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  • Multiplexed Holography with Monolithic Photorefractive Trimer

    Tetsuya AOYAMA  Emi TAKABAYASHI  Yadong ZHANG  Hiroyuki SASABE  Tatsuo WADA  

    PAPER-Optoelectronics and Photonics

    E85-C No:6

    Angle-multiplexed holography using four-wave mixing (4WM) was demonstrated with a monolithic photorefractive carbazole trimer. We measured the diffraction efficiency as a function of incident angle of the read beam. The cross-talk was almost negligible at the Bragg angle mismatch of 1. Two figure images were recorded with the different incident angle of the reference beam in the photorefractive carbazole trimer film, and were read out independently by illuminating with the read beam which counter-propagated to the corresponding reference beam.

  • Effect of Interfacial Space Charges and Coupling Electrodes on Organic Single Electron Tunneling Device

    Yutaka NOGUCHI  Mitsumasa IWAMOTO  Tohru KUBOTA  Shinro MASHIKO  

    PAPER-Electronic Devices

    E85-C No:6

    The threshold voltage of Coulomb staircase using organic molecules was analyzed by extending our previous model with only consideration of the metal/organic film interfacial space charge to the generalized one. The generalized model is helpful to examine coupling capacitance in organic double barrier tunneling junction (DBTJ). The current-voltage (I-V) characteristic of metal/polyimide (PI)/rhodamine-dendrimer (Rh-G2)/PI/metal junction was analyzed using this generalized model. The calculation results were in good agreement with our experimental data.

  • Dynamic Mobility Management for Cellular Networks: A Delayed Renewal Process Approach


    PAPER-Fundamental Theories

    E85-B No:6

    Tracking mobile users in cellular wireless networks involves two basic functions: location update and paging. Location update refers to the process of tracking the location of mobile users that are not in conversation. Three basic algorithms have been proposed in the literature, namely the distance-based, time-based, and movement-based algorithms. The problem of minimizing the location update and paging costs has been solved in the literature by considering exponentially distributed Cell Residence Times (CRT) and Inter-Call Time (ICT), which is the time interval between two consecutive phone calls. In this paper we select the movement-based scheme since it is effective and easy to implement. Applying the theory of the delayed renewal process, we find the distribution of the number of cell crossings when the ICT is a mixture of exponentially distributed random variables and the CRT comes from any distribution with Laplace transform. In particular, we consider the case in which the first CRT may have a different distribution from the remaining CRT's, which includes the case of circular cells. We aim at the total cost minimization in this case.

  • Design of a Multi Beam Feed Using a Nonradiative Dielectric Rotman Lens

    Jae-Gon LEE  Jeong-Hae LEE  Heung-Sik TAE  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E85-B No:6

    In this paper, a rotman lens of multi-beam feed that can be applied to a car collision avoidance radar is designed using nonradiative dielectric (NRD) guide appropriate to the millimeter wave frequency. For the optimum condition, NRD guide at the transmission lines of input and output ports is designed to obtain low loss, small coupling between the transmission lines, and dominant mode operation. The rotman lens is also optimized so as to minimize sidelobe of array factor. To prevent beam pattern from being distorted, multiple-reflection from sidewall has been eliminated by corrugated sidewall.

  • Performance and Complexity of Circular Decoding for Tail-Biting Convolutional Codes

    Wonjin SUNG  


    E85-B No:5

    The circular decoding algorithm for tail-biting convolutional codes is executed using a fixed number of computations and is suitable for DSP/ASIC implementations. This letter presents the performance and complexity trade-off in the circular decoding algorithm using an analytic bound on the error probability. An incremental performance improvement is shown as the complexity increases from O(L) to O(L+10K) where L is the length of the decoding trellis and K is the constraint length. The decoding complexity required to produce the maximum-likelihood performance is presented, which is applicable to many codes of practical interest.

