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  • Protection and Utilization of Privacy Information via Sensing Open Access



    E98-D No:1

    Our society has been getting more privacy-sensitive. Diverse information is given by users to information and communications technology (ICT) systems such as IC cards benefiting them. The information is stored as so-called big data, and there is concern over privacy violation. Visual information such as images and videos is also considered privacy-sensitive. The growing deployment of surveillance cameras and social network services has caused a privacy problem of information given from various sensors. To protect privacy of subjects presented in visual information, their face or figure is processed by means of pixelization or blurring. As image analysis technologies have made considerable progress, many attempts to automatically process flexible privacy protection have been made since 2000, and utilization of privacy information under some restrictions has been taken into account in recent years. This paper addresses the recent progress of privacy protection for visual information, showing our research projects: PriSurv, Digital Diorama (DD), and Mobile Privacy Protection (MPP). Furthermore, we discuss Harmonized Information Field (HIFI) for appropriate utilization of protected privacy information in a specific area.

  • Adaptive Assignment of Deadline and Clock Frequency in Real-Time Embedded Control Systems

    Tatsuya YOSHIMOTO  Toshimitsu USHIO  Takuya AZUMI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E98-A No:1

    Computing and power resources are often limited in real-time embedded control systems. In this paper, we resolve the trade-off problem between control performance and power consumption in a real-time embedded control system with a dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS) uniprocessor implementing multiple control tasks. We formulate an optimization problem whose cost function depends on both the control performance and the power consumption. We introduce an adapter into the real-time embedded control system that adaptively assigns deadlines of jobs and clock frequencies according to the plant's stability and schedulability by solving the optimization problem. In numerical simulations, we show that the proposed adapter can reduce the power consumption while maintaining the control performance.

  • Objective Video Quality Assessment — Towards Large Scale Video Database Enhanced Model Development Open Access



    E98-B No:1

    The current development of video quality assessment algorithms suffers from the lack of available video sequences for training, verification and validation to determine and enhance the algorithm's application scope. The Joint Effort Group of the Video Quality Experts Group (VQEG-JEG) is currently driving efforts towards the creation of large scale, reproducible, and easy to use databases. These databases will contain bitstreams of recent video encoders (H.264, H.265), packet loss impairment patterns and impaired bitstreams, pre-parsed bitstream information into files in XML syntax, and well-known objective video quality measurement outputs. The database is continuously updated and enlarged using reproducible processing chains. Currently, more than 70,000 sequences are available for statistical analysis of video quality measurement algorithms. New research questions are posed as the database is designed to verify and validate models on a very large scale, testing and validating various scopes of applications, while subjective assessment has to be limited to a comparably small subset of the database. Special focus is given on the principles guiding the database development, and some results are given to illustrate the practical usefulness of such a database with respect to the detailed new research questions.

  • MapReduce Job Scheduling Based on Remaining Job Sizes

    Tatsuma MATSUKI  Tetsuya TAKINE  

    PAPER-Network System

    E98-B No:1

    The MapReduce job scheduler implemented in Hadoop is a mechanism to decide which job is allowed to use idle resources in Hadoop. In terms of the mean job response time, the performance of the job scheduler strongly depends on the job arrival pattern, which includes job size (i.e., the amount of required resources) and their arrival order. Because existing schedulers do not utilize information about job sizes, however, those schedulers suffer severe performance degradation with some arrival patterns. In this paper, we propose a scheduler that estimates and utilizes remaining job sizes, in order to achieve good performance regardless of job arrival patterns. Through simulation experiments, we confirm that for various arrival patterns, the proposed scheduler achieves better performance than the existing schedulers.

  • A QoS-Aware Dual Crosspoint Queued Switch with Largest Weighted Occupancy First Scheduling Algorithm



    E98-B No:1

    Support of incoming traffic differentiation and Quality of Service (QoS) assurance is very important for the development of high performance packet switches, capable of separating traffic flows. In our previous paper, we proposed the implementation of two buffers at each crosspoint of a crossbar fabric that leads to the Dual Crosspoint Queued (DCQ) switch. Inside DCQ switch, one buffer is used to store the real-time traffic and the other for the non-real-time traffic. We also showed that the static priority algorithms can provide the QoS only for the real-time traffic due to their greedy nature that gives the absolute priority to that type of traffic. In order to overcome this problem, in our paper we propose the DCQ switch with the Largest Weighted Occupancy First scheduling algorithm that provides the desired QoS support for both traffic flows. Detailed analysis of the simulation results confirms the validity of proposed solution.

