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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Highly Reliable Non-volatile Logic Circuit Technology and Its Application Open Access

    Hiromitsu KIMURA  Zhiyong ZHONG  Yuta MIZUOCHI  Norihiro KINOUCHI  Yoshinobu ICHIDA  Yoshikazu FUJIMORI  


    E97-D No:9

    A ferroelectric-based (FE-based) non-volatile logic is proposed for low-power LSI. Standby currents in a logic circuit can be cut off by using FE-based non-volatile flip-flops (NVFFs), and the standby power can be reduced to zero. The FE capacitor is accessed only when the power turns on/off, performance of the NVFF is almost as same as that of the conventional flip-flop (FF) in a logic operation. The use of complementarily stored data in coupled FE capacitors makes it possible to realize wide read voltage margin, which guarantees 10 years retention at 85 degree Celsius under less than 1.5V operation. The low supply voltage and electro-static discharge (ESD) detection technique prevents data destruction caused by illegal access for the FE capacitor during standby state. Applying the proposed circuitry in CPU, the write and read operation for all FE capacitors in 1.6k-bit NVFFs are performed within 7µs and 3µs with access energy of 23.1nJ and 8.1nJ, respectively, using 130nm CMOS with Pb(Zr,Ti)O3(PZT) thin films.

  • Radiation Distribution Measurements in Fukushima Prefecture Open Access

    Nobuo NAKAJIMA  


    E97-B No:9

    On March 11, 2011, a huge tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake destroyed all the electrical power facilities in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. As a result, the reactors were badly damaged, and radioactive particles were widely scattered in the surrounding areas. In order to study the behavior of the radioactive particles emitted from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, different measurement tools were developed. This paper describes two types of wireless radiation sensor networks and a two-dimensional radiation-level mapping system using a radio-controlled multi-copter. The measurements were analyzed, and the following conclusions were made regarding the radioactive particle distribution and its variation with time.(1) Radiation level has gradually decreased with time.(2) The rate of decrease in radiation is faster than that calculated from the half-life.(3) The radiation-level distribution is not uniform and sharply varies even within short distances such as tens of meters.(4) The locations of the hot spots have not changed, and the peak radiation levels are constantly decreasing.By using two-dimensional maps, the radiation levels can be lowered more effectively by selectively removing the highly radioactive materials. The residents can also use the map to reduce their exposure to radiation by avoiding hot spots.

  • Formal Design of Arithmetic Circuits over Galois Fields Based on Normal Basis Representations

    Kotaro OKAMOTO  Naofumi HOMMA  Takafumi AOKI  

    PAPER-VLSI Architecture

    E97-D No:9

    This paper presents a graph-based approach to designing arithmetic circuits over Galois fields (GFs) using normal basis representations. The proposed method is based on a graph-based circuit description called Galois-field Arithmetic Circuit Graph (GF-ACG). First, we extend GF-ACG representation to describe GFs defined by normal basis in addition to polynomial basis. We then apply the extended design method to Massey-Omura parallel multipliers which are well known as typical multipliers based on normal basis. We present the formal description of the multipliers in a hierarchical manner and show that the verification time can be greatly reduced in comparison with those of the conventional techniques. In addition, we design GF exponentiation circuits consisting of the Massey-Omura parallel multipliers and an inversion circuit over composite field GF(((22)2)2) in order to demonstrate the advantages of normal-basis circuits over polynomial-basis ones.

  • IDDQ Outlier Screening through Two-Phase Approach: Clustering-Based Filtering and Estimation-Based Current-Threshold Determination

    Michihiro SHINTANI  Takashi SATO  

    PAPER-Dependable Computing

    E97-D No:8

    We propose a novel IDDQ outlier screening flow through a two-phase approach: a clustering-based filtering and an estimation-based current-threshold determination. In the proposed flow, a clustering technique first filters out chips that have high IDDQ current. Then, in the current-threshold determination phase, device-parameters of the unfiltered chips are estimated based on measured IDDQ currents through Bayesian inference. The estimated device-parameters will further be used to determine a statistical leakage current distribution for each test pattern and to calculate a and suitable current-threshold. Numerical experiments using a virtual wafer show that our proposed technique is 14 times more accurate than the neighbor nearest residual (NNR) method and can achieve 80% of the test escape in the case of small leakage faults whose ratios of leakage fault sizes to the nominal IDDQ current are above 40%.

