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  • On Leaky-Wave Approach of Rigorous Modes Coupled in Multilayered Periodic Waveguides

    Kwang-Chun HO  Yung-Kwon KIM  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E84-C No:1

    The field supported by multilayered periodic waveguides is well characterized by only one or two discrete leaky waves, rather than by a more complicated field representation that includes continuous spectra. The rigorous leaky-modes coupled in multilayered geometry can be then treated by relatively simpler and analytic model that describes the operation of practical optoelectronic devices in terms of leakage effects. To complement our modeling, we discuss and emphasize novel mathematical formulations based on the field orthogonality conditions of TE and TM modes coupled in multilayered periodic structures. In addition, to show the validity of our approach we numerically evaluate new physical meanings to illustrate quantitatively and rigorously the coupling efficiency of grating-assisted directional couplers (GADCs). The results reveal that the systematic and effective technique yields phenomenologically useful interpretations.

  • A Technique for On-Line Data Migration

    Jiahong WANG  Masatoshi MIYAZAKI  Jie LI  


    E84-D No:1

    In recent years, more emphasis is placed on the performance of massive databases. It is often required not only that database systems provide high throughputs with rapid response times, but also that they are fully available 24-hours-per-day and 7-days-per-week. Requirements for throughput and response time can be satisfied by upgrading the hardware. As a result, databases in the old hardware environment have to be moved to the new one. Moving a database, however, generally requires taking the database off line for a long time, which is unacceptable for numerous applications. In this paper, a very practical and important subject is addressed: how to upgrade the hardware on line, i.e., how to move a database from an old hardware environment to a new one concurrently with users' reading and writing of the database. A technique for this purpose is proposed. We have implemented a prototype based on this technique. Our experiments with the prototype shown that compared with conventional off-line approach, the proposed technique could give a performance improvement by more than 85% in the query-bound environment and 40% in the update-bound environment.

  • On-Line Synthesis of Decentralized Supervisors for Discrete Event Systems

    Shigemasa TAKAI  Toshimitsu USHIO  


    E83-A No:11

    In this paper, we study decentralized supervisory control of discrete event systems where local disabling actions are fused by the OR rule. We generalize an on-line procedure for synthesizing decentralized supervisors proposed by Prosser. By using the generalized procedure, we can achieve a sublanguage of a specification which is not achieved by a class of decentralized supervisors synthesized by the Prosser's procedure.

  • LOS and NLOS Path-Loss and Delay Characteristics at 3.35 GHz in a Residential Environment

    Hiroyuki SHIMIZU  Hironari MASUI  Masanori ISHII  Kozo SAKAWA  Takehiko KOBAYASHI  


    E83-A No:7

    Path loss and delay profile characteristics of the 3-GHz band are measured and compared for line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) paths in a suburban residential area. For the LOS path, the path loss increases as a function of distance squared; and hence the propagation is considered as the free space propagation. For the NLOS paths, it is found that corner losses occur ranging from 28 to 40 dB, and subsequent losses increase as a function of distance squared, but in case of there are open spaces, spaces between the rows of houses or roads intersecting LOS road, the increase was small. The delay spread for the LOS path increased in proportion to power of the distance; and the exponents ranging from 1.9 to 2.9 is found smaller than in urban areas. The delay spreads for the NLOS paths were several times greater than that for the LOS path, and the rate of delay spread increase with distance was found to be several orders of magnitude greater for NLOS paths than the LOS path.

  • Dispersion Managed Optical Transmission Lines and Fibers

    Yoshihisa SUZUKI  Kazunori MUKASA  Ryuichi SUGIZAKI  Kunio KOKURA  


    E83-C No:6

    There has been a rapid advance in wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) and high bit-rate time-division multiplexing (TDM) as techniques for coping with burgeoning demand for transmission capacity. In the past this expansion of capacity has been achieved by 2.5-Gbit/s and 10-Gbit/s WDM using the C-band (around 1550 nm), but research on the 1600-nm L-band (around 1600 nm) is being stepped up to obtain further expansion. With the achievement of 40-Gbit/s speeds, which mark the limit of electrical signal processing, optical TDM, with speeds of 100 Gbit/s, is coming into use. In this kind of high-density, high bit-rate WDM transmission, the occurrence of non-linear phenomena within optical fibers reduces transmission quality, and this raises the importance of technology for suppressing non-linearity and specifically, in the case of WDM transmission systems, of four-wave mixing (FWM). Obviously there is also the problem of signal distortion due to dispersion, so that technology for suppressing cumulative dispersion is also essential. There is also a need for transmission lines with sophisticated dispersion management over a wide band of wavelengths, and it may be consisted of novel fibers.

