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  • Longitudinal Leaky Surface Waves with High Phase Velocity on Lithium Tetraborate

    Takahiro SATO  Hidenori ABE  


    E77-A No:11

    A new leaky surface wave on lithium tetraborate that propagates along the surface with a higher phase velocity than that of ordinary leaky surface waves, radiating two bulk wave terms into the solid, is described.

  • The Homoclinic Points and Chaos from Phase–Locked Loops with Large Damping

    Tetsuro ENDO  

    PAPER-Analysis of Phase Locked Loops

    E77-A No:11

    We investigate chaotic dynamics due to the homoclinic points observed from a widely used phase–locked loops operating as a frequency–modulated demodulator. Our purpose is to obtain parameter region of the homoclinic points using Melnikov method in a periodically-forced second–order nonlinear nonautonomous equation representing phase–locked loops. If the PLL equation has large damping (actually, this is the case of standard PLL), the unperturbed system becomes non–Hamiltonian. Therefore, one cannot obtain the saddle loop analytically in general, and hence it is very difficult to apply Melnikov method to such a system. Since the current PLL used in practice has a triangular phase detector (i.e., a periodic triangular shaped function) as its nonlinearity, we can use piecewise–linear method, and thus we are succeeded in deriving both the saddle loop and the Melnikov integral analytically even in the PLL equation with practical large damping. We have obtained many boundary curves for homoclinic tangency for a wide range of damping coefficients and modulation frequency. In particular, we treat the general case of β2ζ in this paper where β denotes the normalized natural frequency and ζ denotes the damping coefficient. We compare this results with our previous totally numerical results and have found that this method gives more accurate boundary curves than our previous method.

  • Response of PLL Demodulator by Two Sinusoidal Inputs

    Takahiro OIE  Tadamitsu IRITANI  Hiroshi KAWAKAMI  

    PAPER-Analysis of Phase Locked Loops

    E77-A No:11

    In this paper, we subjects the case that frequency–shift–keying (FSK) modulation and phase locked loop (PLL) demodulator are used in frequency hopped spread spectrum (FH–SS) communication system. So the carrier frequencies of undesired transmitters may come into collision with the carrier frequency of desired transmitter in this communication system, we evaluate the response of PLL by two sinusoidal inputs so as to estimate how the response of PLL demodulator is affected by the collision of carrier frequencies. First, we compute the synchronization diagrams of PLL with two sinusoids. From this, it is indicated that allowable value of amplitude ratio of interference transmitter's signal to disired transmitter's signal decreases with increasing FSK modulation width of desired transmitter. Next, we calculated the output of PLL demodulator with two sinusoids. To this end, it is shown that the allowable value of amplitude ratio is bounded by a constant value even if FSK modulation width is enough small.

  • Analytic Structure of Phase–Locked Loops in Complex Time

    Hisa–Aki TANAKA  Toshiya MATSUDA  Shin'ichi OISHI  Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Analysis of Phase Locked Loops

    E77-A No:11

    The analytic structure of the governing equation for a 2nd order Phase–Locked Loops (PLL) is studied in the complex time plane. By a local reduction of the PLL equation to the Ricatti equation, the PLL equation is analytically shown to have singularities which form a fractal structure in the complex time plane. Such a fractal structure of complex time singularities is known to be characteristic for nonintegrable, especially chaotic systems. On the other hand, a direct numerical detection of the complex time singularities is performed to verify the fractal structure. The numerical results show the reality of complex time singularities and the fractal structure of singularities on a curve.

  • Melnikov Analysis for a Second Order Phase–Locked Loop in the Presence of a Weak CW Interference

    Hisa–Aki TANAKA  Shin'ichi OISHI  Kazuo HORIUCHI  


    E77-A No:11

    This letter presents the results of an analysis concerning the global, dynamical structure of a second order phase–locked loop (PLL) in the presence of the continuous wave (CW) interference. The invariant manifolds of the PLL equation are focused and analyzed as to how they are extended from the hyperbolic periodic orbits. Using the Melnikov integral which evaluates the distance between the stable manifolds and the unstable manifolds, the transversal intersection of these manifolds is proven to occur under some conditions on the power of the interference and the angular frequency difference between the signal and the interference. Numerical computations were performed to confirm the transversal intersection of the system–generated invariant manifolds for a practical set of parameters.

