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[Keyword] ions(1385hit)


  • Bidirectional Single-Fiber Multiwavelength Ring Networks

    Keang-Po HO  Shien-Kuei LIAW  Frank F.-K. TONG  


    E83-B No:10

    High-capacity multiwavelength ring networks with bidirectional WDM add/drop multiplexer (WADM) having built-in EDFAs is analyzed and demonstrated. All WDM channels can be added/dropped independently in each direction. The capacity of a bidirectional ring is found to be approximately twice that of an unidirectional ring. An eight-wavelength WADM is demonstrated for a data rate of 10 Gb/s per channel, providing an overall capacity of 80 Gb/s. The performance of the add/drop multiplexer is not degraded by backward backscattering light. The same WADM is also demonstrated to be able to serve as a bidirectional in-line optical amplifier.

  • An Improvement to GMD-Like Decoding Algorithms

    Hitoshi TOKUSHIGE  Yuansheng TANG  Takuya KOUMOTO  Tadao KASAMI  

    LETTER-Coding Theory

    E83-A No:10

    For binary linear block codes, we introduce "multiple GMD decoding algorithm. " In this algorithm, GMD-like decoding is iterated around a few appropriately selected search centers. The original GMD decoding by Forney is a GMD-like decoding around the hard-decision sequence. Compared with the original GMD decoding, this decoding algorithm provides better error performance with moderate increment of iteration numbers. To reduce the number of iterations, we derive new effective sufficient conditions on the optimality of decoded codewords.

  • A Parallel Approach for Computing Complex Eigenvalue Problems

    Yao-Lin JIANG  Richard M. M. CHEN  Zu-Lan HUANG  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E83-A No:10

    In this paper we study general complex eigenvalue problems in engineering fields. The eigenvalue problems can be transformed into the associated problems for solving large systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations (dynamic equations) by optimization techniques. The known waveform relaxation method in circuit simulation can then be successfully applied to compute the resulting dynamic equations. The approach reported here, which is implemented on a message passing multi-processor system, can determine all eigenvalues and their eigenvectors for general complex matrices without any restriction on the matrices. The numerical results are provided to confirm the theoretical analysis.

  • Energy Loss Mechanisms in AC-PDP Discharges

    Markus H. KLEIN  Rob J. M. M. SNIJKERS  Gerjan J. M. HAGELAAR  


    E83-C No:10

    Low luminous efficacy is one of the major drawbacks of PDPs, with the discharge being the predominant limiting factor. Numeric simulations granting deeper insight in the core processes of the discharge are presented and the key parameters influencing the plasma efficiency are examined.

  • SCFL-Compatible 40-Gbit/s RTD/HEMT Selector Circuit

    Kimikazu SANO  Koichi MURATA  Hideaki MATSUZAKI  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E83-C No:10

    An SCFL-compatible 40-Gbit/s selector circuit using resonant tunneling diodes (RTDs) and high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs) is presented. The circuit comprises two monostable-bistable transition elements (MOBILEs) using RTDs, a HEMT NOR circuit, and a HEMT output buffer based on source-coupled-FET logic (SCFL). The circuit is fabricated by monolithically integrating RTDs and 0.1-µm HEMTs on an InP substrate. The fabricated circuit exhibits clear eye-opening at 40 Gbit/s with an output swing of 800 mVp-p, which is close to the conventional high-speed logic IC interface called SCFL.

  • Influence of Ions on Voltage Holding Property of LCDs

    Yuji NAKAZONO  Toshiyuki TAKAGI  Hiromoto SATO  Atsushi SAWADA  Shohei NAEMURA  Atsutaka MANABE  


    E83-C No:10

    Voltage holding property of liquid crystal (LC) cell for long period was investigated and the experimantal results were analyzed using a microscopic model considered the movement of ions in LC layer. The time dependent voltage decay curve observed in the experiment, which is not driven by the analysis with the conventional equivalent circuit comprised of the capacitance and the resistance, can be well explained by the microscopic model.

