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  • A New Active Sinusoidal Noise Control System Using the Simultaneous Equations Technique

    Kensaku FUJII  Yoshihisa NAKATANI  Mitsuji MUNEYASU  

    LETTER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E85-A No:8

    This paper proposes a new method to reduce sinusoidal noise components whose frequencies are known. The new method is based on the simultaneous equations technique. The technique does not require the secondary path filter: thereby the automatic recovering of the noise reduction effect deteriorated by secondary path changes becomes possible. This paper also presents computer simulation results to examine the performance of the new method.

  • Effect of Subarray Size on Direction Estimation of Coherent Cyclostationary Signals Based on Forward-Backward Linear Prediction

    Jingmin XIN  Akira SANO  

    PAPER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E85-A No:8

    The effect of subarray size (equal to the order of the prediction model plus one) on the estimation performance of a previously proposed forward-backward linear prediction (FBLP) based cyclic method is investigated. This method incorporates an overdetermined FBLP model with a subarray scheme and is used to estimate the directions-of-arrival (DOAs) of coherent cyclostationary signals impinging on a uniform linear array (ULA) from the corresponding polynomial or spectrum formed by the prediction coefficients. However, the decorrelation is obtained at the expense of a reduced working array aperture, as it is with the spatial smoothing (SS) technique. In this paper, an analytical expression of the mean-squared-error (MSE) of the spectral peak position is derived using the linear approximation for higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Then the subarray size that minimizes this approximate MSE is identified. The effect of subarray size on the DOA estimation is demonstrated and the theoretical analysis is substantiated through numerical examples.

  • Dynamic Equations of Generalized Eigenvalue Problems

    Yao-Lin JIANG  Richard M. M. CHEN  

    LETTER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E85-A No:8

    In this letter we present a new way for computing generalized eigenvalue problems in engineering applications. To transform a generalized eigenvalue problem into an associated problem for solving nonlinear dynamic equations by using optimization techniques, we can determine all eigenvalues and their eigenvectors for general complex matrices. Numerical examples are given to verify the formula of dynamic equations.

  • Practical Resource Adaptation for Broadband Application Using Portable Computers

    Kazunori SUGIURA  Akimichi OGAWA  Osamu NAKAMURA  Jun MURAI  


    E85-D No:8

    In this paper, we implemented practical resource adaptation mechanism for broadband application environment especially suitable for portable computers (note PCs) with limited power supply. Continuous development of portability enhancement and increasing computation with less power consumption for battery operating environment in note PC equips with intelligent resource controlling mechanism embedded inside the hardware. In such environment, where occasional environmental changes take in place rapidly, adaptive and collaborative controls of resources are required. Optimization of resource based on power supply management is dedicated to the operating environment. Bi-directional, user, application, operating system and device aware interface for resource configuration/management is extended to the current Unix operating system by implementing application programming interface of Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Traditional operating system conceals the active device probing and controlling method autonomously. Implementation of "State handler daemon" interface enables applications and application users to monitor and adapt the resources available during the operation. Thick collaboration between application and devices that are reserved in its limited environments economizes the consuming device utilization resulting: for example, life extension of battery life and effective network bandwidth adaptation. We focused on DVTS (Digital Video Transport System) as a typical broadband application. Evaluation shows 125 minutes of continuous battery operation with battery life extension compared to 70 minutes with traditional systems. Collaboration with network device management enables 100% packet transfer compared to 89% without any Resource adaptations.

  • A Fragile Digital Watermarking Technique by Number Theoretic Transform

    Hideaki TAMORI  Naofumi AOKI  Tsuyoshi YAMAMOTO  

    LETTER-Image/Visual Signal Processing

    E85-A No:8

    This paper suggests that a watermarking technique based on the number theoretic transform (NTT) may effectively be employed for detecting alterations on lossless digital master images. Due to its fragility, the NTT-based technique is sensitive to detecting alterations, compared with that based on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT).

