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  • Development of 40 Gbit/s Transceiver Using a Novel OTDM MUX Module, and Stable Transmission with Carrier-Suppressed RZ Format

    Yoshiharu FUJISAKU  Masatoshi KAGAWA  Toshio NAKAMURA  Hitoshi MURAI  Hiromi T. YAMADA  Shigeru TAKASAKI  Kozo FUJII  


    E85-B No:2

    40 Gbit/s optical transceiver using a novel OTDM MUX module has been developed. OTDM (Optical-Time-Division-Multiplexing) MUX module, the core component of the transmitter, consisted of a optical splitter, two electro-absorption (EA) modulators and a combiner in a sealed small package. As the split optical paths run through the "air" in the module, greatly stable optical phase relation between bit-interleaved pulses could be maintained. With the OTDM MUX module, the selection between conventional Return-to-Zero (conventional-RZ) format and carrier-suppressed RZ (CS-RZ) format is performed by slightly changing the wavelength of laser-diode. In a receiver, 40 Gbit/s optical data train is optically demultiplexed to 10 Gbit/s optical train, before detected by the O/E receiver for 10 Gbit/s RZ format. Back-to-back MUX-DEMUX evaluations of the transceiver exhibited good sensitivities of under -30 dBm measured at 40 Gbit/s optical input to achieve the bit-error-rate (BER) of 10-9. Another unique feature of the transceiver system was a spectrum switch capability. The stable RZ and CS-RZ multiplexing operation was confirmed in the experiment. Once we adjust the 40 Gbit/s optical signal to CS-RZ format, the optical spectrum would maintain its CS spectrum shape for a long time to the benefit of the stable long transmission characteristics. In the recirculating loop experiment employing the OTDM MUX transceiver, the larger power margin was successfully observed with CS-RZ format than with conventional-RZ format, indicating that proper encoding of conventional-RZ and CS-RZ was realized with this prototype transceiver. In the case of CS-RZ format, the error free (BER < 10-9) transmission over 720 km was achieved with the long repeater amplifier span of 120 km.

  • Passification of Non-square Linear Systems Using an Input-dimensional Dynamic Feedforward Compensator

    Young I. SON  Hyungbo SHIM  Kyoung-cheol PARK  Jin H. SEO  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E85-A No:2

    We present a state-space approach to the problem of designing a parallel feedforward compensator (PFC), which has the same dimension of the input i.e. input-dimensional, for a class of non-square linear systems such that the closed-loop system is strictly passive. For a non-minimum phase system or a system with high relative degree, passification of the system cannot be achieved by any other methodologies except by using a PFC. In our scheme, we first determine a squaring gain matrix and an additional dynamics that is connected to the system in a feedforward way, then a static passifying control law is designed. Consequently, the actual feedback controller will be the static control law combined with the feedforward dynamics. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the PFC are given by the static output feedback formulation, which enables to utilize linear matrix inequality (LMI). Since the proposed PFC is input-dimensional, our design procedure can be viewed as a solution to the low-order dynamic output feedback control problem in the literature. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by some numerical examples.

  • SIMD ISA Extensions: Power Efficiency on Multimedia on a Superscalar Processor

    Julien SEBOT  Nathalie DRACH  

    PAPER-Low-Power Technologies

    E85-C No:2

    Media processing has become one of the dominant computing workloads. In this context, SIMD instructions have been introduced in current processors to raise performance, often the main goal of microprocessor designers. Today, however, designers have become concerned with the power consumption, and in some cases low power is the main design goal (laptops). In this paper, we show that SIMD ISA extensions on a superscalar processor can be one solution to reduce power consumption and keeping a high performance level. We reduce the average power consumption by decreasing the number of instructions, the number of cache references, and using dynamic power management to transform the speedup in performance in power consumption reduction.

  • Asynchronous Cache Invalidation Strategy to Support Read-Only Transaction in Mobile Environments

    SungHun NAM  IlYoung CHUNG  SungHo CHO  ChongSun HWANG  


    E85-D No:2

    The stateless-based cache invalidation schemes for wireless environments can be categorized into either asynchronous or synchronous cache invalidation according to the broadcasting way of invalidation report. However, if the asynchronous cache invalidation scheme attempts to support local processing of read-only transaction, a critical problem may occur; the asynchronous invalidation reports provide no guarantee of waiting time for mobile transactions requesting commit. To solve this problem, the server in our approaches broadcasts two kind of messages, asynchronous invalidation report to reduce transaction latency and periodic guide message to avoid the uncertainty of waiting time for the next invalidation report. This paper presents a simulation-based analysis on the performance of the suggesting algorithms. The simulation experiments show that the local processing algorithms of read-only transaction based on asynchronous cache invalidation scheme get better response time than the algorithm based on synchronous cache invalidation scheme.

