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  • Efficient Storage and Querying of Horizontal Tables Using a PIVOT Operation in Commercial Relational DBMSs

    Sung-Hyun SHIN  Yang-Sae MOON  Jinho KIM  Sang-Wook KIM  


    E91-D No:6

    In recent years, a horizontal table with a large number of attributes is widely used in OLAP or e-business applications to analyze multidimensional data efficiently. For efficient storing and querying of horizontal tables, recent works have tried to transform a horizontal table to a traditional vertical table. Existing works, however, have the drawback of not considering an optimized PIVOT operation provided (or to be provided) in recent commercial RDBMSs. In this paper we propose a formal approach that exploits the optimized PIVOT operation of commercial RDBMSs for storing and querying of horizontal tables. To achieve this goal, we first provide an overall framework that stores and queries a horizontal table using an equivalent vertical table. Under the proposed framework, we then formally define 1) a method that stores a horizontal table in an equivalent vertical table and 2) a PIVOT operation that converts a stored vertical table to an equivalent horizontal view. Next, we propose a novel method that transforms a user-specified query on horizontal tables to an equivalent PIVOT-included query on vertical tables. In particular, by providing transformation rules for all five elementary operations in relational algebra as theorems, we prove our method is theoretically applicable to commercial RDBMSs. Experimental results show that, compared with the earlier work, our method reduces storage space significantly and also improves average performance by several orders of magnitude. These results indicate that our method provides an excellent framework to maximize performance in handling horizontal tables by exploiting the optimized PIVOT operation in commercial RDBMSs.

  • A Global Stability Analysis of a Class of Nolinear Time-Delay Systems Using Continued Fraction Property

    Joon-Young CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E91-A No:5

    We consider a class of nonlinear time delay systems with time-varying delays, and achieve a time delay independent sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability. The sufficient condition is proved by constructing a continued fraction that represents the lower and upper bound variations of the system trajectory along the current of time, and showing that the continued fraction converges to the equilibrium point of the system. The simulation results show the validity of the sufficient condition, and illustrate that the sufficient condition is a close approximation to the unknown necessary and sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability.

  • Boundary Conditions for Numerical Stability Analysis of Periodic Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations

    Sunao MURASHIGE  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E91-A No:4

    This paper considers numerical methods for stability analyses of periodic solutions of ordinary differential equations. Stability of a periodic solution can be determined by the corresponding monodromy matrix and its eigenvalues. Some commonly used numerical methods can produce inaccurate results of them in some cases, for example, near bifurcation points or when one of the eigenvalues is very large or very small. This work proposes a numerical method using a periodic boundary condition for vector fields, which preserves a critical property of the monodromy matrix. Numerical examples demonstrate effectiveness and a drawback of this method.

  • Regular Fabric of Via Programmable Logic Device Using EXclusive-or Array (VPEX) for EB Direct Writing

    Akihiro NAKAMURA  Masahide KAWARASAKI  Kouta ISHIBASHI  Masaya YOSHIKAWA  Takeshi FUJINO  


    E91-C No:4

    The photo-mask cost of standard-cell-based ASICs has been increased so prohibitively that low-volume production LSIs are difficult to fabricate due to high non-recurring engineering (NRE) cost including mask cost. Recently, user-programmable devices, such as FPGAs are started to be used for low-volume consumer products. However, FPGAs cannot be replaced for general purpose because of its lower speed-performance and higher power consumption. In this paper, we propose the user-programmable architecture called VPEX (Via Programmable logic device using EXclusive-or array), in which the hardware logic can be programmed by changing layout patterns on 2 via-layers. The logic element (LE) of VPEX consists of complex-gate-type EXclusive OR (EXOR) and Inverter (NOT) gates. The single LE can output 12 logics which include NOT, Buffer (BUF), all 2-inputs logic functions, 3-inputs AOI21 and inverted-output multiplexer (MUXI) by changing via-1 layout pattern. Furthermore, via-1 layout is optimized for high-throughput EB direct writing, so mask-less programming will be realized in VPEX. We compared the performance of area, speed, and power consumption of VPEX with that of standard-cell-based ASICs and FPGAs. As a result, the speed performance of VPEX was much better than FPGAs and about 1.3-1.6 times worse than standard-cells. We believe that the combination of VPEX architecture and EB direct writing is the best solution for low-volume production LSIs.

