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  • A Simulation Model of Hyperthermia by RF Capacitive Heating

    Yasutomo OHGUCHI  Naoki WATANABE  Yoshiro NIITSU  Osamu DOI  Ken KODAMA  

    PAPER-Medical Electronics and Medical Information

    E75-D No:2

    A new model for a computer simulation of RF capacitive type hyperthermia has been developed by taking account of the following points. Blood flow is usually determined by many physiological parameters, but is regarded as a function of only blood temperature under some conditions. The temperature dependence of blood flow of tumors and normal tissues is assumed by referring the data obtained by Song et al. and Tanaka. The blood temperature which is elevated by externally applied power significantly affects temperatures of the body and the tumors. The transport of heat from the body surface is studied by considering air convection. These points are examined by experiments on a computer with simple phantom models and real patients. The results of simulation on the patient have shown a good agreement with clinical inspection based on CT images and a temperature of the stomach.

  • Anechoic Chambers for EMI Test

    Yasutaka SHIMIZU  


    E75-B No:3

    Anechoic chambers have been effectively used for microwave propagation, electromagnetic interference (EMI) and immunity testing. The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problem has recently become serious and many of these chambers have been constructed. The results of a questionnaire survey sent to anechoic chamber manufacturers are described that a total of 450 anechoic chambers have been constructed in Japan since 1964. Twenty years ago the purpose of the chambers was microwave propagation research, but more than 50 each year have recently being built for EMC/EMI and immunity testing. Their size has gradually been reduced by the use of absorbing materials such as ferrite with dielectric materials. The lowest frequency of most chambers is 30MHz for the 3 m method of site attenuation.

  • Delta Domain Lyapunov Matrix Equation--A Link between Continuous and Discrete Equations--

    Takehiro MORI  Inge TROCH  

    LETTER-Control and Computing

    E75-A No:3

    It has been recognized that there exist some disparities between properties of continuous control systems and those of discrete ones which are obtained from their continuous counterparts by use of a sampler and zero order hold. This still remains true even if the sampling rate becomes fast enough and sometimes causes unfavorable effects in control systems design. To reconcile with this conflict, use of delta operator has been proposed in place of z-operator recently. This note formulates a delta domain Lyapunov matrix equation and shows that the equation actually mediates the discrete Lyapunov equation and its continuous counterpart.

  • Numerical Analysis of Three Channel Waveguides Arranged Two-Dimensionally

    Hiroshi KUBO  Kiyotoshi YASUMOTO  Tokuo MIYAMOTO  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E75-C No:3

    Optical couplers which are composed of three channel waveguides arranged two-dimensionally are investigated numerically. The mode-matching method that matches the boundary conditions in the sense of least squares is applied to this problem, using the hybrid-modal representation. The precise numerical results of the dispersion relations and field distributions are presented for the lowest three modes near the cutoff. The arrangement of three waveguides can be optimized so as to satisfy the condition for maximum power-transfer efficiency.

  • Splice Losses of LP Modes in Multimode Graded-Index Optical Fiber

    Norihiko HARADA  Manabu YOSHIKAWA  Hiroshi KAYANO  


    E75-C No:3

    Splice Loss of LP modes in multimode graded-index optical fibers is investigated. It becomes clear that splice loss of particular mode and the excitation rate of the other modes by mode conversion is predicted from the factor, e.g. fiber axis misalignment, fiber and face gap, end fiber end face inclination.

  • An Optimum Placement of Capacitors in the Layout of Switched Capacitor Networks

    Mineo KANEKO  Kimihiko KAZUI  Hiroaki KUNIEDA  

    PAPER-Analog Circuits and Signal Processing

    E75-A No:2

    An optimum placement of capacitors in the layout of Switched Capacitor networks is presented in this paper. The performance of integrated circuits is generally degraded by perturbations of physical parameters of each device and parasitic strays. The optimality imposed in this paper is the minimum degradation of a transfer function with respect to the distribution of capacitance values. A capacitance value per unit area fabricated on a LSI chip is assumed to be perturbed linearly with its x and y coordinates. The capacitor placement is determined so that the effects of such perturbation of capacitances to the overall transfer-characteristics are canceled. As the result, input-output transfer function will stay nominal under the linear perturbation model with arbitrary gradients.

