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  • A Scalable Multi-Host RAID-5 with Parity Consistency

    Joo Young HWANG  Chul Woo AHN  Se Jeong PARK  Kyu Ho PARK  


    E85-D No:7

    This paper proposes a multi-host RAID-5 architecture in which multiple hosts can access disk array via storage area network. In this configuration, parity inconsistency occurs when different hosts try to write to the same stripe simultaneously. Parity consistency can be ensured by the serialization of the writes to the same stripe with locking method. While conventional locking methods can be used, the performance is degraded in the case of large number of hosts. When multiple-reader single-writer file consistency semantic is used, most of the stripes are written exclusively by a single host, so parity inconsistency problem does not occur. By removing locking of those stripes which amounts to 95% in practical workloads, the performance becomes more scalable and 50% faster than using the conventional stripe locking methods.

  • Ubiquitous Antenna System for Joint Detection of COFDM Signals

    Shutai OKAMURA  Minoru OKADA  Shozo KOMAKI  


    E85-A No:7

    In this paper, we propose a new coded orthogonal frequency division multiplex (COFDM)-based ubiquitous antenna system, which is composed of multiple radio base stations (RBSs) deployed over the service area and Radio-on-Fiber (RoF) link that connects RBSs to the central control station (CCS). The proposed system is capable of receiving multiple mobile terminals simultaneously operating at the same frequency by making effective use of joint detection. However, the propagation delay due to the RoF link could be a major problem for realizing the ubiquitous antenna system. In order to overcome this delay problem, we assume that the guard interval of COFDM is longer than the delay difference. Furthermore, in order to improve BER performance in a multipath Rayleigh fading channel, we also propose the MSE normalization scheme followed by the use of an MMSE-based joint detector. Computer simulation results show that the proposed system can improve the frequency utilization efficiency of the broadband wireless access system.

  • Limiting the Holding Time in Mobile Cellular Systems during Heavy Call Demand Periods in the Aftermath of Disasters

    Kazunori OKADA  


    E85-A No:7

    Call demand suddenly and greatly increases in the aftermath of a major disaster, because people want to check on their families and friends in the stricken area. Many call attempts in mobile cellular systems are blocked due to the limited radio frequency resources. In this paper, as a solution to this problem, limiting the holding time of calls is investigated and a dynamic holding time limit (DHTL) method, which varies the holding time limit dynamically based on the number of call attempts, is proposed. The effect of limiting the holding time is investigated first using a computer simulation with a constant and heavy traffic load model. This simulation shows that the average holding time of calls is decreased as the holding time limit is reduced. But it also shows limiting the holding time decreases the number of calls blocked and forced call terminations at handover considerably. Next, a simple estimation method for the holding time limit, which reduces the blocking rate to the normal rate for increasing call demand, is described. Finally, results are given of a simulation, which show that the DHTL method keeps good performance for a sudden and great traffic load fluctuation condition.

  • Performance Evaluation of Pilot Symbol Assisted Power Control in CDMA Systems

    Moh Lim SIM  Hean Teik CHUAH  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technology

    E85-B No:7

    Transmitter power control is an effective scheme to improve the performance of cellular DS/CDMA systems. In the reverse link, pilot symbols are used to assist the estimation of received signal power in order to improve the performance of power control. In this paper, we propose a model for the evaluation of the performance of a power-controlled reverse link CDMA system in the presence of Rayleigh flat fading. The model allows analysis of design parameters such as the number of pilot symbols, the power control updating frequency and the maximum allowable transmitted power. Analysis result shows that when transmitter power control is used, system capacity can be increased by more than 40% for typical normalised Doppler frequency in cellular communications.

  • Forward Link Performance of TDMA/W-CDMA Spectrum Overlaid System with Interference Cancellation for Future Wireless Communications

    Jie ZHOU  Hisakazu KIKUCHI  Shigenobu SASAKI  Shogo MURAMATSU  Yoshikuni ONOZATO  


    E85-A No:7

    In this paper, the co-existence of TDMA and W-CDMA spectrum sharing system (TDMA/W-CDMA overlaid system) with cellular architecture is discussed. In this system, both systems share the same frequency band to improve the spectrum efficiency. Overall rate, bit error ratio (BER) and spectrum efficiency of the system are calculated for the forward link (down-link) in the presence of AWGN channel. Taking into account the path loss and shadow fading loss in this system with cellular architecture, W-CDMA applying interference cancellation (IC) shows a substantial difference in spectrum efficiency, the overlaid system can provide a greater overall rate and higher spectrum efficiency than a single multiple access-based system such as TDMA system or W-CDMA system. The interference cancellation can significantly improve BER of the spectrum overlaid system.

