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  • Formal Method for Security Analysis of Electronic Payment Protocols

    Yi LIU  Qingkun MENG  Xingtong LIU  Jian WANG  Lei ZHANG  Chaojing TANG  

    PAPER-Information Network

    E101-D No:9

    Electronic payment protocols provide secure service for electronic commerce transactions and protect private information from malicious entities in a network. Formal methods have been introduced to verify the security of electronic payment protocols; however, these methods concentrate on the accountability and fairness of the protocols, without considering the impact caused by timeliness. To make up for this deficiency, we present a formal method to analyze the security properties of electronic payment protocols, namely, accountability, fairness and timeliness. We add a concise time expression to an existing logical reasoning method to represent the event time and extend the time characteristics of the logical inference rules. Then, the Netbill protocol is analyzed with our formal method, and we find that the fairness of the protocol is not satisfied due to the timeliness problem. The results illustrate that our formal method can analyze the key properties of electronic payment protocols. Furthermore, it can be used to verify the time properties of other security protocols.

  • Review Rating Prediction on Location-Based Social Networks Using Text, Social Links, and Geolocations

    Yuehua WANG  Zhinong ZHONG  Anran YANG  Ning JING  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:9

    Review rating prediction is an important problem in machine learning and data mining areas and has attracted much attention in recent years. Most existing methods for review rating prediction on Location-Based Social Networks only capture the semantics of texts, but ignore user information (social links, geolocations, etc.), which makes them less personalized and brings down the prediction accuracy. For example, a user's visit to a venue may be influenced by their friends' suggestions or the travel distance to the venue. To address this problem, we develop a review rating prediction framework named TSG by utilizing users' review Text, Social links and the Geolocation information with machine learning techniques. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework.

  • Pattern-Based Ontology Modeling and Reasoning for Emergency System

    Yue TAN  Wei LIU  Zhenyu YANG  Xiaoni DU  Zongtian LIU  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:9

    Event-centered information integration is regarded as one of the most pressing issues in improving disaster emergency management. Ontology plays an increasingly important role in emergency information integration, and provides the possibility for emergency reasoning. However, the development of event ontology for disaster emergency is a laborious and difficult task due to the increasingly scale and complexity of emergencies. Ontology pattern is a modeling solution to solve the recurrent ontology design problem, which can improve the efficiency of ontology development by reusing patterns. By study on characteristics of numerous emergencies, this paper proposes a generic ontology pattern for emergency system modeling. Based on the emergency ontology pattern, a set of reasoning rules for emergency-evolution, emergency-solution and emergency-resource utilization reasoning were proposed to conduct emergency knowledge reasoning and q.

  • An Application of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets to Improve Information Extraction from Thai Unstructured Text


    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:9

    Multi-slot information extraction, also known as frame extraction, is a task that identify several related entities simultaneously. Most researches on this task are concerned with applying IE patterns (rules) to extract related entities from unstructured documents. An important obstacle for the success in this task is unknowing where text portions containing interested information are. This problem is more complicated when involving languages with sentence boundary ambiguity, e.g. the Thai language. Applying IE rules to all reasonable text portions can degrade the effect of this obstacle, but it raises another problem that is incorrect (unwanted) extractions. This paper aims to present a method for removing these incorrect extractions. In the method, extractions are represented as intuitionistic fuzzy sets, and a similarity measure for IFSs is used to calculate distance between IFS of an unclassified extraction and that of each already-classified extraction. The concept of k nearest neighbor is adopted to design whether the unclassified extraction is correct or not. From the experiment on various domains, the proposed technique improves extraction precision while satisfactorily preserving recall.

  • Incremental Estimation of Natural Policy Gradient with Relative Importance Weighting

    Ryo IWAKI  Hiroki YOKOYAMA  Minoru ASADA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E101-D No:9

    The step size is a parameter of fundamental importance in learning algorithms, particularly for the natural policy gradient (NPG) methods. We derive an upper bound for the step size in an incremental NPG estimation, and propose an adaptive step size to implement the derived upper bound. The proposed adaptive step size guarantees that an updated parameter does not overshoot the target, which is achieved by weighting the learning samples according to their relative importances. We also provide tight upper and lower bounds for the step size, though they are not suitable for the incremental learning. We confirm the usefulness of the proposed step size using the classical benchmarks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first adaptive step size method for NPG estimation.

