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  • Health Indicator Estimation by Video-Based Gait Analysis

    Ruochen LIAO  Kousuke MORIWAKI  Yasushi MAKIHARA  Daigo MURAMATSU  Noriko TAKEMURA  Yasushi YAGI  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:10

    In this study, we propose a method to estimate body composition-related health indicators (e.g., ratio of body fat, body water, and muscle, etc.) using video-based gait analysis. This method is more efficient than individual measurement using a conventional body composition meter. Specifically, we designed a deep-learning framework with a convolutional neural network (CNN), where the input is a gait energy image (GEI) and the output consists of the health indicators. Although a vast amount of training data is typically required to train network parameters, it is unfeasible to collect sufficient ground-truth data, i.e., pairs consisting of the gait video and the health indicators measured using a body composition meter for each subject. We therefore use a two-step approach to exploit an auxiliary gait dataset that contains a large number of subjects but lacks the ground-truth health indicators. At the first step, we pre-train a backbone network using the auxiliary dataset to output gait primitives such as arm swing, stride, the degree of stoop, and the body width — considered to be relevant to the health indicators. At the second step, we add some layers to the backbone network and fine-tune the entire network to output the health indicators even with a limited number of ground-truth data points of the health indicators. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the other methods when training from scratch as well as when using an auto-encoder-based pre-training and fine-tuning approach; it achieves relatively high estimation accuracy for the body composition-related health indicators except for body fat-relevant ones.

  • Simple Oblivious Routing Method to Balance Load in Network-on-Chip

    Jiao GUAN  Jueping CAI  Ruilian XIE  Yequn WANG  Jinzhi LAI  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E104-D No:10

    This letter presents an oblivious and load-balanced routing (OLBR) method without virtual channels for 2D mesh Network-on-chip (NoC). To balance the traffic load of network and avoid deadlock, OLBR divides network nodes into two regions, one region contains the nodes of east and west sides of NoC, in which packets are routed by odd-even turn rule with Y direction preference (OE-YX), and the remaining nodes are divided to the other region, in which packets are routed by odd-even turn rule with alterable priority arbitration (OE-APA). Simulation results show that OLBR's saturation throughput can be improved than related works by 11.73% and OLBR balances the traffic load over entire network.

  • Fitness-Distance Balance with Functional Weights: A New Selection Method for Evolutionary Algorithms

    Kaiyu WANG  Sichen TAO  Rong-Long WANG  Yuki TODO  Shangce GAO  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E104-D No:10

    In 2019, a new selection method, named fitness-distance balance (FDB), was proposed. FDB has been proved to have a significant effect on improving the search capability for evolutionary algorithms. But it still suffers from poor flexibility when encountering various optimization problems. To address this issue, we propose a functional weights-enhanced FDB (FW). These functional weights change the original weights in FDB from fixed values to randomly generated ones by a distribution function, thereby enabling the algorithm to select more suitable individuals during the search. As a case study, FW is incorporated into the spherical search algorithm. Experimental results based on various IEEE CEC2017 benchmark functions demonstrate the effectiveness of FW.

  • FL-GAN: Feature Learning Generative Adversarial Network for High-Quality Face Sketch Synthesis

    Lin CAO  Kaixuan LI  Kangning DU  Yanan GUO  Peiran SONG  Tao WANG  Chong FU  


    E104-A No:10

    Face sketch synthesis refers to transform facial photos into sketches. Recent research on face sketch synthesis has achieved great success due to the development of Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). However, these generative methods prone to neglect detailed information and thus lose some individual specific features, such as glasses and headdresses. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Feature Learning Generative Adversarial Network (FL-GAN) to synthesize detail-preserving high-quality sketches. Precisely, the proposed FL-GAN consists of one Feature Learning (FL) module and one Adversarial Learning (AL) module. The FL module aims to learn the detailed information of the image in a latent space, and guide the AL module to synthesize detail-preserving sketch. The AL Module aims to learn the structure and texture of sketch and improve the quality of synthetic sketch by adversarial learning strategy. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with seven state-of-the-art methods such as the LLE, the MRF, the MWF, the RSLCR, the RL, the FCN and the GAN on four facial sketch datasets demonstrate the superiority of this method.

