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  • Group-Based Random Multiple Access System for Satellite Communication Networks

    Kyung S. KWAK  


    E76-B No:5

    A group-based random access communication system which consists of two groups of many users is considered. The two different groups share a common random multiple access channel. Users from a group are allocated a high transmitting power level and have a high probability of correct reception among overlapping packets. We set a threshold, θ, which is such that the group with the high power level will occupy the channel if less than or equal to θ packets are transmitted from the group with the low power level. We obtain a two-dimensional Markovian model by tracing the number of backlogged users in the two groups. The two-dimensional Markov chain is shown to be not ergodic and thus the system is not stable. A two-dimensional retransmission algorithm is developed to stabilize the system and the retransmission control parameters are chosen so as to maximize the channel throughput. An equilibrium point analysis is performed by studying the drift functions of the system backlog and it is shown that there is a unique global equilibrium point. The channel capacity for the system is found to be in the range from 0.47 up to 0.53, which is a remarkable increase compared to the conventional slotted ALOHA system.

  • On a Logic Based on Graded Modalities

    Akira NAKAMURA  

    PAPER-Logic and Logic Functions

    E76-D No:5

    The purpose of this paper is to offer a modal logic which enables us symbolic reasoning about data, especially, fuzzy relations. For such a purpose, the present author provided some systems of modal fuzzy logic. As a continuous one of those previous works, a logic based on the graded modalities is proposed. After showing some properties of this logic, the decision procedure for this logic is given in the rectangle method.

  • A Sufficient Condition of A Priori Estimation for Computational Complexity of the Homotopy Method

    Mitsunori MAKINO  Masahide KASHIWAGI  Shin'ichi OISHI  Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Homotopy Method and Self-Validating Numerics

    E76-A No:5

    A priori estimation is presented for a computational complexity of the homotopy method applying to a certain class of strongly monotone nonlinear equations. In the present papers, a condition is presented for a certain class of uniquely solvable equations, under which an upper bound of a computational complexity of the Newton type homotopy method can be a priori estimated. In this paper, a condition is considered in a case of linear homotopy equations including the Newton type homotopy equations. In the first place, the homotopy algorithm based on the simplified Newton method is introduced. Then by using Urabe type theorem, which gives a sufficient condition guaranteeing the convergence of the simplified Newton method, a condition is presented under which an upper bound of a computational complexity of the algorithm can be a priori estimated, when it is applied to a certain class of strongly monotone nonlinear equations. The presented condition is demonstrated by numerical experiments.

  • A Differential-Geometrical Theory of Sensory System --Relations between the Psychophysical, the DL and the JND Functions

    Ryuzo TAKIYAMA  

    PAPER-Mathematical Theory

    E76-A No:5

    This paper discusses psychophysical aspects of human sensory system through a differential-geometrical formulation. The discussions reveal relationships among three fundamental functions--the psychophysical, the DL and the JND functions, which characterize sensory system.

  • Prospective Operation Technologies for Fiber-Optic Subscriber Loops

    Yutaka WAKUI  Norio KASHIMA  


    E76-B No:4

    The construction of an optical subscriber loop and its operation system will be one of the most important infrastructures for the information society of the future. This paper presents a discussion of current and future service trends, the evolution of fiber-optic systems in the loop, and subscriber loop operation systems. Several operation technologies are also discussed which will enable the operation systems described in this paper to be constructed. Of these, the key technologies are an operation system architecture with flexibility, software technologies based on object-oriented design and programming, and automatic operation modules.

  • Diagnosis of Computer Systems by Stochastic Petri Nets Part (Theory)

    Gerald S. SHEDLER  Satoshi MORIGUCHI  


    E76-A No:4

    This paper focuses on methodology underlying the application to fault tolerant computer systems with "no down communication" capability of stochastic Petri nets with general firing times. Based on a formal specification of the stochastic Petri net, we provide criteria for the marking process to be a regenerative process in continuous time with finite cycle-length moments. These results lead to strongly consistent point estimates and asymptotic confidence intervals for limiting system availability indices. We also show how the building blocks of stochastic Petri nets with general firing times facilitate the modeling of non-deterministic transition firing and illustrate the use of "interrupter input places" for graphical representation of transition interruptions.