  • Speeding Up Elliptic Scalar Multiplication Using Multidoubling

    Yasuyuki SAKAI  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E85-A No:5

    We discuss multidoubling methods for efficient elliptic scalar multiplication. The methods allows computation of 2k P directly from P without computing the intermediate points, where P denotes a randomly selected point on an elliptic curve. We introduce algorithms for elliptic curves with Montgomery form and Weierstrass form defined over finite fields with characteristic greater than 3 in terms of affine coordinates. These algorithms are faster than k repeated doublings. Moreover, we apply the algorithms to scalar multiplication on elliptic curves and analyze computational complexity. As a result of our implementation with respect to the Montgomery and Weierstrass forms in terms of affine coordinates, we achieved running time reduced by 28% and 31%, respectively, in the scalar multiplication of an elliptic curve of size 160-bit over finite fields with characteristic greater than 3.

  • Effective Calculation of Dual Frame for the Short-Time Fourier Expansion

    Shigeo WADA  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E85-A No:5

    This paper presents effective methods to calculate dual frame of the short-time Fourier expansion (STFE) in l2(Z). Based on a relationship between the prototype window used for generating a frame and the dual prototype window used for generating a dual frame in the STFE, two useful numerical methods with a finite frame operator are proposed to obtain finite support dual frames in time domain formulation. The methods can be used to construct the multiple STFE (MSTFE) suitable for a time-frequency analysis, synthesis and coding of discrete-time nonstationary signals. Numerical simulation results are given to verify the effectiveness of the calculation of dual frame.

  • Scaling Algorithms for M-Convex Function Minimization

    Satoko MORIGUCHI  Kazuo MUROTA  Akiyoshi SHIOURA  


    E85-A No:5

    M-convex functions have various desirable properties as convexity in discrete optimization. We can find a global minimum of an M-convex function by a greedy algorithm, i.e., so-called descent algorithms work for the minimization. In this paper, we apply a scaling technique to a greedy algorithm and propose an efficient algorithm for the minimization of an M-convex function. Computational results are also reported.

  • Performance Analysis of SIR-Based Closed-Loop Power Control with Feedback Errors

    Andrea ABRARDO  Giovanni GIAMBENE  David SENNATI  


    E85-B No:5

    This paper deals with a cellular system based on Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and investigates the performance of Signal-to-Interference (SIR)-based Closed Loop-Power Control (CLPC) schemes taking into account errors on the feedback channel that conveys the power control command from the base station to the mobile terminals. We have evaluated both the distribution of the received power at the base station and the optimum control step size that minimizes the Control Error (CE) standard deviation, a useful measure of the CLPC performance. The impact of interference variations has been deeply investigated for different mobility scenarios and for different feedback channel error conditions.

  • Blind Channel Identification Based on Eigenvalue Decomposition Using Constrained LMS Algorithm

    Kyung Seung AHN  Eul Chool BYUN  Heung Ki BAIK  


    E85-B No:5

    Blind adaptive channel identification of communication channels is a problem of important current theoretical and practical concerns. Recently proposed solutions for this problem exploit the diversity induced by antenna array or time oversampling, leading to the so-called, second order statistics techniques. Adaptive blind channel identification techniques based on a off-line least-squares approach have been proposed but this method assumes noise-free case. The method resorts to an adaptive filter with a linear constraint. This paper proposes a new approach based on eigenvalue decomposition. Indeed, the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum eigenvalue of the covariance matrix of the received signals contains the channel impulse response. And we present a adaptive algorithm to solve this problem. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated over real measured channel and is compared to existing algorithms.

  • Software Profit Model under Imperfect Debugging and Optimal Software Release Policy

    Chong-Hyung LEE  Kyung-Hyun NAM  Dong-Ho PARK  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E85-D No:5

    This paper considers a software reliability model which allows for two types of imperfect debuggings at each failure of the software system. For one type of imperfect debugging, a fault that causes the failure is imperfectly debugged without altering the fault contents of the software system. For the other type of imperfect debugging, the fault is not only imperfectly debugged, but also a new fault is generated and introduced into the system. The probability of perfect debugging is assumed to be an increasing function of the number of debuggings performed prior to the current failure of the system. Based on the software reliability model presented, we consider three profit models to determine the optimal software release times which maximize the expected software profit. These models consider: (1) constant life cycle, (2) random life cycle, (3) random life cycle and penalty cost which is imposed when the software is delivered late. The optimal release times are shown to be finite and unique. Numerical examples are provided for illustrative purposes.

