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  • Tag-Partitioned Join

    Jeong Uk KIM  Jae Moon LEE  Myunghwan KIM  


    E75-D No:3

    A tag-partitioned join algorithm is described. The algorithm partitions only one relation, while other partition-based algorithms partition both relations. It is performed as the joinable tuples of one relation are rearranged and some of them are duplicated according to the original sequence of the join attribute values of the other relation. To do this, the algorithm first finds the positions of all the tuples of the other relation which are joinable with each tuple of one relation, and then partitions joinable tuples of one relation into buckets by using the positions found. Final joining is performed on the partitioned relation and the other relation. We analyze and compare the performance of the algorithm with that of other partition-based join algorithms. The comparison shows that our method is better than other partition-based methods under the practical values of the analysis parameters.

  • Separating Capabilities of Three Layer Neural Networks

    Ryuzo TAKIYAMA  

    SURVEY PAPER-Neural Systems

    E75-A No:5

    This paper reviews the capability of the three layer neural network (TLNN) with one output neuron. The input set is restricted to a finite subset S of En, and the TLNN implements a function F such as F : S I={1, -1}, i,e., F is a dichotomy of S. How many functions (dichotomies) can it compute by appropriately adjusting parameters in the TLNN? Brief historical review, some theorems on the subject obtained so far, and related topics are presented. Several open problems are also included.

  • A Practical Algorithm for Computing the Roundness

    Hiroyuki EBARA  Noriyuki FUKUYAMA  Hideo NAKANO  Yoshiro NAKANISHI  

    PAPER-Algorithm and Computational Complexity

    E75-D No:3

    Roundness is one of the most important geometric measures for circular objects in the process of mechanical assembly. It is the amount of variation in a circular size which can be permitted. To compute roundness, the authors have already proposed an exact polynomial-time algorithm whose time complexity is O(n2). In this paper, we show that this roundness algorithm can be improved more efficiently, by introducing the deletion of the unnecessary points, in practical applications. In addition, the computational experience of this revised algorithm is also presented.

  • Neural Networks Applied to Speech Recognition

    Hiroaki SAKOE  


    E75-A No:5

    Applications of neural networks are prevailing in speech recognition research. In this paper, first, suitable role of neural network (mainly back-propagation based multi-layer type) in speech recognition, is discussed. Considering that speech is a long, variable length, structured pattern, a direction, in which neural network is used in cooperation with existing structural analysis frameworks, is recommended. Activities are surveyed, including those intended to cooperatively merge neural networks into dynamic programming based structural analysis framework. It is observed that considerable efforts have been paid to suppress the high nonlinearity of network output. As far as surveyed, no experiment in real field has been reported.

  • Visual Communications in the U.S.

    Charles N. JUDICE  


    E75-B No:5

    To describe the state of visual communications in the U.S., two words come to mind: digital and anticipation. Although compressed, digital video has been used in teleconferencing systems for at least ten years, it is only recently that a broad consensus has developed among diverse industries anticipating business opportunities, value, or both in digital video. The drivers for this turning point are: advances in digital signal processing, continued improvement in the cost, complexity, and speed of VLSI, maturing international standards and their adoption by vendors and end users, and a seemingly insatiable consumer demand for greater diversity, accessibility, and control of communication systems.

  • Infinite Dimensional Homotopy Method of Calculating Solutions for Fredholm Operator with Index 1 and A-Proper Operator Equations

    Mitsunori MAKINO  Shin'ichi OISHI  Masahide KASHIWAGI  Kazuo HORIUCHI  

    LETTER-Nonlinear Systems

    E75-A No:5

    A type of infinite dimensional homotopy method is considered for numerically calculating a solution curve of a nonlinear functional equation being a Fredholm operator with index 1 and an A-proper operator. In this method, a property of so-called A-proper homotopy plays an important role.

