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[Keyword] ACH(1072hit)


  • Low Chirp Modulation by Electro-Optic Intensity Modulator Using Microwave 180-Degree Hybrid Directly Formed on LiNbO3 Substrate

    Akira ENOKIHARA  Masashi YAMAMOTO  Tadashi KAWAI  Tetsuya KAWANISHI  

    PAPER-MWP Device and Application

    E98-C No:8

    An electro-optic (EO) modulator integrated with the microwave planar circuit directly formed on a LiNbO3 (LN) substrate for low frequency-chirp performance and compact configuration is introduced. Frequency chirp of EO intensity modulators was investigated and a dual-electrode Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator combined with a microwave rat-race (RR) circuit was considered for the low-chirp modulation. The RR circuit, which operates as a 180-degree hybrid, was designed on a z-cut LN substrate to create two modulation signals of the same amplitude in anti-phase with each other from a single input signal. Output ports of the RR were connected to the modulation electrodes on the substrate. The two signals of the equal amplitude drive two phase modulation parts of the modulator so that the symmetric interference are realized to obtain intensity modulation of low frequency-chirp. The modulator was designed and fabricated on a single LN substrate for around 10 GHz modulation frequencies and 1550 nm light wavelength. The chirp parameters were measured to be less than 0.2 in the frequency range between 8 and 12 GHz. By compensating imbalance of the light power splitting in the waveguide MZ interferometer the chirp could be reduced even more.

  • Human Detection Method Based on Non-Redundant Gradient Semantic Local Binary Patterns

    Jiu XU  Ning JIANG  Wenxin YU  Heming SUN  Satoshi GOTO  


    E98-A No:8

    In this paper, a feature named Non-Redundant Gradient Semantic Local Binary Patterns (NRGSLBP) is proposed for human detection as a modified version of the conventional Semantic Local Binary Patterns (SLBP). Calculations of this feature are performed for both intensity and gradient magnitude image so that texture and gradient information are combined. Moreover, and to the best of our knowledge, non-redundant patterns are adopted on SLBP for the first time, allowing better discrimination. Compared with SLBP, no additional cost of the feature dimensions of NRGSLBP is necessary, and the calculation complexity is considerably smaller than that of other features. Experimental results on several datasets show that the detection rate of our proposed feature outperforms those of other features such as Histogram of Orientated Gradient (HOG), Histogram of Templates (HOT), Bidirectional Local Template Patterns (BLTP), Gradient Local Binary Patterns (GLBP), SLBP and Covariance matrix (COV).

  • Classification of Electromagnetic Radiation Source Models Based on Directivity with the Method of Machine Learning

    Zhuo LIU  Dan SHI  Yougang GAO  Junjian BI  Zhiliang TAN  Jingjing SHI  


    E98-B No:7

    This paper presents a new way to classify different radiation sources by the parameter of directivity, which is a characteristic parameter of electromagnetic radiation sources. The parameter can be determined from measurements of the electric field intensity radiating in all directions in space. We develop three basic antenna models, which are for 3GHz operation, and set 125,000 groups of cube receiving arrays along the main lobe of their radiation patterns to receive the data of far field electric intensity in groups. Then the Back Propagation (BP) neural network and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) method are adopted to analyze training data set, and build and test the classification model. Owing to the powerful nonlinear simulation ability, the SVM method offers higher classification accuracy than the BP neural network in noise environment. At last, the classification model is comprehensively evaluated in three aspects, which are capability of noise immunity, F1 measure and the normalization method.

  • Automatic Detection of the Carotid Artery Location from Volumetric Ultrasound Images Using Anatomical Position-Dependent LBP Features

    Fumi KAWAI  Satoshi KONDO  Keisuke HAYATA  Jun OHMIYA  Kiyoko ISHIKAWA  Masahiro YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:7

    We propose a fully automatic method for detecting the carotid artery from volumetric ultrasound images as a preprocessing stage for building three-dimensional images of the structure of the carotid artery. The proposed detector utilizes support vector machine classifiers to discriminate between carotid artery images and non-carotid artery images using two kinds of LBP-based features. The detector switches between these features depending on the anatomical position along the carotid artery. We evaluate our proposed method using actual clinical cases. Accuracies of detection are 100%, 87.5% and 68.8% for the common carotid artery, internal carotid artery, and external carotid artery sections, respectively.

  • FLEXII: A Flexible Insertion Policy for Dynamic Cache Resizing Mechanisms

    Masayuki SATO  Ryusuke EGAWA  Hiroyuki TAKIZAWA  Hiroaki KOBAYASHI  


    E98-C No:7

    As energy consumption of cache memories increases, an energy-efficient cache management mechanism is required. While a dynamic cache resizing mechanism is one promising approach to the energy reduction of microprocessors, one problem is that its effect is limited by the existence of dead-on-fill blocks, which are not used until their evictions from the cache memory. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a cache management policy named FLEXII, which can reduce the number of dead-on-fill blocks and help dynamic cache resizing mechanisms further reduce the energy consumption of the cache memories.