  • Planar Reconfiguration of Monotone Trees

    Yoshiyuki KUSAKARI  Masaki SATO  Takao NISHIZEKI  


    E85-A No:5

    A linkage is a collection of line segments, called bars, possibly joined at their ends, called joints. A planar reconfiguration of a linkage is a continuous motion of their bars, preserving the length of each bar and disallowing bars to cross. In this paper, we introduce a class of linkages, called "monotone trees," and give a method for reconfiguring a monotone tree to a straight line. If the tree has n joints, then the method takes at most n-1 moves, each of which uses two joints. We also obtain an algorithm to find such a method in time O(n log n), using space O(n). These time and space complexities are optimal.

  • Cryptanalysis of a Key Management Scheme for Secure Multicast Communications

    Gwoboa HORNG  


    E85-B No:5

    Multicast is an efficient way to send messages to a group of members. It is becoming the basis for a number of applications, such as teleconferencing, news groups, and on-line games. Security is one of the main issues in realizing multicast communications. A working group within IETF dedicated to multicast security has been formed and RFCs and working drafts concerning multicast security are proposed. This letter analyzes the security of a scheme proposed in [1] for securely establishing a shared, secret key in a large, dynamic group. We show that it fails to provide forward and backward security.

  • Fault-Tolerance Design for Multicast Using Convolutional-Code-Based FEC and Its Analytical Evaluation

    Anna YAMAGUCHI  Masayuki ARAI  Hitoshi KUROSU  Satoshi FUKUMOTO  Kazuhiko IWASAKI  

    PAPER-Fault Tolerance

    E85-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose and analytically evaluate the use of punctured convolutional codes for recovering packets lost in multicast transmission. An independent erasure channel is assumed for packets transmission over a star topology. The analysis provides a method for determining the recoverability and the post-reconstruction receiving rate for a given convolutional code. We theoretically evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach taking into account two different parameters: the number of transmissions per packet and the number of packets needed to be sent to guarantee the reception of data. Finally, we compare the proposed approach with the scheme when parity packets are generated based on Reed-Solomon codes.

  • PDLC Rewritable Medium

    Keiko SEKINE  Wataru SAITO  


    E85-C No:5

    A new rewritable medium utilizing a guest-host (G-H) polymer-dispersed liquid-crystal (PDLC) film has been developed in our laboratory. The medium is thermally written and electrically erased. It is portable, like paper, and can store recorded data because of the memory effect of smectic-A liquid crystal (SmA LC), which exhibits bistable states of homeotropic and focal conic alignment. Dichroic dye is added to the SmA LC to form the G-H type. An evaluation of the characteristics revealed that this medium exhibits both high contrast and good reliability.

  • Interoperation and Analysis of Consolidation Algorithm for Point-to-Multipoint ABR Service in ATM Networks



    E85-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose a new consolidation algorithm called the Selective Backward Resource Management (BRM) cell Feedback (SBF) algorithm. It achieves a fast response and low consolidation noise by selectively forwarding BRM cell from the most congested branch to the source instead of waiting from all branches. Mathematical models are derived to quantitatively characterize the performance, i.e. the response time and ACR of the source, of SBF and previously proposed algorithms. The interoperation of consolidation algorithms in point-to-multipoint available bit rate (ABR) is investigated. We address response time, consolidation noise and the effect of asymmetrical round trip delay (RTD) from branch point to destinations aspects. All combinations of four different consolidation algorithms are interoperated in both local/metropolitan area network (LAN/MAN) and wide area network (WAN) configuration. By a simulation method, we found that the consolidation algorithm used at the uppermost stream branch point, especially in WAN configuration, plays an important role in determining the performance of the network. However, consolidation algorithm used at the lower stream branch point affects the network performance insignificantly. Hence, in order to achieve a good and effective performance of the consolidation algorithms interoperated network, a fast response with low consolidation noise algorithm should be used at the uppermost stream branch point and a simple and easy to implement algorithm should be used at the lower stream branch point.

