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  • Japanese Argument Reordering Based on Dependency Structure for Statistical Machine Translation

    Chooi-Ling GOH  Taro WATANABE  Eiichiro SUMITA  

    PAPER-Natural Language Processing

    E95-D No:6

    While phrase-based statistical machine translation systems prefer to translate with longer phrases, this may cause errors in a free word order language, such as Japanese, in which the order of the arguments of the predicates is not solely determined by the predicates and the arguments can be placed quite freely in the text. In this paper, we propose to reorder the arguments but not the predicates in Japanese using a dependency structure as a kind of reordering. Instead of a single deterministically given permutation, we generate multiple reordered phrases for each sentence and translate them independently. Then we apply a re-ranking method using a discriminative approach by Ranking Support Vector Machines (SVM) to re-score the multiple reordered phrase translations. In our experiment with the travel domain corpus BTEC, we gain a 1.22% BLEU score improvement when only 1-best is used for re-ranking and 4.12% BLEU score improvement when n-best is used for Japanese-English translation.

  • Exact Outage Probability of Cognitive Underlay DF Relay Networks with Best Relay Selection

    Vo Nguyen Quoc BAO  Trung Quang DUONG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E95-B No:6

    In this letter, we address the performance analysis of underlay selective decode-and-forward (DF) relay networks in Rayleigh fading channels with non-necessarily identical fading parameters. In particular, a novel result on the outage probability of the considered system is presented. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify the correctness of our exact closed-form expression. Our proposed analysis can be adopted for various underlay spectrum sharing applications of cognitive DF relay networks.

  • A Power-Saving Technique for the OSGi Platform

    Kuo-Yi CHEN  Chin-Yang LIN  Tien-Yan MA  Ting-Wei HOU  

    PAPER-Software System

    E95-D No:5

    With more digital home appliances and network devices having OSGi as the software management platform, the power-saving capability of the OSGi platform has become a critical issue. This paper is aimed at improving the power-efficiency of the OSGi platform, i.e. reducing the energy consumption with minimum performance degradation. The key to this study is an efficient power-saving technique which exploits the runtime information already available in a Java virtual machine (JVM), the base software of the OSGi platform, to best determine the timing of performing DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling). This, technically, involves a phase detection scheme that identifies the memory phase of the OSGi-enabled device/server in a correct and almost effortless way. The overhead of the power-saving procedure is thus minimized, and the system performance is well maintained. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed power-saving approach on an OSGi server, where the Apache Felix OSGi implementation and the DaCapo benchmarks were applied. The results show that this approach can achieve real power-efficiency for the OSGi platform, in which the power consumption is significantly reduced and the performance remains highly competitive, compared with the other power-saving techniques.

  • Autonomous Throughput Improvement Scheme Using Machine Learning Algorithms for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks Aggregation

    Yohsuke KON  Kazuki HASHIGUCHI  Masato ITO  Mikio HASEGAWA  Kentaro ISHIZU  Homare MURAKAMI  Hiroshi HARADA  


    E95-B No:4

    It is important to optimize aggregation schemes for heterogeneous wireless networks for maximizing communication throughput utilizing any available radio access networks. In the heterogeneous networks, differences of the quality of service (QoS), such as throughput, delay and packet loss rate, of the networks makes difficult to maximize the aggregation throughput. In this paper, we firstly analyze influences of such differences in QoS to the aggregation throughput, and show that it is possible to improve the throughput by adjusting the parameters of an aggregation system. Since manual parameter optimization is difficult and takes much time, we propose an autonomous parameter tuning scheme using a machine learning algorithm for the heterogeneous wireless network aggregation. We implement the proposed scheme on a heterogeneous cognitive radio network system. The results on our experimental network with network emulators show that the proposed scheme can improve the aggregation throughput better than the conventional schemes. We also evaluate the performance using public wireless network services, such as HSDPA, WiMAX and W-CDMA, and verify that the proposed scheme can improve the aggregation throughput by iterating the learning cycle even for the public wireless networks. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves twice better aggregation throughput than the conventional schemes.

