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  • Implementation of a Two-Step SOVA Decoder with a Fixed Scaling Factor

    Taek-Won KWON  Jun-Rim CHOI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:6

    Two implementation schemes for a two-step SOVA (Soft Output Viterbi Algorithm) decoder are proposed and verified in a chip. One uses the combination of trace back (TB) logic to find the survivor state and double trace back logic to find the weighting factor of a two-step SOVA. The other is that the reliability values are divided by a scaling factor in order to compensate for the distortion brought by overestimating those values in SOVA. We introduced a fixed scaling factor of 0.25 or 0.33 for a rate 1/3 and designed an 8-state Turbo decoder with a 256-bit frame size to lower the reliability values. The implemented architecture of the two-step SOVA decoder allows important savings in area and high-speed processing compared with the one-step SOVA decoder using register exchange (RE) or trace-back (TB) method. The chip is fabricated using 0.65 µm gate array at Samsung Electronics and it shows higher SNR performance by 2 dB at the BER 10-4 than that of a two-step SOVA decoder without a scaling factor.

  • Improve TCP Performance over ATM-UBR with Fuzzy Early Discard Scheme

    YoonTze CHIN  Shiro HANDA  Fumihito SASAMORI  Shinjiro OSHITA  


    E86-B No:6

    A new fuzzy logic-based buffer management scheme (BMS) called fuzzy early detection (FED) is presented to improve transmission control protocol (TCP) performance over the unspecified bit rate (UBR) service of asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. FED uses early congestion detection and selective packet discard (ECD/SPD) strategies to achieve its design goals, and adopts early packet discard (EPD) to prevent frequent buffer overflows. Two variants of FED are constructed for comparison purposes. FED performance is then evaluated against those of its variants, pure EPD and P-random early detection (P-RED) through various simulations. The effects of TCP implementation, TCP maximum segment size (MSS), network's propagation delay (PD) and switch buffer size (SBS) on their performances are studied. The overall result shows that FED is superior to the other BMSs when the criteria of efficiency, fairness, scalability and switch buffer requirement are considered collectively.

  • Field Trial of a Space-Time Equalizer for TDMA Mobile Communications in a Suburban Micro-Cell Environment

    Takeshi TODA  Yuukichi AIHARA  Yukiyoshi KAMIO  Jun-ichi TAKADA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:6

    A field trial, within a suburban macro-cell environment, of a space-time (ST) equalizer for TDMA mobile communication systems is described. The ST equalizer was a cascade connection of two array processors for a four-antenna array and a two-branch-metric-combining maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) that was designed to obtain full space- and path-diversity gains from first-arrival and one-symbol-delayed signals while suppressing excessively long-delayed inter-symbol interference (ISI). The radio frequency was 3.35 GHz, the transmission rate was 4.096 Mb/s, and the modulation was QPSK. The long-delayed ISI reduction and the space-path diversity effect of the ST equalizer was validated by Eb/N0 vs. bit-error-rate (BER) curves with respect to delay spread and antenna spacing as compared with the case of an array processor alone being used.

  • An Interpolation Filter for Symbol Timing Recovery of a MF-TDMA Demodulator

    Hyoung-Kyu SONG  Kyoung-Ha MO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:6

    We investigate the design of an interpolation filter of a multi-frequency time division multiple access (MF-TDMA) demodulator which is applied to digital video broadcasting-return channel system via satellite (DVB-RCS). We propose two interpolation filters for symbol timing recovery in a digital receiver where the input analog to digital conversion sampling clock is not synchronized to the transmitter symbol clock. The two proposed interpolation filters are designed by the least mean-square-error at the output of the receiver. Simulation results show that a performance improvement is achieved by employing the proposed interpolation filter.

  • Improvements of Crystal Orientations of Wurtzite-Type GaN Thin Films Grown on Metal Surfaces

    Yuichi SATO  Toshifumi HISHINUMA  Susumu SATO  

    PAPER-Emerging Technologies

    E86-C No:6

    Gallium nitride (GaN) is one of the wurtzite-type materials and has semiconducting properties. Crystallinities of GaN thin films are usually poor when they are directly grown on polycrystalline metal-foils which are expected as substrates for realizing novel giant microelectronic devices. Improvements of crystal orientations of GaN thin films grown on such polycrystalline metal-foils are tried by using several kinds of intermediate layers. Aluminum nitride (AlN), GaN, silicon dioxide (SiO2) and Si are chosen as materials for the intermediate layers. The crystal orientations of GaN thin films grown by inserting the SiO2 and Si intermediate layers with adequate thicknesses are markedly improved, while those grown on the AlN or GaN intermediate layers are not improved. These differences are not caused by the kinds of the materials used for the intermediate layers but by differences in their crystallinities.

