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  • Interval Arithmetic Operations in Residue Number System

    Ki Ja LEE  


    E85-D No:9

    Algorithms are presented for the four elementary arithmetic operations, to perform reliable floating-point arithmetic operations. These arithmetic operations can be achieved by applying residue techniques to the weighted number systems and performed with no accuracy lost in the process of the computing. The arithmetic operations presented can be used as elementary tools (on many existing architectures) to ensure the reliability of numerical computations. Simulation results especially for the solutions of ill-conditioned problems are given with emphasis on the practical usability of the tools.

  • Derivation of Timing Wave Expression on a PAM Signal Limited to the Nyquist Frequency

    Moon Tae PARK  Kyung Gyu CHUN  Dae Young KIM  

    LETTER-Transmission Systems and Transmission Equipment

    E85-B No:9

    For a baseband pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) signal limited to Nyquist frequency, mathematical derivation of the timing recovery for a fourth-law circuit followed by a band-pass filter is carried out. The results show that the derived timing wave is expressed as a function of the pulse shape entering the timing path and the bandpass filter tuned to the pulse repetition frequency.

  • A Method to Apply BPCS-Steganography to Palette-Based Images Using Luminance Quasi-Preserving Color Quantization

    Michiharu NIIMI  Richard O. EASON  Hideki NODA  Eiji KAWAGUCHI  


    E85-A No:9

    In previous work we have proposed a steganographic technique for gray scale images called BPCS-Steganography. We also apply this technique to full color images by decomposing the image into its three color component images and treating each as a gray scale image. This paper proposes a method to apply BPCS-Steganography to palette-based images. In palette-based images, the image data can be decomposed into color component images similar to those of full color images. We can then embed into one or more of the color component images. However, even if only one of the color component images is used for embedding, the number of colors in the palette after embedding can be over the maximum number allowed. In order to represent the image data in palette-based format, color quantization is therefore needed. We cannot change the pixel values of the color component image that contains the embedded information, but can only change the pixel values of the other color component images. We assume that the degrading of the color component2 image with information embedded is smaller than that of the color component images that are used for color reduction. We therefore embed secret information into the G component image, because the human visual system is more sensitive to changes the luminance of a color, and G has the largest contribution to luminance of the three color components. In order to reduce the number of colors, the R and B component images are then changed in a way that minimizes the square error.

  • Extraction of Texture Regions Using Region Based Local Correlation

    Sang Yong SEO  Chae Whan LIM  Nam Chul KIM  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E85-D No:9

    We present an efficient algorithm using a region-based texture feature for the extraction of texture regions. The key idea of this algorithm is to use the variations of local correlation coefficients (LCCs) according to different orientations to classify texture and shade regions. Experimental results show that the proposed feature suitably extracts the regions that appear visually as texture regions.

  • Approximation of Chaotic Dynamics for Input Pricing at Service Facilities Based on the GP and the Control of Chaos

    Xiaorong CHEN  Shozo TOKINAGA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E85-A No:9

    The paper deals with the estimation method of system equations of dynamic behavior of an input-pricing mechanism by using the Genetic Programming (GP) and its applications. The scheme is similar to recent noise reduction method in noisy speech which is based on the adaptive digital signal processing for system identification and subtraction estimated noise. We consider the dynamic behavior of an input-pricing mechanism for a service facility in which heterogeneous self-optimizing customers base their future join/balk decisions on their previous experiences of congestion. In the GP, the system equations are represented by parse trees and the performance (fitness) of each individual is defined as the inversion of the root mean square error between the observed data and the output of the system equation. By selecting a pair of individuals having higher fitness, the crossover operation is applied to generate new individuals. The string used for the GP is extended to treat the rational form of system functions. The condition for the Li-Yorke chaos is exploited to ensure the chaoticity of the approximated functions. In our control, since the system equations are estimated, we only need to change the input incrementally so that the system moves to the stable region. By assuming the targeted dynamic system f(x(t)) with input u(t)=0 is estimated by using the GP (denoted (x(t))), then we impose the input u(t) so that xf= (t+1)=(x(t))+u(t) where xf is the fixed point. Then, the next state x(t+1) of targeted dynamic system f(x(t)) is replaced by x(t+1)+u(t). We extend ordinary control method based on the GP by imposing the input u(t) so that the deviation from the targeted level xL becomes small enough after the control. The approximation and control method are applied to the chaotic dynamics generating various time series based on several queuing models and real world data. Using the GP, the control of chaos is straightforward, and we show some example of stabilizing the price expectation in the service queue.