  • Reciprocal Kit-Build Concept Map: An Approach for Encouraging Pair Discussion to Share Each Other's Understanding

    Warunya WUNNASRI  Jaruwat PAILAI  Yusuke HAYASHI  Tsukasa HIRASHIMA  

    PAPER-Educational Technology

    E101-D No:9

    Collaborative learning is an active teaching and learning strategy, in which learners who give each other elaborated explanations can learn most. However, it is difficult for learners to explain their own understanding elaborately in collaborative learning. In this study, we propose a collaborative use of a Kit-Build concept map (KB map) called “Reciprocal KB map”. In a Reciprocal KB map for a pair discussion, at first, the two participants make their own concept maps expressing their comprehension. Then, they exchange the components of their maps and request each other to reconstruct their maps by using the components. The differences between the original map and the reconstructed map are diagnosed automatically as an advantage of the KB map. Reciprocal KB map is expected to encourage pair discussion to recognize the understanding of each other and to create an effective discussion. In an experiment reported in this paper, Reciprocal KB map was used for supporting a pair discussion and was compared with a pair discussion which was supported by a traditional concept map. Nineteen pairs of university students were requested to use the traditional concept map in their discussion, while 20 pairs of university students used Reciprocal KB map for discussing the same topic. The results of the experiment were analyzed using three metrics: a discussion score, a similarity score, and questionnaires. The discussion score, which investigates the value of talk in discussion, demonstrates that Reciprocal KB map can promote more effective discussion between the partners compared to the traditional concept map. The similarity score, which evaluates the similarity of the concept maps, demonstrates that Reciprocal KB map can encourage the pair of partners to understand each other better compared to the traditional concept map. Last, the questionnaires illustrate that Reciprocal KB map can support the pair of partners to collaborate in the discussion smoothly and that the participants accepted this method for sharing their understanding with each other. These results suggest that Reciprocal KB map is a promising approach for encouraging pairs of partners to understand each other and to promote the effective discussions.

  • Optimal Billboard Deformation via 3D Voxel for Free-Viewpoint System

    Keisuke NONAKA  Houari SABIRIN  Jun CHEN  Hiroshi SANKOH  Sei NAITO  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E101-D No:9

    A free-viewpoint application has been developed that yields an immersive user experience. One of the simple free-viewpoint approaches called “billboard methods” is suitable for displaying a synthesized 3D view in a mobile device, but it suffers from the limitation that a billboard should be positioned in only one position in the world. This fact gives users an unacceptable impression in the case where an object being shot is situated at multiple points. To solve this problem, we propose optimal deformation of the billboard. The deformation is designed as a mapping of grid points in the input billboard silhouette to produce an optimal silhouette from an accurate voxel model of the object. We formulate and solve this procedure as a nonlinear optimization problem based on a grid-point constraint and some a priori information. Our results show that the proposed method generates a synthesized virtual image having a natural appearance and better objective score in terms of the silhouette and structural similarity.

  • Waffle: A New Photonic Plasmonic Router for Optical Network on Chip

    Chao TANG  Huaxi GU  Kun WANG  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E101-D No:9

    Optical interconnect is a promising candidate for network on chip. As the key element in the network on chip, the routers greatly affect the performance of the whole system. In this letter, we proposed a new router architecture, Waffle, based on compact 2×2 hybrid photonic-plasmonic switching elements. Also, an optimized architecture, Waffle-XY, was designed for the network employed XY routing algorithm. Both Waffle and Waffle-XY are strictly non-blocking architectures and can be employed in the popular mesh-like networks. Theoretical analysis illustrated that Waffle and Waffle-XY possessed a better performance compared with several representative routers.

  • A Unified Neural Network for Quality Estimation of Machine Translation

    Maoxi LI  Qingyu XIANG  Zhiming CHEN  Mingwen WANG  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E101-D No:9

    The-state-of-the-art neural quality estimation (QE) of machine translation model consists of two sub-networks that are tuned separately, a bidirectional recurrent neural network (RNN) encoder-decoder trained for neural machine translation, called the predictor, and an RNN trained for sentence-level QE tasks, called the estimator. We propose to combine the two sub-networks into a whole neural network, called the unified neural network. When training, the bidirectional RNN encoder-decoder are initialized and pre-trained with the bilingual parallel corpus, and then, the networks are trained jointly to minimize the mean absolute error over the QE training samples. Compared with the predictor and estimator approach, the use of a unified neural network helps to train the parameters of the neural networks that are more suitable for the QE task. Experimental results on the benchmark data set of the WMT17 sentence-level QE shared task show that the proposed unified neural network approach consistently outperforms the predictor and estimator approach and significantly outperforms the other baseline QE approaches.