  • The Modified CP-AFC with Multi-Stage Tracking Mode for WCDMA Reverse Link Receiver

    Joo-Hyun DO  Young-Yong LEE  Hyung-Jin CHOI  


    E86-A No:6

    In this paper, we propose a modified CP-AFC (Cross-Product Automatic Frequency Control) algorithm to enhance coherent signal detection for WCDMA reverse link receiver. We introduce a moving average filter at the FDD input to decrease the noise effect by increasing the number of cross-products, since pilot symbol in WCDMA is not transmitted continuously. We also add normalization algorithm to overcome the conventional CP-FDD's sensitivity to the variance of input signal amplitude and to increase the linear range of S-curve. For rapid frequency acquisition and tracking, we adopt a multi-stage tracking mode. We applied the proposed algorithm in the implementation of WCDMA base station modem successfully.

  • Construction Method of Fuzzy Inference by Rule Creation

    Michiharu MAEDA  Hiromi MIYAJIMA  


    E86-A No:6

    This paper describes two methods to construct fuzzy inference rules by the simplified fuzzy reasoning. The present methods have a construction mechanism of the rule unit that is applicable in two parameters: the central value and the width of the membership function in the antecedent part. The first approach is to create a rule unit near the selected rule which has the nearest position from the central input space for the central value. The second is to create a rule unit near the selected rule which has the minimum width for the width. Experimental results are presented in order to show that the proposed methods are effective in difference on the inference error and the number of learning iterations.

  • Randomized Time- and Energy-Optimal Routing in Single-Hop, Single-Channel Radio Networks

    Jacir L. BORDIM  Jiangtao CUI  Koji NAKANO  


    E86-A No:5

    A Radio Network (RN, for short) is a distributed system with no central arbiter, consisting of p radio stations each of which is endowed with a radio transceiver. In this work we consider single-hop, single channel RNs, where each station S(i), (1ip), initially stores si items which are tagged with the unique destination they must be routed. Since each item must be transmitted at least once, every routing protocol must take at least n = s1 + s2 + + sp time slots to route each item to its final destination. Similarly, each station S(i), (1ip), must be awake for at least si + di time slots to broadcast si items and to receive di items, where di denotes the number of items destined for S(i). The main contribution of this work is to present a randomized time- and energy-optimal routing protocol on the RN. Let qi, (1ip), be the number of stations that have items destined for S(i), q=q1 +q2 ++ qp, and ri be the number of stations for which S(i) has items. When qi is known to station S(i), our routing protocol runs, with probability exceeding 1 - , (f > 1), in n + O(q + log f) time slots with each station S(i) being awake for at most si + di + O(qi + ri + log f) time slots. Since qidi, risi, and qn always hold, our randomized routing protocol is optimal. We also show that, when the value of di is known to S(i), our routing protocol runs, with probability exceeding 1 - , (f > 1), in O(n + log f) time slots with no station being awake for more than O(si + di + log f) time slots.

  • Dual DEB-GPS Scheduler for Delay-Constraint Applications in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks

    Lin ZHANG  Eung-Suk AN  Chan-Hyun YOUN  Hwan-Geun YEO  Sunhee YANG  


    E86-B No:5

    A broadband access network is required for supporting the increased Internet data traffic. One of the most cost-effective solutions is the Ethernet Passive Optical Networks (E-PONs) with the efficient bandwidth assignment function by which the upstream bandwidth can be shared among access users. To satisfy the services with heterogeneous QoS characteristics, it is very important to provide QoS guaranteed network access while utilize the bandwidth efficiently. In this paper, a dual DEB-GPS scheduler in E-PON is presented to provide delay-constraint and lossless QoS guarantee to QoS service and maximize the bandwidth to best-effort service. Simulation results show our scheme outperforms the conventional bandwidth allocation scheme in E-PON system.

  • Calibration Method by Image Registration with Synthetic Image of 3D Model

    Toru TAMAKI  Masanobu YAMAMOTO  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E86-D No:5

    We propose a method for camera calibration based on image registration. This method registers two images; one is a real image captured by a camera with a calibration object with known shape and texture, and the other is a synthetic image containing the object. The proposed method estimates the parameters of the rotation and translation of the object by using the depth information of the synthetic image. The Gauss-Newton method is used to minimize the residuals of intensities of the two images. The proposed method does not depend on initial values of the minimization, and is applicable to images with much noise. Experimental results using real images demonstrate the robustness against initial state and noise on the image.