  • Novel Phased Array-Fed Dual-Reflector Antenna with Different Orthogonal Cross-Section by Imaging Reflector Antenna and Ring-Focus Cassegrain Antenna

    Michio TAKIKAWA  Yoshio INASAWA  Hiroaki MIYASHITA  Izuru NAITO  


    E98-C No:1

    We propose a novel phased array-fed dual-reflector antenna that reduces performance degradation caused by multiple reflection. The marked feature of the proposed configuration is that different reflector profiles are employed for the two orthogonal directions. The reflector profile in the beam-scanning section (vertical section) is set to an imaging reflector configuration, while the profile in the orthogonal non-beam-scanning section (horizontal section) is set to a ring-focus Cassegrain antenna configuration. In order to compare the proposed antenna with the conventional antenna in which multiple reflection was problematic, we designed a prototype antenna of the same size, and verified the validity of the proposed antenna. The results of the verification were that the gain in the designed central frequency increased by 0.4 dB, and the ripple of the gain frequency properties that was produced by multiple reflection was decreased by 1.1,dB. These results demonstrated the validity of the proposed antenna.

  • In-Phase and Anti-Phase Synchronization Phenomena in Coupled Systems of Piecewise Constant Oscillators

    Keisuke SUZUKI  Tadashi TSUBONE  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E98-A No:1

    In this paper, we consider synchronization phenomena in coupled systems of piecewise constant oscillators. Both in-phase and anti-phase synchronization phenomena are observed in the oscillators, which are coupled by a voltage controlled current source (VCCS) with Signum-like characteristic. On the other hand, their co-existence is observed in the oscillators coupled by a VCCS with hysteresis characteristic. We analyze the stability of the synchronization phenomena in the coupled systems by using a fast calculation algorithm for the rigorous solutions. And we clarify the parameter regions of in-phase and anti-phase synchronization by deriving correlation coefficients. We suggest that the synchronization phenomena of the proposed systems qualitatively correspond to one of van der Pol oscillators coupled by passive elements. Some theoretical results are verified in the experimental circuits.

  • Secret Sharing with Share-Conversion: Achieving Small Share-Size and Extendibility to Multiparty Computation



    E98-A No:1

    Secret sharing scheme (SS) has been extensively studied since SSs are important not only for secure data storage but also as a fundamental building block for multiparty computation (MPC). For an application to secure data storage, the share size of SS is an important factor. For an application to a building block for MPC, the extendibility to MPC is needed. Computationally secure SSs and a ramp scheme have a small share size but there have been few studies concerning their MPC. In contrast, there have been many studies about MPC on Shamir's and replicated SSs while their share size is large. We consider an application scenario of SS such as applying SSs to secure data storage service with MPC. In this application, users store their data in servers through SS, and sometimes the servers perform MPC as an optional feature. In this case, the extendibility to MPC is needed and good code-efficiency is preferable. We propose a new computational SS, and show how to convert shares of our SS and a ramp SS to those of multiparty-friendly SS such as Shamir's and replicated SS. This enables one to secretly-share data compactly and extend secretly-shared data to MPC if needed.

  • Hue-Preserving Unsharp-Masking for Color Image Enhancement

    Zihan YU  Kiichi URAHAMA  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E97-D No:12

    We propose an unsharp-masking technique which preserves the hue of colors in images. This method magnifies the contrast of colors and spatially sharpens textures in images. The contrast magnification ratio is adaptively controlled. We show by experiments that this method enhances the color tone of photographs while keeping their perceptual scene depth.

  • ILP Based Multithreaded Code Generation for Simulink Model

    Kai HUANG  Min YU  Xiaomeng ZHANG  Dandan ZHENG  Siwen XIU  Rongjie YAN  Kai HUANG  Zhili LIU  Xiaolang YAN  


    E97-D No:12

    The increasing complexity of embedded applications and the prevalence of multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) introduce a great challenge for designers on how to achieve performance and programmability simultaneously in embedded systems. Automatic multithreaded code generation methods taking account of performance optimization techniques can be an effective solution. In this paper, we consider the issue of increasing processor utilization and reducing communication cost during multithreaded code generation from Simulink models to improve system performance. We propose a combination of three-layered multithreaded software with Integer Linear Programming (ILP) based design-time mapping and scheduling policies to get optimal performance. The hierarchical software with a thread layer increases processor usage, while the mapping and scheduling policies formulate a group of integer linear programming formulations to minimize communication cost as well as to maximize performance. Experimental results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed techniques on performance improvements.