  • Analysis of Time Transient EM Field Response from a Dielectric Spherical Cavity

    Hiroshi SHIRAI  Eiji NAKANO  Mikio YANO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:5

    Transient responses by a dielectric sphere have been analyzed here for a dipole source located at the center. The formulation has been constructed first in the frequency domain, then transformed into the time domain to obtain for an impulsive response by two analytical methods, namely the Singularity Expansion Method and the Wavefront Expansion Method. While the former method collects the contributions around the singularities in the complex frequency domain, the latter gives us a result which is a summation of each successive wavefront arrivals. A Gaussian pulse has been introduced to simulate an impulse response result. The Gaussian pulse response is analytically formulated by convolving Gaussian pulse with the corresponding impulse response. Numercal inversion results are also calculated by Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm. Numerical examples are shown here to compare the results obtained by these three methods and good agreement are obtained between them. Comments are often made in connection with the corresponding two dimensional cylindrical case.

  • An NC Algorithm for Computing Canonical Forms of Graphs of Bounded Separator

    Tatsuya AKUTSU  


    E75-A No:4

    Lingas developed an NC algorithm for subgraph isomorphism for connected graphs of bounded separator and bounded valence. We present an NC algorithm for computing canonical forms of graphs of bounded separator by using the similar technique.

  • Optical Frequency Division Multiplexing Systems--Review of Key Technologies and Applications--

    Hiromu TOBA  Kiyoshi NOSU  


    E75-B No:4

    This paper examines the key technologies and applications of optical frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. It is clarified that a 100-channel OFDM system is feasible as a result of multichannel frequency stabilization, common optical amplification and channel selection utilizing a tunable optical filter. Transmission limitation due to fiber four-wave mixing is also described. Major functions and applications of the OFDM are summarized and the applicability of OFDM add/drop multiplexing is examined.

  • Optimal Task Assignment in Hypercube Networks

    Sang-Young CHO  Cheol-Hoon LEE  Myunghwan KIM  


    E75-A No:4

    This paper deals with the problem of assigning tasks to the processors of a multiprocessor system such that the sum of execution and communication costs is minimized. If the number of processors is two, this problem can be solved efficiently using the network flow approach pioneered by Stone. This problem is, however, known to be NP-complete in the general case, and thus intractable for systems with a large number of processors. In this paper, we propose a network flow approach for the task assignment problem in homogeneous hypercube networks, i.e., hypercube networks with functionally identical processors. The task assignment problem for an n-dimensional homogeneous hypercube network of N (=2n) processors and M tasks is first transformed into n two-terminal network flow problems, and then solved in time no worse than O(M3 log N) by applying the Goldberg-Tarjan's maximum flow algorithm on each two-terminal network flow problem.

  • OFDR Diagnostics by a Phase Change Detection

    Yoh IMAI  Keigo IIZUKA  Masaaki IMAI  


    E75-B No:4

    A new type of optical frequency domain reflectometry is demonstrated. Optical carrier frequency is swept so that a phase of the backscattered light is shifted. Then, an interference output of the backscattered light is Fourier transformed. The farther the scattering point locates, the faster the phase of the backscattered light changes. Hence, the Fourier spectrum of the interference output displays the fault distribution along a wave-guide. In the present scheme, the theoretical resolution is inversely proportional to the frequency sweeping range of the optical source and is given by z=c/2nf, where f is the frequency sweeping range of the optical source. In a preliminary experiment, a Michelson type interferometer in which a target fiber of 20cm length is inserted in a probing arm. The reference arm is adjusted to be longer than the probing arm by about 1.8m. This is because the interference term between the backscattering light and the reference light should be separated from the interference term formed by the backscattering light itself. A LD pumped Nd: YAG ring laser whose frequency sweeping range is 20GHz is used as a variable wavelength source. The calculated resolution is 5mm for n=1.5 in fiber. A resultant spectrum in which the two peaks correspond to the reflections at both the fiber ends is obtained.

