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[Keyword] supervised learning(67hit)


  • Another Fuzzy Anomaly Detection System Based on Ant Clustering Algorithm

    Muhamad Erza AMINANTO  HakJu KIM  Kyung-Min KIM  Kwangjo KIM  


    E100-A No:1

    Attacks against computer networks are evolving rapidly. Conventional intrusion detection system based on pattern matching and static signatures have a significant limitation since the signature database should be updated frequently. The unsupervised learning algorithm can overcome this limitation. Ant Clustering Algorithm (ACA) is a popular unsupervised learning algorithm to classify data into different categories. However, ACA needs to be complemented with other algorithms for the classification process. In this paper, we present a fuzzy anomaly detection system that works in two phases. In the first phase, the training phase, we propose ACA to determine clusters. In the second phase, the classification phase, we exploit a fuzzy approach by the combination of two distance-based methods to detect anomalies in new monitored data. We validate our hybrid approach using the KDD Cup'99 dataset. The results indicate that, compared to several traditional and new techniques, the proposed hybrid approach achieves higher detection rate and lower false positive rate.

  • Transfer Semi-Supervised Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Speech Emotion Recognition

    Peng SONG  Shifeng OU  Xinran ZHANG  Yun JIN  Wenming ZHENG  Jinglei LIU  Yanwei YU  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E99-D No:10

    In practice, emotional speech utterances are often collected from different devices or conditions, which will lead to discrepancy between the training and testing data, resulting in sharp decrease of recognition rates. To solve this problem, in this letter, a novel transfer semi-supervised non-negative matrix factorization (TSNMF) method is presented. A semi-supervised negative matrix factorization algorithm, utilizing both labeled source and unlabeled target data, is adopted to learn common feature representations. Meanwhile, the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) as a similarity measurement is employed to reduce the distance between the feature distributions of two databases. Finally, the TSNMF algorithm, which optimizes the SNMF and MMD functions together, is proposed to obtain robust feature representations across databases. Extensive experiments demonstrate that in comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches, our proposed method can significantly improve the cross-corpus recognition rates.

  • Character-Level Dependency Model for Joint Word Segmentation, POS Tagging, and Dependency Parsing in Chinese

    Zhen GUO  Yujie ZHANG  Chen SU  Jinan XU  Hitoshi ISAHARA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E99-D No:1

    Recent work on joint word segmentation, POS (Part Of Speech) tagging, and dependency parsing in Chinese has two key problems: the first is that word segmentation based on character and dependency parsing based on word were not combined well in the transition-based framework, and the second is that the joint model suffers from the insufficiency of annotated corpus. In order to resolve the first problem, we propose to transform the traditional word-based dependency tree into character-based dependency tree by using the internal structure of words and then propose a novel character-level joint model for the three tasks. In order to resolve the second problem, we propose a novel semi-supervised joint model for exploiting n-gram feature and dependency subtree feature from partially-annotated corpus. Experimental results on the Chinese Treebank show that our joint model achieved 98.31%, 94.84% and 81.71% for Chinese word segmentation, POS tagging, and dependency parsing, respectively. Our model outperforms the pipeline model of the three tasks by 0.92%, 1.77% and 3.95%, respectively. Particularly, the F1 value of word segmentation and POS tagging achieved the best result compared with those reported until now.

  • Scalable Hardware Winner-Take-All Neural Network with DPLL

    Masaki AZUMA  Hiroomi HIKAWA  

    PAPER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E98-D No:10

    Neural networks are widely used in various fields due to their superior learning abilities. This paper proposes a hardware winner-take-all neural network (WTANN) that employs a new winner-take-all (WTA) circuit with phase-modulated pulse signals and digital phase-locked loops (DPLLs). The system uses DPLL as a computing element, so all input values are expressed by phases of rectangular signals. The proposed WTA circuit employs a simple winner search circuit. The proposed WTANN architecture is described by very high speed integrated circuit (VHSIC) hardware description language (VHDL), and its feasibility was tested and verified through simulations and experiments. Conventional WTA takes a global winner search approach, in which vector distances are collected from all neurons and compared. In contrast, the WTA in the proposed system is carried out locally by a distributed winner search circuit among neurons. Therefore, no global communication channels with a wide bandwidth between the winner search module and each neuron are required. Furthermore, the proposed WTANN can easily extend the system scale, merely by increasing the number of neurons. The circuit size and speed were then evaluated by applying the VHDL description to a logic synthesis tool and experiments using a field programmable gate array (FPGA). Vector classifications with WTANN using two kinds of data sets, Iris and Wine, were carried out in VHDL simulations. The results revealed that the proposed WTANN achieved valid learning.

