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  • Data Analysis by Positive Decision Trees

    Kazuhisa MAKINO  Takashi SUDA  Hirotaka ONO  Toshihide IBARAKI  

    PAPER-Theoretical Aspects

    E82-D No:1

    Decision trees are used as a convenient means to explain given positive examples and negative examples, which is a form of data mining and knowledge discovery. Standard methods such as ID3 may provide non-monotonic decision trees in the sense that data with larger values in all attributes are sometimes classified into a class with a smaller output value. (In the case of binary data, this is equivalent to saying that the discriminant Boolean function that the decision tree represents is not positive. ) A motivation of this study comes from an observation that real world data are often positive, and in such cases it is natural to build decision trees which represent positive (i. e. , monotone) discriminant functions. For this, we propose how to modify the existing procedures such as ID3, so that the resulting decision tree represents a positive discriminant function. In this procedure, we add some new data to recover the positivity of data, which the original data had but was lost in the process of decomposing data sets by such methods as ID3. To compare the performance of our method with existing methods, we test (1) positive data, which are randomly generated from a hidden positive Boolean function after adding dummy attributes, and (2) breast cancer data as an example of the real-world data. The experimental results on (1) tell that, although the sizes of positive decision trees are relatively larger than those without positivity assumption, positive decision trees exhibit higher accuracy and tend to choose correct attributes, on which the hidden positive Boolean function is defined. For the breast cancer data set, we also observe a similar tendency; i. e. , positive decision trees are larger but give higher accuracy.

  • A Study of the Approximate Expressions for Constriction Resistance of Multitude Conducting Spots

    Hitoshi NISHIYAMA  Isao MINOWA  


    E82-C No:1

    Simple expressions for constriction resistance of multitude conducting spots were analytically formulated by Greenwood. These expressions, however, include some approximations. Nakamura presented that the constriction resistance of one circular spot computed using the BEM is closed to Maxwell's exact value. This relative error is only e=0. 00162 [%]. In this study, the constriction resistances of two, five and ten conducting spots are computed using the boundary element method (BEM), and compared with those obtained using Greenwood's expressions. As the conducting spots move close to each other, the numerical deviations between constriction resistances computed using Greenwood's expressions and the BEM increase. As a result, mutual resistance computed by the BEM is larger than that obtained from Greenwood's expressions. The numerical deviations between the total resistances computed by Greenwood's expressions and that by the BEM are small. Hence, Greenwood's expressions are valid for the total constriction resistance calculation and can be applied to problems where only the total resistance of two contact surfaces, such as a relay and a switch, is required. However, the numerical deviations between the partial resistances computed by Greenwood's expression and that by the BEM are very large. The partial resistance calculations of multitude conducting spots are beyond the applicable range of Greenwood's expression, since Greenwood's expression for constriction resistance of two conducting spots is obtained by assuming that the conducting spots are equal size. In particular, the deviation between resistances of conducting spots, which are close to each other, is very large. In the case of partial resistances which are significant in semiconductor devices, Greenwood's expressions cannot be used with high precision.

  • Fast Admission Control for Rate Monotonic Schedulers

    Tsern-Huei LEE  An-Bang CHANG  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:1

    Rate monotonic traffic scheduling algorithm had been shown to be the optimal static priority assignment scheme. The system model studied in can be considered (although not realistic) as a preemptive multiplexer which accepts constant bit rate connections that generate packets periodically. The multiplexer adopts a service discipline such that a lower priority packet can be preempted at any stage by a higher priority one without any loss. The constraint is that every packet has to complete its service before the arrival of its succeeding packet generated by the same connection. In this paper, we study the schedulability problem of rate monotonic schedulers for a fixed-length packet switched network such as the ATM network. A necessary and sufficient condition for a set of m constant bit rate connections to be rate monotonic schedulable is first derived and then utilized to design fast admission control algorithms. One of our algorithms computes in advance the minimum period of a connection which can be accepted given a set of existing connections.

  • On the Difficulty of Searching for a String without Decryption

    Takako ITO  Hiroki SHIZUYA  


    E82-A No:1

    Let f be a one-to-one encryption function. Given f(m) and a string K, can we efficiently determine whether m contains K as a substring or not? We investigate the computational complexity of this problem, and show that it is equivalent to not only computing f-1 but also counting the number of K contained as substrings in m. Thus it is not determined in polynomial-time if f is in fact one-way.