  • Revisiting I/O Scheduler for Enhancing I/O Fairness in Virtualization Systems

    Sewoog KIM  Dongwoo KANG  Jongmoo CHOI  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:12

    As the virtualization technology becomes the core ingredient for recent promising IT infrastructures such as utility computing and cloud computing, accurate analysis of the internal behaviors of virtual machines becomes more and more important. In this paper, we first propose a novel I/O fairness analysis tool for virtualization systems. It supports the following three features: fine-grained, multimodal and multidimensional. Then, using the tool, we observe various I/O behaviors in our experimental XEN-based virtualization system. Our observations disclose that 1) I/O fairness among virtual machines is broken frequently even though each virtual machine requests the same amount of I/Os, 2) the unfairness is caused by an intricate combination of factors including I/O scheduling, CPU scheduling and interactions between the I/O control domain and virtual machines, and 3) some mechanisms, especially the CFQ (Completely Fair Queuing) I/O scheduler that supports fairness reasonable well in a non-virtualization system, do not work well in a virtualization system due to the virtualization-unawareness. These observations drive us to design a new virtualization-aware I/O scheduler for enhancing I/O fairness. It gives scheduling opportunities to asynchronous I/Os in a controlled manner so that it can avoid the unfairness caused by the priority inversion between the low-priority asynchronous I/Os and high-priority synchronous I/Os. Real implementation based experimental results have shown that our proposal can enhance I/O fairness reducing the standard deviation of the finishing time among virtual machines from 4.5 to 1.2.

  • Strict Prioritization of New Requests over Retransmissions for Enhancing Scalability of SIP Servers

    Demir Y. YAVAS  Ibrahim HOKELEK  Bilge GUNSEL  


    E97-B No:12

    As the quantity of mobile application traffic keeps increasing, operators are facing the scalability limits of VoIP protocols. Higher queuing delays at the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) server create significantly more retransmissions in the network. When the message arrival rate including retransmissions exceeds the message serving capacity of a SIP server, the queue size increases and eventually the SIP server can crash. Our analysis demonstrates that server crash can be prevented if the buffer size of the SIP server is limited. However, having smaller buffer sizes yields side effects such as lower successful transaction ratio for bursty traffic. In this paper, we propose a new SIP server scheduling mechanism in which the original incoming SIP requests have strict priority over the retransmitted requests. The priority based scheduling mechanism provides network administrator with the ability to configure the buffer size of a SIP server to a moderately high value. We implement the proposed priority-based scheduling mechanism in the JAIN-SIP stack and confirm that the implementation requires minimal changes to the SIP standard. Numerical experiments show that the proposed scheduling mechanism provides significantly and consistently better scalability at high buffer sizes compared to the heavily used first-in-first-out scheduling, thus enabling us to avoid server overloads.

  • 2-SAT Based Linear Time Optimum Two-Domain Clock Skew Scheduling in General-Synchronous Framework

    Yukihide KOHIRA  Atsushi TAKAHASHI  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E97-A No:12

    Multi-domain clock skew scheduling in general-synchronous framework is an effective technique to improve the performance of sequential circuits by using practical clock distribution network. Although the upper bound of performance of a circuit increases as the number of clock domains increases in multi-domain clock skew scheduling, the improvement of the performance becomes smaller while the cost of clock distribution network increases much. In this paper, a linear time algorithm that finds an optimum two-domain clock skew schedule in general-synchronous framework is proposed. Experimental results on ISCAS89 benchmark circuits and artificial data show that optimum circuits are efficiently obtained by our method in short time.

  • Analysis of Optimal Scheduling in Tit-for-Tat-Based P2P File Distribution

    Masashi HASEGAWA  Masahiro SASABE  Tetsuya TAKINE  


    E97-B No:12

    Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file distribution systems can efficiently disseminate massive contents, such as disk images of operating systems, from a server to many users in a piece-by-piece manner. In particular, the BitTorrent protocol optimizes each peer's download speed by applying the tit-for-tat (TFT) strategy, where each peer preferentially uploads piece(s) to peer(s) from which it can download missing pieces faster. To the best of our knowledge, however, the optimality of TFT-based P2P file distribution has not been studied sufficiently. In this paper, we aim to understand the optimal scheduling in TFT-based P2P file distribution. First, we develop a discrete-time model of TFT-based P2P file distribution and formulate its optimal scheduling as a two-step integer linear programming problem. The first step is to minimize the average file retrieval time among peers, and the second step is to improve fairness among peers. We analyze the optimal solution obtained by the existing solver and reveal the characteristics of the optimal scheduling. Specifically, we show that it is crucial to distribute pieces from the server indirectly to peers with large upload capacity via those with small upload capacity.

  • Adaptive Rate Control Mechanism in H.264/AVC for Scene Changes

    Jiunn-Tsair FANG  Zong-Yi CHEN  Chen-Cheng CHAN  Pao-Chi CHANG  


    E97-A No:12

    Rate control that is required to regulate the bitrate of video coding is critical to time-sensitive video applications used over networks. However, the H.264/AVC standard does not respond to scene changes, and this causes the transmission quality to deteriorate as a scene change occurs. In this work, a scene change is detected by comparing the ratio of the sum of absolute difference (SAD) between two consecutive frames. As the scene change is detected, the proposed method, which is modified from the reference software of H.264/AVC, re-assigns a quantization parameter (QP) value to regulate the bitrate. Because the inter-prediction works poorly for the scene-changed frame, the proposed method estimates its frame complexity based on the content, and further creates another Q-R model to assign QP. The adaptive rate control mechanism presented in this study can quickly respond to the heavy bitrate increment caused by a change of scene. Simulation results show that the proposed method improves the average peak signal noise ratio (PSNR) to approximately 1.1dB, with a smaller buffer size compared with the performance of the reference software JM version 17.2.