  • Sketch Face Recognition via Cascaded Transformation Generation Network

    Lin CAO  Xibao HUO  Yanan GUO  Kangning DU  


    E104-A No:10

    Sketch face recognition refers to matching photos with sketches, which has effectively been used in various applications ranging from law enforcement agencies to digital entertainment. However, due to the large modality gap between photos and sketches, sketch face recognition remains a challenging task at present. To reduce the domain gap between the sketches and photos, this paper proposes a cascaded transformation generation network for cross-modality image generation and sketch face recognition simultaneously. The proposed cascaded transformation generation network is composed of a generation module, a cascaded feature transformation module, and a classifier module. The generation module aims to generate a high quality cross-modality image, the cascaded feature transformation module extracts high-level semantic features for generation and recognition simultaneously, the classifier module is used to complete sketch face recognition. The proposed transformation generation network is trained in an end-to-end manner, it strengthens the recognition accuracy by the generated images. The recognition performance is verified on the UoM-SGFSv2, e-PRIP, and CUFSF datasets; experimental results show that the proposed method is better than other state-of-the-art methods.

  • Unsupervised Building Damage Identification Using Post-Event Optical Imagery and Variational Autoencoder

    Daming LIN  Jie WANG  Yundong LI  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E104-D No:10

    Rapid building damage identification plays a vital role in rescue operations when disasters strike, especially when rescue resources are limited. In the past years, supervised machine learning has made considerable progress in building damage identification. However, the usage of supervised machine learning remains challenging due to the following facts: 1) the massive samples from the current damage imagery are difficult to be labeled and thus cannot satisfy the training requirement of deep learning, and 2) the similarity between partially damaged and undamaged buildings is high, hindering accurate classification. Leveraging the abundant samples of auxiliary domains, domain adaptation aims to transfer a classifier trained by historical damage imagery to the current task. However, traditional domain adaptation approaches do not fully consider the category-specific information during feature adaptation, which might cause negative transfer. To address this issue, we propose a novel domain adaptation framework that individually aligns each category of the target domain to that of the source domain. Our method combines the variational autoencoder (VAE) and the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). First, the GMM is established to characterize the distribution of the source domain. Then, the VAE is constructed to extract the feature of the target domain. Finally, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence is minimized to force the feature of the target domain to observe the GMM of the source domain. Two damage detection tasks using post-earthquake and post-hurricane imageries are utilized to verify the effectiveness of our method. Experiments show that the proposed method obtains improvements of 4.4% and 9.5%, respectively, compared with the conventional method.

  • An Autoencoder Based Background Subtraction for Public Surveillance

    Yue LI  Xiaosheng YU  Haijun CAO  Ming XU  


    E104-A No:10

    An autoencoder is trained to generate the background from the surveillance image by setting the training label as the shuffled input, instead of the input itself in a traditional autoencoder. Then the multi-scale features are extracted by a sparse autoencoder from the surveillance image and the corresponding background to detect foreground.

  • A DLL-Based Body Bias Generator with Independent P-Well and N-Well Biasing for Minimum Energy Operation

    Kentaro NAGAI  Jun SHIOMI  Hidetoshi ONODERA  


    E104-C No:10

    This paper proposes an area- and energy-efficient DLL-based body bias generator (BBG) for minimum energy operation that controls p-well and n-well bias independently. The BBG can minimize total energy consumption of target circuits under a skewed process condition between nMOSFETs and pMOSFETs. The proposed BBG is composed of digital cells compatible with cell-based design, which enables energy- and area-efficient implementation without additional supply voltages. A test circuit is implemented in a 65-nm FDSOI process. Measurement results using a 32-bit RISC processor on the same chip show that the proposed BBG can reduce energy consumption close to a minimum within a 3% energy loss. In this condition, energy and area overheads of the BBG are 0.2% and 0.12%, respectively.