  • Collaborative Representation Graph for Semi-Supervised Image Classification

    Junjun GUO  Zhiyong LI  Jianjun MU  


    E98-A No:8

    In this letter, a novel collaborative representation graph based on the local and global consistency label propagation method, denoted as CRLGC, is proposed. The collaborative representation graph is used to reduce the cost time in obtaining the graph which evaluates the similarity of samples. Considering the lacking of labeled samples in real applications, a semi-supervised label propagation method is utilized to transmit the labels from the labeled samples to the unlabeled samples. Experimental results on three image data sets have demonstrated that the proposed method provides the best accuracies in most times when compared with other traditional graph-based semi-supervised classification methods.

  • Semi-Supervised Feature Selection with Universum Based on Linked Social Media Data

    Junyang QIU  Yibing WANG  Zhisong PAN  Bo JIA  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E97-D No:9

    Independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) assumptions are commonly used in the machine learning community. However, social media data violate this assumption due to the linkages. Meanwhile, with the variety of data, there exist many samples, i.e., Universum, that do not belong to either class of interest. These characteristics pose great challenges to dealing with social media data. In this letter, we fully take advantage of Universum samples to enable the model to be more discriminative. In addition, the linkages are also taken into consideration in the means of social dimensions. To this end, we propose the algorithm Semi-Supervised Linked samples Feature Selection with Universum (U-SSLFS) to integrate the linking information and Universum simultaneously to select robust features. The empirical study shows that U-SSLFS outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on the Flickr and BlogCatalog.

  • Semi-Supervised Learning via Geodesic Weighted Sparse Representation

    Jianqiao WANG  Yuehua LI  Jianfei CHEN  Yuanjiang LI  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E97-D No:6

    The label estimation technique provides a new way to design semi-supervised learning algorithms. If the labels of the unlabeled data can be estimated correctly, the semi-supervised methods can be replaced by the corresponding supervised versions. In this paper, we propose a novel semi-supervised learning algorithm, called Geodesic Weighted Sparse Representation (GWSR), to estimate the labels of the unlabeled data. First, the geodesic distance and geodesic weight are calculated. The geodesic weight is utilized to reconstruct the labeled samples. The Euclidean distance between the reconstructed labeled sample and the unlabeled sample equals the geodesic distance between the original labeled sample and the unlabeled sample. Then, the unlabeled samples are sparsely reconstructed and the sparse reconstruction weight is obtained by minimizing the L1-norm. Finally, the sparse reconstruction weight is utilized to estimate the labels of the unlabeled samples. Experiments on synthetic data and USPS hand-written digit database demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

  • Accurate Image Separation Method for Two Closely Spaced Pedestrians Using UWB Doppler Imaging Radar and Supervised Learning

    Kenshi SAHO  Hiroaki HOMMA  Takuya SAKAMOTO  Toru SATO  Kenichi INOUE  Takeshi FUKUDA  


    E97-B No:6

    Recent studies have focused on developing security systems using micro-Doppler radars to detect human bodies. However, the resolution of these conventional methods is unsuitable for identifying bodies and moreover, most of these conventional methods were designed for a solitary or sufficiently well-spaced targets. This paper proposes a solution to these problems with an image separation method for two closely spaced pedestrian targets. The proposed method first develops an image of the targets using ultra-wide-band (UWB) Doppler imaging radar. Next, the targets in the image are separated using a supervised learning-based separation method trained on a data set extracted using a range profile. We experimentally evaluated the performance of the image separation using some representative supervised separation methods and selected the most appropriate method. Finally, we reject false points caused by target interference based on the separation result. The experiment, assuming two pedestrians with a body separation of 0.44m, shows that our method accurately separates their images using a UWB Doppler radar with a nominal down-range resolution of 0.3m. We describe applications using various target positions, establish the performance, and derive optimal settings for our method.

  • Sparsification and Stability of Simple Dynamic Binary Neural Networks

    Jungo MORIYASU  Toshimichi SAITO  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Problems

    E97-A No:4

    This letter studies the simple dynamic binary neural network characterized by signum activation function and ternary connection parameters. In order to control the sparsity of the connections and the stability of the stored signal, a simple evolutionary algorithm is presented. As a basic example of teacher signals, we consider a binary periodic orbit which corresponds to a control signal of ac-dc regulators. In the numerical experiment, applying the correlation-based learning, the periodic orbit can be stored. The sparsification can be effective to reinforce the stability of the periodic orbit.

