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[Keyword] SPR(449hit)


  • Reduced Surface Roughness of P3HT:PCBM Thin Films with Different Ratios by Electrospray Deposition Methods

    Takeshi FUKUDA  Kenji TAKAGI  Norihiko KAMATA  Jungmyoung JU  Yutaka YAMAGATA  


    E96-C No:3

    We demonstrated the reduced surface roughness of poly (3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT):(6,6)-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) thin films with different ratios fabricated by the electrospray deposition (ESD) method. Aggregated structures were observed at the lower voltage, and the uniformity became bad at the higher voltage. Anyway, the minimum root mean square (RMS) roughness was 1.46 nm by optimizing the applied voltage.

  • Electrostatic Control of Artificial Cell Membrane Spreading by Tuning the Thickness of an Electric Double Layer in a Nanogap

    Yoshiaki KASHIMURA  Kazuaki FURUKAWA  Keiichi TORIMITSU  


    E96-C No:3

    When we apply a voltage to a supported lipid bilayer self-spreading through a nanometer-scale gap (nanogap), the effects can be divided into two types. One is that there is no voltage-dependent change in the self-spreading behavior. Namely, the lipid bilayer passes through a nanogap without any stagnation. The other reveals that the self-spreading of a lipid bilayer can be controlled by an electric field modulation between nanogap electrodes. As a mechanism for these phenomena, we have proposed an electrostatic trapping model, in which the relationship between the thickness of an electric double layer and the nanogap spacing plays a crucial role. Here, to confirm the validity of this mechanism, we investigated the ionic concentration dependence of an electrolyte solution on the self-spreading behavior, which enabled us to tune the thickness of the electric double layer precisely. The result exhibited a certain threshold for controlling the self-spreading behavior. We also approximated the electric potential in the nanogap by using the Debye-Huckel equation. Our calculation result was in good agreement with the ionic concentration dependence experiments, suggesting the validity of our proposed mechanism. The results described in this work provide useful information regarding the realization of nanobio devices and the fundamental study of nanoelectronics.

  • The Impact of Sub-Band Spreading Bandwidth on DS-MB-UWB System over Multipath and Narrowband Interference

    Chin-Sean SUM  Hiroshi HARADA  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E96-A No:3

    In this paper, we investigate the impact of different sub-band spreading bandwidth (SSBW) on a direct sequence (DS) multiband (MB) ultra wideband (UWB) system in multipath and narrowband interference over realistic UWB channel models based on actual measurements. As an approach to effectively mitigate multipath and narrowband interference, the DS-MB-UWB system employs multiple sub-bands instead of a wide single band for data transmission. By using spreading chips with different duration settings, the SSBW can be manipulated. As a result, it is observed that increasing SSBW does not always improve system performance. Optimum SSBW values exist and are found to vary in accordance to different operating parameters such as the number of sub-bands and types of propagation channel model. Additionally, we have also found that system performance in the presence of narrowband interference is heavily dependent on the number of employed sub-bands.

  • Conjugate Unitary ESPRIT Algorithm for Bistatic MIMO Radar

    Wei WANG  Xian-peng WANG  Yue-hua MA  Xin LI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E96-C No:1

    A novel conjugate unitary ESPRIT (CU-ESPRIT) algorithm for the joint direction of departure (DOD), and direction of arrival (DOA), estimation in a bistatic MIMO radar is proposed. A new virtual array is formed by using the properties of noncircular signals, and the properties of the centro-Hermitian matrix are employed to convert the complex-valued data matrix into a real-valued data matrix. Then the real-valued rotational invariance properties of the new virtual array are determined to estimate DODs and DOAs, which are paired automatically. The proposed method provides better angle estimation performance and detects more targets owing to double number of MIMO virtual array elements. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Performance Analysis of Coded-Sequence Self-Encoded Spread Spectrum over Rayleigh Fading Channel