  • A Novel Turbo-TCM Scheme Based on Concatenated Tree Codes

    Baoming BAI  Kin Shing HO  Li PING  

    LETTER-Fundamental Theories

    E85-B No:9

    In this letter, we introduce a two-state turbo-TCM scheme based on the concatenated tree codes. The proposed scheme can achieve near capacity performance yet has considerably lower decoding complexity compared with other existing turbo-TCM codes.

  • Active Integrated Antennas

    Peter S. HALL  Peter GARDNER  Guozhong MA  


    E85-B No:9

    Active integrated antennas are a maturing topic. Many novel configurations have been described and system designers are how investigating how the advantages of compactness and increased functionality can be exploited in applications. In this paper, the various types of integrated antennas are discussed together with possible ways of exploiting the technology. New configurations of direct conversion integrated antennas are then described in detail, which illustrate some of the possibilities inherent in the technology.

  • Perturbational Analysis of Microstrip Antennas with Meshed Ground Planes

    Toru TAKAHASHI  Isamu CHIBA  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E85-B No:9

    Microstrip antennas with meshed ground planes are suitable for radiation elements of large satellite phased array antennas. Although they have some mechanical advantages such as the possibility of antenna weight reduction, they also cause electrical problems such as the resonant frequency shift and F/B ratio degradation. The first purpose of this paper is the analytical understanding of the resonant frequency shift, for which two perturbational methods are proposed. One has a closed form expression that provides some useful design data. The other is to solve the integral equations by using the periodicity of the meshed ground plane, which gives more accurate results. The second purpose of this paper is to investigate the backward radiation from the meshed ground plane analytically, for which we derive an analysis method from the calculated results of the resonant frequency shift. The proposed methods are verified with the measured ones.

  • A High-Speed Packet Classification Using TCAM

    Masanori UGA  Masaaki OMOTANI  Kohei SHIOMOTO  


    E85-B No:9

    This paper proposes a novel packet classification method using ternary content-addressable memory (TCAM), which can store very wide policy rules despite the limited width of TCAM. For IP version 6, policy rules could be 304 bits wide. This method enables us to use commercially available TCAM for packet classification and thus builds an ultra high-speed policy based packet forwarding engine for differentiated services on the Internet.

  • A CMOS Reaction-Diffusion Circuit Based on Cellular-Automaton Processing Emulating the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction

    Tetsuya ASAI  Yuusaku NISHIMIYA  Yoshihito AMEMIYA  


    E85-A No:9

    The Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction provides us important clues in controlling 2D phase-lagged stable synchronous patterns in an excitable medium. Because of the difficulty in computing reaction-diffusion systems in large systems using conventional digital processors, we here propose a cellular-automaton (CA) circuit that emulates the BZ reaction. In the circuit, a two-dimensional array of parallel processing cells is responsible for fast emulation, and its operation rate is independent of the system size. The operations of the proposed CA circuit were demonstrated by using a simulation program with integrated circuit emphasis (SPICE).

  • Synchronization of Chaos in One-Way Coupled Colpitts Oscillators

    Atsushi UCHIDA  Koji TAKAHASHI  Makito KAWANO  Shigeru YOSHIMORI  


    E85-A No:9

    We have demonstrated synchronization of chaos in a pair of one-way coupled Colpitts oscillators by both experiment and numerical simulation. We have investigated parameter regions for achieving chaos-synchronization when one of the internal parameters is mismatched between the master and slave oscillators, and clarify the tolerance of parameter regions for synchronization against parameter mismatching.