  • Reduction of Power Penalty in Bidirectional Wavelength Reused Lightwave System Using Polarization-Control

    Shien-Kuei LIAW  Keang-Po HO  


    E86-B No:5

    In a bidirectional wavelength-reused system, polarization control is used to reduce power penalty induced by coherent mixing of the signal with Rayleigh backscattering. The reduction of the effect of Rayleigh backscattering is theoretical study and experimental demonstration. For a 50km, 10Gb/s bidirectional transmission system, an error floor of about 510-10 under the worst polarization state is occurred. Nevertheless, the power penalty is reduced from 3.5dB to only 0.3dB when the signals are under optimum polarization control. The results indicate that the proposed technique may find vast applications in bidirectional ring networks with add/drop as well as cross-connect nodes using wavelength-reused technology.

  • A Simple Power Attack on a Randomized Addition-Subtraction Chains Method for Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems

    Katsuyuki OKEYA  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E86-A No:5

    We show that a randomized addition-sub-traction chains countermeasure against side channel attacks is vulnerable to an SPA attack, which is a kind of side channel attack, under distinguishability between addition and doubling. The side channel attack takes advantage of information leaked during execution of a cryptographic procedure. The randomized addition-subtraction chains countermeasure was proposed by Oswald-Aigner, and is based on a random decision inserted into computations. However, the question of its immunity to side channel attacks is still controversial. The randomized addition-subtraction chains countermeasure has security flaw in timing attacks, another kind of side channel attack. We have implemented the proposed attack algorithm, whose input is a set of AD sequences, which consist of the characters "A" and "D" to indicate addition and doubling, respectively. Our program has clarified the effectiveness of the attack. The attack algorithm could actually detect secret scalars for given AD sequences. The average time to detect a 160-bit scalar was about 6 milliseconds, and only 30 AD sequences were enough to detect such a scalar. Compared with other countermeasures against side channel attacks, the randomized addition-subtraction chains countermeasure is much slower.

  • Optical Fibers for High-Capacity WDM, Long-Haul Systems

    Lynn E. NELSON  


    E86-C No:5

    Advanced optical transmission fibers have enabled 40-Gb/s transmission over distances of up to 5200km with 100-km amplified spans. This paper will discuss a number of the enabling fiber properties including dispersion, dispersion slope, Raman gain efficiency, and polarization mode dispersion.

  • Simple Extension of a Numerical Algorithm for Feedback Linearization to Multi-Input Nonlinear Systems

    Yu Jin JANG  Sang Woo KIM  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E86-A No:5

    Obtaining a linearizing feedback and a coordinate transformation map is very difficult, even though the system is feedback linearizable. It is known that finding a desired transformation map and feedback is equivalent to finding an integrating factor for an annihilating one-form for single input nonlinear systems. It is also known that such an integrating factor can be approximated using the simple C.I.R method and tensor product splines. In this paper, it is shown that m integrating factors can always be approximated whenever a nonlinear system with m inputs is feedback linearizable. Next, m zero-forms can be constructed by utilizing these m integrating factors and the same methodology in the single input case. Hence, the coordinate transformation map is obtained.

  • Performance Evaluation of a Synchronous Bulk Packet Switch Under Real Traffic Conditions

    Andrej KOS  Peter HOMAN  Janez BE STER  


    E86-B No:5

    Real traffic flows are captured in various network environments and their statistical properties are analyzed. Based on real traffic flows, MWM (Multifractal Wavelet Model) and Poisson equivalent synthetic traffic flows are generated. Performance analysis of a SB (Synchronous Bulk) packet switch is joined with different types of traffic. Maximum throughput performance of the SB packet switch for various real traffic flows and appropriate MWM and Poisson equivalent synthetic traffic flows are evaluated by using discrete-event simulations. Different flow persistence, SF (Stretch Factor) and scheduling mechanisms are used in order to asses their influence on SB packet switch performance. Traffic asymmetry, either input or output based, has a major influence on SB packet switch performance. By increasing the level of asymmetry, maximum throughput values decrease considerably, especially if the ROT (Rotation) scheduling mechanism is applied. Traffic asymmetry also decreases the influence of the SF parameter on maximum switch throughput. As a general rule of thumb, SF values of no more then 5 must be used if asymmetrical traffic is switched. It is also advisable that OPF (Oldest Packet First) scheduling mechanism is used in such cases. The influence of burstiness and scaling of traffic flows turns out to be relatively insignificant for the SB packet switch maximum throughput results, if the OPF scheduling mechanism is used. Larger throughput discrepancies are detected, if ROT scheduling is used.

