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[Keyword] edge(512hit)


  • Effect of Fixational Eye Movement on Signal Processing of Retinal Photoreceptor: A Computational Study

    Keiichiro INAGAKI  Takayuki KANNON  Yoshimi KAMIYAMA  Shiro USUI  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E103-D No:7

    The eyes are continuously fluctuating during fixation. These fluctuations are called fixational eye movements. Fixational eye movements consist of tremors, microsaccades, and ocular drifts. Fixational eye movements aid our vision by shaping spatial-temporal characteristics. Here, it is known that photoreceptors, the first input layer of the retinal network, have a spatially non-uniform cell alignment called the cone mosaic. The roles of fixational eye movements are being gradually uncovered; however, the effects of the cone mosaic are not considered. Here we constructed a large-scale visual system model to explore the effect of the cone mosaic on the visual signal processing associated with fixational eye movements. The visual system model consisted of a brainstem, eye optics, and photoreceptors. In the simulation, we focused on the roles of fixational eye movements on signal processing with sparse sampling by photoreceptors given their spatially non-uniform mosaic. To analyze quantitatively the effect of fixational eye movements, the capacity of information processing in the simulated photoreceptor responses was evaluated by information rate. We confirmed that the information rate by sparse sampling due to the cone mosaic was increased with fixational eye movements. We also confirmed that the increase of the information rate was derived from the increase of the responses for the edges of objects. These results suggest that visual information is already enhanced at the level of the photoreceptors by fixational eye movements.

  • Joint Representations of Knowledge Graphs and Textual Information via Reference Sentences

    Zizheng JI  Zhengchao LEI  Tingting SHEN  Jing ZHANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E103-D No:6

    The joint representations of knowledge graph have become an important approach to improve the quality of knowledge graph, which is beneficial to machine learning, data mining, and artificial intelligence applications. However, the previous work suffers severely from the noise in text when modeling the text information. To overcome this problem, this paper mines the high-quality reference sentences of the entities in the knowledge graph, to enhance the representation ability of the entities. A novel framework for joint representation learning of knowledge graphs and text information based on reference sentence noise-reduction is proposed, which embeds the entity, the relations, and the words into a unified vector space. The proposed framework consists of knowledge graph representation learning module, textual relation representation learning module, and textual entity representation learning module. Experiments on entity prediction, relation prediction, and triple classification tasks are conducted, results show that the proposed framework can significantly improve the performance of mining and fusing the text information. Especially, compared with the state-of-the-art method[15], the proposed framework improves the metric of H@10 by 5.08% and 3.93% in entity prediction task and relation prediction task, respectively, and improves the metric of accuracy by 5.08% in triple classification task.

  • Leveraging Entity-Type Properties in the Relational Context for Knowledge Graph Embedding

    Md Mostafizur RAHMAN  Atsuhiro TAKASU  


    E103-D No:5

    Knowledge graph embedding aims to embed entities and relations of multi-relational data in low dimensional vector spaces. Knowledge graphs are useful for numerous artificial intelligence (AI) applications. However, they (KGs) are far from completeness and hence KG embedding models have quickly gained massive attention. Nevertheless, the state-of-the-art KG embedding models ignore the category specific projection of entities and the impact of entity types in relational aspect. For example, the entity “Washington” could belong to the person or location category depending on its appearance in a specific relation. In a KG, an entity usually holds many type properties. It leads us to a very interesting question: are all the type properties of an entity are meaningful for a specific relation? In this paper, we propose a KG embedding model TPRC that leverages entity-type properties in the relational context. To show the effectiveness of our model, we apply our idea to the TransE, TransR and TransD. Our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches as TransE, TransD, DistMult and ComplEx. Another, important observation is: introducing entity type properties in the relational context can improve the performances of the original translation distance based models.

