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  • Performance of a Hybrid Scheme for Optical CDMA

    Ennio GAMBI  Franco CHIARALUCE  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E80-B No:10

    A hybrid mo-demodulation approach, fully insensitive to the phase noise induced by the sources, is described for CDMA applications at optical frequencies. It is analytically demonstrated that, using bipolar codes in conjunction with polarisation modulation, the considered system can improve the performance of coherent schemes with not negligible laser linewidths, as well as the performance of more conventional noncoherent schemes based on intensity modulation and unipolar codes.

  • Fast Restoration Support of CCS (Common Channel Signaling) Protocol in ATM Based FPLMTS Network

    Sung-Won LEE  Dong-Ho CHO  Yeong-Jin KIM  Sun-Bae LIM  

    PAPER-Communication protocol

    E80-B No:10

    In this paper, we consider conventional signaling link fault tolerance and error correction mechanisms to provide reliable services of mobile multimedia telecommunication network based on ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) technology. Also, we propose an efficient signaling protocol interworking architecture and a reliable distributed interworking network architecture between SS7 based FPLMTS and ATM networks. Besides, we evaluate the performance of proposed method through computer simulation. According to the results, proposed signaling architecture shows efficient and fast fault restoration characteristics than conventional MTP-3/3b based network. Functional signaling protocol stack and network architecture of proposed fast rerouting mechanism provide reliable and efficient restoration performance in view of interworking between SS7 based FPLMTS and ATM networks.

  • A Co-Evaluation of the Architectures and the CAD System for Speed-Oriented FPGAs

    Tsunemasa HAYASHI  Atsushi TAKAHARA  Kennosuke FUKAMI  


    E80-A No:10

    This paper presents an FPGA architecture for high-speed systems, such as next-generation B-ISDN telecommunications systems. Such a system requires an LSI in which an over-10K-gate circuit can be implemented and that has a clock cycle rate of 80MHz. So far, the FPGA architecture has only been discussed in terms of its circuit structure. In contrast we consider the circuit structure of the FPGA along with the performance of its dedicated CAD system. We evaluate several FPGA logic-element structures with a technology mapping method. From these experiments, a multiplexor-based logic-element is found to be suitable for implementing such a high-speed circuit using the BDD-based technology mapping method. In addition, we examine how to best utilize the characteristics of the selected logic-cell structure in designing the wiring structure. It is found that the multiplexor-based cell can be connected efficiently in a clustered wiring structure.

  • Block Loss Recovery using Sequential Projections onto the Feature Vectors

    Joon-Ho CHANG  Choong Woong LEE  

    PAPER-Image Theory

    E80-A No:9

    In this paper, we present an error concealment method to recover damaged blocks for block-based image coding schemes. Imperfect transmission of image data results in damaged blocks in the reconstructed images. Hence recovering damaged image blocks is needed for reliable image communications. To recover damaged blocks is to estimate damaged blocks from the correctly received or undamaged neighborhood information with a priori knowledge about natural images. The recovery problem considered in our method is to estimate a larger block, which consists of a damaged block and the undamaged neighborhood, from the undamaged neighborhood. To find an accurate estimate, a set of the feature vectors is introduced and an estimate is expressed as a linear combination of the feature vectors. The proposed method recoveres damaged blocks by projecting the undamaged neighborhood information onto the feature vectors. The sequential projections onto the feature vectors algorithm is proposed to find the projection coefficients of the feature vectors to minimize the squared difference of an estimate and the undamaged neighborhood information. We tested our algorithm through computer simulations. The experimental results showed the proposed method ourperforms the frequency domain prediction method in the PSNR values by 4.0-5.0dB. Tthe reconstructed images by the proposed method provide a good subjective quality as well as an objective one.

