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  • An AES Based 256-bit Hash Function for Lightweight Applications: Lesamnta-LW

    Shoichi HIROSE  Kota IDEGUCHI  Hidenori KUWAKADO  Toru OWADA  Bart PRENEEL  Hirotaka YOSHIDA  

    PAPER-Hash Function

    E95-A No:1

    This paper proposes a new lightweight 256-bit hash function Lesamnta-LW. The security of Lesamnta-LW is reduced to that of the underlying AES-based block cipher and it is theoretically analyzed for an important application, namely the key-prefix mode. While most of recently proposed lightweight primitives are hardware-oriented with very small footprints, our main target with Lesamnta-LW is to achieve compact and fast hashing for lightweight application on a wider variety of environments ranging from inexpensive devices to high-end severs at the 2120 security level. As for performance, our primary target CPUs are 8-bit and it is shown that, for short message hashing, Lesamnta-LW offers better tradeoffs between speed and cost on an 8-bit CPU than SHA-256.

  • A Basic Fuzzy-Estimation Theory for Available Operation of Extremely Complicated Large-Scale Network Systems

    Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E95-A No:1

    In this paper, we shall describe a basic fuzzy-estimation theory based on the concept of set-valued operators, suitable for available operation of extremely complicated large-scale network systems. Fundamental conditions for availability of system behaviors of such network systems are clarified in a form of β-level fixed point theorem for system of fuzzy-set-valued operators. Here, the proof of this theorem is accomplished by the concept of Hausdorff's ball measure of non-compactness introduced into the Banach space.

  • Small Wearable Antenna with Folded Ground for Body-Centric Wireless Communications

    Zhengyi LI  Kazuyuki SAITO  Masaharu TAKAHASHI  Koichi ITO  


    E95-B No:1

    The miniaturization of electronic devices is leading to the creation of body-centric wireless communications, in which wireless devices are attached to human body. However, the human body environment is often uninviting for wireless signals owing to the mutual influence between the human body and wireless devices' antennas, namely wearable antennas. Therefore, wearable antennas need to be carefully designed. In this paper, a small wearable antenna with folded ground at 2.4 GHz is proposed. The folded ground has two effects: one is to improve efficiency and the other is to enhance bandwidth. When the antenna is very close to human body, it has an efficiency of 50.7% and a wide operation bandwidth of 130 MHz.

  • Design of 65 nm Sub-Threshold SRAM Using the Bitline Leakage Prediction Scheme and the Non-trimmed Sense Amplifier

    Jinn-Shyan WANG  Pei-Yao CHANG  Chi-Chang LIN  

    BRIEF PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E95-C No:1

    In this paper we present a 0.25–1.0 V, 0.1–200 MHz, 25632, 65 nm SRAM macro. The main design techniques include a bitline leakage prediction scheme and a non-trimmed non-strobed sense amplifier to deal with process and runtime variations and data dependence.

  • On Algebraic Property of T-Functions

    Ruilin LI  Bing SUN  Chao LI  Shaojing FU  


    E95-A No:1

    T-function is a kind of cryptographic function which is shown to be useful in various applications. It is known that any function f on F2n or Z2n automatically deduces a unique polynomial fF ∈ F2n[x] with degree ≤ 2n-1. In this letter, we study an algebraic property of fF while f is a T-function. We prove that for a single cycle T-function f on F2n or Z2n, deg fF=2n-2 which is optimal for a permutation. We also consider a kind of widely used T-function in many cryptographic algorithms, namely the modular addition function Ab(x)=x+b ∈ Z2n[x]. We demonstrate how to calculate deg Ab F from the constant value b. These results can facilitate us to evaluate the immunity of the T-function based cryptosystem against some known attacks such as interpolation attack and integral attack.