  • On Cellular Arrays and Other Topics in Parallel Computing

    Oscar H. IBARRA  


    E85-D No:2

    We give an overview of the computational complexity of linear and mesh-connected cellular and iterative arrays with respect to well known models of sequential and parallel computation. We discuss one-way communication versus two-way communication, serial input versus parallel input, and space-efficient simulations. In particular, we look at the parallel complexity of cellular arrays in terms of the PRAM theory and its implications, e.g., to the parallel complexity of recurrence equations and loops. We also point out some important and fundamental open problems that remain unresolved. Next, we investigate the solvability of some reachability and safety problems concerning machines operating in parallel and cite some possible applications. Finally, we briefly discuss the complexity of the "commutativity analysis" technique that is used in the areas of parallel computing and parallelizing compilers.

  • A Note on Approximating the Survivable Network Design Problem in Hypergraphs

    Liang ZHAO  Hiroshi NAGAMOCHI  Toshihide IBARAKI  


    E85-D No:2

    We consider to design approximation algorithms for the survivable network design problem in hypergraphs (SNDPHG) based on algorithms developed for the survivable network design problem in graphs (SNDP) or the element connectivity problem in graphs (ECP). Given an instance of the SNDPHG, by replacing each hyperedge e={v1,,vk} with a new vertex we and k edges {we, v1},, {we, vk}, we define an SNDP or ECP in the resulting graph. We show that by approximately solving the SNDP or ECP defined in this way, several approximation algorithms for the SNDPHG can be obtained. One of our results is a dmax+-approximation algorithm for the SNDPHG with dmax 3, where dmax (resp. dmax+) is the maximum degree of hyperedges (resp. hyperedges with positive cost). Another is a dmax+(rmax)-approximation algorithm for the SNDPHG, where (i)=j=1i(1/j) is the harmonic function and rmax is the maximum connectivity requirement.

  • On the Power of Non-deterministic Quantum Finite Automata

    Masaki NAKANISHI  Takao INDOH  Kiyoharu HAMAGUCHI  Toshinobu KASHIWABARA  


    E85-D No:2

    The class NQP was proposed as the class of problems that are solvable by non-deterministic quantum Turing machines in polynomial time. In this paper, we introduce non-deterministic quantum finite automata in which the same non-determinism as in non-deterministic quantum Turing machines is applied. We compare non-deterministic quantum finite automata with the classical counterparts, and show that (unlike the case of classical finite automata) the class of languages recognizable by non-deterministic quantum finite automata properly contains the class of all regular languages.

  • Technique for Improving Out-of-Band Characteristics of Planar Microwave Filters Using Tapped Resonators

    Kouji WADA  Kouichi NAKAGAWA  Osamu HASHIMOTO  Hiroshi HARADA  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E85-C No:2

    A simple method for improving out-of-band characteristics of a planar microwave filter is proposed. We clarify the close relationship among 'tap connection,' 'attenuation pole' and 'spurious responses' in filter design, theoretically and experimentally. Firstly, the basic characteristics of the resonator depending on the excitation method are examined. We show that skirt characteristics can be improved and spurious responses can be suppressed by using the tap connection technique. Secondly, the application examples of bandpass filters (BPFs) on the basis of the resonator with our principle are provided. It is confirmed that the resonator depending on the excitation method is useful for improving out-of-band characteristics of the planar microwave filter.

  • A 4GOPS 3 Way-VLIW Image Recognition Processor Based on a Configurable Media Processor

    Hiroyuki TAKANO  Takashi MIYAMORI  Yasuhiro TANIGUCHI  Yoshihisa KONDO  

    PAPER-Product Designs

    E85-C No:2

    A 4GOPS 3 way-VLIW image recognition processor for an automobile system has been developed. The processor is based on a configurable and extensible media processor enabling optimization for a specific application by means of design-time configuration. Using VLIW coprocessor extension, the processor can satisfy the performance requirements of the system. Overhead by VLIW-mode instructions is only 7%. The VLIW co-processor occupies only 12% of the die area. Thus, good cost-performance for media processing in each embedded system can be achieved by this configurable media processor.

