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  • New Construction for Balanced Boolean Functions with Very High Nonlinearity

    Khoongming KHOO  Guang GONG  

    PAPER-Symmetric Cryptography

    E90-A No:1

    In the past twenty years, there were only a few constructions for Boolean functions with nonlinearity exceeding the quadratic bound 2n-1-2(n-1)/2 when n is odd (we shall call them Boolean functions with very high nonlinearity). The first basic construction was by Patterson and Wiedemann in 1983, which produced unbalanced function with very high nonlinearity. But for cryptographic applications, we need balanced Boolean functions. Therefore in 1993, Seberry, Zhang and Zheng proposed a secondary construction for balanced functions with very high nonlinearity by taking the direct sum of a modified bent function with the Patterson-Wiedemann function. Later in 2000, Sarkar and Maitra constructed such functions by taking the direct sum of a bent function with a modified Patterson-Wiedemann function. In this paper, we propose a new secondary construction for balanced Boolean functions with very high nonlinearity by recursively composing balanced functions with very high nonlinearity with quadratic functions. This is the first construction for balanced function with very high nonlinearity not based on the direct sum approach. Our construction also have other desirable properties like high algebraic degree and large linear span.

  • Details of the Nitech HMM-Based Speech Synthesis System for the Blizzard Challenge 2005

    Heiga ZEN  Tomoki TODA  Masaru NAKAMURA  Keiichi TOKUDA  

    PAPER-Speech and Hearing

    E90-D No:1

    In January 2005, an open evaluation of corpus-based text-to-speech synthesis systems using common speech datasets, named Blizzard Challenge 2005, was conducted. Nitech group participated in this challenge, entering an HMM-based speech synthesis system called Nitech-HTS 2005. This paper describes the technical details, building processes, and performance of our system. We first give an overview of the basic HMM-based speech synthesis system, and then describe new features integrated into Nitech-HTS 2005 such as STRAIGHT-based vocoding, HSMM-based acoustic modeling, and a speech parameter generation algorithm considering GV. Constructed Nitech-HTS 2005 voices can generate speech waveforms at 0.3RT (real-time ratio) on a 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 machine, and footprints of these voices are less than 2 Mbytes. Subjective listening tests showed that the naturalness and intelligibility of the Nitech-HTS 2005 voices were much better than expected.

  • CPU Load Predictions on the Computational Grid

    Yuanyuan ZHANG  Wei SUN  Yasushi INOGUCHI  

    PAPER-Grid Computing

    E90-D No:1

    To make the best use of the resources in a shared grid environment, an application scheduler must make a prediction of available performance on each resource. In this paper, we examine the problem of predicting available CPU performance in time-shared grid system. We present and evaluate a new and innovative method to predict the one-step-ahead CPU load in a grid. Our prediction strategy forecasts the future CPU load based on the variety tendency in several past steps and in previous similar patterns, and uses a polynomial fitting method. Our experimental results on large load traces collected from four different kinds of machines demonstrate that this new prediction strategy achieves average prediction errors which are between 22% and 86% less than those incurred by four previous methods.

  • Fabrication of Microchannel with Thin Cover Layer for an Optical Waveguide MEMS Switch Based on Microfluidics

    Takuji IKEMOTO  Yasuo KOKUBUN  

    PAPER-Micro/Nano Photonic Devices

    E90-C No:1

    We propose and demonstrate a new fabrication process of a microchannel using the Damascene process. This process aims to integrate photonic circuits with microchannels fabricated in a glass film. The microchannel is fabricated by the removal of the sacrificial layer after a sacrificial layer is formed by the Damascene process and the cover is formed by sputter deposition. A thin cover layer can be formed by the sacrificial method, because the cover layer is supported by the sacrificial layer during film formation. The cover layer is hermetically sealed, since it is formed by radio frequency (RF) sputtering deposition. The thickness is 1 µm and the width ranges from 3.5 to 8 µm. Using the proposed microchannel fabrication method, we prepared a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) optical switch using microfluidics, and we confirmed its functional operation. This optical switch actuates a minute droplet of liquid injected into the microchannel using Maxwell's stresses. Light propagates straight through the waveguide so that the light passes through the microchannel when the droplet is in the microchannel, but the light rays are completely reflected into a crossed waveguide when the droplet is not in the microchannel. Since this fabrication method uses techniques common to those in the formation of copper wiring in an IC chip, it can be used in the microchannel process.