  • On Some Dynamical Properties of Threshold and Homogeneous Networks

    Hiromi MIYAJIMA  Shuji YATSUKI  Noritaka SHIGEI  Sadayuki MURASHIMA  

    PAPER-Neural Network and Its Applications

    E77-A No:11

    It is known that homogeneous networks are ones which perform parallel algorithms, and the dynamics of neural networks are applied to practical problems including combinatorial optimization problems. Both homogeneous and neural networks are parallel networks, and are composed of Boolean elements. Although a large number of studies have been made on the applications of homogeneous threshold networks, little is known about the relation of the dynamics of these networks. In this paper, some results about the dynamics, used to find the lengths of periodic and transient sequences, as built by parallel networks including threshold and homogeneous networks are shown. First, we will show that for non–restricted parallel networks, threshold networks which permit only two elements to transit at each step, and homogeneous networks, it is possible to build periodic and transient sequences of almost any lengths. Further, it will be shown that it is possible for triangular threshold networks to build periodic and transient sequences with short lengths only. As well, homogeneous threshold networks also seem to build periodic and transient sequences with short lengths only. Specifically, we will show a sufficient condition for symmetric homogeneous threshold networks to have periodic sequences with the length 1.

  • A Neural Net Approach to Discrete Walsh Transform

    Takeshi KAMIO  Hiroshi NINOMIYA  Hideki ASAI  


    E77-A No:11

    In this letter we present an electronic circuit based on a neural net to compute the discrete Walsh transform. We show both analytically and by simulation that the circuit is guaranteed to settle into the correct values.

  • Optoelectronic Mesoscopic Neural Devices

    Hideaki MATSUEDA  

    PAPER-Neural Network and Its Applications

    E77-A No:11

    A novel optoelectronic mesoscopic neural device is proposed. This device operates in a neural manner, involving the electron interference and the laser threshold characteristics. The optical output is a 2–dimensional image, and can also be colored, if the light emitting elements are fabricated to form the picture elements in 3–colors, i.e. R, G, and B. The electron waveguiding in the proposed device is analyzed, on the basis of the analogy between the Schrödinger's equation and the Maxwell's wave equation. The nonlinear neural connection is achieved, as a result of the superposition an the interferences among electron waves transported through different waveguides. The sizes of the critical elements of this device are estimated to be within the reach of the present day technology. This device exceeds the conventional VLSI neurochips by many orders of magnitude, in the number of neurons per unit area, as well as in the speed of operation.

  • Distributed Control Architecture for Advanced Telecommunications Services

    Shiro TANABE  Yukiko TAKEDA  Tohru TAKESUE  


    E77-B No:11

    There has been an increasing demand for telecommunication services that satisfy individual users' requirements such as personal telecommunication services and intelligent network services. This demand for advanced telecommunications services is having a great impact on the control architecture and mechanism. In this paper, we propose a new representation of processing power for telecommunications services, using TPS (Transaction Per Second), instead of BHCA, which has been the most commonly used parameter for conventional telephone networks. In developing an IN benchmark, telecommunications services are compared with the TPC-A (Transaction Processing Performance Council-A) benchmark model based on TPS. This benchmark is then used to estimate the requirements for processing power, which, in turn, indicate the necessity for a distributed control. A layered architecture, compatible architecture, and control mechanism for user services are employed to adapt to the distributed network environment.

  • A Superior Estimator to the Maximum Likelihood Estimator on 3-D Motion Estimation from Noisy Optical Flow

    Toshio ENDOH  Takashi TORIU  Norio TAGAWA  


    E77-D No:11

    We prove that the maximum likelihood estimator for estimating 3-D motion from noisy optical flow is not optimal", i.e., there is an unbiased estimator whose covariance matrix is smaller than that of the maximum likelihood estimator when a Gaussian noise distribution is assumed for a sufficiently large number of observed points. Since Gaussian assumption for the noise is given, the maximum likelihood estimator minimizes the mean square error of the observed optical flow. Though the maximum likehood estimator's covariance matrix usually reaches the Cramér-Rao lower bound in many statistical problems when the number of observed points is infinitely large, we show that the maximum likelihood estimator's covariance matrix does not reach the Cramér-Rao lower bound for the estimation of 3-D motion from noisy optical flow under such conditions. We formulate a superior estimator, whose covariance matrix is smaller than that of the maximum likelihood estimator, when the variance of the Gaussian noise is not very small.

  • Telecommunication Service Software Architecture for Next-Generation Networks

    Nicolas RAGUIDEAU  Katsumi MARUYAMA  Minoru KUBOTA  


    E77-B No:11

    Telecommunication services are becoming more and more personalized, integrated, and refined. Advanced personal and mobile telecommunication services, intelligent networks, and network management operations require cooperative network-wide distributed processing on a very large scale. Telecommunication programs must support these services with great flexibility, efficiency, and reliability. This paper proposes a new call processing model that improves the availability and flexibility of telecommunication programs. It first points out requirements, outlines the distributed processing platform PLATINA, and discusses several approaches to the enhanced call processing model. Then it explains the call processing program structure, and gives illustrations of mobile and multi- party service control as typical examples. The Caller-Callee decomposition reduces the complexity of the call processing program and enhances the call model; the separation of call and bearer enhances service flexibility and integration; distributed object-oriented techniques meet software evolution requirements. A prototype program has been implemented and has proved the effectiveness of this approach.

