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  • Synchronous Reservation Protocol for Variable-Sized Messages in WDM Networks

    Jae-Hwoon LEE  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E85-B No:4

    In this paper, we propose a synchronous reservation protocol that is efficient for supporting variable-sized messages in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)-based local network using a passive star topology. A control channel is used to coordinate message transmission on data channels. Time is slotted with fixed-sized slots. The network can accommodate a variable number of nodes and operate independently of the change in the number of nodes. Therefore, any "new" node can join the network anytime without network re-initialization. Moreover, with the protocol, we can avoid data channel and destination conflicts. We analyze the performance according to the variation of the end-to-end propagation delay with respect to one slot time, and validate the results by simulation.

  • Analytical Evaluation of Total Degradation in OFDM Systems with TWTA or SSPA

    Davide DARDARI  Velio TRALLI  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:4

    In this paper an analytical parametric formulation of total degradation in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systems including High Power Amplifiers (HPA) is presented. Two classes of non-linear devices are considered: Traveling Wave Tube Amplifiers (TWTA) and Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPA). In the results the accuracy of the proposed method is checked and the impact of coding to mitigate non-linear distortion is easily assessed.

  • Time-Varied Pitch Gain Predictor for Low Bit Rate Speech Coders

    Jar-Ferr YANG  Rong-San LIN  Seric HU  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E85-D No:4

    The long-term predictor (LTP) can effectively reduce the redundancy of the quasi-periodicity of speech signals. Traditional pitch predictors in linear predictive coding systems are developed by assuming that pitch gains are constant in each processing subframe. In this paper, we introduce a time-varied prediction gain to achieve a better representation of speech periodicity than the traditional approach. Due to the non-stationary variation of speech, the proposed LTP method can trace the detailed fluctuation of speech amplitude in both transient and stationary periods. Simulation results show that the proposed first-order varied-gain pitch predictor obtains a near speech quality as the fifth-order pitch predictor of the G.723.1 coder does; however, the former requires much lower computation than the latter.

  • Joint Synchronization between Stored Media with Interactive Control and Live Media in Multicast Communications

    Yutaka ISHIBASHI  Shuji TASAKA  Hiromasa MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Multimedia Systems

    E85-B No:4

    This paper proposes a scheme for joint synchronization between stored media with interactive control and live media in multicast communications. We deal with visual search control, such as fast-forward and fast-reverse, as interactive control. The proposed scheme enables visual search by enhancing the virtual-time rendering (VTR) media synchronization algorithm, which the authors previously proposed, and adjusts the timing of changing the visual search mode among destinations by carrying out group synchronization control. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of the scheme by experiment.

  • Adaptive Bitwidth Compression for Low Power Video Memory Design

    Vasily MOSHNYAGA  


    E85-A No:4

    Due to large capacitance, high access ratio and wide access bitwidth, frame memory is one of the most energy consuming devices in modern video encoders. This paper proposes a new architectural technique to reduce energy dissipation of frame memory through adaptive bitwith compression. Unlike related approaches, the technique utilizes the fixed order of memory accesses and data correlation of video sequences, by dynamically adjusting the memory bitwidth to the number of bits changed per pixel. Instead of treating the data bits independently, we group the most significant bits together, activating the corresponding group of bit-lines adaptively to data variation. The approach is not restricted to the specific bit-patterns nor depends on the storage phase. It works equally well on read and write accesses, as well as during precharging. Simulations show that using this method we can reduce the total energy consumption of the frame memory cell array by 20% without affecting the picture quality. The implementation scheme is simple yet compact.

  • High Performance Dispersion-Flattened Hybrid Optical Transmission Lines for Ultra-Large Capacity Transoceanic Systems

    Masao TSUKITANI  Eiji YANADA  Takatoshi KATO  Eisuke SASAOKA  Yoshinori MAKIO  


    E85-C No:4

    This paper describes design optimization and performances of hybrid optical transmission lines consisting of effective-area-enlarged pure silica core fiber and dispersion compensating fiber. As a result of the design optimization, considering low nonlinearity and good bending characteristic, the developed fibers exhibit a span average loss of 0.208 dB/km, a span average dispersion slope of 0.02 ps/nm2/km and low nonlinearity with an equivalent effective area of 60 µm2. Further optimization of the relationship among the nonlinearity, the dispersion slope and the bending characteristic enables perfectly dispersion-flattened hybrid optical transmission lines exhibiting a low transmission loss of 0.211 dB/km, low nonlinearity with an equivalent effective area of 60 µm2 and small dispersion deviation of 0.03 ps/nm/km in a wavelength band wider than 40 nm.