  • GTD Evaluation of Signal Level Reduction Due to Aircraft Crossing over Satellite Communications Paths Using a Thin Plate Model

    Shinichi NOMOTO  Yoshihiko MIZUGUCHI  

    PAPER-Antenna and Propagation

    E85-B No:8

    Since the penetration of VSAT services is rapidly increasing, more earth stations will operate around airports than is currently true. This makes it essential to evaluate accurately and efficiently the impairment of received signals due to blockage by aircraft. This paper proposes developing an aircraft model using a thin, planar polygon to represent the aircraft projection and to apply GTD with corner diffraction terms. The effectiveness and applicability of the method is then examined numerically. It is demonstrated that the results measured in the Ku-band around two airports are a good match with the numerical simulations even when the distance between the aircraft and the stations is small.

  • Limiting the Holding Time in Mobile Cellular Systems during Heavy Call Demand Periods in the Aftermath of Disasters

    Kazunori OKADA  


    E85-A No:7

    Call demand suddenly and greatly increases in the aftermath of a major disaster, because people want to check on their families and friends in the stricken area. Many call attempts in mobile cellular systems are blocked due to the limited radio frequency resources. In this paper, as a solution to this problem, limiting the holding time of calls is investigated and a dynamic holding time limit (DHTL) method, which varies the holding time limit dynamically based on the number of call attempts, is proposed. The effect of limiting the holding time is investigated first using a computer simulation with a constant and heavy traffic load model. This simulation shows that the average holding time of calls is decreased as the holding time limit is reduced. But it also shows limiting the holding time decreases the number of calls blocked and forced call terminations at handover considerably. Next, a simple estimation method for the holding time limit, which reduces the blocking rate to the normal rate for increasing call demand, is described. Finally, results are given of a simulation, which show that the DHTL method keeps good performance for a sudden and great traffic load fluctuation condition.

  • Spline-based QoS Mapping Mechanisms for Hierarchical Multilevel QoS Models

    Tatsuya YAMAZAKI  


    E85-A No:6

    A generic multilevel quality-of-service (QoS) model for distributed multimedia applications is presented. QoS mapping mechanisms are required to translate the QoS parameters among the hierarchical levels. One QoS mapping mechanism based on the spline functions is proposed, hence two splines are compared. One is natural splines and the other is B-splines. QoS measurement experiments were conducted, and it is found that the B-splines give more accurate mapping results than the natural splines once the knots for the splines are selected appropriately.

  • Analysis of High-Speed Signal Behavior in a Miniaturized Interconnect

    Akihiro MORIMOTO  Koji KOTANI  Kazushi TAKAHASHI  Shigetoshi SUGAWA  Tadahiro OHMI  


    E85-C No:5

    Precise interconnect analysis is strongly required for giga-scale integration the operation frequency of which is excess 10 GHz. In this study, detailed and accurate analyses of a coaxial interconnect and an actual rectangular interconnect have been performed by the direct evaluation of Maxwell's equations and the finite element method, respectively. It has been revealed that there are two propagation modes for LSI interconnects: skin depth limited propagation mode and interconnect induced slow wave mode. In a miniaturized interconnect, the propagation mode is the interconnect induced slow wave mode; therefore, we cannot obtain the light-speed propagation due to such an interconnect-induced effect. In order to overcome this speed limitation or to improve signal integrity, it is essential to introduce a short interconnect for a miniaturized structure, and a much larger interconnect than the skin depth. We propose a gas-isolated interconnect as a candidate for an ultimately low-k structure in order to increase the signal-propagation speed. By the introduction of such structures, the performance of miniaturized devices in the deep submicron region will be effectively enhanced.

  • Cryptanalysis of a Key Management Scheme for Secure Multicast Communications

    Gwoboa HORNG  


    E85-B No:5

    Multicast is an efficient way to send messages to a group of members. It is becoming the basis for a number of applications, such as teleconferencing, news groups, and on-line games. Security is one of the main issues in realizing multicast communications. A working group within IETF dedicated to multicast security has been formed and RFCs and working drafts concerning multicast security are proposed. This letter analyzes the security of a scheme proposed in [1] for securely establishing a shared, secret key in a large, dynamic group. We show that it fails to provide forward and backward security.