  • A Wireless Control System with Mutual Use of Control Signals for Cooperative Machines

    Tsugunori KONDO  Kentaro KOBAYASHI  Masaaki KATAYAMA  


    E95-A No:4

    This paper discusses a wireless control system for cooperative motion of multiple machines, and clarifies the influence of packet losses on the system behavior. We focus on the synchronization of the motion of the machines, and using the nature of wireless, we propose a new wireless control scheme for maintaining the synchronization performance under packet loss conditions. In the proposed scheme, each controlled object (plant) utilizes control information destined for all plants, and the main controller also utilizes state information of all plants. The additional information of the other controller-plant pairs is used to compensate lost information. As an example of the controlled plants, rotary inverted pendulums, which move synchronously with wireless connections in their control-feedback loops, are considered. Numerical examples confirm the superiority of the proposed scheme from the view-point of the synchronization of the motion of the plants.

  • Control Quality of a Feedback Control System under Cyclostationary Noise in Power Line Communication

    Cesar CARRIZO  Kentaro KOBAYASHI  Hiraku OKADA  Masaaki KATAYAMA  


    E95-A No:4

    This paper discusses a control system that employs a power line to transfer signals to control the motion of a single machine, and explores the influence of packet losses on the quality of the control. As an example of a controlled system, a controller with a rotary inverted pendulum as a controlled object, is considered. The feedback loop in between is the power line. The control performance is evaluated in the power line cyclostationary noise environment and compared against the performance in a stationary noise environment. As a result, it is confirmed that the power line and its cyclostationary noise features present an advantage against transmission in a channel with stationary noise.

  • Path Tracking Control for Underactuated Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Using Approach Angle

    Kyoung Joo KIM  Jin Bae PARK  Yoon Ho CHOI  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E95-A No:4

    In this paper, we propose a novel path tracking control algorithm for an underactuated autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). The underactuated AUV is controlled by the thrust force and the yaw torque: no sway thruster is used. To deal with this underactuated AUV problem in the path tracking, we introduce an approach angle which makes the AUV converge to the reference path. To design the path tracking controller, we obtain the vehicle's error dynamics in the body-fixed frame, and then design the path tracking controller based on the dynamic surface control (DSC) method. The proposed controller only needs the information of the position and the heading angle of the reference path. Some simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed controller.

  • Estimating Translation Probabilities Considering Semantic Recoverability of Phrase Retranslation

    Hyoung-Gyu LEE  Min-Jeong KIM  YingXiu QUAN  Hae-Chang RIM  So-Young PARK  

    LETTER-Natural Language Processing

    E95-D No:3

    The general method for estimating phrase translation probabilities consists of sequential processes: word alignment, phrase pair extraction, and phrase translation probability calculation. However, during this sequential process, errors may propagate from the word alignment step through the translation probability calculation step. In this paper, we propose a new method for estimating phrase translation probabilities that reduce the effects of error propagation. By considering the semantic recoverability of phrase retranslation, our method identifies incorrect phrase pairs that have propagated from alignment errors. Furthermore, we define retranslation similarity which represents the semantic recoverability of phrase retranslation, and use this when computing translation probabilities. Experimental results show that the proposed phrase translation estimation method effectively prevents a PBSMT system from selecting incorrect phrase pairs, and consistently improves the translation quality in various language pairs.

  • An Improved Sufficient Condition for Reconfiguration of List Edge-Colorings in a Tree

    Takehiro ITO  Kazuto KAWAMURA  Xiao ZHOU  


    E95-D No:3

    We study the problem of reconfiguring one list edge-coloring of a graph into another list edge-coloring by changing only one edge color assignment at a time, while at all times maintaining a list edge-coloring, given a list of allowed colors for each edge. Ito, Kamiski and Demaine gave a sufficient condition so that any list edge-coloring of a tree can be transformed into any other. In this paper, we give a new sufficient condition which improves the known one. Our sufficient condition is best possible in some sense. The proof is constructive, and yields a polynomial-time algorithm that finds a transformation between two given list edge-colorings of a tree with n vertices via O(n2) recoloring steps. We remark that the upper bound O(n2) on the number of recoloring steps is tight, because there is an infinite family of instances on paths that satisfy our sufficient condition and whose reconfiguration requires Ω(n2) recoloring steps.