  • A Knowledge-Based Information Modeling for Autonomous Humanoid Service Robot

    Haruki UENO  


    E85-D No:4

    This paper presents the concepts and methodology of knowledge-based information modeling based on Cognitive Science for realizing the autonomous humanoid service robotic arm and hand system HARIS. The HARIS robotic system consists of model-based 3D vision, intelligent scheduler, computerized arm/hand controller, humanoid HARIS arm/hand unit and human interface, and aims to serve the aged and disabled on desk-top object manipulations. The world model, i.e., a shared knowledge base, is introduced to work as a communication channel among the software modules. The task scheduling as well as the 3D-vision is based on Cognitive Science, i.e., a human's way of vision and scheduling is considered in designing the knowledge-based software system. The key idea is to use "words" in describing a scene, scheduling tasks, controlling an arm and hand, and interacting with a human. The world model plays a key role in fusing a variety of distributed functions. The generalized frame-based knowledge engineering environment ZERO++ has been effectively used as a software platform in implementing the system. The experimental system is working within a limited situation successfully. Through the introduction of Cognitive Science-based information modeling we have learned useful hints for realizing human-robot symbiosis, that is our long term goal of the project.

  • Single High-Order Transverse Mode Surface Emitting Laser with Micromachined Surface Relief

    Satoshi SHINADA  Fumio KOYAMA  Nobuhiko NISHIYAMA  Masakazu ARAI  

    PAPER-Active Devices

    E85-C No:4

    We demonstrate a single high-order transverse mode surface emitting laser (VCSEL) with narrow trenches formed on a top surface. The design and the fabrication of a single high-order mode 850 nm GaAs VCSEL with micromachined surface relief are presented. Stable single-mode operation with a side-mode suppression ratio of over 40 dB was obtained in an entire measured current range. We obtained the maximum single mode power of over 3.5 mW and a record low series resistance of below 50 Ω. In addition, a single-lobe far field pattern is demonstrated even under high-order transverse mode operation by loading phase-shift on the top surface. A coupling efficiency with optical fibers is dramatically improved.

  • Development and Future Prospect of Optical Fiber Technologies

    Naoya UCHIDA  


    E85-C No:4

    This paper presents a historical review of fiber technologies from the 1970s till now, focused on design, transmission characteristics, and reliability assurance of silica optical fibers. Discussion is made by dividing the period into two phases; the first phase closing nearly at the end of the 1980s and the second one starting at the same time. As for the first phase, we present designs of graded-index multimode fiber and single-mode fiber, and development of dispersion shifted fiber. Mechanical reliability assurance and loss increase phenomena due to hydrogen are also described. Development of an optical fiber amplifier triggered the start of the second phase. Due to the introduction of WDM transmission systems as well as demand on high bit-rate transmission, fiber dispersion and nonlinearity have become indispensable factors to be taken into consideration for system design and performance evaluation. We discuss novel non-zero dispersion shifted fibers and dispersion compensating fibers, developed to meet the requirements for long distance and high bit-rate WDM transmission systems. Finally, discussions are made on the future research and development items, which are necessary to realize anticipating photonic networks.

  • Multirate Repeating Method for Alias Free Subband Adaptive Filters

    Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E85-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose the multirate repeating method for alias free subband adaptive filters (AFSAFs) and consider its convergence property. It is shown that we can adjust the convergence speed and the final error of the adaptive filters by varying its two parameters according to the requirements of the applications where the method is applied. The proposed method has two parameters, namely, the number of channel and the number of repetition. We show that by increasing the number of channels we can reduce the final error, and this property is preferred when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is low. On the other hand, we show that the convergence speed of the AFSAF approaches to that of the affine projection algorithm (APA) by increasing the number of repetition. Through the computer simulations, we show the effect of the proposed method.