  • Physical Database Design for Efficient Time-Series Similarity Search

    Sang-Wook KIM  Jinho KIM  Sanghyun PARK  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E91-B No:4

    Similarity search in time-series databases finds such data sequences whose changing patterns are similar to that of a query sequence. For efficient processing, it normally employs a multi-dimensional index. In order to alleviate the well-known dimensionality curse, the previous methods for similarity search apply the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to data sequences, and take only the first two or three DFT coefficients as organizing attributes. Other than this ad-hoc approach, there have been no research efforts on devising a systematic guideline for choosing the best organizing attributes. This paper first points out the problems occurring in the previous methods, and proposes a novel solution to construct optimal multi-dimensional indexes. The proposed method analyzes the characteristics of a target time-series database, and identifies the organizing attributes having the best discrimination power. It also determines the optimal number of organizing attributes for efficient similarity search by using a cost model. Through a series of experiments, we show that the proposed method outperforms the previous ones significantly.

  • Stability-Guaranteed Width Control for Hot Strip Mill

    Cheol Jae PARK  I Cheol HWANG  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E91-A No:3

    We propose a stability-guaranteed width control (SGWC) for the hot strip finishing mill. It is shown that the proposed SGWC guarantees the stability of the width controller by the universal approximation of the neural network. It is shown through the field test in the hot strip mill of POSCO that the stability of the width controller is guaranteed by the proposed control scheme.

  • Development, Long-Term Operation and Portability of a Real-Environment Speech-Oriented Guidance System

    Tobias CINCAREK  Hiromichi KAWANAMI  Ryuichi NISIMURA  Akinobu LEE  Hiroshi SARUWATARI  Kiyohiro SHIKANO  


    E91-D No:3

    In this paper, the development, long-term operation and portability of a practical ASR application in a real environment is investigated. The target application is a speech-oriented guidance system installed at the local community center. The system has been exposed to ordinary people since November 2002. More than 300 hours or more than 700,000 inputs have been collected during four years. The outcome is a rare example of a large scale real-environment speech database. A simulation experiment is carried out with this database to investigate how the system's performance improves during the first two years of operation. The purpose is to determine empirically the amount of real-environment data which has to be prepared to build a system with reasonable speech recognition performance and response accuracy. Furthermore, the relative importance of developing the main system components, i.e. speech recognizer and the response generation module, is assessed. Although depending on the system's modeling capacities and domain complexity, experimental results show that overall performance stagnates after employing about 10-15 k utterances for training the acoustic model, 40-50 k utterances for training the language model and 40 k-50 k utterances for compiling the question and answer database. The Q&A database was most important for improving the system's response accuracy. Finally, the portability of the well-trained first system prototype for a different environment, a local subway station, is investigated. Since collection and preparation of large amounts of real data is impractical in general, only one month of data from the new environment is employed for system adaptation. While the speech recognition component of the first prototype has a high degree of portability, the response accuracy is lower than in the first environment. The main reason is a domain difference between the two systems, since they are installed in different environments. This implicates that it is imperative to take the behavior of users under real conditions into account to build a system with high user satisfaction.

  • FIR Filter of DS-CDMA UWB Modem Transmitter

    Kyu-Min KANG  Sang-In CHO  Hui-Chul WON  Sang-Sung CHOI  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E91-B No:3

    This letter presents low-complexity digital pulse shaping filter structures of a direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) ultra wide-band (UWB) modem transmitter with a ternary spreading code. The proposed finite impulse response (FIR) filter structures using a look-up table (LUT) have the effect of saving the amount of memory by about 50% to 80% in comparison to the conventional FIR filter structures, and consequently are suitable for a high-speed parallel data process.

  • Design for Testability Method to Avoid Error Masking of Software-Based Self-Test for Processors

    Masato NAKAZATO  Michiko INOUE  Satoshi OHTAKE  Hideo FUJIWARA  

    PAPER-High-Level Testing

    E91-D No:3

    In this paper, we propose a design for testability method for test programs of software-based self-test using test program templates. Software-based self-test using templates has a problem of error masking where some faults detected in a test generation for a module are not detected by the test program synthesized from the test. The proposed method achieves 100% template level fault efficiency, that is, it completely avoids the error masking. Moreover, the proposed method has no performance degradation (adds only observation points) and enables at-speed testing.

  • An N-Dimensional Pseudo-Hilbert Scan for Arbitrarily-Sized Hypercuboids

    Jian ZHANG  Sei-ichiro KAMATA  


    E91-A No:3

    The N-dimensional (N-D) Hilbert curve is a one-to-one mapping between N-D space and one-dimensional (1-D) space. It is studied actively in the area of digital image processing as a scan technique (Hilbert scan) because of its property of preserving the spatial relationship of the N-D patterns. Currently there exist several Hilbert scan algorithms. However, these algorithms have two strict restrictions in implementation. First, recursive functions are used to generate a Hilbert curve, which makes the algorithms complex and computationally expensive. Second, all the sides of the scanned region must have the same size and the length must be a power of two, which limits the application of the Hilbert scan greatly. Thus in order to remove these constraints and improve the Hilbert scan for general application, a nonrecursive N-D Pseudo-Hilbert scan algorithm based on two look-up tables is proposed in this paper. The merit of the proposed algorithm is that implementation is much easier than the original one while preserving the original characteristics. The experimental results indicate that the Pseudo-Hilbert scan can preserve point neighborhoods as much as possible and take advantage of the high correlation between neighboring lattice points, and it also shows the competitive performance of the Pseudo-Hilbert scan in comparison with other common scan techniques. We believe that this novel scan technique undoubtedly leads to many new applications in those areas can benefit from reducing the dimensionality of the problem.

