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[Keyword] SPR(449hit)


  • Signal Processing and ASIC's for ITS Telecommunications--Spread Spectrum, Array Antenna and Software Defined Radio for ITS--

    Ryuji KOHNO  

    INVITED PAPER-Applications

    E85-A No:3

    As a center of mobile multimedia of the 21st century, it is very much looking forward to explosion of R&D and business of the next generation of mobile communication systems and the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) because ITS will enable information-oriented in the field of the road, traffic and vehicles, by using the most advanced technologies of mobile communications and devices, for the various purposes such as decrease of the traffic accident, the reduction of traffic jam, the increase in efficiency of the logistics and the harmony with the earth environment. This invited paper will first briefly introduce evolution of mobile communications and ITS in ministries, industries and academia in Japan. Then core communication technologies for ITS will be overviewed such as spread spectrum CDMA, adaptive antenna array, and software radio or software defined radio. Demands of SoC (System on a Chip) to carry out the core technologies will be addressed.

  • Narrow-Band Interference Suppression in CDMA Spread-Spectrum Communication Systems Based on Sub-Optimum Unitary Transforms

    Paeiz AZMI  Masoumeh NASIRI-KENARI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:1

    In this paper, we present several unitary transform-domain filtering techniques based on Karhaunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) for narrow-band interference rejection in CDMA communication systems. The reason for selecting the KLT is that it is an optimum unitary transform in the sense of packing the energy of the narrow-band interference. As a result after applying this transform, a small portion of the transformed signal would be interfered by the narrow-band interference, and thus must be set to zero. Due to unavailability of the optimum transform (KLT), several sub-optimum transforms are presented and their performances are compared with the well-known conventional transform methods such as Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) in the presence of both Auto Regressive (AR) and sinusoidal narrow-band interference. Our simulation results show that the proposed transform methods significantly outperform the conventional methods.

  • Time- and Frequency-Domain Expressions for Rake Combiner Output SNR

    Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:1

    The frequency- and time-domain expressions are derived for the signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) of an ideal Rake combiner output in a direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) mobile communication system. The derived SNR expressions make it possible to estimate the SNR statistics after Rake combining for an arbitrary spreading chip rate in the frequency-selective multipath channel.

  • Evaluation of the Response Function and Its Space Dependence in Chirp Pulse Microwave Computed Tomography (CP-MCT)

    Michio MIYAKAWA  Kentaroh ORIKASA  Mario BERTERO  

    PAPER-Measurement Technology

    E85-D No:1

    In Chirp-Pulse Microwave Computed Tomography (CP-MCT) the images are affected by the blur which is inherent to the measurement principle and is described by a space-variant Point Spread Function (PSF). In this paper we investigate the PSF of CP-MCT including the space dependence both experimentally and computationally. The experimental evaluation is performed by measuring the projections of a target consisting of a thin low-loss dielectric rod surrounded by a saline solution and placed at various positions in the measuring region. On the other hand, the theoretical evaluation is obtained by computing the projections of the same target via a numerical solution of Maxwell's equations. Since CP-MCT uses a chirp signal, the numerical evaluation is carried out by the use of a FD-TD method. The projections of the rod could be obtained by computing the field during the sweep time of the chirp signal for each position of the receiving antenna. Since this procedure is extremely time consuming, we compute the impulse response function of the system by exciting the transmitting antenna with a wide-band Gaussian pulse. Then the signal transmitted in CP-MCT is obtained by computing the convolution product in time domain of the input chirp pulse with the impulse response function of the system. We find a good agreement between measured and computed PSF. The rationality of the computed PSF is verified by three distinct ways and the usefulness of this function is shown by a remarkable effect in the restoration of CP-MCT images. Knowledge on the space-variant PSF will be utilized for more accurate image deblurring in CP-MCT.

  • Iterative Demodulation and Decoding for Parallel Combinatorial SS Systems

    Ken-ichi TAKIZAWA  Shigenobu SASAKI  Shogo MURAMATSU  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  


    E84-A No:12

    This paper proposes iterative demodulation/decoding for parallel combinatorial spread spectrum (PC/SS) systems. A PC/SS system conveys information data by a combination of pre-assigned orthogonal spreading sequences with polarity. In this paper, convolutional coding with a uniform random interleaver is implemented in channel coding, just like as a serial concatenated coding. A 'soft-in/soft-out' PC/SS demodulator based on a posteriori probability algorithm is proposed to perform the iterative demodulation and decoding. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed iterative demodulation/decoding scheme bring significant improvement in bit error rate performance. This proposed decoding scheme achieves high-speed transmission by two approaches. One is a puncturing operation, and the other is to increase the number of transmitting sequences. In the latter approach, lower error rate performance is achieved comparing with that the punctured convolutional code is used to increase the information bit rate.

