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[Keyword] ATI(18690hit)


  • Mining Co-location Relationships among Bug Reports to Localize Fault-Prone Modules

    Ing-Xiang CHEN  Chien-Hung LI  Cheng-Zen YANG  

    PAPER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E93-D No:5

    Automated bug localization is an important issue in software engineering. In the last few decades, various proactive and reactive localization approaches have been proposed to predict the fault-prone software modules. However, most proactive or reactive approaches need source code information or software complexity metrics to perform localization. In this paper, we propose a reactive approach which considers only bug report information and historical revision logs. In our approach, the co-location relationships among bug reports are explored to improve the prediction accuracy of a state-of-the-art learning method. Studies on three open source projects reveal that the proposed scheme can consistently improve the prediction accuracy in all three software projects by nearly 11.6% on average.

  • New Low-Voltage Low-Latency Mixed-Voltage I/O Buffer

    Joung-Yeal KIM  Su-Jin PARK  Yong-Ki KIM  Sang-Keun HAN  Young-Hyun JUN  Chilgee LEE  Tae Hee HAN  Bai-Sun KONG  

    LETTER-Integrated Electronics

    E93-C No:5

    A new mixed-voltage I/O buffer for low-voltage low-latency operation is proposed in this paper. The proposed buffer adopts a novel delay-based timing-control scheme to efficiently avoid problems like gate-oxide stress and hot-carrier degradation. The proposed timing-control scheme also allows the buffer to have a lower latency for transmitting data by avoiding the use of timing-critical circuits like series-connected transmission gates (TGs) and triple-stacked transistors. The latency for receiving data at low supply voltage is also reduced by employing a variable stacked transistor gate-biasing scheme. Comparison results in an 80-nm CMOS process indicated that the proposed mixed-voltage I/O buffer improved up to 79.3% for receiving the external data and up to 23.8% for transmitting the internal data at a supply voltage of 1.2 V.

  • Cryptanalysis of Hwang-Lo-Hsiao-Chu Authenticated Encryption Schemes

    Mohamed RASSLAN  Amr YOUSSEF  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E93-D No:5

    Tseng et al. proposed two efficient authenticated encryption schemes with message linkages for message flows. Hwang et al. (IEICE Trans. Inf. and Syst., Vol. E89-D, No. 4, April 2006) presented a forgery attack against these two schemes and proposed an improvement that they claim resists such attacks. In this paper, we show that the improved authenticated encryption schemes proposed by Hwang et al. are not secure by presenting another message forgery attack against these improved schemes.

  • Proportionate Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithms Based on Coefficient Difference

    Ligang LIU  Masahiro FUKUMOTO  Sachio SAIKI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E93-A No:5

    The proportionate normalized least mean square algorithm (PNLMS) greatly improves the convergence of the sparse impulse response. It exploits the shape of the impulse response to decide the proportionate step gain for each coefficient. This is not always suitable. Actually, the proportionate step gain should be determined according to the difference between the current estimate of the coefficient and its optimal value. Based on this idea, an approach is proposed to determine the proportionate step gain. The proposed approach can improve the convergence of proportionate adaptive algorithms after a fast initial period. It even behaves well for the non-sparse impulse response. Simulations verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

  • Access Load Balancing with Analogy to Thermal Diffusion for Dynamic P2P File-Sharing Environments

    Masanori TAKAOKA  Masato UCHIDA  Kei OHNISHI  Yuji OIE  


    E93-B No:5

    In this paper, we propose a file replication method to achieve load balancing in terms of write access to storage device ("write storage access load balancing" for short) in unstructured peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing networks in which the popularity trend of queried files varies dynamically. The proposed method uses a write storage access ratio as a load balance index value in order to stabilize dynamic P2P file-sharing environments adaptively. In the proposed method, each peer autonomously controls the file replication ratio, which is defined as a probability to create the replica of the file in order to uniform write storage access loads in the similar way to thermal diffusion phenomena. Theoretical analysis results show that the behavior of the proposed method actually has an analogy to a thermal diffusion equation. In addition, simulation results reveal that the proposed method has an ability to realize write storage access load balancing in the dynamic P2P file-sharing environments.

  • Modeling and Performance Analysis of the Movement-Based Registration with Implicit Registration

    Jang Hyun BAEK  Jong Hun PARK  Douglas C. SICKER  Taehan LEE  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:5

    This study examines movement-based registration (MBR). In MBR, a mobile station (MS) performs location registration whenever the number of entering cells reaches the specified movement threshold M. MBR is simple and its implementation is quite straightforward. However, it may result in more registrations than other similar schemes. We propose an improved MBR scheme, in which MBR combines with implicit registration (IR), to reduce registration cost. The performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated using a mathematical approach based on the 2-dimensional random walk mobility model in a hexagonal cell configuration. The numerical results for varying circumstances show that the proposed scheme performs better than conventional MBR.

