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  • Vertical to Surface Transmission Electro-Photonic Device (VSTEP) and Its Application to Optical Interconnection and Information Processing

    Kenichi KASAHARA  Takahiro NUMAI  Hideo KOSAKA  Ichiro OGURA  Kaori KURIHARA  Mitsunori SUGIMOTO  


    E75-A No:1

    The VSTEP concept and its practical application in the form of an LED-type pnpn-VSTEP demonstrating low power consumption through electro-photonic operational modes are both shown. Further, with focus primarily on the new laser-mode VSTEP with high-intensity light output and narrow optical beam divergence, the design features such as threshold gain and optical absorptivity, device fabrication, and characteristics are explained. The possibility of ultimate performance based mainly on electrical to optical power conversion efficiency, important from the application viewpoint of optical interconnection, are also discussed. Also, as two examples of functional optical interconnection achieved by VSTEP, serial-to-parallel data conversion and optical self-routing switches are shown. Finally, future opto-electronic technologies to be developed for two-dimensionally integrable surface-type optical semiconductor devices, including the VSTEP, are discussed.

  • Optical Information Processing Systems

    W. Thomas CATHEY  Satoshi ISHIHARA  Soo-Young LEE  Jacek CHROSTOWSKI  


    E75-C No:1

    We review the role of optics in interconnects, analog processing, neural networks, and digital computing. The properties of low interference, massively parallel interconnections, and very high data rates promise extremely high performance for optical information processing systems.


    Kazuo HORIUCHI  Shoji SHINODA  


    E75-A No:1

    Makoto NAGAO  


    E75-D No:1
  • Theory of Scalar Wave Scattering from a Conducting Target in Random Media

    Mitsuo TATEIBA  Eiichi TOMITA  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:1

    A method is presented for analyzing the scalar wave scattering from a conducting target of arbitrary shape in random media for both the Dirichlet and Neumann problems. The current generators on the target are introduced and expressed generally by the Yasuura method. When using the current generators, the scattering problem is reduced to the wave propagation problem in random media.

  • Surface Emitting Lasers and Parallel Operating Devices--Fundamentals and Prospects--

    Kenichi IGA  


    E75-C No:1

    In this paper we review the recent progress and basic technology of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers together with related parallel surface operating optical devices. First, the concept of surface emitting lasers is presented, and then currently developed device technologies will be reviewed. We will feature several technical issues, such as multi-layer structures, 2-dimensional arrays, photonic integration, etc. Lastly, future prospects for parallel lightwave systems will be discussed.

  • Polynomial-Time Identification of Strictly Regular Languages in the Limit

    Noriyuki TANIDA  Takashi YOKOMORI  


    E75-D No:1

    This paper concerns a subclass of regular languages, called strictly regular languages, and studies the problem of identifying the class of strictly regular languages in the limit from positive data. We show that the class of strictly regular languages (SRLs) is polynomial time identifiable in the limit from positive data. That is, there is an algorithm that, for any strictly regular language L, identifies a finite automaton accepting L, called a strictly deterministic finite automaton (SDFA) in the limit from positive data, satisfying the property that the time for updating a conjecture is bounded by O(mN2), where m is the cardinality of the alphabet for L and N is the sum of lengths of all positive data provided. This is in contrast with the fact that the class of regular languages is not identifiable in the limit from positive data.

  • Computation-Universal Models of Two-Dimensional 16-State Reversible Cellular Automata

    Kenichi MORITA  Satoshi UENO  


    E75-D No:1

    A reversible (or injective) cellular automaton (RCA) is a backward deterministic" CA, i.e., every configuration of it has at most one predecessor. Margolus has been shown that there is a computation-universal two-dimensional 2-state RCA model. Although his model is very interesting, it differs from a standard CA model because of its somewhat spatial and temporal non-uniformity. In this paper, we present two kinds of simple 16-state computation-universal models using the framework of two-dimensional reversible partitioned CA (PCA). Since PCA can be considered as a subclass of standard CA, we can immediately obtain 16-state standard RCA models from them. For each of these models, we designed a configuration which simulates a Fredkin gate. Since Fredkin gate has been known to be a universal logic element, computation-universality of these two models is concluded.