  • Potential of Constructive Timing-Violation

    Toshinori SATO  Itsujiro ARITA  

    PAPER-High-Performance Technologies

    E85-C No:2

    This paper proposes constructive timing-violation (CTV) and evaluates its potential. It can be utilized both for increasing clock frequency and for reducing energy consumption. Increasing clock frequency over that determined by the critical paths causes timing violations. On the other hand, while supply voltage reduction can result in substantial power savings, it also causes larger gate delay and thus clock must be slow down in order not to violate timing constraints of critical paths. However, if any tolerant mechanisms are provided for the timing violations, it is not necessary to keep the constraints. Rather, the violations would be constructive for high clock frequency or for energy savings. From these observations, we propose the CTV, which is supported by the tolerant mechanism based on contemporary speculative execution mechanisms. We evaluate the CTV using a cycle-by-cycle simulator and present its considerably promising potential.

  • 200 MHz 128 Bit Synthesizable Core with SIMD Extension and Its Design Methodology

    Tatsuo TERUYAMA  Tetsuo KAMADA  Masashi SASAHARA  Shardul KAZI  


    E85-C No:2

    The strong demand for complex and high performance system-on-a-chip requires high performance microprocessor core and quick turn around design methodology. We have developed 128-bit synthesizable core processor and tile based quick turn around design methodology. It is 200 MHz MIPS compatible processor with 128-bit SIMD extension and is targeted for consumer electronics. We also developed an ASSP including the processor core, SDRAM controller, 2 PCI and 2 MAC mainly for network applications. For SOC development, we developed a tile based design methodology aiming at quick design convergence. The initial RTL design is synthesized and partitioned to several tiles by in-house tiling tool. It promises quick turn around from RTL design to tape out using the concurrency of the back-end design.

  • Dynamic-Storage-Based Logic-in-Memory Circuit and Its Application to a Fine-Grain Pipelined System

    Hiromitsu KIMURA  Takahiro HANYU  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  

    PAPER-Low-Power Technologies

    E85-C No:2

    A new logic-in-memory circuit is proposed for a fine-grain pipelined VLSI system. Dynamic-storage elements are distributed over a logic-circuit plane. A functional pass gate is a key component, where a linear summation and threshold function are merged compactly using charge-storage and charge-coupling effect with a DRAM-cell-based circuit structure. The use of dynamic logic based on pass-transistor network using functional pass gates makes it possible to realize any logic circuits compactly with small power dissipation. As a typical example, a 54-bit pipelined multiplier is implemented by using the proposed circuit technology. Its power dissipation and chip area are reduced to about 63 percent and 72 percent, respectively, in comparison with those of a corresponding binary CMOS implementation under 0.35-µm CMOS technology.

  • A Novel Rough Neural Network and Its Training Algorithm

    Sheng-He SUN  Xiao-Dan MEI  Zhao-Li ZHANG  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E85-D No:2

    A novel rough neural network (RNN) structure and its application are proposed in this paper. We principally introduce its architecture and training algorithms: the genetic training algorithm (GA) and the tabu search training algorithm (TSA). We first compare RNN with the conventional NN trained by the BP algorithm in two-dimensional data classification. Then we compare RNN with NN by the same training algorithm (TSA) in functional approximation. Experiment results show that the proposed RNN is more effective than NN, not only in computation time but also in performance.

  • A Note on Realtime One-Way Alternating and Deterministic Multi-Counter Automata

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  


    E85-D No:2

    This paper investigates the accepting powers of one-way alternating and deterministic multi-counter automata operating in realtime. We partially solve the open problem posed in [4], and show that for each k1, there is a language accepted by a realtime one-way deterministic (k+3)-counter automaton, but not accepted by any realtime one-way alternating k-counter automaton.

  • A Controller LSI for Realizing VDD-Hopping Scheme with Off-the-Shelf Processors and Its Application to MPEG4 System

    Hiroshi KAWAGUCHI  Gang ZHANG  Seongsoo LEE  Youngsoo SHIN  Takayasu SAKURAI  

    PAPER-Low-Power Technologies

    E85-C No:2

    An LSI has been fabricated and measured to demonstrate feasibility of VDD-hopping scheme in an embedded system level by executing MPEG4 CODEC. In the VDD-hopping, supply voltage of a processor is dynamically controlled by a hardware-software cooperative mechanism depending on workload of the processor. When the workload is about a half, the VDD-hopping is shown to reduce power to less than a quarter compared to the conventional fixed-VDD scheme. The power saving is achieved without degrading real-time features of MPEG4 CODEC.

