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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Reference-Free Deterministic Calibration of Pipelined ADC

    Takashi OSHIMA  Taizo YAMAWAKI  

    PAPER-Analog Signal Processing

    E98-A No:2

    Novel deterministic digital calibration of pipelined ADC has been proposed and analyzed theoretically. Each MDAC is dithered exploiting its inherent redundancy during the calibration. The dither enables fast accurate convergence of calibration without requiring any accurate reference signal and hence with minimum area and power overhead. The proposed calibration can be applied to both the 1.5-bit/stage MDAC and the multi-bit/stage MDAC. Due to its simple structure and algorithm, it can be modified to the background calibration easily. The effectiveness of the proposed calibration has been confirmed by both the extensive simulations and the measurement of the prototype 0.13-µm-CMOS 50-MS/s pipelined ADC using the op-amps with only 37-dB gain. As expected, SNDR and SFDR have improved from 35.5dB to 58.1dB and from 37.4dB to 70.4dB, respectively by the proposed calibration.

  • Wideband and Ultra Wideband Radio Propagation in Heavy Multipath Environments

    Takehiko KOBAYASHI  Miyuki HIROSE  


    E98-A No:2

    The authors have focused on wideband, including ultra-wideband (UWB, 3.1 to 10.6GHz) radio propagation in various environments, such as a small space-craft and a passenger car, moreover on-body radio propagation measurements have been conducted. Many studies have been reported about indoor propagation for narrowband and wideband. However previous study has not been examined characteristics between 10-MHz and 1-GHz frequencies. In our previous study, UWB and narrowband propagation were measured in a UWB frequency band within closed/semi-closed spaces (e.g. a spacecraft, a passenger car, and a metal desk equipped with a metal partition). While narrowband propagation resulted in considerable spatial variations in propagation gain due to interferences caused by multipath environments, UWB yielded none. This implies that the UWB systems have an advantage over narrowband from a viewpoint of reducing fading margins. Thus, a use of UWB technology within spacecrafts has been proposed with a view to partially replacing wired interface buses with wireless connections. Adoption of wireless technologies within the spacecrafts could contribute to reduction in cable weight (and launching cost as a result), reduction in the cost of manufacture, more flexibility in layout of spacecraft subsystems, and reliable connections at rotary, moving, and sliding joints. Path gains and throughputs were also measured for various antenna settings and polarizations in the small spacecraft. Polarization configurations were found to produce almost no effect on average power delay profiles and substantially small effects on the throughputs. Furthermore, statistical channel models were proposed. Also UWB technologies have been considered for use in wireless body area networks (WBAN) because of their possible low power consumption and anti-multipath capabilities. A series of propagation measurements were carried out between on-body antennas in five different rooms. A new path loss and statistical models considering room volume had been proposed. In this paper, we evaluated propagation characteristics in heavy multipath environments, especially examined the channels at 10-MHz to 1-GHz frequencies.

  • A Robust Wireless Image Transmission for ITS Broadcast Environment Using Compressed Sensing

    Masaki TAKANASHI  Satoshi MAKIDO  

    LETTER-Intelligent Transport System

    E98-A No:2

    Providing images captured by an on-board camera to surrounding vehicles is an effective method to achieve smooth road traffic and to avoid traffic accidents. We consider providing images using WiFi technology based on the IEEE802.11p standard for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication media. We want to compress images to suppress communication traffic, because the communication capacity of the V2V system is strictly limited. However, there are difficulties in image compression and transmission using wireless communication especially in a vehicular broadcast environment, due to transmission errors caused by fading, packet collision, etc. In this letter, we propose an image transmission technique based on compressed sensing. Through computer simulations, we show that our proposed technique can achieve stable image reconstruction despite frequent packet error.

  • Recommender System Using Implicit Social Information

    Yusheng LI  Meina SONG  Haihong E  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E98-D No:2

    Social recommendation systems that make use of the user's social information have recently attracted considerable attention. These recommendation approaches partly solve cold-start and data sparsity problems and significantly improve the performance of recommendation systems. The essence of social recommendation methods is to utilize the user's explicit social connections to improve recommendation results. However, this information is not always available in real-world recommender systems. In this paper, a solution to this problem of explicit social information unavailability is proposed. The existing user-item rating matrix is used to compute implicit social information, and then an ISRec (implicit social recommendation algorithm) which integrates this implicit social information and the user-item rating matrix for social recommendation is introduced. Experimental results show that our method performs much better than state-of-the-art approaches; moreover, complexity analysis indicates that our approach can be applied to very large datasets because it scales linearly with respect to the number of observations in the matrices.

