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  • On Secure and Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems over Fp

    Atsuko MIYAJI  


    E77-A No:4

    From a practical point of view, a cryptosystem should require a small key size and less running time. For this purpose, we often select its definition field in such a way that the arithmetic can be implemented fast. But it often brings attacks which depend on the definition field. In this paper, we investigate the definition field Fp on which elliptic curve cryptosystems can be implemented fast, while maintaining the security. The expected running time on a general construction of many elliptic curves with a given number of rational points is also discussed.

  • Peformance Formulation and Evaluation of Associative Memory Extended to Higher Order

    Yukio KUMAGAI  Joarder KAMRUZZAMAN  Hiromitsu HIKITA  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:4

    In this letter, we present a distinct alternative of cross talk formulation of associative memory based on the outer product algorithm extended to the higher order and a performance evaluation in terms of the probability of exact data recall by using this formulation. The significant feature of these formulations is that both cross talk and the probability formulated are explicitly represented as the functional forms of Hamming distance between the memorized keys and the applied input key, and the degree of higher order correlation. Simulation results show that exact data retrieval ability of the associative memory using randomly generated data and keys is in well agreement with our theoretical estimation.

  • Non-integer Exponents in Electronic Circuits II: Memory Effects in the Fractal Immittance

    Michio SUGI  Kazuhiro SAITO  

    PAPER-Analog Circuits and Signal Processing

    E77-A No:4

    The transient behavior in the fractal admittance acting as a non-integer-rank differential/integral operator, Y(s) ∝ sa with -1a1 and a0, is examined from the point of view of memory effects by employing the distributed-relaxation-time model. The internal state of the diode is found to be represented by the current spectrum i(λ, t) with respect to the carrier relaxation rate λ, leading to a general formulation of the long-time-tail memory behavior characteristic of the operator. One-to-one corrsepondence is found among the input voltage in the past ν(-t), the short-circuit current isc(t) and the initial current spectrum i(λ, 0) within the framework of the Laplace-type integral transformation and its inverse, assuring that each response retains in principle the entire information on the corresponding input, such as the functional form, the magnitude, the onset time, and so forth. The current and voltage responses are exemplified for various single-pulse voltage inputs. The responses to the pulse-train inputs corresponding to different ASCII codes are found to be properly discriminated between one another, showing the potentials of the present memory effects.

  • Partial Construction of an Arrangement of Lines and Its Application to Optimal Partitioning of Bichromatic Point Set

    Tetsuo ASANO  Takeshi TOKUYAMA  


    E77-A No:4

    This paper presents an efficient algorithm for constructing at-most-k levels of an arrangement of n lines in the plane in time O(nk+n log n), which is optimal since Ω(nk) line segments are included there. The algorithm can sweep the at-most-k levels of the arrangement using O(n) space. Although Everett et al. recently gave an algorithm for constructing the at-most-k levels with the same time complexity independently, our algorithm is superior with respect to the space complexity as a sweep algorithm. Then, we apply the algorithm to a bipartitioning problem of a bichromatic point set: For r red points and b blue points in the plane and a directed line L, the figure of demerit fd(L) associated with L is defined to be the sum of the number of blue points below L and that of red ones above L. The problem we are going to consider is to find an optimal partitioning line to minimize the figure of demerit. Given a number k, our algorithm first determines whether there is a line whose figure of demerit is at most k, and further finds an optimal bipartitioning line if there is one. It runs in O(kn+n log n) time (n=r+b), which is subquadratic if k is sublinear.

  • Hierarchical Properties of Realtime One-Way Alternating Multi-Stack-Counter Automata

    Tsunehiro YOSHINAGA  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  


    E77-A No:4

    This paper investigates the accepting powers of one-way alternating multi-stack-counter automata (lamsca's) and one-way alternating multi-counter automata (lamsca's) which operate in realtime. For each k1, let 1ASCA (k, real) (1ACA(k, real)) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating k-stach-counter (k-counter) automata, and let 1USCA(k, real)(1UCA(k, real)) denote the class of sets accepted by realtime one-way alternating k-stack-counter (k-counter) automata with only universal states. We first investigate a relationship between the accepting powers of realtime lamsca's (lamca's) with only universal states, with only existential states, and with full alternation. We then investigate hierarchical properties based on the numbers of counters and stackcounters, and show, for example, that for each k1, 1USCA(k+1, real)-1ASCA(k, real)φ and 1UCA(k+1, real)-1ACA(k, real)φ. We finally investigate a relationship between the accepting powers of realtime lamsca's and lamca's, and show, for example, that there are no i and j such that 1UCA(i, real)=1USCA(j, real), and 1USCA(k, real)-1ACA(k, real)φ for each k1.