  • A Motion Detection Model Inspired by the Neuronal Propagation in the Hippocampus

    Haichao LIANG  Takashi MORIE  


    E95-A No:2

    We propose a motion detection model, which is suitable for higher speed operation than the video rate, inspired by the neuronal propagation in the hippocampus in the brain. The model detects motion of edges, which are extracted from monocular image sequences, on specified 2D maps without image matching. We introduce gating units into a CA3-CA1 model, where CA3 and CA1 are the names of hippocampal regions. We use the function of gating units to reduce mismatching for applying our model in complicated situations. We also propose a map-division method to achieve accurate detection. We have evaluated the performance of the proposed model by using artificial and real image sequences. The results show that the proposed model can run up to 1.0 ms/frame if using a resolution of 6460 units division of 320240 pixels image. The detection rate of moving edges is achieved about 99% under a complicated situation. We have also verified that the proposed model can achieve accurate detection of approaching objects at high frame rate (>100 fps), which is better than conventional models, provided we can obtain accurate positions of image features and filter out the origins of false positive results in the post-processing.

  • Athermal Wavelength Filters toward Optical Interconnection to LSIs

    Yuki ATSUMI  Manabu ODA  Joonhyun KANG  Nobuhiko NISHIYAMA  Shigehisa ARAI  


    E95-C No:2

    Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) produced by large-scale integration (LSI) on Si platforms have been intensively researched. Since thermal diffusion from the LSI logic layer is a serious obstacle to realizing a Si-based optical integrated circuit, we have proposed and realized athermal wavelength filters using Si slot waveguides embedded with benzocyclobutene (BCB). First, the athermal conditions were theoretically investigated by controlling the waveguide and gap width of the slot waveguides. In order to introduce the calculated waveguide structures to wavelength filters, the propagation losses and bending losses of the Si slot waveguides were evaluated. The propagation losses were measured to be 5.6 and 5.3 dB/cm for slot waveguide widths of 500 and 700 nm, respectively. Finally, athermal wavelength filters, a ring resonator, and a Mach-Zhender interferometer (MZI) with a slot waveguide width of 700 nm were designed and fabricated. Further, a temperature coefficient of -0.9 pm/K for the operating wavelength was achieved with the athermal MZI.

  • Strongly Secure Authenticated Key Exchange without NAXOS' Approach under Computational Diffie-Hellman Assumption

    Minkyu KIM  Atsushi FUJIOKA  Berkant USTAOLU  

    PAPER-Public Key Cryptography

    E95-A No:1

    LaMacchia, Lauter and Mityagin [19] proposed a novel security definition for authenticate key exchange (AKE) that gives an adversary the power to obtain ephemeral information regarding a target test session. To demonstrate feasibility of secure protocols in the new definition, henceforth called eCK, the authors described a protocol called NAXOS. NAXOS combines an ephemeral private key x with a static private key a to generate an ephemeral public key X (more precisely in what we call the NAXOS' approach X = gH(x,a)). Thus no one is able to query the discrete logarithm of X without knowing both the ephemeral and static private keys. This idea is crucial in the security argument to guard against leaked ephemeral secrets belonging to the test session. Another important assumption is the gap assumption that allows the protocol to remain secure even in the presence of malicious insiders. Both ideas have been successfully used in creating various protocols secure in the eCK model. In this paper, we construct two eCK-secure protocols without the above mentioned ideas. KFU1 is secure under the GDH assumption without using the NAXOS' approach. KFU2 builds upon KFU1 and drops the gap requirement, thus it is secure under the CDH assumption. Efficiency and security of the proposed protocols are comparable to the well-known HMQV [15] protocol. Furthermore, unlike HMQV and NAXOS the use of the random oracle in KFU1 and KFU2 is restricted to the key derivation function making them more suitable for practical applications.