  • Measuring and Reducing Energy Consumption of Network Interfaces in Hand-Held Devices

    Mark STEMM  Randy H. KATZ  


    E80-B No:8

    Next generation hand-held devices must provide seamless connectivity while obeying stringent power and size constrains. In this paper we examine this issue from the point of view of the Network Interface (NI). We measure the power usage of two PDAs, the Apple Newton Messagepad and Sony Magic Link, and four NIs, the Metricom Ricochet Wireless Modem, the AT&T Wavelan operating at 915 MHz and 2.4 GHz, and the IBM Infrared Wireless LAN Adapter. These measurements clearly indicate that the power drained by the network interface constitutes a large fraction of the total power used by the PDA. We then examine two classes of optimizations that can be used to reduce network interface energy consumption on these divices: transport-level strategies and application-level strategies. Simulation experiments of transport-level strategies show that the dominant cost comes not from the number of packets sent or received by a particular transport protocol but the amount of time that the NI is in an active but idle state. Simulation experiments of application-level strategies that significant energy savings can be made with a minimum of user-visible latency.

  • A Probabilistic Evaluation Method of Output Response Based on the Extended Regression Analysis Method for Sound Insulation Systems with Roughly Observed Data

    Noboru NAKASAKO  Mitsuo OHTA  Yasuo MITANI  


    E80-A No:8

    In this paper, a new trial for the signal processing is proposed along the same line as a previous study on the extended regression analysis based on the Bayes' theorem. This method enables us to estimate a response probability property of complicated systems in an actual case when observation values of the output response are roughly observed due to the quantization mechanism of measuring equipment. More concretely, the main purpose of this research is to find the statistics of the joint probability density function before a level quantization operation which reflects every proper correlation informations between the system input and the output fluctuations. Then, the output probability distribution for another kind of input is predicted by using the estimated regression relationship. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is experimentally confirmed by applying it to the actually observed input-output data of the acoustic system.

  • The Number of Clique Boolean Functions

    Grant POGOSYAN  Masahiro MIYAKAWA  Akihiro NOZAKI  Ivo G. ROSENBERG  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E80-A No:8

    We give an explicit formula for the number of n-variable clique function in terms of the parameters based upon the numbers of intersecting antichains of the lower half of the n-cube. We present the numbers of clique functions with up to seven variables through computer evaluation of the parameters.

  • Design and Analysis of Multiwave Interconnection Networks for MCM-Based Parallel Processing

    Takafumi AOKI  Shinichi SHIONOYA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  

    PAPER-Novel Concept Devices

    E80-C No:7

    This paper explores the potential of multiwave interconnectionsoptical interconnections that employ wavelength components as multiplexable information carriersfor constructing next-generation multiprocessor systems using MCM technology. A hypercube-based multiprocessor network called the multiwave hypercube (MWHC) is proposed, where multiwave interconnections provide highly-flexible dynamic communication channels among processing elements. A performance analysis shows that the use of multiwavelength optics makes possible the reduction of network complexity on an MCM substrate, while supporting low-latency message routing.

  • Integrated Wireless System Using Reserved Idle Signal Multiple Access with Collishion Resolution

    Fujio WATANABE  Gang WU  Hideichi SASAOKA  


    E80-A No:7

    This paper proposes the use, in integrated wireless systems, of the Reserved Idle Signal Multiple Access with Collision Resolution (R-ISMA/CR) protocol for applications in future multimedia mobile communications. It is applied to the integrated voice and data wireless system. Moreover, the consideration is made of the integrated voice and the low-bit video wireless system in R-ISMA/CR. To integrate video we employed not only a packed discard for video packets when the video packet delay is more than a threshold value, but also the connection packet (CP) technique for improving the channel utilization. Finally the integration of voice, data, and low-bit-video wireless system in R-ISMA/CR is considered. The performance are evaluated mainly by simulations.

  • Towards Service Operation and Management Technology

    Yukio HASHIDA  


    E80-B No:6

    With the dramatic rise in the number of Internet users, the expansion of international corporate activity and the arrival of multimedia services, highly-competitive information and communication services are entering a period of severe global change. There is widespread recognition that as these changes take place, it is important to establish operation and management (O&M) that will enable "seamless" end-to-end communication services between any points on the earth. With worldwide trends moving toward automation, the study of automation of O&M is being energetically pursued. This paper describes the requirements for service O&M and gives an overview of the technology believed to be essential to achieve them. The progress of developments is also reported.