  • Gesture Coding and a Gesture Dictionary for a Nonverbal Interface

    Takao KUROKAWA  


    E75-A No:2

    The development of computers capable of handling complex objects requires nonverbal interfaces that can bidirectionally mediate nonverbal communication including the gestures of both people and computers. Nonverbal expressions are poweful media for enriching and facilitating humancomputer interaction when used as interface languages. Four gestural modes are appropriate for human-computer interaction: the sign, indication, illustration and manipulation modes. All these modes can be conveyed by a generalized gesture interface that has specific processors for each mode. The basic component of the generalized gesture interface, a gesture dictionary, is proposed. The dictionary can accept sign and indicating gestures in which postures or body shapes are significant, pass their meaning to a computer and display gestures from the computer. For this purpose it converts body shapes into gestural codes by means of two code systems and, moreover, it performs bidirectional conversions of several gesture representations. This dictionary is applied to the translation of Japanese into sign language; it displays an actor who speaks the given Japanese sentences by gesture of sign words and finger alphabets. The performance of this application confirms the adequacy and usefulness of the gesture dictionary.

  • Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation of Resonant-Tunneling Hot Electron Transistors (RHETs)

    Hiroaki OHNISHI  


    E75-C No:2

    In two-dimensional simulation of thin-base RHET, we combined three different simulation methods--the Schrödinger equation, the Monte Carlo simulation, and two-dimensional device simulation within a drift and diffusion model. We found that, in the thin-base RHET, the potential distribution differs from that expected from the thick-base RHET. In the thin-base RHET, the potential of the intrinsic base region does not equal that of the base electrode because the intrinsic base region is depleted and the negative emitter voltage (VEB0) raises the potential of both the intrinsic base and the nondoped region under the intrinsic base. There are also modified by the collector voltage. We also show emitter current-voltage characteristics, transfer ratio, and transit time calculated using this method and compare them with results for the one-dimensional case.

  • Coupled Star Network: A New Configuration for Optical Local Area Network

    Takeshi OTA  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Service

    E75-B No:2

    Theoretical network analysis of a network constructed of "Interconnectable Star Couplers" whose all diagonal elements of transmission matrix are zero is investigated. Under certain connection rules, Interconnectable Star Coupler can be connected each other without oscillation and ghost formation. The rules are: (1) Network should not contain any loop. (2)Only single port pair should be connected between neighbor star couplers. (3)Network shold not contain any usual star coulpler. "Coupled Star Network", which is constructed under the connection rules, is able to form Cascade Star topology, Stratified Star topology and their mixed topology. It is shown that the Coupled Star Network is equivalent to a large Interconnectable Star Coupler so that bidirectional communication, which can add confidentiality to the broadcasting bus and doubles communication capacity, is available. A new configuration of Coupled Star Network using passive Interconnectable Star Couplers and optical amplifiers is proposed. This network has two separated bidirectional communication channel which can be applied for so-called Multimedia LAN. As a result of comparison between Cascade Star topology and Stratifide Star topology, it is shown that the latter topology is superior to former topology, from the view point of signal degeneration and maximum round trip delay time. Cascade Star topology, however, is superior to Stratified Star topology from the angle of total fiber length. Accordingly, optimized network topology is thought to be mixed topology of these.

  • Process Simulation for Laser Recrystallization

    Bo HU  Albert SEIDL  Gertraud NEUMAYER  Reinhold BUCHNER  Karl HABERGER  


    E75-C No:2

    Modeling and numerical simulation of crystal growth of Si film and heat transport in 3D structure were made for optimization of physical and geometrical parameters used during laser recrystallization. Based on simulations a new concept called micro-absorber was introduced for obtaining defect-free Si films.

  • Information Disseminating Schemes for Fault Tolerance in Hypercubes

    Svante CARLSSON  Yoshihide IGARASHI  Kumiko KANAI  Andrzej LINGAS  Kinya MIURA  Ola PETERSSON  

    PAPER-Graphs, Networks and Matroids

    E75-A No:2

    We present schemes for disseminating information in the n-dimensional hypercube with some faulty nodes/edges. If each processor can send a message to t neighbors at each round, and if the number of faulty nodes/edges is k(kn), then this scheme will broadcast information from any source to all destinations within any consecutive n+[(k+l)/t] rounds. We also discuss the case where the number of faulty nodes is not less than n.