  • Multimodal Analytics to Understand Self-Regulation Process of Cognitive and Behavioral Strategies in Real-World Learning

    Masaya OKADA  Yasutaka KUROKI  Masahiro TADA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E103-D No:5

    Recent studies suggest that learning “how to learn” is important because learners must be self-regulated to take more responsibility for their own learning processes, meta-cognitive control, and other generative learning thoughts and behaviors. The mechanism that enables a learner to self-regulate his/her learning strategies has been actively studied in classroom settings, but has seldom been studied in the area of real-world learning in out-of-school settings (e.g., environmental learning in nature). A feature of real-world learning is that a learner's cognition of the world is updated by his/her behavior to investigate the world, and vice versa. This paper models the mechanism of real-world learning for executing and self-regulating a learner's cognitive and behavioral strategies to self-organize his/her internal knowledge space. Furthermore, this paper proposes multimodal analytics to integrate heterogeneous data resources of the cognitive and behavioral features of real-world learning, to structure and archive the time series of strategies occurring through learner-environment interactions, and to assess how learning should be self-regulated for better understanding of the world. Our analysis showed that (1) intellectual achievements are built by self-regulating learning to chain the execution of cognitive and behavioral strategies, and (2) a clue to predict learning outcomes in the world is analyzing the quantity and frequency of strategies that a learner uses and self-regulates. Assessment based on these findings can encourage a learner to reflect and improve his/her way of learning in the world.

  • Estimating Knowledge Category Coverage by Courses Based on Centrality in Taxonomy

    Yiling DAI  Masatoshi YOSHIKAWA  Yasuhito ASANO  


    E103-D No:5

    The proliferation of Massive Open Online Courses has made it a challenge for the user to select a proper course. We assume a situation in which the user has targeted on the knowledge defined by some knowledge categories. Then, knowing how much of the knowledge in the category is covered by the courses will be helpful in the course selection. In this study, we define a concept of knowledge category coverage and aim to estimate it in a semi-automatic manner. We first model the knowledge category and the course as a set of concepts, and then utilize a taxonomy and the idea of centrality to differentiate the importance of concepts. Finally, we obtain the coverage value by calculating how much of the concepts required in a knowledge category is also taught in a course. Compared with treating the concepts uniformly important, we found that our proposed method can effectively generate closer coverage values to the ground truth assigned by domain experts.

  • Iterative Cross-Lingual Entity Alignment Based on TransC

    Shize KANG  Lixin JI  Zhenglian LI  Xindi HAO  Yuehang DING  


    E103-D No:5

    The goal of cross-lingual entity alignment is to match entities from knowledge graph of different languages that represent the same object in the real world. Knowledge graphs of different languages can share the same ontology which we guess may be useful for entity alignment. To verify this idea, we propose a novel embedding model based on TransC. This model first adopts TransC and parameter sharing model to map all the entities and relations in knowledge graphs to a shared low-dimensional semantic space based on a set of aligned entities. Then, the model iteratively uses reinitialization and soft alignment strategy to perform entity alignment. The experimental results show that, compared with the benchmark algorithms, the proposed model can effectively fuse ontology information and achieve relatively better results.

  • Auction-Based Resource Allocation for Mobile Edge Computing Networks

    Ben LIU  Ding XU  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E103-A No:4

    Mobile edge computing (MEC) is a new computing paradigm, which provides computing support for resource-constrained user equipments (UEs). In this letter, we design an effective incentive framework to encourage MEC operators to provide computing service for UEs. The problem of jointly allocating communication and computing resources to maximize the revenue of MEC operators is studied. Based on auction theory, we design a multi-round iterative auction (MRIA) algorithm to solve the problem. Extensive simulations have been conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm and it is shown that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the overall revenue of MEC operators.

  • Secure Resilient Edge Cloud Designed Network Open Access

    Tarek SAADAWI  Akira KAWAGUCHI  Myung Jong LEE  Abbe MOWSHOWITZ  


    E103-B No:4

    Systems for Internet of Things (IoT) have generated new requirements in all aspects of their development and deployment, including expanded Quality of Service (QoS) needs, enhanced resiliency of computing and connectivity, and the scalability to support massive numbers of end devices in a variety of applications. The research reported here concerns the development of a reliable and secure IoT/cyber physical system (CPS), providing network support for smart and connected communities, to be realized by means of distributed, secure, resilient Edge Cloud (EC) computing. This distributed EC system will be a network of geographically distributed EC nodes, brokering between end-devices and Backend Cloud (BC) servers. This paper focuses on three main aspects of the CPS: a) resource management in mobile cloud computing; b) information management in dynamic distributed databases; and c) biological-inspired intrusion detection system.