  • Sentiment Classification in Under-Resourced Languages Using Graph-Based Semi-Supervised Learning Methods Open Access

    Yong REN  Nobuhiro KAJI  Naoki YOSHINAGA  Masaru KITSUREGAWA  


    E97-D No:4

    In sentiment classification, conventional supervised approaches heavily rely on a large amount of linguistic resources, which are costly to obtain for under-resourced languages. To overcome this scarce resource problem, there exist several methods that exploit graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL). However, fundamental issues such as controlling label propagation, choosing the initial seeds, selecting edges have barely been studied. Our evaluation on three real datasets demonstrates that manipulating the label propagating behavior and choosing labeled seeds appropriately play a critical role in adopting graph-based SSL approaches for this task.

  • Extreme Maximum Margin Clustering

    Chen ZHANG  ShiXiong XIA  Bing LIU  Lei ZHANG  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E96-D No:8

    Maximum margin clustering (MMC) is a newly proposed clustering method that extends the large-margin computation of support vector machine (SVM) to unsupervised learning. Traditionally, MMC is formulated as a nonconvex integer programming problem which makes it difficult to solve. Several methods rely on reformulating and relaxing the nonconvex optimization problem as semidefinite programming (SDP) or second-order cone program (SOCP), which are computationally expensive and have difficulty handling large-scale data sets. In linear cases, by making use of the constrained concave-convex procedure (CCCP) and cutting plane algorithm, several MMC methods take linear time to converge to a local optimum, but in nonlinear cases, time complexity is still high. Since extreme learning machine (ELM) has achieved similar generalization performance at much faster learning speed than traditional SVM and LS-SVM, we propose an extreme maximum margin clustering (EMMC) algorithm based on ELM. It can perform well in nonlinear cases. Moreover, the kernel parameters of EMMC need not be tuned by means of random feature mappings. Experimental results on several real-world data sets show that EMMC performs better than traditional MMC methods, especially in handling large-scale data sets.

  • Learning of Simple Dynamic Binary Neural Networks

    Ryota KOUZUKI  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E96-A No:8

    This paper studies the simple dynamic binary neural network characterized by the signum activation function, ternary weighting parameters and integer threshold parameters. The network can be regarded as a digital version of the recurrent neural network and can output a variety of binary periodic orbits. The network dynamics can be simplified into a return map, from a set of lattice points, to itself. In order to store a desired periodic orbit, we present two learning algorithms based on the correlation learning and the genetic algorithm. The algorithms are applied to three examples: a periodic orbit corresponding to the switching signal of the dc-ac inverter and artificial periodic orbit. Using the return map, we have investigated the storage of the periodic orbits and stability of the stored periodic orbits.

  • Semi-Supervised Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis

    Xianglei XING  Sidan DU  Hua JIANG  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E96-D No:2

    We extend the Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis (NDA) algorithm to a semi-supervised dimensionality reduction technique, called Semi-supervised Nonparametric Discriminant Analysis (SNDA). SNDA preserves the inherent advantages of NDA, that is, relaxing the Gaussian assumption required for the traditional LDA-based methods. SNDA takes advantage of both the discriminating power provided by the NDA method and the locality-preserving power provided by the manifold learning. Specifically, the labeled data points are used to maximize the separability between different classes and both the labeled and unlabeled data points are used to build a graph incorporating neighborhood information of the data set. Experiments on synthetic as well as real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • Early Stopping Heuristics in Pool-Based Incremental Active Learning for Least-Squares Probabilistic Classifier

    Tsubasa KOBAYASHI  Masashi SUGIYAMA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E95-D No:8

    The objective of pool-based incremental active learning is to choose a sample to label from a pool of unlabeled samples in an incremental manner so that the generalization error is minimized. In this scenario, the generalization error often hits a minimum in the middle of the incremental active learning procedure and then it starts to increase. In this paper, we address the problem of early labeling stopping in probabilistic classification for minimizing the generalization error and the labeling cost. Among several possible strategies, we propose to stop labeling when the empirical class-posterior approximation error is maximized. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed strategy.

  • Self-Organizing Digital Spike Maps for Learning of Spike-Trains

    Takashi OGAWA  Toshimichi SAITO  

    PAPER-Nonlinear Problems

    E94-A No:12

    This paper presents a digital spike map and its learning algorithm of spike-trains. The map is characterized by a swarm of particles on lattice points. As a teacher signal is applied, the algorithm finds a winner particle. The winner and its neighbor particles move in a similar way to the self-organizing maps. A new particle can born and the particle swarm can grow depending on the property of teacher signals. If learning parameters are selected suitably, the map can evolve to approximate a class of teacher signals. Performing basic numerical experiments, the algorithm efficiency is confirmed.