  • Adaptive MLSE Based on the Path Delay Estimation for TDMA Systems

    Jung Suk JOO  


    E85-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose a new approach to the adaptive MLSE receiver, which is based on the delay estimation of the paths in the fading channel. The path delays are estimated by using the known training sequence, and based on this estimation the proposed MLSE tracks not the T-spaced equivalent channel but the variations of each path in the frequency-selective channel directly. It will be shown through computer simulations that the proposed MLSE can improve the performance of the conventional MLSE receivers, when the number of paths is small.

  • On-Line Edge-Coloring Algorithms for Degree-Bounded Bipartite Graphs

    Masakuni TAKI  Mikihito SUGIURA  Toshinobu KASHIWABARA  


    E85-A No:5

    A kind of online edge-coloring problems on bipartite graphs is considered. The input is a graph (typically with no edges) and a sequence of operations (edge addition and edge deletion) under the restriction that at any time the graph is bipartite and degree-bounded by k, where k is a prescribed integer. At the time of edge addition, the added edge can be irrevocably assigned a color or be left uncolored. No other coloring or color alteration is allowed. The problem is to assign colors as many times as possible using k colors. Two algorithms are presented: one with competitiveness coefficient 1/4 against oblivious adversaries, and one with competitiveness coefficient between 1/4 and 1/2 with the cost of requiring more random bits than the former algorithm, also against oblivious adversaries.

  • Doubly-Logarithmic Energy-Efficient Initialization Protocols for Single-Hop Radio Networks

    Jacir Luiz BORDIM  Jiangtao CUI  Naohiro ISHII  Koji NAKANO  


    E85-A No:5

    A radio network is a distributed system with no central shared resource, consisting of n stations each equipped with a radio transceiver. One of the most important parameters to evaluate protocols in the radio networks is the number of awake time slots in which each individual station sends/receives a data packet. We are interested in devising energy-efficient initialization protocols in the single-hop radio network (RN, for short) that assign unique IDs in the range [1,n] to the n stations using few awake time slots. It is known that the RN can be initialized in O(log log n) awake time slots, with high probability, if every station knows the number n of stations in the RN. Also, it has been shown that the RN can be initialized in O(log n) awake time slots even if no station knows n. However, it has been open whether the initialization can be performed in O(log log n) awake time slots when no station knows n. Our main contribution is to provide the breakthrough: we show that even if no station knows n, the RN can be initialized by our protocol that terminates, with high probability, in O(n) time slots with no station being awake for more than O(log log n) time slots. We then go on to design an initialization protocol for the k-channel RN that terminates, with high probability, in O(n/k + (log n)2) time slots with no station being awake for more than O(log log n) time slots.

  • A High-Speed Binary to Residue Converter Using a Signed-Digit Number Representation

    Makoto SYUTO  Eriko SATAKE  Koichi TANNO  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  

    LETTER-VLSI Systems

    E85-D No:5

    In this letter, we propose high-speed binary to residue converters for moduli 2n, 2n 1 without using look-up table. For integration of residue arithmetic circuit using a signed-digit (SD) number representation with ordinary binary system, the proposed circuits carry out the efficient conversion. Using SD adders instead of ordinary adders that are used in conventional binary to residue converter, the high-speed conversion without the carry propagation can be achieved. Thus, the proposed converter is independent of the size of modulus and can speed up the binary to residue conversion. On the simulation, the conversion delay times are 1.78 ns for modulus 210-1 and 1.73 ns for modulus 210+1 under the condition of 0.6 µm CMOS technology, respectively. The active area of the proposed converter for moduli 210 1 is 335 µm325 µm.