  • A Spectrum Regeneration and Demodulation Method for Multiple Direct Undersampled Real Signals Open Access

    Takashi SHIBA  Tomoyuki FURUICHI  Mizuki MOTOYOSHI  Suguru KAMEDA  Noriharu SUEMATSU  


    E104-B No:10

    We propose a spectrum regeneration and demodulation method for multiple direct RF undersampled real signals by using a new algorithm. Many methods have been proposed to regenerate the RF spectrum by using undersampling because of its simple circuit architecture. However, it is difficult to regenerate the spectrum from a real signal that has a band wider than a half of the sampling frequency, because it is difficult to include complex conjugate relation of the folded spectrum into the linear algebraic equation in this case. We propose a new spectrum regeneration method from direct undersampled real signals that uses multiple clocks and an extended algorithm considering the complex conjugate relation. Simulations are used to verify the potential of this method. The validity of the proposed method is verified by using the simulation data and the measured data. We also apply this algorithm to the demodulation system.

  • Discovering Multiple Clusters of Sightseeing Spots to Improve Tourist Satisfaction Using Network Motifs

    Tengfei SHAO  Yuya IEIRI  Reiko HISHIYAMA  

    PAPER-Office Information Systems, e-Business Modeling

    E104-D No:10

    Tourist satisfaction plays a very important role in the development of local community tourism. For the development of tourist destinations in local communities, it is important to measure, maintain, and improve tourist destination royalties over the medium to long term. It has been proven that improving tourist satisfaction is a major factor in improving tourist destination royalties. Therefore, to improve tourist satisfaction in local communities, we identified multiple clusters of sightseeing spots and determined that the satisfaction of tourists can be increased based on these clusters of sightseeing spots. Our discovery flow can be summarized as follows. First, we extracted tourism keywords from guidebooks on sightseeing spots. We then constructed a complex network of tourists and sightseeing spots based on the data collected from experiments conducted in Kyoto. Next, we added the corresponding tourism keywords to each sightseeing spot. Finally, by analyzing network motifs, we successfully discovered multiple clusters of sightseeing spots that could be used to improve tourist satisfaction.

  • Research on a Prediction Method for Carbon Dioxide Concentration Based on an Optimized LSTM Network of Spatio-Temporal Data Fusion

    Jun MENG  Gangyi DING  Laiyang LIU  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E104-D No:10

    In view of the different spatial and temporal resolutions of observed multi-source heterogeneous carbon dioxide data and the uncertain quality of observations, a data fusion prediction model for observed multi-scale carbon dioxide concentration data is studied. First, a wireless carbon sensor network is created, the gross error data in the original dataset are eliminated, and remaining valid data are combined with kriging method to generate a series of continuous surfaces for expressing specific features and providing unified spatio-temporally normalized data for subsequent prediction models. Then, the long short-term memory network is used to process these continuous time- and space-normalized data to obtain the carbon dioxide concentration prediction model at any scales. Finally, the experimental results illustrate that the proposed method with spatio-temporal features is more accurate than the single sensor monitoring method without spatio-temporal features.

  • Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Inversely Proportional Carrier Sense Threshold and Transmission Power for WLAN Spatial Reuse Open Access

    Koji YAMAMOTO  Takayuki NISHIO  Masahiro MORIKURA  Hirantha ABEYSEKERA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E104-B No:10

    In this paper, a stochasic geometry analysis of the inversely proportional setting (IPS) of carrier sense threshold (CST) and transmission power for densely deployed wireless local area networks (WLANs) is presented. In densely deployed WLANs, CST adjustment is a crucial technology to enhance spatial reuse, but it can starve surrounding transmitters due to an asymmetric carrier sensing relationship. In order for the carrier sensing relationship to be symmetric, the IPS of the CST and transmission power is a promising approach, i.e., each transmitter jointly adjusts its CST and transmission power in order for their product to be equal to those of others. This setting is used for spatial reuse in IEEE 802.11ax. By assuming that the set of potential transmitters follows a Poisson point process, the impact of the IPS on throughput is formulated based on stochastic geometry in two scenarios: an adjustment at a single transmitter and an identical adjustment at all transmitters. The asymptotic expression of the throughput in dense WLANs is derived and an explicit solution of the optimal CST is achieved as a function of the number of neighboring potential transmitters and signal-to-interference power ratio using approximations. This solution was confirmed through numerical results, where the explicit solution achieved throughput penalties of less than 8% relative to the numerically evaluated optimal solution.