  • Novel Methods of Estimating Polarization Dependence in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Integrated with Spot-Size Convertors

    Toshio ITO  Katsuaki MAGARI  Yasuo SHIBATA  Yoshihiro KAWAGUCHI  Yasuhiro KONDO  Yuichi TOHMORI  Yasuhiro SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Lasers, Quantum Electronics

    E86-C No:5

    We propose a novel method of precisely measuring the polarization dependence of single pass gain (PDG) in a semiconductor optical amplifier integrated with spot-size convertors (SS-SOA). By averaging the signal gain of a SS-SOA over a wide wavelength range using the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) of an erbium doped fiber (EDF), the PDG can be accurately estimated. This is because the influence of gain ripples on the measurement results are drastically reduced. We successfully evaluated the PDG of an angled-facet SS-SOA, even before the process of anti-reflection coating, within a small error of 0.5dB. The EDF-ASE technique is useful in sampling tests and selecting angled-facet SS-SOA chips from wafers. The polarization dependence of the coupling efficiency (PDCE) between a SS-SOA and optical fiber is also evaluated by measuring the photo-current of the active layer for TE and TM input signals. It is possible, therefore, to specify the polarization characteristics of the active region and spot-size converter region, which are indispensable parameters for the design of the SS-SOA.

  • Linear Complexities of Periodic Sequences Obtained from Sequences over Z4 and Z8 by One-Symbol Substitution

    Tsutomu MORIUCHI  Satoshi UEHARA  Takayasu KAIDA  Kyoki IMAMURA  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E86-A No:5

    In this paper, we will show that some families of periodic sequences over Z4 and Z8 with period multiple of 2r-1 generated by r-th degree basic primitive polynomials assorted by the root of each polynomial, and give the exact distribution of sequences for each family. We also point out such an instability as an extreme increase of their linear complexities for the periodic sequences by one-symbol substitution, i.e., from the minimum value to the maximum value, for all the substitutions except one.

  • Dynamic Capacity Resizing for Fair Bandwidth Sharing in Virtual Private Networks

    Seung Hyong RHEE  Takis KONSTANTOPOULOS  


    E86-B No:5

    A virtual private network (VPN) service is likely to be used by customers as a replacement for networks constructed using private lines, and thus its functionality should include the performance guarantee provided to those customers. To provide guaranteed services, the network provider allocates appropriate capacities to multiple virtual backbone networks such that the underlying network can be shared among them. As VPN users are demanding reliable and dynamic allocation of capacities, recently the capacity resizing approach has been considered as a cost efficient way of providing virtual network services. We propose a new scheme for dynamic allocation of virtual link capacities. The allocated capacities are adjusted dynamically according to the users' requests such that their capacities are increased in a fair manner and the total reservation does not overwhelm the underlying network. Depending on the network's status and allocation policy, a virtual link may increase or decrease its capacity, for example, for a monetary incentive. VPN users send control packets whenever they want to resize their capacities, and the network handles them in an efficient and fair way. The simulation and analytic results in this paper show that our scheme is simple and robust such that the users and the network communicate using simple control packets and the link capacities are allocated efficiently.

  • A New User Mobility Based Adaptive Power Control in CDMA Systems

    HyeJeong LEE  Dong-Ho CHO  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E86-B No:5

    We propose a new closed-loop power control scheme for wireless mobile communication systems using an adaptive step size. The proposed scheme selects the basic power control step size by considering the speed of the mobile station and a variable step size by using instantaneous companding logic based on power control command bit patterns. We show its improved performance in view of the standard deviation of received power at the base station in consideration of channel BER.

  • Complexity and Completeness of Finding Another Solution and Its Application to Puzzles

    Takayuki YATO  Takahiro SETA  


    E86-A No:5

    The Another Solution Problem (ASP) of a problem is the following problem: for a given instance x of and a solution s to it, find a solution to x other than s. The notion of ASP as a new class of problems was first introduced by Ueda and Nagao. They also pointed out that parsimonious reductions which allow polynomial-time transformation of solutions can derive the NP-completeness of ASP of a certain problem from that of ASP of another. In this paper we consider n-ASP, the problem to find another solution when n solutions are given, and formalize it to investigate its characteristics. In particular we consider ASP-completeness, the completeness with respect to the reductions satisfying the properties mentioned above. The complexity of ASPs has a relation with the difficulty of designing puzzles. We prove the ASP-completeness of three popular puzzles: Slither Link, Cross Sum, and Number Place. Since ASP-completeness implies NP-completeness, these results can be regarded as new results of NP-completeness proof of puzzles.
