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[Keyword] SiON(4624hit)


  • Phase Rotation for Constructing Uniform Frequency Spectrum in IFDMA Communication

    Takeo YAMASAKI  Osamu TAKYU  Koichi ADACHI  Yohtaro UMEDA  Masao NAKAGAWA  


    E93-A No:12

    In this paper, a scheme for constructing the flat frequency spectrum of interleaved frequency division multiple access (IFDMA) is proposed. Since IFDMA is one of the single carrier modulation schemes, the frequency spectrum components are fluctuated and depend on the information data sequence. Even if IFDMA modulation scheme makes frequency spectrum dispersive for obtaining frequency diversity gain, frequency diversity gain is reduced by the fluctuation of frequency spectrum. In addition, in decision directed channel estimation (DDCE), which achieves good channel estimation accuracy in fast fading environment, the accuracy of channel transfer function estimated at the significant attenuated frequency component is much degraded. In the proposed technique, a random phase sequence is multiplied to the information data sequence for constructing the flat frequency spectrum. As a result, the frequency diversity gain is enlarged and the accuracy of channel estimation by DDCE is improved. Furthermore, we consider the blind estimation technique for the random phase sequence selected by transmitter. We show the effects of the proposed scheme by computer simulation.

  • Wireless Distributed Network: For Flexible Networking and Radio Resource Management

    Seiichi SAMPEI  Kei SAKAGUCHI  Shinsuke IBI  Koji YAMAMOTO  


    E93-B No:12

    This paper proposes a concept for a new technical field called wireless distributed network (WDN) as a strategic technical field to enable flexible networking and radio resource management (RRM) to cope with dynamic variation of spatially distributed traffic demands. As the core technical subject areas for the WDN, this paper identifies distributed networking for flexible network creation, cooperative transmission and reception for flexible link creation, and dynamic spectrum access for flexible radio resource management, and explains their technical features and challenges for constructing the WDN. This paper also discusses some already being studied application fields as well as potential future directions of the WDN applications.

  • Delay Time Determination for the Timed Petri Net Model of a Signaling Pathway Based on Its Structural Information

    Yoshimasa MIWA  Yuki MURAKAMI  Qi-Wei GE  Chen LI  Hiroshi MATSUNO  Satoru MIYANO  


    E93-A No:12

    This paper proposes a method to incorporate the concept of time for the inclusion of dynamics of signaling pathway in a Petri net model, i.e., to use timed Petri nets. Incorporation of delay times into a Petri net model makes it possible to conduct quantitative evaluation on a target signaling pathway. However, experimental data describing detailed reactions are not available in most cases. An algorithm given in this paper determines delay times of a timed Petri net only from the structural information of it. The suitability of this algorithm has been confirmed by the results of an application to the IL-1 signaling pathway.

  • Adaptive 3-Dimensional Topology Control for Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks

    Junseok KIM  Jongho SHIN  Younggoo KWON  


    E93-B No:11

    Developing an adaptive 3-dimensional (3D) topology control algorithm is important because most wireless nodes are mobile and deployed in buildings. Moreover, in buildings, wireless link qualities and topologies change frequently due to various objects and the interference from other wireless devices. Previous topology control algorithms can suffer significant performance degradation because they only use the Euclidean distance for the topology construction. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptive 3D topology control algorithm for wireless ad-hoc sensor networks, especially in indoor environments. The proposed algorithm adjusts the minimum transmit power adaptively with considering the interference effect. To construct the local topology, each node divides the 3D space, a sphere centered at itself, into k equal cones by using Platonic solid (i.e., regular k-hedron) and selects the neighbor that requires the lowest transmit power in each cone. Since the minimum transmit power values depend on the effect of interferences, the proposed algorithm can adjust topology adaptively and preserve the network connectivity reliably. To evaluate the performance of algorithms, we conduct various experiments with simulator and real wireless platforms. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm is superior to the previous algorithms in terms of the packet delivery ratio and the energy consumption with relatively low complexity.