  • A Characterization of Languages in Constant Round Perfect Zero-Knowledge Interactive Proofs

    Kouichi SAKURAI  


    E76-A No:4

    In this paper, we consider a class of the languages that have (constant round) perfect zero-knowledge interactive proofs without assuming any complexity assumptions. Especially, we investigate the interactive protocol with the restricted prover who runs in probabilistic polynomial time and knows the complete factorization as a trapdoor information of the integer associated with the input. We give a condition of the existence of constant round perfect zero-knowledge interactive proofs without assuming any complexity assumptions. The bit commitment based on the quadratic residuosity has an important role in our protocol and the simulation is based on the technique developed by Bellare, Micali, and Ostrovsky in Ref. (9), so call double running process. However, the proof of perfect zero-knowledgeness needs a more powerful simulation technique. Our simulation extracts more knowledge, the complete factorization of the integer associated with the input, from a (cheating) verifier than Bellare-Micali-Ostrovsky's simulation does. Furthermore, our main result implies that Blum integer has a five move perfect zero-knowledge interactive proof without assuming any complexity assumptions. (All previous known zero-knowledge protocols for Blum integer required either unproven cryptographic assumptions or unbounded number of rounds of message exchange.)

  • Precise Linewidth Measurement Using a Scanning Electron Probe

    Fumio MIZUNO  Satoru YAMADA  Akihiro MIURA  Kenji TAKAMOTO  Tadashi OHTAKA  

    PAPER-Process Technology

    E76-C No:4

    Practical linewidth measurement accuracy better than 0.02 µm 3 sigma that meets the production requirement for devices with sub-half micron features, was achieved in a field emission scanning electron-beam metrology system (Hitachi S-7000). In order to establish high accuracy linewidth measurement, it was found in the study that reduction of electron-beam diameter and precise control of operating conditions are significantly effective. For the purpose of reducing electron-beam diameter, a novel electron optical system was adopted to minimize the chromatic aberration which defines electron-beam profile. As a result the electron beam diameter was reduced from 20 nm to 16 nm. In order to reduce measurement uncertainties associated with actual operating conditions, a field emission electron gun geometry and an objective lens current monitor were investigated. Then the measurement uncertainties due to operating conditions was reduced from 0.016 µm to 0.004 µm.

  • Current Status and Future Prospects of Fiber Optic Local Area Networks

    Mikio TAKAHARA  


    E76-B No:4

    Fiber-optic local area networks (LANs) with Fiber Distributed Digital Interface (FDDI) protocol have come into use as backbones connecting other small LANs. This paper describes the current status of LANs, reviews a number of issues that stand in the way of further development and look at the future of LANs. Demands for wide-area networks (WANs) connecting LANs and multimedia LANs including voice and image capability has been extremely strong, spurring progress in geographical expansion and throughput increase, now over 100Mbit/s. The logical choice of transmission medium for next-generation systems is single-mode optical fiber, not only for backbone LANs but also, eventually, for floor LANs.

  • Efficient and Secure Multiparty Generation of Digital Signatures Based on Discrete Logarithms

    Manuel CERECEDO  Tsutomu MATSUMOTO  Hideki IMAI  


    E76-A No:4

    In this paper, we discuss secure protocols for shared computation of algorithms associated with digital signature schemes based on discrete logarithms. Generic solutions to the problem of cooperatively computing arbitraty functions, though formally provable according to strict security notions, are inefficient in terms of communication--bits and rounds of interaction--; practical protocols for shared computation of particular functions, on the other hand, are often shown secure according to weaker notions of security. We propose efficient secure protocols to share the generation of keys and signatures in the digital signature schemes introduced by Schnorr (1989) and ElGamal (1985). The protocols are built on a protocol for non-interactive verifiable secret sharing (Feldman, 1987) and a novel construction for non-interactively multiplying secretly shared values. Together with the non-interactive protocols for shared generation of RSA signatures introduced by Desmedt and Frankel (1991), the results presented here show that practical signature schemes can be efficiently shared.