  • Essential Roles, Challenges and Development of Embedded MCU Micro-Systems to Innovate Edge Computing for the IoT/AI Age Open Access

    Takashi KONO  Yasuhiko TAITO  Hideto HIDAKA  

    INVITED PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E103-C No:4

    Embedded system approaches to edge computing in IoT implementations are proposed and discussed. Rationales of edge computing and essential core capabilities for IoT data supply innovation are identified. Then, innovative roles and development of MCU and embedded flash memory are illustrated by technology and applications, expanding from CPS to big-data and nomadic/autonomous elements of IoT requirements. Conclusively, a technology roadmap construction specific to IoT is proposed.

  • Master-Slave FF Using DICE Capable of Tolerating Soft Errors Occurring Around Clock Edge

    Kazuteru NAMBA  

    LETTER-Dependable Computing

    E103-D No:4

    This letter reveals that an edge-triggered master-slave flip-flop (FF) using well-known soft error tolerant DICE (dual interlocked storage cell) is vulnerable to soft errors occurring around clock edge. This letter presents a design of a soft error tolerant FF based on the master-slave FF using DICE. The proposed design modifies the connection between the master and slave latches to make the FF not vulnerable to these errors. The hardware overhead is almost the same as that for the original edge-triggered FF using the DICE.

  • Salient Region Detection with Multi-Feature Fusion and Edge Constraint

    Cheng XU  Wei HAN  Dongzhen WANG  Daqing HUANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E103-D No:4

    In this paper, we propose a salient region detection method with multi-feature fusion and edge constraint. First, an image feature extraction and fusion network based on dense connection structure and multi-channel convolution channel is designed. Then, a multi-scale atrous convolution block is applied to enlarge reception field. Finally, to increase accuracy, a combined loss function including classified loss and edge loss is built for multi-task training. Experimental results verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • A High-Speed Method for Generating Edge-Preserving Bubble Images

    Toru HIRAOKA  

    LETTER-Computer Graphics

    E103-D No:3

    We propose a non-photorealistic rendering method for generating edge-preserving bubble images from gray-scale photographic images. Bubble images are non-photorealistic images embedded in many bubbles, and edge-preserving bubble images are bubble images where edges in photographic images are preserved. The proposed method is executed by an iterative processing using absolute difference in window. The proposed method has features that processing is simple and fast. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments using various photographic images are conducted. Results show that the proposed method can generate edge-preserving bubble images by preserving the edges of photographic images and the processing speed is high.

  • Software Process Capability Self-Assessment Support System Based on Task and Work Product Characteristics: A Case Study of ISO/IEC 29110 Standard


    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E103-D No:2

    A key driver of software business growth in developing countries is the survival of software small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Quality of products is a critical factor that can indicate the future of the business by building customer confidence. Software development agencies need to be aware of meeting international standards in software development process. In practice, consultants and assessors are usually employed as the primary solution, which can impact the budget in case of small businesses. Self-assessment tools for software development process can potentially reduce time and cost of formal assessment for software SMEs. However, the existing support methods and tools are largely insufficient in terms of process coverage and semi-automated evaluation. This paper proposes to apply a knowledge-based approach in development of a self-assessment and gap analysis support system for the ISO/IEC 29110 standard. The approach has an advantage that insights from domain experts and the standard are captured in the knowledge base in form of decision tables that can be flexibly managed. Our knowledge base is unique in that task lists and work products defined in the standard are broken down into task and work product characteristics, respectively. Their relation provides the links between Task List and Work Product which make users more understand and influence self-assessment. A prototype support system was developed to assess the level of software development capability of the agencies based on the ISO/IEC 29110 standard. A preliminary evaluation study showed that the system can improve performance of users who are inexperienced in applying ISO/IEC 29110 standard in terms of task coverage and user's time and effort compared to the traditional self-assessment method.

