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  • Time-Optimal Self-Stabilizing Leader Election on Rings in Population Protocols Open Access

    Daisuke YOKOTA  Yuichi SUDO  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E104-A No:12

    We propose a self-stabilizing leader election protocol on directed rings in the model of population protocols. Given an upper bound N on the population size n, the proposed protocol elects a unique leader within O(nN) expected steps starting from any configuration and uses O(N) states. This convergence time is optimal if a given upper bound N is asymptotically tight, i.e., N=O(n).

  • Fragmentation-Minimized Periodic Network-Bandwidth Expansion Employing Aligned Channel Slot Allocation in Flexible Grid Optical Networks

    Hiroshi HASEGAWA  Takuma YASUDA  Yojiro MORI  Ken-ichi SATO  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E104-B No:12

    We propose an efficient network upgrade and expansion method that can make the most of the next generation channel resources to accommodate further increases in traffic. Semi-flexible grid configuration and two cost metrics are introduced to establish a regularity in frequency assignment and minimize disturbance in the upgrade process; both reduce the fragmentation in frequency assignment and the number of fibers necessary. Various investigations of different configurations elucidate that the number of fibers necessary is reduced about 10-15% for any combination of upgrade scenario, channel frequency bandwidth, and topology adopted.

  • Representation Learning of Tongue Dynamics for a Silent Speech Interface

    Hongcui WANG  Pierre ROUSSEL  Bruce DENBY  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E104-D No:12

    A Silent Speech Interface (SSI) is a sensor-based, Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled system in which articulation is performed without the use of the vocal chords, resulting in a voice interface that conserves the ambient audio environment, protects private data, and also functions in noisy environments. Though portable SSIs based on ultrasound imaging of the tongue have obtained Word Error Rates rivaling that of acoustic speech recognition, SSIs remain relegated to the laboratory due to stability issues. Indeed, reliable extraction of acoustic features from ultrasound tongue images in real-life situations has proven elusive. Recently, Representation Learning has shown considerable success in learning underlying structure in noisy, high-dimensional raw data. In its unsupervised form, Representation Learning is able to reveal structure in unlabeled data, thus greatly simplifying the data preparation task. In the present article, a 3D Convolutional Neural Network architecture is applied to unlabeled ultrasound images, and is shown to reliably predict future tongue configurations. By comparing the 3DCNN to a simple previous-frame predictor, it is possible to recognize tongue trajectories comprising transitions between regions of stability that correlate with formant trajectories in a spectrogram of the signal. Prospects for using the underlying structural representation to provide features for subsequent speech processing tasks are presented.

  • Solving 3D Container Loading Problems Using Physics Simulation for Genetic Algorithm Evaluation

    Shuhei NISHIYAMA  Chonho LEE  Tomohiro MASHITA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:11

    In this work, an optimization method for the 3D container loading problem with multiple constraints is proposed. The method consists of a genetic algorithm to generate an arrangement of cargo and a fitness evaluation using a physics simulation. The fitness function considers not only the maximization of the container density and fitness value but also several different constraints such as weight, stack-ability, fragility, and orientation of cargo pieces. We employed a container shaking simulation for the fitness evaluation to include constraint effects during loading and transportation. We verified that the proposed method successfully provides the optimal cargo arrangement for small-scale problems with about 10 pieces of cargo.

  • Research on DoS Attacks Intrusion Detection Model Based on Multi-Dimensional Space Feature Vector Expansion K-Means Algorithm

    Lijun GAO  Zhenyi BIAN  Maode MA  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E104-B No:11