    Poomathi DURAISAMY  Lim NGUYEN  


    E96-A No:1

    Self-encoded spread spectrum (SESS) derives its spreading codes from the random information source rather than using traditional pseudo-random codes. It has been shown that the memory in SESS modulated signals not only can deliver a 3 dB gain in additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, but also can be exploited to achieve time diversity and robust bit-error rate (BER) performance in fading channels. In this paper, we propose an extension to SESS, namely coded-sequence self-encoded spread spectrum (CS-SESS), and show that it can further improve the BER performance. We describe the CS-SESS scheme and present the theoretical analysis and simulation results for AWGN and fading channels. Iterative detector is developed to exploit the inherent temporal diversity of CS-SESS modulation. The simulation results show that it can achieve the expected 4.7 dB gain with a complexity that increases linearly with the spreading sequence length under AWGN. In Rayleigh fading channel, it can effectively mitigate the fading effects by exploiting the overall diversity gain. Chip interleaving is shown to yield a performance improvement of around 4.7 dB when compared to an chip interleaved direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) system.

  • Performance Evaluation of Joint MLD with Channel Coding Information for Control Signals Using Cyclic Shift CDMA and Block Spread CDMA Open Access

    Teruo KAWAMURA  Ryota TAKAHASHI  Hideyuki NUMATA  Nobuhiko MIKI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  


    E95-B No:12

    This paper presents joint maximum likelihood detection (MLD) using channel coding information for orthogonal code division multiple access (CDMA) to decrease the required average received signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) satisfying the target block error rate (BLER), and investigates the effect of joint MLD from the conventional coherent detection associated with channel coding. In the paper, we assume the physical uplink control channel (PUCCH) as specified in Release 8 Long-Term Evolution (LTE) by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) as the radio interface for the uplink control channel. First, we clarify the best scheme for combining correlation signals in two frequency-hopped slots and in two receiver diversity branches for joint MLD. Then, we show that the joint MLD without channel estimation, in which correlation signals are combined in squared form, decreases the required average received SNR compared to that for joint MLD with coherent combining of the correlation signals using channel estimation. Second, we show the effectiveness of joint MLD in terms of the decrease in the required average received SNR compared to the conventional coherent detection in various delay spread channels. Third, we present a comparison of the average BLER performance levels between cyclic shift (CS)-CDMA and block spread (BS)-CDMA using joint MLD. We show that when using joint MLD, BS-CDMA is superior to CS-CDMA due to a lower required received SNR in short delay spread environments and that in contrast, CS-CDMA provides a lower required received SNR compared to BS-CDMA in long delay spread environments.

  • Scalable Video Coding (SVC) Signal Transmission Scheme Using UAPA in a MIMO-OFDM System

    Kyujin LEE  Dongho CHA  Kyesan LEE  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:11

    MIMO-OFDM systems are widely used in next generation wireless communications due to their high data rates, spatial division multiplexing, and robustness against channel fading. Moreover, multimedia video service is developing very quickly, as are service demands. Consequently, in order to satisfy these demands, we use a MIMO-OFDM system with SDM characteristic to transmit Scalable Video Coding (SVC) signals; our approach maximizes throughput and greatly improves video quality. We propose an Unequal Antenna Power Allocation (UAPA) scheme to improve system performance by increasing the PSNR compared to that of conventional equal power transmission systems and to efficiently utilize the power. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme using simulations. The results show that the proposed system provides superior performance compared to conventional systems.

  • A Generalized Construction Scheme of a Zero-Correlation Zone Sequence Set with a Wide Inter-Subset Zero-Correlation Zone

    Takafumi HAYASHI  Takao MAEDA  Shinya MATSUFUJI  


    E95-A No:11

    The present paper introduces a new approach to the construction of a sequence set with a zero-correlation zone (ZCZ), which is referred to as a ZCZ sequence set. The proposed sequence construction generates a ZCZ sequence set from a ZCZ sequence set. The proposed method can generate an almost optimal ZCZ sequence set, the member size of which approaches the theoretical bound, when an almost optimal ZCZ sequence is used for the sequence construction. The proposed sequence set consists of NO subsets, where a ZCZ sequence set Z(LO, NO, ZO is used in sequence construction. The correlation function of the sequences of a pair of different subsets, referred to as the inter-subset correlation function, has a ZCZ with a width that is about times that of the correlation function of sequences of the same subset (intra-subset correlation function) for integers Λ ≥ 1, T, and m ≥ 0. Wide inter-subset zero-correlation enables improved performance during application of the proposed sequence set.

