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  • QoS Evaluation of VoIP Communication Employing Self-Organizing Neural Network

    Masao MASUGI  


    E85-B No:9

    This paper describes a QoS evaluation method for VoIP communications using a self-organizing neural network. Based on measurements in real environments, evaluation results confirmed that our method can effectively display total QoS level composed of several QoS-related factors such as PSQM+ and end-to-end delay.

  • Ternary ZCZ Sequence Sets for Cellular CDMA Systems


    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E85-A No:9

    ZCZ sets are families of sequences, whose periodic auto/cross-correlation functions have zero correlation zone at the both side of the zero-shift. They can provide approximately synchronized CDMA systems without intra-cell interference for cellular mobile communications. This paper presents ternary ZCZ sets achieving a mathematical bound, and investigates the average interference parameters for the sets in order to evaluate inter-cell interference. It is shown that they can provide AS-CDMA systems with efficiency frequency usage.

  • Multiprimitive Texture Analysis Using Cluster Analysis and Morphological Size Distribution

    Akira ASANO  Junichi ENDO  Chie MURAKI  


    E85-A No:9

    A novel method for the primitive description of the multiprimitive texture is proposed. This method segments a texture by the watershed algorithm into fragments each of which contains one grain. The similar fragments are grouped by the cluster analysis in the feature space whose basis is the morphological size density. Each primitive is extracted as the grain of the central fragment in each cluster.

  • Stable Single-Bit Noise-Shaping Quantizer Based on ΣΔ Modulation and Successive Data Coding into Pre-Optimized Binary Vectors

    Mitsuhiko YAGYU  Akinori NISHIHARA  

    PAPER-Data Coding

    E85-A No:8

    This paper presents data coding techniques for a stable single-bit noise-shaping quantizer, which has a cascade structure of a multi-bit ΣΔ modulator and a binary interpolator. The binary interpolator chooses a pre-optimized binary vector for each input sample and successively generates the chosen binary vector as an output bit stream. The binary vectors can have different lengths. The paper also proposes two methods to evaluate and bound output errors of a binary interpolator. A multi-bit ΣΔ modulator is designed to cause no overload for all possible input signals whose amplitudes are bounded to a specified level, and thus the ΣΔ modulator rigorously guarantees the stability condition. In design examples, we have evaluated Signal-to-Noise and Distortion Ratios (SNDRs) and noise spectra and then confirmed that our stable quantizers can sharply shape output noise spectra.

  • Dynamic Mirroring for Efficient Web Server Performance Management

    Shadan SANIEPOUR E.   Behrouz Homayoun FAR  Jingde CHENG  


    E85-B No:8

    Server performance is a major issue in improving the overall performance of the World Wide Web (WWW). This article introduces a dynamic mirroring-based approach to improve WWW servers' performance. In contrast to static mirroring, where mirror servers are allocated statically, our mirror servers' setup is driven by network traffic measurement. Performance in terms of latency is inferred from a queuing model. According to this model we show that latency of an overloaded server can be tuned by delegating a portion of the load to a cooperative mirror server. Cost is evaluated by the amount of load hosted by the mirror servers. The goal is then to keep the latency within a tolerable threshold, while minimizing the delegated load. This problem is formulated as a constrained optimization problem where the task is to assign a portion of load corresponding to each document to each mirror server. As the result of this work, we will have a balanced load among the servers, and a smoother traffic along the Internet, as well. Empirical results show that this approach can guarantee to maintain the performance while showing a significant decrease in the amount of load transferred to the mirror servers.

  • Compression of Physiological Quasi-Periodic Signals Using Optimal Codebook Replenishment Vector Quantization with Distortion Constraint

    Shaou-Gang MIAOU  

    PAPER-Medical Engineering

    E85-D No:8

    A quasi-periodic signal is a periodic signal with period and amplitude variations. Several physiological signals, including the electrocardiogram (ECG), can be treated as quasi-periodic. Vector quantization (VQ) is a valuable and universal tool for signal compression. However, compressing quasi-periodic signals using VQ presents several problems. First, a pre-trained codebook has little adaptation to signal variations, resulting in no quality control of reconstructed signals. Secondly, the periodicity of the signal causes data redundancy in the codebook, where many codevectors are highly correlated. These two problems are solved by the proposed codebook replenishment VQ (CRVQ) scheme based on a bar-shaped (BS) codebook structure. In the CRVQ, codevectors can be updated online according to signal variations, and the quality of reconstructed signals can be specified. With the BS codebook structure, the codebook redundancy is reduced significantly and great codebook storage space is saved; moreover variable-dimension (VD) codevectors can be used to minimize the coding bit rate subject to a distortion constraint. The theoretic rationale and implementation scheme of the VD-CRVQ is given. The ECG data from the MIT/BIH arrhythmic database are tested, and the result is substantially better than that of using other VQ compression methods.