  • Backchannel Prediction for Mandarin Human-Computer Interaction

    Xia MAO  Yiping PENG  Yuli XUE  Na LUO  Alberto ROVETTA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E98-D No:6

    In recent years, researchers have tried to create unhindered human-computer interaction by giving virtual agents human-like conversational skills. Predicting backchannel feedback for agent listeners has become a novel research hot-spot. The main goal of this paper is to identify appropriate features and methods for backchannel prediction in Mandarin conversations. Firstly, multimodal Mandarin conversations are recorded for the analysis of backchannel behaviors. In order to eliminate individual difference in the original face-to-face conversations, more backchannels from different listeners are gathered together. These data confirm that backchannels occurring in the speakers' pauses form a vast majority in Mandarin conversations. Both prosodic and visual features are used in backchannel prediction. Four types of models based on the speakers' pauses are built by using support vector machine classifiers. An evaluation of the pause-based prediction model has shown relatively high accuracy in consideration of the optional nature of backchannel feedback. Finally, the results of the subjective evaluation validate that the conversations performed between humans and virtual listeners using backchannels predicted by the proposed models is more unhindered compared to other backchannel prediction methods.

  • The List Coloring Reconfiguration Problem for Bounded Pathwidth Graphs

    Tatsuhiko HATANAKA  Takehiro ITO  Xiao ZHOU  


    E98-A No:6

    We study the problem of transforming one list (vertex) coloring of a graph into another list coloring by changing only one vertex color assignment at a time, while at all times maintaining a list coloring, given a list of allowed colors for each vertex. This problem is known to be PSPACE-complete for bipartite planar graphs. In this paper, we first show that the problem remains PSPACE-complete even for bipartite series-parallel graphs, which form a proper subclass of bipartite planar graphs. We note that our reduction indeed shows the PSPACE-completeness for graphs with pathwidth two, and it can be extended for threshold graphs. In contrast, we give a polynomial-time algorithm to solve the problem for graphs with pathwidth one. Thus, this paper gives sharp analyses of the problem with respect to pathwidth.

  • Information-Theoretic Limits for the Multi-Way Relay Channel with Direct Links

    Yuping SU  Ying LI  Guanghui SONG  

    LETTER-Information Theory

    E98-A No:6

    Information-theoretic limits of a multi-way relay channel with direct links (MWRC-DL), where multiple users exchange their messages through a relay terminal and direct links, are discussed in this paper. Under the assumption that a restricted encoder is employed at each user, an outer bound on the capacity region is derived first. Then, a decode-and-forward (DF) strategy is proposed and the corresponding rate region is characterized. The explicit outer bound and the achievable rate region for the Gaussian MWRC-DL are also derived. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed DF strategy.

  • Cache-Conscious Data Access for DBMS in Multicore Environments

    Fang XI  Takeshi MISHIMA  Haruo YOKOTA  


    E98-D No:5

    In recent years, dramatic improvements have been made to computer hardware. In particular, the number of cores on a chip has been growing exponentially, enabling an ever-increasing number of processes to be executed in parallel. Having been originally developed for single-core processors, database (DB) management systems (DBMSs) running on multicore processors suffer from cache conflicts as the number of concurrently executing DB processes (DBPs) increases. Therefore, a cache-efficient solution for arranging the execution of concurrent DBPs on multicore platforms would be highly attractive for DBMSs. In this paper, we propose CARIC-DA, middleware for achieving higher performance in DBMSs on multicore processors, by reducing cache misses with a new cache-conscious dispatcher for concurrent queries. CARIC-DA logically range-partitions the dataset into multiple subsets. This enables different processor cores to access different subsets by ensuring that different DBPs are pinned to different cores and by dispatching queries to DBPs according to the data-partitioning information. In this way, CARIC-DA is expected to achieve better performance via a higher cache hit rate for the private cache of each core. It can also balance the loads between cores by changing the range of each subset. Note that CARIC-DA is pure middleware, meaning that it avoids any modification to existing operating systems (OSs) and DBMSs, thereby making it more practical. This is important because the source code for existing DBMSs is large and complex, making it very expensive to modify. We implemented a prototype that uses unmodified existing Linux and PostgreSQL environments, and evaluated the effectiveness of our proposal on three different multicore platforms. The performance evaluation against benchmarks revealed that CARIC-DA achieved improved cache hit rates and higher performance.