  • Models for Service Management Programmability in Advanced Intelligent Network

    Osamu MIZUNO  Akira SHIBATA  Toshiya OKAMOTO  Yoshihiro NIITSU  


    E80-B No:6

    An advanced intelligent network (IN) provides service management along with telecommunication services, and has a two-layer architecture, i.e., a transmission layer and an intelligent layer. An advanced IN's programmability is achieved by a service-independent platform of nodes in the intelligent layer, and service-dependent software called logic programs. In contrast to telecommunication services, models for service management have not yet been established. This paper presents both execution and specification models for service management. The execution model is composed of three hierarchies that apply to various kinds of management operation. The specification model has the capability to define the details of data items. The specification language for service management is also proposed. Simulation on dynamic SQL based DBMS solved that; (1) Logic programs for service management can be made small size on the model, and (2) To provide efficient database operation, programmability must be enhanced if service management includes table with variable number of field operation.

  • Dosimetric Evaluation of Handheld Mobile Communications Equipment with Known Precision

    Niels KUSTER  Ralph KASTLE  Thomas SCHMID  


    E80-B No:5

    Recently several dosimetric assessment procedures have been proposed to demonstrate the compliance of handheld mobile telecommuications equipment (MTE) with safety limits. However, for none of these procedures has an estimation of the overall uncertainty in assessing the maximum exposure been provided for a reasonable cross-section of potential users. This paper presents a setup and procedure based on a high-precision dosimetric scanner combined with a new phantom derived from an anatomical study. This allows the assessment of the maximum spatial peak SAR values occurring in approximately 90% of all MTE users, including children, with a precision of better than 25%. This setup and procedure therefore satisfies the requirements of the FCC, as well as those drafted by a CENELEC working group mandated by the European Union.

  • Vienna Fortran and the Path Towards a Standard Parallel Language

    Barbara M. CHAPMAN  Piyush MEHROTRA  Hans P. ZIMA  


    E80-D No:4

    Highly parallel scalable multiprocessing systems (HMPs) are powerful tools for solving large-scale scientific and engineering problems. However, these machines are difficult to program since algorithms must exploit locality in order to achieve high performance. Vienna Fortran was the first fully specified data-parallel language for HMPs that provided features for the specification of data distribution and alignment at a high level of abstraction. In this paper we outline the major elements of Vienna Fortran and compare it to High Performance Fortran (HPF), a de-facto standard in this area. A significant weakness of HPF is its lack of support for many advanced applications, which require irregular data distributions and dynamic load balancing. We introduce HPF +, an extension of HPF based on Vienna Fortran, that provides the required functionality.

  • High-Performance Parallel Computation of Flows Past a Space Plane Using NWT



    E80-D No:4

    Compressible viscous flows past a space plane have been elucidated by parallel computation on the NWT. The NWT is a vector-parallel architecture computer system which achieves remarkably high performance in processing speed and memory storage. We have examined the advantages of the NWT in order to simulate realistic flow problems in engineering, such as the investigation of global and local aerodynamic characteristics of a space plane. The accuracy of the computational results has been verified by comparison with experimental data. The simplified domain-decomposition technique introduced here is easy to apply for parallel implementation to significantly improve the acceleration rate of computations. The larger available memory storage enables us to conduct a grid refinement study through which several points concerning CFD simulation of a space plane are obtained.

  • Radio-Frequency Silicon LSI's for Personal Communications

    Masayuki ISHIKAWA  Tsuneo TSUKAHARA  


    E80-C No:4

    RF integration, until recently the integration of active devices in conventional architectures suitable for discrete-component circuits, is now turning into full-integration based on new architectures developed specifically for an LSI technology. This paper reviews some of the key existing and emerging circuit techniques and discusses the serious problem of crosstalk. In order to develop miniature and low power RF transceivers, direct-conversion and monolithic VCO's will be further studied. Silicon bipolar technology will still be playing major role beyond the year 2,000, and CMOS will also be used in certain applications.