  • Learning to Generate a Table-of-Contents with Supportive Knowledge

    Viet Cuong NGUYEN  Le Minh NGUYEN  Akira SHIMAZU  


    E94-D No:3

    In the text summarization field, a table-of-contents is a type of indicative summary that is especially suited for locating information in a long document, or a set of documents. It is also a useful summary for a reader to quickly get an overview of the entire contents. The current models for generating a table-of-contents produced relatively low quality output with many meaningless titles, or titles that have no overlapping meaning with the corresponding contents. This problem may be due to the lack of semantic information and topic information in those models. In this research, we propose to integrate supportive knowledge into the learning models to improve the quality of titles in a generated table-of-contents. The supportive knowledge is derived from a hierarchical clustering of words, which is built from a large collection of raw text, and a topic model, which is directly estimated from the training data. The relatively good results of the experiments showed that the semantic and topic information supplied by supportive knowledge have good effects on title generation, and therefore, they help to improve the quality of the generated table-of-contents.

  • Laplacian Support Vector Machines with Multi-Kernel Learning

    Lihua GUO  Lianwen JIN  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E94-D No:2

    The Laplacian support vector machine (LSVM) is a semi-supervised framework that uses manifold regularization for learning from labeled and unlabeled data. However, the optimal kernel parameters of LSVM are difficult to obtain. In this paper, we propose a multi-kernel LSVM (MK-LSVM) method using multi-kernel learning formulations in combination with the LSVM. Our learning formulations assume that a set of base kernels are grouped, and employ l2 norm regularization for automatically seeking the optimal linear combination of base kernels. Experimental testing reveals that our method achieves better performance than the LSVM alone using synthetic data, the UCI Machine Learning Repository, and the Caltech database of Generic Object Classification.

  • A Semi-Supervised Approach to Perceived Age Prediction from Face Images

    Kazuya UEKI  Masashi SUGIYAMA  Yasuyuki IHARA  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E93-D No:10

    We address the problem of perceived age estimation from face images, and propose a new semi-supervised approach involving two novel aspects. The first novelty is an efficient active learning strategy for reducing the cost of labeling face samples. Given a large number of unlabeled face samples, we reveal the cluster structure of the data and propose to label cluster-representative samples for covering as many clusters as possible. This simple sampling strategy allows us to boost the performance of a manifold-based semi-supervised learning method only with a relatively small number of labeled samples. The second contribution is to take the heterogeneous characteristics of human age perception into account. It is rare to misjudge the age of a 5-year-old child as 15 years old, but the age of a 35-year-old person is often misjudged as 45 years old. Thus, magnitude of the error is different depending on subjects' age. We carried out a large-scale questionnaire survey for quantifying human age perception characteristics, and propose to utilize the quantified characteristics in the framework of weighted regression. Consequently, our proposed method is expressed in the form of weighted least-squares with a manifold regularizer, which is scalable to massive datasets. Through real-world age estimation experiments, we demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method.

  • On Computational Issues of Semi-Supervised Local Fisher Discriminant Analysis

    Masashi SUGIYAMA  

    LETTER-Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science

    E92-D No:5

    Dimensionality reduction is one of the important preprocessing steps in practical pattern recognition. SEmi-supervised Local Fisher discriminant analysis (SELF)--which is a semi-supervised and local extension of Fisher discriminant analysis--was shown to work excellently in experiments. However, when data dimensionality is very high, a naive use of SELF is prohibitive due to high computational costs and large memory requirement. In this paper, we introduce computational tricks for making SELF applicable to large-scale problems.

  • An Efficient Initialization Scheme for SOM Algorithm Based on Reference Point and Filters

    Shu-Ling SHIEH  I-En LIAO  Kuo-Feng HWANG  Heng-Yu CHEN  

    PAPER-Data Mining

    E92-D No:3

    This paper proposes an efficient self-organizing map algorithm based on reference point and filters. A strategy called Reference Point SOM (RPSOM) is proposed to improve SOM execution time by means of filtering with two thresholds T1 and T2. We use one threshold, T1, to define the search boundary parameter used to search for the Best-Matching Unit (BMU) with respect to input vectors. The other threshold, T2, is used as the search boundary within which the BMU finds its neighbors. The proposed algorithm reduces the time complexity from O(n2) to O(n) in finding the initial neurons as compared to the algorithm proposed by Su et al. [16] . The RPSOM dramatically reduces the time complexity, especially in the computation of large data set. From the experimental results, we find that it is better to construct a good initial map and then to use the unsupervised learning to make small subsequent adjustments.
