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  • 80 Gbit/s Conventional and Carrier-Suppressed RZ Signals Transmission over 200 km Standard Fiber by Using Mid-Span Optical Phase Conjugation

    Jun INOUE  Wataru CHUJO  Hideyuki SOTOBAYASHI  Hitoshi KAWAGUCHI  

    INVITED PAPER-OECC Awarded Paper

    E86-B No:5

    An 80 Gbit/s conventional and carrier-suppressed return-to-zero optical time-division multiplexing signal transmission over a 208 km standard single-mode fiber was experimentally demonstrated. This was achieved by using mid-span optical phase conjugation based on four-wave mixing in semiconductor optical amplifiers. In addition, it was confirmed that the transmitted carrier-suppressed return-to-zero optical signal's carrier phase-relation was held.

  • Comparison of Centralized and Distributed CFAR Detection with Multiple Sensors

    Jian GUAN  Xiang-Wei MENG  You HE  Ying-Ning PENG  


    E86-B No:5

    This paper studies the necessity of local CFAR processing in CFAR detection with multisensors. This necessity is shown by comparison between centralized CFAR detection and the distributed CFAR detection scheme based on local CFAR processing, under three typical backgrounds and in several cases of mismatching ρ, the relative ratio of local clutter power level in sensors in a homogeneous background. Results show that centralized CFAR processing can not be considered as CFAR without exact prior knowledge of ρ. In addition, even if the knowledge of ρ is available, the great difference among local clutter power levels can also result in severe performance degradation of centralized CFAR processing. In contrast, the distributed CFAR detection based on local CFAR processing is not affected by ρ at all, a fact which was proposed in a previous published paper. Therefore, the CFAR processing must be made locally in sensors for CFAR detection with multisensors.

  • Multi-Channel Arrayed Polymeric Waveguide Devices

    Myung-Hyun LEE  Suntak PARK  Jung Jin JU  Seung Koo PARK  Jung Yun DO  Jong-Moo LEE  


    E86-C No:5

    Multi-channel arrayed waveguide devices are crucial for WDM optical communication systems. Multi-channel arrayed polymer-based waveguide devices have been important for reducing cost and size. This paper introduces two types of multi-channel arrayed polymer-based waveguide devices. We designed and fabricated a four-channel arrayed 22 thermo-optic switch using a low-loss polymer and a four-channel arrayed electro-optic Mach-Zehnder modulator using an electro-optic polymer. The four-channel arrayed 22 thermo-optic switch has very low power consumption and uniform performance. The switching time of the four-channel arrayed EO Mach-Zehnder modulator operating with just lumped electrodes is less than a few nanoseconds.

  • Highly Efficient Electron Emissions from Single-Crystalline CVD Diamond Surfaces

    Toshimichi ITO  


    E86-C No:5

    Electron emissions from single-crystalline diamond surfaces by internally exciting electrons from the valence to conduction bands have been investigated. Monte Carlo simulations have been employed to estimate the impact ionization rates of carriers in diamond under high electric fields up to 1107V/cm. The calculations demonstrate substantial impact ionization rates which rapidly increase with increasing electric fields above 8105V/cm. Highly efficient electron emissions with high emission current efficiencies of approximate unity have been attained from a MIS-type diamond layered structure that are composed of heavily ion-implanted buried layer (M), undoped diamond (I) and hydrogenated p-type diamond (S) with an emission surface of a negative electron affinity. The highly efficient emission mechanism is discussed in relation to the field excitation of electrons from the valence band to the conduction band in the undoped diamond layer and the carrier transport to the diamond surface.

  • An LP-Based Local Search to the One Dimensional Cutting Stock Problem Using a Given Number of Cutting Patterns

    Shunji UMETANI  Mutsunori YAGIURA  Toshihide IBARAKI  


    E86-A No:5

    The one dimensional cutting stock problem (1D-CSP) is one of the representative combinatorial optimization problems, which arises in many industries. As the setup costs of cutting patterns become more dominant in recent cutting industry, we consider a variant of 1D-CSP, in which the total number of applications of cutting patterns is minimized under the constraint that the number of different cutting patterns is specified in advance. We propose a local search algorithm that uses the neighborhood obtained by perturbating one cutting pattern in the current set of patterns, where the perturbations are done by utilizing the dual solution of the auxiliary linear programming problem (LP). In this process, in order to solve a large number of LPs, we start the criss-cross variation of the simplex algorithm from the optimal simplex tableau of the previous solution, instead of starting it from scratch. According to our computational experiment, it is observed that the proposed algorithm obtains a wide variety of good solutions which are comparable to the existing heuristic approaches.

