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  • Two New Families of Asymptotically Optimal Codebooks from Characters of Cyclic Groups

    Yang YAN  Yao YAO  Zhi CHEN  Qiuyan WANG  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E104-A No:8

    Codebooks with small inner-product correlation have applied in direct spread code division multiple access communications, space-time codes and compressed sensing. In general, it is difficult to construct optimal codebooks achieving the Welch bound or the Levenstein bound. This paper focuses on constructing asymptotically optimal codebooks with characters of cyclic groups. Based on the proposed constructions, two classes of asymptotically optimal codebooks with respect to the Welch bound are presented. In addition, parameters of these codebooks are new.

  • An Efficient Aircraft Boarding Strategy Considering Implementation

    Kenji UEHARA  Kunihiko HIRAISHI  Kokolo IKEDA  

    PAPER-Mathematical Systems Science

    E104-A No:8

    Boarding is the last step of aircraft turnaround and its completion in the shortest possible time is desired. In this paper, we propose a new boarding strategy that outperforms conventional strategies such as the back-to-front strategy and the outside-in strategy. The Steffen method is known as one of the most efficient boarding strategies in literature, but it is hard to be realized in the real situation because the complete sorting of passengers in a prescribed order is required. The proposed strategy shows a performance close to that of the Steffen method and can be easily implemented by using a special gate system.

  • A Statistical Trust for Detecting Malicious Nodes in IoT Sensor Networks

    Fang WANG  Zhe WEI  

    LETTER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E104-A No:8

    The unattended malicious nodes pose great security threats to the integrity of the IoT sensor networks. However, preventions such as cryptography and authentication are difficult to be deployed in resource constrained IoT sensor nodes with low processing capabilities and short power supply. To tackle these malicious sensor nodes, in this study, the trust computing method is applied into the IoT sensor networks as a light weight security mechanism, and based on the theory of Chebyshev Polynomials for the approximation of time series, the trust data sequence generated by each sensor node is linearized and treated as a time series for malicious node detection. The proposed method is evaluated against existing schemes using several simulations and the results demonstrate that our method can better deal with malicious nodes resulting in higher correct packet delivery rate.

  • Nonvolatile Field-Programmable Gate Array Using a Standard-Cell-Based Design Flow

    Daisuke SUZUKI  Takahiro HANYU  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E104-D No:8

    A nonvolatile field-programmable gate array (NV-FPGA), where the circuit-configuration information still remains without power supply, offers a powerful solution against the standby power issue. In this paper, an NV-FPGA is proposed where the programmable logic and interconnect function blocks are described in a hardware description language and are pushed through a standard-cell-based design flow with nonvolatile flip-flops. The use of the standard-cell-based design flow makes it possible to migrate any arbitrary process technology and to perform architecture-level simulation with physical information. As a typical example, the proposed NV-FPGA is designed under 55nm CMOS/100nm magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) technologies, and the performance of the proposed NV-FPGA is evaluated in comparison with that of a CMOS-only volatile FPGA.

  • Capsule Network with Shortcut Routing Open Access

    Thanh Vu DANG  Hoang Trong VO  Gwang Hyun YU  Jin Young KIM  


    E104-A No:8

    Capsules are fundamental informative units that are introduced into capsule networks to manipulate the hierarchical presentation of patterns. The part-hole relationship of an entity is learned through capsule layers, using a routing-by-agreement mechanism that is approximated by a voting procedure. Nevertheless, existing routing methods are computationally inefficient. We address this issue by proposing a novel routing mechanism, namely “shortcut routing”, that directly learns to activate global capsules from local capsules. In our method, the number of operations in the routing procedure is reduced by omitting the capsules in intermediate layers, resulting in lighter routing. To further address the computational problem, we investigate an attention-based approach, and propose fuzzy coefficients, which have been found to be efficient than mixture coefficients from EM routing. Our method achieves on-par classification results on the Mnist (99.52%), smallnorb (93.91%), and affNist (89.02%) datasets. Compared to EM routing, our fuzzy-based and attention-based routing methods attain reductions of 1.42 and 2.5 in terms of the number of calculations.