  • Design of Simplified Coherent QPSK Modem for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum

    Satoru ISHII  Atsushi HOSHIKUKI  Ryuji KOHNO  


    E84-A No:12

    PSK coherent demodulation has difficulty in achieving high speed carrier extraction and symbol synchronization when implementing to slow FH-SS radio system. On the other hand, implementation to FPGA has the requirement of a small gate size to design because of FPGA cost issue. We developed a QPSK coherent demodulation digital modem for FH-SS radio systems using FPGA by solving problems. The designed modem performs symbol synchronization with no carrier extractions, under the limitation of the small gate size requirement. The modem employs shift arithmetic operation and a comb digital BPF to achieve very good synchronization lock-up performance with small gate size. In this paper, the symbol synchronization and the carrier tracking scheme are mainly discussed. Analysis of its performance and stability are also explained. The achievement of its very good performance is presented by experimental measurement.

  • A Spread Spectrum Clock Generator for EMI Reduction

    Hung-Wei CHEN  Jiin-Chuan WU  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E84-C No:12

    This paper described a new method to generate a spread spectrum clock for the purpose of EMI reduction. This method uses two phase-locked loops (PLL). The output of the first PLL is locked to its input of 14.318 MHz. The VCO in this PLL is used to produce 32 outputs with the same frequency and each with 11.25 degrees phase variation. A digital spread spectrum generator uses these 32 signals to generate the desired spread spectrum signal by phase hopping technique. These two circuits form a spread spectrum digital PLL (SSDPLL). The second PLL is configured as a conventional frequency synthesizer. It can be programmed to generate the desired frequencies. The second PLL also serves as a low pass filter of the output of the SSDPLL to smooth out frequency variation. This circuit was implemented with a 0.6 µm single poly CMOS process. The active areas of the SSDPLL and the synthesizer are 826396 µm2 and 790298 µm2, respectively. The total power consumption is 99 mW at 3.3 V supply. The peak power of the spread spectrum clock is reduced by 10 dBm at 14.318 MHz output with a 2.34% frequency spreading. The reduction of peak power increases with output frequency.

  • Polarimetric SAR Interferometry for Forest Analysis Based on the ESPRIT Algorithm

    Hiroyoshi YAMADA  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Yunjin KIM  Ernesto RODRIGUEZ  Wolfgang-Martin BOERNER  


    E84-C No:12

    Synthetic aperture radar interferometry have been established in the past two decades, and used extensively for many applications including topographic mapping of terrain and surface deformation. Vegetation analysis is also a growing area of its application. In this paper, we propose an polarimetric SAR interferometry technique for interferometric phase extraction of each local scatterer. The estimated position of local scattering centers has an important information for effective tree height estimation of forest. The proposed method formulated for local scattering center extraction is based on the ESPRIT algorithm which is known for high-resolution capability of closely located incident waves. The method shows high-resolution performance when local scattered waves are uncorrelated and have different polarization characteristics. Using the method, the number of dominant local scattering centers and interferometric phases in each image pixel can be estimated directly. Validity of the algorithm is demonstrated by using examples derived from SIR-C data.

  • Optimal Signal Combining Based on DOA and Angular Spread Using Extended Array Mode Vector

    Jung-Sik JEONG  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kiyomichi ARAKI  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E84-B No:11

    This paper presents the performance of the Directionally Constrained Minimization of Power (DCMP) and the Zero-Forcing (ZF) in the Angular Spread (AS) environment. To obtain the optimal weights for both methods, the Extended Array Mode Vector (EAMV) is employed. It is known that the EAMV represents the instantaneous AS as well as the instantaneous DOA in the slow fading channel. As a result, it is shown that the DCMP and the ZF using the EAMV estimates can improve the Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (SINR) considerably, as compared with those using the Direction of Arrival (DOA) information only. At the same time, the intrinsic problems causing the performance loss in the DCMP and the ZF are revisited. From this, the reasons for the performance deterioration are analyzed, in relation with the AS, the number of samples, the number of antenna elements, and the spatial correlation coefficient of the signals. It follows that the optimal signal combining techniques using the EAMV estimates can diminish such effects.

