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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Optimal Stabilizing Controller for the Region of Weak Attraction under the Influence of Disturbances

    Sasinee PRUEKPRASERT  Toshimitsu USHIO  

    PAPER-Formal Methods

    E99-D No:6

    This paper considers an optimal stabilization problem of quantitative discrete event systems (DESs) under the influence of disturbances. We model a DES by a deterministic weighted automaton. The control cost is concerned with the sum of the weights along the generated trajectories reaching the target state. The region of weak attraction is the set of states of the system such that all trajectories starting from them can be controlled to reach a specified set of target states and stay there indefinitely. An optimal stabilizing controller is a controller that drives the states in this region to the set of target states with minimum control cost and keeps them there. We consider two control objectives: to minimize the worst-case control cost (1) subject to all enabled trajectories and (2) subject to the enabled trajectories starting by controllable events. Moreover, we consider the disturbances which are uncontrollable events that rarely occur in the real system but may degrade the control performance when they occur. We propose a linearithmic time algorithm for the synthesis of an optimal stabilizing controller which is robust to disturbances.

  • A Generalized Construction of Non-Square M-QAM Sequences with Low PMEPR for OFDM Systems

    Dongxu MA  Zilong WANG  Hui LI  

    PAPER-Information Theory

    E99-A No:6

    Controlling the peak-to-mean envelope power ratio (PMEPR) of orthogonal frequency-division multiplexed (OFDM) transmissions is a significant obstacle in many low-cost applications of OFDM. An coding approach proposed by H.R. Sadjadpour presents non-square M-QAM symbols as a combination of QPSK and BPSK signals when M=22n+1, and then uses QPSK and BPSK Golay (or Golay-like) sequences with a constant PMEPR to generate M-QAM sequences. This paper proposes a new scheme in which M-QAM sequences are generated by QPSK and BPSK sequences with variable PMEPRs. In other words, this new scheme is a general case of the existing approach. As a result, the code rate of the new sequence is significantly improved, while the upper bound of its PMEPR remains at a comparative level.

  • Adaptive Perceptual Block Compressive Sensing for Image Compression

    Jin XU  Yuansong QIAO  Zhizhong FU  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E99-D No:6

    Because the perceptual compressive sensing framework can achieve a much better performance than the legacy compressive sensing framework, it is very promising for the compressive sensing based image compression system. In this paper, we propose an innovative adaptive perceptual block compressive sensing scheme. Firstly, a new block-based statistical metric which can more appropriately measure each block's sparsity and perceptual sensibility is devised. Then, the approximated theoretical minimum measurement number for each block is derived from the new block-based metric and used as weight for adaptive measurements allocation. The obtained experimental results show that our scheme can significantly enhance both objective and subjective performance of a perceptual compressive sensing framework.

  • Predicting Performance of Collaborative Storytelling Using Multimodal Analysis

    Shogo OKADA  Mi HANG  Katsumi NITTA  


    E99-D No:6

    This study focuses on modeling the storytelling performance of the participants in a group conversation. Storytelling performance is one of the fundamental communication techniques for providing information and entertainment effectively to a listener. We present a multimodal analysis of the storytelling performance in a group conversation, as evaluated by external observers. A new multimodal data corpus is collected through this group storytelling task, which includes the participants' performance scores. We extract multimodal (verbal and nonverbal) features regarding storytellers and listeners from a manual description of spoken dialog and from various nonverbal patterns, including each participant's speaking turn, utterance prosody, head gesture, hand gesture, and head direction. We also extract multimodal co-occurrence features, such as head gestures, and interaction features, such as storyteller utterance overlapped with listener's backchannel. In the experiment, we modeled the relationship between the performance indices and the multimodal features using machine-learning techniques. Experimental results show that the highest accuracy (R2) is 0.299 for the total storytelling performance (sum of indices scores) obtained with a combination of verbal and nonverbal features in a regression task.

  • Hybrid Retinal Image Registration Using Mutual Information and Salient Features

    Jaeyong JU  Murray LOEW  Bonhwa KU  Hanseok KO  

    LETTER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:6

    This paper presents a method for registering retinal images. Retinal image registration is crucial for the diagnoses and treatments of various eye conditions and diseases such as myopia and diabetic retinopathy. Retinal image registration is challenging because the images have non-uniform contrasts and intensity distributions, as well as having large homogeneous non-vascular regions. This paper provides a new retinal image registration method by effectively combining expectation maximization principal component analysis based mutual information (EMPCA-MI) with salient features. Experimental results show that our method is more efficient and robust than the conventional EMPCA-MI method.