  • The Determination of the Evoked Potential Generating Mechanism Based on Radial Basis Neural Network Model

    Rustu Murat DEMIRER  Yukio KOSUGI  Halil Ozcan GULCUR  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E83-D No:9

    This paper investigates the modeling of non-linearity on the generation of the single trial evoked potential signal (s-EP) by means of using a mixed radial basis function neural network (M-RBFN). The more emphasis is put on the contribution of spontaneous EEG term to s-EP signal. The method is based on a nonlinear M-RBFN neural network model that is trained simultaneously with the different segments of EEG/EP data. Then, the output of the trained model (estimator) is a both fitted and reduced (optimized) nonlinear model and then provide a global representation of the passage dynamics between spontaneous brain activity and poststimulus periods. The performance of the proposed neural network method is evaluated using a realistic simulation and applied to a real EEG/EP measurement.

  • Formation of Reversed Magnetic Domains by Recording in a Co/Pd Multilayer Film with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

    Lianjun WU  Naoki HONDA  Kazuhiro OUCHI  


    E83-C No:9

    A Co/Pd multilayer film with perpendicular coercivity of 2.2 kOe and remanence ratio (SQ) of unity was prepared by electron beam evaporation in vacuum. In the MFM image of signal patterns of 4 kFRPI recorded using a ring-type MIG head, many reversed domains were observed. However, when the film was magnetized along the film normal direction using an electromagnet (H = -13 kOe), only few reversed magnetic domains were observed, which was consistent with SQ = 1. Therefore, the reversed domains in the signal patterns were induced in the recording process. dc erasing was also studied with the magnetic field inclined to the film normal. The domain structures were almost the same when the perpendicular component of the field was kept constant while the in-plane component was varied, implying that the in-plane field component did not contribute to the formation of the reversed domains. It was found that reversed magnetic domains were easily induced even by a weak reversing magnetic field applied along the film normal. Hence, although the possibility of an insufficient recording head field was not excluded, it seemed more likely that the reversed magnetic domains in the signal patterns were caused by some erasing effect of the ring-type MIG head. For a Co/Pd multilayer medium with a negative nucleation field in the perpendicular M-H loop, a stronger reversing field was needed to induce the reversed magnetic domains. No reversed magnetic domains were observed in the MFM image for signal patterns of 4 kFRPI in this medium, indicating that a negative nucleation field was effective to suppress the formation of reversed magnetic domains.

  • Effect of the Tunneling Rates on the Conductance Characteristics of Single-Electron Transistors

    Andreas SCHOLZE  Andreas SCHENK  Wolfgang FICHTNER  

    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    We present calculations of the linear-response conductance of a SiGe based single-electron transistor (SET). The conductance and the discrete charging of the quantum dot are calculated by free-energy minimization. The free-energy calculation takes the discrete level-spectrum as well as complex many-body interactions into account. The tunneling rates for tunneling through the source and lead barrier are calculated using Bardeen's transfer Hamiltonian formalism. The tunneling matrix elements are calculated for transitions between the zero-dimensional states in the quantum dot and the lowest subband in the one-dimensional constriction. We compare the results for the conductance peaks with those from calculations with a constant tunneling rate where the shape of the peaks is only due to energetic arguments.

  • Simulation of Multi-Band Quantum Transport Reflecting Realistic Band Structure

    Matsuto OGAWA  Takashi SUGANO  Ryuichiro TOMINAGA  Tanroku MIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Device Modeling and Simulation

    E83-C No:8

    Simulation of multi-band quantum transport based on a non-equilibrium Green's functions is presented in resonant tunneling diodes (RTD's), where realistic band structures and space charge effect are taken into account. To include realistic band structure, we have used a multi-band (MB) tight binding method with an sp3s* hybridization. As a result, we have found that the multiband nature significantly changes the results of conventional RTD simulations specifically for the case with indirect-gap barriers.

  • A Low-Cost Floating Point Vectoring Algorithm Based on CORDIC

    Jeong-A LEE  Kees-Jan van der KOLK  Ed F. A. DEPRETTERE  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    In this paper we develop a CORDIC-based floating-point vectoring algorithm which reduces significantly the amount of microrotation steps as compared to the conventional algorithm. The overhead required to accomplish this is minimized by the introduction of an angle selection function which considers only a few of the total amount of bits used to represent the vector being rotated. At the same time, the cost of individual microrotations is kept low by the utilization of a fast rotations angle base.