  • Retrieval of Images Captured by Car Cameras Using Its Front and Side Views and GPS Data

    Toshihiko YAMASAKI  Takayuki ISHIKAWA  Kiyoharu AIZAWA  


    E90-D No:1

    Recently, cars are equipped with a lot of sensors for safety driving. We have been trying to store the driving-scene video with such sensor data and to detect the change of scenery of streets. Detection results can be used for building historical database of town scenery, automatic landmark updating of maps, and so forth. In order to compare images to detect changes, image retrieval taken at nearly identical locations is required as the first step. Since Global Positioning System (GPS) data essentially contain some noises, we cannot rely only on GPS data for our image retrieval. Therefore, we have developed an image retrieval algorithm employing edge-histogram-based image features in conjunction with hierarchical search. By using edge histograms projected onto the vertical and horizontal axes, the retrieval has been made robust to image variation due to weather change, clouds, obstacles, and so on. In addition, matching cost has been made small by limiting the matching candidates employing the hierarchical search. Experimental results have demonstrated that the mean retrieval accuracy has been improved from 65% to 76% for the front-view images and from 34% to 53% for the side-view images.

  • Blue/Violet Light Generation by Ultrashort Pulse Injection into Photonic Crystal Fibers

    Masashi NAKAO  Kenta MATSUI  Ikutaro KOBAYASHI  Mitsuru NAGANUMA  Masayuki IZUTSU  


    E90-C No:1

    In this paper, we describe detailed experimental demonstrations of blue/violet light generation by the injection of ultrashort optical pulses into photonic crystal fibers (PCFs). Two lightwaves appear one on each side of the injected pulses in the spectral domain. They simultaneously evolve in the PCFs, changing their center wavelengths so as to spectrally stand apart from each other. Such behaviors are explained on the basis of the theory of nonlinear optics. The final center-wavelength difference between the two lightwaves at the end of the PCFs, depending on the power density of the injected pulse, is increased up to a limit imposed by the PCFs. Owing to this increase, the shorter wavelength limit reaches approximately 400 nm, which shows that short-pulse injection in PCFs is a promising method of realizing simple blue/violet light sources.

  • A 1.25-Gb/s Digitally-Controlled Dual-Loop Clock and Data Recovery Circuit with Enhanced Phase Resolution

    Chang-Kyung SEONG  Seung-Woo LEE  Woo-Young CHOI  

    PAPER-Electronic Circuits

    E90-C No:1

    A new 1.25-Gb/s digitally-controlled dual-loop clock and data recovery circuit is realized. To overcome jitter problems caused by the phase resolution limit, the CDR has two phase generation stages: coarse generation by a phase interpolator and fine generation by a variable delay buffer. The performance of the proposed CDR was verified by behavioral and transistor-level simulations. A prototype CDR chip fabricated with 0.18 µm CMOS process shows error-free operation for 400 ppm frequency offset. The chip occupies 165255 µm2 and consumes 17.8 mW.

  • Digital Content Creation/Distribution in a Broadband-Ubiquitous Environment

    Hiroshi YASUDA  


    E90-D No:1

    Under the broadband-ubiquitous environment, digital content creation/distribution will be the key factor to activating new industries. This paper first describes the impact of a broadband-ubiquitous environment on digital content creation/distribution; then it proposes new models for digital content creation/distribution businesses. In a broadband-ubiquitous environment, the key is creation of moving picture content; thus the paper describes a system that allows non-CG experts to make CG movies easily.

  • Constant-Magnification Varifocal Mirror and Its Application to Measuring Three-Dimensional (3-D) Shape of Solder Bump

    Akira ISHII  Jun MITSUDO  


    E90-C No:1

    In this paper, we describe a novel focusing mechanism that uses a varifocal mirror and its application to measuring the shape of solder bumps arrayed on an LSI package board based on the shape-from-focus technique. We used a copper-alloy mirror deformed by a piezoelectric actuator as a varifocal mirror to build a simple yet fast focusing mechanism. The varifocal mirror was situated at the focal point of the image-taking lens in image space so that the lateral magnification was constant during focusing and an orthographic projection was perfectly established. The focused plane could be shifted along the optical axis with a precision of 1.4 µm in a depth range of 1.3 mm by driving the varifocal mirror. A magnification of 1.97 was maintained during focusing. Evaluating the curvature of field and removing its effect from the depth data reduced errors. The shapes of 208 solder bumps, 260 µm high and arrayed at a pitch of 500 µm on the board, were measured. The entire 10 mm10 mm board was segmented into 34 partly overlapping sections. We captured 101 images in each section with a high-resolution camera at different focal points at 15 µm intervals. The shape of almost the entire upper hemisphere of a solder bump could be measured. The error in measuring the bump heights was less than 12 µm.