  • Forward Link Erlang Capacity of the IMT-2000 Hierarchical Cellular System with Mixed Traffic Rates

    Young-Yong LEE  Sang-Mun LEE  Hyung-Jin CHOI  


    E85-A No:6

    In this paper, the forward link erlang capacity and outage probability for hierarchical cellular system based on 2 layer macrocell/microcell are derived analytically by considering the impact of imperfect power control and soft hand-off. The analysis on the outage probability is carried out using two methods: lognormal approximation and Chernoff upper bound. We assume that voice and multi-rate data service users are distributed uniformly in each cell and the same spectrum is applied in both layers. In addition, we take into account the base station transmission power ratio between tiers and the relative position of microcell having island distribution in macrocell. The forward link interference is evaluated by using Monte-Carlo simulation introduced in [2]. In this paper, we compare the forward link erlang capacity of 1x system to 3x system and show that 3x system can increase the user capacity by 3.4 times in case of macrocell and microcell, respectively, compared to 1x system.

  • Current Feedforward Phase Compensation Technique for an Integrator and Its Application to an Auto-Compensation System

    Fujihiko MATSUMOTO  Hiroki WASAKI  Yasuaki NOGUCHI  


    E85-A No:6

    The transfer characteristic of an integrator is affected by excess-phase shift caused by the parasitic capacitance. The phase compensation is obtained by introducing zeros to generate phase lead. This paper proposes a phase compensation technique for the differential signal input integrator. The proposed technique is employing feedforward signal current source. The fifth-order leapfrog Chebyshev low-pass filter with 0.5 dB passband ripple is designed using the integrator with the proposed phase compensation. Further, an autotuning phase compensation system using the proposed technique is realized by applying a PLL system. The effectiveness of the proposed technique is confirmed by PSPICE simulation. The simulation results of the integrator with the proposed phase compensation shows that excess-phase cancellation is obtained at various unity gain frequencies. The accurate filter characteristic of the fifth-order leapfrog filter is obtained by using the autotuning phase compensation system. The passband of the filter is improved over wide range of frequencies. The proposed technique is suitable for low voltage application.

  • Speeding Up Elliptic Scalar Multiplication Using Multidoubling

    Yasuyuki SAKAI  Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E85-A No:5

    We discuss multidoubling methods for efficient elliptic scalar multiplication. The methods allows computation of 2k P directly from P without computing the intermediate points, where P denotes a randomly selected point on an elliptic curve. We introduce algorithms for elliptic curves with Montgomery form and Weierstrass form defined over finite fields with characteristic greater than 3 in terms of affine coordinates. These algorithms are faster than k repeated doublings. Moreover, we apply the algorithms to scalar multiplication on elliptic curves and analyze computational complexity. As a result of our implementation with respect to the Montgomery and Weierstrass forms in terms of affine coordinates, we achieved running time reduced by 28% and 31%, respectively, in the scalar multiplication of an elliptic curve of size 160-bit over finite fields with characteristic greater than 3.

  • Varying Appearance Speed Problem in System Modeling and a Solution via Rate Independent Memory

    Jyh-Da WEI  Chuen-Tsai SUN  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E85-A No:5

    Conventional system models such as the finite impulse response (FIR) model, autoregressive external input (ARX) model, time delay neural network (TDNN), and recurrent neural network (RNN) depend on short-term memory when modeling a discrete time system. However, short-term memory can be inefficient with a varying appearance speed of I/O data. This inefficiency is referred to herein as the Varying Appearance Speed Problem (VASP) and demonstrated by analyzing impulse and frequency responses. Simulation results indicate that the varying appearance speed leads to asymmetrical cycles. Unable to prevent the memory effect from extensively disturbing the next output cycle, conventional models simulate the systems inaccurately. A solution using rate independent memory is then proposed. Only concerned with the previous extreme inputs, rate independent memory differs from short-term memory and potentially prevents a system model from the impact of varying appearance speeds. To demonstrate the VASP and verify the proposed model, this study conducts three experiments, i.e. (a) learning random step trajectories of circular and trefoil shapes, (b) modeling the relationship between the economic leading and coincident indexes, (c) simulating the connection between the ground-water level and land subsidence. In contrast to conventional models, the model presented here performs better in terms of mean square errors.

