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  • An Efficient Model for Performance Analysis of the Dual Banyan Switch under Uniform and Non-uniform Traffics



    E85-B No:7

    Dual-Banyan is a buffered banyan asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switch encompassing bifurcated queueing as its buffering strategy. This paper describes an efficient analytical model, based on iterative calculations, for performance evaluation of the Dual-Banyan switch under uniform and non-uniform traffic patterns with much less time than the simulation. The efficiency of the given model is verified through a comparison with simulation results. Another benefit of our model is the possibility to adopt it in any non-uniform incoming traffic. At last, we compare performance of Dual-Banyan switch and Input Buffer Banyan, and show that Dual-Banyan switch has significant better performance levels.

  • Improvement of Stop-Band Characteristics for Half-Wavelength Resonator Filters

    Michiaki MATSUO  Hiroyuki YABUKI  Mitsuo MAKIMOTO  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E85-C No:7

    In general, the attenuation characteristics of band-pass filters can be improved by generating attenuation poles in the stop band. In this paper, a design method for a planar band-pass filter with attenuation poles based on a half-wavelength resonator is proposed. According to this design, the attenuation poles can be obtained at any desired frequency by means of coupling structures. Two kinds of filter with the characteristics of steep skirt and wide stop-band were designed and fabricated with the result that the validity of the design method was demonstrated. Therefore, a filter with excellent attenuation characteristics for various applications can be achieved.

  • New Rate Control Method with Minimum Skipped Frames for Very Low Delay in H.263+ Codec

    Trio ADIONO  Tsuyoshi ISSHIKI  Chawalit HONSAWEK  Kazuhito ITO  Dongju LI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E85-A No:6

    A new H.263+ rate control method that has very low encoder-decoder delay, small buffer and low computational complexity for hardware realization is proposed in this paper. This method focuses on producing low encoder-decoder delay in order to solve the lip synchronization problem. Low encoder-decoder delay is achieved by improving target bit rate achievement and reducing processing delay. The target bit rate achievement is improved by allocating an optimum frame encoding bits, and employing a new adaptive threshold of zero vector motion estimation. The processing delay is reduced by simplifying quantization parameter computation, applying a new non-zero coefficient distortion measure and utilizing previous frame information in current frame encoding. The simulation results indicate very large number skipped frames reduction in comparison with the test model TMN8. There were 80 skipped frames less than that of TMN8 within a 380 frame sequence during encoding of a very high movement video sequence. The 27 kbps target bit rate is achieved with insignificant difference for various types of video sequences. The simulation results also show that our method successfully allocates encoding bits, maintains small data at the encoder buffer and avoids buffer from overflow and underflow.

  • Multiplexed Holography with Monolithic Photorefractive Trimer

    Tetsuya AOYAMA  Emi TAKABAYASHI  Yadong ZHANG  Hiroyuki SASABE  Tatsuo WADA  

    PAPER-Optoelectronics and Photonics

    E85-C No:6

    Angle-multiplexed holography using four-wave mixing (4WM) was demonstrated with a monolithic photorefractive carbazole trimer. We measured the diffraction efficiency as a function of incident angle of the read beam. The cross-talk was almost negligible at the Bragg angle mismatch of 1. Two figure images were recorded with the different incident angle of the reference beam in the photorefractive carbazole trimer film, and were read out independently by illuminating with the read beam which counter-propagated to the corresponding reference beam.

  • Ionization-Assisted Deposition of Azo-Containing Polyurea for NLO Applications

    Hiroaki USUI  Fumiko KIKUCHI  Kuniaki TANAKA  Toshiyuki WATANABE  Seizo MIYATA  

    PAPER-Optoelectronics and Photonics

    E85-C No:6

    Polyurea thin films containing azo-based nonlinear optical (NLO) chromophore were prepared by co-deposition of 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate and 2,4-diamino-4'-nitroazobenzene monomers using the ionization-assisted method. The co-deposited film reacted to form polyurea after annealing in the air. The dichroic optical absorption spectra indicated the preferential orientation of dipole moments in the as-deposited film. The substrate bias voltage influenced the optical anisotropy. Maker fringe measurement showed that the films have NLO activity without the poling process.