  • Controlling Power-Distribution-Plane Resonance in Multilayer Printed Circuit Boards

    Takashi HARADA  Hideki SASAKI  Yoshio KAMI  

    PAPER-EMC Design of PCB

    E83-B No:3

    This paper describes the mechanisms of power-distribution-plane resonance in multilayer printed circuit boards and the techniques to control the resonance. The power-distribution-plane resonance is responsible for high-level emissions and circuit malfunctions. Controlling the resonance is an effective technique, so adequate characterization of the resonance is necessary to achieve control. The resonance characteristics of four-layer printed circuit boards are investigated experimentally and theoretically by treating the power-distribution planes as a parallel-plate transmission line with decoupling circuits. Analysis of the forward traveling wave shows that the resonance frequency is determined by the phase delay due to wave propagation and by the phase progress of interconnect inductance in the decoupling circuit. Techniques to control the resonance characteristics are investigated. The resonance can be shifted to a higher frequency by adding several decoupling circuits adjacent to the existing decoupling capacitor or by increasing the number of via holes connecting the capacitor mounting pads to the power-distribution planes.

  • Knowledge Discovery and Self-Organizing State Space Model

    Tomoyuki HIGUCHI  Genshiro KITAGAWA  


    E83-D No:1

    A hierarchical structure of the statistical models involving the parametric, state space, generalized state space, and self-organizing state space models is explained. It is shown that by considering higher level modeling, it is possible to develop models quite freely and then to extract essential information from data which has been difficult to obtain due to the use of restricted models. It is also shown that by rising the level of the model, the model selection procedure which has been realized with human expertise can be performed automatically and thus the automatic processing of huge time series data becomes realistic. In other words, the hierarchical statistical modeling facilitates both automatic processing of massive time series data and a new method for knowledge discovery.

  • Link Capacity Assignment in Packet-Switched Networks: The Case of Piecewise Linear Concave Cost Function


    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E82-B No:10

    In this paper, we study the link capacity assignment problem in packet-switched networks (CA problem) focusing on the case where link cost function is a piecewise linear concave function. This type of cost function arises in many communication network design problems such as those arising from developments in communication transmission technologies. It is already known that the method of link set assignment is applicable for solving the CA problem with piecewise linear convex cost function. That is, each link in the network is assigned to one of a group of specific sets, and checked for link set contradiction. By extending the method of link set assignment to the case of piecewise linear concave cost function, an important characteristic of the optimal solution of the CA problem is derived. Based on this characteristic, the non-differentiable link cost function can be treated as a differentiable function, and a heuristic algorithm derived from the Lagrange multiplier method is then proposed. Although it is difficult to determine the global optimum of the CA problem due to its non-convexity, it is shown by numerical results that the solution obtained from the proposed algorithm is very close to the global optimum. Moreover, the computation time is linearly dependent on the number of links in the problem. These performances show that the proposed algorithm is very efficient in solving the CA problem, even in the case of large-scale networks.

  • On-Line Control of Discrete Event Systems with a Maximally Controllable and Observable Sublanguage

    Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Graphs and Networks

    E82-A No:9

    Recently, many on-line control methods of partially observed discrete event systems(DES's) have been proposed. This paper proposes an algorithm for on-line control based on a supervisor under complete observation. It is shown that DES's controlled by the proposed on-line controller generate maximally controllable and observable sublanguages which include the supremal normal sublanguages. Moreover, computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is polynomial with respect to the numbers of the unobservable events and the state of the supervisor under complete observation.

  • Blind Signal Extraction of Arbitrarily Distributed, but Temporally Correlated Signals -- A Neural Network Approach

    Ruck THAWONMAS  Andrzej CICHOCKI  


    E82-A No:9

    In this paper, we discuss a neural network approach for blind signal extraction of temporally correlated sources. Assuming autoregressive models of source signals, we propose a very simple neural network model and an efficient on-line adaptive algorithm that extract, from linear mixtures, a temporally correlated source with an arbitrary distribution, including a colored Gaussian source and a source with extremely low value (or even zero) of kurtosis. We then combine these extraction processing units with deflation processing units to extract such sources sequentially in a cascade fashion. Theory and simulations show that the proposed neural network successfully extracts all arbitrarily distributed, but temporally correlated source signals from linear mixtures.