  • Refined RC4 Key Correlations of Internal States in WPA

    Ryoma ITO  Atsuko MIYAJI  


    E99-A No:6

    WPA is the security protocol for IEEE 802.11 wireless networks standardized as a substitute for WEP in 2003, and uses RC4 stream cipher for encryption. It improved a 16-byte RC4 key generation procedure, which is known as TKIP, from that in WEP. One of the remarkable features in TKIP is that the first 3-byte RC4 key is derived from the public parameter IV, and an analysis using this feature has been reported by Sen Gupta et al. at FSE 2014. They focused on correlations between the keystream bytes and the known RC4 key bytes in WPA, which are called key correlations or linear correlations, and improved the existing plaintext recovery attack using their discovered correlations. No study, however, has focused on such correlations including the internal states in WPA. In this paper, we investigated new linear correlations including unknown internal state variables in both generic RC4 and WPA. From the result, we can successfully discover various new linear correlations, and prove some correlations theoretically.

  • User-Centric Approach for Bandwidth Allocation Method Based on Quality of Experience

    Huong PHAM-THI  Takumi MIYOSHI  


    E99-B No:6

    This paper focuses on the bandwidth allocation methods based on real user experience for web browsing applications. Because the Internet and its services are rapidly increasing, the bandwidth allocation problem has become one of the typical challenges for Internet service providers (ISPs) and network planning with respect to providing high service quality. The quality of experience (QoE) plays an important role in the success of services, and the guarantee of QoE accordingly represents an important goal in network resource control schemes. To cope with this issue, this paper proposes two user-centric bandwidth resource allocation methods for web browsing applications. The first method dynamically allocates bandwidth by considering the same user's satisfaction in terms of QoE with respect to all users in the system, whereas the second method introduces an efficient trade-off between the QoE of each user group and the average QoE of all users. The purpose of these proposals is to provide a flexible solution to reasonably allocate limited network resources to users. By considering service quality from real users' perception viewpoint, the proposed allocation methods enable us to understand actual users' experiences. Compared to previous works, the numerical results show that the proposed bandwidth allocation methods achieve the following contributions: improving the QoE level for dissatisfied users and providing a fair distribution, as well as retaining a reasonable average QoE.

  • Score Level Fusion for Network Traffic Application Identification

    Masatsugu ICHINO  Hiroaki MAEDA  Hiroshi YOSHIURA  


    E99-B No:6

    A method based on score level fusion using logistic regression has been developed that uses packet header information to classify Internet applications. Applications are classified not on the basis of the individual flows for each type of application but on the basis of all the flows for each type of application, i.e., the “overall traffic flow.” The overall traffic flow is divided into equal time slots, and the applications are classified using statistical information obtained for each time slot. Evaluation using overall traffic flow generated by five types of applications showed that its true and false positive rates are better than those of methods using feature level fusion.

  • D-Paxos: Building Hierarchical Replicated State Machine for Cloud Environments

    Fagui LIU  Yingyi YANG  

    PAPER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E99-D No:6

    We present a hierarchical replicated state machine (H-RSM) and its corresponding consensus protocol D-Paxos for replication across multiple data centers in the cloud. Our H-RSM is based on the idea of parallel processing and aims to improve resource utilization. We detail D-Paxos and theoretically prove that D-Paxos implements an H-RSM. With batching and logical pipelining, D-Paxos efficiently utilizes the idle time caused by high-latency message transmission in a wide-area network and available bandwidth in a local-area network. Experiments show that D-Paxos provides higher throughput and better scalability than other Paxos variants for replication across multiple data centers. To predict the optimal batch sizes when D-Paxos reaches its maximum throughput, an analytical model is developed theoretically and validated experimentally.

  • Exploiting EEG Channel Correlations in P300 Speller Paradigm for Brain-Computer Interface

    Yali LI  Hongma LIU  Shengjin WANG  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E99-D No:6

    A brain-computer interface (BCI) translates the brain activity into commands to control external devices. P300 speller based character recognition is an important kind of application system in BCI. In this paper, we propose a framework to integrate channel correlation analysis into P300 detection. This work is distinguished by two key contributions. First, a coefficient matrix is introduced and constructed for multiple channels with the elements indicating channel correlations. Agglomerative clustering is applied to group correlated channels. Second, the statistics of central tendency are used to fuse the information of correlated channels and generate virtual channels. The generated virtual channels can extend the EEG signals and lift up the signal-to-noise ratio. The correlated features from virtual channels are combined with original signals for classification and the outputs of discriminative classifier are used to determine the characters for spelling. Experimental results prove the effectiveness and efficiency of the channel correlation analysis based framework. Compared with the state-of-the-art, the recognition rate was increased by both 6% with 5 and 10 epochs by the proposed framework.