  • Optical Fiber Line Surveillance System for Preventive Maintenance Based on Fiber Strain and Loss Monitoring

    Izumi SANKAWA  Yahei KOYAMADA  Shin-ichi FURUKAWA  Tsuneo HORIGUCHI  Nobuo TOMITA  Yutaka WAKUI  


    E76-B No:4

    This paper proposes a surveillance system concept, which includes the analysis of fiber fault factors and monitored items, the architecture for diagnosing fiber degradation and the system configuration. Fiber faults are classified into two types. One is fiber failure caused by fiber axial tensile strain and the other is fiber loss increase caused by fiber bending and the absorption of hydrogen molecules. It was found that there is an urgent need for fiber axial strain monitoring, sensitive loss monitoring operating at longer wavelengths and water sensing, in order to detect the origin and early indications of these faults before the service is affected. Moreover, an algorithm for predicting and diagnosing fiber faults based on the detected results was investigated and systematized.

  • Bifurcation Set of a Modelled Parallel Blower System

    Hideaki OKAZAKI  Tomoyuki UWABA  Hideo NAKANO  Takehiko KAWASE  


    E76-A No:3

    Global dynamic behavior particularly the bifurcation of periodic orbits of a parallel blower system is studied using a piecewise linear model and the one-dimensional map defined by the Poincare map. First several analytical tools are presented to numerically study the bifurcation process particularly the bifurcation point of the fixed point of the Poincare map. Using two bifurcation diagrams and a bifurcation set, it is shown how periodic orbits bifurcate and leads to chaotic state. It is also shown that the homoclinic bifurcations occur in some parameter regions and that the Li & Yorke conditions of the chaotic state hold in the parameter region which is included in the one where the homoclinic bifurcation occurs. Together with the above, the stable and unstable manifolds of a saddle closed orbit is illustrated and the existence of the homoclinic points is shown.

  • Architecture of a Parallel Multiple-Valued Arithmetic VLSI Processor Using Adder-Based Processing Elements

    Katsuhiko SHIMABUKURO  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  


    E76-C No:3

    An adder-based arithmetic VLSI processor using the SD number system is proposed for the applications of real-time computation such as intelligent robot system. Especially in the intelligent robot control system, not only high throughput but also small latency is a very important subject to make quick response for the sensor feedback situation, because the next input sample is obtained only after the robot actually moves. It is essential in the VLSI architecture for the intelligent robot system to make the latency as small as possible. The use of parallelism is an effective approach to reduce the latency. To meet the requirement, an architecture of a new multiple-valued arithmetic VLSI processor is developed. In the processor, addition and subtraction are performed by using the single adderbased processing element (PE). More complex basic arithmetic operations such as multiplication and division are performed by the appropriate data communications between the adder-based PEs with preserving their parallelism. In the proposed architecture, fine-grain parallel processing at the adder-based PE level is realized, and all the PEs can be fully utilized for any parallel arithmetic operations according to adder-based data dependency graph. As a result, the processing speed will be greatly increased in comparison with the conventional parallel processors having the different kinds of the arithmetic PEs such as an adder, a multiplier and a divider. To realize the arithmetic VLSI processor using the adder-based PEs, we introduce the signed-digit (SD) number system for the parallel arithmetic operations because the SD arithmetic has the advantage of modularity as well as parallelism. The multiple-valued bidirectional currentmode technology is also used for the implementation of the compact and high-speed adder-based PE, and the reduction of the number of the interconnections. It is demonstrated that these advantges of the multiple-valued technology are fully used for the implementation of the arithmetic VLSI processor. As a result, the latency of the proposed multiple-valued processor is reduced to 25% that of the binary processor integrated in the same chip size.