  • An Adaptive Weighted Clustering Algorithm for Cooperative Communications

    Qiyue YU  Weixiao MENG  Fumiyuki ADACHI  


    E94-B No:12

    The cooperative relay network exploits the space diversity gain by allowing cooperation among users to improve transmission quality. It is an important issue to identify the cluster-head (or relay node) and its members who are to cooperate. The cluster-head consumes more battery power than an ordinary node since it has extra responsibilities, i.e., ensuring the cooperation of its members' transmissions; thereby the cluster-head has a lower throughput than the average. Since users are joining or departing the clusters from time to time, the network topology is changing and the network may not be stable. How to balance the fairness among users and the network stability is a very interesting topic. This paper proposes an adaptive weighted clustering algorithm (AWCA), in which the weight factors are introduced to adaptively control both the stability and fairness according to the number of arrival users. It is shown that when the number of arrival users is large, AWCA has the life time longer than FWCA and similar to SWCA and that when the number of arrival users is small, AWCA provides fairness higher than SWCA and close to FWCA.

  • A Graph Rewriting Approach for Converting Asynchronous ROMs into Synchronous Ones

    Md. Nazrul Islam MONDAL  Koji NAKANO  Yasuaki ITO  


    E94-D No:12

    Most of FPGAs have Configurable Logic Blocks (CLBs) to implement combinational and sequential circuits and block RAMs to implement Random Access Memories (RAMs) and Read Only Memories (ROMs). Circuit design that minimizes the number of clock cycles is easy if we use asynchronous read operations. However, most of FPGAs support synchronous read operations, but do not support asynchronous read operations. The main contribution of this paper is to provide one of the potent approaches to resolve this problem. We assume that a circuit using asynchronous ROMs designed by a non-expert or quickly designed by an expert is given. Our goal is to convert this circuit with asynchronous ROMs into an equivalent circuit with synchronous ones. The resulting circuit with synchronous ROMs can be embedded into FPGAs. We also discuss several techniques to decrease the latency and increase the clock frequency of the resulting circuits.

  • Performance Analysis of Base Station Cooperation in Multiantenna Cellular System

    Tetsuki TANIGUCHI  Yoshio KARASAWA  Nobuo NAKAJIMA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E94-A No:11

    In cellular systems, particular in the cell edge, the user terminals (UTs) are suffered from the attenuation of the signal from their target base station (BS) and the relatively strong interferences from BSs of other users. This paper investigates the performance improvement under this bad situation by BS cooperation (BSC) in the downlink scenario using multiantenna transmission assuming the perfect channel state information (CSI), and compares the effectiveness of several strategies based on a three cell model. Through computer simulations, the performance improvement by BSC is verified. Then the result is extended to multiple stream transmission utilizing the feature of multiantenna, and advantage of BSC with data sharing is shown.

  • Generalized Analysis on Key Collisions of Stream Cipher RC4

    Jiageng CHEN  Atsuko MIYAJI  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:11

    The fact that the stream cipher RC4 can generate colliding key pairs with hamming distance one was first discovered by Matsui in FSE 2010. This kind of weakness demonstrates that two different secret keys have the same effect on the cipher's encryption and the corresponding decryption procedure. In this paper, we further investigate the property of RC4 key collisions and achieved the following results: 1. We show that RC4 can generate colliding key pairs with various hamming distances, which cannot be generated by Matsui's pattern. We also give concrete examples of colliding key pairs with hamming distances greater than one. 2. We formalize RC4 colliding key pairs into two large patterns, namely, Transitional pattern and Self-Absorbing pattern. All the currently known colliding key pairs can be categorized into either two patterns. 3. We analyze both patterns and clarified the relations among the probability of key collision, key length and hamming distances which yield the colliding key pairs. 4. We demonstrate the vulnerability of key collisions by showing collisions of RC4-Hash function proposed in INDOCRYPT 2006. Some concrete experimental results of RC4-Hash collision are also given in this paper.