  • A Carrier Frequency Offset and Timing Offset Detection Scheme for OFDM Systems Utilizing Pilot Sub-Carriers

    Takashi WAKUTSU  Mutsumu SERIZAWA  


    E83-B No:8

    A novel carrier frequency offset and timing offset detection scheme for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is proposed. The carrier frequency offset is detected by utilizing a certain a-priori known pattern of power differences along the sub-carrier index. The power difference is caused by the collapse of the orthogonal condition. In order that the power differences are effectively influenced by the frequency offset, time-domain windowing is employed. Timing offset is detected by utilizing average phase rotation according to the sub-carrier index. Moreover, by applying the cyclically mapped sequence as a pilot sequence, the computational complexity for reference signal generation is reduced. Additionally, a simplified burst frame searcher is possible if the sliding correlator is applied as a burst frame searcher. The proposed scheme is advantageous for designing the air-frame format, because the operation for synchronization is done using only one pilot symbol. The simulation results of the offset detection performance are shown, and the validity of the proposed offset detection scheme is presented.

  • A 3 V Low Power 156/622/1244 Mbps CMOS Parallel Clock and Data Recovery Circuit for Optical Communications

    Hae-Moon SEO  Chang-Gene WOO  Sang-Won OH  Sung-Wook JUNG  Pyung CHOI  

    PAPER-General Fundamentals and Boundaries

    E83-A No:8

    This paper presents the implementation of a 3 V low power multi-rate of 156, 622, and 1244 Mbps clock and data recovery circuit (CDR) for optical communications tranceiver using new parallel clock recovery architecture based on dual charge-pump PLL. Designed circuit recovers eight-phase clock signals which are one-eighth frequency of the input signal. While the typical system uses the method that compares the input data with recovered clock, the proposed circuit compares a 1/2-bit delayed input data with the serial data generated by the recovered eight-phase clock signals. The advantage of the circuit is that the implementation is easy, since each sub blocks have one-eighth frequency of the input data signal. Morevover, since the circuit works at one-eighth frequency of the input data, it dissipates less power than conventional CMOS recovery circuit. Simulation results show that this recovery circuit can work with power dissipation of less than 40 mW with a single 3 V supply. All the simulations are based on HYUNDAI 0.65 µm N-Well CMOS double-poly double-metal technology.

  • Higher-Order Cyclostationarity Based Direction Estimation of Coherent Narrow-Band Signals

    Jingmin XIN  Hiroyuki TSUJI  Akira SANO  

    PAPER-Applications of Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    To improve the resolution capability of the directions-of-arrival (DOA) estimation, some subspace-based methods have recently been developed by exploiting the specific signal properties (e.g. non-Gaussian property and cyclostationarity) of communication signals. However, these methods perform poorly as the ordinary subspace-based methods in multipath propagation situations, which are often encountered in mobile communication systems because of various reflections. In this paper, we investigate the direction estimation of coherent signals by jointly utilizing the merits of higher-order statistics and cyclostationarity to enhance the performance of DOA estimation and to effectively reject interference and noise. For estimating the DOA of narrow-band coherent signals impinging on a uniform linear array, a new higher-order cyclostationarity based approach is proposed by incorporating a subarray scheme into a linear prediction technique. This method can improve the resolution capability and alleviate the difficulty of choosing the optimal lag parameter. It is shown numerically that the proposed method is superior to the conventional ones.

  • Analysis of the Sign-Sign Algorithm Based on Gaussian Distributed Tap Weights

    Shin'ichi KOIKE  

    PAPER-Adaptive Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    In this paper, a new set of difference equations is derived for transient analysis of the convergence of adaptive FIR filters using the Sign-Sign Algorithm with Gaussian reference input and additive Gaussian noise. The analysis is based on the assumption that the tap weights are jointly Gaussian distributed. Residual mean squared error after convergence and simpler approximate difference equations are further developed. Results of experiment exhibit good agreement between theoretically calculated convergence and that of simulation for a wide range of parameter values of adaptive filters.

  • An ATM-Based Indoor Millimeter-Wave Wireless LAN for Multimedia Transmissions

    Gang WU  Yoshihiro HASE  Masugi INOUE  


    E83-B No:8

    Developments in new frequency bands for wireless communications make a broadband channel for new services possible. Great effort has been made researching and developing broadband wireless communication in the 60-GHz millimeter-wave band since the early 1990s. In this paper, we design an ATM (asynchronous transfer mode)-based indoor millimeter-wave wireless local area network (WLAN) that supports multimedia transmissions and focus on the wireless access topic for implementation of wireless ATM. We propose an integrated multimedia transmission protocol, based on the MAC (medium access control) protocol, called RS-ISMA (reservation-based slotted idle signal multiple access). It supports CBR (constant bit rate), VBR (variable bit rate), ABR (available bit rate) and UBR (unspecified bit rate) transmissions and provides QoS (quality of service)-dependent adaptive retransmissions. An RS-ISMA-based prototype full-duplex indoor high-speed WLAN in the 60-GHz band was developed.