  • Manifold Piecewise Constant Systems and Chaos

    Tadashi TSUBONE  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E82-A No:8

    We propose manifold piecewise constant systems (ab. MPC) and consider basic phenomena: the 2-D, 3-D and 4-D MPCs exhibit limit-cycle, line-expanding chaos and area-expanding chaos, respectively. The righthand side of the state equation is piecewise-constant, hence the system dynamics can be simplified into a piecewise-linear return map which can be expressed explicitly. In order to analyze the piecewise-linear return map, we introduce an evaluation function for the piecewise-linear return map and give theoretical evidence for chaos generation. Also the chaotic behaviors are demonstrated in the laboratory.

  • On-Line Error Monitoring for Shared Buffer ATM Switches

    Yoon-Hwa CHOI  Pong-Gyou LEE  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:8

    Shared buffer ATM switches have been attractive since they can achieve a superior performance in terms of cell loss ratio and throughput with a relatively small buffer size. Shared multi-buffer structures have also been considered by several researchers to enhance the access speed of the cell memory for a large switch. High quality services, however, cannot be provided without reliable operation at each module comprising the ATM switches. In this paper, we present a novel on-line error monitoring technique for shared-buffer ATM switches. The technique detects almost all of the functional errors that could occur in the ATM switches. Moreover, it can detect errors with small hardware overhead and negligible time overhead. An early detection of functional errors in ATM switches could not only reduce the wasted bandwidth due to the transmission of erroneous cells, but greatly enhance the recovery time.

  • Evaluation of 'Plug-in' Partial File Modification Mechanisms for Node Systems

    Hiroshi SUNAGA  Ryoichi NAKAMURA  Tetsuyasu YAMADA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E82-B No:3

    Three types of mechanisms were evaluated to determine their applicability to partially modifying an online switching system file and to creating a partial file during the debugging phase. First, the applicability of the basic plug-in mechanism, currently used in commercial switching systems, was evaluated by using data obtained from an initial implementation of PHS and ATM switching systems. It was found to be applicable irrespective of software type (call-processing or OA&M) and service type (PHS or ATM). It was also found to be applicable to both specification changes and service feature additions. Then, an extended plug-in mechanism that is enhanced to be more robust against complicated software behaviour was evaluated by simulation. It was found to cover cases where the basic plug-in mechanism is difficult to apply. Used together, these two mechanisms guarantee stable and effective file management of an online switching system. A plug-in for offline file creation was found to be applicable to almost all types of file modifications, except when the interface definition is significantly changed. These plug-in mechanisms can serve as the basis for managing the files in multimedia communication service systems.

  • An On-Line Prediction Algorithm Combining Several Prediction Strategies in the Shared Bet Model

    Ichiro TAJIKA  Eiji TAKIMOTO  Akira MARUOKA  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E82-D No:2

    One of the most important problems in machine learning is to predict a binary value by observing a sequence of outcomes, up to the present time step, generated from some unknown source. Vovk and Cesa-Bianchi et al. independently proposed an on-line prediction model where prediction algorithms are assumed to be given a collection of prediction strategies called experts and hence be allowed to use the predictions they make. In this model, no assumption is made about the way the sequence of bits to be predicted is generated, and the performance of the algorithm is measured by the difference between the number of mistakes it makes on the bit sequence and the number of mistakes made by the best expert on the same sequence. In this paper we extend the model by introducing a notion of investment. That is, both the prediction algorithm and the experts are required to make bets on their predictions at each time step, and the performance of the algorithm is now measured with respect to the total money lost, rather than the number of mistakes. We analyze our algorithms in the particular situation where all the experts share the same amount of bets at each time step. In this shared bet model, we give a prediction algorithm that is in some sense optimal but impractical, and we also give an efficient prediction algorithm that turns out to be nearly optimal.

  • A Non-Reflection-Influence Method for On-Line Measurement of Permittivity Using Microwave Free-Space Technique

    Zhihong MA  Seichi OKAMURA  

    PAPER-Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology

    E81-C No:12

    This paper describes a new method for permittivity measurement using microwave free-space technique. The general consideration is to measure the amplitudes of transmission and reflection coefficients and calculate the permittivity from the measurement values. Theoretical analysis shows that the permittivity of the sample can be calculated solely from the measurement values of the amplitudes of transmission and reflection coefficients when the sample is prepared with so large attenuation that the multiple reflections between the two surfaces of the sample can be neglected. Using this method, the permittivity measurement can be performed without reflection influence, and on-line measurement of the permittivity becomes possible because the permittivity can be measured instantaneously and without contact with the material.