  • Adaptive Sizing of Tracking Window for Correlation-Based Video Tracking

    Jae Gon SON  Chae Whan LIM  Il CHOI  Nam Chul KIM  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E85-D No:6

    An efficient algorithm is proposed for the adaptive sizing of a tracking window in correlation-based video tracking. Since a tracking window specifies a support region when estimating a target displacement, the ability to adapt the window size relative to a moving target significantly influences the performance of video tracking. The basic strategy of the proposed algorithm is to maintain the occupancy rate of the target in the tracking window within a specified range. As such, the proposed algorithm measures the occupancy rate using the ratio of the power of the spatial gradients in the edge subwindows, which edge the tracking window, to that in the tracking window. In addition, the level of any complex background and additive white noise is also evaluated to reduce their effect on the gradients. Experimental results using various artificial and real sequences confirm that the proposed algorithm can effectively adjust a tracking window to a moving target and is robust to a complex background and noise.

  • User Feedback-Driven Document Clustering Technique for Information Organization

    Han-joon KIM  Sang-goo LEE  


    E85-D No:6

    This paper discusses a new type of semi-supervised document clustering that uses partial supervision to partition a large set of documents. Most clustering methods organizes documents into groups based only on similarity measures. In this paper, we attempt to isolate more semantically coherent clusters by employing the domain-specific knowledge provided by a document analyst. By using external human knowledge to guide the clustering mechanism with some flexibility when creating the clusters, clustering efficiency can be considerably enhanced. Experimental results show that the use of only a little external knowledge can considerably enhance the quality of clustering results that satisfy users' constraint.

  • Comparison of BER Performance between H2 and H DFEs in Fading Environments

    Montree BUDSABATHON  Shinsuke HARA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:6

    In this paper, we discuss the applicability of H filtering algorithm for a decision feedback equalizer (DFE) in mobile communications environments. A comparison of bit error rate (BER) performance between a H2 filtering (recursive least squares) algorithm-based and an a priori H filtering algorithm-based fractionally-tap-spaced DFEs in various fading channels is presented. Against, our results are rather pessimistic of the H equalizer, namely, as compared with the H2 equalizer, at most the same or a little better BER performance of the H equalizer is obtained only when the ratio of the average received energy per bit to the white noise power spectral density and the normalized fading rate are large enough, especially in Rician fading channels. Moreover, the H equalizer has the problems of how to choose an appropriate prescribed positive value and computational complexity, therefore it may not be considered as an attractive alternative to the H2 equalizer for wireless communications systems.

  • A Zero-Voltage-Switching Quasi-Resonant Flyback and Forward Composite DC-DC Converter

    Yukihiro OHTA  Chika WATANABE  Kenzo WATANABE  


    E85-A No:6

    A DC-DC converter using two transformers is proposed. One transformer delivers the energy to a load when a switch is on and the other transfers the flyback energy to a load when a switch is off. The primary windings of the two transformers function as choke inductance alternately, and thus the output voltage control by means of the duty ratio and the zero-voltage-switching are possible without an additional inductor. The breadboarded prototypes of the single output and the two outputs have confirmed the principles of operation and demonstrated the high conversion efficiency.

  • Binary Sequences with Orthogonal Subsequences and a Zero-Correlation Zone: Pair-Preserving Shuffled Sequences

    Takafumi HAYASHI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E85-A No:6

    In this paper, we present a new approach to the construction of a set of binary sequences with a zero-correlation zone. The set consists of n pairs of binary sequences and the length of each binary sequence is n2(m+2) for some integers m and n. The Hadamard sequences with length n are used to construct the set. Any sequence in the set has 2(m+1) subsequences, each of length 2n. The author proves that any two subsequences are orthogonal if they belong to different pairs of binary sequences in the set.