  • Multiple-Valued VLSI Image Processor Based on Residue Arithmetic and Its Evaluation

    Makoto HONDA  Michitaka KAMEYAMA  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-C No:3

    The demand for high-speed image processing is obvious in many real-world computations such as robot vision. Not only high throughput but also small latency becomes an important factor of the performance, because of the requirement of frequent visual feedback. In this paper, a high-performance VLSI image processor based on the multiple-valued residue arithmetic circuit is proposed for such applications. Parallelism is hierarchically used to realize the high-performance VLSI image processor. First, spatially parallel architecture that is different from pipeline architecture is considered to reduce the latency. Secondly, residue number arithmetic is introduced. In the residue number arithmetic, data communication between the mod mi arithmetic units is not necessary, so that multiple mod mi arithmetic units can be completely separated to different chips. Therefore, a number of mod mi multiply adders can be implemented on a single VLSI chip based on the modulus-slice concept. Finally, each mod mi arithmetic unit can be effectively implemented in parallel structure using the concept of a pseudoprimitive root and the multiple-valued current-mode circuit technology. Thus, it is made clear that the throughout use of parallelism makes the latency 1/3 in comparison with the ordinary binary implementation.

  • Modularization and Processor Placement for DSP Neo-Systolic Array

    Kazuhito ITO  Kesami HAGIWARA  Takashi SHIMIZU  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  


    E76-A No:3

    A further study on a VLSI system compiler, named VEGA (VLSI Embodiment for General Algorithms), is presented. It maps a general digital signal processing algorithm onto a neo-systolic array, which is a VLSI oriented multiprocessor array. Highly complicated mapping problem is divided into subproblems such as modularization, operation grouping, processor placement, scheduling, control logic synthesis, and mask pattern generation. In this paper, the modularization technique is proposed which homogenizes all the operations of the processing algorithm to multiply-add operations. The processor placement algorithm to map processing algorithm onto a neo-systolic array so as to minimize data transfer time is also proposed.

  • Applying OSI Systems Management Standards to Remotely Controlled Virtual Path Testing in ATM Networks

    Satoru OHTA  Nobuo FUJII  


    E76-B No:3

    Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) is an information transport technique that well supports Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN). One unsolved problem to the perfection of ATM networks is to provide a testing environment that conforms to some standardized network management scheme. From this point of view, remotely controlled virtual path testing is considered in this paper. Remotely controlled virtual path testing should be executed through the standardized Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) model, which employs the OSI systems management concept as the basis of information exchange. Thus, this paper addresses the two issues that arise when OSI systems management standards are applied to virtual path testing. One issue is to define relevant information models. The other issue is to provide test resources with a concurrency control mechanism that guarantees a consistent test environment without causing deadlocks. To resolve these issues, technical requirements are clarified for the remote control of test resources. Next, alternatives to the concurrency control mechanism are shown and compared through computer simulations. A method of defining information models is then proposed. The proposed method ensures the easy storage and retrieval of intermediate test results as well as permitting the effective provision of concurrency control for test resources. An application scenario is also derived. The scenario shows that tests can be executed by using standardized communication services. These results confirm that virtual path testing can be successfully achieved in conformance with the OSI systems management standards.

  • Analysis of Multidimensional Linear Periodically Shift-Variant Digital Filters and Its Application to Secure Communication of Images

    Masayuki KAWAMATA  Sho MURAKOSHI  Tatsuo HIGUCHI  


    E76-A No:3

    This paper studies multidimensional linear periodically shift-variant digital filters (LPSV filters). The notion of a generalized multidimensional transfer function is presented for LPSV filters. The frequency characteristic of the filters is discussed in terms of this transfer function. Since LPSV filters can decompose the spectrum of an input signal into some spectral partitions and rearrange the spectrum, LPSV filters can serve as a frequency scrambler. To show the effect of multidimensional frequency scramble, 2-D LPSV filters are designed based on the 1-D Parks-McClellan algorithm. The resultant LPSV filters divide the input spectrum into some components that are permuted and possibly inverted with keeping the symmetric of the spectrum. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of frequency scramble for real images.