  • A Family of Fast Dedicated One-Way Hash Functions Based on Linear Cellular Automata over GF(q)

    Miodrag MIHALJEVIC  Yuliang ZHENG  Hideki IMAI  


    E82-A No:1

    This paper proposes a novel one-way hash function that can serve as a tool in achieving authenticity and data integrity. The one-way hash function can be viewed as a representative of a family of fast dedicated one-way hash functions whose construction is based on linear cellular automata over GF(a). The design and analysis of security of the function is accomplished by the use of very recently published results on cellular automata and their applications in cryptography. The analysis indicates that the one-way hash function is secure against all known attacks. A promising property of the proposed one-way hash function is that it is especially suitable for compact and fast implementation.

  • An Algorithm for Finding All Solutions of a Hysteresis Neural Network

    Yuji KOBAYASHI  Kenya JIN'NO  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E82-A No:1

    We consider an algorithm for finding all solutions in order to clarify all the stable equilibrium points of a hysteresis neural network. The algorithm includes sign test, linear programming test and a novel subroutine that divides the solution domain efficiently. Using the hysteresis network, we synthesize an associative memory whose cross connection parameters are trinalized. Applying the algorithm to the case where 10 desired memories are stored into 77 cells network, we have clarified all the solutions. Especially, we have confirmed that no spurious memory exists as the trinalization is suitable.

  • The Integrated Scheduling and Allocation of High-Level Test Synthesis

    Tianruo YANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E82-A No:1

    This paper presents a high-level test synthesis algorithm for operation scheduling and data path allocation. Data path allocation is achieved by a controllability and observability balance allocation technique which is based on testability analysis at register-transfer level. Scheduling, on other hand, is carried out by rescheduling transformations which change the default scheduling to improve testability. Contrary to other works in which the scheduling and allocation tasks are performed independently, our approach integrates scheduling and allocation by performing them simultaneously so that the effects of scheduling and allocation on testability are exploited more effectively. Additionally, since sequential loops are widely recognized to make a design hard-to-test, a complete (functional and topological) loop analysis is performed at register-transfer level in order to avoid loop creation during the integrated test synthesis process. With a variety of synthesis benchmarks, experimental results show clearly the advantages of the proposed algorithm.

  • An Intelligent Radio Resource Management Scheme for Multi-Layered Cellular Systems with Different Assigned Bandwidths

    Fumihide KOJIMA  Seiichi SAMPEI  Norihiko MORINAGA  

    PAPER-QoS Control and Traffic Control

    E81-B No:12

    This paper proposes an intelligent and autonomous radio resource management scheme for a multi-layered cellular system with different assigned bandwidths to achieve flexible and high capacity wireless communication systems under any traffic conditions, especially under nonuniform traffic conditions. In the proposed system, terminals with lower mobility are connected to the wideband microcell systems to achieve higher system capacity, and terminals with higher mobility are connected to the narrowband macrocell systems to reduce intercell hand-off frequency. To flexibly cope with variations of traffic conditions, radio spectrum is adaptively and autonomously shared by both systems, and its control is conducted by each microcell base station. Moreover, at the existence of nonuniform traffic conditions , the proposed system introduces downlink power control for the microcells and graceful degradation thereby achieving high system capacity even under such extraordinary traffic situations . Computer simulation confirms that the proposed scheme can achieve lower blocking probability than the centralized scheme especially under nonuniform traffic conditions.

  • A Model for Recording Software Design Decisions and Design Rationale

    Seiichi KOMIYA  

    PAPER-Theory and Methodology

    E81-D No:12

    For the improvement of software quality and productivity, the author aims at realizing a software development environment to develop software through utilizing the merits of group work. Since networking is necessary for collaborative software development, he has developed a software distributed development environment for collaborative software development. In this environment, discussions about software design are held through a communication network, and the contents of discussions are recorded as software design decisions and decision rationale. One feature of this environment is that the contents of discussions can be recorded in on-line real time and reused without reconstructing the information recorded through this environment. This paper clarifies the essential conditions for actualizing this environment and proposes an information structure model for recording the contents of discussions that actualizes the above-mentioned feature. The effectiveness of the proposed model is proved through an example of its application to software design discussions.

  • Shared Multi-Terminal Binary Decision Diagrams for Multiple-Output Functions

    Hafiz Md. HASAN BABU  Tsutomu SASAO  

    PAPER-Logic Synthesis

    E81-A No:12

    This paper describes a method to represent m output functions using shared multi-terminal binary decision diagrams (SMTBDDs). The SMTBDD(k) consists of multi-terminal binary decision diagrams (MTBDDs), where each MTBDD represents k output functions. An SMTBDD(k) is the generalization of shared binary decision diagrams (SBDDs) and MTBDDs: for k=1, it is an SBDD, and for k=m, it is an MTBDD. The size of a BDD is the total number of nodes. The features of SMTBDD(k)s are: 1) they are often smaller than SBDDs or MTBDDs; and 2) they evaluate k outputs simultaneously. We also propose an algorithm for grouping output functions to reduce the size of SMTBDD(k)s. Experimental results show the compactness of SMTBDD(k)s. An SMTBDDmin denotes the smaller SMTBDD which is either an SMTBDD(2) or an SMTBDD(3) with fewer nodes. The average relative sizes for SBDDs, MTBDDs, and SMTBDDs are 1. 00, 152. 73, and 0. 80, respectively.