  • Quantum Communication Experiments Using Telecom-Band Entangled Photons

    Hiroki TAKESUE  Toshimori HONJO  Kenichi HARADA  Benjamin MIQUEL  


    E93-A No:5

    Entanglement is expected to play a crucial role in the next-generation quantum communication systems. This paper reviews recent quantum communication experiments over optical fiber using 1.5-µm telecom-band entangled photon pairs. After describing the telecom-band entanglement sources based on spontaneous parametric processes, we review three quantum communication experiments using entangled photons: a long-distance entanglement distribution, an entanglement-based quantum key distribution, and an entanglement swapping.

  • Performance Evaluation of OFDM Amplify-and-Forward Relay System with Subcarrier Permutation


    PAPER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:5

    We perform error probability analysis of the uncoded OFDM fixed gain Amplify-and-Forward (AF) relaying system with subcarrier permutation (SCP). Two SCP schemes, named: the best-to-best SCP (BTB SCP) and the best-to-worst SCP (BTW SCP) are considered. Closed-form expressions for the bit error rate (BER) of the above SCP methods are derived. Numerical results manifest that these SCP schemes may outperform one another, depending on the average channel conditions of the links involved. That is, BTB SCP is better at low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values, while BTW SCP prevails in the medium and high SNR regime. Thus, it could be concluded that OFDM AF relaying systems may switch from the BTB SCP to BTW SCP in order to achieve optimum BER performance. Moreover, using the derived end-to-end SNR probability density functions (PDF), tight upper bounds for the ergodic capacities of both SCP schemes are obtained.

  • On-Chip Charged Device Model ESD Protection Design Method Using Very Fast Transmission Line Pulse System for RF ICs

    Jae-Young PARK  Jong-Kyu SONG  Dae-Woo KIM  Chang-Soo JANG  Won-Young JUNG  Taek-Soo KIM  

    PAPER-Analog/RF Devices

    E93-C No:5

    An on-chip Charged Device Model (CDM) ESD protection method for RF ICs is proposed in a 0.13 µm RF process and evaluated by using very fast Transmission Line Pulse (vf-TLP) system. Key design parameters such as triggering voltage (Vt1) and the oxide breakdown voltage from the vf-TLP measurement are used to design input ESD protection circuits for a RF test chip. The characterization and the behavior of a Low Voltage Triggered Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) which used for ESD protection clamp under vf-TLP measurements are also reported. The results measured by vf-TLP system showed that the triggering voltage decreased and the second breakdown current increased in comparison with the results measured by a standard 100 ns TLP system. From the HBM/ CDM testing, the RF test chip successfully met the requested RF ESD withstand level, HBM 1 kV, MM 100 V and CDM 500 V.

  • Study of the DC Performance of Fabricated Magnetic Tunnel Junction Integrated on Back-End Metal Line of CMOS Circuits

    Fumitaka IGA  Masashi KAMIYANAGI  Shoji IKEDA  Katsuya MIURA  Jun HAYAKAWA  Haruhiro HASEGAWA  Takahiro HANYU  Hideo OHNO  Tetsuo ENDOH  

    PAPER-Flash/Advanced Memory

    E93-C No:5

    In this paper, we have succeeded in the fabrication of high performance Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ) which is integrated in CMOS circuit with 4-Metal/ 1-poly Gate 0.14 µm CMOS process. We have measured the DC characteristics of the MTJ that is fabricated on via metal of 3rd layer metal line. This MTJ of 60180 nm2 achieves a large change in resistance of 3.52 kΩ (anti-parallel) with TMR ratio of 151% at room temperature, which is large enough for sensing scheme of standard CMOS logic. Furthermore, the write current is 320 µA that can be driven by a standard MOS transistor. As the results, it is shown that the DC performance of our fabricated MTJ integrated in CMOS circuits is very good for our novel spin logic (MTJ-based logic) device.