  • Modeling of Urban Scenes by Aerial Photographs and Simply Reconstructed Buildings

    Katsuyuki KAMEI  Wayne HOY  Takashi TAMADA  Kazuo SEO  


    E83-D No:7

    In many fields such as city administration and facilities management, there are an increasing number of requests for a Geographic Information System (GIS) that provides users with automated mapping functions. A mechanism which displays 3D views of an urban scene is particularly required because it would allow the construction of an intuitive and understandable environment for managing objects in the scene. In this paper, we present a new urban modeling system utilizing both image-based and geometry-based approaches. Our method is based on a new concept in which a wide urban area can be displayed with natural photo-realistic images, and each object drawn in the view can be identified by pointing to it. First, to generate natural urban views from any viewpoint, we employ an image-based rendering method, Image Walkthrough, and modify it to handle aerial images. This method can interpolate and generate natural views by assembling several source photographs. Next, to identify each object in the scene, we recover its shape using computer vision techniques (a geometry-based approach). The rough shape of each building is reconstructed from various aerial images, and then its drawn position on the generated view is also determined. This means that it becomes possible to identify each building from an urban view. We have combined both of these approaches yielding a new style of urban information management. The users of the system can enjoy an intuitive understanding of the area and easily identify their target, by generating natural views from any viewpoint and suitably reconstructing the shapes of objects. We have made a prototype system of this new concept of GIS, which have shown the validity of our method.

  • Challenges of Wireless Communications--IMT-2000 and Beyond--

    Fumiyuki ADACHI  Nobuo NAKAJIMA  


    E83-A No:7

    Mobile radio and Internet communications services are penetrating our society at an exponential rate of growth. The Internet is the most important driving force towards establishing a multimedia society. Mobile communication systems add an important capability to our communications society, i. e. , mobility. The third generation mobile communications system called IMT-2000 is expected to play an important role in this soon-to- arrive multimedia society. Wideband mobile services based on IMT-2000 will soon become a reality (early 2001). First, we look at the trends of wireless access technologies, centering on IMT-2000. Wideband direct sequence code division multiple access (W-CDMA) will be a major component of a global IMT-2000 standard. Then, we address advanced wireless techniques, i. e. , interference cancellation and employing an adaptive antenna array, which can enhance W-CDMA at a later date. Finally, requirements are discussed for future wireless techniques that will support a fully mobile multimedia communications society.

  • An Interference Suppression Method for Wireless Communications by Applying P-RCE

    Kazuo IKEDA  Yoshiaki NEMOTO  Takayasu SHIOKAWA  


    E83-B No:6

    Interference suppression is one of the important functions for mobile communications and software radio. First, this paper shows a new type of interference suppression method by P-RCE (Probability-Restricted Coulomb Energy) which is applicable to mobile communications and software radio. P-RCE is one of the neural networks and mainly used in the field of pattern classification. Secondly, this paper presents several characteristics of this method. For example, it is found from our studies that good suppression effects can be performed even when the interference signals exist closely adjacent to the desired signal and/or total number of signals is more than that of the antenna elements. Next, this paper discusses two types of improvement of processing speed for new suppression method. One is the setting up the learning and non-learning intervals, and the other is the restriction of the number of prototype cells. According to the results, fairly good improvement is realized.

  • Dispersion Characteristics of Optical Planar DFB Guiding Structures for Optical Communication

    Kwang-Chun HO  Yung-Kwon KIM  


    E83-A No:6

    A rigorous modal approach based on the transmission-line description has developed to explore effectively the filtering characteristics of planar optical DFB guiding structures. Using the modal transmission-line theory, the leakage and filtering characteristics of metal-strip gratings and dielectric gratings with gain or loss are first evaluated in details at the first- and third-order Bragg regimes. It can thus serve as a powerful template for computational algorithms to determine systematically and rigorously the optical effects of multilayered periodic guiding structures, which are not readily obtained by other methods.