  • Architecture and Mechanism of the Control and OAM Information Transport Network Using a Distributed Directory System

    Laurence DEMOUNEM  Hideaki ARAI  Masatoshi KAWARASAKI  


    E76-B No:3

    The current telecommunication network is structured in two layers: The intelligent layer that includes Intelligent Network (IN) nodes and Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) nodes, and the transport layer that includes Network Elements (NEs). The transport layer carries user Information (Iu) from end-users as well as control and OAM Information (Ic&o) from IN/OAM nodes. The quick deployment of new IN services and OAM capabilities that will need (a) flexibility and easy management, and (b) an effective handling method for searching the huge amount of data among distributed databases, will be two requirements to be satisfied. Integrating various types of Ic&o into a unique Ic&o transport network and using ATM technique as a transport technique satisfies partly the requirement (a). To completely meet both requirements, this paper proposes the following solutions:(a) Intelligent layer connections and transport layer connections should be managed independently: The necessary mapping between the Logical Destination Address (LDA) that represents the logical address of the physical entity where data are routed, combined with the Quality Of Service (QOS) type, and the ATM connection IDentifier (ID), that is to say the Virtual Channel Identifier/ Virtual Path Identifier (VCI/VPI), is provided by specific nodes (the Ic&o network Management Nodes (Ic&o MNs)) belonging to an intermediate layer, i.e., the Ic&o network management layer.(b) The widely distributed aspect of the databases also needs a very effective data handling method. This paper proposes to implement a Distributed Directory System (DDS) into both intelligent nodes and Ic&o MNs.In order to apply the DDS function to 2 functional levels, the following items are studied: First, the possible mapping of DDS functions into the intelligent node functions is proposed. Second, this paper gives an interaction scenario between intelligent nodes and Ic&o MNs, to translate the LDA/QOS type into VPI/VCI. Finally, the analysis of the mapping of LDA/QOS type into VCI/VPI at the ATM level shows that the Ic&o network based on VP backbone offers the best compromise between flexibility, complexity and cost.

  • Method of Refining Knowledge in Oriental Medicine by Sample Cases

    Chang Hoon LEE  Moon Hae KIM  Jung Wan CHO  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E76-D No:2

    In general, the work on developing an expert system has relied on domain experts to provide all domain-specific knowledge. The method for acquiring knowledge directly from experts is inadequate in oriental medicine because it is hard to find an appropriate expert and the development cost becomes too high. Therefore, we have developed two effective methods for acquiring knowledge indirectly from sample cases. One is to refine a constructed knowledge base by using sample cases. The other is to train a neural network by using sample cases. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, we have implemented two prototype systems; the Oriental Medicine Expert System (OMES) and the Oriental Medicine Neural Network (OMNN). These systems have been compared with the system with the knowledge base built directly by domain experts (OLDS). Among these systems, OMES are considered to be superior to other systems in terms of performances, development costs, and practicalness. In this paper, we present our methods, and describe our experimental and comparison results.

  • Field Trial and Performance of Land Mobile Message Communications Using Ku-Band Satellite

    Fumio TAKAHATA  Yoh HOSHINO  Toshiaki BABA  Hiromi KOMATSU  Masato OKUDA  


    E76-B No:2

    A field trial was conducted to evaluate the technical performance of land mobile message communication in different environments. The OmniTRACS system and the Ku-band JCSAT satellite were utilized as the mobile communications system and the satellite, respectively. The trial took place in September 1990 at different areas in Japan. Data collected correspond to about 65 hours of operation, during which a large number of messages were sent via the satellite. Two land mobile terminals operated simultaneously, each terminal having a function of generating messages automatically which simulates a large volume of traffic corresponding to about 50 terminals. Thus, the system was evaluated under the condition that 100 mobile terminals were in operation. Obtained data have been analyzed with a particular focus on the message transmission correlating with actual environments. The analysis was done by classifying environments into five categories: overall condition, type of roads, terrain, areas and weather conditions. The average transmission count per message experienced under all conditions is equal to 1.432 for forward messages transmitted from the hub station to mobiles, and 1.157 for return messages transmitted from mobiles to the hub station. With respect to the classification by the type of roads, for enample it becomes obvious that the performance is generally good except along roads of North-South orientation through dense urban areas. It is concluded that the message communications from/to mobiles are feasible in a wide range of environments, with the performance of success essentially depending on the visibility of satellite.