  • Effects of Channel Estimation Error and Interference on BER in the MIMO Zero-Forcing Receiver

    Sang Goo KIM  Dongweon YOON  Janghoon OH  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:11

    The Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Zero-Forcing (ZF) receiver requires accurate Channel State Information (CSI), which is impacted by channel estimation error, to perform properly. Moreover, interference occurs due to the change of channel coefficients between the channel estimation events in fading channels. Thus, in practice, both channel estimation error and interference greatly influence Bit Error Rate (BER) performance. In this letter, we derive an Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise Ratio (SINR) expression considering both channel estimation error and interference and develop approximate closed-form BER expressions of M-PSK and M-QAM for the MIMO ZF receiver in Nakagami-m fading channels. We then analyze the effects of channel estimation error, interference, and the numbers of transmit and receive antennas.

  • Zero-Cross-Correlation Properties of Asymmetric ZCZ Sequence Sets

    Kosuke OMATA  Hideyuki TORII  Takahiro MATSUMOTO  


    E95-A No:11

    Recently, asymmetric zero-correlation zone (A-ZCZ) sequence sets that are composed of several sequence subsets have been proposed. In A-ZCZ sequence sets, the zero-cross-correlation zone (ZCCZ) length between different sequence subsets is larger than the zero-correlation zone (ZCZ) length in each sequence subset. However, the ZCCZ length between different sequence subsets was not precisely shown in previous studies. The present letter shows precisely the ZCCZ length between different sequence subsets. This information is useful for estimating the magnitude of inter-cell interference when designing approximately synchronized code-division multiple-access (AS-CDMA) systems.

  • Even-Shift Orthogonal Arrays

    Shinya MATSUFUJI  Takahiro MATSUMOTO  Pingzhi FAN  


    E95-A No:11

    The even-shift orthogonal sequence whose out-of-phase aperiodic autocorrelation function takes zero at any even shifts is generalized to multi-dimension called even-shift orthogonal array (E-array), and the logic function of E-array of power-of-two length is clarified. It is shown that E-array can be constructed by complementary arrays, which mean pairs of arrays that the sum of each aperiodic autocorrelation function at the same phase shifts takes zero at any shift except zero shift, as well as the one-dimensional case. It is also shown that the number of mates of E-array with which the cross correlation function between E-arrays takes zero at any even shifts is equal to the dimension. Furthermore it is investigated that E-array possesses good aperiodic autocorrelation that the rate of zero correlation values to array length approaches one as the dimension becomes large.

  • Low-Complexity Concatenated Soft-In Soft-Out Detector for Spreading OFDM Systems

    Huan-Chun WANG  De-Jhen HUANG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:11

    This paper proposes a low-complexity concatenated (LCC) soft-in soft-out (SISO) detector for spreading OFDM systems. The LCC SISO detector uses the turbo principle to compute the extrinsic information of the optimal maximum a priori probability (MAP) SISO detector with extremely low complexity. To develop the LCC SISO detector, we first partition the spreading matrix into some concatenated sparse matrices separated by interleavers. Then, we use the turbo principle to concatenate some SISO detectors, which are separated by de-interleavers or interleavers. Each SISO detector computes the soft information for each sparse matrix. By exchanging the soft information between the SISO detectors, we find the extrinsic information of the MAP SISO detector with extremely low complexity. Simulation results show that using the LCC SISO detector produces a near-optimal performance for both uncoded and coded spreading OFDM systems. In addition, by using the LCC SISO detector, the spreading OFDM system significantly improves the BER of the conventional OFDM system.