  • Guiding and Nanofocusing of Two-Dimensional Optical Beam for Nanooptical Integrated Circuits

    Junichi TAKAHARA  Fuminori KUSUNOKI  


    E90-C No:1

    Guiding and nanofocusing of a two-dimensional (2D) optical beam in a negative-dielectric-gap waveguide is studied theoretically. An index-guiding method along the dielectric core embedded in the negative-dielectric-gap is proposed and the confinement properties of the 2D optical beam are studied by the effective-refractive-index method and FDTD simulations. We have shown that the lateral beam width of the 2D optical beam can be shrunk to zero beyond the diffraction limit. A tapered negative-dielectric-gap waveguide using adiabatic propagation achieves nano-focusing and can be applied to nano-optical couplers. This is a gateway from conventional dielectric waveguides to nano-optical integrated circuits.

  • Scalable FPGA/ASIC Implementation Architecture for Parallel Table-Lookup-Coding Using Multi-Ported Content Addressable Memory

    Takeshi KUMAKI  Yutaka KONO  Masakatsu ISHIZAKI  Tetsushi KOIDE  Hans Jurgen MATTAUSCH  

    PAPER-Image Processing and Video Processing

    E90-D No:1

    This paper presents a scalable FPGA/ASIC implementation architecture for high-speed parallel table-lookup-coding using multi-ported content addressable memory, aiming at facilitating effective table-lookup-coding solutions. The multi-ported CAM adopts a Flexible Multi-ported Content Addressable Memory (FMCAM) technology, which represents an effective parallel processing architecture and was previously reported in [1]. To achieve a high-speed parallel table-lookup-coding solution, FMCAM is improved by additional schemes for a single search mode and counting value setting mode, so that it permits fast parallel table-lookup-coding operations. Evaluation results for Huffman encoding within the JPEG application show that a synthesized semi-custom ASIC implementation of the proposed architecture can already reduce the required clock-cycle number by 93% in comparison to a conventional DSP. Furthermore, the performance per area unit, measured in MOPS/mm2, can be improved by a factor of 3.8 in comparison to parallel operated DSPs. Consequently, the proposed architecture is very suitable for FPGA/ASIC implementation, and is a promising solution for small area integrated realization of real-time table-lookup-coding applications.

  • Random Switching Logic: A New Countermeasure against DPA and Second-Order DPA at the Logic Level

    Daisuke SUZUKI  Minoru SAEKI  Tetsuya ICHIKAWA  

    PAPER-Side Channel Attacks

    E90-A No:1

    This paper proposes a new countermeasure, Random Switching Logic (RSL), against DPA (Differential Power Analysis) and Second-Order DPA at the logic level. RSL makes a signal transition uniform at each gate and suppresses the propagation of glitch to allow power consumption to be independent of predictable data. Furthermore, we implement basic logic circuits on the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) by using RSL, and evaluate the effectiveness. As a result, we confirm the fact that the secure circuit can be structured against DPA and Second-Order DPA.

  • A Private and Consistent Data Retrieval Scheme with Log-Squared Communication



    E90-A No:1

    Data retrieval is used to obtain a particular data item from a database. A user requests an item in the database from a database server by sending a query, and obtains the item from an answer to the query. Security requirements of data retrieval include protecting the privacy of the user, the secrecy of the database, and the consistency of answers. In this paper, a data retrieval scheme which satisfies all the security requirements is defined and an efficient construction is proposed. In the proposed construction, the size of a query and an answer is O((log N)2), and the size of data published by the database server when the database is updated is only O(1). The proposed construction uses the Merkle tree, a commitment scheme, and Oblivious Transfer. The proof of the security is given under the assumption that the used cryptographic schemes are secure.