  • Flexible Networks: Basic Concepts and Architecture



    E77-B No:11

    The concept of flexible system is long being used by many researchers, aiming to solve some particular problem of adaptation. The problem is viewed differently in different situations. In this paper, we first give a set of definitions and specifications to generalize this concept applicable to any system and in particular to communication networks. Through these definitions we will formalize, what are the conditions a system should satisfy to be called as a Flexible Communication System. The rest of the paper we formalize the concepts of flexible information network, and propose an agent oriented architecture that can realize it.

  • Stepwise Refinement of Communications Service Specifications for Conforming to a Functional Model

    Akira TAKURA  Tadashi OHTA  


    E77-B No:11

    A stepwise refinement method of communications service specifications is proposed to generate communications software that can conform to any network architecture. This method uses a two-layered language; one layer is a service specification description language (STR), and the other layer is a supplementary specification description language for implementing STR description on a communications system (STR/D). STR specifies terminal behaviors that can be recognized from a perspective outside of the communications systems. With STR, a communications service is defined by a set of rules that can be described without detailed knowledge of communications systems or communications network architectures. Each STR rule describes a global state transition of terminals. Supplementary specifications, such as terminal control and network control, are needed to implement communications services specified by STR rules. These supplementary specifications are described by STR/D rules. Communications services, such as UPT (Universal Personal Telecommunication), are standardized so that they can be provided on a given functional model consisting of functional entities. Specifications for each functional entity in a network are obtained from the two kinds of initially described specifications mentioned above. The obtained specifications are described by STR(L) and STR/D(L) rules, which specify local specifications of a functional entity. These specifications for functional entities are then transformed into software specifications, and finally communications software is generated from these software specifications. This stepwise refinement method makes it possible to generate communications software that can conform to any functional model from service specifications.

  • Significant Decrease in Thickness of Contaminant Films and Contact Resistance by Humidification

    Terutaka TAMAI  Tetsushi KAWANO  

    PAPER-Contact Reliability

    E77-C No:10

    On the surface of contacts which are exposed to the atmosphere, the reaction with gases in the atmosphere produces contaminant films including oxides. The contact reliability is degraded by the contaminant films. Humidity in the atmospheric environment also influences on the surface of contacts. However, influence of humidity on the surface has not been clarified. In the present paper, influence of humidity on the Cu surface and the oxides (CuO + Cu2O) on it were studied with respect to the thickness of the oxide film and contact resistance characteristics both for static and for sliding contacts. The thickness was measured by ellipsometric analysis. Topographic image affected by humidification was also observed by scanning tunneling microscope (STM). In the atmospheric environment, the clean surface of Cu was found to oxidize with fluctuations of the thickness for lapse of exposure time due to the fluctuations of the humidity. It was also found that the thickness of the oxide film decreases immediately after the humidification, and increases under dehumidification. Changes in contact resistance affected by humidity was corresponding to the change in the film thickness. Immediately after humidification contact resistance decreased, and increased with dehumidification both for static and for sliding contacts. For the mechanism of the influence of humidity on the oxide, chemical reduction of hydrogen generated by decomposition of the absorbed water molecule (H2O) was derived. The clean Cu surface was oxidized by oxygen due to absorbed water molecule and atmosphere.

  • On Quadratic Convergence of the Katzenelson-Like Algorithm for Solving Nonlinear Resistive Networks

    Kiyotaka YAMAMURA  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Circuits and Systems

    E77-A No:10

    A globally and quadratically convergent algorithm is presented for solving nonlinear resistive networks containing transistors modeled by the Gummel-Poon model or the Shichman-Hodges model. This algorithm is based on the Katzenelson algorithm that is globally convergent for a broad class of piecewise-linear resistive networks. An effective restart technique is introduced, by which the algorithm converges to the solutions of the nonlinear resistive networks quadratically. The quadratic convergence is proved and also verified by numerical examples.