  • Estimating Head Orientation Using a Combination of Multiple Cues

    Bima Sena Bayu DEWANTARA  Jun MIURA  

    PAPER-Human-computer Interaction

    E99-D No:6

    This paper proposes an appearance-based novel descriptor for estimating head orientation. Our descriptor is inspired by the Weber-based feature, which has been successfully implemented for robust texture analysis, and the gradient which performs well for shape analysis. To further enhance the orientation differences, we combine them with an analysis of the intensity deviation. The position of a pixel and its intrinsic intensity are also considered. All features are then composed as a feature vector of a pixel. The information carried by each pixel is combined using a covariance matrix to alleviate the influence caused by rotations and illumination. As the result, our descriptor is compact and works at high speed. We also apply a weighting scheme, called Block Importance Feature using Genetic Algorithm (BIF-GA), to improve the performance of our descriptor by selecting and accentuating the important blocks. Experiments on three head pose databases demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods. Also, we can extend the proposed method by combining it with a head detection and tracking system to enable it to estimate human head orientation in real applications.

  • Cluster Power Variation Characteristics for 3GHz-Band MIMO Communication System in a Crowded Indoor Environment

    Kentaro SAITO  Tetsuro IMAI  Koshiro KITAO  Yukihiko OKUMURA  

    PAPER-Antennas and Propagation

    E99-B No:5

    In recent years, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel models for crowded areas, such as indoor offices, shops, and outdoor hotspot environments, have become a topic of significant interest. In such crowded environments, propagation paths are frequently shadowed by moving objects, such as pedestrians or vehicles. These shadowing effects can cause time variations in the delay and angle-of-arrival (AoA) characteristics of a channel. In this paper, we propose a method for modeling the shadowing effects of pedestrians in a cluster-based channel model. The proposed method uses cluster power variations to model the time-varying channel properties. We also propose a novel method for estimating the cluster power variation properties from measured data. In order to validate our proposed method, channel sounding in the 3GHz band is conducted in a cafeteria during lunchtime. The results for the K parameter, delay spreads, and AoA azimuth spreads are compared for the measured data and the channel data generated using the proposed method. The results indicate that the time-varying delay-AoA characteristics can be effectively modeled using our proposed method.

  • V2V Mobile Content Transmission for Mobile Devices Using Network Coding

    Woojin AHN  Young Yong KIM  Ronny Yongho KIM  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E99-B No:5

    In order to minimize packet error rate in extremely dynamic vehicular networks, a novel vehicle to vehicle (V2V) mobile content transmission scheme that jointly employs random network coding and shuffling/scattering techniques is proposed in this paper. The proposed scheme consists of 3 steps: Step 1-The original mobile content data consisting of several packets is encoded to generate encoded blocks using random network coding for efficient error recovery. Step 2-The encoded blocks are shuffled for averaging the error rate among the encoded blocks. Step 3-The shuffled blocks are scattered at different vehicle locations to overcome the estimation error of optimum transmission location. Applying the proposed scheme in vehicular networks can yield error free transmission with high efficiency. Our simulation results corroborate that the proposed scheme significantly improves the packet error rate performance in high mobility environments. Thanks to the flexibility of network coding, the proposed scheme can be designed as a separate module in the physical layer of various wireless access technologies.

  • Sorting Method for Fully Homomorphic Encrypted Data Using the Cryptographic Single-Instruction Multiple-Data Operation

    Pyung KIM  Younho LEE  Hyunsoo YOON  

    PAPER-Fundamental Theories for Communications

    E99-B No:5

    In this paper, we present a faster (wall-clock time) sorting method for numerical data subjected to fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). Owing to circuit-based construction and the FHE security property, most existing sorting methods cannot be applied to encrypted data without significantly compromising efficiency. The proposed algorithm utilizes the cryptographic single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) operation, which is supported by most existing FHE algorithms, to reduce the computational overhead. We conducted a careful analysis of the number of required recryption operations, which are the computationally dominant operations in FHE. Accordingly, we verified that the proposed SIMD-based sorting algorithm completes the given task more quickly than existing sorting methods if the number of data items and (or) the maximum bit length of each data item exceed specific thresholds.

  • Amorphous Indium Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistor with Steep Subthreshold Slope by Negative Capacitance

    Karam CHO  Jaesung JO  Changhwan SHIN  


    E99-C No:5

    A negative capacitor is fabricated using poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) copolymer and connected in series to an a-IZO TFT. It is experimentally demonstrated that the negative capacitance of the negative capacitor can create steep switching in the a-IZO TFT (e.g., a subthreshold slope change from 342mV/decade to 102mV/decade at room-temperature).