  • Liquid Crystal Polarization Controller Arrays on Planar Lightwave Circuits

    Katsuhiko HIRABAYASHI  Chikara AMANO  

    INVITED PAPER-OECC Awarded Paper

    E86-C No:5

    We have formed simple polarization-controller arrays by inserting liquid crystal (LC) in trenches cut across planar lightwave circuits (PLCs). We fabricated LC layers for use as polarization controllers on PLCs in two ways; in one, the ultra-thin layer of LC is held in a cell that is inserted into a trench on the PLC while in the other, the trench is directly filled with the LC. The ultra-thin LC cell can change the phase of 1.55-µm light from 0 to 3π while the LC filling can change the phase of light at the same wavelength from 0 to 12π below 5Vrms. Two former parallel-aligned ultra-thin LC cells, where the directions of alignment of the liquid crystals are rotated by 45 relative to each other, are capable of converting light with an arbitrary input polarization to TE or TM polarization. Ultra-thin cells of twisted nematic LC can switch the polarization between TE and TM modes with an extinction ratio of -15dB. The array we fabricated had a pitch of 1 mm and 5 elements, but an array with more than 100 elements and a pitch below 125µm will easily be possible by using finely patterned transparent electrodes. We have also applied our techniques to the fabrication of LC-based variable optical attenuators (VOA) on the PLC.

  • MRAM Writing Circuitry to Compensate for Thermal Variation of Magnetization Reversal Current

    Takeshi HONDA  Noboru SAKIMURA  Tadahiko SUGIBAYASHI  Hideaki NUMATA  Sadahiko MIURA  Hiromitsu HADA  Shuichi TAHARA  

    PAPER-Circuit Design

    E86-C No:4

    MRAM-writing circuitry to compensate for the thermal variation of the magnetization-reversal current is proposed. The writing current of the proposed circuitry is designed to decrease in proportion to an increase in temperature. This technique prevents multiple-write failures from degrading 1 Gb MRAM yield where the standard deviation of magnetization-reversal current variation from other origins is less than 5%.

  • A New Technique of Reduction of MEI Coefficient Computation Time for Scattering Problems

    N. M. Alam CHOWDHURY  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Masanobu HIROSE  

    LETTER-Engineering Acoustics

    E86-A No:4

    In this letter, we propose a new technique that reduces the computation time to derive the MEI coefficients in solving scattering problems by the Measured Equation of Invariance (MEI) methods. Methods that use the MEI technique spend most of the computation time in the integration process to derive the MEI coefficients. Moreover, in the conventional solution process, some repeated computation of metron fields to derive the MEI coefficients is included. To avoid the repeated operations and thus save computation time, we propose a matrix localization technique in computing the MEI coefficients. The time comparison for the computation of MEI coefficients of a cylinder and a sphere is given to verify the CPU time reduction of our new technique.

  • High-Speed and Low-Power Techniques of Hardware and Software for Digital Signal Processors

    Hiroshi TAKAHASHI  Rimon IKENO  Yutaka TOYONOH  Akihiro TAKEGAMA  Yasumasa IKEZAKI  Tohru URASAKI  Hitoshi SATOH  Masayasu ITOIGAWA  Yoshinari MATSUMOTO  

    PAPER-Circuit Design

    E86-C No:4

    High-speed and low-power DSPs have been developed for versatile hand set applications. The DSP contains a 16-bit fixed point DSP core with multiple buses, highly tuned instruction sets and a low-power architecture, featuring CPU power with 404.5 µ W/MHz, chip power with 2.08 mW/MHz at peak and 200 µA stand-by current and 160 MHz/160 MIPS performance by a single DSP core, and also operates at 0.68 V within the temperature range from -40C to 125C in the worst case (Weak corner) even using much higher I-off current process compared to a conventional process to obtain a faster operating frequency. In this paper, we discuss circuit design techniques to continue scaling down valuable IP cores keeping the same functionality, better speed performance, and lower power dissipation with much lower voltage operation capability. For further power reduction by DSP software, Run-time Power Control (RPC) has been demonstrated in an MP3 player using 100 MHz/100 MIPS DSP at 1.8 V, which is a real-time application running on an Internet audio evaluation module experimentally and we obtained 32-60% power reduction on various music source data.