  • Increase in Binaural Articulation Score by Simulated Localization Using Head-Related Transfer Function

    Shinji HAYASHI  


    E75-A No:2

    Binaural effects in two measures are studied. One measure is the detectable limen of click sounds under lateralization of diotic or dichotic noise signals, and the other is phoneme articulation score under localization or lateralization of speech and noise signals. The experiments use a headphones system with listener's own head related transfer function (HRTF) filters. The HRTF filter coefficients are calculated individually from the impulse responses due to the listener's HRTF measured in a slightly sound reflective booth. The frequency response of the headphone is compensated for using an inverse filter calculated from the response at the subject's own ear canal entrance point. Considering the speech frequency band in tele-communication systems is not sufficiently wide, the bandwidth of the HRTF filter is limited below 6.2 kHz. However, the experiments of the localization simulation in the horizontal plane show that the sound image is mostly perceived outside the head in the simulated direction. Under simulation of localization or lateralization of speech and noise signals, the phoneme articulation score increases when the simulation spatially separates the phonemes from the noise signals while the total signal to noise ratio for both ears is maintained constant. This result shows the binaural effect in speech intelligibility under the noise disturbance condition, which is regarded as a part of the cocktail party effect.

  • Testing the k-Layer Routability in a Circular Channel--Case in which No Nets Have Two Terminals on the Same Circle--

    Noriya KOBAYASHI  Toshinobu KASHIWABARA  Sumio MASUDA  

    PAPER-Computer Aided Design (CAD)

    E75-A No:2

    Suppose that there are terminals on two concentric circles, Cin and Cout, with Cin inside of Cout. We are given a set of nets each of which consists of a terminal on Cin and a terminal on Cout. The routing area is the annular region between the two circles. In this paper, we present an O(nk-1) time algorithm for testing whether the given net set is k-layer routable without vias, where k2 and n is the number of nets.

  • Information Retrieval Using Desired Impression Factors



    E75-A No:2

    Proposed here is an internal representation and mapping method for multimedia information in which retrieval is based on the impression documents desired to make. A user interface design for a system using this method is also proposed. The proposed internal representation and mapping method represents each desired document impression as an axis in a semantic space. Documents are represented as points in the space. Queries are represented as subspaces. The proposed user interface design employs a method of visual presentation of the semantic space. Pictorial examples are given to illustrate the range of impressions represented by the axes. The relations between the axes are represented by dispersion diagrams for the documents stored in the document base. With this method, the user can intuitively decide the appropriate subspace for his needs and can specify it directly. For evaluation purposes, a prototype system has been developed. An image retrieval experiment shows that the proposed internal representation and mapping method and the user interface design provide effective tools for information retrieval.

  • 2-D LMA Filters--Design of Stable Two-Dimensional Digital Filters with Arbitrary Magnitude Function--

    Takao KOBAYASHI  Kazuyoshi FUKUSHI  Keiichi TOKUDA  Satoshi IMAI  

    PAPER-Digital Image Processing

    E75-A No:2

    This paper proposes a technique for designing two-dimensional (2-D) digital filters approximating an arbitrary magnitude function. The technique is based on 2-D spectral factorization and rational approximation of the complex exponential function. A 2-D spectral factorization technique is used to obtain a recursively computable and stable system with nonsymmetric half-plane support from the desired 2-D magnitude function. Since the obtained system has an exponential function type transfer function and cannot be realized directly in a rational form, a class of realizable 2-D digital filters is introduced to approximate the exponential type transfer function. This class of filters referred to as two-dimensional log magnitude approximation (2-D LMA) filters can be viewed as an extension of the class of 1-D LMA filters to the 2-D case. Filter coefficients are given by the 2-D complex cepstrum coefficients, i.e., the inverse Fourier transform of the logarithm of the given magnitude function, which can be efficiently computed using 2-D FFT algorithm. Consequently, computation of the filter coefficients is straightforward and efficient. A simple stability condition for the 2-D LMA filters is given. Under this condition, the stability of the designed filter is guaranteed. Parallel implementation of the 2-D LMA filters is also discussed. Several examples are presented to demonstrate the design capability.