  • Snowfall Characteristics Observed by Weather Radars, an Optical Lidar and a Video Camera

    Henri SERVOMAA  Ken-ichiro MURAMOTO  Toru SHIINA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E85-D No:8

    This paper introduces an automatic and multi-instrument snowfall observation system and proposes techniques that could be used in the estimation of snowfall characteristics. The instruments used in this study include two microwave radars, an optical lidar, a CCD camera based imaging system and high-accuracy electrical balances for reference data. The emphasis has been on obtaining good temporal resolution and synchronization accuracy of separate datasets. In most research done so far, this has not been a principal point, either because only very long snowfall events have been measured, or wide area estimates were desired, or due to limitations in manual sampling methods and other technical issues. The measurements were also contained in a small area to make sure that all instruments record data from the same target. One radar and the optical lidar recorded an atmospheric profile up to 6000 m, while the other radar, the imaging system and the two balances recorded snowfall on the ground level. The combination of optical, microwave and direct visual observations of snowfall show that a change in cloud conditions can result in snowfall having different characteristics. The lidar backscatter was used as main indicator of transitions in cloud conditions. A direct visual evaluation of snowflake size distribution using a CCD camera shows that it is extremely helpful in order to interpret radar data. The camera observed velocity distribution showed no large variations between snowfall events, however, it could be useful in detecting graupel and hail precipitations which have much faster terminal velocities. This paper will conclude with a discussion on further elaborating the use of lidar and visual data to complement radar observations of snowfall.

  • Precursor ISI-Free Frame Synchronization for DMT VDSL System

    Sun-Ting LIN  Che-Ho WEI  


    E85-B No:8

    A new modified maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm for frame synchronization in discrete multitone VDSL transmission system is presented. Computer simulation results are included to show its improvement in Et/N0 of each tone in the received data. This algorithm estimates the frame boundary at the initial transition edge rather than at the middle peak of a shortened twisted-pair channel response. The timing margin degradation caused by precursor intersymbol interference (ISI) can be reduced significantly, especially at the sub-channel loaded with more bits.

  • Stochastic Model of Internet Access Patterns: Coexistence of Stationarity and Zipf-Type Distributions

    Masaki AIDA  Tetsuya ABE  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories

    E85-B No:8

    This paper investigates the stochastic property of packet destinations in order to describe Internet access patterns. If we assume a sort of stationary condition for the address generation process, the process is an LRU stack model. Although the LRU stack model gives appropriate descriptions of address generation on a medium/long time-scale, address sequences generated from the LRU stack model do not reproduce Zipf-type distributions, which appear frequently in Internet access patterns. This implies that the address generation behavior on a short time-scale has a strong influence on the shape of the distributions that describe frequency of address appearances. This paper proposes an address generation algorithm that does not meet the stationary condition on the short time-scale, but restores it on the medium/long time-scale, and shows that the proposed algorithm reproduces Zipf-type distributions.

  • Pilot-Aided Adaptive Prediction Channel Estimation in a Frequency-Nonselective Fading Channel

    Shinsuke TAKAOKA  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E85-B No:8

    Pilot-aided adaptive prediction channel estimation is proposed for coherent detection in a frequency-nonselective fading channel. It is an extension of the conventional weighted multi-slot averaging (WMSA) channel estimation and consists of 3 steps. A block of Np pilot symbols is periodically transmitted, each pilot block being followed by Nd data symbols to form a data slot. In the first step, the instantaneous channel gain is estimated by coherent addition of Np pilot symbols. Using the K past and K future estimated instantaneous channel gains, the second step predicts the instantaneous channel gains at the end and beginning of data slot of interest by a forward predictor and a backward predictor, respectively. The tap-weights of forward prediction and backward prediction are adaptively updated using the normalized least mean square (NLMS) algorithm. Finally, in the third step, the instantaneous channel gain at each data symbol position within the data slot of interest is estimated by simple averaging or linear interpolation using the two adaptively predicted instantaneous channel gains. The computer simulation confirms that the proposed adaptive prediction channel estimation achieves better bit error rate (BER) performance than the conventional WMSA channel estimation in a fast fading channel and/or in the presence of frequency offset between a transmitter and a receiver.