  • Optical Nonlinearity in CdSSe Microcrystallites Embedded in Glasses

    Hiroyuki SHINOJIMA  

    PAPER-Advanced Nano Technologies

    E90-C No:1

    We investigate the enhancement of the optical nonlinearity and the limit of the improvement of the response speed in CdSxSe1-x microcrystallites by measuring the effective optical nonlinear cross section (σeff), the energy decay time (T1) and the dephasing time in two kinds of semiconductor microcrystallites of CdS0.12Se0.8 microcrystallites embedded in alkaline multi-component glasses (CdSSeMs) and CdSe microcrystallites embedded in SiO2 thin film (CdSeMs). As the average radius of CdSSeMs decreases from 10 to 1 nm, the values of σeff and T1 gradually change from 2.610-16 to 1.110-16 cm2 and from dozens picoseconds to 4 psec, respectively. The size dependence of CdSSEMs shows that the energy level structure in the microcrystallite with a radius of less than a few nanometers is a two-level system, in which σeff is proportional to T2. The carrier recombination time (τ) of CdSSeMs with the average radius of 1 nm is estimated to 2 psec. As the average radius of a CdS0.12Se0.8 microcrystallite decreases from 9 to 3 nm, the values of T2 gradually change from 640 to 230 fsec at 18 K, respectively. The size and temperature dependences of T2 for the CdSSeMs show that there is the discrepancy between the theory and the measured T2. The discrepancy showes the presence of the acoustic-phonon-assisted relaxation processes other than the pure-dephasing processes. It is indicated that T2 becomes long by reducing the excessive acoustic-phonon-assisted relaxation processes, and that the longer T2 might enhance σeff. We investigate the enhancement of σeff in CdSeMs by making T2 longer. The τ, σeff, and T2 of CdSeM an average radius of 3 nm are 40 psec, 4.510-15 cm2, and 150 fsec at room temperature. The σeff is ten times as large as that of CdSSeM sample at the same average radius and the enhancement of σeff can be considered to be caused by the longer T2.

  • Fabrication of Diamond-Like Carbon Nanosprings by Focused-Ion-Beam Chemical Vapor Deposition and Evaluation of Their Mechanical Characteristics

    Kenichiro NAKAMATSU  Masao NAGASE  Toshinari ICHIHASHI  Kazuhiro KANDA  Yuichi HARUYAMA  Takashi KAITO  Shinji MATSUI  

    PAPER-Micro/Nano Fabrication

    E90-C No:1

    Our investigation of diamond-like carbon (DLC) nano-springs with a 130 nm spring-section diameter, which were fabricated by focused-ion-beam chemical vapor deposition (FIB-CVD), showed for the first time that nanosprings can be stretched. We observed large displacements of the FIB-CVD nanosprings using in situ optical microscopy; in other words, the nanosprings showed behavior similar to that of macroscale springs. In addition, we investigated the dependence of the spring constant of DLC nanosprings on spring diameter. The spring constants, measured using commercially available cantilevers, ranged from 0.47 to 0.07 N/m. The diameter dependence of spring constant can be accurately expressed by the conventional formula for a coil spring. The estimated shear modulus of the DLC nano-springs was about 70 GPa. This value is very close to the value of conventional coil springs made of steel. Furthermore, we measured the stiffness of a DLC nanospring annealed at 1000 in vacuum. The stiffness was decreased to approximately half of the stiffness of the nanospring without annealing.

  • A 1.25-Gb/s Burst-Mode Half-Rate Clock and Data Recovery Circuit Using Realigned Oscillation

    Ching-Yuan YANG  Jung-Mao LIN  

    LETTER-Electronic Circuits

    E90-C No:1

    In this letter, a 1.25-Gb/s 0.18-µm CMOS half-rate burst-mode clock and data recovery (CDR) circuit is presented. The CDR contains a fast-locking clock recovery circuit (CRC) using a realigned oscillation technique to recover the desired clock. To reduce the power dissipation, the CRC uses a two-stage ring structure and a current-reused concept to merge with an edge detector. The recovered clock has a peak-to-peak jitter of 34.0 ps at 625 MHz and the retimed data has a peak-to-peak jitter of 44.0 ps at 625 Mb/s. The occupied die area of the CDR is 1.41.4 mm2, and power consumption is 32 mW under a 1.8-V supply voltage.