  • Joint Lifetime-Utility Cross-Layer Optimization for Network Coding-Based Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with Matrix Game and Multiple Payoffs

    Jain-Shing LIU  


    E97-B No:8

    Maximizing network lifetime and optimizing aggregate system utility are important but usually conflict goals in wireless multi-hop networks. For the trade-off, we present a matrix game-theoretic cross-layer optimization formulation to jointly maximize the diverse objectives in such networks with network coding. To this end, we introduce a cross-layer formulation of general network utility maximization (NUM) that accommodates routing, scheduling, and stream control from different layers in the coded networks. Specifically, for the scheduling problem and then the objective function involved, we develop a matrix game with the strategy sets of the players corresponding to hyperlink and transmission mode, and design multiple payoffs specific to lifetime and system utility, respectively. In particular, with the inherit merit that matrix game can be solved with mathematical programming, our cross-layer programming formulation actually benefits from both game-based and NUM-based approaches at the same time by cooperating the programming model for the matrix game with that for the other layers in a consistent framework. Finally, our numerical experiments quantitatively exemplify the possible performance trad-offs with respect to the two variants developed on the multiple objectives in question while qualitatively exhibiting the differences between the framework and the other related works.

  • Limited Feedback for Cooperative Multicell MIMO Systems with Multiple Receive Antennas

    Yating WU  Tao WANG  Yanzan SUN  Yidong CUI  

    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E97-B No:8

    Multicell cooperation is a promising technique to mitigate the inter-cell interference and improve the sum rate in cellular systems. Limited feedback design is of great importance to base station cooperation as it provides the quantized channel state information (CSI) of both the desired and interfering channels to the transmitters. Most studies on multicell limited feedback deal with scenarios of a single receive antenna at the mobile user. This paper, however, applies limited feedback to cooperative multicell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems where both base stations and users are equipped with multiple antennas. An optimized feedback strategy with random vector quantization (RVQ) codebook is proposed for interference aware coordinated beamforming that approximately maximizes the lower bound of the sum rate. By minimizing the upper-bound on the mean sum-rate loss induced by the quantization errors, we present a feedback-bit allocation algorithm to divide the available feedback bits between the desired and interfering channels for arbitrary number of transmit and receive antennas under different interfering signal strengths. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme utilizes the feedback resource effectively and achieves sum-rate performance reasonably close to the full CSI case.

  • Speaker Adaptation Based on PPCA of Acoustic Models in a Two-Way Array Representation

    Yongwon JEONG  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:8

    We propose a speaker adaptation method based on the probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) of acoustic models. We define a training matrix which is represented in a two-way array and decompose the training models by PPCA to construct bases. In the two-way array representation, each training model is represented as a matrix and the columns of each training matrix are treated as training vectors. We formulate the adaptation equation in the maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework using the bases and the prior.

  • Write Avoidance Cache Coherence Protocol for Non-volatile Memory as Last-Level Cache in Chip-Multiprocessor

    Ju Hee CHOI  Jong Wook KWAK  Chu Shik JHON  

    LETTER-Computer System

    E97-D No:8

    Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) are considered as promising memory technologies for Last-Level Cache (LLC) due to their low leakage and high density. However, NVMs have some drawbacks such as high dynamic energy in modifying NVM cells, long latency for write operation, and limited write endurance. A number of approaches have been proposed to overcome these drawbacks. But very little attention is paid to consider the cache coherency issue. In this letter, we suggest a new cache coherence protocol to reduce the write operations of the LLC. In our protocol, the block data of the LLC is updated only if the cache block is written-back from a private cache, which leads to avoiding useless write operations in the LLC. The simulation results show that our protocol provides 27.1% energy savings and 26.3% lifetime improvements in STT-RAM at maximum.