  • On Depth-Bounded Planar Circuits

    Masao IKEKAWA  


    E75-D No:1

    We study the depth of planar Boolean circuits. We show that planar Boolean circuits of depth D(n) are simulated by on-line Turing machines in space O(D(n)). From this relationship, it is shown that any planar circuit for computing integer multiplication requires linear depth. It is also shown that a planar analogue to the NC-hierarchy is properly separated.

  • Optimal Grain Size Determination for Tree-Structured Parallel Programs

    Tsuyoshi KAWAGUCHI  


    E75-D No:1

    In this paper we study the problem of scheduling a tree-structured program on multiprocessors so as to minimize the total execution time, which includes communication delay between processors. It is assumed in the problem that a sufficiently large number of processors are available. It is known that if the program structures are restricted to be out-trees, the problem can be solved in O(n2) time, where n denotes the number of modules of a program. However, this problem is known to be NP-hard if the program structures are allowed to be in-trees. Up to now, no optimal algorithm, except an obvious one, was known for the latter case while some approximation algorithms were shown. We present an optimization algorithm with a nontrivial time bound O((1.52)nn log n) for the in-tree case.

  • Low Dimensional Quantum Effects in Semiconductor Lasers

    Yasuhiko ARAKAWA  


    E75-C No:1

    Several issues on semiconductor lasers with low dimensional quantum systems are discussed. First, described are fabrication techniques for quantum wire and box structures, particularly a selective growth MOCVD growth technique which have been recently developed. Using this technique, we obtained 20 nm15 nm triangular-shaped quantum wire structures. Next, we investigate band structures of the quantum wires having strain effects, including lasing characteristics of quantum wire lasers with the strain effects. Finally we discuss importance to control both the electron wave mode and the optical wave mode for future high performance lasers, which leads to the concept of quantum micro-lasers. In order to demonstrate possibility to control the spontaneous mode in the laser cavity, an experimental result is shown on enhancement and inhibition effects of the spontaneous emission mode in a vertical cavity laser having two kinds of the quantum well.

  • Distributed Leader Election on Chordal Ring Networks

    Koji NAKANO  Toshimitsu MASUZAWA  Nobuki TOKURA  


    E75-D No:1

    A chordal ring network is a processor network on which n processors are arranged to a ring with additional chords. We study a distributed leader election algorithm on chordal ring networks and present trade-offs between the message complexity and the number of chords at each processor and between the message complexity and the length of chords as follows:For every d(1dlog* n1) there exists a chordal ring network with d chords at each processor on which the message complexity for leader election is O(n(log(d1)nlog* n)).For every d(1dlog* n1) there exists a chordal ring network with log(d1)nd1 chords at each processor on which the message complexity for leader election is O(dn).For every m(2mn/2) there exists a chordal ring network whose chords have at most length m such that the message complexity for leader election is O((n/m)log n).

  • Future Trends in Telecommunication Education

    Subbarayan PASUPATHY  


    E75-B No:1

    This article briefly looks at the future of telecommunication education in the universities as it evolves from present concerns and trends. Five year bachelor's programs and top-down curricular design will be common. Textbooks supplemented by advance organizers, instruction and testing according to individual learning styles and global integration of education using multi-media services and broadband technology will be some of the other features. Finally, the importance of industry-university partnership in all aspects of engineering education is emphasized.