  • Optimization and Combination of Scientific and Technological Resource Services Based on Multi-Community Collaborative Search

    Yida HONG  Yanlei YIN  Cheng GUO  Xiaobao LIU  


    E104-D No:8

    Many scientific and technological resources (STR) cannot meet the needs of real demand-based industrial services. To address this issue, the characteristics of scientific and technological resource services (STRS) are analyzed, and a method of the optimal combination of demand-based STR based on multi-community collaborative search is then put forward. An optimal combined evaluative system that includes various indexes, namely response time, innovation, composability, and correlation, is developed for multi-services of STR, and a hybrid optimal combined model for STR is constructed. An evaluative algorithm of multi-community collaborative search is used to study the interactions between general communities and model communities, thereby improving the adaptive ability of the algorithm to random dynamic resource services. The average convergence value CMCCSA=0.00274 is obtained by the convergence measurement function, which exceeds other comparison algorithms. The findings of this study indicate that the proposed methods can preferably reach the maximum efficiency of demand-based STR, and new ideas and methods for implementing demand-based real industrial services for STR are provided.

  • Construction of Multiple-Valued Bent Functions Using Subsets of Coefficients in GF and RMF Domains

    Milo&scaron M. RADMANOVIĆ  Radomir S. STANKOVIĆ  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E104-D No:8

    Multiple-valued bent functions are functions with highest nonlinearity which makes them interesting for multiple-valued cryptography. Since the general structure of bent functions is still unknown, methods for construction of bent functions are often based on some deterministic criteria. For practical applications, it is often necessary to be able to construct a bent function that does not belong to any specific class of functions. Thus, the criteria for constructions are combined with exhaustive search over all possible functions which can be very CPU time consuming. A solution is to restrict the search space by some conditions that should be satisfied by the produced bent functions. In this paper, we proposed the construction method based on spectral subsets of multiple-valued bent functions satisfying certain appropriately formulated restrictions in Galois field (GF) and Reed-Muller-Fourier (RMF) domains. Experimental results show that the proposed method efficiently constructs ternary and quaternary bent functions by using these restrictions.

  • A Fast Algorithm for Liquid Voting on Blockchain

    Xiaoping ZHOU  Peng LI  Yulong ZENG  Xuepeng FAN  Peng LIU  Toshiaki MIYAZAKI  


    E104-D No:8

    Blockchain-based voting, including liquid voting, has been extensively studied in recent years. However, it remains challenging to implement liquid voting on blockchain using Ethereum smart contract. The challenge comes from the gas limit, which is that the number of instructions for processing a ballot cannot exceed a certain amount. This restricts the application scenario with respect to algorithms whose time complexity is linear to the number of voters, i.e., O(n). As the blockchain technology can well share and reuse the resources, we study a model of liquid voting on blockchain and propose a fast algorithm, named Flash, to eliminate the restriction. The key idea behind our algorithm is to shift some on-chain process to off-chain. In detail, we first construct a Merkle tree off-chain which contains all voters' properties. Second, we use Merkle proof and interval tree to process each ballot with O(log n) on-chain time complexity. Theoretically, the algorithm can support up to 21000 voters with respect to the current gas limit on Ethereum. Experimentally, the result implies that the consumed gas fee remains at a very low level when the number of voters increases. This means our algorithm makes liquid voting on blockchain practical even for massive voters.