  • Design and Analysis on Macro Diversity Scheme for Broadcast Services in Mobile Cellular Systems

    Yang LIU  Hui ZHAO  Yunchuan YANG  Wenbo WANG  Kan ZHENG  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:11

    Recently, broadcast services are introduced in cellular networks and macro diversity is an effective way to combat fading. In this paper, we propose a kind of distributed space-time block codes (STBCs) for macro diversity which is constructed from the total antennas of multiple cooperating base stations, and all the antennas form an equivalent multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system. This code is termed High-Dimension-Full-Rate-Quasi-Orthogonal STBC (HDFR-QOSTBC) which can be characterized as: (1) It can be applied with any number of transmit antennas especially when the number of transmit antennas is large; (2) The code is with full transmit rate of one; (3) The Maximum Likelihood (ML) decoding complexity of this code is controllable and limited to Nt/2-symbol-decodable for total Nt transmit antennas. Then, we completely analyze the structure of the equivalent channel for the kind of codes and reveal a property that the eigenvectors of the equivalent channel are constant and independent from the channel realization, and this characteristic can be exploited for a new transmission structure with single-symbol linear decoder. Furthermore, we analyze different macro diversity schemes and give a performance comparison. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme is practical for the broadcast systems with significant performance improvement comparing with soft-combination and cyclic delay diversity (CDD) methods.

  • Path Diversity with Fractional Delay Transmission for Fractional Sampling-MIMO-OFDM System

    Haruki HIGUCHI  Yukitoshi SANADA  


    E93-A No:11

    Through fractional sampling (FS) it is possible to separate multipath components and achieve path diversity. However, if no path component whose delay corresponds to the sampling point, FS cannot obtain diversity gain. In this paper, a novel scheme to improve the performance with FS over a sparse multipath channel is proposed. The proposed scheme uses multiple transmit antennas and sends multiple signals with fractional delays. The performance improvement with the proposed scheme is confirmed through computer simulation. It is shown that the proposed scheme increases the capacity of a MIMO-OFDM system by a factor of 1.5 to 2 and improves the BER performance on the sparse multipath channels.

  • A UML Approximation of Three Chidamber-Kemerer Metrics and Their Ability to Predict Faulty Code across Software Projects

    Ana Erika CAMARGO CRUZ  Koichiro OCHIMIZU  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E93-D No:11

    Design-complexity metrics, while measured from the code, have shown to be good predictors of fault-prone object-oriented programs. Some of the most often used metrics are the Chidamber and Kemerer metrics (CK). This paper discusses how to make early predictions of fault-prone object-oriented classes, using a UML approximation of three CK metrics. First, we present a simple approach to approximate Weighted Methods per Class (WMC), Response For Class (RFC) and Coupling Between Objects (CBO) CK metrics using UML collaboration diagrams. Then, we study the application of two data normalization techniques. Such study has a twofold purpose: to decrease the error approximation in measuring the mentioned CK metrics from UML diagrams, and to obtain a more similar data distribution of these metrics among software projects so that better prediction results are obtained when using the same prediction model across different software projects. Finally, we construct three prediction models with the source code of a package of an open source software project (Mylyn from Eclipse), and we test them with several other packages and three different small size software projects, using their UML and code metrics for comparison. The results of our empirical study lead us to conclude that the proposed UML RFC and UML CBO metrics can predict fault-proneness of code almost with the same accuracy as their respective code metrics do. The elimination of outliers and the normalization procedure used were of great utility, not only for enabling our UML metrics to predict fault-proneness of code using a code-based prediction model but also for improving the prediction results of our models across different software packages and projects.

  • Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Overlap-Save Frequency-Domain Decision-Feedback Equalization for Single-Carrier Systems in Time-Varying Environments

    Ang FENG  Qinye YIN  Xue FENG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:11

    In this letter, we propose a novel frequency-domain equalization (FDE) scheme for single-carrier multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems over time-varying channels. Based on frequency-domain decision-feedback equalization (FD-DFE), we design a feedforward filter with constraint such that the equalization can be easily realized segment-by-segment with the help of the overlap-save (OLS) method. Since the segment length and block length can be designed independently, our proposal sets relatively short segment length to obtain good performance in time-varying environments, and very long block length to achieve high spectral efficiency. Furthermore, we present two scenarios in the design of filters for MIMO systems.