  • Room-Temperature CW Operation of AlGaAs/GaAs SQW Lasers Grown on Si by MOCVD

    Takashi EGAWA  Takashi JIMBO  Masayoshi UMENO  


    E75-A No:1

    The heterointerfaces of Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs single quantum wells (SQWs) and the characteristics of SQW lasers grown on Si substrates with Al0.5Ga0.5As/Al0.55Ga0.45P intermediate layers (AlGaAs/AlGaP ILs) entirely by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) are reported. The effects of thermal cycle annealing on the crystallinity and the lasing characteristics of GaAs/Si are also reported. By using the AlGaAs/AlGaP ILs, SQWs with a specular surface morphology and a smoother heterointerface can be grown on a Si substrate. Thermal cycle annealing is found to improve the crystallinity of GaAs/Si and to contribute to room-temperature continuous-wave operation of lasers on Si substrates. The combinations of the techniques of AlGaAs/AlGaP ILs and thermal cycle annealing improve the lasing characteristics: an average threshold current density of 1.83 kA/cm2, an average differential quantum efficiency of 52%, an internal quantum efficiency of 83%, an intrinsic mode loss coefficient of 23cm-1, a differential gain coefficient of 1.9cm/A, and a transparency current density of 266 A/cm2, which are superior to those of the two-step-grown laser on a Si substrate. The improvements of the lasing characteristics result from the smooth heterointerfaces of the AlGaAs/AlGaP ILs.

  • Coherent Optical Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) Homodyne System Using Phase-Diversity Receivers

    Ichiro SETO  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  Hiroyuki YASHIMA  Iwao SASASE  Shinsaku MORI  


    E75-A No:1

    We propose Polarization-Shift-Keying (POLSK) homodyne system using phase-diversity receivers and theoretically analyze its bit-error-rate (BER) performance. Since the proposed system uses polarization modulation and homodyne detection, it can cancel the phase noise and is attractive at a high bit-rate transmission. It is found that the receiver sensitivity of the proposed POLSK homodyne system is the same as that of POLSK heterodyne system and is much better than that of DPSK phase-diversity homodyne systems at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We also cosider theoretically the effect of the fluctuation of state of polarization (SOP) on the BER performance of POLSK homodyne system.

  • Availability of a Parallel Redundant System with Preventive Maintenance and Common-Cause Failures

    Shigeru YANAGI  Masafumi SASAKI  

    PAPER-Reliability, Availability and Vulnerability

    E75-A No:1

    This paper presents an approximation method for deriving the availability of a parallel redundant system with preventive maintenance (PM) and common-cause failures. The system discussed is composed of two identical units. A single service facility is available for PM and repair. The repair times, the PM times and the failure times except for common-cause failures are all assumed to be arbitrarily distributed. The presented method formulates the problem of the availability analysis of a parallel redundant system as a Markov renewal process which represents the state transitions of one specified unit in the system. This method derives the availability easily and accurately. Further, the availability obtained by this method is exact in a special case.

  • Elliptic Curve Cryptosytems and Their Applications

    Kenji KOYAMA  Tatsuaki OKAMOTO  


    E75-D No:1

    We propose two types of public-key cryptographic schemes based on elliptic curves modulo n, where n is the product of secret large primes p and q. The RSA-type scheme has an encryption function with an odd multiplier. The Rabin-type scheme has an encryption function with a multiplier of 2. The security of the proposed schemes is based on the difficulty of factoring n. Other security characteristics are also discussed. We show some applications to a master key scheme and blind signature scheme.

  • Human Interfaces in Telecommunications and Computers

    Takaya ENDO  


    E75-B No:1

    This paper discusses new trends and directions in human interface (HI) technologies, and the effects of HI technologies on human life or on social activities. This paper postulates that the HI subsumes man-machine interface, human-computer interaction, human-human interaction, human-organizational interface, human-environmental interface, human-social interface, etc. A new communication model, called Human Interface Communication Model (HICOM), and a new human dialogue model, called Human Interface Dialogue model (HIDIM), are derived by reexamining trends and directions on HI technologies from the viewpoint of functional meanings of interfaces, and from the viewpoint of a socially distributed cognition mechanism.

  • Optical Solitons for Signal Processing

    Stephen R. FRIBERG  


    E75-A No:1

    We consider applications of optical solitons to signal processing. Soliton switching devices promise ultrafast operation and compatibility with communications systems using optical pulses. Quantum soliton effects include broadband squeezing and quantum nondemolition measurements, and can reduce noise and increase sensitivities of optical measurements. We report the demonstration of two-color soliton switching and describe progress towards implementation of quantum nondemolition measurement of photon number using soliton collisions.


    Yoichi FUJII  


    E75-C No:1