  • A Robust Room Inverse Filtering Algorithm for Speech Dereverberation Based on a Kurtosis Maximization

    Jae-woong JEONG  Young-cheol PARK  Dae-hee YOUN  Seok-Pil LEE  

    LETTER-Speech and Hearing

    E93-D No:5

    In this paper, we propose a robust room inverse filtering algorithm for speech dereverberation based on a kurtosis maximization. The proposed algorithm utilizes a new normalized kurtosis function that nonlinearly maps the input kurtosis onto a finite range from zero to one, which results in a kurtosis warping. Due to the kurtosis warping, the proposed algorithm provides more stable convergence and, in turn, better performance than the conventional algorithm. Experimental results are presented to confirm the robustness of the proposed algorithm.

  • Generalized Hash Chain Traversal with Selective Output

    Dae Hyun YUM  Jae Woo SEO  Kookrae CHO  Pil Joong LEE  

    LETTER-Data Engineering, Web Information Systems

    E93-D No:5

    A hash chain H for a one-way hash function h() is a sequence of hash values < v0, v1, ..., vn >, where v0 is a public value, vn a secret value, and vi = h(vi+1). A hash chain traversal T computes and outputs the hash chain H, returning vi in time period (called round) i for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. While previous hash chain traversal algorithms were designed to output all hash values vi (1 ≤ i ≤ n) in order, there are applications where every m-th hash value (i.e., vm, v2m, v3m, ...) is required to be output. We introduce a hash chain traversal algorithm that selectively outputs every m-th hash value efficiently. The main technique is a transformation from a hash chain traversal algorithm outputting every hash value into that outputting every m-th hash value. Compared with the direct use of previous hash chain traversal algorithms, our proposed method requires less memory storages and computational costs.

  • SONOS-Type Flash Memory with HfO2 Thinner than 4 nm as Trapping Layer Using Atomic Layer Deposition

    Jae Sub OH  Kwang Il CHOI  Young Su KIM  Min Ho KANG  Myeong Ho SONG  Sung Kyu LIM  Dong Eun YOO  Jeong Gyu PARK  Hi Deok LEE  Ga Won LEE  

    PAPER-Flash/Advanced Memory

    E93-C No:5

    A HfO2 as the charge-storage layer with the physical thickness thinner than 4 nm in silicon-oxide-high-k oxide-oxide-silicon (SOHOS) flash memory was investigated. Compared to the conventional silicon-oxide-nitride-oxide-silicon (SONOS) flash memory, the SOHOS shows the slow operational speed and exhibits the poorer retention characteristics. These are attributed to the thin physical thickness below 4 nm and the crystallization of the HfO2 to contribute the lateral migration of the trapped charge in the trapping layer during high temperature annealing process.

  • Study of a PMD Tolerance Extension by InP HBT Analog EDC IC without Adaptive Control in 43G DQPSK Transmission

    Toshihiro ITOH  Kimikazu SANO  Hiroyuki FUKUYAMA  Koichi MURATA  

    PAPER-Compound Semiconductor Devices

    E93-C No:5

    We experimentally studied the polarization mode dispersion (PMD) tolerance of an feed-forward equalizer (FFE) electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) IC in the absence of adaptive control, in 43-Gbit/s RZ-DQPSK transmission. Using a 3-tap FFE IC composed of InP HBTs, differential group delay (DGD) tolerance at a 2-dB Q penalty is shown to be extended from 25 ps to up to 29 ps. When a polarization scrambler is used, the tolerance is further extended to 31 ps. This value is close to the tolerance obtained with adaptive control, without a polarization scrambler.

  • User-Adapted Recommendation of Content on Mobile Devices Using Bayesian Networks

    Hirotoshi IWASAKI  Nobuhiro MIZUNO  Kousuke HARA  Yoichi MOTOMURA  

    PAPER-Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining

    E93-D No:5

    Mobile devices, such as cellular phones and car navigation systems, are essential to daily life. People acquire necessary information and preferred content over communication networks anywhere, anytime. However, usability issues arise from the simplicity of user interfaces themselves. Thus, a recommendation of content that is adapted to a user's preference and situation will help the user select content. In this paper, we describe a method to realize such a system using Bayesian networks. This user-adapted mobile system is based on a user model that provides recommendation of content (i.e., restaurants, shops, and music that are suitable to the user and situation) and that learns incrementally based on accumulated usage history data. However, sufficient samples are not always guaranteed, since a user model would require combined dependency among users, situations, and contents. Therefore, we propose the LK method for modeling, which complements incomplete and insufficient samples using knowledge data, and CPT incremental learning for adaptation based on a small number of samples. In order to evaluate the methods proposed, we applied them to restaurant recommendations made on car navigation systems. The evaluation results confirmed that our model based on the LK method can be expected to provide better generalization performance than that of the conventional method. Furthermore, our system would require much less operation than current car navigation systems from the beginning of use. Our evaluation results also indicate that learning a user's individual preference through CPT incremental learning would be beneficial to many users, even with only a few samples. As a result, we have developed the technology of a system that becomes more adapted to a user the more it is used.