  • A Study of Control Plane Stability with Retry Traffic: Comparison of Hard- and Soft-State Protocols

    Masaki AIDA  Chisa TAKANO  Masayuki MURATA  Makoto IMASE  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E91-B No:2

    Recently problems with commercial IP telephony systems have been reported one after another, in Japan. One of the important causes is congestion in the control plane. It has been recognized that with the current Internet it is important to control not only congestion caused by overload of the data plane but also congestion caused by overload of the control plane. In particular, "retry traffic," such as repeated attempts to set up a connection, tends to cause congestion. In general, users make repeated attempt to set up connections not only when the data plane is congested but also when the control plane in the network is overloaded. The latter is caused by user behavior: an increase in the waiting time for the processing of connection establishment to be completed tends to increase his or her initiation of reattempts. Thus, it is important to manage both data plane and control-plane resources effectively. In this paper, we focus on RSVP-based communication services including IP telephony, and introduce a model that takes account of both data-plane and control-plane systems, and we examine the behavior of retry traffic. In addition, we compare the system stability achieved by two different resource management methods, the hard-state method and the soft-state method.

  • Effect of Post-Growth Annealing on Morphology of Ge Mesa Selectively Grown on Si

    Sungbong PARK  Yasuhiko ISHIKAWA  Tai TSUCHIZAWA  Toshifumi WATANABE  Koji YAMADA  Sei-ichi ITABASHI  Kazumi WADA  


    E91-C No:2

    Effect of the post-growth annealing on the morphology of a Ge mesa selectively grown on Si was studied from the viewpoint of near-infrared photodiode applications. By ultrahigh-vacuum chemical vapor deposition, Ge mesas were selectively grown at 600 on Si (001) substrates partially covered with SiO2 masks. The as-grown Ge mesas showed trapezoidal cross-sections having a top (001) surface and {311} sidewall facets, as similar to previous reports. However, after the subsequent post-growth annealing at ~800 in the ultrahigh-vacuum chamber, the mesas were deformed into rounded shapes having a depression at the center and mounds near the edges. Such a deformation cannot be observed for the samples annealed once after cooled and exposed to the air. The residual hydrogen atoms on the Ge surface from the germane (GeH4) decomposition is regarded as a trigger to the observed morphological instability, while the final mesa shape is determined in order to minimize a sum of the surface and/or strain energies.

  • Energy-Efficient Processing of Complex Queries over a Wireless Broadcast Data Stream

    Yon Dohn CHUNG  Chang-Sup PARK  


    E91-D No:1

    Energy-efficiency is one of the main concerns in the wireless information dissemination system. This paper presents a wireless broadcast stream organization scheme which enables complex queries (e.g., aggregation queries) to be processed in an energy-efficient way. For efficient processing of complex queries, we propose an approach of broadcasting their pre-computed results with the data stream, wherein the way of replication of index and pre-computation results are investigated. Through analysis and experiments, we show that the new approach can achieve significant performance enhancement for complex queries with respect to the access time and tuning time.

  • A 0.8-V Syllabic-Companding Log Domain Filter with 78-dB Dynamic Range in 0.35-µm CMOS

    Ippei AKITA  Kazuyuki WADA  Yoshiaki TADOKORO  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E91-C No:1

    A scheme for a low-voltage CMOS syllabic-companding log domain filter with wide dynamic range is proposed and its prototype is presented. A nodal voltage which is fixed in a conventional filter based on the dynamically adjustable biasing (DAB) technique is adapted for change of input envelope to achieve wide dynamic range. Externally linear and time invariant (ELTI) relation between an input and an output is guaranteed by a state variable correction (SVC) circuit which is also proposed for low-voltage operation. To demonstrate the proposed scheme, a fifth-order Chebychev low-pass filter with 100-kHz cutoff frequency is designed and fabricated in a standard 0.35-µm CMOS process. The filter has a 78-dB dynamic range and consumes 200-µW power from a 0.8-V power supply.