  • A New Method for Constructing Asymmetric ZCZ Sequence Sets

    Hideyuki TORII  Takahiro MATSUMOTO  Makoto NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E95-A No:9

    The present paper proposes a new method for constructing polyphase asymmetric zero-correlation zone (A-ZCZ) sequence sets. The proposed method can generate A-ZCZ sequence sets that cannot be obtained from methods proposed by other researchers and is a generalized version of our previously proposed method. An A-ZCZ sequence set can be regarded as a ZCZ sequence set. The newly obtained A-ZCZ sequence sets include quasi-optimal ZCZ sequence sets of which the zero-cross-correlation zone (ZCCZ) length between different sequence subsets is larger than the mathematical upper bound of conventional ZCZ sequence sets. A new method for extending the A-ZCZ sequence sets is also presented in the present paper.

  • Laser Radar Receiver Performance Improvement by Inter Symbol Interference

    Xuesong MAO  Daisuke INOUE  Hiroyuki MATSUBARA  Manabu KAGAMI  


    E95-B No:8

    The power of laser radar received echoes varies over a large range due to many factors such as target distance, size, reflection ratio, etc, which leads to the difficulty of decoding codes from the received noise buried signals for spectrum code modulated laser radar. Firstly, a pseudo-random noise (PN) code modulated laser radar model is given, and the problem to be addressed is discussed. Then, a novel method based on Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) is proposed for resolving the problem, providing that only Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) exists. The ISI effect is introduced by using a high pass filter (HPF). The results show that ISI improves laser radar receiver decoding ratio, thus the peak of the correlation function of decoded codes and modulation codes. Finally, the effect of proposed method is verified by a simple experiment.

  • Selective Host-Interference Cancellation: A New Informed Embedding Strategy for Spread Spectrum Watermarking

    Peng ZHANG  Shuzheng XU  Huazhong YANG  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E95-A No:6

    To improve the robustness and transparency of spread spectrum (SS) based watermarking, this paper presents a new informed embedding strategy, which we call selective host-interference cancellation. We show that part of the host-interference in SS-based watermarking is beneficial to blind watermark extraction or detection, and can be utilized rather than removed. Utilizing this positive effect of the host itself can improve the watermark robustness without significantly sacrificing the media fidelity. The proposed strategy is realized by selectively applying improved SS (ISS) modulation to traditional SS watermarking. Theoretically, the error probability of the new method under additive white Gaussian noise attacks is several orders of magnitude lower than that of ISS for high signal-to-watermark ratios, and the required minimum watermark power is reduced by 3dB. Experiments were conducted on real audio signals, and the results show that our scheme is robust against most of common attacks even in high-transparency or high-payload applications.

  • Spring-Model-Based Wireless Localization in Cooperative User Environments

    Wei KE  Lenan WU  Chenhao QI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:5

    To overcome the shortcomings of conventional cellular positioning, a novel cooperative location algorithm that uses the available peer-to-peer communication between the mobile terminals (MTs) is proposed. The main idea behind the proposed approach is to incorporate the long- and short-range location information to improve the estimation of the MT's coordinates. Since short-range communications among MTs are characterized by high line-of-sight (LOS) probability, an improved spring-model-based cooperative location method can be exploited to provide low-cost improvement for cellular-based location in the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments.

  • Detecting Heap-Spraying Code Injection Attacks in Malicious Web Pages Using Runtime Execution