  • Algorithms to Realize an Arbitrary BPC Permutation in Chordal Ring Networks and Mesh Connected Networks

    Hiroshi MASUYAMA  

    PAPER-Software Theory

    E77-D No:10

    A multiple instruction stream-multiple data stream (MIMD) computer is a parallel computer consisting of a large number of identical processing elements. The essential feature that distinguishes one MIMD computer family from another is the interconnection network. In this paper, 2 representative types of interconnection networks are dealt with the chordal ring network and the mesh connected network. A family of regular graphs of degree 3, called chordal rings is presented as a possible candidate for the implementation of a distributed system and for fault-tolerant architectures. The symmetry of graphs makes it possible to determine message routing by using a simple distributed algorithm. Another candidate having the same property is the mesh connected networks. Arbitrary data permutations are generally accomplished by sorting. For certain classes of permutations, however, there exist algorithms that are more efficient than the best sorting algorithm. One such class is the bit permute complement (BPC) class of permutations. The class of BPC permutations includes many of the frequently occurring permutations such as bit reversal, bit shuffle, bit complement, matrix transpose, etc. In this paper, we evaluate the abilities of the above networks to realize BPC permutations. In this paper, we, first, develop algorithms required 2 token storage registers in each node to realize an arbitrary BPC permutaion in both chordal ring networks and mesh connected networks. We next evaluate the ability to realize BPC permutations in these networks of an arbitrary size by estimating the number of required routing steps.

  • A Study of the Relationship between Contact Materials and Sticking Characteristics on Telecommunication Relay

    Hideki IWATA  Toshio OHYA  Shoji MITSUISHI  Hiroki MARUYAMA  

    PAPER-Contact Reliability

    E77-C No:10

    In this paper, the relationship between contact materials and sticking characteristics, and stability of contact resistance to obtain excellent contacts for telecommunication relays, is studied. The contact switching current for telecommunication relay is low. Moreover, contact force and opening force in these relay are respectively several mN. Nine kinds of contact materials are selected as a experimental factor. They are Ag, Ag-Ni (Ni: 0.03 to 20%), Ag-Cu 10%, Ag-Pd 60% and Pd-Ru 10%, and are overlaid with gold except Pd-Ru 10%. In this study, contact life tests on a commercial ultra-miniature telecommunication relay by mounting above-mentioned contacts are conducted. The sticking and the contact resistance are monitored at each switching operation in the contact life test. After the life test, the contact surfaces are observed, and the depth of crater, the height of pip and projected concave area are measured, then the relationship between the sticking morphologies and the composition of each material are studied. As the result of this study, the contact sticking of telecommunication rely is assumed to be the result of mechanical locking, and the effects of the Ni content in the Ag-Ni contacts is clarified. Moreover, it is confirmed that the effects of opening force on the sticking characteristics are remarkable.

  • T-Model Neural Network for PCM Encoding

    Zheng TANG  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  Masakazu SAKAI  

    LETTER-Neural Networks

    E77-A No:10

    A technique for pulse code modulation (PCM) encoding using a T-Model neural network is described. Performance evaluation on both the T-Model and the Hopfield model neural-based PCM encoders is carried out with PSpice simulations. The PSpice simulations also show that the T-Model neural-based PCM encoder computes to a global minimum much more effectively and more quickly than the Hopfield one.

  • A New Optical Path Cross-Connect System Architecture Utilizing Delivery and Coupling Matrix Switch

    Satoru OKAMOTO  Atsushi WATANABE  Ken-ichi SATO  

    LETTER-Optical Communication

    E77-B No:10

    A new optical path cross-connect system architecture (OPXC) based on delivery and coupling matrix switches is described. This OPXC provides the maximum compatibility for a wavelength path (WP) network and a virtual wavelength path (VWP) network. In other words, the proposed architecture easily evolves from WP-OPXC to VWP-OPXC. This salient feature can not been achieved with conventional OPXCs. Another attractive feature of this OPXC is its high modularity for OPXC capacity expansion.

  • A Connection-Level Design of Multistage Nonblocking ATM Switches

    Supot TIARAWUT  Tadao SAITO  Hitoshi AIDA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E77-B No:10

    It is desirable to design an ATM switch that is nonblocking at the connection level by using simple connection admission control (CAC) schemes. To accomplish this goal, it is necessary to consider the relationships between CAC, cell-level quality-of-services (QOS), and the structure of multistage switches as well as switch modules. In this paper, we formulate a framework to design a multistage nonblocking ATM switch. We show that if a switch has the property of the Sufficiency of Knowledge of External Loads (SKEL), i.e., the property that its cell-level performance is robust to the distribution of incoming traffic among all inputs, then the switch is also nonblocking at the connection-level by using a simplified CAC that guarantees QOS of a connection by controlling the aggregate loads on outputs. Furthermore, we show that a Clos three-stage network using SKEL switch modules and Multipath Self-Routing (MPSR) also has the SKEL property and is a nonblocking switching network that needs CAC only at its outputs. We also demonstrate a design of multistage nonblocking ATM switches with Knockout switch modules.