  • Bandwidth Division Type Parallel Combinatory DS-CDMA System

    Masashi AKAIWA  Katsuhiro KAMAKURA  Takahiko SABA  

    PAPER-Communication Systems

    E84-A No:10

    This paper proposes a bandwidth division type parallel combinatory (PC) spread spectrum (SS) modulation scheme. In the proposed system, a given system bandwidth for the conventional single-carrier PC-SS system is divided into H subbands, and H PC-SS signals are transmitted in parallel. We evaluate the frame error rate (FER) of the proposed system under the asynchronous CDMA environment. We show that the proposed scheme provides a smaller FER than the single-carrier PC-SS system for a given information bit rate. We also show that the proposed scheme attains a higher information bit rate than the single-carrier PC-SS system for a given FER.

  • Generalized Even-Odd Transforms and Generalized EOE Sequences for Asynchronous M-PSK/CDMA

    Wai Ho MOW  

    LETTER-Communication Systems

    E84-A No:10

    The even-odd transform (EOT) converts a complex sequence set into another one with even and odd correlation distributions exchanged. The Fukumasa-Kohno-Imai transform (FKIT) converts a real-valued sequence set into a complex one with improved generalized even-odd-equivalent (EOE) correlation distributions. In this work, the EOT is generalized for asynchronous M-PSK/CDMA. A subclass of the generalized EOTs coincides with the FKITs. New bounds on the correlation gains achievable by the FKITs are then derived.

  • Adaptive Digital Watermarking Using Fuzzy Clustering Technique

    Der-Chyuan LOU  Te-Lung YIN  

    PAPER-Multimedia Environment Technology

    E84-A No:8

    In this paper, a novel adaptive digital watermarking approach based upon human visual system model and fuzzy clustering technique is proposed. The human visual system model is utilized to guarantee that the watermarked image is imperceptible. The fuzzy clustering approach has been employed to obtain the different strength of watermark by the local characters of image. In our experiments, this scheme allows us to provide a more robust and transparent watermark.

  • Rotation, Size and Shape Recognition by a Spreading Associative Neural Network

    Kiyomi NAKAMURA  Shingo MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:8

    Although previous studies using artificial neural networks have been actively applied to object shape recognition, little attention has been paid to the recognition of spatial elements (e.g. position, rotation and size). In the present study, a rotation and size spreading associative neural network (RS-SAN net) is proposed and the efficacy of the RS-SAN net in object orientation (rotation), size and shape recognition is shown. The RS-SAN net pays attention to the fact that the spatial recognition system in the brain (parietal cortex) is involved in both the spatial (e.g. position, rotation and size) and shape recognition of an object. The RS-SAN net uses spatial spreading by spreading layers, generalized inverse learning and population vector methods for the recognition of the object. The information of the object orientation and size is spread by double spreading layers which have similar tuning characteristics to spatial discrimination neurons (e.g. axis orientation neurons and size discrimination neurons) in the parietal cortex. The RS-SAN net simultaneously recognizes the size of the object irrespective of its orientation and shape, the orientation irrespective of its size and shape, and the shape irrespective of its size and orientation.

  • Generalization of MUSIC Using Extended Array Mode Vector for Joint Estimation of Instantaneous DOA and Angular Spread

    Jung-Sik JEONG  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Kiyomichi ARAKI  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Adaptive Algorithms and Experiments

    E84-B No:7

    Recently the effect of the angular spread caused by locally scattered signals in the vicinity of the mobile has received considerable attention. This paper proposes the Extended Array Mode Vector (EAMV) which represents the Instantaneous Angular Spread (IAS) as well as the Instantaneous Direction Of Arrival (IDOA) of the received signal at the Base Station (BS). Using the EAMV, MUSIC algorithm is generalized in order that it is possible to estimate both the IDOA and the IAS. In computer simulations, the estimates of the IDOA and the IAS in the fading situation are evaluated. The results show that the estimates for small angular spread agree well with the given values and demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.

  • Microwave Propagation Characteristics in an Urban Quasi Line-of-Sight Environment under Different Traffic Conditions

    Hironari MASUI  Masanori ISHII  Satoshi TAKAHASHI  Hiroyuki SHIMIZU  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Masami AKAIKE  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E84-B No:5

    Signal path loss and propagation delay spread were measured at microwave frequencies of 3.35, 8.45, and 15.75 GHz along a straight quasi line-of-sight (LOS) street in an urban environment under different traffic conditions: daytime and nighttime. Comparison between daytime and nighttime measurements reveals that the break points shift toward the base station because of the increase in the effective heights of the road and sidewalk; break points were not seen during the daytime at a mobile antenna height (hm) of 1.6 m. According to the cumulative probabilities of the delay spreads during the nighttime, frequency dependence is not clearly observed and the delay spreads for hm = 1.6 m were clearly larger than those for hm = 2.7 m. This is because a lower hm results in stronger blocking of the LOS wave, as was also observed during the daytime. The plot of path losses versus delay spreads is confirmed to be represented by an exponential curve. The exponential coefficients during the daytime were observed to be greater than those during the nighttime. This indicates that a LOS wave is more likely to be blocked during the daytime.