  • Proof Procedures and Axiom Sets in Petri Net Models of Horn Clause Propositional Logic--Minimum Modification for Provability--

    Toshimasa WATANABE  Naomoto KATO  Kenji ONAGA  


    E75-A No:4

    The subject of the paper is to analyze time complexity of the minimum modification problem in the Horn clause propositional logic. Given a set H of Horn clauses and a query Q in propositional logic, we say that Q is provable over H if and only if Q can be shown to be true by repeating Modus Ponens among clauses of H. Suppose that Q is not provable over H, and we are going to modify H and Q into H and Q , respectively, such that Q is provable over H . The problem of making such modification by minimum variable deletion (MVD), by minimum clause addition (MCA) or by their combination (MVDCA) is considered. Each problem is shown to be NP-complete, and some approximation algorithms with their experimental evaluation are given.

  • A 1.55-µm Lightwave Frequency Synthesizer

    Osamu ISHIDA  Hiromu TOBA  


    E75-B No:4

    A frame-installed lightwave synthesizer is constructed for optical frequency-division-multiplexing (FDM) communication. The synthesizer consists of two DFB diode lasers, electrical feedback loops, and an HCN gas cell used as a frequency reference at v0=192,843GHz (1.55459µm in wave-length). Output frequency can be stabilized at anywhere within v0(220) GHz. The beat note observed between the synthesizer and another HCN-stabilized DFB laser is constant within 2MHz over 100 hours. Frequency stability better than 410-10 (80kHz, without normalization) is obtained for an averaging time of 200s.

  • A Simple Method for Avoiding Numerical Errors and Degeneracy in Voronoi Diagram Construction

    Kokichi SUGIHARA  


    E75-A No:4

    This paper presents a simple method for avoiding both numerical errors and degeneracy in an incremental-type algorithm for constructing the Voronoi diagram with respect to points on a plane. It is assumed that the coordinates of the given points are represented with a certain fixed number of bits. All the computations in the algorithm are carried out in four times higher precision, so that degeneracy can be discerned precisely. Every time degeneracy is found, the points are perturbed symbolically according to a very simple rule and thus are reduced to a nondegenerate case. The present technique makes a computer program simple in the sense that it avoids all numerical errors and requires no exceptional branches of processing for degenerate cases.

  • Wavelength Conversion Laser Diodes Application to Wavelength-Division Photonic Cross-Connect Node with Multistage Configuration

    Hiroyuki ROKUGAWA  Nobuhiro FUJIMOTO  Tetsuo HORIMATSU  Takakiyo NAKAGAMI  Hiroyuki NOBUHARA  


    E75-B No:4

    An application of wavelength conversion laser diodes (WCLDs) to a photonic cross-connect system using wavelength-division (WD) technology is presented. We propose a novel WD photonic cross-connect node architecture with multiwavelength selective filters. By using the filters, we can construct a nonblocking cross-connect switch by 2-stage connection. Next we describe the requirements to the optical devices in our switch, especially to the wavelength conversion devices in configuring a multistage connection of our switch. Finally, we have conducted the wavelength switching experiments using our wavelength conversion laser diode at a bit rate of 125Mb/s and shown its applicability to a WD photonic cross-connect system with over 3,000 channels.

  • New Approaches for Measurement of Static Electricity toward Preventing ESD

    Osamu FUJIWARA  


    E75-B No:3

    Serious failures of the latest electronic equipments occur easily due to electrostatic discharge (ESD) , which can be caused frequently by the electrification phenomena of human-body walking on the floor. The number of the above damaging incidents has significantly been increasing with an increased use of integrated semiconductor elements with lower operation power. The most effective measures against the ESD consist in preventive ones, which are to obtain dynamic behaviors of the electric charge before the ESD happens, thereby preventing the charge accumulation. From this point of view, this paper describes new approaches for measurement of the static electricity directed toward preventing the ESD. First, a two-dimensional measurement method for visualizing charge distributions is described. This principle is based on visualizing the potential distribution induced in the array electrodes from the electrostatic fields. For showing usefulness of the visualization measurement, a prototype was built and attempts were made on the visualizations for the static electricity distributions of charged bodies. Second, a potential calculation of the human body charged by walking on the floor is described. A model was shown for analyzing the human-body potential on the floor, and the theoretical equation for describing the potential attenuation process was derived in the closed form in the Laplacian transformation domain. In order to obtain the typical half-life of the human-body potential, numerical computations were performed using a reverse Laplacian transformation. The experiments were also conducted for confirming the validity of the computed results. Finally, a new method is described for estimating dynamic behaviors of the occurrence charges of the human body electrified by walking-motions. Statistical measurements of the charges and potentials were made for the fundamental walking-motions specified here. The pace transitions of the potentials due to continuous walking and stepping were also measured and their results were explained from the electrification properties for the fundamental walking-motions.