  • On the Design and Implementation of IP-over-P2P Overlay Virtual Private Networks Open Access

    Kensworth SUBRATIE  Saumitra ADITYA  Vahid DANESHMAND  Kohei ICHIKAWA  Renato FIGUEIREDO  


    E103-B No:1

    The success and scale of the Internet and its protocol IP has spurred emergent distributed technologies such as fog/edge computing and new application models based on distributed containerized microservices. The Internet of Things and Connected Communities are poised to build on these technologies and models and to benefit from the ability to communicate in a peer-to-peer (P2P) fashion. Ubiquitous sensing, actuating and computing implies a scale that breaks the centralized cloud computing model. Challenges stemming from limited IPv4 public addresses, the need for transport layer authentication, confidentiality and integrity become a burden on developing new middleware and applications designed for the network's edge. One approach - not reliant on the slow adoption of IPv6 - is the use of virtualized overlay networks, which abstract the complexities of the underlying heterogeneous networks that span the components of distributed fog applications and middleware. This paper describes the evolution of the design and implementation of IP-over-P2P (IPOP) - from its purist P2P inception, to a pragmatic hybrid model which is influenced by and incorporates standards. The hybrid client-server/P2P approach allows IPOP to leverage existing robust and mature cloud infrastructure, while still providing the characteristics needed at the edge. IPOP is networking cyber infrastructure that presents an overlay virtual private network which self-organizes with dynamic membership of peer nodes into a scalable structure. IPOP is resilient to partitioning, supports redundant paths within its fabric, and provides software defined programming of switching rules to utilize these properties of its topology.

  • Distributed Key-Value Storage for Edge Computing and Its Explicit Data Distribution Method

    Takehiro NAGATO  Takumi TSUTANO  Tomio KAMADA  Yumi TAKAKI  Chikara OHTA  


    E103-B No:1

    In this article, we propose a data framework for edge computing that allows developers to easily attain efficient data transfer between mobile devices or users. We propose a distributed key-value storage platform for edge computing and its explicit data distribution management method that follows the publish/subscribe relationships specific to applications. In this platform, edge servers organize the distributed key-value storage in a uniform namespace. To enable fast data access to a record in edge computing, the allocation strategy of the record and its cache on the edge servers is important. Our platform offers distributed objects that can dynamically change their home server and allocate cache objects proactively following user-defined rules. A rule is defined in a declarative manner and specifies where to place cache objects depending on the status of the target record and its associated records. The system can reflect record modification to the cached records immediately. We also integrate a push notification system using WebSocket to notify events on a specified table. We introduce a messaging service application between mobile appliances and several other applications to show how cache rules apply to them. We evaluate the performance of our system using some sample applications.

  • A Topology Control Strategy with Efficient Path for Predictable Delay-Tolerant Networks

    Dawei YAN  Cong LIU  Peng YOU  Shaowei YONG  Dongfang GUAN  Yu XING  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E102-B No:12

    In wireless networks, efficient topology improves the performance of network protocols. The previous research mainly focuses on how to construct a cost-efficient network structure from a static and connected topology. Due to lack of continuous connectivity in the underlying topology, most traditional topology control methods are not applicable to the delay or disruption tolerant networks (DTNs). In this paper, we consider the topology control problem in a predictable DTN where the dynamic topology is known a priori or can be predicted over time. First, this dynamic topology is modeled by a directed space-time graph that includes spatial and temporal information. Second, the topology control problem of the predictable DTN is formulated as building a sparse structure. For any pair devices, there is an efficient path connecting them to improve the efficiency of the generated structure. Then, a topology control strategy is proposed for this optimization problem by using a kth shortest paths algorithm. Finally, simulations are conducted on random networks and a real-world DTN tracing date. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the efficiency of the generated structure and reduce the total cost.

  • Interworking Layer of Distributed MQTT Brokers

    Ryohei BANNO  Jingyu SUN  Susumu TAKEUCHI  Kazuyuki SHUDO  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E102-D No:12

