cost modified-memory detection and (2) fine-grained memory duplication. Moreover, we also formulize the performance-granularity relationship of checkpointing systems through a mathematical model, and further obtain the optimum solutions. We conduct the experiments through several typical benchmarks to verify the performance gain of our design. Compared to conventional incremental checkpoint, our results show that AG-ckpt can reduce checkpoint data amount up to 50% and provide a speedup of 1.2x-1.3x on checkpoint efficiency.

  • Clinical Application of Neuromagnetic Recordings: From Functional Imaging to Neural Decoding Open Access

    Masayuki HIRATA  Toshiki YOSHIMINE  


    E96-C No:3

    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) measures very weak neuromagnetic signals using SQUID sensors. Standard MEG analyses include averaged waveforms, isofield maps and equivalent current dipoles. Beamforming MEG analyses provide us with frequency-dependent spatiotemporal information about the cerebral oscillatory changes related to not only somatosensory processing but also language processing. Language dominance is able to be evaluated using laterality of power attenuation in the low γ band in the frontal area. Neuromagnetic signals of the unilateral upper movements are able to be decoded using a support vector machine.

  • Orientation Imaging of Single Molecule at Various Ambient Conditions

    Toshiki YAMADA  Takahiro KAJI  Akira OTOMO  


    E96-C No:3

    After brief introduction of our new microscope unit with an immersion objective and ionic liquid used as a refractive index matching medium, in this paper, we describe the studies on dipole orientation imaging of single molecules under high vacuum conditions as one of the important applications of our microscope.

  • A Fast Implementation of PCA-L1 Using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization

    Mariko HIROKAWA  Yoshimitsu KUROKI  

    LETTER-Face Perception and Recognition

    E96-D No:3

    PCA-L1 (principal component analysis based on L1-norm maximization) is an approximate solution of L1-PCA (PCA based on the L1-norm), and has robustness against outliers compared with traditional PCA. However, the more dimensions the feature space has, the more calculation time PCA-L1 consumes. This paper focuses on an initialization procedure of PCA-L1 algorithm, and proposes a fast method of PCA-L1 using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization. Experimental results on face recognition show that the proposed method works faster than conventional PCA-L1 without decrease of recognition accuracy.

  • Investigation of Interfacial Charging Process of Pentacene/C60/BCP Triple-Layer Organic Solar Cells

    Xiangyu CHEN  Dai TAGUCHI  Takaaki MANAKA  Mitsumasa IWAMOTO  


    E96-C No:3

    By using electric-field-induced optical second-harmonic generation (EFISHG) measurement, we investigated interfacial carrier behavior in organic solar cells (OSCs) with a blocking layer of bathocuproine (BCP). Results evidently showed that the Maxwell-Wagner type excess charges accumulate on both pentacene/C60 and C60/BCP interfaces. Also, the measurement under short-circuit and open-circuit conditions clearly showed the different photo-induced carrier behaviors in the OSCs devices. Our work proved that the dielectric nature of OSCs dominates the operation of our OSCs and the EFISHG technique is very effective to characterize the dielectric performance of the OSCs.

  • In situ Observation of Electron Transfer Kinetics of Cytochrome c Adsorbed on ITO Electrode with Applying Pulse Potential Step with Slab Optical Waveguide Spectroscopy

    Naoki MATSUDA  Hirotaka OKABE  


    E96-C No:3

    In situ UV-vis. absorption spectra of cytochrome c adsorbed on ITO electrode was observed with slab optical waveguide spectroscopy combining pulse potential step (PPS) between 0.3 and -0.45 V vs. Ag/AgCl. The amount of cytochrome c adsorbed on ITO electrode was estimated from the amount of coulomb of the peaks in cyclic voltammogram to be about a monolayer coverage in this experimental condition. Spectral change between oxidized and reduced cytochrome c by PPS was finished in about 20 msec with phosphate buffer solution. The results strongly proved that SOWG spectroscopy should be effective for in situ observation of ET reaction kinetics of surface adsorbed molecules.

  • Better Approximation Algorithms for Grasp-and-Delivery Robot Routing Problems

    Aleksandar SHURBEVSKI  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  Yoshiyuki KARUNO  


    E96-D No:3

    In this paper, we consider a problem of simultaneously optimizing a sequence of graphs and a route which exhaustively visits the vertices from each pair of successive graphs in the sequence. This type of problem arises from repetitive routing of grasp-and-delivery robots used in the production of printed circuit boards. The problem is formulated as follows. We are given a metric graph G*=(V*,E*), a set of m+1 disjoint subsets Ci ⊆ V* of vertices with |Ci|=n, i=0,1,...,m, and a starting vertex s ∈ C0. We seek to find a sequence π=(Ci1, Ci2, ..., Cim) of the subsets of vertices and a shortest walk P which visits all (m+1)n vertices in G* in such a way that after starting from s, the walk alternately visits the vertices in Cik-1 and Cik, for k=1,2,...,m (i0=0). Thus, P is a walk with m(2n-1) edges obtained by concatenating m alternating Hamiltonian paths between Cik-1 and Cik, k=1,2,...,m. In this paper, we show that an approximate sequence of subsets of vertices and an approximate walk with at most three times the optimal route length can be found in polynomial time.

  • On the Study of a Novel Decision Feedback Equalizer with Block Delay Detection for Joint Transceiver Optimization

    Chun-Hsien WU  

    PAPER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment for Communications

    E96-B No:3

    This paper presents a novel decision feedback equalizer (DFE) with block delay detection for the joint transceiver design that uses channel state information (CSI). The block delay detection in the proposed DFE offers a degree of freedom for optimizing the precoder of the transmitter, provided the transmission power is constrained. In the proposed DFE, the feedforward matrix is devised to enable a block-based equalizer that can be cooperated with an intrablock decision feedback equalizer for suppressing the intersymbol interference (ISI) for the transmitted block with a certain block delay. In this design, the interblock interference (IBI) for the delay block is eliminated in advance by applying the recently developed oblique projection framework to the implementation of the feedforward matrix. With knowledge of full CSI, the block delay and the associated block-based precoder are jointly designed such that the average bit-error-rate (BER) is minimized, subject to the transmission power constraint. Separate algorithms are derived for directly determining the BER-minimized block delays for intrablock minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) and zero-forcing (ZF) equalization criteria. Theoretical derivations indicate that the proposed MMSE design simultaneously maximize the Gaussian mutual information of a transceiver, even under the cases of existing IBI. Simulation results validate the proposed DFE for devising an optimum transceiver with CSI, and show the superior BER performance of the optimized transceiver using proposed DFE. Relying on analytic results and simulation cases also builds a sub-optimum MMSE design of the proposed DFE using the BER-minimized block delay for ZF criterion, which exhibits almost identical BER performance as the proposed MMSE design in most of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) range.