  • Statistical Evaluation of a Multi-Rate VPG Parallel Acquisition with Reference Filtering for DS/CDMA Reverse Links

    Young-Hwan YOU  


    E85-B No:5

    This letter is concerned with a performance analysis of a VPG DS/CDMA acquisition system employing a reference filter based on the statistical evaluation of the decision threshold. The probabilities of detection and false alarm are derived, and the mean acquisition time is evaluated as a measure of the system performance. From the results, it is shown that in the performance analysis of the parallel acquisition system with reference filtering, the statistical evaluation of the decision threshold seems more appropriate than the approximation of the decision threshold adopted in other acquisition schemes.

  • Adaptive MLSE Based on the Path Delay Estimation for TDMA Systems

    Jung Suk JOO  


    E85-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose a new approach to the adaptive MLSE receiver, which is based on the delay estimation of the paths in the fading channel. The path delays are estimated by using the known training sequence, and based on this estimation the proposed MLSE tracks not the T-spaced equivalent channel but the variations of each path in the frequency-selective channel directly. It will be shown through computer simulations that the proposed MLSE can improve the performance of the conventional MLSE receivers, when the number of paths is small.

  • A New Method for Calibration of NLOS Error in Positioning Systems

    Yangseok JEONG  Heungryeol YOU  Dae-Hee YOUN  Chungyong LEE  


    E85-B No:5

    In positioning systems NLOS (Non-Line of Sight) errors always cause remarkable positive bias and directly increase range measurement errors. In this paper, a new method is proposed to calibrate NLOS errors in positioning systems by using the relationship between mean excess delay and delay spread measured at a mobile station. The computer simulations showed that the proposed calibration technique effectively reduces the positioning error caused by urban NLOS environment.

  • Joint Effect of Transmit Power Control and Antenna Diversity on Spectrum Efficiency of a Cellular System

    Fumiyuki ADACHI  Akihito KATOH  Deepshikha GARG  


    E85-B No:5

    This paper addresses a classic question about whether transmit power control (TPC) can increase the spectrum efficiency of a TDMA system and an FDMA cellular system as in the case of a DS-CDMA cellular system. Two types of TPC schemes are considered; one is slow TPC that regulates the distance dependent path loss and shadowing loss, while the other is fast TPC that regulates multipath fading as well as path loss and shadowing loss. In addition to TPC, antenna diversity reception is considered. The allowable interference rise factor χ, which is defined as the interference plus background noise-to-background noise power ratio, is introduced. The simple expressions for the signal-to-interference plus background noise power ratio (SINR) at the diversity combiner output using maximal-ratio combining (MRC) are derived to obtain the reuse distance by computer simulations. The impact of joint use of TPC and antenna diversity reception on the spectrum efficiency is discussed. It is found that the joint use of fast TPC and antenna diversity is advantageous and larger spectrum efficiency can be achieved than with no TPC. On the other hand, the use of slow TPC is found advantageous only for small values of standard deviation of shadowing loss; however, the improvement in the spectrum efficiency is quite small.

  • A High-Speed Binary to Residue Converter Using a Signed-Digit Number Representation

    Makoto SYUTO  Eriko SATAKE  Koichi TANNO  Okihiko ISHIZUKA  

    LETTER-VLSI Systems

    E85-D No:5

    In this letter, we propose high-speed binary to residue converters for moduli 2n, 2n 1 without using look-up table. For integration of residue arithmetic circuit using a signed-digit (SD) number representation with ordinary binary system, the proposed circuits carry out the efficient conversion. Using SD adders instead of ordinary adders that are used in conventional binary to residue converter, the high-speed conversion without the carry propagation can be achieved. Thus, the proposed converter is independent of the size of modulus and can speed up the binary to residue conversion. On the simulation, the conversion delay times are 1.78 ns for modulus 210-1 and 1.73 ns for modulus 210+1 under the condition of 0.6 µm CMOS technology, respectively. The active area of the proposed converter for moduli 210 1 is 335 µm325 µm.

  • A Simple Approach to Secretly Sharing a Factoring Witness in a Publicly-Verifiable Manner

    Eiichiro FUJISAKI  


    E85-A No:5

    We present a simple solution to secretly sharing a factoring witness (for given N) in a publicly-verifiable manner. Compared to the previous PVSS schemes to secretly sharing a factoring witness, the scheme enjoys the following properties: (1) the formal proofs of security can be given; (2) it is designed to be conceptually simpler; (3) it needs fewer communicated bits and, if not-so low exponent RSA (e.g., e > 219+1) is used in the previous schemes, fewer computations; (4) no general multi-party computation is required in the preparation phase.