  • Superpixel Based Depth Map Generation for Stereoscopic Video Conversion

    Jie FENG  Xiangyu LIN  Hanjie MA  Jie HU  

    PAPER-Image Recognition, Computer Vision

    E97-D No:8

    In this paper, we propose a superpixel based depth map generation scheme for the application to monoscopic to stereoscopic video conversion. The proposed algorithm employs four main processes to generate depth maps for all frames in the video sequences. First, the depth maps of the key frames in the input sequence are generated by superpixel merging and some user interactions. Second, the frames in the input sequences are over-segmented by Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) or depth aided SLIC method depending on whether or not they have the depth maps. Third, each superpixel in current frame is used to match the corresponding superpixel in its previous frame. Finally, depth map is propagated with a joint bilateral filter based on the estimated matching vector of each superpixel. We show an improved performance of the proposed algorithm through experimental results.

  • Distributed Source Coding for Real-Time ECG Signal Monitoring

    Hung-Tsai WU  Wei-Ying TSAI  Wen-Whei CHANG  

    PAPER-Biological Engineering

    E97-D No:8

    Wireless patient monitoring is an active research area with the goal of ubiquitous health care services. This study presents a novel means of exploiting the distributed source coding (DSC) in low-complexity compression of ECG signals. We first convert the ECG data compression to an equivalent channel coding problem and exploit a linear channel code for the DSC construction. Performance is further enhanced by the use of a correlation channel that more precisely characterizes the statistical dependencies of ECG signals. Also proposed is a modified BCJR algorithm which performs symbol decoding of binary convolutional codes to better exploit the source's a priori information. Finally, a complete setup system for online ambulatory ECG monitoring via mobile cellular networks is presented. Experiments on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database and real-time acquired ECG signals demonstrate that the proposed system outperforms other schemes in terms of encoder complexity and coding efficiency.

  • Comparison of Output Devices for Augmented Audio Reality

    Kazuhiro KONDO  Naoya ANAZAWA  Yosuke KOBAYASHI  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E97-D No:8

    We compared two audio output devices for augmented audio reality applications. In these applications, we plan to use speech annotations on top of the actual ambient environment. Thus, it becomes essential that these audio output devices are able to deliver intelligible speech annotation along with transparent delivery of the environmental auditory scene. Two candidate devices were compared. The first output was the bone-conduction headphone, which can deliver speech signals by vibrating the skull, while normal hearing is left intact for surrounding noise since these headphones leave the ear canals open. The other is the binaural microphone/earphone combo, which is in a form factor similar to a regular earphone, but integrates a small microphone at the ear canal entry. The input from these microphones can be fed back to the earphones along with the annotation speech. We also compared these devices to normal hearing (i.e., without headphones or earphones) for reference. We compared the speech intelligibility when competing babble noise is simultaneously given from the surrounding environment. It was found that the binaural combo can generally deliver speech signals at comparable or higher intelligibility than the bone-conduction headphones. However, with the binaural combo, we found that the ear canal transfer characteristics were altered significantly by shutting the ear canals closed with the earphones. Accordingly, if we employed a compensation filter to account for this transfer function deviation, the resultant speech intelligibility was found to be significantly higher. However, both of these devices were found to be acceptable as audio output devices for augmented audio reality applications since both are able to deliver speech signals at high intelligibility even when a significant amount of competing noise is present. In fact, both of these speech output methods were able to deliver speech signals at higher intelligibility than natural speech, especially when the SNR was low.

  • Applying Association Analysis to Dynamic Slicing Based Fault Localization

    Heling CAO  Shujuan JIANG  Xiaolin JU  Yanmei ZHANG  Guan YUAN  

    PAPER-Software Engineering

    E97-D No:8

    Fault localization is a necessary process of locating faults in buggy programs. This paper proposes a novel approach using dynamic slicing and association analysis to improve the effectiveness of fault localization. Our approach utilizes dynamic slicing to generate a reduced candidate set to narrow the range of faults, and introduces association analysis to mine the relationship between the statements in the execution traces and the test results. In addition, we develop a prototype tool DSFL to implement our approach. Furthermore, we perform a set of empirical studies with 12 Java programs to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The experimental results show that our approach is more effective than the compared approaches.