  • Gain-Scheduled Control for an Active Suspension System with an Asymmetric Hydraulic Actuator

    YuJin JANG  Sang Woo KIM  

    LETTER-Systems and Control

    E85-A No:4

    The main objective of vehicle suspensions is to improve ride comfort and road holding ability. Though passive suspensions consist of spring and damper, active suspensions adopt an actuator in addition to passive suspensions. In this paper, a quarter car model with an asymmetric hydraulic actuator is used. Moreover, the damping coefficient of the damper, which is changed according to the actuator velocity, is considered. The LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) model is obtained by applying feedback linearization technique. Next, a gain-scheduled controller, based on LQ regulator with different weighting factor, is designed according to the actuator velocity and the stability of the proposed controller is also proved. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is shown by numerical simulations.

  • Noise Reduction Approach of Range Image Using Nonlinear 2D Kalman Filter

    Jun KATAYAMA  Yoshifumi SEKINE  


    E85-A No:4

    In this paper, we discuss noise reduction approaches to improving range images using a nonlinear 2D Kalman filter. First, we propose the nonlinear 2D Kalman filter, which can reduce noise in the range image using an estimated edge vector and a nonlinear function that does not distort sharp edges. Second, we evaluate reduction of the additive noise in a test range image using the mean square error (MSE). Third, we discuss the detection rate and the number of false detections in the estimated range image. Fourth, a simulation example demonstrating the performance of the proposed 2D Kalman filter for a real range image having abrupt changes is presented. Finally, simulation results are presented which show that the estimated image of the nonlinear 2D Kalman filter is effective in reducing the amount of noise, while causing minimal smoothing of the abrupt changes.

  • Research on Superconducting Thin Films and Devices

    Hong-Chang YANG  Jau-Han CHEN  Kuen-Lin CHEN  Ming-Jye CHEN  Chiu-Hsien WU  Jen-Tzong JENG  Herng-Er HORNG  

    PAPER-Thin Films and Materials

    E85-C No:3

    We report some leading research on superconducting devices in Taiwan. Research includes thin films, Josephson junctions, junction arrays and resonators etc. In device physics characteristics of Josephson junctions, junction array, and SQUIDs are reported. Applications of SQUIDs include: (1) studies of brain activities (magnetoencenphalogram) using multichannel low Tc SQUIDs system; (2) detection of weak magnetic fields (magnetocardiogragh, etc. ) using high-Tc SQUIDs; (3) nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of deep flaws using high-Tc SQUIDs. Research projects in the future in our group are briefly reported.

  • Noise Estimation Using High Frequency Regions for Spectral Subtraction

    Junpei YAMAUCHI  Tetsuya SHIMAMURA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E85-A No:3

    This paper presents an improved spectral subtraction method for speech enhancement. A new noise estimation method is derived in which the noise is assumed to be white. By using the property that a white noise spectrum is flat, high frequency components of a noisy speech spectrum are averaged and the standard deviation of the noise is estimated. This operation is performed in the analysis segment, thus the spectral subtraction method combined with the new noise estimation method does not need non-speech segments and as a result can adapt to non-stationary noise conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed spectral subtraction method is confirmed by experiments.

  • Theoretical Derivation Method of Bit Error Rate in TDMA/TDD Transmitter Diversity under Cochannel Interference

    Fumiaki MAEHARA  Fumihito SASAMORI  Fumio TAKAHATA  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:3

    Transmitter diversity is a powerful technique to improve the transmission quality of downlink in microcellular mobile communications systems. Under cochannel interference (CCI) at the base station (BS), the transmitter diversity is not necessarily effective, because the desired-plus-interference signal power used as a criterion of downlink branch selection is not always relative to the downlink propagation condition. This paper proposes the theoretical derivation of bit error rate (BER) performance in the transmitter diversity under CCI occurring at BS, as parameters of average SIR at BS, normalized Doppler frequency, and so on. It is confirmed from the correspondence of theoretical results with simulation results that the proposed theoretical approach is applicable to the CCI environments at BS.