  • A Meta-Model of Work Structure of Software Project and a Framework for Software Project Management Systems

    Seiichi KOMIYA  Atsuo HAZEYAMA  


    E81-D No:12

    Development of large-scale software is usually conducted through a project to unite a work force. In addition, no matter what kind of life cycle model is employed, a development plan is required for a software development project in order for the united work force to function effectively. For the project to be successful, it is also necessary to set management objectives based on this plan and confirm that they are achieved. This method is considered to be effective, but actually making a software development project and following the achievement of the management objectives at each step is not easy because predicting the necessary work amount and risks that the project involves is difficult in software development. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a system to support software project management so that the project manager can manage the entire project and the work load is reduced. This paper proposes a meta-model of work structure of software development projects for project management by using an object-oriented database with constraints as well as a framework for software project management systems based on this meta-model. Also proven, through an example of a system that analyzes repercussions on progress of a software development project, is that the meta-model and framework are effective in software project management.

  • Performance Comparison of Two Retransmission Control Schemes for Slow-Frequency-Hopped Communication Systems

    Katsumi SAKAKIBARA  Kazushi MOTONAGA  Yoshiharu YUBA  


    E81-A No:11

    This letter proposes a new retransmission control scheme for slow-frequency-hopped communication systems, in which the number of (re)transmitted packets is adaptively decreased in a certain period. Performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed and compared with that of the conventional scheme in terms of the normalized throughput and the 98% packet transmission delay. The numerical results show the superiority of the proposed scheme.

  • Promising Techniques to Enhance Radio Link Performance of Wideband Wireless Access Based on DS-CDMA

    Fumiyuki ADACHI  Mamoru SAWAHASHI  Hirohito SUDA  


    E81-A No:11

    Wideband wireless access based on DS-CDMA (W-CDMA) is a promising access technique for the 3rd generation mobile communication systems using 2 GHz carrier frequencies. In this paper, several promising techniques to enhance significantly the link performance or capacity are identified. They are (a) interference reduction techniques: interference cancellation and adaptive antenna array (b) required E b/I0 reduction techniques: channel coding and adaptive transmit power control (TPC). For the last decade, many theoretical studies have been done on interference cancellation and adaptive antenna array techniques. Now, it is time to implement real hardware to demonstrate their capabilities under real mobile radio propagation channels. In mobile radio, because of the well-known near/far problem and the adverse effect of fading, fast TPC is indispensable. Currently, a simple closed-loop fast TPC is adopted. The use of a more sophisticated adaptive fast TPC algorithm, which can adapt its power up/down step size according to the variations in channel conditions, may reduce the power control error, resulting in reduced interference to other users. Fast TPC and channel coding work complementarily against fading. Channel coding is another interesting area of research. Turbo coding is the most promising technique. In this paper, the above mentioned techniques are introduced. Preliminary experimental results of interference cancellation and adaptive antenna array techniques are also presented.

  • Access Control Scheme for Multimedia ATM Wireless Local Area Networks

    Miki YAMAMOTO  Satoshi MACHIDA  Hiromasa IKEDA  

    PAPER-Satellite and Wireless Networks

    E81-B No:11

    DQRUMA (Distributed-Queueing Request Update Multiple Access) protocol has been proposed as an access protocol for the wireless ATM Local Area Networks. DQRUMA protocol is useful to transmit fixed-length packets (e. g. ATM cells). However, it cannot be applied to multimedia environment because it does not include any access control policy for multimedia traffic. In the paper, we propose a slot assignment scheme of DQRUMA protocol in wireless ATM LAN which supports integrated multimedia traffic with different service requirements. In this scheme we can allocate network resources according to the service requirements of each medium because the base station assigns Transmit-Permission flexibly according to the features of each medium.