  • Dynamic Macro-Based Heuristic Planning through Action Relationship Analysis

    Zhuo JIANG  Junhao WEN  Jun ZENG  Yihao ZHANG  Xibin WANG  Sachio HIROKAWA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E98-D No:2

    The success of heuristic search in AI planning largely depends on the design of the heuristic. On the other hand, previous experience contains potential domain information that can assist the planning process. In this context, we have studied dynamic macro-based heuristic planning through action relationship analysis. We present an approach for analyzing the action relationship and design an algorithm that learns macros in solved cases. We then propose a dynamic macro-based heuristic that appropriately reuses the macros rather than immediately assigning them to domains. The above ideas are incorporated into a working planning system called Dynamic Macro-based Fast Forward planner. Finally, we evaluate our method in a series of experiments. Our method effectively optimizes planning since it reduces the result length by an average of 10% relative to the FF, in a time-economic manner. The efficiency is especially improved when invoking an action consumes time.

  • Autocorrelation of Modified Legendre-Sidelnikov Sequences

    Tongjiang YAN  Huadong LIU  Yuhua SUN  

    LETTER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E98-A No:2

    In this paper, we modify the Legendre-Sidelnikov sequence which was defined by M. Su and A. Winterhof and consider its exact autocorrelation values. This new sequence is balanced for any p,q and proved to possess low autocorrelation values in most cases.

  • Performance Modeling of Stencil Computing on a Stream-Based FPGA Accelerator for Efficient Design Space Exploration

    Keisuke DOHI  Koji OKINA  Rie SOEJIMA  Yuichiro SHIBATA  Kiyoshi OGURI  


    E98-D No:2

    In this paper, we discuss performance modeling of 3-D stencil computing on an FPGA accelerator with a high-level synthesis environment, aiming for efficient exploration of user-space design parameters. First, we analyze resource utilization and performance to formulate these relationships as mathematical models. Then, in order to evaluate our proposed models, we implement heat conduction simulations as a benchmark application, by using MaxCompiler, which is a high-level synthesis tool for FPGAs, and MaxGenFD, which is a domain specific framework of the MaxCompiler for finite-difference equation solvers. The experimental results with various settings of architectural design parameters show the best combination of design parameters for pipeline structure can be systematically found by using our models. The effects of changing arithmetic accuracy and using data stream compression are also discussed.

  • The Implementation of Texture-Based Video Up-Scaling on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture

    Rui SHI  Shouyi YIN  Leibo LIU  Qiongbing LIU  Shuang LIANG  Shaojun WEI  


    E98-D No:2

    Video Up-scaling is a hotspot in TV display area; as an important brunch of Video Up-scaling, Texture-Based Video Up-scaling (TBVU) method shows great potential of hardware implementation. Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Architecture (CGRA) is a very promising processor; it is a parallel computing platform which provides high performance of hardware, high flexibility of software, and dynamical reconfiguration ability. In this paper we propose an implementation of TBVU on CGRA. We fully exploit the characters of TBVU and utilize several techniques to reduce memory I/O operation and total execution time. Experimental results show that our work can greatly reduce the I/O operation and the execution time compared with the non-optimized ones. We also compare our work with other platforms and find great advantage in execution time and resource utilization rate.

  • Action Recognition Using Weighted Locality-Constrained Linear Coding

    Jiangfeng YANG  Zheng MA  

    LETTER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E98-D No:2

    Recently, locality-constrained linear coding (LLC) as a coding strategy has attracted much attention, due to its better reconstruction than sparse coding and vector quantization. However, LLC ignores the weight information of codewords during the coding stage, and assumes that every selected base has same credibility, even if their weights are different. To further improve the discriminative power of LLC code, we propose a weighted LLC algorithm that considers the codeword weight information. Experiments on the KTH and UCF datasets show that the recognition system based on WLLC achieves better performance than that based on the classical LLC and VQ, and outperforms the recent classical systems.

  • Multi-Orientation Log-Gabor Local Binary Pattern for Face Representation and Recognition

    Cheng ZHANG  Yuzhang GU  Zhengmin ZHANG  Yunlong ZHAN  

    LETTER-Pattern Recognition

    E98-D No:2

    In this paper, we propose a face representation approach using multi-orientation Log-Gabor local binary pattern (MOLGLBP) for realizing face recognition under facial expressions, illuminations and partial occlusions. Log-Gabor filters with different scales (frequencies) and orientations are applied on Y, I, and Q channel image in the YIQ color space respectively. Then Log-Gabor images of different orientations at the same scale are combined to form a multi-orientation Log-Gabor image (MOLGI) and two LBP operators are applied to it. For face recognition, histogram intersection metric is utilized to measure the similarity of faces. The proposed approach is evaluated on the CurtinFaces database and experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach is effectiveness against two simultaneous variations: expression & illumination, and illumination & occlusion.