  • A Deduplication-Enabled P2P Protocol for VM Image Distribution

    Choonhwa LEE  Sungho KIM  Eunsam KIM  

    LETTER-Information Network

    E98-D No:5

    This paper presents a novel peer-to-peer protocol to efficiently distribute virtual machine images in a datacenter. A primary idea of it is to improve the performance of peer-to-peer content delivery by employing deduplication to take advantage of similarity both among and within VM images in cloud datacenters. The efficacy of the proposed scheme is validated through an evaluation that demonstrates substantial performance gains.

  • Multi-ISP Cooperative Cache Sharing for Saving Inter-ISP Transit Cost in Content Centric Networking

    Kazuhito MATSUDA  Go HASEGAWA  Masayuki MURATA  


    E98-B No:4

    Content-Centric Networking (CCN) has an in-network caching mechanism, which can reduce the traffic volume along the route to the destination host. This traffic volume reduction on the transit link can decrease inter-ISP transit cost. However, the memory space for caching in CCN routers is small relative to content volume. In addition, any initial access to the content requested by a user must use the transit link, even when a nearby CCN router outside the route has the cached content. In this paper, we propose a method of cooperative cache sharing among CCN routers in multiple ISPs. It aims to attain a further reduction in the inter-ISP transit cost by improving the cache hit ratio. In the proposed method, the CCN routers share the memory space for caching of non-overlapping cache content. We evaluate the proposed method by simulation experiments using the IP-level network topology of actual ISP, and show that the inter-ISP transit traffic can be reduced by up to 28% compared with normal caching behavior of CCN.

  • Automatic Mura Detection for Display Film Using Mask Filtering in Wavelet Transform

    Jong-Seung PARK  Seung-Ho LEE  

    LETTER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E98-D No:3

    In this letter, we present a method for automatic mura detection for display film using the efficient decision of cut-off frequency with DCT and mask filtering with wavelet transform. First, the background image including reflected light is estimated using DCT with adaptive cut-off frequency, and DWT is applied to background-removed images for generating mura mask. Then, a mura mask is generated by separating low-frequency noise in the approximation coefficients. Lastly, mura is detected by applying mura mask filtering to the detail coefficients. According to the comparison by Semu index, the results from the proposed method are superior to those from the existing methods. This indicates that the proposed method is high in reliability.

  • Multiple Binary Codes for Fast Approximate Similarity Search

    Shinichi SHIRAKAWA  

    PAPER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:3

    One of the fast approximate similarity search techniques is a binary hashing method that transforms a real-valued vector into a binary code. The similarity between two binary codes is measured by their Hamming distance. In this method, a hash table is often used when undertaking a constant-time similarity search. The number of accesses to the hash table, however, increases when the number of bits lengthens. In this paper, we consider a method that does not access data with a long Hamming radius by using multiple binary codes. Further, we attempt to integrate the proposed approach and the existing multi-index hashing (MIH) method to accelerate the performance of the similarity search in the Hamming space. Then, we propose a learning method of the binary hash functions for multiple binary codes. We conduct an experiment on similarity search utilizing a dataset of up to 50 million items and show that our proposed method achieves a faster similarity search than that possible with the conventional linear scan and hash table search.

  • Local Tree Hunting: Finding Closest Contents from In-Network Cache

    Hiroshi SHIMIZU  Hitoshi ASAEDA  Masahiro JIBIKI  Nozomu NISHINAGA  

    PAPER-Internet Architecture and Protocols

    E98-D No:3

    How to retrieve the closest content from an in-network cache is one of the most important issues in Information-Centric Networking (ICN). This paper proposes a novel content discovery scheme called Local Tree Hunting (LTH). By adding branch-cast functionality to a local tree for content requests to a Content-Centric Network (CCN) response node, the discovery area for caching nodes expands. Since the location of such a branch-casting node moves closer to the request node when the content is more widely cached, the discovery range, i.e. the branch size of the local tree, becomes smaller. Thus, the discovery area is autonomously adjusted depending on the content dissemination. With this feature, LTH is able to find the “almost true closest” caching node without checking all the caching nodes in the in-network cache. The performance analysis employed in Zipf's law content distribution model and which uses the Least Recently Used eviction rule shows the superiority of LTH with respect to identifying the almost exact closest cache.

  • Adaptive TTL Control to Minimize Resource Cost in Hierarchical Caching Networks

    Satoshi IMAI  Kenji LEIBNITZ  Masayuki MURATA  

    PAPER-Internet Architecture and Protocols

    E98-D No:3

    Content caching networks like Information-Centric Networking (ICN) are beneficial to reduce the network traffic by storing content data on routers near to users. In ICN, it becomes an important issue to manage system resources, such as storage and network bandwidth, which are influenced by cache characteristics of each cache node. Meanwhile, cache aging techniques based on Time-To-Live (TTL) of content facilitate analyzing cache characteristics and can realize appropriate resource management by setting efficient TTLs. However, it is difficult to search for the efficient TTLs in a distributed cache system connected by multiple cache nodes. Therefore, we propose an adaptive control mechanism of the TTL value of content in distributed cache systems by using predictive models which can estimate the impact of the TTL values on network resources and cache performance. Furthermore, we show the effectiveness of the proposed mechanism.