  • Fine-Grain Feature Extraction from Malware's Scan Behavior Based on Spectrum Analysis

    Masashi ETO  Kotaro SONODA  Daisuke INOUE  Katsunari YOSHIOKA  Koji NAKAO  


    E93-D No:5

    Network monitoring systems that detect and analyze malicious activities as well as respond against them, are becoming increasingly important. As malwares, such as worms, viruses, and bots, can inflict significant damages on both infrastructure and end user, technologies for identifying such propagating malwares are in great demand. In the large-scale darknet monitoring operation, we can see that malwares have various kinds of scan patterns that involves choosing destination IP addresses. Since many of those oscillations seemed to have a natural periodicity, as if they were signal waveforms, we considered to apply a spectrum analysis methodology so as to extract a feature of malware. With a focus on such scan patterns, this paper proposes a novel concept of malware feature extraction and a distinct analysis method named "SPectrum Analysis for Distinction and Extraction of malware features (SPADE)". Through several evaluations using real scan traffic, we show that SPADE has the significant advantage of recognizing the similarities and dissimilarities between the same and different types of malwares.

  • Practical and Secure Recovery of Disk Encryption Key Using Smart Cards

    Kazumasa OMOTE  Kazuhiko KATO  


    E93-D No:5

    In key-recovery methods using smart cards, a user can recover the disk encryption key in cooperation with the system administrator, even if the user has lost the smart card including the disk encryption key. However, the disk encryption key is known to the system administrator in advance in most key-recovery methods. Hence user's disk data may be read by the system administrator. Furthermore, if the disk encryption key is not known to the system administrator in advance, it is difficult to achieve a key authentication. In this paper, we propose a scheme which enables to recover the disk encryption key when the user's smart card is lost. In our scheme, the disk encryption key is not preserved anywhere and then the system administrator cannot know the key before key-recovery phase. Only someone who has a user's smart card and knows the user's password can decrypt that user's disk data. Furthermore, we measured the processing time required for user authentication in an experimental environment using a virtual machine monitor. As a result, we found that this processing time is short enough to be practical.

  • A Survey on Image Hashing for Image Authentication

    Yang OU  Kyung Hyune RHEE  


    E93-D No:5

    The traditional cryptographic hash functions are sensitive to even one-bit difference of the input message. While multimedia data always undergo compression or other signal processing operations, which lead to the unsuitability of multimedia authentication using cryptographic hash. The image hashing has emerged recently which captures visual essentials for robust image authentication. In this paper, we give a comprehensive survey of image hashing. We present an overview of various image hashing schemes and discuss their advantages and limitations in terms of security, robustness, and discrimination under different types of operations on the image.

  • Performance Evaluation of Resource Allocation Scheme Based on Hierarchical Constellation in Cellular Networks

    Ki-Ho LEE  Hyun-Ho CHOI  Dong-Ho CHO  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E93-B No:5

    Hierarchical constellations offer a different property of robustness to the multiple bits that construct a symbol according to channel errors. We apply the characteristics of hierarchical constellations to a multi-user cellular system that has limited modulation levels, in order to improve cell capacity. We propose an adaptive resource allocation scheme based on the hierarchical constellation in which a symbol is shared by multiple users and each bit in a symbol is allocated adaptively according to the channel condition of each user. The numerical results show that the proposed resource allocation scheme provides mobile users with higher modulation levels so that the cell capacity is improved.

  • Towards Reliable E-Government Systems with the OTS/CafeOBJ Method

    Weiqiang KONG  Kazuhiro OGATA  Kokichi FUTATSUGI  

    PAPER-Formal Specification

    E93-D No:5

    System implementation for e-Government initiatives should be reliable. Unreliable system implementation could, on the one hand, be insufficient to fulfill basic system requirements, and more seriously on the other hand, break the trust of citizens on governments. The objective of this paper is to advocate the use of formal methods in general, the OTS/CafeOBJ method in particular in this paper, to help develop reliable system implementation for e-Government initiatives. An experiment with the OTS/CafeOBJ method on an e-Government messaging framework proposed for providing citizens with seamless public services is described to back up our advocation. Two previously not well-clarified problems of the framework and their potential harm realized in this experiment are reported, and possible ways of revisions to the framework are suggested as well. The revisions are proved to be sufficient for making the framework satisfy certain desired properties.
