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  • An Efficient Algorithm for Exploring State Spaces of Petri Nets with Large Capacities

    Kunihiko HIRAISHI  


    E83-A No:11

    Generating state spaces is one of important and general methods in the analysis of Petri nets. There are two reasons why state spaces of Petri nets become so large. One is concurrent occurring of transitions, and the other is periodic occurring of firing sequences. This paper focuses on the second problem, and proposes a new algorithm for exploring state spaces of finite capacity Petri nets with large capacities. In the proposed algorithm, the state space is represented in the form of a tree such that a set of markings generated by periodic occurrences of firing sequences is associated with each node, and it is much smaller than the reachability graph.

  • Synthesis of Reliable Decentralized Supervisors for Discrete Event Systems

    Shigemasa TAKAI  Toshimitsu USHIO  


    E83-A No:11

    We consider a discrete event system controlled by a decentralized supervisor consisting of n local supervisors. Given a nonempty and closed language as the upper bound specification, we consider a problem to synthesize a reliable decentralized supervisor such that the closed-loop behavior is still legal under possible failures of any less than or equal to n-k (1 k n) local supervisors. We synthesize two such reliable decentralized supervisors. One is synthesized based on a suitably defined normal sublanguage. The other is the fully decentralized supervisor induced by a suitably defined centralized supervisor. We then show that the generated languages under the control actions of these two decentralized supervisors are incomparable.

  • Characteristic of Bit Sequences Applicable to Constant Amplitude Orthogonal Multicode Systems

    Tadahiro WADA  


    E83-A No:11

    In this letter, the constant amplitude transmission for orthogonal multicode systems is discussed. In order to obtain the high power efficiency, we require the high power amplifier which has non-linear characteristic. The nonlinear distortion, however, may occur because of the multicode signals having large amplitude fluctuations. If we can achieve the constant amplitude transmission, the nonlinear distortion can be neglected. In this letter, I investigate the property of the information bit streams that can achieve the constant amplitude transmission and show that the bent sequences can achieve the constant amplitude transmission.

  • Propositional Temporal Linear Logic and Its Application to Concurrent Systems

    Takaharu HIRAI  


    E83-A No:11

    In computer science, concepts of resource such as data consumption and of time such as execution time are very important. Logical systems which can treat them have been applied in that field. Linear logic has been called a resource conscious logic. The expressive power is enough to describe a dynamic change in process environments. However, linear logic is not enough to treat a dynamic change in environments with the passage of time since it does not include a concept of time directly. A typical example is the relation between linear logic and Petri nets. It is well known that the reachability problem for Petri nets is equivalent to the provability for the corresponding sequent of linear logic. But linear logic cannot naturally represent timed Petri nets which are extensions of ordinary Petri nets with respect to time concept. So we extend linear logic with respect to time concept in order to introduce a resource-conscious and time-dependent logical system, that is, temporal linear logic. This system has some temporal operators "" which means a resource usable only once at the next time, "" which means a resource usable only once at anytime, and a modal storage operator "!" which means a resource usable any times at anytime. We can show that the reachability problem for timed Petri nets is equivalent to the provability for the corresponding sequent of temporal linear logic. In this paper, we also represent the description of synchronous communication model by temporal linear logic. The expressive power of temporal linear logic will be applicable to various fields of computer science.

  • Mathematical Introduction of Dynamic Behavior of an Idio-Type Network of Immune Reactions

    Hirohumi HIRAYAMA  Yoshimitsu OKITA  

    PAPER-Neural Networks and Bioengineering

    E83-A No:11

    We described short time span idiotype immune network reactions by rigorous mathematical equations. For each idiotype, we described the temporal changes in concentration of (1) single bound antibody, one of its two Fab arms has bound to the complemental receptor site on the B cell. (2) double bound antibody, both of its two Fab arms have bound to the complemental receptor sites on the B cell and (3) an immune complex which is a product of reaction among the antibodies. Stimulation and secretion processes of an antibody in the idiotype network were described by non linear differential equations characterized by the magnitude of cross-linking of the complemental antibody and B cell receptor. The affinity between the mutually complemental antibody and receptor was described by an weighted affinity matrix. The activating process was expressed by an exponential function with threshold. The rate constant for the linkage of the second Fab arm of an antibody was induced from the molecular diffusion process that was modified by the Coulomb repulsive force. By using reported experimental data, we integrated 60 non linear differential equations for the idiotype immune network to obtain the temporal behavior of concentrations of the species in hour span. The concentrations of the idiotype antibody and immune complex changed synchronously. The influence of a change in one rate constant extended to all the members of the idiotype network. The concentrations of the single bound antibody, double bound antibody and immune complex oscillated as functions of the concentration of the free antibody particularly at its low concentration. By comparing to the reported experimental data, the present computational approach seems to realize biological immune network reactions.