  • Evaluation Method for Access-Driven Cache Attacks Using Correlation Coefficient

    Junko TAKAHASHI  Toshinori FUKUNAGA  Kazumaro AOKI  Hitoshi FUJI  


    E98-A No:1

    This paper proposes a new accurate evaluation method for examining the resistance of cryptographic implementations against access-driven cache attacks (CAs). We show that a mathematical correlation method between the sets of measured access time and the ideal data, which depend on the guessed key, can be utilized to evaluate quantitatively the correct key in access-driven CAs. We show the effectiveness of the proposed method using the access time measured in noisy environments. We also estimate the number of key candidates based on mathematical proof while considering memory allocation. Furthermore, based on the proposed method, we analyze quantitatively how the correlation values change with the number of plaintexts for a successful attack.

  • Collaborative Spectrum Sensing via L1/2 Regularization

    Zhe LIU  Feng LI  WenLei DUAN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:1

    This letter studies the problem of cooperative spectrum sensing in wideband cognitive radio networks. Based on the basis expansion model (BEM), the problem of estimation of power spectral density (PSD) is transformed to estimation of BEM coefficients. The sparsity both in frequency domain and space domain is used to construct a sparse estimation structure. The theory of L1/2 regularization is used to solve the compressed sensing problem. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Fast Feature Matching by Coarse-to-Fine Comparison of Rearranged SURF Descriptors

    Hanhoon PARK  Kwang-Seok MOON  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:1

    Speeded up robust features (SURF) can detect/describe scale- and rotation-invariant features at high speed by relying on integral images for image convolutions. However, the time taken for matching SURF descriptors is still long, and this has been an obstacle for use in real-time applications. In addition, the matching time further increases in proportion to the number of features and the dimensionality of the descriptor. Therefore, we propose a fast matching method that rearranges the elements of SURF descriptors based on their entropies, divides SURF descriptors into sub-descriptors, and sequentially and analytically matches them to each other. Our results show that the matching time could be reduced by about 75% at the expense of a small drop in accuracy.

  • Brain-Inspired Communication Technologies: Information Networks with Continuing Internal Dynamics and Fluctuation Open Access

    Jun-nosuke TERAMAE  Naoki WAKAMIYA  


    E98-B No:1

    Computation in the brain is realized in complicated, heterogeneous, and extremely large-scale network of neurons. About a hundred billion neurons communicate with each other by action potentials called “spike firings” that are delivered to thousands of other neurons from each. Repeated integration and networking of these spike trains in the network finally form the substance of our cognition, perception, planning, and motor control. Beyond conventional views of neural network mechanisms, recent rapid advances in both experimental and theoretical neuroscience unveil that the brain is a dynamical system to actively treat environmental information rather passively process it. The brain utilizes internal dynamics to realize our resilient and efficient perception and behavior. In this paper, by considering similarities and differences of the brain and information networks, we discuss a possibility of information networks with brain-like continuing internal dynamics. We expect that the proposed networks efficiently realize context-dependent in-network processing. By introducing recent findings of neuroscience about dynamics of the brain, we argue validity and clues for implementation of the proposal.

  • Predicting Vectorization Profitability Using Binary Classification

    Antoine TROUVÉ  Arnaldo J. CRUZ  Dhouha BEN BRAHIM  Hiroki FUKUYAMA  Kazuaki J. MURAKAMI  Hadrien CLARKE  Masaki ARAI  Tadashi NAKAHIRA  Eiji YAMANAKA  

    PAPER-Software System

    E97-D No:12

    Basic block vectorization consists in realizing instruction-level parallelism inside basic blocks in order to generate SIMD instructions and thus speedup data processing. It is however problematic, because the vectorized program may actually be slower than the original one. Therefore, it would be useful to predict beforehand whether or not vectorization will actually produce any speedup. This paper proposes to do so by expressing vectorization profitability as a classification problem, and by predicting it using a machine learning technique called support vector machine (SVM). It considers three compilers (icc, gcc and llvm), and a benchmark suite made of 151 loops, unrolled with factors ranging from 1 to 20. The paper further proposes a technique that combines the results of two SVMs to reach 99% of accuracy for all three compilers. Moreover, by correctly predicting unprofitable vectorizations, the technique presented in this paper provides speedups of up to 2.16 times, 2.47 times and 3.83 times for icc, gcc and LLVM, respectively (9%, 18% and 56% on average). It also lowers to less than 1% the probability of the compiler generating a slower program with vectorization turned on (from more than 25% for the compilers alone).