    YoungHan CHOI  HyoungChun KIM  DongHoon LEE  


    E95-B No:5

    The growing use of web services is increasing web browser attacks exponentially. Most attacks use a technique called heap spraying because of its high success rate. Heap spraying executes a malicious code without indicating the exact address of the code by copying it into many heap objects. For this reason, the attack has a high potential to succeed if only the vulnerability is exploited. Thus, attackers have recently begun using this technique because it is easy to use JavaScript to allocate the heap memory area. This paper proposes a novel technique that detects heap spraying attacks by executing a heap object in a real environment, irrespective of the version and patch status of the web browser. This runtime execution is used to detect various forms of heap spraying attacks, such as encoding and polymorphism. Heap objects are executed after being filtered on the basis of patterns of heap spraying attacks in order to reduce the overhead of the runtime execution. Patterns of heap spraying attacks are based on analysis of how an web browser accesses benign web sites. The heap objects are executed forcibly by changing the instruction register into the address of them after being loaded into memory. Thus, we can execute the malicious code without having to consider the version and patch status of the browser. An object is considered to contain a malicious code if the execution reaches a call instruction and then the instruction accesses the API of system libraries, such as kernel32.dll and ws_32.dll. To change registers and monitor execution flow, we used a debugger engine. A prototype, named HERAD(HEap spRAying Detector), is implemented and evaluated. In experiments, HERAD detects various forms of exploit code that an emulation cannot detect, and some heap spraying attacks that NOZZLE cannot detect. Although it has an execution overhead, HERAD produces a low number of false alarms. The processing time of several minutes is negligible because our research focuses on detecting heap spraying. This research can be applied to existing systems that collect malicious codes, such as Honeypot.

  • Discrete Modeling of the Worm Spread with Random Scanning

    Masato UCHIDA  


    E95-B No:5

    In this paper, we derive a set of discrete time difference equations that models the spreading process of computer worms such as Code-Red and Slammer, which uses a common strategy called “random scanning” to spread through the Internet. We show that the derived set of discrete time difference equations has an exact relationship with the Kermack and McKendrick susceptible-infectious-removed (SIR) model, which is known as a standard continuous time model for worm spreading.

  • A Correlation-Based Watermarking Technique of 3-D Meshes via Cyclic Signal Processing

    Toshiyuki UTO  Yuka TAKEMURA  Hidekazu KAMITANI  Kenji OHUE  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E95-D No:5

    This paper describes a blind watermarking scheme through cyclic signal processing. Due to various rapid networks, there is a growing demand of copyright protection for multimedia data. As efficient watermarking of images, there exist two major approaches: a quantization-based method and a correlation-based method. In this paper, we proposes a correlation-based watermarking technique of three-dimensional (3-D) polygonal models using the fast Fourier transforms (FFTs). For generating a watermark with desirable properties, similar to a pseudonoise signal, an impulse signal on a two-dimensional (2-D) space is spread through the FFT, the multiplication of a complex sinusoid signal, and the inverse FFT. This watermark, i.e., spread impulse signal, in a transform domain is converted to a spatial domain by an inverse wavelet transform, and embedded into 3-D data aligned by the principle component analysis (PCA). In the detection procedure, after realigning the watermarked mesh model through the PCA, we map the 3-D data on the 2-D space via block segmentation and averaging operation. The 2-D data are processed by the inverse system, i.e., the FFT, the division of the complex sinusoid signal, and the inverse FFT. From the resulting 2-D signal, we detect the position of the maximum value as a signature. For 3-D bunny models, detection rates and information capacity are shown to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.

  • New Families of Frequency-Hopping Sequences of Period 2(2n-1)

    Yun Kyoung HAN  Jin-Ho CHUNG  Kyeongcheol YANG  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E95-A No:4

    No nontrivial optimal sets of frequency-hopping sequences (FHSs) of period 2(2n-1) for a positive integer n ≥ 2 have been found so far, when their frequency set sizes are less than their periods. In this paper, systematic doubling methods to construct new FHS sets are presented under the constraint that the set of frequencies has size less than or equal to 2n. First, optimal FHS sets with respect to the Peng-Fan bound are constructed when frequency set size is either 2n-1 or 2n. And then, near-optimal FHS sets with frequency set size 2n-1 are designed by applying the Chinese Remainder Theorem to Sidel'nikov sequences, whose FHSs are optimal with respect to the Lempel-Greenberger bound. Finally, a general construction is given for near-optimal FHS sets whose frequency set size is less than 2n-1. Our constructions give new parameters not covered in the literature, which are summarized in Table1.