  • Automatic Code Production of Office Data Handling Programs for Switching Systems

    Hiroshi SUNAGA  Hajime MATSUMURA  Takashige HAYASHI  Kenji NISHIKAWARA  

    PAPER-Switching and Communication Processing

    E81-B No:10

    This paper describes key techniques for automatic program generation of office data handling for all types of switching systems. Our office data scenario tool generates logical-physical office data conversion programs to be installed in switching systems. Also, it generates logical office data generation programs to be installed in a logical office data generation tool that converts office conditions to a logical office data file. We were able to apply this tool to all the office data types for our new switching systems, and automatically generated about 5. 5% of the total program size. This technique reduces not only the software production cost but also the bug ratio because there is no room for human error. Also, switching system programs are much more portable, since no machine-code-dependent parts are involved in office data handling. Thus, we expect that these techniques will be the basis for highly productive, reliable, and portable software platforms for the next-generation multimedia communication systems.

  • A Cascade Neural Network for Blind Signal Extraction without Spurious Equilibria

    Ruck THAWONMAS  Andrzej CICHOCKI  Shun-ichi AMARI  

    PAPER-Neural Networks

    E81-A No:9

    We present a cascade neural network for blind source extraction. We propose a family of unconstrained optimization criteria, from which we derive a learning rule that can extract a single source signal from a linear mixture of source signals. To prevent the newly extracted source signal from being extracted again in the next processing unit, we propose another unconstrained optimization criterion that uses knowledge of this signal. From this criterion, we then derive a learning rule that deflates from the mixture the newly extracted signal. By virtue of blind extraction and deflation processing, the presented cascade neural network can cope with a practical case where the number of mixed signals is equal to or larger than the number of sources, with the number of sources not known in advance. We prove analytically that the proposed criteria both for blind extraction and deflation processing have no spurious equilibria. In addition, the proposed criteria do not require whitening of mixed signals. We also demonstrate the validity and performance of the presented neural network by computer simulation experiments.

  • An Efficient Active Noise Control Algorithm Based on the Lattice-Transversal Joint (LTJ) Filter Structure

    Jeong-Hyeon YUN  Young-Cheol PARK  Dae-Hee YOUN  Il-Whan CHA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:8

    An efficient active noise control algorithm based on the lattice-transversal joint (LTJ) filter structure is presented, and applied to the active control of broadband noise in a 3-dimensional enclosure. The presented algorithm implements the filtered-x LMS within the LTJ structure obtained by cascading the lattice and transversal structures. Simulation results show that the LTJ-based noise control algorithm has fast convergence speed that is comparable to the lattice-based algorithm while its computational complexity is less demanding.

  • A Design Method of Odd-Channel Linear-Phase Paraunitary Filter Banks with a Lattice Structure

    Shogo MURAMATSU  Hitoshi KIYA  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:5

    In this letter, a design method of linear-phase paraunitary filter banks is proposed for an odd number of channels. In the proposed method, a non-linear unconstrained optimization process is assumed to be applied to a lattice structure which makes the starting guess of design parameters simple. In order to avoid insignificant local minimum solutions, a recursive initialization procedure is proposed. The significance of our proposed method is verified by some design examples.

  • Nonlinear Characteristics of Insulating LB Films with Nanometer Thickness Sandwiched between Au-Au Contact

    Isao MINOWA  Mitsumasa IWAMOTO  


    E81-C No:3

    It is well known that the existence of electrically resistive film layers formed on contact surfaces increases contact resistance and it causes a nonlinear relationship between voltage and current observed in a contact layer. Nonlinear distortion voltages can be detected by our sensitive detection system based on the dual frequency method when a thin film exists on the surface. In this study, multilayer films of polyimide (PI) was used as an ideal material of ultra thin film, because of electrically good insulator with simple molecular structure, to study non-linearity through metal-insulator-metal contact. The number of deposited layers between one and twenty one were formed on three types of substrates; (a) evaporated gold on a glass plate, (b) gold plate and (c) evaporated gold on gold plate, to obtain good insulating film. Where each layer of PI film has 0. 4 nanometer thickness. A pin contact was made by pressing a bent gold wire on the PI film. It is concluded that [1]; the second-order distortion voltage increases exponentially as the film thickness increases, [2]; polarity of the surface potential of PI depends on the film thickness, and that I-V characteristic depends on the polarity of the surface potential.