  • Quick Delay Calculation Model for Logic Circuit Optimization in Early Stages of LSI Design

    Norio OHKUBO  Takeo YAMASHITA  

    PAPER-Design Methods and Implementation

    E86-C No:4

    An accurate, fast delay calculation method suitable for high-performance, low-power LSI design is proposed. The delay calculation is composed of two steps: (1) the gate delay is calculated by using an effective capacitance obtained from a simple model we propose; and (2) the interconnect delay is also calculated from the effective capacitance and modified by using the gate-output transition time. The proposed delay calculation halves the error of a conventional rough calculation, achieving a computational error within 10% per gate stage. The mathematical models are simple enough that the method is suitable for quick delay calculation and logic circuit optimization in the early stages of LSI design. A delay optimization tool using this delay calculation method reduced the worst path delay of a multiply-add module by 11.2% and decreased the sizes of 58.1% of the gates.

  • Image Compression with Wavelet-Based Vector Quantization

    Shinfeng D. LIN  Shih-Chieh SHIE  Kuo-Yuan LEE  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E86-D No:4

    A wavelet-based vector quantization scheme for image compression is introduced here. The proposed scheme obtains a better compression efficiency by the following three methods. (1) Utilizing the correlation among wavelet coefficients. (2) Placing different emphasis on wavelet coefficients at different levels. (3) Preserving the most important information of the image. In our experiments, simulation results show that this technique outperforms the recent SMVQ-ABC [1] and WTC-NIVQ [2] techniques.

  • A Dynamical N-Queen Problem Solver Using Hysteresis Neural Networks

    Takao YAMAMOTO  Kenya JIN'NO  Haruo HIROSE  


    E86-A No:4

    In a previous study about a combinatorial optimization problem solver using neural networks, since the Hopfield method, convergence to the optimum solution sooner and with more certainty is regarded as important. Namely, only static states are considered as the information. However, from a biological point of view, dynamical systems have attracted attention recently. Therefore, we propose a "dynamical" combinatorial optimization problem solver using hysteresis neural networks. In this paper, the proposed system is evaluated by the N-Queen problem.

  • A Gradient Ascent Learning Algorithm for Elastic Nets

    Zheng TANG  Jia Hai WANG  Qi Ping CAO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E86-A No:4

    This paper proposes a gradient ascent learning algorithm for the elastic net approach to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). The learning model has two phases: an elastic net phase, and a gradient ascent phase. The elastic net phase is equivalent to gradient descent of an energy function, and leads to a local minimum of energy that represents a good solution to the problem. Once the elastic net gets stuck in local minima, the gradient ascent phase attempts to fill up the valley by modifying parameters in a gradient ascent direction of the energy function. Thus, these two phases are iterated until the elastic net gets out of local minima. We test the algorithm on many randomly generated travel salesman problems up to 100 cities. For all problems, the systems are shown to be capable of escaping from the elastic net local minima and generating shorter tour than the original elastic net.

  • Multigrain Parallel Processing on Compiler Cooperative OSCAR Chip Multiprocessor Architecture

    Keiji KIMURA  Takeshi KODAKA  Motoki OBATA  Hironori KASAHARA  

    PAPER-Architecture and Algorithms

    E86-C No:4

    This paper describes multigrain parallel processing on OSCAR (Optimally SCheduled Advanced multiprocessoR) chip multiprocessor architecture. OSCAR compiler cooperative chip multiprocessor architecture aims at development of scalable, high effective performance and cost effective chip multiprocessor with ease of use by compiler supports. OSCAR chip multiprocessor architecture integrates simple single issue processors having distributed shared data memory for optimal use of data locality over different loops and fine grain data transfer and synchronization, local data memory for private data recognized by compiler, and compiler controllable data transfer unit for overlapping data transfer to hide data transfer overhead. This OSCAR chip multiprocessor and OSCAR multigrain parallelizing compiler have been developed simultaneously. Performance of multigrain parallel processing on OSCAR chip multiprocessor architecture is evaluated using SPEC fp 2000/95 benchmark suite. When microSPARC like single issue core is used, OSCAR chip multiprocessor architecture gives us 2.36 times speedup in fpppp, 2.64 times in su2cor, 2.88 times in turb3d, 2.98 times in hydro2d, 3.84 times in tomcatv, 3.84 times in mgrid and 3.97 times in swim respectively for four processors against single processor.

  • Equivalence of a Cumulant Maximization Criterion for Blind Deconvolution and a Cumulant Matching Criterion for Blind Identification

    Shuichi OHNO  Yujiro INOUYE  

    PAPER-Convolutive Systems

    E86-A No:3

    This paper considers a link of two problems; multichannel blind deconvolution and multichannel blind identification of linear time-invariant dynamic systems. To solve these problems, cumulant maximization has been proposed for blind deconvolution, while cumulant matching has been utilized for blind identification. They have been independently developed. In this paper, a cumulant maximization criterion for multichannel blind deconvolution is shown to be equivalent to a least-squares cumulant matching criterion after multichannel prewhitening of channel outputs. This equivalence provides us with a new link between a cumulant maximization criterion for blind deconvolution and a cumulant matching criterion for blind identification.