  • Physical Design Methodology for On-Chip 64-Mb DRAM MPEG-2 Encoding with a Multimedia Processor

    Hidehiro TAKATA  Rei AKIYAMA  Tadao YAMANAKA  Haruyuki OHKUMA  Yasue SUETSUGU  Toshihiro KANAOKA  Satoshi KUMAKI  Kazuya ISHIHARA  Atsuo HANAMI  Tetsuya MATSUMURA  Tetsuya WATANABE  Yoshihide AJIOKA  Yoshio MATSUDA  Syuhei IWADE  

    PAPER-Product Designs

    E85-C No:2

    An on-chip, 64-Mb, embedded, DRAM MPEG-2 encoder LSI with a multimedia processor has been developed. To implement this large-scale and high-speed LSI, we have developed the hierarchical skew control of multi-clocks, with timing verification, in which cross-talk noise is considered, and simple measures taken against the IR drop in the power lines through decoupling capacitors. As a result, the target performance of 263 MHz at 1.5 V has been successfully attained and verified, the cross-talk noise has been considered, and, in addition, it has become possible to restrain the IR drop to 166 mV in the 162 MHz operation block.

  • Unrepeatered 40 Gbit/s-WDM Transmission Employing Aeff Managed Raman Amplification and CS-RZ Modulation

    Katsuhiro SHIMIZU  Naoki SUZUKI  Kaoru KINJO  Kazuyuki ISHIDA  Satoshi KAJIYA  Takashi MIZUOCHI  Kuniaki MOTOSHIMA  Yukio KOBAYASHI  Kumio KASAHARA  


    E85-B No:2

    Methodologies for more efficient Raman amplification and a more suitable modulation format for 40 Gbit/s WDM unrepeatered transmission are investigated. Management of the fiber effective area is proposed to realize low noise distributed Raman amplification. An Aeff management technique in which low-Aeff fiber is located in a median section instead of the last section, was confirmed numerically and experimentally to improve the OSNR and Q-factor. Carrier-suppressed-return-to-zero (CS-RZ) modulation has the advantage of reducing fiber-nonlinearity effects and permitting denser multiplexing of the wavelengths. 40 Gbit/s 32-channel unrepeatered WDM transmission over 202 km was demonstrated employing the proposed methodologies.

  • A Probabilistic Approach to Plane Extraction and Polyhedral Approximation of Range Data

    Caihua WANG  Hideki TANAHASHI  Hidekazu HIRAYU  Yoshinori NIWA  Kazuhiko YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E85-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose a probabilistic approach to derive an approximate polyhedral description from range data. We first compare several least-squares-based methods for estimation of local normal vectors and select the most robust one based on a reasonable noise model of the range data. Second, we extract the stable planar regions from the range data by examining the distributions of the local normal vectors together with their spatial information in the 2D range image. Instead of segmenting the range data completely, we use only the geometries of the extracted stable planar regions to derive a polyhedral description of the range data. The curved surfaces in the range data are approximated by their extracted plane patches. With a probabilistic approach, the proposed method can be expected to be robust against the noise. Experimental results on real range data from different sources show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • New Product-Sum Type Public-Key Cryptosystems with Selectable Encryption Key Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem

    Kiyoko KATAYANAGI  Yasuyuki MURAKAMI  Masao KASAHARA  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E85-A No:2

    Recently, Kasahara and Murakami proposed new product-sum type public-key cryptosystems with the Chinese remainder theorem, Methods B-II and B-IV. They also proposed a new technique of selectable encryption key, which is referred to as 'Home Page Method (HP Method).' In this paper, first, we describe Methods B-II and B-IV. Second, we propose an effective attack for Method B-II and discuss the security of Methods B-II and B-IV. Third, applying the HP Method to Methods B-II and B-IV, we propose new product-sum type PKC with selectable encryption key. Moreover, we discuss the security of the proposed cryptosystems.

  • Enhanced Mutual Exclusion Algorithm for Mobile Computing Environments

    Hyun Ho KIM  Sang Joon AHN  Tai Myoung CHUNG  Young Ik EOM  


    E85-D No:2

    The mobile computing system is a set of functions on a distributed environment organized to support mobile hosts. In this environment, mobile hosts should be able to move without any constraints and should remain connected to the network even while moving. Also, they should be able to get necessary information regardless of their current location and time. Distributed mutual exclusion methods for supporting distributed algorithms have hitherto been designed for networks only with static hosts. However, with the emergence of mobile computing environments, a new distributed mutual exclusion method needs to be developed for integrating mobile hosts with underlying distributed systems. In the sense, many issues that should be considered stem from three essential properties of mobile computing system such as wireless communication, portability, and mobility. Thus far, distributed mutual exclusion methods for mobile computing environments were designed based on a token ring structure, which has the drawback of requiring high costs in order to locate mobile hosts. In this paper, we propose not only a distributed mutual exclusion method that can reduce such costs by structuring the entire system as a tree-based logical structure but also recovery schemes that can be applied when a node failure occurs. Finally, we evaluate the operation costs for the mutual exclusion scheme and the recovery scheme.