  • Detection of 3D Reflector Code on Guardrail by Using Infrared Laser Radar for Road Information Acquisition

    Tomotaka WADA  Susumu KAWAI  


    E101-A No:9

    In order to obtain road information, we propose an information acquisition method using infrared laser radar by detecting 3D reflector code on roadside. The infrared laser radar on vehicle scans the 3D reflector code on guardrail. Through experiments, we show that the proposed method is able to obtain road information by detecting 3D reflector code on guardrail.

  • An Advantage of the Vehicle to Vehicle Communication for an Automated Driving Car at the Encounter with an Ambulance

    Hideaki NANBA  Yukihito IKAMI  Kenichiro IMAI  Kenji KOBAYASHI  Manabu SAWADA  


    E101-A No:9

    When the automated driving cars are in widespread usage, traffic will coexist with prioritized vehicles (e.g., ambulances, fire trucks, police vehicles) and automated driving cars. Automated driving cars are expected to be safer and lower stress than manual driving vehicles because of passengers paying less attention to driving. However, there are many challenges for automated driving cars to get along with surrounding transport participants. In particular, when an ambulance is driving into an intersection with the red traffic signal, the automated driving car is required to deal with a situation differently from normal traffic situations. In order to continue safe driving, it is necessary to recognize the approach of the ambulance at an earlier time. Possible means of recognizing ambulances include siren sound, rotating red lights and vehicle to vehicle communication. Based on actual traffic data, the authors created a mathematical model of deceleration for giving way and consider the status of suitable behavior by automated driving cars. The authors calculate the detection distance required to take suitable action. The results indicate that there are advantages in vehicle to vehicle communication in detecting ambulances by automated driving cars.

  • Behavior Estimation Method Based on Movement Trajectory by the Position Information

    Shun KIMURA  Hiroyuki HATANO  Masahiro FUJII  Atsushi ITO  Yu WATANABE  Tomoya KITANI  


    E101-A No:9

    Motorcycles are driven in a road widely but must be driven carefully because they are easily damaged by obstacles, bumps or potholes in the road. Thus, motorcycle trajectories are valuable for detecting road abnormalities. The trajectories are usually obtained from GPS (Global Positioning System). However, errors often occur in GPS positioning. In this research, we will present a detection idea of the GPS error based on behavior estimation of riders. Moreover, we will propose a novel behavior estimation method.

  • Online Combinatorial Optimization with Multiple Projections and Its Application to Scheduling Problem

    Takahiro FUJITA  Kohei HATANO  Shuji KIJIMA  Eiji TAKIMOTO  


    E101-A No:9

    We consider combinatorial online prediction problems and propose a new construction method of efficient algorithms for the problems. One of the previous approaches to the problem is to apply online prediction method, in which two external procedures the projection and the metarounding are assumed to be implemented. In this work, we generalize the projection to multiple projections. As an application of our framework, we show an algorithm for an online job scheduling problem with a single machine with precedence constraints.

  • An Efficient Pattern Matching Algorithm for Unordered Term Tree Patterns of Bounded Dimension

    Takayoshi SHOUDAI  Tetsuhiro MIYAHARA  Tomoyuki UCHIDA  Satoshi MATSUMOTO  Yusuke SUZUKI  


    E101-A No:9

    A term is a connected acyclic graph (unrooted unordered tree) pattern with structured variables, which are ordered lists of one or more distinct vertices. A variable of a term has a variable label and can be replaced with an arbitrary tree by hyperedge replacement according to the variable label. The dimension of a term is the maximum number of vertices in the variables of it. A term is said to be linear if each variable label in it occurs exactly once. Let T be a tree and t a linear term. In this paper, we study the graph pattern matching problem (GPMP) for T and t, which decides whether or not T is obtained from t by replacing variables in t with some trees. First we show that GPMP for T and t is NP-complete if the dimension of t is greater than or equal to 4. Next we give a polynomial time algorithm for solving GPMP for a tree of bounded degree and a linear term of bounded dimension. Finally we show that GPMP for a tree of arbitrary degree and a linear term of dimension 2 is solvable in polynomial time.

  • Excluded Minors of Rank 3 for Orientability and Representability

    Hidefumi HIRAISHI  Sonoko MORIYAMA  


    E101-A No:9

    We investigate excluded minor characterizations of two fundamental classes of matroids: orientable matroids and representable matroids. We prove (i) for any fixed field F, there exist infinitely many excluded minors of rank 3 for the union of the class of orientable matroids and the class of F-representable matroids, and (ii) for any fixed field F with characteristic 0, there exist infinitely many orientable excluded minors of rank 3 for intersection of the class of orientable matroids and the class of F-representable matroids. We show these statements by explicitly constructing infinite families of excluded minors.