  • An Efficient Uplink and Downlink Resource Sharing Scheme for Wireless Multimedia Systems

    Alessandro ANDREADIS  Romano FANTACCI  Giovanni GIAMBENE  Francesco PETITI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:8

    Future wireless communication systems will provide mobile terminals with high bit-rate transmissions for accessing broadband wired networks. In this paper, we envisage a Time Division Multiple Access - Time Division Duplexing (TDMA-TDD) air interface and we propose a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol, named Dynamic Scheduling - TDD (DS-TDD), that allows guaranteeing the QoS of different traffic classes and efficiently supports uplink/downlink traffic asymmetries. The DS-TDD performance is theoretically analyzed. Moreover, the DS-TDD protocol is compared with another scheme proposed in the literature. Finally, the impact of packet errors on the DS-TDD performance is evaluated.

  • Effect of Soft Handoffs on Channel Resources in DS-CDMA Mobile Systems

    Mooho CHO  Kwangroh PARK  Dongchul SON  Kyoungrok CHO  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:8

    In DS-CDMA (Direct Sequence-Code Division Multiple Access) mobile systems, soft handoff is recognized as reducing interference and increasing reverse link capacity, whereas from the radio channel resource viewpoint, soft handoff can make the system performance deteriorate significantly. This paper focuses on using the channel resources of soft handoff in a limited field environment for evaluating the performance of DS-CDMA mobile systems. Our traffic model is based on the mobile traffic environment with region overlap among multiple cells. The soft handoff rates are estimated by the mobility of mobiles, and simulation results show good agreement with the traffic model. The channel holding time distribution of the soft handoff traffic model, which does not have a closed-form solution, is derived by a numerical integration method. Computer simulations show promising results based on the non-closed-form application. We analyze the performance of DS-CDMA mobile systems with the proposed traffic model to see the effect of the soft handoff region on blocking probability. From the result, when the soft handoff region is extended with the given channels, both the handoff rate and the mean channel holding time are increased and these make the blocking probability increase a great deal. To maintain the required blocking probability as before, additional channel resources should be supplied according to the extended region. It is our belief that the proposed traffic model and the performance analysis presented in this paper are practically acceptable.

  • Precursor ISI-Free Frame Synchronization for DMT VDSL System

    Sun-Ting LIN  Che-Ho WEI  


    E85-B No:8

    A new modified maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm for frame synchronization in discrete multitone VDSL transmission system is presented. Computer simulation results are included to show its improvement in Et/N0 of each tone in the received data. This algorithm estimates the frame boundary at the initial transition edge rather than at the middle peak of a shortened twisted-pair channel response. The timing margin degradation caused by precursor intersymbol interference (ISI) can be reduced significantly, especially at the sub-channel loaded with more bits.

  • A Two-Gain-Stage Amplifier without an On-Chip Miller Capacitor in an LCD Driver IC

    Tetsuro ITAKURA  Hironori MINAMIZAKI  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E85-A No:8

    An LCD Driver IC includes more than 300 buffer amplifiers on a single chip. The phase compensation capacitors (on-chip Miller capacitors) for the amplifiers are more than 1000 pF and occupy a large chip area. This paper describes a two-gain-stage amplifier in which an on-chip Miller capacitor is not used for phase compensation in an LCD Driver IC. In the proposed amplifier, phase compensation is achieved only by a newly introduced zero, which is formed by the load capacitance and a phase compensation resistor connected between the output of the amplifier and the capacitive load. Designs of the phase compensation resistor and the amplifier before compensation are discussed, considering a typical load capacitance range. The test chip was fabricated. The newly introduced zero successfully stabilized the amplifier. The chip area for the amplifier was reduced by 30-40%, compared with our previously reported one. The current consumption of the amplifier was only 5 µA. The experimental results of the fabricated test chip support that the proposed amplifier is suitable to an LCD driver IC with a smaller chip area.

  • Distribution of ISR and Its Optimization in Performance Evaluation of Forward Link in Cellular Mobile Radio Systems

    Jie ZHOU  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:8

    In CDMA systems, power control strategy is the most important issue since the capacity of the system is only interference-limited. For a better understanding of the effects of Forward Link Power Control Strategy (FLPCS) on the outage probability in fading environments, this paper has presented a theoretical analysis of forward link in a CDMA cellular system by introducing the τ-th power of distance driven control strategy. Based on the power control, the capacity and outage probability of the system are estimated and discussed. In particular, we consider the impact of fading environments and investigate the "hole" phenomenon. Based on our numerical results, the "hole" points are at the upper bounds of where it is possible to ensure minimization of the maximum value of total Interference-to-Signal Ratio (ISR). At those upper bound points, at least, the power control strategy leads to approximately threefold the capacity compared to the case without power control strategy. It can be concluded that the forward link without power control strategy is a very heavy restriction for the capacity of the CDMA system, especially in environments of significant fading.