  • A New Framework with a Stability Theory for Multipoint-Type and Stochastic Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithms

    Yuji KOGUMA  Eitaro AIYOSHI  

    PAPER-Numerical Analysis and Optimization

    E98-A No:2

    In Recent years, a paradigm of optimization algorithms referred to as “meta-heuristics” have been gaining attention as a means of obtaining approximate solutions to optimization problems quickly without any special prior knowledge of the problems. Meta-heuristics are characterized by flexibility in implementation. In practical applications, we can make use of not only existing algorithms but also revised algorithms that reflect the prior knowledge of the problems. Most meta-heuristic algorithms lack mathematical grounds, however, and therefore generally require a process of trial and error for the algorithm design and its parameter adjustment. For one of the resolution of the problem, we propose an approach to design algorithms with mathematical grounds. The approach consists of first constructing a “framework” of which dynamic characteristics can be derived theoretically and then designing concrete algorithms within the framework. In this paper, we propose such a framework that employs two following basic strategies commonly used in existing meta-heuristic algorithms, namely, (1) multipoint searching, and (2) stochastic searching with pseudo-random numbers. In the framework, the update-formula of search point positions is given by a linear combination of normally distributed random numbers and a fixed input term. We also present a stability theory of the search point distribution for the proposed framework, using the variance of the search point positions as the index of stability. This theory can be applied to any algorithm that is designed within the proposed framework, and the results can be used to obtain a control rule for the search point distribution of each algorithm. We also verify the stability theory and the optimization capability of an algorithm based on the proposed framework by numerical simulation.

  • A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Source Localization Using Differential Received Signal Strength

    Yan Shen DU  Ping WEI  Hua Guo ZHANG  Hong Shu LIAO  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E98-A No:2

    In this work, the differential received signal strength based localization problem is addressed. Based on the measurement model, we present the constrained weighted least squares (CWLS) approach, which is difficult to be solved directly due to its nonconvex nature. However, by performing the semidefinite relaxation (SDR) technique, the CWLS problem can be relaxed into a semidefinite programming problem (SDP), which can be efficiently solved using modern convex optimization algorithms. Moreover, the SDR is proved to be tight, and hence ensures the corresponding SDP find the optimal solution of the original CWLS problem. Numerical simulations are included to corroborate the theoretical results and promising performance.

  • Received Signal Strength-Based Localization Using Delta Method for Non-cooperative Scenario in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Thu L.N. NGUYEN  Yoan SHIN  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:1

    In this letter, we consider the localization problem using received signal strength in wireless sensor networks. Working with a simple non-cooperative scenario in an outdoor localization, we transform the received signal strength measurement model to an alternative optimization problem which is much easier to solve and less complex compared to finding the optimum solutions from the maximum likelihood estimator. Then, we can solve a sequence of nonconvex problems as a range constrainted optimization problem, while the estimated solution also guarantees a monotonic convergence to the original solution. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

  • Efficient DFA on SPN-Based Block Ciphers and Its Application to the LED Block Cipher

    Rei UENO  Naofumi HOMMA  Takafumi AOKI  


    E98-A No:1

    This paper presents an efficient method for differential fault analysis (DFA) on substitution-permutation network (SPN)-based block ciphers. A combination of a permutation cancellation and an algebraic key filtering technique makes it possible to reduce the computational cost of key filtering significantly and therefore perform DFAs with new fault models injected at an earlier round, which defeats conventional countermeasures duplicating or recalculating the rounds of interest. In this paper, we apply the proposed DFA to the LED block cipher. Whereas existing DFAs employ fault models injected at the 30th round, the proposed DFA first employs a fault model injected at the 29th round. We demonstrate that the proposed DFA can obtain the key candidates with only one pair of correct and faulty ciphertexts in about 2.1h even from the 29th round fault model and the resulting key space is reduced to 24.04

  • Precise BER Analysis of Repetition Coded OFDM Systems over Time- and Frequency-Selective Rayleigh Fading Channels

    Fumihito SASAMORI  Satoru ASADA  Osamu TAKYU  Shiro HANDA  


    E98-B No:1

    Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) has great advantages of high spectrum efficiency and robustness against multipath fading. When the received signal is deeply suppressed by deep fading, path loss and shadowing, the received carrier power must be increased in order to avoid degrading communication quality and provide high reliability at the cost of lower system throughput. A repetition coding is very attractive in providing the high reliability with simple configuration and the low decoding complexity of maximal ratio combining. In order to analytically confirm the effectiveness of repetition coded OFDM systems, we theoretically analyze the effect of increasing the number of repetitions (diversity branches) and acquiring both time and frequency diversity gain, and then derive a closed-form equation of average bit error rate (BER) to easily but precisely evaluate the performance.