  • Fast Normalization-Transformed Subsequence Matching in Time-Series Databases

    Yang-Sae MOON  Jinho KIM  

    PAPER-Data Mining

    E90-D No:12

    Normalization transform is known to be very useful for finding the overall trend of time-series data since it enables finding sequences with similar fluctuation patterns. Previous subsequence matching methods with normalization transform, however, would incur index overhead both in storage space and in update maintenance since they should build multiple indexes for supporting query sequences of arbitrary length. To solve this problem, we adopt a single-index approach in the normalization-transformed subsequence matching that supports query sequences of arbitrary length. For the single-index approach, we first provide the notion of inclusion-normalization transform by generalizing the original definition of normalization transform. To normalize a window, the inclusion-normalization transform uses the mean and the standard deviation of a subsequence that includes the window while the original transform uses those of the window itself. Next, we formally prove the correctness of the proposed normalization-transformed subsequence matching method that uses the inclusion-normalization transform. We then propose subsequence matching and index-building algorithms to implement the proposed method. Experimental results for real stock data show that our method improves performance by up to 2.52.8 times compared with the previous method.

  • A Method for Reinforcing Noun Countability Prediction

    Ryo NAGATA  Atsuo KAWAI  Koichiro MORIHIRO  Naoki ISU  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E90-D No:12

    This paper proposes a method for reinforcing noun countability prediction, which plays a crucial role in demarcating correct determiners in machine translation and error detection. The proposed method reinforces countability prediction by introducing a novel heuristics called one countability per discourse. It claims that when a noun appears more than once in a discourse, all instances will share identical countability. The basic idea of the proposed method is that mispredictions can be corrected by efficiently using one countability per discourse heuristics. Experiments show that the proposed method successfully reinforces countability prediction and outperforms other methods used for comparison. In addition to its performance, it has two advantages over earlier methods: (i) it is applicable to any countability prediction method, and (ii) it requires no human intervention to reinforce countability prediction.

  • Realization of Gain Improvement Using Helix-Monopole Antenna for Two-Way Portable Radio

    Ying LIU  Antao BU  Shuxi GONG  Hyengcheul CHOI  Dongsoo SHIN  Hyeongdong KIM  

    LETTER-Antennas and Propagation

    E90-B No:12

    A novel helix-monopole antenna is proposed which combines the helix and monopole together to form improved current distribution. The current magnitudes are computed with Moment Method (MM) and results show the current difference between helix-monopole and helix antenna. Two antennas are fabricated for comparison and measured on the same two-way portable radio with frequency band from 400-420 MHz. Measurements prove that the proposed antenna offers a significant improvement in gain.

  • Schur Stability of Convex Combinations of Complex Polynomials

    Younseok CHOO  Gin Kyu CHOI  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E90-A No:11

    This letter concerns the Schur stability of convex combinations of complex polynomials. For given two Schur stable complex polynomials, a sufficient condition is given such that the convex combination of polynomials is also Schur stable.

  • A Novel Cooperation Method for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in Optical Burst Switched Networks

    Yusuke HIROTA  Hideki TODE  Koso MURAKAMI  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E90-B No:11

    In Optical Burst Switching (OBS) networks, one of the main problems is collision between bursts. Most of the previous collision avoidance algorithms divide the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem into two partial problems and treat them separately. This paper focuses on the collision avoidance problem in distributed OBS networks. Our proposal involves cooperation between the routing and the wavelength assignment tasks. The main idea is to classify each wavelength at an output link of a node as suited either to sending or to relaying data bursts. The wavelength most suitable for transmitting bursts changes along the transmission route. Thus, we introduced a novel index called the "Suitability Index" (SI). The SI is a priority index assigned to each pair of output link and wavelength, and its value represents the suitability of that pair for sending or relaying data bursts. The proposed method uses the SI for both routing selection and wavelength assignment. Simulation results show that the proposed method can reduce the burst loss probability, particularly for long distance transmissions. As a result, unfairness in the treatment of short hop and long hop bursts can be reduced.

  • Speech Enhancement Based on Perceptually Comfortable Residual Noise

    Jong Won SHIN  Joon-Hyuk CHANG  Nam Soo KIM  

    LETTER-Multimedia Systems for Communications

    E90-B No:11

    In this letter, we propose a novel approach to speech enhancement, which incorporates a new criterion based on residual noise shaping. In the proposed approach, our goal is to make the residual noise perceptually comfortable instead of making it less audible. A predetermined `comfort noise' is provided as a target for the spectral shaping. Based on some assumptions, the resulting spectral gain function turns out to be a slight modification of the Wiener filter while requiring very low computational complexity. Subjective listening test shows that the proposed algorithm outperforms the conventional spectral enhancement technique based on soft decision and the noise suppression implemented in IS-893 Selectable Mode Vocoder.
