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  • Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave by Large Open-Ended Cavities with Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions

    Masato TADOKORO  Kohei HONGO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E84-C No:10

    The boundary integral equation (BIE) on interior walls with surface impedance conditions is implemented to the iterative physical optics method and how to treat the singularities involved in the BIE of an impedance cavity is described. Singular integrals over a rectangular region can be represented by simple elementary functions.

  • An Iterative Temporal Error Concealment Algorithm for Degraded Video Signals

    Yong-Goo KIM  Yoonsik CHOE  


    E84-B No:4

    Error concealment is an essential part of reliable video communication systems because transmission errors are inevitable even when the coded bitstream is highly protected. The problem of temporal EC can be factored into two parts regarding candidate motion vectors (MVs) employed and the matching criterion to evaluate the fitness of each candidate MV. In order to obtain more faithful EC results, this paper proposes a novel iterative EC algorithm, in which an efficient way to provide candidate MVs and a new fitness measure are presented. The proposed approach for candidate MVs systematically utilizes all the available neighboring MVs by exploiting a well-known spatiotemporal correlation of block MVs. Also, in order to remove the dependency of a damaged block's quality of concealment on the already concealed adjacent blocks, we develope a new matching criterion. The objective of the proposed fitness measure is to minimize the total boundary matching errors induced by the whole corrupted blocks. Simulations performed using an H.263 codec demonstrate a significant improvement on the subjective and objective concealed video qualities, especially when the corrupted area is wider than a single row of coding blocks.

  • Candidate Motion Vectors for Error Concealment of Video Signals

    Yong-Goo KIM  Yoonsik CHOE  

    LETTER-Image Processing, Image Pattern Recognition

    E84-D No:3

    The performance of conventional error concealment (EC) is significantly affected by the method of selecting candidate motion vectors (MVs). In order to obtain more robust EC results, this letter proposes a new and efficient way to choose candidate MVs. The proposed approach systematically utilizes available neighboring MVs by exploiting a well-known spatiotemporal correlation of block MVs. Through extensive simulations with H.263, this letter demonstrates that the proposed candidate MVs provide superior concealed video quality in comparison to the best results of other existing techniques.

  • Applicability of Impedance Boundary Condition for Approximating a Loaded Trough on a Ground Plane

    Ryoichi SATO  Hiroshi SHIRAI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E84-C No:1

    An electromagnetic wave scattering by a material loaded rectangular trough on a ground plane is approximately analyzed by using standard impedance boundary condition (SIBC). The validity of the derived approximate solution is examined by comparing with the rigorous one not only for the oblique incidence but also for the variation of both the filled material's parameters and the trough dimension. An applicability condition has been derived here for this trough structure.

  • Microstructure Analysis of Annealing Effect on CoCrPt Thin Film Media by XRD

    Ding JIN  Ying SU  Jian Ping WANG  Hao GONG  


    E83-C No:9

    Post annealing treatment for CoCrPt magnetic thin films were tried in different thermal conditions, by changing the time of annealing procedure. Coercivity (Hc) improvement was achieved in annealed sample compared with those as deposited, in which as high as 5.2 kOe has been attained. To clarify the mechanism of annealing treatment on the magnetic properties, X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectrums of those samples and their magnetic properties were carefully studied. Co and Cr lattice parameters were separately calculated from different crystal lattice plane. It was found that a axis lattice spacing of Co hexagonal structure increases monotonically with increased annealing time. Variation of Co hcp peaks significance may due to Cr or Pt redistribution in the crystal grains and its boundaries. Combined with the grain size analysis of Co-rich area by X-ray diffraction peak broaden width, which was not very consistent with the result obtained from other's TEM and AFM studies, Cr diffusion was suggested to be the governing factor at short annealing time region. Co-rich grain growth should also be applied to explain the variation of magnetic properties in longer post annealing.

  • New Developments and Old Problems in Grid Generation and Adaptation for TCAD Applications


    INVITED PAPER-Numerics

    E83-C No:8

    We present several challenging gridding problems for multi-dimensional device and process simulation and discuss how new strategies might contribute to their solution. Formulating grid quality requirements for the standard Scharfetter-Gummel box method discretization in device simulation, we demonstrate how the offsetting techniques compares with quadtree grid generation methods and how they apply to modern device designs. Further we present a grid adaptation approach which respects the grid quality criteria and touch upon the main adaptation difficulties within device simulation. For the 3D moving boundary grids in process simulation we present a new algorithm.

  • Numerical Techniques for Analysis of Electromagnetic Problems

    Kunio SAWAYA  


    E83-B No:3

    The features of the method of moment (MoM) and the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method for numerical analysis of the electromagnetic scattering problem are presented. First, the integral equations for the conducting wire, conducting plane and the dielectric materials are described. Importance to ensure the condition of the continuity of the current of the scatterers is emphasized and numerical examples for a conducting structure involving a junction of wire segment and planar segment is presented. Finally, the advantages and the disadvantages of the FDTD method are discussed.