  • A Quasi-Coherent Sampling Method for Wideband Data Acquisition

    Masaru KIMURA  Kensuke KOBAYASHI  Haruo KOBAYASHI  


    E85-A No:4

    This paper proposes a quasi-coherent equivalent-time sampling method to acquire repetitive wideband waveform signals with high throughput. We have already proposed a new sampling system which incorporates the pre-trigger ability and the time jitter reduction function for a fluctuated input signal while maintaining the waveform recording efficiency. The quasi-coherent sampling method proposed in this paper can be adopted to it in order to improve its data acquisition throughput significantly. Numerical simulation results show effectiveness of our proposed method.

  • Box-Like Response of Microring Resonator Filter by Stacked Double-Ring Geometry

    Yasuo KOKUBUN  Takashi KATO  Sai Tak CHU  

    PAPER-Hybrid and Passive Devices

    E85-C No:4

    The Lorentzian-shape filter response of a microring resonator filter is not suitable to the practical use in WDM systems, because of the lack of pass band flatness, high cross talk, and the large wing in the stop band. Therefore, the tailoring of filter response shape is required to improve the performance. In this paper, the authors designed and demonstrated the box-like filter response of microring resonator filter by using the supermodes of stacked double microring resonators. The thicknesses of microrings and the separation between them were optimally designed to give the maximally flat response. A fine fabrication process was developed to achieve the deep and very smooth side wall. The shape factor, which is defined by the ratio of -1 dB bandwidth to -10 dB bandwidth, was successfully improved by three factors from 0.17 of Lorentzian shape to 0.51.

  • Noise Reduction Approach of Range Image Using Nonlinear 2D Kalman Filter

    Jun KATAYAMA  Yoshifumi SEKINE  


    E85-A No:4

    In this paper, we discuss noise reduction approaches to improving range images using a nonlinear 2D Kalman filter. First, we propose the nonlinear 2D Kalman filter, which can reduce noise in the range image using an estimated edge vector and a nonlinear function that does not distort sharp edges. Second, we evaluate reduction of the additive noise in a test range image using the mean square error (MSE). Third, we discuss the detection rate and the number of false detections in the estimated range image. Fourth, a simulation example demonstrating the performance of the proposed 2D Kalman filter for a real range image having abrupt changes is presented. Finally, simulation results are presented which show that the estimated image of the nonlinear 2D Kalman filter is effective in reducing the amount of noise, while causing minimal smoothing of the abrupt changes.

  • An Approximation Algorithm for the Task-Coalition Assignment Problem

    Yoshihiro MURATA  Yasunori ISHIHARA  Minoru ITO  


    E85-D No:4

    The Task-Coalition Assignment Problem (TCAP) is a formalization of the distributed computation problem. In TCAP, a set of agents and a set of tasks are given. A subset of the agents processes a task to produce benefit. The goal of TCAP is to find the combination of the tasks and the subsets of the agents that maximizes the sum of the benefit. In this paper, we define 1-TCAP, which is a practical subclass of TCAP. In 1-TCAP, tasks and agents are characterized by scalar values. We propose a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for 1-TCAP, and show that this algorithm achieves an approximation ratio 9/4. Here, an algorithm achieves an approximation ratio α for a maximization problem if, for every instance, it produces a solution of value at least OPT/α, where OPT is the value of the optimal solution.

  • GaInAsP/InP Directional Coupler Loaded with Grating for Optically-Controlled Switching

    Katsumi NAKATSUHARA  Takashi SHIRADO  Seok-Hwan JEONG  Tetsuya MIZUMOTO  Mitsuru TAKENAKA  Yoshiaki NAKANO  

    PAPER-New Devices

    E85-C No:4

    All-optical switching operating at 1.55 µm band in fabricated GaInAsP directional couplers loaded with grating are reported experimentally. These switching operations were realized in spatially separated output ports. The devices are suitable for optical integrated circuits and would operate as all-optical routing switches in practical power level by use of optical Kerr effect and Bragg grating. Using the optical bistability in the device, latching operation for output signal can be realized in spatially separated output ports and the outputs from each port are complementary. Two all-optical gate operations, which are optical inverting operation and optically controlled switching in spatially separated output ports, are also demonstrated, where the signal and control lights have different wavelength.