  • New p-Ary Sequences with Low Correlation and Large Family Size

    Fang LIU  Daiyuan PENG  Xiaohu TANG  Xianhua NIU  


    E93-A No:11

    For an odd prime p, two new families of p-ary sequences of period pn-1 are constructed for odd n = 2l+1=(2m+1)e and even n = 2l = 2me, respectively. It is shown that, for a given integer ρ with 1 ≤ ρ ≤ m, the proposed sequence families both have maximum correlation magnitude , family size (pn-1)p(ρ-1)n+1, and maximum linear span .

  • Some Properties of Logistic Maps over Integers

    Takeru MIYAZAKI  Shunsuke ARAKI  Satoshi UEHARA  


    E93-A No:11

    The logistic map is a chaotic mapping. Although several studies have examined logistic maps over real domains with infinite/finite precisions, there has been little analysis of the logistic map over integers. Focusing on differences between the logistic map over the real domain with infinite precision and the logistic map over integers with finite precision, we herein show the characteristic properties of the logistic map over integers and discuss the sequences generated by the map.

  • A New TCAM Architecture for Managing ACL in Routers

    Haesung HWANG  Shingo ATA  Koji YAMAMOTO  Kazunari INOUE  Masayuki MURATA  


    E93-B No:11

    Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) is a special type of memory used in routers to achieve high-speed packet forwarding and classification. Packet forwarding is done by referring to the rules written in the routing table, whereas packet classification is performed by referring to the rules in the Access Control List (ACL). TCAM uses more transistors than Random Access Memory (RAM), resulting in high power consumption and high production cost. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the entries written in the TCAM to reduce the transistor count. In this paper, we propose a new TCAM architecture by using Range Matching Devices (RMD) integrated within the TCAM's control logic with an optimized prefix expansion algorithm. The proposed method reduces the number of entries required to express ACL rules, especially when specifying port ranges. With less than 10 RMDs, the total number of lines required to write port ranges in the TCAM can be reduced to approximately 50%.

  • Experimental Results on Simple Distributed Cooperative Transmission Scheme with Visible Light Communication

    Takaya YAMAZATO  Koji NAKAO  Hiraku OKADA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  


    E93-B No:11

    We consider a distributed transmission of data packet to a sink where the distance of a sensor node to a sink is much longer than the maximum communication range of each sensor node. We give a simple modification to the transmitter, i.e., multiplication of random phase before the transmission. Thanks to Turbo Code, it is possible to extend the transmission range as the received amplitude varies symbol by symbol for our scheme while whole data packet may be lost for the conventional scheme. In this letter, we report the experimental results of our scheme equivalently developed using visible light communication.

  • Heuristic Designs of SAD Algorithm for a Platform-Based Vision System

    JunSeong KIM  Jongsu YI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E93-D No:11

    Vision sensors provide rich sources of information, but sensing images and processing them in real time would be a challenging task. This paper introduces a vision system using SoCBase platform and presents heuristic designs of SAD correlation algorithm as a component of the vision system. Simulation results show that the vision system is suitable for real-time applications and that the heuristic designs of SAD algorithm are worth utilizing since they save a considerable amount of space with little sacrificing in quality.

  • Low Correlation Zone Sequences from Interleaved Construction

    Udaya PARAMPALLI  Xiaohu TANG  


    E93-A No:11

    Recently there has been a surge of interest in construction of low correlation zone sequences. The purpose of this paper is to survey the known results in the area and to present an interleaved construction of binary low correlation zone sequences. The interleaved construction unifies many constructions currently available in the literature. These sequences are useful in quasi-synchronous code-division multiple access (QS-CDMA) communication systems.

  • The Unification Problem for Confluent Semi-Constructor TRSs


    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E93-D No:11

    The unification problem for term rewriting systems (TRSs) is the problem of deciding, for a TRS R and two terms s and t, whether s and t are unifiable modulo R. We have shown that the problem is decidable for confluent simple TRSs. Here, a simple TRS means one where the right-hand side of every rewrite rule is a ground term or a variable. In this paper, we extend this result and show that the unification problem for confluent semi-constructor TRSs is decidable. Here, a semi-constructor TRS means one where all defined symbols appearing in the right-hand side of each rewrite rule occur only in its ground subterms.