  • NP-Hardness of Liveness Problem of Bounded Asymmetric Choice Net

    Atsushi OHTA  Kohkichi TSUJI  


    E85-A No:5

    This letter treats computational complexity of bounded asymmetric choice (AC) net. AC net is a subclass of Petri net that properly includes the class of well-known extended free choice net. It is shown that satisfiability problem of Boolean expressions is polynomial time reducible to liveness problem of bounded AC nets. This implies that the problem is NP-hard.

  • Reverse Link Bandwidth Efficiency of a Spectrally Overlapped CDMA System

    Duk Kyung KIM  Fumiyuki ADACHI  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Radio Communications

    E85-B No:4

    The reverse link bandwidth efficiency of a spectrally overlapped CDMA system with fast transmit power control is evaluated to find the optimum overlapping, where the bandwidth efficiency is defined as the maximum aggregate bit rate of all subsystems per unit bandwidth (bps/Hz). Single and multiple cell environments are considered. Besides the rectangular chip pulse, the impact of a pulse-shaping filter is discussed. It is found that the raised cosine spectrum pulse shaping helps to increase the bandwidth efficiency and strict pulse shaping filter problem can be avoided if a large number of subsystems are overlapped. It is also found that the optimum carrier spacing remains unchanged irrespective of the power delay profile shape of the multipath channel, whether multipath fading exists or not, and whether a single cell or multiple cell system is considered. However, the bandwidth efficiency strongly depends on them and the impacts of the related parameters are discussed.

  • Distributed Optical Fiber Strain Sensor for Detecting River Embankment Collapse

    Mitsuru KIHARA  Katsumi HIRAMATSU  Masaki SHIMA  Shigeru IKEDA  


    E85-C No:4

    We have developed a distributed optical fiber strain sensor for detecting the collapse of river embankments. The sensor uses a Brillouin optical time domain reflectometer (BOTDR) and consists of an optical fiber cable and pieces of nonwoven cloth. Pieces of cloth are fixed to the cable at 1.5-meter intervals and it is then embedded in a U-shaped configuration in a river embankment. The pieces of cloth are displaced when there is movement of the soil in which they are embedded. If one of two adjacent pieces of cloth remains stationary while the other moves, the optical fiber between the two pieces is stretched. The collapse of an embankment can be detected by using a BOTDR to monitor any such stretching in the 1.5-m lengths of fiber. The developed sensor operates at a sensitivity of 0.025%/kgf, which is equivalent to 0.067%/mm, and is thus capable of detecting soil movements of a few mm in river embankments. The sensor is also able to provide effective advance warning of the collapse of a river embankment resulting from water penetration. We subjected the sensor system to field tests that demonstrated the effectiveness of its construction and its long-term stability. The developed sensor system is an effective tool for use in river management systems of the very near future.

  • Design of Linear Discrete-Time Stochastic Estimators Using Covariance Information in Krein Spaces

    Seiichi NAKAMORI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E85-A No:4

    This paper proposes new recursive fixed-point smoother and filter using covariance information in linear discrete-time stochastic systems. In this paper, to be able to treat the estimation of the stochastic signal, a performance criterion, extended from the criterion in the H estimation problem, is newly proposed. The criterion is transformed equivalently into a min-max principle in game theory, and an observation equation in a Krein space is obtained as a result. The estimation accuracy of the proposed estimators are compared with the recursive least-squares (RLS) Wiener estimators, the Kalman filter and the fixed-point smoother based on the state-space model.

  • Novel Gain-Slope Free Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier for L-Band Using Thulium-Doped Fiber

    Tomoharu KITABAYASHI  Tetsuya SAKAI  Akira WADA  


    E85-C No:4

    In modern high-capacity wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems, there is increasing demand for large transmission capacity. To achieve this purpose, an L-band (1565-1625 nm) erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) is very effective method because the conventional silica-based EDF can be used. In EDFAs that used in WDM transmission systems, the gain flatness of EDFA is very important. A passive gain equalizer flattens the gain profile of EDFA. But the gain flatness in L-band deteriorates due to dynamic gain-tilt (DGT) and temperature gain-tilt (TGT) when the operating condition of the EDFA changes, while the EDFAs should maintain the gain flatness even if the operating condition has changed. To solve this problem, we propose an active gain-slope compensation technique for the L-band EDFA using a thulium-doped fiber (TDF). The EDFA actively gain-slope compensated by the TDF compensator keeps the gain profile constant for the wide input power range of more than 8 dB, a wide temperature range of 65 without gain-tilt in a wavelength band between 1575 nm and 1610 nm. Furthermore, the EDFA keeps a low noise figure of less than 7.5 dB.