  • A Service Design Method for Transmission Rate Control in Multitasking That Takes Attention Shift into Account

    Sumaru NIIDA  Satoshi UEMURA  Shigehiro ANO  


    E98-B No:1

    With the rapid growth of high performance ICT (Information Communication Technologies) devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs, multitasking has become one of the popular ways of using mobile devices. The reasons users have adopted multitask operation are that it reduces the level of dissatisfaction regarding waiting time and makes effective use of time by switching their attention from the waiting process to other content. This is a good solution to the problem of waiting; however, it may cause another problem, which is the increase in traffic volume due to the multiple applications being worked on simultaneously. Thus, an effective method to control throughput adapted to the multitasking situation is required. This paper proposes a transmission rate control method for web browsing that takes multitasking behavior into account and quantitatively demonstrates the effect of service by two different field experiments. The main contribution of this paper is to present a service design process for a new transmission rate control that takes into account human-network interaction based on the human-centered approach. We show that the degree of satisfaction in relation to waiting time did not degrade even when a field trial using a testbed showed that throughput of the background task was reduced by 40%.

  • Security Analysis on AUTH Protocol and Its Variant against the Man-in-the-Middle Attack

    Kosei ENDO  Noboru KUNIHIRO  


    E98-A No:1

    At Eurocrypt 2011, Kiltz et al. presented two efficient authentication protocols for resource-constrained devices such as radio-frequency identification tags. Kiltz et al. proved that their protocols were provably secure against active attackers. However, they did not refer to the security against man-in-the-middle (MIM) attackers. In this paper, we analyze the security of the protocols against the MIM attacks and reveal the vulnerabilities. More concretely, we propose MIM attacks on them and evaluate authentication rounds required in these attacks precisely. We assume that the tag and reader share a 2l-bit secret key. The expected number of authentication rounds to recover the secret information in the first and second protocol is at most 2l+2 and 4l+4, respectively. These attacks do not contradict the proof of security since the MIM attack is located outside the attack model that Kiltz et al. considered.

  • Trends and Development of Information-Theoretic Cryptography

    Junji SHIKATA  


    E98-A No:1

    This paper briefly deals with a wide range of topics in information-theoretic cryptography. First, we focus on the results on symmetric-key encryption and authentication codes, since these protocols are fundamental in the field and well studied in the frameworks by Shannon and Simmons, respectively. Secondly, we explain several existing assumptions and security criteria whose merit mainly lies in realizing cryptographic protocols with short/weak shared secret-keys, correlated weak secret-keys, or no shared secrets. Thirdly, we consider research themes by three aspects for further development of information-theoretic cryptography. Finally, we refer to trends of technical approaches in information-theoretic cryptography and explain our recent results brought by using the approach.

  • Generalization to Any Field of Toeplitz Matrix Vector Product Based on Multi-Way Splitting Method and Its Application

    Sun-Mi PARK  Ku-Young CHANG  Dowon HONG  Changho SEO  

    PAPER-Algorithms and Data Structures

    E98-A No:1

    In several important applications, we often encounter with the computation of a Toeplitz matrix vector product (TMVP). In this work, we propose a k-way splitting method for a TMVP over any field F, which is a generalization of that over GF(2) presented by Hasan and Negre. Furthermore, as an application of the TMVP method over F, we present the first subquadratic space complexity multiplier over any finite field GF(pn) defined by an irreducible trinomial.

  • Robust Time Synchronization Algorithm for IEEE 802.11ac WLAN Systems

    Soohyun JANG  Jaeyoung ROH  Seongjoo LEE  Yunho JUNG  

    LETTER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E98-A No:1

    In this letter, a robust time synchronization algorithm is proposed for MIMO-OFDM based WLAN systems. IEEE 802.11ac MIMO-OFDM WLAN standard specifies that the preamble with cyclic shift diversity (CSD) scheme is used for time and frequency synchronization. However, since the CSD scheme introduces multiple cross-correlation peaks at the receiver, serious performance degradation appears if the conventional cross-correlation based algorithm is applied. In the proposed algorithm, the time synchronization error due to multiple peaks is compensated by adding the cross-correlation value to its reverse cyclic-shifted version. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves an SNR gain of 1.5 to 4.5dB for the synchronization failure rate of 10-2 compared with the existing algorithms.