  • Cross-Domain Energy Consumption Prediction via ED-LSTM Networks

    Ye TAO  Fang KONG  Wenjun JU  Hui LI  Ruichun HOU  


    E104-D No:8

    As an important type of science and technology service resource, energy consumption data play a vital role in the process of value chain integration between home appliance manufacturers and the state grid. Accurate electricity consumption prediction is essential for demand response programs in smart grid planning. The vast majority of existing prediction algorithms only exploit data belonging to a single domain, i.e., historical electricity load data. However, dependencies and correlations may exist among different domains, such as the regional weather condition and local residential/industrial energy consumption profiles. To take advantage of cross-domain resources, a hybrid energy consumption prediction framework is presented in this paper. This framework combines the long short-term memory model with an encoder-decoder unit (ED-LSTM) to perform sequence-to-sequence forecasting. Extensive experiments are conducted with several of the most commonly used algorithms over integrated cross-domain datasets. The results indicate that the proposed multistep forecasting framework outperforms most of the existing approaches.

  • Logarithmic Regret for Distributed Online Subgradient Method over Unbalanced Directed Networks

    Makoto YAMASHITA  Naoki HAYASHI  Takeshi HATANAKA  Shigemasa TAKAI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E104-A No:8

    This paper investigates a constrained distributed online optimization problem over strongly connected communication networks, where a local cost function of each agent varies in time due to environmental factors. We propose a distributed online projected subgradient method over unbalanced directed networks. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by a regret which is defined by the error between the cumulative cost over time and the cost of the optimal strategy in hindsight. We show that a logarithmic regret bound can be achieved for strongly convex cost functions. We also demonstrate the validity of the proposed method through a numerical example on distributed estimation over a diffusion field.

  • An Efficient Deep Learning Based Coarse-to-Fine Cephalometric Landmark Detection Method

    Yu SONG  Xu QIAO  Yutaro IWAMOTO  Yen-Wei CHEN  Yili CHEN  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E104-D No:8

    Accurate and automatic quantitative cephalometry analysis is of great importance in orthodontics. The fundamental step for cephalometry analysis is to annotate anatomic-interested landmarks on X-ray images. Computer-aided automatic method remains to be an open topic nowadays. In this paper, we propose an efficient deep learning-based coarse-to-fine approach to realize accurate landmark detection. In the coarse detection step, we train a deep learning-based deformable transformation model by using training samples. We register test images to the reference image (one training image) using the trained model to predict coarse landmarks' locations on test images. Thus, regions of interest (ROIs) which include landmarks can be located. In the fine detection step, we utilize trained deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), to detect landmarks in ROI patches. For each landmark, there is one corresponding neural network, which directly does regression to the landmark's coordinates. The fine step can be considered as a refinement or fine-tuning step based on the coarse detection step. We validated the proposed method on public dataset from 2015 International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) grand challenge. Compared with the state-of-the-art method, we not only achieved the comparable detection accuracy (the mean radial error is about 1.0-1.6mm), but also largely shortened the computation time (4 seconds per image).

  • Mutual Information Approximation Based Polar Code Design for 4Tb/in2 2D-ISI Channels

    Lingjun KONG  Haiyang LIU  Jin TIAN  Shunwai ZHANG  Shengmei ZHAO  Yi FANG  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:8

    In this letter, a method for the construction of polar codes based on the mutual information approximation (MIA) is proposed for the 4Tb/in2 two-dimensional inter-symbol interference (2D-ISI) channels, such as the bit-patterned magnetic recording (BPMR) and two-dimensional magnetic recording (TDMR). The basic idea is to exploit the MIA between the input and output of a 2D detector to establish a log-likelihood ratio (LLR) distribution model based on the MIA results, which compensates the gap caused by the 2D ISI channel. Consequently, the polar codes obtained by the optimization techniques previously developed for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels can also have satisfactory performances over 2D-ISI channels. Simulated results show that the proposed polar codes can outperform the polar codes constructed by the traditional methods over 4Tb/in2 2D-ISI channels.