  • Hybrid Data Transmission Technique for Multimedia Satellite Broadcasting

    Masatoshi HAMADA  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E85-B No:8

    A hybrid data transmission technique for multimedia satellite broadcasting is proposed. The main-channel data and sub-channel data are simultaneously transmitted using QPSK modulation and 2ASK modulation, respectively, but the latter modulation timing is offset by half the main-channel QPSK symbol length in time. The BER performance in a Gaussian channel, the transmission bandwidth, and the transmit power peak factor are theoretically analyzed for various impulse responses of the sub-channel transmit filter. It is found that the use of the sub-channel transmit filter having a sine impulse response minimizes the sub-channel BER while keeping the transmission bandwidth and the transmit power peak factor lower than those of CAPSK transmission.

  • Multi-Range Resolution Radar Using Sideband Spectrum Energy

    Masanori SHINRIKI  Reiji SATO  Hiroshi TAKASE  


    E85-B No:8

    A multi-range resolution radar using sideband spectrum energy is investigated. The basic system consists of a sharpening processor and least-error energy shaping filters. First, the sharpening processor makes long flat pulses sharpened. Next, the least-error shaping filters compress the input pulse into the desired pulse width. Then the output pulse width can become narrower than the reciprocal of the input bandwidth, because the least-error shaping filters make the equivalent bandwidth expanded by the enhancement of the sideband spectrum energy and the suppression of the main spectrum. The transmitted signals with simple phase modulation are studied to obtain the multi-range resolution where the pulse is compressed into a pulse with the same bandwidth and another pulse width equal to the reciprocal of the input bandwidth. The peak-to-sidelobe ratio after the pulse compression and the improvement factor of the output signal-to-noise ratio are measured. Further, the experimental results are shown to verify our proposed technique.

  • Spatial Resolution Enhancement of Distributed Strain Measurement Using BOTDR by Partially Gluing Optical Fiber

    Mitsuhiro OHSAKI  Mitsuhiro TATEDA  Takashige OMATSU  Hiroshige OHNO  


    E85-B No:8

    An effective spatial resolution enhancement method for distributed strain measurement by BOTDR is proposed. An optical fiber is glued to a structure by a length less than the spatial resolution defined by the pulse width, and the Brillouin spectrum of the light scattered from the glued optical fiber is investigated theoretically. The apparent strain xp observed in the fiber is found to be proportional to the accurate strain a. The ratio r=xp/a coincides with the ratio of the glued length to the spatial resolution. Spatial resolution as small as 0.2 m is demonstrated experimentally for small strains of less than 10-3.

  • An Efficient Data Transmission Technique for VLSI Systems Using Multiple-Valued Code-Division Multiple Access

    Yasushi YUMINAKA  Shinya SAKAMOTO  


    E85-C No:8

    This paper investigates multiple-valued code-division multiple access (MV-CDMA) techniques and circuits for intra/inter-chip communication to achieve efficient data transmission in VLSI systems. To address the problems caused by interconnection complexity, we transmit multiplexed signals inside LSI systems employing pseudo-random orthogonal m-sequences as information carriers. A new class of multiple-valued CDMA techniques for intra-chip communication is discussed to demonstrate the feasibility of eliminating co-channel interference caused by a propagation delay of signals, e.g., clock skew. This paper describes the circuit configuration and performance evaluation of MV-CDMA systems for intra-chip communication. We first explain the principle of MV-CDMA technique, and then propose a bidirectional current-mode CMOS technique to realize compact correlation circuits for CDMA. Finally, we show the Spice and MATLAB simulation results of MV-CDMA systems, which indicate the excellent capabilities of eliminating co-channel interference.