  • Secure Cluster Head Election Using Mark Based Exclusion in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Gicheol WANG  Gihwan CHO  


    E93-B No:11

    In clustered sensor networks, because CHs (Cluster Heads) are the collection points of data, they are likely to be compromise targets of attackers. So, they need to be changed through a CH election scheme as frequently as possible. Besides, because the compromised nodes must try to become a CH, a CH election scheme should prevent them from being a CH. This paper presents a secure CH election scheme for clustered sensor networks, which changes the CH role nodes securely by excluding the compromised nodes from CH candidates. In the proposed scheme, each node gives marks for behavior of all other nodes in the same CH election region and exchanges the mark list with them. Then, each node computes the average marks for all nodes in the region, and nodes whose average mark is less than a specific threshold are excluded from CH candidates. A CH is elected among the remaining candidates. Simulation results show that our scheme provides strong resilience against misbehavior of compromised nodes and reduces energy consumption of nodes. Another simulation results show that our scheme well operates in the environment where some packets are often lost.

  • Universal Slepian-Wolf Source Codes Using Low-Density Parity-Check Matrices

    Tetsunao MATSUTA  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  Ryutaroh MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Source Coding

    E93-A No:11

    Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes become very popular in channel coding, since they can achieve the performance close to maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding with linear complexity of the block length. Recently, Muramatsu et al. proposed a code using LDPC matrices for Slepian-Wolf source coding, and showed that their code can achieve any point in the achievable rate region of Slepian-Wolf source coding. However, since they employed ML decoding, their decoder needs to know the probability distribution of the source. Hence, it is an open problem whether there exists a universal code using LDPC matrices, where universal code means that the error probability of the code vanishes as the block length tends to infinity for all sources whose achievable rate region contains the rate pair of encoders. In this paper, we show the existence of a universal Slepian-Wolf source code using LDPC matrices for stationary memoryless sources.

  • A Novel Measured Function for MCDM Problem Based on Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

    Kuo-Chen HUNG  Yuan-Cheng TSAI  Kuo-Ping LIN  Peterson JULIAN  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E93-D No:11

    Several papers have presented measured function to handle multi-criteria fuzzy decision-making problems based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy sets. However, in some cases, the proposed function cannot give sufficient information about alternatives. Consequently, in this paper, we will overcome previous insufficient problem and provide a novel accuracy function to measure the degree of the interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy information. And a practical example has been provided to demonstrate our proposed approach. In addition, to make computing and ranking results easier and to increase the recruiting productivity, a computer-based interface system has been developed for decision makers to make decisions more efficiently.

  • On the Average Coding Rate of the Tunstall Code for Stationary and Memoryless Sources

    Mitsuharu ARIMURA  

    PAPER-Source Coding

    E93-A No:11

    The coding rate of a one-shot Tunstall code for stationary and memoryless sources is investigated in non-universal situations so that the probability distribution of the source is known to the encoder and the decoder. When studying the variable-to-fixed length code, the average coding rate has been defined as (i) the codeword length divided by the average block length. We define the average coding rate as (ii) the expectation of the pointwise coding rate, and prove that (ii) converges to the same value as (i).

  • Development of Millimeter-Wave Mobile Camera and Performance Improvement in Outdoor LOS Environment

    Shinichi SUZUKI  Takayuki NAKAGAWA  Tetsuomi IKEDA  


    E93-A No:11

    The Millimeter-wave Mobile Camera (MiMoCam) developed by NHK STRL uses millimeter-wave band (42 GHz/55 GHz) to transmit Hi-Vision TV picture with high quality and low latency. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) technology which uses a number of antennas at both the transmitter and receiver can be adapted to use to transmit higher quality Hi-Vision TV picture. The camera was intended to be used in a studio environment where there is a high degree of multi-path, however there are also many requests for the MiMoCam to be used outdoor. This will present a different channel statistics where the camera will be operating in a near line-of-sight (LOS) environment without much reflected waves. We have conducted an outdoor transmission test and measured the outdoors transmission performance of the proposed MIMO system to clarify the possibility of using the MiMoCam in outdoor environment. This paper introduces the features of the MiMoCam system and the MIMO transmission technique used in the MiMoCam and presents the findings of this outdoor test. It was also confirmed that channel correlation of the MIMO propagation channels were suppressed by using orthogonally polarized waves and bit error rate (BER) characteristics with respect to the average receiving carrier-to-noise ratio (CNR) was improved. Finally, we could find the feasibility of the MiMoCam outdoor operation from these results.