  • Spatial Degrees of Freedom Exploration and Analog Beamforming Designs for Signature Spatial Modulation

    Yuwen CAO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E104-B No:8

    In this paper, we focus on developing efficient multi-configuration selection mechanisms by exploiting the spatial degrees of freedom (DoF), and leveraging the simple design benefits of spatial modulation (SM). Notably, the SM technique, as well as its variants, faces the following critical challenges: (i) the performance degradation and difficulty in improving the system performance for higher-level QAM constellations, and (ii) the vast complexity cost in precoder designs particularly for the increasing system dimension and amplitude-phase modulation (APM) constellation dimension. Given this situation, we first investigate two independent modulation domains, i.e., the original signal- and spatial-constellations. By exploiting the analog shift weighting and the virtual spatial signature technologies, we introduce the signature spatial modulation (SSM) concept, which is capable of guaranteing superior trade-offs among spectral- and cost-efficiencies, and system bit error rate (BER) performance. Besides, we develop an analog beamforming for SSM by solving the introduced unconstrained Lagrange dual function minimization problem. Numerical results manifest the performance gain brought by our developed analog beamforming for SSM.

  • Heuristic Approach to Distributed Server Allocation with Preventive Start-Time Optimization against Server Failure

    Souhei YANASE  Shuto MASUDA  Fujun HE  Akio KAWABATA  Eiji OKI  


    E104-B No:8

    This paper presents a distributed server allocation model with preventive start-time optimization against a single server failure. The presented model preventively determines the assignment of servers to users under each failure pattern to minimize the largest maximum delay among all failure patterns. We formulate the proposed model as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem. We prove the NP-completeness of the considered problem. As the number of users and that of servers increase, the size of ILP problem increases; the computation time to solve the ILP problem becomes excessively large. We develop a heuristic approach that applies simulated annealing and the ILP approach in a hybrid manner to obtain the solution. Numerical results reveal that the developed heuristic approach reduces the computation time by 26% compared to the ILP approach while increasing the largest maximum delay by just 3.4% in average. It reduces the largest maximum delay compared with the start-time optimization model; it avoids the instability caused by the unnecessary disconnection permitted by the run-time optimization model.

  • Out-of-Bound Signal Demapping for Lattice Reduction-Aided Iterative Linear Receivers in Overloaded MIMO Systems

    Takuya FUJIWARA  Satoshi DENNO  Yafei HOU  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E104-B No:8

    This paper proposes out-of-bound signal demapping for lattice reduction-aided iterative linear receivers in overloaded MIMO channels. While lattice reduction aided linear receivers sometimes output hard-decision signals that are not contained in the modulation constellation, the proposed demapping converts those hard-decision signals into binary digits that can be mapped onto the modulation constellation. Even though the proposed demapping can be implemented with almost no additional complexity, the proposed demapping achieves more gain as the linear reception is iterated. Furthermore, we show that the transmission performance depends on bit mapping in modulations such as the Gray mapping and the natural mapping. The transmission performance is confirmed by computer simulation in a 6 × 2 MIMO system, i.e., the overloading ratio of 3. One of the proposed demapping called “modulo demapping” attains a gain of about 2 dB at the packet error rate (PER) of 10-1 when the 64QAM is applied.

  • Single-Mode Condition of Chalcogenide Glass Channel Waveguides for Integrated Optical Devices Operated across the Astronomical N-Band

    Takashi YASUI  Jun-ichiro SUGISAKA  Koichi HIRAYAMA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Optoelectronics

    E104-C No:8

    In this study, we conduct guided mode analyses for chalcogenide glass channel waveguides using As2Se3 core and As2S3 lower cladding to determine their single-mode conditions across the astronomical N-band (8-12µm). The results reveal that a single-mode operation over the band can be achieved by choosing a suitable core-thickness.