  • Efficient Enumeration of Induced Matchings in a Graph without Cycles with Length Four

    Kazuhiro KURITA  Kunihiro WASA  Takeaki UNO  Hiroki ARIMURA  


    E101-A No:9

    In this study, we address a problem pertaining to the induced matching enumeration. An edge set M is an induced matching of a graph G=(V,E). The enumeration of matchings has been widely studied in literature; however, there few studies on induced matching. A straightforward algorithm takes O(Δ2) time for each solution that is coming from the time to generate a subproblem, where Δ is the maximum degree in an input graph. To generate a subproblem, an algorithm picks up an edge e and generates two graphs, the one is obtained by removing e from G, the other is obtained by removing e, adjacent edge to e, and edges adjacent to adjacent edge of e. Since this operation needs O(Δ2) time, a straightforward algorithm enumerates all induced matchings in O(Δ2) time per solution. We investigated local structures that enable us to generate subproblems within a short time and proved that the time complexity will be O(1) if the input graph is C4-free. A graph is C4-free if and only if none of its subgraphs have a cycle of length four.

  • Enumerating Floorplans with Columns

    Katsuhisa YAMANAKA  Md. Saidur RAHMAN  Shin-ichi NAKANO  


    E101-A No:9

    Given an axis-aligned rectangle R and a set P of n points in the proper inside of R we wish to partition R into a set S of n+1 rectangles so that each point in P is on the common boundary between two rectangles in S. We call such a partition of R a feasible floorplan of R with respect to P. Intuitively, P is the locations of columns and a feasible floorplan is a floorplan in which no column is in the proper inside of a room, i.e., columns are allowed to be placed only on the partition walls between rooms. In this paper we give an efficient algorithm to enumerate all feasible floorplans of R with respect to P. The algorithm is based on the reverse search method, and enumerates all feasible floorplans in O(|SP|) time using O(n) space, where SP is the set of the feasible floorplans of R with respect to P, while the known algorithms need either O(n|SP|) time and O(n) space or O(log n|SP|) time and O(n3) space.

  • Computational Power of Threshold Circuits of Energy at most Two

    Hiroki MANIWA  Takayuki OKI  Akira SUZUKI  Kei UCHIZAWA  Xiao ZHOU  


    E101-A No:9

    The energy of a threshold circuit C is defined to be the maximum number of gates outputting ones for an input assignment, where the maximum is taken over all the input assignments. In this paper, we study computational power of threshold circuits of energy at most two. We present several results showing that the computational power of threshold circuits of energy one and the counterpart of energy two are remarkably different. In particular, we give an explicit function which requires an exponential size for threshold circuits of energy one, but is computable by a threshold circuit of size just two and energy two. We also consider MOD functions and Generalized Inner Product functions, and show that these functions also require exponential size for threshold circuits of energy one, but are computable by threshold circuits of substantially less size and energy two.

  • More Constructions of Re-Splittable Threshold Public Key Encryption

    Satsuya OHATA  Takahiro MATSUDA  Goichiro HANAOKA  Kanta MATSUURA  


    E101-A No:9

    The concept of threshold public key encryption (TPKE) with the special property called key re-splittability (re-splittable TPKE, for short) was introduced by Hanaoka et al. (CT-RSA 2012), and used as one of the building blocks for constructing their proxy re-encryption scheme. In a re-splittable TPKE scheme, a secret key can be split into a set of secret key shares not only once, but also multiple times, and the security of the TPKE scheme is guaranteed as long as the number of corrupted secret key shares under the same splitting is smaller than the threshold. In this paper, we show several new constructions of a re-splittable TPKE scheme by extending the previous (ordinary) TPKE schemes. All of our proposed schemes are based on discrete logarithm (DL)-type assumptions. Therefore, our results suggest that key re-splittability is a very natural property for DL-type TPKE schemes.

  • Meeting Tight Security for Multisignatures in the Plain Public Key Model

    Naoto YANAI  


    E101-A No:9

    Multisignatures are digital signatures for a group consisting of multiple signers where each signer signs common documents via interaction with its co-signers and the data size of the resultant signatures for the group is independent of the number of signers. In this work, we propose a multisignature scheme, whose security can be tightly reduced to the CDH problem in bilinear groups, in the strongest security model where nothing more is required than that each signer has a public key, i.e., the plain public key model. Loosely speaking, our main idea for a tight reduction is to utilize a three-round interaction in a full-domain hash construction. Namely, we surmise that a full-domain hash construction with three-round interaction will become tightly secure under the CDH problem. In addition, we show that the existing scheme by Zhou et al. (ISC 2011) can be improved to a construction with a tight security reduction as an application of our proof framework.