  • A Handoff Examination of a Hybrid System Using Cellular and Ad-Hoc Modes

    Tomoko ADACHI  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Switching

    E83-B No:11

    A hybrid system in which mobile terminals (MTs) themselves select whether to communicate directly or via base stations (BSs) from communication conditions, "cellularad-hoc united communication system," has been proposed by the authors. It has been confirmed to have effective channel usage and battery consumption, especially for MTs which tend to communicate with partners which are close together, such as operational mobile robots. In this paper, the hybrid system is examined with respect to handoff rate. This hybrid system uses two modes, a cellular mode and an ad-hoc mode. The former mode is for communication using BSs and the latter is for direct communication. Thus, there will be two kinds of handoffs. One is the ordinary one between BSs and the other is between the two modes. Such a system may suffer from frequent handoffs. Thus the handoff rate of the system was examined. However, by the addition of a simple hysteresis characteristic, the handoff rate was held down closer to that of a pure cellular system in a multipath environment.

  • Advanced Sequential Control Based on an Autonomous Decentralized System for Attaining Highly Productive Systems

    Takeiki AIZONO  Tohru KIKUNO  


    E83-A No:11

    A new method of sequential control has been developed in order to increase the productivity and flexibility of production systems. This advanced sequential control (ASC) method is proposed for sequential control systems based on the autonomous decentralized system (ADS) architecture. The ADS defines the system software and message formats and makes it easy to expand the number of devices and software modules. The ASC method increases productivity because it minimizes the processing and adjustment times of production lines by adjusting the starting times of production processes automatically. Experimental evaluation results of the ASC method showed that it increases the productivity of production systems. It is also applied to an actual production system and the results are reported.

  • Adaptive Base Station Sector Antenna Pre-Selection Transmitter Diversity Using CDMA Forward Link Signal for Indoor Wireless LAN

    Kyesan LEE  Masao NAKAGAWA  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E83-B No:11

    In a typical indoor environment such as in a building, delay spread tends to be small, which causes frequency non-selective fading. Therefore resolvable paths at the RAKE receiver can not be obtained, and effective path diversity can not be achieved. This paper proposes an artificial path diversity system in which one or multiple sectors at the base station are pre-selected according to the channel conditions for transmitting data. Each sector's signal is delayed by several chips to create artificial paths which can then be combined by using a RAKE receiver at the mobile station creating a diversity effect for an indoor environment. Moreover, only pre-selected sector antennas transmit signals to reduce inefficient signal usage in the sectors whose paths are blocked by using all sectors, therefore the transmission power is used efficiently at the base station. As a result of sector selection, the better BER performance and the reduction of interference signals between different channels can be achieved by means of sector selection. The performance of the proposed system is analyzed and demonstrated by computer simulation in a Rayleigh and log-normal fading indoor environment.

  • Service Multiplexing Systems with Wide Passband WDM (WWDM) Technology for Access Networks

    Hideo KAWATA  Hirotaka NAKAMURA  Toshihiko SUGIE  


    E83-B No:10

    This paper proposes the technology of wide passband wavelength-division multiplexing (WWDM) for access networks offering multiplexed services. The technology greatly relaxes the wavelength setting accuracy requirements of the WDM light source and the multiplexer/demultiplexer (MUX/DEMUX) compared to dense WDM (DWDM) technology. A WWDM optical converter that offers the Internet protocol (IP) service is implemented and its performance assessed at temperatures ranging from 0C to 45C. In addition, we assess three channel transmission (cable television (CATV) and IP services) in the 1.5 µm region as a multiplexed service example. Using the proposed WWDM, we confirm the feasibility of a service multiplexing system that offers simultaneous CATV and IP services in access networks. This WWDM technology is expected to provide cost effective service multiplexing systems for access networks.

  • Performance Analysis of Soft Handoff in Fiber-Optic Cellular Systems

    Young-Uk CHUNG  Dong-Ho CHO  

    LETTER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E83-B No:10

    We analyze the performance of soft handoff used as intergroup handoff in the fiber-optic cellular system. Performance is evaluated in view of blocking and handoff refused probability. The numerical results show that the smaller the handoff region or the more the channel, the larger the system capacity.