  • Translucent Multiuser Interface for Realtime Collaboration

    Hiroshi ISHII  


    E75-A No:2

    The new notion of "multiuser interface", an interface for groups working together in a shared workspace, originated from the expansion of CSCW research and the spread of the groupware concept. This paper introduces a new multiuser interface design approach based on the translucent video overlay technique. This approach was realized in the multimedia desktop conference system Team WorkStation. Team WorkStation demonstrates that this translucent video overlay technique can achieve two different goals: (1) fused overlay for realizing the open shared workspace, and (2) selective overlay for effectively using limited screen space. This paper first describes the concept of open shared workspace and its implementation based on the fused overlay technique. The shared work window of Team-WorkStation is created by overlaying translucent individual workspace images. Each video layer is originally physically separated. However, because of the spatial relationships among marks on each layer, the set of overlaid layers provides users with sufficient semantics to fuse them into one image. The usefulness of this cognitive fusion was demonstrated through actual usage in design sessions. Second, the problem of screen space limitation is described. To solve this problem, the idea of ClearFace based on selective overlay is introduced. The ClearFace idea is to lay translucent live face video windows over a shared work window. Through the informal observations of experimental use in design sessions, little difficulty was experienced in switching the focus of attention between the face images and the drawing objects. The theory of selective looking accounts for this flexible perception mechanism. Although users can see drawn objects behind a face without difficulty, we found that users hesitate to draw figures or write text over face images. Because of this behavior, we devised the "movable" face window strategy.

  • A New Overfitting Lattice Filter for ARMA Parameter Estimation with Additive Noise

    Weimin SUN  Takashi YAHAGI  

    PAPER-Digital Signal Processing

    E75-A No:2

    This paper presents a new method for estimating lattice parameters of a system with additive white noise. A new lattice structure filter is used to reduce the effect of additive white noise, and then, an overfitting lattice filter is proposed to obtain the ARMA parameters by using the estimated lattice parameters with additive white noise.

  • An Effective Lowpass Temporal Filter Using Motion Adaptive Spatial Filtering

    Jong-Hum KIM  Soon-Hwa JANG  Seong-Dae KIM  

    LETTER-Digital Image Processing

    E75-A No:2

    Unlike a noise removal recursive or averaging filter, this letter presents a temporal filter which attenuates temporal high frequency components and improves visual effects. Although temporal aliasing occurs, the proposed filter proceeds temporal bandlimitation not affected by them. To reduce effects caused by aliasing components, a spatial filtering which is applied along the trajectory of motion is investigated. The proposed filter presents a de-aliasing and effective bandlimiting characteristics as well as reducing of noises.

  • Unified MOSFET Model for All Channel Lengths down to Quarter Micron



    E75-C No:2

    This work describes a new analytical MOSFET model for analog circuit simulation based on the charge-sheet model. The current equation consists of diffusion and drift components, therefore Ids is a smooth function of the applied voltages. Since the original charge-sheet model is valid only for long-channel transistors, it has been further developed to describe quarter-micron MOSFETs by introducing the lateral electric field Ey into the theory. The new model includes these field contributions self-consistently, and describes the drain current of MOSFETs from long to quarter-micron channel lengths with a single model parameter set without discontinuities in derivatives of the drain current Ids. The mobility reduction due to Ey is described by an empirical equation with physical parameter values taken from literature. Only two fitting parameters, the impurity scattering and the surface roughness scattering in the mobility equation, are added to the physical parameters. The subdiffusion lengths are also taken as fitting parameters. Though the new model reduces the number of fitting parameters totally to four, it reproduces measured Ids excellently for MOSFETs with all channel lengths. The model has been included in the parameter extraction program JANUS, which extracts model parameters automatically. The algorithm for parameter extraction is summarized.

  • Simulation of Stress Redistribution on LOCOS Structure during Oxidation and Subsequent Cooling Down

    Shigeki KURODA  Kenji NISHI  


    E75-C No:2

    This paper is concerned with the stress simulation of a LOCOS structure during not only oxidation but also the subsequent cooling down based on viscoelastic stress modeling. A viscoelastic model is successfully applied to the oxide, nitride and silicon substrate for a LOCOS structure. Thermal stress is also taken into account during the cooling down process. The viscoelastic deformation problem of all the three materials for the LOCOS structure are solved by a two-dimensional finite element method. It is the first time to show that the stress values after cooling down to room temperature are much higher than those right after oxidation. It is also shown that varying the cooling down rates results in the different stress values after cooling down.