    DoS (Denial of Service) attacks are becoming one of the most serious security threats to global networks. We analyze the existing DoS detection methods and defense mechanisms in depth. In recent years, K-Means and improved variants have been widely examined for security intrusion detection, but the detection accuracy to data is not satisfactory. In this paper we propose a multi-dimensional space feature vector expansion K-Means model to detect threats in the network environment. The model uses a genetic algorithm to optimize the weight of K-Means multi-dimensional space feature vector, which greatly improves the detection rate against 6 typical Dos attacks. Furthermore, in order to verify the correctness of the model, this paper conducts a simulation on the NSL-KDD data set. The results show that the algorithm of multi-dimensional space feature vectors expansion K-Means improves the recognition accuracy to 96.88%. Furthermore, 41 kinds of feature vectors in NSL-KDD are analyzed in detail according to a large number of experimental training. The feature vector of the probability positive return of security attack detection is accurately extracted, and a comparison chart is formed to support subsequent research. A theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the multi-dimensional space feature vector expansion K-Means algorithm has a good application in the detection of DDos attacks.

  • Signature Codes to Remove Interference Light in Synchronous Optical Code-Division Multiple Access Systems Open Access

    Tomoko K. MATSUSHIMA  Shoichiro YAMASAKI  Kyohei ONO  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:11

    This paper proposes a new class of signature codes for synchronous optical code-division multiple access (CDMA) and describes a general method for construction of the codes. The proposed codes can be obtained from generalized modified prime sequence codes (GMPSCs) based on extension fields GF(q), where q=pm, p is a prime number, and m is a positive integer. It has been reported that optical CDMA systems using GMPSCs remove not only multi-user interference but also optical interference (e.g., background light) with a constant intensity during a slot of length q2. Recently, the authors have reported that optical CDMA systems using GMPSCs also remove optical interference with intensity varying by blocks with a length of q. The proposed codes, referred to as p-chip codes in general and chip-pair codes in particular for the case of p=2, have the property of removing interference light with an intensity varying by shorter blocks with a length of p without requiring additional equipment. The present paper also investigates the algebraic properties and applications of the proposed codes.

  • Deployment and Reconfiguration for Balanced 5G Core Network Slices Open Access

    Xin LU  Xiang WANG  Lin PANG  Jiayi LIU  Qinghai YANG  Xingchen SONG  

    PAPER-Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications

    E104-A No:11

    Network Slicing (NS) is recognized as a key technology for the 5G network in providing tailored network services towards various types of verticals over a shared physical infrastructure. It offers the flexibility of on-demand provisioning of diverse services based on tenants' requirements in a dynamic environment. In this work, we focus on two important issues related to 5G Core slices: the deployment and the reconfiguration of 5G Core NSs. Firstly, for slice deployment, balancing the workloads of the underlying network is beneficial in mitigating resource fragmentation for accommodating the future unknown network slice requests. In this vein, we formulate a load-balancing oriented 5G Core NS deployment problem through an Integer Linear Program (ILP) formulation. Further, for slice reconfiguration, we propose a reactive strategy to accommodate a rejected NS request by reorganizing the already-deployed NSs. Typically, the NS deployment algorithm is reutilized with slacked physical resources to find out the congested part of the network, due to which the NS is rejected. Then, these congested physical nodes and links are reconfigured by migrating virtual network functions and virtual links, to re-balance the utilization of the whole physical network. To evaluate the performance of deployment and reconfiguration algorithms we proposed, extensive simulations have been conducted. The results show that our deployment algorithm performs better in resource balancing, hence achieves higher acceptance ratio by comparing to existing works. Moreover, our reconfiguration algorithm improves resource utilization by accommodating more NSs in a dynamic environment.

  • m-to-1 Mappings over Finite Fields Fq

    You GAO  Yun-Fei YAO  Lin-Zhi SHEN  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E104-A No:11

    Permutation polynomials over finite fields have been widely studied due to their important applications in mathematics and cryptography. In recent years, 2-to-1 mappings over finite fields were proposed to build almost perfect nonlinear functions, bent functions, and the semi-bent functions. In this paper, we generalize the 2-to-1 mappings to m-to-1 mappings, including their construction methods. Some applications of m-to-1 mappings are also discussed.