  • Optimum Parameters and Viewing Areas of Stereoscopic Full-Color LED Display Using Parallax Barrier

    Hirotsugu YAMAMOTO  Syuji MUGURUMA  Takeshi SATO  Kasai ONO  Yoshio HAYASAKI  Yoshifumi NAGAI  Yoshinori SHIMIZU  Nobuo NISHIDA  


    E83-C No:10

    By using full-color light emitting diode (LED) panel, we have been studying a stereoscopic full-color large television in broad daylight. In order to implement stereoscopic large display for the general public, optimum parameters of display elements and parallax barrier and viewing areas of stereoscopic display using parallax barrier are discussed. Although stereoscopic display with parallax barrier permits the viewer to view stereoscopic images without any special glasses, its viewing area is restricted by crosstalk and disappearing of pixels. Enlarged viewing areas, which are derived from the small ratio of light emitting region to pixel and a proper aperture ratio of parallax barrier, are analyzed. A model of a viewer standing toward the display is proposed because the viewer apart from the horizontal center of the display turns to the center point of LED display and this turning causes a deviation of viewer's eye position. Then, the allowable number of viewing locations is derived on "no crosstalk" and "no disappearance" conditions. The optimum aperture ratio of parallax barrier and the width of light emitting region is obtained through the optimization. The viewing area obtained from the analysis is confirmed by experiments using full-color LED panel. Relations between viewing area and the moire fringes is also discussed. The depth of the viewing area agrees the viewing distance where no moire fringe appears. Furthermore, possibility of display for the crowds is discussed.

  • The Determination of the Evoked Potential Generating Mechanism Based on Radial Basis Neural Network Model

    Rustu Murat DEMIRER  Yukio KOSUGI  Halil Ozcan GULCUR  

    LETTER-Biocybernetics, Neurocomputing

    E83-D No:9

    This paper investigates the modeling of non-linearity on the generation of the single trial evoked potential signal (s-EP) by means of using a mixed radial basis function neural network (M-RBFN). The more emphasis is put on the contribution of spontaneous EEG term to s-EP signal. The method is based on a nonlinear M-RBFN neural network model that is trained simultaneously with the different segments of EEG/EP data. Then, the output of the trained model (estimator) is a both fitted and reduced (optimized) nonlinear model and then provide a global representation of the passage dynamics between spontaneous brain activity and poststimulus periods. The performance of the proposed neural network method is evaluated using a realistic simulation and applied to a real EEG/EP measurement.

  • A Scheduling Policy for Blocked Programs in Multiprogrammed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors

    Inbum JUNG  Jongwoong HYUN  Joonwon LEE  

    PAPER-Software Systems

    E83-D No:9

    Shared memory multiprocessors are frequently used as compute servers with multiple parallel programs executing at the same time. In such environments, an operating system switches the contexts of multiple processes. When the operating system switches contexts, in addition to the cost of saving the context of the process being swapped out and that of bringing in the context of the new process to be run, the cache performance of processors also can be affected. The blocked algorithm improves cache performance by increasing the locality of memory references. In a blocked program using this algorithm, program performance can be significantly affected by the reuse of a block loaded into a cache memory. If frequent context switching replaces the block before it is completely reused, the cache locality in a blocked program cannot be successfully exploited. To address this problem, we propose a preemption-safe policy to utilize the cache locality of blocked programs in a multiprogrammed system. The proposed policy delays context switching until a block is fully reused within a program, but also compensates for the monopolized processor time on processor scheduling mechanisms. Our simulation results show that in a situation where blocked programs are run on multiprogrammed shared-memory multiprocessors, the proposed policy improves the performance of these programs due to a decrease in cache misses. In such situations, it also has a beneficial impact on the overall system performance due to the enhanced processor utilization.

  • Performance Analysis of Soft Handoff in Fiber-Optic Cellular Systems

    Young-Uk CHUNG  Dong-Ho CHO  

    LETTER-Fiber-Optic Transmission

    E83-B No:9

    We analyze the performance of soft handoff used as intergroup handoff in the fiber-optic cellular system. Performance is evaluated in view of blocking and handoff refused probability. The numerical results show that the smaller the handoff region or the more the channel, the larger the system capacity.