  • A Channel Estimation Algorithm for Mobile Communication Systems in a Fading Environment

    Kyoo-Jin HAN  Een-Kee HONG  Sang-Tae KIM  Keum-Chan WHANG  

    LETTER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E85-B No:3

    In this letter, an algorithm that estimates one of the most important channel parameters, maximum Doppler frequency, fD, is proposed. The algorithm uses phase variations of received pilot signals, which is strongly related with fD in a fading environment. In addition, a phase variation measurement method for binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulated signals is also proposed and it makes possible to estimate fD from BPSK modulated information signals as well as unmodulated pilot signals. The results show that the proposed algorithm is very simple and shows good performance over wide Doppler frequency range.

  • Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Method of Estimating Functions

    Shun-ichi AMARI  

    INVITED PAPER-Theories

    E85-A No:3

    Independent component analysis (ICA) is a new method of extracting independent components from multivariate data. It can be applied to various fields such as vision and auditory signal analysis, communication systems, and biomedical and brain engineering. There have been proposed a number of algorithms. The present article shows that most of them use estimating functions from the statistical point of view, and give a unified theory, based on information geometry, to elucidate the efficiency and stability of the algorithms. This gives new efficient adaptive algorithms useful for various problems.

  • Input-Queued Switches Using Two Schedulers in Parallel

    Masayoshi NABESHIMA  


    E85-B No:2

    It has been shown that virtual output queuing (VOQ) and a sophisticated scheduling algorithm enable an input-queued switch to achieve 100% throughput for independent arrival process. Several of the scheduling algorithms that have been proposed can be classified as either iterative scheduling algorithms or symmetric crossbar arbitration algorithms. i-OCF (oldest-cell-first) and TSA (two step arbiter) are well-known examples of iterative scheduling algorithms and symmetric crossbar arbitration algorithms, respectively. However, there are drawbacks in using these algorithms. i-OCF takes long time to find completely a conflict-free match between input ports and output ports because it requires multiple iterations. If i-OCF cannot find a conflict-free match completely, the switch throughput falls. TSA has the possibility that it finds a conflict-free match faster than i-OCF because it does not need any iterations. However, TSA suffers from the starvation problem. In this paper, we propose a new scheduling algorithm. It uses two schedulers, which we call scheduler 1 and scheduler 2, in parallel. After cells were transmitted, the information that input port i granted the offer from output port j in scheduler 2 is mapped to scheduler 1 if and only if input port i has at least one cell destined for output port j. If the information is moved, input port i and output port j are matched in scheduler 1 at the beginning of the next time slot. Our proposed algorithm uses one scheduler based on TSA and the other scheduler based on i-OCF. Numerical results show that the proposed scheduling algorithm does not require multiple iterations to find a conflict-free match completely and suffer from the starvation problem for both uniform and bursty traffic.

  • Bias and Geometry Dependent Flicker Noise Characterization for n-MOSFET's

    Hitoshi AOKI  

    PAPER-Semiconductor Materials and Devices

    E85-C No:2

    In order to design oscillators and switches phase noise characteristic is the key to obtain high quality frequency spectrums. Since the phase noise is directly affected by the 1/f noise of transistors in the circuit, 1/f noise measurement and modeling are important. This paper describes 1/f noise measurement, frequency and bias dependent flicker noise model, and noise parameter extraction method of MOSFET's. Also, for MOSFET's geometry dependencies of drain current 1/f noise are analyzed and modeled. The model has been verified by measuring the noise current spectral density of MOSFET's in two different process devices.

  • Efficient Analysis of Electromagnetic Coupling Problem via Aperture into Parallel Plate Waveguide and Its Application to Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Coupling

    Young-Soon LEE  Jong-Kyu KIM  Young-Ki CHO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E85-C No:1

    A numerically efficient analysis method, combining closed-form Green's functions with the method of moments (MoM) of the mixed potential integral equation (MPIE) approach, is considered for the electromagnetic coupling problem through an aperture into a parallel plate waveguide (PPW), as a complementary problem to the microstrip patch structure problem, and then applied to the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) penetration problem. Some discussion on the advantages of the present method is also presented from the perspective of computational electromagnetics.