  • A Buffer Occupancy-Based Adaptive Flow Control and Recovery Scheme for Real-Time Stored MPEG Video Transport over Internet

    Yeali S. SUN  Fu-Ming TSOU  Meng Chang CHEN  

    PAPER-Media Management

    E81-B No:11

    As the current Internet becomes popular in information access, demands for real-time display and playback of continuous media are ever increasing. The applications include real-time audio/video clips embedded in WWW, electronic commerce, and video-on-demand. In this paper, we present a new control protocol R3CP for real-time applications that transmit stored MPEG video stream over a lossy and best-effort based network environment like the Internet. Several control mechanisms are used: a) packet framing based on the meta data; b) adaptive queue-length based rate control scheme; c) data preloading; and d) look-ahead pre-retransmission for lost packet recovery. Different from many adaptive rate control schemes proposed in the past, the proposed flow control is to ensure continuous, periodic playback of video frames by keeping the receiver buffer queue length at a target value to minimize the probability that player finds an empty buffer. Contrary to the widespread belief that "Retransmission of lost packets is unnecessary for real-time applications," we show the effective use of combining look-ahead pre-retransmission control with proper data preloading and adaptive rate control scheme to improve the real-time playback performance. The performance of the proposed protocol is studied via simulation using actual video traces and actual delay traces collected from the Internet. The simulation results show that R3CP can significantly improve frame playback performance especially for transmission paths with poor packet delivery condition.

  • A Simple Scheme of Decomposing and Reconstructing Continuous-Time Signals by B-Splines

    Koichi ICHIGE  Masaru KAMADA  Rokuya ISHII  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:11

    An approximate scheme for decomposing and reconstructing a continuous-time signal as a linear combination of the B-splines is studied. It is an oversampling discrete-time implementation derived by substituting the multifold RRS functions for the B-splines. The RRS functions are multifold discrete convolution of the sampled rectangular functions. Analysis of the scheme yields conditions for the circuit parameters to assure stability and required precision. A design example is presented that makes the error less than 1% in the supremal norm by the oversampling ratio of 512. Its numerical simulation is also presented.

  • A Vehicular Driving Assistant System Using Spread Spectrum Techniques

    Ari WIDODO  Takaaki HASEGAWA  


    E81-A No:11

    In the ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems), it is an essential condition (mixed environment) that vehicles that have communication equipment and vehicles that do not have it simultaneously run in the same road. In this paper, a vehicular driving assistant system that is applicable to the mixed environment is proposed. The proposed system uses spread spectrum techniques and consists of several new systems such as a PN code assignment system, new vehicle position systems, and a vehicle map update system. In the proposed system, the wireless broadcast CDMA is used for inter-vehicle communications. This paper also shows preexaminations of the proposed system by using an autonomous traffic flow simulator including inter-vehicle communications. It is shown that the traffic safety can be improved by using inter-vehicle communications.

  • Query Caching Method for Distributed Web Caching

    Takuya ASAKA  Hiroyoshi MIWA  

    LETTER-Communication Networks and Services

    E81-B No:10

    Distributed web caching reduces retrieval latency of World Wide Web (WWW) objects such as text and graphics. Conventional distributed web caching methods, however, require many query messages among cache servers, which limits their scalability and reliability. To overcome these problems, we propose a query caching method in which each cache server caches not only WWW objects but also a query history. This method of finding cached objects can reduce the number of query messages among cache servers, making it possible to construct a large-scale distributed web cache server. We also propose an algorithm for constructing efficient query relationships among cache servers.

  • One-Point Algebraic Geometric Codes from Artin-Schreier Extensions of Hermitian Function Fields

    Daisuke UMEHARA  Tomohiko UYEMATSU  

    PAPER-Coding Theory

    E81-A No:10

    Recently, Garcia and Stichtenoth proposed sequences of algebraic function fields with finite constant fields such that their sequences attain the Drinfeld-Vl bound. In the sequences, the third algebraic function fields are Artin-Schreier extensions of Hermitian function fields. On the other hand, Miura presented powerful tools to construct one-point algebraic geometric (AG) codes from algebraic function fields. In this paper, we clarify rational functions of the third algebraic function fields which correspond to generators of semigroup of nongaps at a specific place of degree one. Consequently, we show generator matrices of the one-point AG codes with respect to the third algebraic function fields for any dimension by using rational functions of monomial type and rational points.

  • How Are the Differences between Selection Strategies Affected by Changes in Target Size, Distance and Direction?

    Xiangshi REN  Shinji MORIYA  

    PAPER-Human Communications and Ergonomics

    E81-A No:10

    Fitt's law is commonly used to model target selection. But Fitts' law deals with only one kind of selection strategy. Our question is, do changes in target size, distance and direction to a target affect the differences in performance between target selection strategies? We performed the first empirical tests on a pen-based system to evaluate differences in performance between six selection strategies for selecting a target. Three target sizes, eight pen-movement-directions and three pen-movement-distances were applied to all six strategies. The results show that differences between selection strategies are affected by variations in target size but not by the other parameters (distance and direction).