    MQTT is one of the promising protocols for various data exchange in IoT environments. Typically, those environments have a characteristic called “edge-heavy”, which means that things at the network edge generate a massive volume of data with high locality. For handling such edge-heavy data, an architecture of placing multiple MQTT brokers at the network edges and making them cooperate with each other is quite effective. It can provide higher throughput and lower latency, as well as reducing consumption of cloud resources. However, under this kind of architecture, heterogeneity could be a vital issue. Namely, an appropriate product of MQTT broker could vary according to the different environment of each network edge, even though different products are hard to cooperate due to the MQTT specification providing no interoperability between brokers. In this paper, we propose Interworking Layer of Distributed MQTT brokers (ILDM), which enables arbitrary kinds of MQTT brokers to cooperate with each other. ILDM, designed as a generic mechanism independent of any specific cooperation algorithm, provides APIs to facilitate development of a variety of algorithms. By using the APIs, we also present two basic cooperation algorithms. To evaluate the usefulness of ILDM, we introduce a benchmark system which can be used for both a single broker and multiple brokers. Experimental results show that the throughput of five brokers running together by ILDM is improved 4.3 times at maximum than that of a single broker.

  • Simulation Study of Low-Latency Network Model with Orchestrator in MEC Open Access

    Krittin INTHARAWIJITR  Katsuyoshi IIDA  Hiroyuki KOGA  Katsunori YAMAOKA  


    E102-B No:11

    Most of latency-sensitive mobile applications depend on computational resources provided by a cloud computing service. The problem of relying on cloud computing is that, sometimes, the physical locations of cloud servers are distant from mobile users and the communication latency is long. As a result, the concept of distributed cloud service, called mobile edge computing (MEC), is being introduced in the 5G network. However, MEC can reduce only the communication latency. The computing latency in MEC must also be considered to satisfy the required total latency of services. In this research, we study the impact of both latencies in MEC architecture with regard to latency-sensitive services. We also consider a centralized model, in which we use a controller to manage flows between users and mobile edge resources to analyze MEC in a practical architecture. Simulations show that the interval and controller latency trigger some blocking and error in the system. However, the permissive system which relaxes latency constraints and chooses an edge server by the lowest total latency can improve the system performance impressively.

  • Fast Edge Preserving 2D Smoothing Filter Using Indicator Function Open Access

    Ryo ABIKO  Masaaki IKEHARA  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E102-D No:10

    Edge-preserving smoothing filter smoothes the textures while preserving the information of sharp edges. In image processing, this kind of filter is used as a fundamental process of many applications. In this paper, we propose a new approach for edge-preserving smoothing filter. Our method uses 2D local filter to smooth images and we apply indicator function to restrict the range of filtered pixels for edge-preserving. To define the indicator function, we recalculate the distance between each pixel by using edge information. The nearby pixels in the new domain are used for smoothing. Since our method constrains the pixels used for filtering, its running time is quite fast. We demonstrate the usefulness of our new edge-preserving smoothing method for some applications.

  • LEF: An Effective Routing Algorithm for Two-Dimensional Meshes

    Thiem Van CHU  Kenji KISE  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E102-D No:10

    We design a new oblivious routing algorithm for two-dimensional mesh-based Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) called LEF (Long Edge First) which offers high throughput with low design complexity. LEF's basic idea comes from conventional wisdom in choosing the appropriate dimension-order routing (DOR) algorithm for supercomputers with asymmetric mesh or torus interconnects: routing longest dimensions first provides better performance than other strategies. In LEF, we combine the XY DOR and the YX DOR. When routing a packet, which DOR algorithm is chosen depends on the relative position between the source node and the destination node. Decisions of selecting the appropriate DOR algorithm are not fixed to the network shape but instead made on a per-packet basis. We also propose an efficient deadlock avoidance method for LEF in which the use of virtual channels is more flexible than in the conventional method. We evaluate LEF against O1TURN, another effective oblivious routing algorithm, and a minimal adaptive routing algorithm based on the odd-even turn model. The evaluation results show that LEF is particularly effective when the communication is within an asymmetric mesh. In a 16×8 NoC, LEF even outperforms the adaptive routing algorithm in some cases and delivers from around 4% up to around 64.5% higher throughput than O1TURN. Our results also show that the proposed deadlock avoidance method helps to improve LEF's performance significantly and can be used to improve O1TURN's performance. We also examine LEF in large-scale NoCs with thousands of nodes. Our results show that, as the NoC size increases, the performance of the routing algorithms becomes more strongly influenced by the resource allocation policy in the network and the effect is different for each algorithm. This is evident in that results of middle-scale NoCs with around 100 nodes cannot be applied directly to large-scale NoCs.