  • Application of Cascade Connection of Recursive and Non-recursive Filters to Active Noise Control System Using Simultaneous Equations Method

    Kensaku FUJII  Kenji KASHIHARA  Mitsuji MUNEYASU  Masakazu MORIMOTO  

    PAPER-Noise and Vibration

    E94-A No:10

    In this paper, we propose a method capable of shortening the distance from a noise detection microphone to a loudspeaker, which is one of important issues in the field of active noise control (ANC). In the ANC system, the secondary noise provided by the loudspeaker is required arriving at an error microphone simultaneously with the primary noise to be cancelled. However, the reverberation involved in the secondary path from the loudspeaker to the error microphone increases the secondary noise components arriving later than the primary noise. The late components are not only invalid for canceling the primary noise but also impede the cancellation. To reduce the late components, the distance between the noise detection microphone and the loud speaker is generally extended. The proposed method differently reduces the late components by forming the noise control filter, which produces the secondary noise, with the cascade connection of a non-recursive and a recursive filters. The distance can be thus shortened. On the other hand, the recursive filter is required to work stably. The proposed method guarantees the stable work by forming the recursive filter with the lattice filter whose coefficients are restricted to less than unity.

  • A Constructive Method of Algebraic Attack with Less Keystream Bits

    Xiaoyan ZHANG  Qichun WANG  Bin WANG  Haibin KAN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:10

    In algebraic attack on stream ciphers based on LFSRs, the secret key is found by solving an overdefined system of multivariate equations. There are many known algorithms from different point of view to solve the problem, such as linearization, relinearization, XL and Grobner Basis. The simplest method, linearization, treats each monomial of different degrees as a new variable, and consists of variables (the degree of the system of equations is denoted by d). Thus it needs at least equations, i.e. keystream bits to recover the secret key by Gaussian reduction or other. In this paper we firstly propose a concept, called equivalence of LFSRs. On the basis of it, we present a constructive method that can solve an overdefined system of multivariate equations with less keystream bits by extending the primitive polynomial.

  • CMOS Imaging Devices for Biomedical Applications Open Access

    Jun OHTA  Takuma KOBAYASHI  Toshihiko NODA  Kiyotaka SASAGAWA  Takashi TOKUDA  


    E94-B No:9

    We review recently obtained results for CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) imaging devices used in biomedical applications. The topics include dish type image sensors, deep-brain implantation devices for small animals, and retinal prosthesis devices. Fundamental device structures and their characteristics are described, and the results of in vivo experiments are presented.

  • A Note on “On the Construction of Boolean Functions with Optimal Algebraic Immunity”

    Yuan LI  Haibin KAN  Kokichi FUTATSUGI  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:9

    In this note, we go further on the “basis exchange” idea presented in [2] by using Mobious inversion. We show that the matrix S1(f)S0(f)-1 has a nice form when f is chosen to be the majority function, where S1(f) is the matrix with row vectors υk(α) for all α ∈ 1f and S0(f)=S1(f ⊕ 1). And an exact counting for Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity by exchanging one point in on-set with one point in off-set of the majority function is given. Furthermore, we present a necessary condition according to weight distribution for Boolean functions to achieve algebraic immunity not less than a given number.

  • Random Occurrence of Contact Welding in Electrical Endurance Tests

    Laijun ZHAO  Zhenbiao LI  Hansi ZHANG  Makoto HASEGAWA  


    E94-C No:9

    To clarify how the occurrence of contact welding is related to the series of arc duration characteristics in consecutive make and break operations, electrical endurance tests were conducted on commercially available automotive relays, and the voltage waveforms of make and break arcs between the electrodes were recorded with LabVIEW. Experimental results indicate that welding may occur suddenly or randomly with increasing number of operations. A single arc or a group of make or break arcs with a long arc duration does not necessarily result in contact welding, but a group of longer make or break arcs within a narrow range of operation numbers can cause imminent contact welding (such an effect can be called the “group of longer arcing duration effect”). It is confirmed that contact welding may occur in both make and break operations, but the welding probability during make operations is much higher than that during break operations.