  • Randomization Enhanced Blind Signature Schemes Based on RSA

    Moonsang KWON  Yookun CHO  

    LETTER-Information Security

    E86-A No:3

    In this letter, we show that Fan-Chen-Yeh's blind signature scheme and Chien-Jan-Tseng's partially blind signature scheme are vulnerable to the chosen-plaintext attack. We also show that both schemes can be modified so that the chosen-plaintext attack is impossible. But, still Chien-Jan-Tseng's partially blind signature scheme is vulnerable. It fails to satisfy the partial blindness property.

  • Crosstalk Equalization for High-Speed Digital Transmission Systems

    Hui-Chul WON  Gi-Hong IM  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E86-B No:3

    In this paper, we discuss crosstalk equalization technique for high-speed digital transmission systems. This equalization technique makes use of the cyclostationarity of the crosstalk interferer. We first analyze the eigenstructure of the equalizer in the presence of cyclostationary crosstalk interference. It is shown that the eigenvalues of the equalizer depend upon the folded signal and interferer power spectra, and the cross power spectrum between the signal and the interferer. The expressions of the minimum mean square error (MMSE) and the excess MSE are then obtained by using the equalizer's eigenstructure. Analysis and simulation results indicate that such peculiar equalizer's eigenstructure in the presence of cyclostationary interference results in significantly different initial convergence and steady-state behaviors as compared with the stationary noise case. We also show that the performance of the equalizer varies depending on the relative clock phase of the symbol clocks used by the signal and the crosstalk interferer.

  • The Influence of Buffer Management on End-to-End Cell Delay in a Cell Switching Network

    Qutaiba RAZOUQI  Sumit GHOSH  


    E86-B No:3

    This is the first paper to report the influence of fuzzy thresolding-based buffer management scheme on the end-to-end delay performance of cell switching networks including asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks. In this approach, the fraction of the selectively blocked cells, corresponding to the difference of cell loss due to buffer overflow, between the traditional fixed and fuzzy schemes, are re-routed to their final destinations. A 50-switch, representative, cell-switching network under fuzzy thresholding is first modeled, second, simulated on a testbed consisting of a network of 25+ Pentium workstations under Linux, configured as a loosely-coupled parallel processor, and third, its performance is studied under realistic input traffic conditions. A total of 10,000 user calls, generating between 1.0 and 1.5 million ATM cells, is stochastically distributed among the nodes. Performance analysis reveals that for different input traffic distributions ranging from light to moderate to heavy traffic, the re-routing approach successfully routes these blocked cells, although it causes the average end-to-end cell delay in the network to increase, compared to the fixed scheme, by a factor ranging from 1.65 for relatively light traffic to 6.7 for heavy traffic.

  • ICA Papers Classified According to their Applications and Performances

    Ali MANSOUR  Mitsuru KAWAMOTO  


    E86-A No:3

    Since the beginning of the last two decades, many researchers have been involved in the problem of Blind Source Separation (BSS). Whilst hundreds of algorithms have been proposed to solve BSS. These algorithms are well known as Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithms. Nowadays, ICA algorithms have been used to deal with various applications and they are using many performance indices. This paper is dedicated to classify the different algorithms according to their applications and performances.

  • A Genetic Grey-Based Neural Networks with Wavelet Transform for Search of Optimal Codebook

    Chi-Yuan LIN  Chin-Hsing CHEN  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E86-A No:3

    The wavelet transform (WT) has recently emerged as a powerful tool for image compression. In this paper, a new image compression technique combining the genetic algorithm (GA) and grey-based competitive learning network (GCLN) in the wavelet transform domain is proposed. In the GCLN, the grey theory is applied to a two-layer modified competitive learning network in order to generate optimal solution for VQ. In accordance with the degree of similarity measure between training vectors and codevectors, the grey relational analysis is used to measure the relationship degree among them. The GA is used in an attempt to optimize a specified objective function related to vector quantizer design. The physical processes of competition, selection and reproduction operating in populations are adopted in combination with GCLN to produce a superior genetic grey-based competitive learning network (GGCLN) for codebook design in image compression. The experimental results show that a promising codebook can be obtained using the proposed GGCLN and GGCLN with wavelet decomposition.