  • Memory Organization for Low-Energy Processor-Based Application-Specific Systems

    Yun CAO  Hiroto YASUURA  


    E85-C No:8

    This paper presents a novel low-energy memory design technique based on variable analysis for on-chip data memory (RAM) in application-specific systems, which called VAbM technique. It targets the exploitation of both data locality and effective data width of variables to reduce energy consumed by data transfer and storage. Variables with higher access frequency and smaller effective data width are assigned into a smaller low-energy memory with fewer bit lines and word lines, placed closer the processor. Under constraints of the number of memory banks, VAbM technique use variable analysis results to perform allocating and assigning on-chip RAM into multiple banks, which have different size with different number of word lines and different number of bit lines tailored to each application requirements. Experimental results with several real embedded applications demonstrate significant energy reduction up to 64.8% over monolithic memory, and 27.7% compared to memory designed by memory banking technique.

  • Dynamic Equations of Generalized Eigenvalue Problems

    Yao-Lin JIANG  Richard M. M. CHEN  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E85-A No:8

    In this letter we present a new way for computing generalized eigenvalue problems in engineering applications. To transform a generalized eigenvalue problem into an associated problem for solving nonlinear dynamic equations by using optimization techniques, we can determine all eigenvalues and their eigenvectors for general complex matrices. Numerical examples are given to verify the formula of dynamic equations.

  • A 38% Tuning Range 6-GHz Fully Integrated VCO

    Nobuyuki ITOH  Shin-ichiro ISHIZUKA  Kazuhiro KATOH  Yutaka SHIMIZU  Koji YONEMURA  


    E85-C No:8

    A 6 GHz integrated VCO using SiGe BiCMOS process has been studied. The integrated inductors were realized by third metal with 3 µm thickness aluminum and its Q=20 at 6 GHz. The amplifier consisted of bipolar transistor. Tuning range was 38% with 0 V to 3 V tuning voltage. Phase noise of -100 dBc/Hz was obtained at 1 MHz offset from carrier frequency. The current consumption of VCO was 4.9 mA at 3 V power supply.

  • Four-Reflector Offset Antennas for Space Communications

    Takayoshi FURUNO  Mikio TAKABAYASHI  Yoichi KAWAKAMI  Takashi KATAGI  Hiroyoshi IKUNO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E85-B No:7

    We design a four-reflector offset antenna satisfying the cross-polarization elimination condition and the broadband characteristics condition which consists of one primary horn, three subreflectors and one main reflector. The cross-polarization elimination condition for the four-reflector offset antennas is expressed by the equations of hyperbolas with the coordinate axes of the reciprocal of equivalent focal lengths. The configurations of the reflector system are derived simply from the graphical representation because four-reflector offset antennas satisfying these relationships exist on the hyperbolas with the coordinate axes of the reciprocal of equivalent focal lengths. Furthermore, we clarified that the derived condition for having planar phase front applying the broadband characteristics condition is independent of frequency. An actual design example for the four-reflector offset antennas satisfying the cross-polarization elimination condition and the condition for having planar phase front, both of which are independent of frequency is shown. The design method using the graphical representation is simpler than that of the tri-reflector offset antennas.

  • Clock Feedthrough Reduction of CMOS Autozeroed Operational Amplifiers by Two-Stage Self-Compensation

    Hidekuni TAKAO  Fumie INA  Kazuaki SAWADA  Makoto ISHIDA  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E85-C No:7

    In this paper, a novel method of clock feedthrough reduction in CMOS autozeroed operational amplifiers with three-phase clock operation is presented. The operational amplifiers in the method are configured by two autozeroed-gain stages. The differential input stage and the second output gain stage are autozeroed individually by a three-phase clock for autozeroing. The three-phase clock is provided so as to finish the compensation period of the input stage earlier than the end of the second stage compensation period. This operation makes it possible to absorb affection of clock feedthrough in the input stage with the second stage. As a result, residual error of offset compensation is much reduced by the voltage gain of the first stage. The effect of the two-stage autozeroing has been confirmed with SPICE simulation and fabricated CMOS circuit. The results of SPICE simulation showed that the two-stage autozeroed operational amplifier has significant advantage as compared to conventional configuration. Affection of clock feedthrough is reduced to about 1/50 in the two-stage configuration. Fabricated CMOS circuit also showed high potential of the two-stage autozeroed operational amplifier for feedthrough reduction. It has been proven experimentally that the two-stage autozeroing is an effective design approach to reduce clock feedthrough error in CMOS autozeroed operational amplifiers.

  • Combined Code Aided Adaptive Equalization and Soft Decision-Directed Algorithm for Wireless Communications

    Yun Fo LEE  Mu Zhong WANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:7

    We propose using a soft decision-directed least-mean-square algorithm in a code-aided equalization scheme for fading channels. Soft-output Viterbi algorithm (SOVA) is modified and applied to strengthen the second-stage equalizer adaptation in the scheme. Simulation results are presented for bit error rate performance in a multipath environment for various normalized fade rates. The proposed equalizer scheme is shown to provide significant bit error rate improvement compared to conventional equalization schemes.