  • Light Source Estimation in Mobile Augmented Reality Scenes by Using Human Face Geometry

    Emre KOC  Selim BALCISOY  

    PAPER-Augmented Reality

    E97-D No:8

    Light source estimation and virtual lighting must be believable in terms of appearance and correctness in augmented reality scenes. As a result of illumination complexity in an outdoor scene, realistic lighting for augmented reality is still a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a framework based on an estimation of environmental lighting from well-defined objects, specifically human faces. The method is tuned for outdoor use, and the algorithm is further enhanced to illuminate virtual objects exposed to direct sunlight. Our model can be integrated into existing mobile augmented reality frameworks to enhance visual perception.

  • An Immersive and Interactive Map Touring System Based on Traveler Conceptual Models

    Hadziq FABROYIR  Wei-Chung TENG  Yen-Chun LIN  


    E97-D No:8

    Digital map systems can be categorized, based on the support they provide, into map navigation systems and map touring systems. Map navigation systems put more focus on helping travelers finding routes or directions instantly. By contrast, map touring systems such as Google Maps running on desktop computers are built to support users in developing their routes and survey knowledge before they go for travel. In this paper, traveler conceptual models are proposed as an interaction paradigm to enhance user immersion and interaction experience on map touring systems. A map touring system, MapXplorer, is also introduced as a proof of concept with its system design and implementation explained in detail. Twenty participants were invited to join the user study that investigates users' performance and preferences on navigation and exploration tasks. The results of experiments show that the proposed system surpasses traditional map touring systems on both navigation and exploration tasks for about 50 percent on average, and provides better user experience.

  • Low Complexity Channel Assignment for IEEE 802.11b/g Multi-Cell WLANs

    Mohamed ELWEKEIL  Masoud ALGHONIEMY  Osamu MUTA  Hiroshi FURUKAWA  

    PAPER-Communication Theory and Signals

    E97-A No:8

    Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are widely deployed for internet access. Multiple interfering Access Points (APs) lead to a significant increase in collisions, that reduces throughput and affects media traffic. Thus, interference mitigation among different APs becomes a crucial issue in Multi-Cell WLAN systems. One solution to this issue is to assign a different frequency channel to each AP so as to prevent neighboring cells from operating on the same channel. However, most of the existing WLANs today operate in the unlicensed 2.4GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band, which suffers from lack of the available channels. Therefore, effective channel assignment to minimize the interference in Multi-Cell WLANs is necessary. In this article, we formulate the channel assignment problem as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problem that minimizes the worst case total interference power. The main advantage of this algorithm is that it provides a global solution and at the same time guarantees a non-overlapping channel assignment. We also propose a Lagrangian relaxation approach to transform the MILP into a low complexity linear program which can be solved efficiently in real time, even for large sized networks. Simulation results reveal that both the MILP algorithm and the Lagrangian relaxation approach provide a total interference reduction below the default setting of having all APs assigned the same channel. In addition, simulation results on cumulative density function (CDF) of the SINR at the user level prove the validity of the proposed algorithms.

  • Joint Source Power Allocation and Distributed Relay Beamforming Design in Cognitive Two-Way Relay Networks