  • Linear Complexity of Kronecker Sequences

    Kari H. A. KARKKAINEN  

    LETTER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E84-A No:5

    Based on the use of Berlekamp-Massey algorithm, six conjectures for the linear complexity (LC) of some Kronecker sequences of two and three component codes are given. Components were chosen from the families of Gold, Kasami, Barker, Golay complementary and M-sequences. Typically, the LC value is a large part of the code length. The LC value of the outermost code influences mostly on the LC value.

  • Performance Evaluation for Multiple DSSS Systems with Channel Bands Overlapped

    Ming-Huei CHEN  Bih-Hwang LEE  Chwan-Chia WU  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E84-A No:5

    This paper conducts performance evaluation and performs simulation for a code division multiple access (CDMA) system when channel bands of multiple neighboring CDMA/DSSS are overlapped in time domain. It is assumed that all systems adopt direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DSSS) technique and are BPSK modulated by the different carrier frequencies. Automatic power control (APC) is also applied in the interfered system such that the receiver gets the same power from all users. Without loss generality, an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel is also assumed during analysis. In this paper, the analytic solution of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is first derived in which both CDMA systems are modulated by different carrier frequencies. We have the results by simulation with Δ f = 0 and Δ f = 1 MHz, respectively. This analysis is good for general cases; and the results show an excellent computational performance. In particular, the result is very close to Pursley's result, when the systems have the same code length with no carrier difference.

  • Design and Implementation of Spread Spectrum Wireless Switch with Low Power Consumption

    Shuichi TOMABECHI  Atsushi KOMURO  Takashi KONNO  Hiroyuki NAKASE  Kazuo TSUBOUCHI  


    E84-A No:4

    We have proposed and implemented a spread spectrum (SS) wireless switch using 2.4 GHz front-end AlN/Al2O3 surface acoustic wave (SAW) matched filter (MF). Since the SAW MF has radio frequency (RF) front-end operation, RF components are not needed in the received circuit. High impedance in the peripheral circuit using passive devices has been employed for low current consumption. The SS wireless switches have been designed with the power consumption of less than 100 µW by using the SAW MF. It is confirmed that implemented SS wireless switch has a long battery life of 10 years and communication range of 30 m.

  • Spectroscopic MR Imaging Using the Spread Spectrum Produced by Oscillating Gradient Fields

    Kunio TAKAYA  


    E84-A No:3

    A chemical shift MR method which utilizes a oscillating gradient field is presented in this paper. Frequency modulation resulting from oscillating a gradient field spreads the spectrum that contains both chemical shift and spatial information, over a wide frequency range by using a large modulation factor in FM. The chemical shift spectrum resides within every frequency band segmented by the modulation frequency ωm. The spectral elements gathered from all such frequency segments for a chemical shift frequency contain the spatial image of that particular chemical shift frequency, despite the distortion introduced by a series of the Bessel functions acting as a point spread function. A sum of several Bessel functions of the first kind Jn(. ) is used to approximate the deconvolution process, since the sum staggered with respect to n has a desirable peaking property useful in deconvolution. This leads to devise a new image reconstruction algorithm based on the simple moving average over the spatial coordinate for which the oscillating gradient is applied. Furthermore, the number of echo measurements necessary for an image size of N N is reduced from N2 of the spin echo chemical shift imaging down to N by this method. Simulation results supporting the validity of this method are also presented in this paper.

  • Channel Hopping Scheme for Hybrid DS/FH Spread Spectrum

    Tai-Kuo WOO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:12

    We analyze a scheme that provides frequency hopping pattern for DS/FH spread spectrum. The proposed scheme, based on the theory of finite projective planes, intends to make the number of transmitting terminals uniform across all channels and distribute the interference to all the participant terminals equally. Thus, when a terminal is in a state of power surge, the probability of having the worst case of interference for terminals sharing the same channel is reduced. In the performance evaluation, we demonstrate that the bit error rate is reduced by an order of magnitude through the use of the proposed hopping pattern for both internal and external interference.