  • A Pipelined Maximal-Sized Matching Scheme for High-Speed Input-Buffered Switches

    Eiji OKI  Roberto ROJAS-CESSA  H. Jonathan CHAO  


    E85-B No:7

    This paper proposes an innovative Pipeline-based Maximal-sized Matching scheduling approach, called PMM, for input-buffered switches. It dramatically relaxes the limitation of a single time slot for completing a maximal matching into any number of time slots. In the PMM approach, arbitration is operated in a pipelined manner, where K subschedulers are used. Each subscheduler is allowed to take more than one time slot for its matching. Every time slot, one of the subschedulers provides the matching result. We adopt an extended version of Dual Round-Robin Matching (DRRM), called iterative DRRM (iDRRM), as a maximal matching algorithm in a subscheduler. PMM maximizes the efficiency of the adopted arbitration scheme by allowing sufficient time for the number of iterations. We show that PMM preserves 100% throughput under uniform traffic and fairness for best-effort traffic of the non-pipelined adopted algorithm, while ensuring that cells from the same virtual output queue (VOQ) are transmitted in sequence. In addition, we confirm that the delay performance of PMM is not significantly degraded by increasing the pipeline degree, or the number of subschedulers, when the number of outstanding requests for each subscheduler from a VOQ is limited to 1.

  • Code Orthogonalizing Filter Based Adaptive Array Antenna Using Common Correlation Matrix of Time Domain Signals for Multicarrier DS/CDMA Systems

    Chang-Jun AHN  Iwao SASASE  


    E85-A No:7

    In this paper, we propose the code orthogonalizing filter (COF) based adaptive array antenna using sample matrix inversion with common correlation matrix (CCM-SMI) of time domain signals for multicarrier DS/CDMA systems. The conventional array antenna system calculates the weight using the correlation matrix of individual subcarrier's signals. On the other hand, our proposed system calculates the weight using the correlation matrix of time domain signals before FFT operation, so it can reduce the calculation time and the complexity of weight calculation than the conventional scheme, to maintain the system performance. Moreover, we consider the code orthogonalizing filter to reduce the demerit of adaptive array antenna system using sample matrix inversion algorithm with common correlation matrix that requires heavy computational complexity while the signal environment frequently changes. Our proposed system obtains more accurate channel response vector using COF than that of the conventional CCM-SMI based on the matched filter, without increasing the matrix size. The performance is evaluated in term of bit error probability. From the analysis and simulation results, it is shown that our proposed scheme achieves better BER performance than that of the conventional system.

  • OFDM Demodulation Method with Variable Effective Symbol Duration

    Noriyoshi SUZUKI  Tsutayuki SHIBATA  Nobuo ITOH  Mitsuo YOKOYAMA  


    E85-A No:7

    In an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, the bit error performance is degraded in the presence of multiple propagation paths whose excess delays are longer than the Guard Interval (GI), because the orthogonality between subcarriers cannot be maintained. Therefore, the GI has to be long enough for an expected delay spread of the channel. On the other hand, a long GI causes a decrease in transmission efficiency. In this paper, we propose a new OFDM demodulation method with a variable effective symbol duration, in order to improve the bit error performance in the presence of multipaths whose excess delays are longer than the GI. The proposed method can realize more stable radio communication systems under a multipath propagation environment even if a propagation path whose excess delay is longer than the GI exists. In other words, the proposed method can improve transmission efficiency without performance degradation by a shortened GI under the same environment. The principle of the proposed method is explained, and the bit error probability of the proposed method is analyzed theoretically in an AWGN channel and a multipath fading channel. The performance of the proposed method is then evaluated by computer simulation. The results show that the proposed method improves the system availability under more various multipath fading environments without changing the system parameters.

  • A VQ-Based Robust Multi-Watermarking Algorithm

    Hsiang-Cheh HUANG  Feng-Hsing WANG  Jeng-Shyang PAN  

    PAPER-Information Security

    E85-A No:7

    New methods for digital image watermarking based on the characteristics of vector quantization (VQ) are proposed. In contrast with conventional watermark embedding algorithms to embed only one watermark at a time into the original source, we present one algorithm to embed multiple watermarks for copyright protection. The embedding and extraction processes are efficient for implementing with conventional VQ techniques, and they can be accomplished in parallel to shorten the processing time. After embedding, embedder would output one watermarked reconstruction image and several secret keys associated with the embedded watermarks. These secret keys are then registered to the third party to preserve the ownership of the original source in order to prevent the attackers from inserting counterfeit watermarks. Simulation results show that under no attacks, the embedded watermarks could be perfectly extracted. If there are some intentional attacks in our simulation, all the watermarks could survive to protect the copyrights. Therefore, we are able to claim the robustness, usefulness, and ease of implementation of our algorithm.