  • Embedded Image Coding Using Context Adaptive Wavelet Difference Reduction



    E90-D No:1

    It is well-known that one of the best wavelet-based image compression techniques, called Wavelet Difference Reduction-WDR, has both simple algorithm and comparative rate-distortion results comparing to other coders in the literature. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to enhance the performance of WDR coder in a very efficient way. The methodology is highly based on the context adaptive model. High-order statistical context modeling is used for significant coefficients prediction by scanning order adaptation of WDR. In binary mode, the coder is clearly better than Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT). A new conditional Arithmetic Coding (AC) using array of contexts is specifically designed for WDR-based coder. Based on our simulation results of all images in the test set which covers various types of images, it is apparent that our proposed coder in AC mode generates the rate-distortion results that are superior to those of all other WDR-based coders in the literature. Furthermore, it is very competitive to SPIHT-AC and JPEG2000, the best coders, at all bit rates.

  • Efficient and Tailored Resource Management for the P2P Web Caching

    Kyungbaek KIM  Daeyeon PARK  

    PAPER-Network System

    E90-D No:1

    While web proxy caching is a widely deployed technique, the performance of a proxy cache is limited by the local storage. Some studies have addressed this limitation by using the residual resources of clients via a p2p method and have achieved a very high hit rate. However, these approaches treat web objects as homogeneous objects and there is no consideration of various web characteristics. Consequently, the byte hit rate of the system is limited, external bandwidth is wasted, and perceived user latency is increased. The present paper suggests an efficient p2p based web caching technique that manages objects with different policies so as to exploit the characteristics of web objects, such as size and temporal locality. Small objects are stored alone whereas large objects are stored by dividing them into numerous small blocks, which are distributed in clients. On a proxy cache, header blocks of large objects take the place of objects themselves and smaller objects are cached. This technique increases the hit rate. Unlike a web cache, which evicts large objects as soon as possible in the case where clients fulfill the role of backup storage, large objects are given higher priority than small objects in the proposed approach. This maximizes the effect of hits for large objects and thereby increases the byte hit rate. Furthermore, we construct simple latency models for various p2p based web caching systems and analyze the effects of the proposed policies on these systems. We then examine the performances of the efficient policies via a trace driven simulation. The results demonstrate that the proposed techniques effectively enhance web cache performance, including hit rate, byte hit rate, and response time.

  • Electrostatic Energy, Potential Energy and Energy Dissipation for a Width-Variable Capacitor Coupled with Mechatronical Potential Energy during Adiabatic Charging

    Shunji NAKATA  Yoshitada KATAGIRI  

    PAPER-Advanced Nano Technologies

    E90-C No:1

    This paper considers a more generalized capacitor that can decrease its width using its own electrical force. We consider a model in which the capacitor with plate distance d is coupled with repulsive mechatronical potential energy, which is proportional to 1/dn. In the conventional case, n is considered to be approximately very large. In our capacitor model, there is a stable point between attractive electrical force and repulsive mechatronical force. In this system, electrostatic energy is equal to the sum of mechatronical potential energy and energy dissipation. Moreover, the mechatronical potential energy is 1/n times smaller than the electrostatic energy. All energies, including the electrostatic energy, potential energy, and energy dissipation, are proportional not to ordinary value V2, but to V2/(n-1)+2, where V is the power supply voltage. This means the voltage dependence of energy is unusual. It is strongly dependent on the capacitor matter, i.e., on the characteristics of the mechatronical system. In addition, the energy dissipation of the system can be reduced to zero using the adiabatic charging process.

  • Photonic Crystal Waveguide Switches with Movable Slabs

    Kazuhiro HANE  Ken-ichi UMEMORI  Yoshiaki KANAMORI  


    E90-C No:1

    Photonic crystal waveguide switches with movable micro-electro-mechanical actuators are proposed and fabricated by silicon micromachining. The switch structure consists of in-line input and output photonic crystal waveguide slabs, and a switching slab to bridge the gap between the waveguides. By driving the switching slab with a micro electro-mechanical actuator, the transmission between the waveguides is modulated. For driving the slabs, two kinds of actuator, i.e., vertical and parallel motion actuators are proposed for the respective switches. The switching characteristics are also investigated by calculations using the finite-difference time-domain method.