  • A Simple and Compact Planar Balun with Slit Ground

    Ryosuke SUGA  Kazuto OSHIMA  Tomoki UWANO  

    BRIEF PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E104-C No:11

    In this paper, a planar balun having simple and compact features with slit ground was proposed. The operating frequency can be designed by the length and position of the defected ground slits. The 20 dB bandwidth of the common mode rejection ratio of the measuring balun was over 90%.

  • Evaluation Metrics for the Cost of Data Movement in Deep Neural Network Acceleration

    Hongjie XU  Jun SHIOMI  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E104-A No:11

    Hardware accelerators are designed to support a specialized processing dataflow for everchanging deep neural networks (DNNs) under various processing environments. This paper introduces two hardware properties to describe the cost of data movement in each memory hierarchy. Based on the hardware properties, this paper proposes a set of evaluation metrics that are able to evaluate the number of memory accesses and the required memory capacity according to the specialized processing dataflow. Proposed metrics are able to analytically predict energy, throughput, and area of a hardware design without detailed implementation. Once a processing dataflow and constraints of hardware resources are determined, the proposed evaluation metrics quickly quantify the expected hardware benefits, thereby reducing design time.

  • Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Industrial Network Congestion Control

    Zhentian WU  Feng YAN  Zhihua YANG  Jingya YANG  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E104-D No:11

    This paper studies using price incentives to shift bandwidth demand from peak to non-peak periods. In particular, cost discounts decrease as peak monthly usage increases. We take into account the delay sensitivity of different apps: during peak hours, the usage of hard real-time applications (HRAS) is not counted in the user's monthly data cap, while the usage of other applications (OAS) is counted in the user's monthly data cap. As a result, users may voluntarily delay or abandon OAS in order to get a higher fee discount. Then, a new data rate control algorithm is proposed. The algorithm allocates the data rate according to the priority of the source, which is determined by two factors: (I) the allocated data rate; and (II) the waiting time.

  • Frank-Wolfe Algorithm for Learning SVM-Type Multi-Category Classifiers

    Kenya TAJIMA  Yoshihiro HIROHASHI  Esmeraldo ZARA  Tsuyoshi KATO  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E104-D No:11

    The multi-category support vector machine (MC-SVM) is one of the most popular machine learning algorithms. There are numerous MC-SVM variants, although different optimization algorithms were developed for diverse learning machines. In this study, we developed a new optimization algorithm that can be applied to several MC-SVM variants. The algorithm is based on the Frank-Wolfe framework that requires two subproblems, direction-finding and line search, in each iteration. The contribution of this study is the discovery that both subproblems have a closed form solution if the Frank-Wolfe framework is applied to the dual problem. Additionally, the closed form solutions on both the direction-finding and line search exist even for the Moreau envelopes of the loss functions. We used several large datasets to demonstrate that the proposed optimization algorithm rapidly converges and thereby improves the pattern recognition performance.

  • Analysis against Security Issues of Voice over 5G

    Hyungjin CHO  Seongmin PARK  Youngkwon PARK  Bomin CHOI  Dowon KIM  Kangbin YIM  


    E104-D No:11

    In Feb 2021, As the competition for commercialization of 5G mobile communication has been increasing, 5G SA Network and Vo5G are expected to be commercialized soon. 5G mobile communication aims to provide 20 Gbps transmission speed which is 20 times faster than 4G mobile communication, connection of at least 1 million devices per 1 km2, and 1 ms transmission delay which is 10 times shorter than 4G. To meet this, various technological developments were required, and various technologies such as Massive MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output), mmWave, and small cell network were developed and applied in the area of 5G access network. However, in the core network area, the components constituting the LTE (Long Term Evolution) core network are utilized as they are in the NSA (Non-Standalone) architecture, and only the changes in the SA (Standalone) architecture have occurred. Also, in the network area for providing the voice service, the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) infrastructure is still used in the SA architecture. Here, the issue is that while 5G mobile communication is evolving openly to provide various services, security elements are vulnerable to various cyber-attacks because they maintain the same form as before. Therefore, in this paper, we will look at what the network standard for 5G voice service provision consists of, and what are the vulnerable problems in terms of security. And We Suggest Possible Attack Scenario using Security Issue, We also want to consider whether these problems can actually occur and what is the countermeasure.