  • A Robot Navigation Strategy in Unknown Environment and Its Efficiency

    Aohan MEI  Yoshihide IGARASHI  


    E77-A No:4

    We consider a class of unknown scenes Sk(n) with rectangular obstacles aligned with the axes such that Euclidean distance between the start point and the target is n, and any side length of each obstacle is at most k. We propose a strategy called the adaptive-bias heuristic for navigating a robot in such a scene, and analyze its efficiency. We show that a ratio of the total distance walked by a robot using the strategy to the shortest path distance between the start point and the target is at most 1+(3/5) k, if k=o(n) and if the start point and the target are at the same horizontal level. This ratio is better than a ratio obtained by any strategy previously known in the class of scenes, Sk(n), such that k=o(n).

  • On the Complexity of Protocol Validation Problems for Protocols with Bounded Capacity Channels

    Yoshiaki KAKUDA  Yoshihiro TAKADA  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E77-A No:4

    In this paper, it is proven that the following three decision problems on validation of protocols with bounded capacity channels are NP-complete. (1) Given a protocol with the channel capacity being 1, determine whether or not there exist deadlocks in the protocol. (2) Given a protocol with the channel capacity being 1, determine whether or not there exist unspecified receptions in the protocol. (3) Given a protocol with the channel capacity being 2, determine whether or not there exist overflows such that the channel capacity is not bounded by 1 in the protocol. These results suggest that, even when all channeles in a protocol are bounded by 1 or 2, protocol validation should be in general interactable. It also clarifies the boundary of computational complexity of protocol validation problems because the channel capacity 0 does not allow protocols to transmit and recieve messages.

  • Multihead Finite Automata with Markers

    Yue WANG  Katsushi INOUE  Itsuo TAKANAMI  


    E77-A No:4

    This paper introduces a new class of machines called multihead marker finite automata, and investigates how the number of markers affects its accepting power. Let HM{0}(i, j)(NHM{0}(i, j))denote the class of languages over a one-letter alphabet accepted by two-way deterministic (nondeterminstic) i-head finite automata with j markers. We show that HM{0} (i, j) HM{0}(i, j1) and NHM{0}(i, j) NHM{0}(i, j+1) for each i2, j0.

  • Neural Networks with Interval Weights for Nonlinear Mappings of Interval Vectors

    Kitaek KWON  Hisao ISHIBUCHI  Hideo TANAKA  


    E77-D No:4

    This paper proposes an approach for approximately realizing nonlinear mappings of interval vectors by interval neural networks. Interval neural networks in this paper are characterized by interval weights and interval biases. This means that the weights and biases are given by intervals instead of real numbers. First, an architecture of interval neural networks is proposed for dealing with interval input vectors. Interval neural networks with the proposed architecture map interval input vectors to interval output vectors by interval arithmetic. Some characteristic features of the nonlinear mappings realized by the interval neural networks are described. Next, a learning algorithm is derived. In the derived learning algorithm, training data are the pairs of interval input vectors and interval target vectors. Last, using a numerical example, the proposed approach is illustrated and compared with other approaches based on the standard back-propagation neural networks with real number weights.

  • Extraction of Moving Objects through Grouping Edges along with Velocity Perpendicular to Edges

    Akihiko YAMANE  Noboru OHNISHI  Noboru SUGIE  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E77-D No:4

    A network system is proposed for segmenting and extracting multiple moving objects in 2D images. The system uses an interconnected neural network in which grouping factors, such as edge proximity, smoothness of edge orientatio, and smoothness of velocity perpendicular to an edge, are embedded. The system groups edges so that the network energy may be minimized, i.e. edges may be organized into perceptually plausible configuration. Experimantal results are provided to indicate the performance and noise robustness of the system in extracting objects in synthetic images.