  • Accurate and Simplified Prediction of L2 Cache Vulnerability for Cost-Efficient Soft Error Protection

    Yu CHENG  Anguo MA  Minxuan ZHANG  


    E95-D No:1

    Soft errors caused by energetic particle strikes in on-chip cache memories have become a critical challenge for microprocessor design. Architectural vulnerability factor (AVF), which is defined as the probability that a transient fault in the structure would result in a visible error in the final output of a program, has been widely employed for accurate soft error rate estimation. Recent studies have found that designing soft error protection techniques with the awareness of AVF is greatly helpful to achieve a tradeoff between performance and reliability for several structures (i.e., issue queue, reorder buffer). Considering large on-chip L2 cache, redundancy-based protection techniques (such as ECC) have been widely employed for L2 cache data integrity with high costs. Protecting caches without accurate knowledge of the vulnerability characteristics may lead to the over-protection, thus incurring high overheads. Therefore, designing AVF-aware protection techniques would be attractive for designers to achieve a cost-efficient protection for caches, especially at early design stage. In this paper, we propose an improved AVF estimation framework for conducing comprehensive characterization of dynamic behavior and predictability of L2 cache vulnerability. We propose to employ Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART) method to accurately model the variation of L2 cache AVF and to quantitatively explain the important effects of several key performance metrics on L2 cache AVF. Then we employ bump hunting technique to extract some simple selecting rules based on several key performance metrics for a simplified and fast estimation of L2 cache AVF. Using the simplified L2 cache AVF estimator, we develop an AVF-aware ECC technique as an example to demonstrate the cost-efficient advantages of the AVF prediction based dynamic fault tolerant techniques. Experimental results show that compared with traditional full ECC technique, AVF-aware ECC technique reduces the L2 cache access latency by 16.5% and saves power consumption by 11.4% for SPEC2K benchmarks averagely.

  • Kernel Based Asymmetric Learning for Software Defect Prediction

    Ying MA  Guangchun LUO  Hao CHEN  

    LETTER-Software Engineering

    E95-D No:1

    A kernel based asymmetric learning method is developed for software defect prediction. This method improves the performance of the predictor on class imbalanced data, since it is based on kernel principal component analysis. An experiment validates its effectiveness.

  • TE Plane Wave Reflection and Transmission from a Two-Dimensional Random Slab – Slanted Fluctuation –

    Yasuhiko TAMURA  

    PAPER-Random Media and Rough Surfaces

    E95-C No:1

    This paper deals with reflection and transmission of a TE plane wave from a two-dimensional random slab with slanted fluctuation by means of the stochastic functional approach. Such slanted fluctuation of the random slab is written by a homogeneous random field having a power spectrum with a rotation angle. By starting with the previous paper [IEICE Trans. Electron., Vol. E92-C, no.1, pp.77–84, January 2009], any statistical quantities are immediately obtained even for slanted fluctuation cases. The first-order incoherent scattering cross section is numerically calculated and illustrated in figures. It is then newly found that shift and separation phenomena of the leading or enhanced peaks at four characteristic scattering angles take place in the transmission and reflection sides, respectively.

  • Digital PID Control Forward Type Multiple-Output DC-DC Converter

    Fujio KUROKAWA  Tomoyuki MIZOGUCHI  Kimitoshi UENO  Hiroyuki OSUGA  

    PAPER-Energy in Electronics Communications

    E94-B No:12

    The purpose of this paper is to present the static and dynamic characteristics and a smart design approach for the digital PID control forward type multiple-output dc-dc converter. The central problem of a smart design approach is how to decide the integral coefficient. Since the integral coefficient decision depends on the static characteristics, whatever integral coefficient is selected will not be yield superior dynamic characteristics. Accordingly, it is important to identify the integral coefficient that optimizes static as well as dynamic characteristics. In proposed design approach, it set the upper and lower of input voltage and output current of regulation range. The optimal integral coefficient is decided by the regulation range of the static characteristics and the dynamic characteristics and then the smart design approach is summarized. As a result, the convergence time is improved 50% compared with the conventional designed circuit.