  • An Ultra-Low-Voltage, Wide Signal Swing, and Clock-Scalable Dynamic Amplifier Using a Common-Mode Detection Technique

    James LIN  Masaya MIYAHARA  Akira MATSUZAWA  

    PAPER-Circuit Design

    E97-A No:12

    This paper proposes an ultra-low-voltage, wide signal swing, and clock-scalable differential dynamic amplifier using a common-mode voltage detection technique. The essential characteristics of an amplifier, such as gain, linearity, power consumption, noise, etc., are analyzed. In measurement, the proposed dynamic amplifier achieves a 13dB gain with less than 1dB drop over a differential output signal swing of 340mVpp with a supply voltage of 0.5V. The attained maximum operating frequency is 700MHz. With a 0.7V supply, the gain increases to 16dB with a signal swing of 700mVpp. The prototype amplifier is fabricated in 90nm CMOS technology with the low threshold voltage and the deep N-well options.

  • Scan-Based Side-Channel Attack on the LED Block Cipher Using Scan Signatures


    PAPER-Logic Synthesis, Test and Verification

    E97-A No:12

    LED (Light Encryption Device) block cipher, one of lightweight block ciphers, is very compact in hardware. Its encryption process is composed of AES-like rounds. Recently, a scan-based side-channel attack is reported which retrieves the secret information inside the cryptosystem utilizing scan chains, one of design-for-test techniques. In this paper, a scan-based attack method on the LED block cipher using scan signatures is proposed. In our proposed method, we focus on a particular 16-bit position in scanned data obtained from an LED LSI chip and retrieve its secret key using scan signatures. Experimental results show that our proposed method successfully retrieves its 64-bit secret key using 36 plaintexts on average if the scan chain is only connected to the LED block cipher. These experimental results also show the key is successfully retrieved even if the scan chain includes additional 130,000 1-bit data.

  • Introducing Routing Guidance Name in Content-Centric Networking

    Yao HU  Shigeki GOTO  


    E97-B No:12

    This paper proposes a name-based routing mechanism called Routing Guidance Name (RGN) that offers new routing management functionalities within the basic characteristics of CCN. The proposed mechanism names each CCN router. Each router becomes a Data Provider for its name. When a CCN Interest specifies a router's name, it is forwarded to the target router according to the standard mechanism of CCN. Upon receiving an Interest, each router reacts to it according to RGN. This paper introduces a new type of node called a Scheduler which calculates the best routes based on link state information collected from routers. The scheduler performs its functions based on RGN. This paper discusses how the proposed system builds CCN FIB (Forwarding Information Base) in routers. The results of experiments reveal that RGN is more efficient than the standard CCN scheme. It is also shown that the proposal provides mobility support with short delay time. We explain a practical mobile scenario to illustrate the advantages of the proposal.

  • Theoretical Analysis of New PN Code on Optical Wireless Code-Shift-Keying

    Yusuke TAKAMARU  Sachin RAI  Hiromasa HABUCHI  


    E97-A No:12

    A code shift keying (CSK) using pseudo-noise (PN) codes for optical wireless communications with intensity/modulation and direct detection (IM/DD) is considered. Since CSK has several PN codes, the data transmission rate and the bit error rate (BER) performance can be improved by increasing the number of PN codes. However, the conventional optical PN codes are not suitable for optical CSK with IM/DD because the ratio of the number of PN codes and the code length of PN code, M/L is smaller than 1/√L. In this paper, an optical CSK with a new PN code, which combines the generalized modified prime sequence code (GMPSC) and Hadamard code is analyzed. The new PN code can achieve M/L=1. Moreover, the BER performance and the data transmission rate of the CSK system with the new PN code are evaluated through theoretical analysis by taking the scintillation, background-noise, avalanche photodiode (APD) noise, thermal noise, and signal dependent noise into account. It is found that the CSK system with the new PN code outperforms the conventional optical CSK system.

  • System Response to a Single Non-zero Initial Condition in a Lumped-Element LC Ladder

    Clemens M. ZIERHOFER  

    LETTER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E97-A No:12

    It is shown that an infinite lumped-element LC- ladder network generates all Bessel functions Jn(t) of the first kind as a response to a single non-zero initial condition. Closed-form expressions for the voltage responses in the time domain are presented if the LC- ladder is driven by a step-like input voltage.