  • Transient Phenomena of Electromagnetic Waves by the Abrupt Extinction of Interior Terminative Conducting Screen in Waveguide

    Michinari SHIMODA  Ryuichi IWAKI  Masazumi MIYOSHI  Oleg A. TRETYAKOV  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E82-C No:8

    The problem of transient scattering caused by abrupt extinction of a terminative conducting screen in a waveguide is considered. First, a boundary-value problem is formulated to describe the transient phenomena, the problem in which the boundary condition depends on time. Then, application of the Fourier transformation with respect to time derives a Wiener-Hopf-type equation, which is solved by a commonly known decomposition procedure. The transient fields are obtained through the deformation of the integration path for the inverse transformation and the results are represented in terms of the incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel integrals. Numerical examples showing typical transient phenomena are attached.

  • Mesh Generation for Application in Technology CAD

    Peter FLEISCHMANN  Wolfgang PYKA  Siegfried SELBERHERR  


    E82-C No:6

    After a brief discussion of the demands in meshing for semiconductor process and device simulation, we present a three-dimensional Delaunay refinement technique combined with a modified advancing front algorithm.

  • Efficient Multi-Layered CDMA Cell Configuration Avoiding Inter-Cell Hard Handoffs

    Go-Whan JIN  Eun-Seon CHO  Choel-Hye CHO  Hun LEE  Dong-Wan TCHA  

    LETTER-Mobile Communication

    E82-B No:5

    We are concerned with a CDMA cellular system with unbalanced traffic environment such that a cell with high traffic should be assigned a frequency additional to the common one shared with its neighboring cells. To remove quality-dropping inter-cell hard handoffs, the cell with high traffic was first partitioned into three regions. Then, the common frequency is assigned in the outermost region, and the additional frequency is operated in the innermost region, whereas both the common frequency and the additional frequency are operated in the middle region. This frequency assignment strategy is shown not only to remove inter-cell hard handoffs without requiring extra hardware, but also to reduce intra-cell hard handoffs.

  • On the Bit Error Probability of 16DAPSK in a Frequency-Selective Fast Rayleigh Fading Channel with Cochannel Interference

    Jong Youl LEE  Young Mo CHUNG  Sang Uk LEE  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E82-B No:3

    In this paper, the bit error rate (BER) of 16 differential amplitude phase shift keying (16DAPSK) modems in future mobile communication system is derived analytically. The channel employed in this paper is the frequency-selective and fast Rayleigh fading channel, corrupted by cochannel interference (CCI) and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Exact expressions for the probability distributions of the differential phase and amplitude ratio are derived for the BER calculation. The BER and optimum boundary are obtained for various channel conditions. In addition, the results for the BER in the presence of CCI are provided.

  • A Study of the Approximate Expressions for Constriction Resistance of Multitude Conducting Spots

    Hitoshi NISHIYAMA  Isao MINOWA  


    E82-C No:1

    Simple expressions for constriction resistance of multitude conducting spots were analytically formulated by Greenwood. These expressions, however, include some approximations. Nakamura presented that the constriction resistance of one circular spot computed using the BEM is closed to Maxwell's exact value. This relative error is only e=0. 00162 [%]. In this study, the constriction resistances of two, five and ten conducting spots are computed using the boundary element method (BEM), and compared with those obtained using Greenwood's expressions. As the conducting spots move close to each other, the numerical deviations between constriction resistances computed using Greenwood's expressions and the BEM increase. As a result, mutual resistance computed by the BEM is larger than that obtained from Greenwood's expressions. The numerical deviations between the total resistances computed by Greenwood's expressions and that by the BEM are small. Hence, Greenwood's expressions are valid for the total constriction resistance calculation and can be applied to problems where only the total resistance of two contact surfaces, such as a relay and a switch, is required. However, the numerical deviations between the partial resistances computed by Greenwood's expression and that by the BEM are very large. The partial resistance calculations of multitude conducting spots are beyond the applicable range of Greenwood's expression, since Greenwood's expression for constriction resistance of two conducting spots is obtained by assuming that the conducting spots are equal size. In particular, the deviation between resistances of conducting spots, which are close to each other, is very large. In the case of partial resistances which are significant in semiconductor devices, Greenwood's expressions cannot be used with high precision.

  • Performance of the Modified PML Absorbing Boundary Condition for Propagating and Evanescent Waves in Three-Dimensional Structures

    Zhewang MA  Yoshio KOBAYASHI  


    E81-C No:12

    The recently proposed modified PML (MPML) absorbing boundary condition is extended to three dimensions. The performance of the MPML is investigated by FDTD simulation of a typical microstrip line and a rectangular waveguide. The dominant and higher order modes of the microstrip line and the waveguide are excited separately in the computation. In all of the cases of excitation, the reflection properties of the MPML boundaries are examined for the side walls and the end walls, respectively. Various values of the permittivity and permeability of the MPML medium are tested in the computation, and the variation behavior of reflection from the MPML boundaries is examined. The numerical results reveal that by choosing appropriate values of the permittivity and permeability of the MPML, we can realize efficient absorption of both evanescent waves and propagating waves over a wide frequency band.