  • On a Unified Synthesizing Approach for Cellular Neural Networks

    Chun-ying HO  Shinsaku MORI  

    PAPER-Network Synthesis

    E77-D No:4

    In this paper, we develop a unified synthesizing approach for the cloning templates of Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs). In particular, we shall consider the case when the signal processing problem is complex, and a multilayered CNN with time-variant templates is necessary. The method originates from the existence of correspondence between the cloning templates of Cellular Neural Network and its discrete counterpart, Discrete-Time Cellular Neural Network (DTCNN), in solving a prescribed image processing problem when time-variant templates are involved. Thus, one can start with calculating the cloning templates from DTCNN, and then translating the cloning templates to those for CNN operations. As a result, the mathematical tools being used in the synthesis of Discrete-time Cellular Neural Network can also be applied to the analog type Cellular Neural Network. This inevitably helps to simplify the design problem of CNN for signal processing. Examples akin to contour drawing and parallel thinning are shown to illustrate the merits of our proposed method.

  • A Method to Reduce Redundant Hidden Nodes

    Iwao SEKITA  Takio KURITA  David K. Y. CHIU  Hideki ASOH  

    PAPER-Network Synthesis

    E77-D No:4

    The number of nodes in a hidden layer of a feed-forward layered network reflects an optimality condition of the network in coding a function. It also affects the computation time and the ability of the network to generalize. When an arbitrary number of hidden nodes is used in designing the network, redundancy of hidden nodes often can be seen. In this paper, a method of reducing hidden nodes is proposed on the condition that a reduced network maintains the performances of the original network within an accepted level of tolerance. This method can be applied to estimate the performances of a network with fewer hidden nodes. The estimated performances indicate the lower bounds of the actual performances of the network. Experiments were performed using the Fisher's IRIS data, a set of SONAR data, and the XOR data for classification. The results suggest that sufficient number of hidden nodes, fewer than the original number, can be estimated by the proposed method.

  • AVHRR Image Segmentation Using Modified Backpropagation Algorithm

    Tao CHEN  Mikio TAKAGI  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E77-D No:4

    Analysis of satellite images requires classificatio of image objects. Since different categories may have almost the same brightness or feature in high dimensional remote sensing data, many object categories overlap with each other. How to segment the object categories accurately is still an open question. It is widely recognized that the assumptions required by many classification methods (maximum likelihood estimation, etc.) are suspect for textural features based on image pixel brightness. We propose an image feature based neural network approach for the segmentation of AVHRR images. The learning algoriothm is a modified backpropagation with gain and weight decay, since feedforward networks using the backpropagation algorithm have been generally successful and enjoy wide popularity. Destructive algorithms that adapt the neural architecture during the training have been developed. The classification accuracy of 100% is reached for a validation data set. Classification result is compared with that of Kohonen's LVQ and basic backpropagation algorithm based pixel-by-pixel method. Visual investigation of the result images shows that our method can not only distinguish the categories with similar signatures very well, but also is robustic to noise.

  • Photometric Stereo for Specular Surface Shape Based on Neural Network

    Yuji IWAHORI  Hidekazu TANAKA  Robert J. WOODHAM  Naohiro ISHII  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E77-D No:4

    This paper proposes a new method to determine the shape of a surface by learning the mapping between three image irradiances observed under illumination from three lighting directions and the corresponding surface gradient. The method uses Phong reflectance function to describe specular reflectance. Lambertian reflectance is included as a special case. A neural network is constructed to estimate the values of reflectance parameters and the object surface gradient distribution under the assumption that the values of reflectance parameters are not known in advance. The method reconstructs the surface gradient distribution after determining the values of reflectance parameters of a test object using two step neural network which consists of one to extract two gradient parameters from three image irradiances and its inverse one. The effectiveness of this proposed neural network is confirmed by computer simulations and by experiment with a real object.

  • Iterative Middle Mapping Learning Algorithm for Cellular Neural Networks

    Chen HE  Akio USHIDA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:4

    In this paper, a middle-mapping learning algorithm for cellular associative memories is presented. This algorithm makes full use of the properties of the cellular neural network so that the associative memory has some advantages compared with the memory designed by the ourter product method. It can guarantee each prototype is stored at an equilibrium point. In the practical implementation, it is easy to build up the circuit because the weight matrix presenting the connection between cells is not symmetric. The synchronous updating rule makes its associative speed very fast compared to the Hopfield associative memory.