  • Constructions of Binary Sequence Pairs of Length 5q with Optimal Three-Level Correlation

    Xiumin SHEN  Xiaofei SONG  Yanguo JIA  Yubo LI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E104-A No:10

    Binary sequence pairs with optimal periodic correlation have important applications in many fields of communication systems. In this letter, four new families of binary sequence pairs are presented based on the generalized cyclotomy over Z5q, where q ≠ 5 is an odd prime. All these binary sequence pairs have optimal three-level correlation values {-1, 3}.

  • PSTNet: Crowd Flow Prediction by Pyramidal Spatio-Temporal Network

    Enze YANG  Shuoyan LIU  Yuxin LIU  Kai FANG  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E104-D No:10

    Crowd flow prediction in high density urban scenes is involved in a wide range of intelligent transportation and smart city applications, and it has become a significant topic in urban computing. In this letter, a CNN-based framework called Pyramidal Spatio-Temporal Network (PSTNet) for crowd flow prediction is proposed. Spatial encoding is employed for spatial representation of external factors, while prior pyramid enhances feature dependence of spatial scale distances and temporal spans, after that, post pyramid is proposed to fuse the heterogeneous spatio-temporal features of multiple scales. Experimental results based on TaxiBJ and MobileBJ demonstrate that proposed PSTNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

  • Quantum-Noise-Limited BPSK Transmission Using Gain-Saturated Phase-Sensitive Amplifiers

    Kyo INOUE  

    PAPER-Fiber-Optic Transmission for Communications

    E104-B No:10

    Quantum noise ultimately restricts the transmission distance in fiber communication systems using optical amplifiers. This paper investigates the quantum-noise-limited performance of optical binary phase-shift keying transmission using gain-saturated phase-sensitive amplifiers (PSAs) as optical repeaters. It is shown that coherent state transmission, where ultimately clean light in the classical sense is transmitted, and endless transmission, where the transmission distance is not restricted, are theoretically achievable under certain system conditions owing to the noise suppression effects of the gain-saturated PSA.

  • Power-Based Criteria for Signal Reconstruction Using 1-bit Resolution DACs in Massive MU-MIMO OFDM Downlink

    Riki OKAWA  Yukitoshi SANADA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E104-B No:10

    The sum rate performance of nonlinier quantized precoding using Gibbs sampling are evaluated in a massive multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MU-MIMO) system in this paper. Massive MU-MIMO is a key technology to handle the growth of data traffic. In a full digital massive MU-MIMO system, however, the resolution of digital-to-analogue converters (DACs) in transmit antenna branches have to be low to yield acceptable power consumption. Thus, a combinational optimization problem is solved for the nonlinier quantized precoding to determine transmit signals from finite alphabets output from low resolution DACs. A conventional optimization criterion minimizes errors between desired signals and received signals at user equipments (UEs). However, the system sum rate may decrease as it increases the transmit power. This paper proposes two optimization criteria that take the transmit power into account in order to maximize the sum rate. Mixed Gibbs sampling is applied to obtain the suboptimal solution of the nonlinear optimization problem. Numerical results obtained through computer simulations show that the two proposed criteria achieve higher sum rates than the conventional criterion. On the other hand, the sum rate criterion achieves the largest sum rate while it leads to less throughputs than the MMSE criterion on approximately 60% of subcarriers.

  • Realization of Rectangular Frequency Characteristics by the Effects of a Low-Noise Amplifier and Flat Passband Bandpass Filter

    Tomohiro TSUKUSHI  Satoshi ONO  Koji WADA  


    E104-C No:10

    Realizing frequency rectangular characteristics using a planar circuit made of a normal conductor material such as a printed circuit board (PCB) is difficult. The reason is that the corners of the frequency response are rounded by the effect of the low unloaded quality factors of the resonators. Rectangular frequency characteristics are generally realized by a low-noise amplifier (LNA) with flat gain characteristics and a high-order bandpass filter (BPF) with resonators having high unloaded quality factors. Here, we use an LNA and a fourth-order flat passband BPF made of a PCB to realize the desired characteristics. We first calculate the signal and noise powers to confirm any effects from insertion loss caused by the BPF. Next, we explain the design and fabrication of an LNA, since no proper LNAs have been developed for this research. Finally, the rectangular frequency characteristics are shown by a circuit combining the fabricated LNA and the fabricated flat passband BPF. We show that rectangular frequency characteristics can be realized using a flat passband BPF technique.