    Binyue LIU  Guiguo FENG  Wangmei GUO  


    E97-B No:8

    This paper studies an underlay-based cognitive two-way relay network which consists of a primary network (PN) and a secondary network (SN). Two secondary users (SUs) exchange information with the aid of multiple single-antenna amplify-and-forward relays while a primary transmitter communicates with a primary receiver in the same spectrum. Unlike the existing contributions, the transmit powers of the SUs and the distributed beamforming weights of the relays are jointly optimized to minimize the sum interference power from the SN to the PN under the quality-of-service (QoS) constraints of the SUs determined by their output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) and the transmit power constraints of the SUs and relays. This approach leads to a non-convex optimization problem which is computationally intractable in general. We first investigate two necessary conditions that optimal solutions should satisfy. Then, the non-convex minimization problem is solved analytically based on the obtained conditions for single-relay scenarios. For multi-relay scenarios, an iterative numerical algorithm is proposed to find suboptimal solutions with low computational complexity. It is shown that starting with an arbitrarily initial feasible point, the limit point of the solution sequence derived from the iterative algorithm satisfies the two necessary conditions. To apply this algorithm, two approaches are developed to find an initial feasible point. Finally, simulation results show that on average, the proposed low-complexity solution considerably outperforms the scheme without source power control and performs close to the optimal solution obtained by a grid search technique which has prohibitively high computational complexity.

  • Deduplication TAR Scheme Using User-Level File System

    Young-Woong KO  Min-Ja KIM  Jeong-Gun LEE  Chuck YOO  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E97-D No:8

    In this paper, we propose a new user-level file system to support block relocation by modifying the file allocation table without actual data copying. The key idea of the proposed system is to provide the block insertion and deletion function for file manipulation. This approach can be used very effectively for block-aligned file modification applications such as a compress utility and a TAR archival system. To show the usefulness of the proposed file system, we adapted the new functionality to TAR application by modifying TAR file to support an efficient sub-file management scheme. Experiment results show that the proposed system can significantly reduce the file I/O overhead and improve the I/O performance of a file system.

  • Trajectory Outlier Detection Based on Multi-Factors

    Lei ZHANG  Zimu HU  Guang YANG  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E97-D No:8

    Most existing outlier detection algorithms only utilized location of trajectory points and neglected some important factors such as speed, acceleration, and corner. To address this problem, we present a Trajectory Outlier Detection algorithm based on Multi-Factors (TODMF). TODMF is improved in terms of distance-based outlier detection algorithms. It combines multi-factors into outlier detection to find more meaningful trajectory outliers. We resort to Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) to optimize the number of factors when determining what factors will be considered. Finally, the experiments with real trajectory data sets show that TODMF performs efficiently and effectively when applied to the problem of trajectory outlier detection.

  • A 2-Gb/s CMOS SLVS Transmitter with Asymmetric Impedance Calibration for Mobile Interfaces

    Kwang-Hun LEE  Young-Chan JANG  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E97-C No:8

    A scalable low voltage signaling (SLVS) transmitter, with asymmetric impedance calibration, is proposed for mobile applications which require low power consumption. The voltage swing of the proposed SLVS transmitter is scalable from 40,mV to 440,mV. The proposed asymmetric impedance calibration asymmetrically controls the pull-up and pull-down drivers for the SLVS transmitter with an impedance of 50,$Omega$. This makes it possible to remove the additional regulator used to calibrate the impedance of an output driver by controlling the swing level of a pre-driver. It also maintains the common mode voltage at the center voltage level of the transmitted signal. The proposed SVLS transmitter is implemented using a 0.18-$mu $m 1-poly 6-metal CMOS process with a 1.2-V supply. The active area and power consumption of the transmitter are $250 imes 123 mu$ m$^{2}$ and 2.9,mW/Gb/s, respectively.

  • A 10-bit 100 MS/s Successive Approximation Register Analog-To-Digital Converter Design

    Jhin-Fang HUANG  Wen-Cheng LAI  Cheng-Gu HSIEH  

    BRIEF PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E97-C No:8

    In this paper, a 1.8-V 10-bit 100,MS/s successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) simulated in a TSMC 0.18-$mu$m CMOS process is presented. By applying ten comparators followed by an asynchronous trigger logic, the proposed SAR ADC achieves high speed operation. Compared to the conventional SAR ADC, there is no significant delay in the digital feedback logic in this design. With the sampling rate limited only by the ten delays of the capacitor DAC settling and comparators quantization, the proposed SAR ADC achieves a peak SNDR of 61.2,dB at 100,MS/s and 80,MS/s, consuming 3.2,mW and 3.1,mW respectively.