  • Hardware-Software Timing Coverification of Distributed Embedded Systems

    Jih-Ming FU  Trong-Yen LEE  Pao-Ann HSIUNG  Sao-Jie CHEN  

    PAPER-VLSI Systems

    E83-D No:9

    Most of current codesign tools or methodologies only support validation in the form of cosimulation and testing of design alternatives. The results of hardware-software codesign of a distributed system are often not verified, because they are not easily verifiable. In this paper, we propose a new formal coverification approach based on linear hybrid automata, and an algorithm for automatically converting codesign results to the linear hybrid automata framework. Our coverification approach allows automatic verification of real-time constraints such as hard deadlines. Another advantage is that the proposed approach is suitable for verifying distributed systems with arbitrary communication patterns and system architecture. The feasibility of our approach is demonstrated through several application examples. The proposed approach has also been successfully used in verifying deadline violations when there are inter-task communications between tasks with different period lengths.

  • Optical MEMS

    Hiroyuki FUJITA  Hiroshi TOSHIYOSHI  


    E83-C No:9

    Recently the applications of MEMS (micro electro mechanical systems) have made remarkable progress in many filelds. The optical application of MEMS is one of the most promising because it provides micro mechano optical devices, the key components for high-perfromance systems in optical communication networks and data storage devices. This paper disucces the impacts of MEMS techologies on optical systems. Furthermore, state-of-the-art exmaples of micro optical switches, pig-tailed tunable filters and two-dimensional MEMS optical scanners are described.

  • An Optimistic Cache Consistency Protocol Using Preemptive Approach

    SungHo CHO  Jeong-Hyon HWANG  Kyoung Yul BAE  Chong-Sun HWANG  


    E83-D No:9

    In Optimistic Two-Phase Locking (O2PL), when a transaction requests a commit, the transaction can not be committed until all requested locks are obtained. By this reason, O2PL leads to unnecessary waits and operations even though it adopts an optimistic approach. This paper suggests an efficient optimistic cache consistency protocol that provides serializability of committed transactions. Our cache consistency scheme, called PCP (Preemptive Cache Protocol), decides whether to commit or abort without waiting when transactions request commits. In PCP, some transactions that read stale data items can not be aborted, because it adopts a re-ordering scheme to enhance the performance. In addition, for re-ordering, PCP stores only one version of each data item. This paper presents a simulation-based analysis on the performance of PCP with other protocols such as O2PL, Optimistic Concurrency Control and Caching Two-Phase Locking. The simulation experiments show that PCP performs as well as or better than other schemes with low overhead.

  • Rapid Converging Adaptive Receiver in DS-CDMA Systems

    Hee-Bong PARK  Seung-Hoon HWANG  Keum-Chan WHANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E83-B No:9

    In this letter, a new rapid converging method based on orthogonalization is proposed. Our approach is to find the near-optimum coefficient values during training period, and then use them as the initial values of the LMS algorithm. The numerical results show that the rapid convergence speed of the proposed scheme does not depend on the eigenvalue spread.

  • MTF and Spatial Anisotropy Based Image Compression

    Joong-In SHIN  Sang-Hui PARK  


    E83-A No:9

    A low bit-rate encoding method which yields a good performance in edge reconstruction while achieving a high compression is proposed through MTF function and the spatial anisotropy of human vision. Human visual weighting factors applied to sub-blocks within each subband in wavelet domain are produced by the spatial anisotropic-filter, then a good perceptual performance can be obtained.

  • IFS Coding of Non-Homogeneous Fractal Images Using Grobner Basis Techniques

    Toshimizu ABIKO  Masayuki KAWAMATA  

    PAPER-Image/Visual Signal Processing

    E83-A No:8

    This paper proposes a moment based encoding algorithm for iterated function system (IFS) coding of non-homogeneous fractal images with unequal probabilities. Moment based encoding algorithms for IFS coding of non-homogeneous fractal images require a solution of simultaneous algebraic equations that are difficult to handle with numerical root-finding methods. The proposed algorithm employs a variable elimination method using Grobner bases with floating-point coefficients in order to derive a numerically solvable equation with a single unknown. The algorithm also employs a varying associated-probabilities method for the purpose of decreasing the computational complexity of calculating Grobner bases. Experimental results show that the average computation time for encoding a non-homogeneous fractal image of 256256 pixels and 256 gray levels is about 200 seconds on a PC with a 400 MHz AMD K6-III processor.