  • Delta Domain Lyapunov Matrix Equation--A Link between Continuous and Discrete Equations--

    Takehiro MORI  Inge TROCH  

    LETTER-Control and Computing

    E75-A No:3

    It has been recognized that there exist some disparities between properties of continuous control systems and those of discrete ones which are obtained from their continuous counterparts by use of a sampler and zero order hold. This still remains true even if the sampling rate becomes fast enough and sometimes causes unfavorable effects in control systems design. To reconcile with this conflict, use of delta operator has been proposed in place of z-operator recently. This note formulates a delta domain Lyapunov matrix equation and shows that the equation actually mediates the discrete Lyapunov equation and its continuous counterpart.

  • Analog VLSI Implementation of Adaptive Algorithms by an Extended Hebbian Synapse Circuit

    Takashi MORIE  Osamu FUJITA  Yoshihito AMEMIYA  


    E75-C No:3

    First, a number of issues pertaining to analog VLSI implementation of Backpropagation (BP) and Deterministic Boltzmann Machine (DBM) learning algorithms are clarified. According to the results from software simulation, a mismatch between the activation function and derivative generated by independent circuits degrades the BP learning performance. The perfomance can be improved, however, by adjusting the gain of the activation function used to obtain the derivative, irrespective of the original activation function. Calculation errors embedded in the circuits also degrade the learning preformance. BP learning is sensitive to offset errors in multiplication in the learning process, and DBM learning is sensitive to asymmetry between the weight increment and decrement processes. Next, an analog VLSI architecture for implementing the algorithms using common building block circuits is proposed. The evaluation results of test chips confirm that synaptic weights can be updated up to 1 MHz and that a resolution exceeding 14 bits can be attained. The test chips successfully perform XOR learning using each algorithm.

  • 3D Facial Model Creation Using Generic Model and Front and Side Views of Face

    Takaaki AKIMOTO  Yasuhito SUENAGA  

    PAPER-Image Processing, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E75-D No:2

    This paper presents an automatic creation method of 3D facial models which are needed for facial image generation by 3D computer graphics. A 3D facial model of a specific person is obtained from just the front and side view images without any human operation. The method has two parts; feature extraction and generic model modification. In the feature extraction part, the regions or edges which express the facial features such as eyes, nose, mouth or chin outline are extracted from the front and side view images. A generic head model is then modified based on the position and shape of the extracted facial features in the generic model modification part. As a result, a 3D model for persons is obtained. By using the specific model and the front and side view images, texture-mapped facial images can be generated easily.

  • Service Specification and Its Protocol Specifications in LOTOS--A Survey for Synthesis and Execution--

    Teruo HIGASHINO  


    E75-A No:3

    LOTOS is a language developed within ISO for the formal description of communication protocols and distributed systems. In LOTOS, requirements for a distributed system are called a "service specification". Each node exchanges synchronization messages to ensure the temporal ordering for the execution of events in a service specification. The actions of each node are described as a "protocol specification". This paper gives a survey for a method to derive protocol specifications from a service specification written in a LOTOS based language. In order to derive the protocol specifications, we make the syntax tree of a given service specification and give some attributes for each node in the tree. The protocol specifications are derived automatically by evaluating these attributes. The derived protocol specifications satisfy the given service specification. We also explain a LOTOS simulator for the execution of derived protocol specifications. The related works are also summarized.