  • Usage Log-Based Testing of Embedded Software and Identification of Dependencies among Environmental Components

    Sooyong JEONG  Sungdeok CHA  Woo Jin LEE  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E104-D No:11

    Embedded software often interacts with multiple inputs from various sensors whose dependency is often complex or partially known to developers. With incomplete information on dependency, testing is likely to be insufficient in detecting errors. We propose a method to enhance testing coverage of embedded software by identifying subtle and often neglected dependencies using information contained in usage log. Usage log, traditionally used primarily for investigative purpose following accidents, can also make useful contribution during testing of embedded software. Our approach relies on first individually developing behavioral model for each environmental input, performing compositional analysis while identifying feasible but untested dependencies from usage log, and generating additional test cases that correspond to untested or insufficiently tested dependencies. Experimental evaluation was performed on an Android application named Gravity Screen as well as an Arduino-based wearable glove app. Whereas conventional CTM-based testing technique achieved average branch coverage of 26% and 68% on these applications, respectively, proposed technique achieved 100% coverage in both.

  • A Beam-Switchable Self-Oscillating Active Integrated Array Antenna Using Gunn Oscillator and Magic-T

    Maodudul HASAN  Eisuke NISHIYAMA  Ichihiko TOYODA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E104-B No:11

    Herein, a novel self-oscillating active integrated array antenna (AIAA) is proposed for beam switching X-band applications. The proposed AIAA comprises four linearly polarized microstrip antenna elements, a Gunn oscillator, two planar magic-Ts, and two single-pole single-throw (SPST) switches. The in/anti-phase signal combination approach employing planar magic-Ts is adopted to attain bidirectional radiation patterns in the φ =90° plane with a simple structure. The proposed antenna can switch its beam using the SPST switches. The antenna is analyzed through simulations, and a prototype of the antenna is fabricated and tested to validate the concept. The proposed concept is found to be feasible; the prototype has an effective isotropic radiated power of +15.98dBm, radiated power level of +4.28dBm, and cross-polarization suppression of better than 15dB. The measured radiation patterns are in good agreement with the simulation results.

  • Low-Power Reconfigurable Architecture of Elliptic Curve Cryptography for IoT

    Xianghong HU  Hongmin HUANG  Xin ZHENG  Yuan LIU  Xiaoming XIONG  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E104-C No:11

    Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), one of the asymmetric cryptography, is widely used in practical security applications, especially in the Internet of Things (IoT) applications. This paper presents a low-power reconfigurable architecture for ECC, which is capable of resisting simple power analysis attacks (SPA) and can be configured to support all of point operations and modular operations on 160/192/224/256-bit field orders over GF(p). Point multiplication (PM) is the most complex and time-consuming operation of ECC, while modular multiplication (MM) and modular division (MD) have high computational complexity among modular operations. For decreasing power dissipation and increasing reconfigurable capability, a Reconfigurable Modular Multiplication Algorithm and Reconfigurable Modular Division Algorithm are proposed, and MM and MD are implemented by two adder units. Combining with the optimization of operation scheduling of PM, on 55 nm CMOS ASIC platform, the proposed architecture takes 0.96, 1.37, 1.87, 2.44 ms and consumes 8.29, 11.86, 16.20, 21.13 uJ to perform one PM on 160-bit, 192-bit, 224-bit, 256-bit field orders. It occupies 56.03 k gate area and has a power of 8.66 mW. The implementation results demonstrate that the proposed architecture outperforms the other contemporary designs reported in the literature in terms of area and configurability.