  • Neural Network Based Transmit Power Control and Interference Cancellation for MIMO Small Cell Networks

    Michael Andri WIJAYA  Kazuhiko FUKAWA  Hiroshi SUZUKI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E99-B No:5

    The random deployment of small cell base stations (BSs) causes the coverage areas of neighboring cells to overlap, which increases intercell interference and degrades the system capacity. This paper proposes a new intercell interference management (IIM) scheme to improve the system capacity in multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) small cell networks. The proposed IIM scheme consists of both an interference cancellation (IC) technique on the receiver side, and a neural network (NN) based power control algorithm for intercell interference coordination (ICIC) on the transmitter side. In order to improve the system capacity, the NN power control optimizes downlink transmit power while IC eliminates interfering signals from received signals. Computer simulations compare the system capacity of the MIMO network with several ICIC algorithms: the NN, the greedy search, the belief propagation (BP), the distributed pricing (DP), and the maximum power, all of which can be combined with IC reception. Furthermore, this paper investigates the application of a multi-layered NN structure called deep learning and its pre-training scheme, into the mobile communication field. It is shown that the performance of NN is better than that of BP and very close to that of greedy search. The low complexity of the NN algorithm makes it suitable for IIM. It is also demonstrated that combining IC and sectorization of BSs acquires high capacity gain owing to reduced interference.

  • Computer Application for Mastering Memorizing Numbers

    Vladimir V. STANKOVIC  Mladen P. TASIC  

    LETTER-Educational Technology

    E99-D No:5

    The so-called numerical alphabet has been established as one of the various memorization systems. It enables numbers to be transformed into words. In that way memorizing numbers is highly alleviated, since words are to be memorized instead of numbers, which is substantially easier. In order to master the technique of transforming numbers into words (for memorizing them), as well as transforming words back to numbers, a person has to practice. Upon adopting the numerical alphabet, one then has to practice various examples and translate numbers into proper words and words into proper numbers. This paper describes the computer application we have developed that helps in this process. To our knowledge, this is the first complete application of this type ever created. We also show the results of the students' number-memorization tests, performed before and after using the application, which show significant improvements.

  • Parity Data De-Duplication in All Flash Array-Based OpenStack Cloud Block Storage

    Huiseong HEO  Cheongjin AHN  Deok-Hwan KIM  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E99-D No:5

    In recent years, the need to build solid state drive (SSD)-based cloud storage systems has been increasing in order to process the big data generated by lots of Internet of Things devices and Internet users. Because these kinds of cloud systems require high performance and reliable storage, the use of flash-based Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) will increase. But in flash-based RAID storage, parity data must be updated with every data write operation, which can more quickly overwhelm SSD's lifespan. To solve this problem, this letter proposes parity data deduplication for OpenStack cloud storage systems using an all flash array. Unlike the traditional data deduplication method, it only removes parity data, which will be stored in the parity disks of the all flash array. Experiments show that the proposed parity data deduplication method can efficiently reduce the number of parity data write operations, compared to the traditional data deduplication method.

  • Hierarchical-IMM Based Maneuvering Target Tracking in LOS/NLOS Hybrid Environments

    Yan ZHOU  Lan HU  Dongli WANG  

    PAPER-Systems and Control

    E99-A No:5

    Maneuvering target tracking under mixed line-of-sight/non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS) conditions has received considerable interest in the last decades. In this paper, a hierarchical interacting multiple model (HIMM) method is proposed for estimating target position under mixed LOS/NLOS conditions. The proposed HIMM is composed of two layers with Markov switching model. The purpose of the upper layer, which is composed of two interacting multiple model (IMM) filters in parallel, is to handle the switching between the LOS and the NLOS environments. To estimate the target kinetic variables (position, speed and acceleration), the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) with the current statistical (CS) model is used in the lower-layer. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method, which obtains better tracking accuracy than the traditional IMM.

  • WHOSA: Network Flow Classification Based on Windowed Higher-Order Statistical Analysis

    Mingda WANG  Gaolei FEI  Guangmin HU  


    E99-B No:5

    Flow classification is of great significance for network management. Machine-learning-based flow classification is widely used nowadays, but features which depict the non-Gaussian characteristics of network flows are still absent. In this paper, we propose the Windowed Higher-order Statistical Analysis (WHOSA) for machine-learning-based flow classification. In our methodology, a network flow is modeled as three different time series: the flow rate sequence, the packet length sequence and the inter-arrival time sequence. For each sequence, both the higher-order moments and the largest singular values of the Bispectrum are computed as features. Some lower-order statistics are also computed from the distribution to build up the feature set for contrast, and C4.5 decision tree is chosen as the classifier. The results of the experiment reveals the capability of WHOSA in flow classification. Besides, when the classifier gets fully learned, the WHOSA feature set exhibit stronger discriminative power than the lower-order statistical feature set does.