  • An Easily-Assembled Optical Device for Coupling Single-Mode Planar Waveguides to a Fiber Array Employing Plastic Plug Components

    Masaaki TAKAYA  Shinji NAGASAWA  


    E85-C No:4

    We have developed an easily-assembled optical coupling device that consists of two multifiber array connectors and a single-mode planar waveguide chip whose ends are passively positioned in novel plastic plug components compatible with the multi-fiber array connectors. The assembled 18 splitter devices are connected and disconnected easily and exhibit excellent levels of optical performance.

  • Novel Gain-Slope Free Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier for L-Band Using Thulium-Doped Fiber

    Tomoharu KITABAYASHI  Tetsuya SAKAI  Akira WADA  


    E85-C No:4

    In modern high-capacity wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems, there is increasing demand for large transmission capacity. To achieve this purpose, an L-band (1565-1625 nm) erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is very effective method because the conventional silica-based EDF can be used. In EDFAs that used in WDM transmission systems, the gain flatness of EDFA is very important. A passive gain equalizer flattens the gain profile of EDFA. But the gain flatness in L-band deteriorates due to dynamic gain-tilt (DGT) and temperature gain-tilt (TGT) when the operating condition of the EDFA changes, while the EDFAs should maintain the gain flatness even if the operating condition has changed. To solve this problem, we propose an active gain-slope compensation technique for the L-band EDFA using a thulium-doped fiber (TDF). The EDFA actively gain-slope compensated by the TDF compensator keeps the gain profile constant for the wide input power range of more than 8 dB, a wide temperature range of 65 without gain-tilt in a wavelength band between 1575 nm and 1610 nm. Furthermore, the EDFA keeps a low noise figure of less than 7.5 dB.

  • Assignment-Driven Loop Pipeline Scheduling and Its Application to Data-Path Synthesis

    Toshiyuki YOROZUYA  Koji OHASHI  Mineo KANEKO  


    E85-A No:4

    In this paper, we study loop pipeline scheduling problem under given resource assignment (operation to functional unit assignments and data to register assignments), which is one of the key tasks in data-path synthesis based on the assignment solution space exploration. We show an approach using a precedence constraint graph with parametric disjunctive arcs generated from the specified assignment information, and derive a scheduling method using branch-and-bound exploration of the parameter space. As an application of the proposed scheduling method, it is incorporated with Simulated-Annealing (SA) based exploration of assignment solution space, and it is demonstrated that data-paths of the fifth-order elliptic wave filter are successfully synthesized.

  • Reduction in Optical Fiber Maintenance Cost by Using Automatic Optical Fiber Operations Support System with Remote Fiber Selector

    Noriyuki ARAKI  Hisashi IZUMITA  Minoru NAKAMURA  


    E85-C No:4

    Low cost optical subscriber systems and effective operation are indispensable to the construction and maintenance of greatly expanded optical fiber networks. An optical fiber line monitoring system is essential for reducing maintenance costs and improving service reliability in optical access networks. To promote cost-effective optical fiber line operation, we propose an extended automatic optical fiber operations support system (AURORA) with a remotely installed fiber selector. We suggest a configuration for extended AURORA and design the dynamic range of the system. We confirmed that testing could be carried out on an extended optical network section of 10 km in length by using extended AURORA when the optical trunk line was less than 15 km. We also discuss the effect on the maintenance cost of optical fiber cables in access networks. We calculated the annual maintenance cost for periodic tests in actual operation areas, and confirmed that this cost could be reduced by 30% compared with that for a conventional system.

  • Checking of Timing Constraint Violation Based on Graph in Reactive Systems

    Hiromi KOBAYASHI  

    LETTER-Graphs and Networks

    E85-A No:4

    The detection of timing constraint violation is crucial in reactive systems. A method of detecting deadline violation based on Floyd-Warshall shortest path algorithm has been proposed by Chodrow et al. We extend this method to detect the violation of minimum delay time in reactive systems where the repetition of event sequences frequently occurs.