  • Characterization of Microstrip Lines with Various Cross-Sections of Strip Conductors in Microwave Integrated Circuits

    Keren LI  


    E81-C No:12

    In this paper, we present an analysis of the microstrip lines whose strip conductors are of various cross-sections, such as rectangular cross-section, triangle cross-section, and half-cycle cross-section. The method employed is the boundary integral equation method (BIEM). Numerical results for these microstrip lines demonstrate various shape effects of the strip conductor on the characteristics of lines. The processing technique on the convergence of the Green's function is also described.

  • Shadow Boundary Currents in the Problem of High-Frequency Electromagnetic Diffraction by a Circular Impedance Cylinder

    Andrey V. OSIPOV  Hirokazu KOBAYASHI  Kohei HONGO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:10

    A correction of the physical optics approximation by accounting for the presence of specific currents concentrated near shadow boundaries on the surface of a convex non-metallic scatterer is analysed by considering a canonical problem of diffraction of a plane electromagnetic wave incident normally to the axis of an infinite circular cylinder with impedance boundary conditions. The analysis focuses on the development of Fock-type asymptotic representations for magnetic field tangent components on the surface of the scatterer. The Fock-type representation of the surface field is uniformly valid within the penumbra region, providing a continuous transition from the geometrical optics formulas on the lit portion of the surface to the creeping waves approximation in the deep shadow region. A new numerical procedure for evaluating Fock-type integrals is proposed that extracts rapidly varying factors and approximates the rest, slowly varying coefficients via interpolation. This allows us to obtain accurate and simple representations for the shadow boundary currents that can be directly inserted into the radiation integral and effectively integrated. We show that accounting for the shadow boundary currents considerably improves the traditional PO analysis of the high-frequency electromagnetic fields scattered from smooth and convex non-metallic obstacles, particularly near the forward scattering direction.

  • A Method of Proving the Existence of Simple Turning Points of Two-Point Boundary Value Problems Based on the Numerical Computation with Guaranteed Accuracy

    Takao SOMA  Shin'ichi OISHI  Yuchi KANZAWA  Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis

    E81-A No:9

    This paper is concerned with the validation of simple turning points of two-point boundary value problems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Usually it is hard to validate approximate solutions of turning points numerically because of it's singularity. In this paper, it is pointed out that applying the infinite dimensional Krawcyzk-based interval validation method to enlarged system, the existence of simple turning points can be verified. Taking an example, the result of validation is also presented.

  • State Diagrams of Elementary Cellular Automata with Arbitrary Boundary Conditions

    Poh Yong KOH  Kiyoshi FURUYA  


    E81-D No:7

    One-dimensional Cellular Automata (CA's) are considered as potential pseudorandom pattern generators to generate highly random parallel patterns with simple hardware configurations. A class of linear, binary, and of nearest neighbor (radius = 1) CA's is referred to here as elementary ones. This paper investigates operations of such CA's with fixed boundary conditions when non-null boundary values are applied to them. By modifying transition matrices of elementary CA's to include the influence of boundary values, structures of state transition diagrams are determined.

  • Rigorous Design of Iris-Coupled Waveguide Filters by Field-Theory-Based Approach and Genetic Algorithms

    Fengchao XIAO  Hatsuo YABE  

    PAPER-Passive Element

    E81-C No:6

    The increasing activity at millimeter wave frequency band and the growing demand for waveguide components to be applied for integrated circuit purpose have promoted the need for applying the field-theory-based approaches to the design procedure. In this paper, genetic algorithms (GA's) are applied to accurately design the iris-coupled waveguide filters based on network-boundary element method (NBEM). GA's model the natural selection and evolve towards the global optimum, thus avoid being trapped in local minima. Network-boundary element method, which combines boundary element method with network analysis method, derives the network parameters of the guided wave structures with less storage location and central processing unit time. Therefore, NBEM is a feasible and efficient field-theory-based approach for the GA optimization of waveguide filters. With NBEM performing the task of evaluating the performance of the filter designs optimized by the GA, rigorous and optimal designs of the waveguide filters are realized. The obtained analysis and optimization results are compared to a number of reference solutions to demonstrate the validity and accuracy of the proposed approach.

  • Electromagnetic Wave Scattering from a Body Moving in an Arbitrary Direction through Use of the Body Fitted Grid Generation with Moving Boundary: Quasi-Stationary Approximation

    Michiko KURODA  Hideyoshi ISOBE  Hiroyuki KASAI  

    LETTER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E81-C No:4

    A new numerical approach for the analysis of electromagnetic scattering from a body moving in an arbitrary direction is described. A time dependent grid generation is applied to solve these problems. We are treating this method for a quasi-stationary field. Some numerical results are compared with the exact ones and excellent agreement between them is obtained.

  • Complete Diagnosis Patterns for Wiring Interconnects

    Sungju PARK  Gueesang LEE  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E81-A No:4

    It is important to test the various kinds of interconnect faults between chips on a card/module. When boundary scan design techniques are adopted, the chip to chip interconnection test generation and application of test patterns is greatly simplified. Various test generation algorithms have been developed for interconnect faults. A new interconnect test generation algorithm is introduced. It reduces the number of test patterns by half over present techniques. It also guarantees the complete diagnosis of multiple interconnect faults.