  • A Family of p-ary Binomial Bent Functions

    Dabin ZHENG  Xiangyong ZENG  Lei HU  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:9

    For a prime p with p≡3 (mod 4) and an odd number m, the Bentness of the p-ary binomial function fa,b(x)=Tr1n(axpm-1)+Tr12 is characterized, where n=2m, a ∈ F*pn, and b ∈ F*p2. The necessary and sufficient conditions of fa,b(x) being Bent are established respectively by an exponential sum and two sequences related to a and b. For the special case of p=3, we further characterize the Bentness of the ternary function fa,b(x) by the Hamming weight of a sequence.

  • QoS-Sensitive Dynamic Voltage Scaling Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Services

    Sungwook KIM  


    E94-B No:8

    The past decade has seen a surge of research activities in the fields of mobile computing and wireless communication. In particular, recent technological advances have made portable devices, such as PDA, laptops, and wireless modems to be very compact and affordable. To effectively operate portable devices, energy efficiency and Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning are two primary concerns. Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) is a common method for energy conservation for portable devices. However, due to the amount of data that needs to be dynamically handled in varying time periods, it is difficult to apply conventional DVS techniques to QoS sensitive multimedia applications. In this paper, a new adaptive DVS algorithm is proposed for QoS assurance and energy efficiency. Based on the repeated learning model, the proposed algorithm dynamically schedules multimedia service requests to strike the appropriate performance balance between contradictory requirements. Experimental results clearly indicate the performance of the proposed algorithm over that of existing schemes.

  • More on the Impulse Sensitivity Functions of CMOS Differential LC Oscillators

    Shey-Shi LU  Hsiao-Chin CHEN  Shih-An YU  

    PAPER-Circuit Theory

    E94-A No:8

    The effective ISFs of differential LC oscillators are derived under the assumption that the drain-to-source current is linearly dependent on the gate-to-source voltage for transistors operated in saturation. Moreover, a new interpretation of phase noise is given by examining the real vector diagram of the carrier signal, upon which the noise voltage induced by the impulse noise current is superimposed. The distinct feature of our vector diagram lies in that the noise voltage is always parallel with the horizontal axis. From the Fourier transformations of the derived effective ISFs, the phase noise of differential LC oscillators can be formulated with physical meanings in the frequency domain. The proposed theory can well describe the translation of the noise spectra when the noises from the LC-tank, the switching transistors, and the tail current source are converted into the phase noise. Theoretical predictions from our formulas agree well with the simulation results.

  • Construction of d-Form Sequences with Ideal Autocorrelation

    Tongjiang YAN  Xiaoni DU  Yuhua SUN  Guozhen XIAO  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:8

    This correspondence contributes to some d-form functions and d-form sequences. A property of d-form functions is obtained firstly. Then we present a way to construct d-form sequences and extended d-form sequences with ideal autocorrelation. Based on our result, many sequences with ideal autocorrelation can be constructed by the corresponding difference-balanced d-form functions.

  • Performance Analysis of AF Cooperative Networks with Nth User Selection over Rayleigh Fading Channel

    Xuefang LIU  Qinghai YANG  Fenglin FU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:8

    In this letter, we investigate the Nth-best user selection scheme for amplify-and-forward cooperative systems over Rayleigh fading channels. We deduce the probability density function, the cumulative density function, and the moment generating function of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio of the system. Then, the respective closed-form expressions of the average symbol error probability and the outage probability at the destination are derived. The diversity order obtained in the scheme increases with user number but becomes less as the selection sequence number N increases. Simulation results verify the analytical results.

  • Network-Wide Anomaly Detection Based on Router Connection Relationships

    Yingjie ZHOU  Guangmin HU  


    E94-B No:8

    Detecting distributed anomalies rapidly and accurately is critical for efficient backbone network management. In this letter, we propose a novel anomaly detection method that uses router connection relationships to detect distributed anomalies in the backbone Internet. The proposed method unveils the underlying relationships among abnormal traffic behavior through closed frequent graph mining, which makes the detection effective and scalable.