  • A Survey on Spectrum Sensing and Learning Technologies for 6G Open Access

    Zihang SONG  Yue GAO  Rahim TAFAZOLLI  


    E104-B No:10

    Cognitive radio provides a feasible solution for alleviating the lack of spectrum resources by enabling secondary users to access the unused spectrum dynamically. Spectrum sensing and learning, as the fundamental function for dynamic spectrum sharing in 5G evolution and 6G wireless systems, have been research hotspots worldwide. This paper reviews classic narrowband and wideband spectrum sensing and learning algorithms. The sub-sampling framework and recovery algorithms based on compressed sensing theory and their hardware implementation are discussed under the trend of high channel bandwidth and large capacity to be deployed in 5G evolution and 6G communication systems. This paper also investigates and summarizes the recent progress in machine learning for spectrum sensing technology.

  • Spatial Compression of Sensing Information for Exploiting the Vacant Frequency Resource Using Radio Sensors

    Kenichiro YAMAMOTO  Osamu TAKYU  Keiichiro SHIRAI  Yasushi FUWA  


    E104-B No:10

    Recently, broadband wireless communication has been significantly enhanced; thus, frequency spectrum scarcity has become an extremely serious problem. Spatial frequency reuse based on spectrum databases has attracted significant attention. The spectrum database collects wireless environment information, such as the radio signal strength indicator (RSSI), estimates the propagation coefficient for the propagation loss and shadow effect, and finds a vacant area where the secondary system uses the frequency spectrum without harmful interference to the primary system. Wireless sensor networks are required to collect the RSSI from a radio environmental monitor. However, a large number of RSSI values should be gathered because numerous sensors are spread over the wireless environment. In this study, a data compression technique based on spatial features, such as buildings and houses, is proposed. Using computer simulation and experimental evaluation, we confirm that the proposed compression method successfully reduces the size of the RSSI and restores the original RSSI in the recovery process.

  • Highly Efficient Sensing Methods of Primary Radio Transmission Systems toward Dynamic Spectrum Sharing-Based 5G Systems Open Access

    Atomu SAKAI  Keiichi MIZUTANI  Takeshi MATSUMURA  Hiroshi HARADA  


    E104-B No:10

    The Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) system, which uses the frequency band allocated to incumbent systems (i.e., primary users) has attracted attention to expand the available bandwidth of the fifth-generation mobile communication (5G) systems in the sub-6GHz band. In Japan, a DSS system in the 2.3GHz band, in which the ARIB STD-B57-based Field Pickup Unit (FPU) is assigned as an incumbent system, has been studied for the secondary use of 5G systems. In this case, the incumbent FPU is a mobile system, and thus, the DSS system needs to use not only a spectrum sharing database but also radio sensors to detect primary signals with high accuracy, protect the primary system from interference, and achieve more secure spectrum sharing. This paper proposes highly efficient sensing methods for detecting the ARIB STD-B57-based FPU signals in the 2.3GHz band. The proposed methods can be applied to two types of the FPU signal; those that apply the Continuous Pilot (CP) mode pilot and the Scattered Pilot (SP) mode pilot. Moreover, we apply a sample addition method and a symbol addition method for improving the detection performance. Even in the 3GPP EVA channel environment, the proposed method can, with a probability of more than 99%, detect the FPU signal with an SNR of -10dB. In addition, we propose a quantized reference signal for reducing the implementation complexity of the complex cross-correlation circuit. The proposed reference signal can reduce the number of quantization bits of the reference signal to 2 bits for in-phase and 3 bits for orthogonal components.