  • Estimation of Arm Posture in 3D-Space from Surface EMG Signals Using a Neural Network Model

    Yasuharu KOIKE  Mitsuo KAWATO  


    E77-D No:4

    We have aimed at constructing a forward dynamics model (FDM) of the human arm in the form of an artificial neural network while recordings of EMG and movement trajectories. We succeeded in: (1) estimating the joint torques under isometric conditions and (2) estimating trajectories from surface EMG signals in the horizontal plane. The human arm has seven degrees of freedom: the shoulder has three, the elbow has one and the wrist has three. Only two degrees of freedom were considered in the previous work. Moreover, the arm was supported horizontally. So, free movement in 3D space is still a necessity. And for 3D movements or posture control, compensation for gravity has to be considered. In this papre, four joint angles, one at the elbow and three at the shoulder were estimated from surface EMG signals of 12 flexor and extensor muscles during posture control in 3D space.

  • Binary Neural Network with Negative Self-Feedback and Its Application to N-Queens Problem

    Masaya OHTA  Akio OGIHARA  Kunio FUKUNAGA  

    PAPER-Network Synthesis

    E77-D No:4

    This article deals with the binary neural network with negative self-feedback connections as a method for solving combinational optimization problems. Although the binary neural network has a high convergence speed, it hardly searches out the optimum solution, because the neuron is selected randomly at each state update. In thie article, an improvement using the negative self-feedback is proposed. First it is shown that the negative self-feedback can make some local minimums be unstable. Second a selection rule is proposed and its property is analyzed in detail. In the binary neural network with negative self-feedback, this selection rule is effective to escape a local minimum. In order to comfirm the effectiveness of this selection rule, some computer simulations are carried out for the N-Queens problem. For N=256, the network is not caught in any local minimum and provides the optimum solution within 2654 steps (about 10 minutes).

  • Extraction of Feature Attentive Regions in a Learnt Neural Network

    Hideki SANO  Atsuhiro NADA  Yuji IWAHORI  Naohiro ISHII  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E77-D No:4

    This paper proposes a new method of extracting feature attentive regions in a learnt multi-layer neural network. We difine a function which calculates the degree of dependence of an output unit on an inpur unit. The value of this function can be used to investigate whether a learnt network detects the feature regions in the training patterns. Three computer simulations are presented: (1) investigation of the basic characteristic of this function; (2) application of our method to a simpie pattern classification task; (3) application of our method to a large scale pattern classfication task.

  • Auditory Pulse Neural Network Model to Extract the Inter-Aural Time and Level Difference for Sound Localization

    Susumu KUROYANAGI  Akira IWATA  


    E77-D No:4

    A novel pulse neural network model for sound localization has been proposed. Our model is based on the physiological auditory nervous system. Human beings can perceive the sound direction using inter-aural time difference (ILD) and inter-aural level difference (ILD) of two sounds. The model extracts these features using only pulse train information. The model is divided roughly into three sections: preprocessing for input signals; transforming continuous signals to pulse trains; and extracting features. The last section consists of two parts: ITD extractor and ILD extractor. Both extractors are implemented using a pulse neuron model. They have the same network structure, differing only in terms of parameters and arrangements of the pulse neuron model. The pulse neuron model receives pulse trains and outputs a pulse train. Because the pulses have only simple informations, their data structures are very simple and clear. Thus, a strict design is not required for the implementation of the model. These advantages are profitable for realizing this model by hardware. A computer simulation has demonstrated that time and level differences between two signals have been successfully extracted by the model.

  • A Proposal of New Multiple-Valued Mask-ROM Design

    Yasushi KUBOTA  Shinji TOYOYAMA  Yoji KANIE  Shuhei TSUCHIMOTO  

    PAPER-Integrated Electronics

    E77-C No:4

    A new multiple-valued mask-ROM cell and a technique suitable for data detection are proposed. The information is programmed in each of the memory cells as both the threshold voltage and the channel length of the memory cell transistor, and the stored data are detected by selecting the bias condition of both the word-line and the data-line. The datum stored in the channel length is read-out using punch-through effect at the high drain voltage. The feasibility of this mask-ROM's is studied with device simulation and circuit simulation. With this design, it would be possible to get the high-density mask-ROM's, which might be faster in access speed and easier in fabrication process than the conventional ones. Therefore, this design is expected to be one of the most practical multiple-valued mask-ROM's.