  • Preparation Copper Sulfide Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Liquid and Optical Properties

    Kazuki ISODA  Ryuga YANAGIHARA  Yoshitaka KITAMOTO  Masahiko HARA  Hiroyuki WADA  

    BRIEF PAPER-Ultrasonic Electronics

    E104-C No:8

    Copper sulfide nanoparticles were successfully prepared by laser ablation in liquid. CuS powders in deionized water were irradiated with nanosecond-pulsed laser (Nd:YAG, SHG) to prepare nanoparticles. Prepared nanoparticles were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic light scattering (DLS) and fluorospectrometer. According to the results of SEM and DLS, the primary and secondary particle size was decreased with the increase in laser fluence of laser ablation in liquid. The ratio of Cu and S of prepared nanoparticles were not changed. The absorbance of prepared copper sulfide nanoparticles in water was increased with the increase in laser fluence.

  • Classification Functions for Handwritten Digit Recognition

    Tsutomu SASAO  Yuto HORIKAWA  Yukihiro IGUCHI  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E104-D No:8

    A classification function maps a set of vectors into several classes. A machine learning problem is treated as a design problem for partially defined classification functions. To realize classification functions for MNIST hand written digits, three different architectures are considered: Single-unit realization, 45-unit realization, and 45-unit ×r realization. The 45-unit realization consists of 45 ternary classifiers, 10 counters, and a max selector. Test accuracy of these architectures are compared using MNIST data set.

  • Energy-Efficient ECG Signals Outlier Detection Hardware Using a Sparse Robust Deep Autoencoder

    Naoto SOGA  Shimpei SATO  Hiroki NAKAHARA  

    PAPER-Logic Design

    E104-D No:8

    Advancements in portable electrocardiographs have allowed electrocardiogram (ECG) signals to be recorded in everyday life. Machine-learning techniques, including deep learning, have been used in numerous studies to analyze ECG signals because they exhibit superior performance to conventional methods. A mobile ECG analysis device is needed so that abnormal ECG waves can be detected anywhere. Such mobile device requires a real-time performance and low power consumption, however, deep-learning based models often have too many parameters to implement on mobile hardware, its amount of hardware is too large and dissipates much power consumption. We propose a design flow to implement the outlier detector using an autoencoder on a low-end FPGA. To shorten the preparation time of ECG data used in training an autoencoder, an unsupervised learning technique is applied. Additionally, to minimize the volume of the weight parameters, a weight sparseness technique is applied, and all the parameters are converted into fixed-point values. We show that even if the parameters are reduced converted into fixed-point values, the outlier detection performance degradation is only 0.83 points. By reducing the volume of the weight parameters, all the parameters can be stored in on-chip memory. We design the architecture according to the CRS format, which is the well-known data structure of a sparse matrix, minimizing the hardware size and reducing the power consumption. We use weight sharing to further reduce the weight-parameter volumes. By using weight sharing, we could reduce the bit width of the memories by 60% while maintaining the outlier detection performance. We implemented the autoencoder on a Digilent Inc. ZedBoard and compared the results with those for the ARM mobile CPU for a built-in device. The results indicated that our FPGA implementation of the outlier detector was 12 times faster and 106 times more energy-efficient.

  • A ΔΣ-Modulation Feedforward Network for Non-Binary Analog-to-Digital Converters

    Takao WAHO  Tomoaki KOIZUMI  Hitoshi HAYASHI  

    PAPER-Circuit Technologies

    E104-D No:8

    A feedforward (FF) network using ΔΣ modulators is investigated to implement a non-binary analog-to-digital (A/D) converter. Weighting coefficients in the network are determined to suppress the generation of quantization noise. A moving average is adopted to prevent the analog signal amplitude from increasing beyond the allowable input range of the modulators. The noise transfer function is derived and used to estimate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The FF network output is a non-uniformly distributed multi-level signal, which results in a better SNR than a uniformly distributed one. Also, the effect of the characteristic mismatch in analog components on the SNR is analyzed. Our behavioral simulations show that the SNR is improved by more than 30 dB, or equivalently a bit resolution of 5 bits, compared with a conventional first-order ΔΣ modulator.