  • Electromagnetic Field Theory Interpretation on Light Extraction of Organic Light Emitting Diodes (OLEDs)

    Yoshinari ISHIDO  Wataru MIZUTANI  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E104-C No:11

    Focusing on the planar slab structure of OLEDs, it is found the threshold value of the in-plane wave number at which the spectrum component of the electromagnetic field at the outermost boundary is divided into a radiation mode and a guided (confined) mode. This is equivalent to the total reflection condition in the ray optics. The spectral integral of the Poynting power was calculated from the boundary values of the electromagnetic fields in each. Both become average power and reactive power respectively, and the sum of them becomes the total volt-amperes from the light emitting dipole. Therefore, the ratio of average power to this total is the power factor that can be a quantitative index of light extraction.

  • Joint Wireless and Computational Resource Allocation Based on Hierarchical Game for Mobile Edge Computing

    Weiwei XIA  Zhuorui LAN  Lianfeng SHEN  


    E104-B No:11

    In this paper, we propose a hierarchical Stackelberg game based resource allocation algorithm (HGRAA) to jointly allocate the wireless and computational resources of a mobile edge computing (MEC) system. The proposed HGRAA is composed of two levels: the lower-level evolutionary game (LEG) minimizes the cost of mobile terminals (MTs), and the upper-level exact potential game (UEPG) maximizes the utility of MEC servers. At the lower-level, the MTs are divided into delay-sensitive MTs (DSMTs) and non-delay-sensitive MTs (NDSMTs) according to their different quality of service (QoS) requirements. The competition among DSMTs and NDSMTs in different service areas to share the limited available wireless and computational resources is formulated as a dynamic evolutionary game. The dynamic replicator is applied to obtain the evolutionary equilibrium so as to minimize the costs imposed on MTs. At the upper level, the exact potential game is formulated to solve the resource sharing problem among MEC servers and the resource sharing problem is transferred to nonlinear complementarity. The existence of Nash equilibrium (NE) is proved and is obtained through the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition. Simulations illustrate that substantial performance improvements such as average utility and the resource utilization of MEC servers can be achieved by applying the proposed HGRAA. Moreover, the cost of MTs is significantly lower than other existing algorithms with the increasing size of input data, and the QoS requirements of different kinds of MTs are well guaranteed in terms of average delay and transmission data rate.

  • Analysis of Signal Distribution in ASE-Limited Optical On-Off Keying Direct-Detection Systems


    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E104-B No:11

    This paper provides on a theoretical and numerical study of the probability density function (PDF) of the on-off keying (OOK) signals in ASE-limited systems. We present simple closed formulas of PDFs for the optical intensity and the received baseband signal. To confirm the validity of our model, the calculation results yielded by the proposed formulas are compared with those of numerical simulations and the conventional Gaussian model. Our theoretical and numerical results confirm that the signal distribution differs from a Gaussian profile. It is also demonstrated that our model can properly evaluate the signal distribution and the resultant BER performance, especially for systems with an optical bandwidth close to the receiver baseband width.

  • Gait Phase Partitioning and Footprint Detection Using Mutually Constrained Piecewise Linear Approximation with Dynamic Programming

    Makoto YASUKAWA  Yasushi MAKIHARA  Toshinori HOSOI  Masahiro KUBO  Yasushi YAGI  

    PAPER-Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology

    E104-D No:11

    Human gait analysis has been widely used in medical and health fields. It is essential to extract spatio-temporal gait features (e.g., single support duration, step length, and toe angle) by partitioning the gait phase and estimating the footprint position/orientation in such fields. Therefore, we propose a method to partition the gait phase given a foot position sequence using mutually constrained piecewise linear approximation with dynamic programming, which not only represents normal gait well but also pathological gait without training data. We also propose a method to detect footprints by accumulating toe edges on the floor plane during stance phases, which enables us to detect footprints more clearly than a conventional method. Finally, we extract four spatial/temporal gait parameters for accuracy evaluation: single support duration, double support duration, toe angle, and step length. We conducted experiments to validate the proposed method using two types of gait patterns, that is, healthy and mimicked hemiplegic gait, from 10 subjects. We confirmed that the proposed method could estimate the spatial/temporal gait parameters more accurately than a conventional skeleton-based method regardless of the gait pattern.