  • A Generation Mechanism of Canards in a Piecewise Linear System

    Noboru ARIMA  Hideaki OKAZAKI  Hideo NAKANO  


    E80-A No:3

    Periodic solutions of slow-fast systems called "canards," "ducks," or "lost solutions" are examined in a second order autonomous system. A characteristic feature of the canard is that the solution very slowly moves along the negative resistance of the slow curve. This feature comes from that the solution moves on or very close to a curve which is called slow manifolds or "rivers." To say reversely, solutions which move very close to the river are canards, this gives a heuristic definition of the canard. In this paper, the generation mechanism of the canard is examined using a piecewise linear system in which the cubic function is replaced by piecewise linear functions with three or four segments. Firstly, we pick out the rough characteristic feature of the vector field of the original nonlinear system with the cubic function. Then, using a piecewise linear model with three segments, it is shown that the slow manifold corresponding to the less eigenvalue of two positive real ones is the river in the segment which has the negative resistance. However, it is also shown that canards are never generated in the three segments piecewise linear model because of the existence of the "nodal type" invariant manifolds in the segment. In order to generate the canard, we propose a four segments piecewise linear model in which the property of the equilibrium point is an unstable focus.

  • On Deriving Logic Functions of Asynchronous Circuits by STG Unfoldings

    Toshiyuki MIYAMOTO  Sadatoshi KUMAGAI  


    E80-D No:3

    Signal Transition Graphs (STG's) are Petri nets, which were introduced to represent a behavior of asynchronous circuits. To derive logic functions from an STG, the reachability graph should be constructed. In the verification of STG's some method based on an Occurrence net (OCN) and its prefix, called an unfolding, has been proposed. OCN's can represent both causality and concurrency between two nodes by net structure. In this paper, we propose a method to derive a logic function by generating sub state space of a given STG using the structural properties of OCN.

  • On The Construcion of Geometrically Uniform Codes with LXMPSK Constellations

    The Cuong DINH  Takeshi HASHIMOTO  Shuichi ITOH  

    PAPER-Information Theory and Coding Theory

    E80-A No:3

    For L 2, M 8, and transmission rate R = (log2M-1) bit/sym, a method for constructing GU trellis codes with L MPSK constellations is proposed and it is shown that the maximally achievable free distance is twice larger than it was previously reported for GU codes. Basides being geometrically uniform, these codes perform as good as Pietrobon's non-GU trellis codes with multidimensional MPSK constellations.

  • A Low Power CMOS Dual Modulus Prescaler for Frequency Synthesizers

    Francesco PIAZZA  Qiuting HUANG  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E80-C No:2

    A low power dual modulus prescaler for frequency synthesizers has been designed in a standard 1.2 µm digital CMOS process using enhancement source coupled logic (ESCL). Being a differential low amplitude current mode logic, ESCL has two interesting characteristics for this design besides low power consumption: the low noise performance, that allows this circuit to be on the same chip with sensitive analog circuitry, and the ability to run with a 200 mV sinusoidal signal as generated from an LC oscillator without the need of a clock amplifier. At 195 MHz and 3 V supply, the current consumption of the prescaler is as low as 289 µA, while maximum operating frequencies of 910 MHz at 5 V and 650 MHz at 3 V are achieved.

  • Partial Capture Effect for Multi-Carrier Radio Packet Communication Network

    Hiroyuki ATARASHI  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Radio Communication

    E80-B No:2

    Partial capture effect for multi-carrier radio packet communication network is evaluated in frequency selective fading channel. In multi-carrier modulation (MCM) network where each terminal uses several sub-carriers for transmission,the terminals have different instantaneous frequency responses because of its location, fading pattern, and other various factors. This generates the difference of received power in frequency domain, then partial capture effect can be considered at each sub-carrier. Moreover these partially captured packets are not damaged by inter symbol interference (ISI) caused by frequency selective fading, which seriously degrades single-carrier modulation (SCM) network. From this point of view we present the partial capture effect for the MCM network in the frequency selective fading environment. The results show that the MCM network with partial capture has more advantages than the MCM network without partial capture in terms of the throughput and the average number of transmissions.