  • A Boltzmann Machine with Non-rejective Move

    Hongbing ZHU  Ningping SUN  Mamoru SASAKI  Kei EGUCHI  Toru TABATA  Fuji REN  


    E85-A No:6

    It have been one open and significant topic for real-time applications to enhance the processing-speed of Boltzmann machines for long time. One effective way of solution of this problem is the augmentation of probability of neurons' state move. In this paper, a novel method, called a rejectionless method, was proposed and introduced into the Boltzmann machines for this augmentation. This method has a feature of independence on the ratio of neurons' state move. The efficiency of this method for speed-up was confirmed with the experiments of TSP and graph problem.

  • Printed Thai Character Recognition Using the Hybrid Approach

    Arit THAMMANO  Phongthep RUXPAKAWONG  


    E85-A No:6

    Many researches have been conducted on the recognition of Thai characters. Different approaches, such as neural network, syntactic, and structural methods, have been proposed. However, the success in recognizing Thai characters is still limited, compared to English characters. This paper proposes an approach to recognize the printed Thai characters using the hybrid of global feature, local features, fuzzy membership function and the neural network. The global feature classifies all characters into seven main groups. Then the local features and the neural network are applied to identify the characters.

  • The Chromatic Number and the Chromatic Index of de Bruijn and Kautz Digraphs

    Hiroyuki KAWAI  Yukio SHIBATA  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E85-A No:6

    There are several kinds of coloring of digraphs, such as vertex-coloring and arc-coloring. We call an arc-coloring of a digraph G the first type if it is an assignment of colors to the arc set of G in which no two consecutive arcs have the same color. In some researches, the arc-coloring of first type has been associated with the minimum number of the vertex-coloring called chromatic number. Considering the class of line digraphs, an arc-coloring of a digraph G of the first type is equivalent to the vertex-coloring of its line digraph L(G). In this paper, we study the arc-coloring of the first type and the vertex-coloring of line digraphs. We give the upper bound of the chromatic number of L(G) by the chromatic number of a digraph G which admits loops. It is also shown that there exists quite a small integer k so that the iterated line digraph Lk(G) is 3-vertex-colorable. As a consequence, we derive the chromatic number of de Bruijn and Kautz digraphs.

  • A New Space Diversity Reception Scheme for Packet-Based OFDM Wireless Access Systems

    Satoru HORI  Tomoaki KUMAGAI  Masato MIZOGUCHI  Masahiro MORIKURA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:6

    This paper proposes a novel space diversity reception scheme suitable for packet-based orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) wireless access systems that achieves large diversity gain by improving the accuracy of both carrier frequency synchronization and phase tracking. Phase tracking compensates the phase rotation caused by residual carrier frequency error and phase noise and is necessary for high data rate OFDM systems that use coherent detection. In the proposed scheme, the accuracy of carrier frequency synchronization is improved by combining the information of the carrier frequency offset detected on all diversity branches; the accuracy of phase tracking is improved by using pilot signals whose signal to noise ratio (SNR) is raised by maximal ratio combining of the pilot signals extracted from all branches. Computer simulation results show that the proposed scheme effectively improves the diversity gain even in severe environments such as those with low carrier to noise ratios (CNR) and large delay spreads.

  • Development of a 5.3-GHz Klystron for a Pulsed Doppler Radar

    Kyosuke HAMAZU  Kazuhisa HEMMI  Kazutaka HAYASHI  Hiroyuki HASHIGUCHI  Shoichiro FUKAO  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E85-B No:6

    A 5.3-GHz klystron has been recently designed and fabricated. In many countries, the transmitting frequency of 5.6 GHz (5,600 to 5,650 MHz) is commonly used for C-band meteorological radars. However, 5.3 GHz is generally used in Japan. To detect low-level wind shears by a Doppler radar, it is essential to use a MOPA (Master Oscillator and Power Amplifier) that generates stable coherent microwaves. The klystron is most suitable for this purpose. However, there are no commercially available klystrons in C-band that operate at 5.3 GHz. We developed a klystron for this band, making use of a simulation technique originally devised for S- and X-bands. The klystron operates at frequencies between 5,250 and 5,350 MHz. The typical operating parameters are a peak output power of 200 kW, a pulse width of 1 µs, and an RF duty cycle of 0.002. The klystron, including the electromagnet for focusing the magnetic field, is approximately 67 cm long with a diameter of 40 cm and a weight of 162 kg. Phase modulation is suppressed below 20% of the phase change required for the minimum resolution of Doppler velocity measurement by the radar for which this klystron is employed. The klystron shows favorable performance for Doppler radars operated in major airports in Japan.