  • Movement-Imagery Brain-Computer Interface: EEG Classification of Beta Rhythm Synchronization Based on Cumulative Distribution Function

    Teruyoshi SASAYAMA  Tetsuo KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E94-D No:12

    We developed a novel movement-imagery-based brain-computer interface (BCI) for untrained subjects without employing machine learning techniques. The development of BCI consisted of several steps. First, spline Laplacian analysis was performed. Next, time-frequency analysis was applied to determine the optimal frequency range and latencies of the electroencephalograms (EEGs). Finally, trials were classified as right or left based on β-band event-related synchronization using the cumulative distribution function of pretrigger EEG noise. To test the performance of the BCI, EEGs during the execution and imagination of right/left wrist-bending movements were measured from 63 locations over the entire scalp using eight healthy subjects. The highest classification accuracies were 84.4% and 77.8% for real movements and their imageries, respectively. The accuracy is significantly higher than that of previously reported machine-learning-based BCIs in the movement imagery task (paired t-test, p < 0.05). It has also been demonstrated that the highest accuracy was achieved even though subjects had never participated in movement imageries.

  • A New Recovery Mechanism in Superscalar Microprocessors by Recovering Critical Misprediction

    Jiongyao YE  Yu WAN  Takahiro WATANABE  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E94-A No:12

    Current trends in modern out-of-order processors involve implementing deeper pipelines and a large instruction window to achieve high performance, which lead to the penalty of the branch misprediction recovery being a critical factor in overall processor performance. Multi path execution is proposed to reduce this penalty by executing both paths following a branch, simultaneously. However, there are some drawbacks in this mechanism, such as design complexity caused by processing both paths after a branch and performance degradation due to hardware resource competition between two paths. In this paper, we propose a new recovery mechanism, called Recovery Critical Misprediction (RCM), to reduce the penalty of branch misprediction recovery. The mechanism uses a small trace cache to save the decoded instructions from the alternative path following a branch. Then, during the subsequent predictions, the trace cache is accessed. If there is a hit, the processor forks the second path of this branch at the renamed stage so that the design complexity in the fetch stage and decode stage is alleviated. The most contribution of this paper is that our proposed mechanism employs critical path prediction to identify the branches that will be most harmful if mispredicted. Only the critical branch can save its alternative path into the trace cache, which not only increases the usefulness of a limited size of trace cache but also avoids the performance degradation caused by the forked non-critical branch. Experimental results employing SPECint 2000 benchmark show that a processor with our proposed RCM improves IPC value by 10.05% compared with a conventional processor.

  • Speech Enhancement Based on Data-Driven Residual Gain Estimation

    Yu Gwang JIN  Nam Soo KIM  Joon-Hyuk CHANG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E94-D No:12

    In this letter, we propose a novel speech enhancement algorithm based on data-driven residual gain estimation. The entire system consists of two stages. At the first stage, a conventional speech enhancement algorithm enhances the input signal while estimating several signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)-related parameters. The residual gain, which is estimated by a data-driven method, is applied to further enhance the signal at the second stage. A number of experimental results show that the proposed speech enhancement algorithm outperforms the conventional speech enhancement technique based on soft decision and the data-driven approach using SNR grid look-up table.

  • A 98 GMACs/W 32-Core Vector Processor in 65 nm CMOS

    Xun HE  Xin JIN  Minghui WANG  Dajiang ZHOU  Satoshi GOTO  

    PAPER-High-Level Synthesis and System-Level Design

    E94-A No:12

    This paper presents a high-performance dual-issue 32-core SIMD platform for image and video processing. The SIMD cores support 8/16 bits SIMD MAC instructions, and vertical vector access. Eight cores with a 4-ports L2 cache are connected by CIB bus as a cluster. Four clusters are connected by mesh network. This hierarchical network can provide more than 192 GB/s low latency inter-core BW in average. The 4-ports L2 cache architecture is also designed to provide 192 GB/s L2 cache BW. To reduce coherence operation in large-scale SMP, an application specified protocol is proposed. Compared with MOESI, 67.8% of L1 cache energy can be saved in 32 cores case. The whole system including 32 vector cores, 256 KB L2 cache, 64-bit DDRII PHY and two PLL units, occupy 25 mm2 in 65 nm CMOS. It can achieve a peak performance of 375 GMACs and 98 GMACs/W at 1.2 V.