  • Distribution of the Received Voltage's Phases in the Cross-Polarized Channel Case

    Jian YANG  Yingning PENG  Yoshio YAMAGUCHI  Wolfgang-Martin BOERNER  


    E85-B No:6

    The concept of the equi-phase curve is introduced for the cross-polarized channel case. It is proved that the equi-phase curves are a series of half circles on the Poincare sphere, and that all these curves have two common ends. Based on the introduced concept, this letter demonstrates the distribution of the received voltage's phases on the Poincare sphere. In addition, it is shown theoretically that the cross-polarized phase of the off-diagonal elements of a scattering matrix is unstable for most natural targets. Therefore, the cross-polarized phase information cannot be used for extracting target characteristics in polarimetric radar remote sensing.

  • Fuzzy Explicit Rate (FUER) Switch Mechanism for ABR Traffic Congestion Control in ATM Networks

    YoonTze CHIN  Kaharudin DIMYATI  Shiro HANDA  Shinjiro OSHITA  


    E85-B No:6

    This paper presents a refined model for the fuzzy logic implementation of an available bit rate (ABR) flow control switch. This refined model is named fuzzy explicit rate (FUER) switch mechanism. FUER switch mechanism is designed to effectively perform congestion control on ABR traffic in asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. The performance of FUER scheme is evaluated against those of two other explicit rate (ER)-based switch mechanisms using simulation in particular local area network (LAN) and wide area network (WAN) environments. On the whole, FUER scheme performs better than the other schemes. Although it has the smallest control parameter set, it is a more efficient and scalable ER-based switch mechanism.

  • Loop and Address Code Optimization for Digital Signal Processors

    Jong-Yeol LEE  In-Cheol PARK  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E85-A No:6

    This paper presents a new DSP-oriented code optimization method to enhance performance by exploiting the specific architectural features of digital signal processors. In the proposed method, a source code is translated into the static single assignment form while preserving the high-level information related to loops and the address computation of array accesses. The information is used in generating hardware loop instructions and parallel instructions provided by most digital signal processors. In addition to the conventional control-data flow graph, a new graph is employed to make it easy to find auto-modification addressing modes efficiently. Experimental results on benchmark programs show that the proposed method is effective in improving performance.

  • A New RAKE Receiver Structure for the Forward-Link of W-CDMA Systems

    Sukvasant TANTIKOVIT  Muzhong WANG  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E85-B No:6

    We propose a new receiver structure to mitigate interpath interference (IPI) in W-CDMA systems. We model IPI in RAKE combining as intersymbol interference (ISI) and use a two-stage receiver structure. The first stage is a RAKE receiver and the second stage is an equalizer. In cases of multi-code transmission, interference among code channels causes extra impairments which can not be modelled as ISI. Under these circumstances, they are estimated by using decisions from the first stage and then subtracted from the input of the equalizer. The residual interference is equivalent to ISI and can be mitigated by the equalizer. Simulation results show that the proposed receiver provides very promising performance in low spreading factor W-CDMA.

  • A Child Verb Learning Model Based on Syntactic Bootstrapping

    Tiansheng XU  Zenshiro KAWASAKI  Keiji TAKIDA  Zheng TANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Science

    E85-D No:6

    This paper presents a child verb learning model mainly based on syntactic bootstrapping. The model automatically learns 4-5-year-old children's linguistic knowledge of verbs, including subcategorization frames and thematic roles, using a text in dialogue format. Subcategorization frame acquisition of verbs is guided by the assumption of the existence of nine verb prototypes. These verb prototypes are extracted based on syntactic bootstrapping and some psycholinguistic studies. Thematic roles are assigned by syntactic bootstrapping and other psycholinguistic hypotheses. The experiments are performed on the data from the CHILDES database. The results show that the learning model successfully acquires linguistic knowledge of verbs and also suggest that psycholinguistic studies of child verb learning may provide important hints for linguistic knowledge acquisition in natural language processing (NLP).
