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[Keyword] Al(20498hit)


  • Pipelined Architecture of the LMS Adaptive Digital Filter with the Minimum Output Latency

    Akio HARADA  Kiyoshi NISHIKAWA  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E81-A No:8

    In this paper, we propose two new pipelined adaptive digital filter architectures. The architectures are based on an equivalent expression of the least mean square (LMS) algorithm. It is shown that one of the proposed architectures achieves the minimum output latency, or zero without affecting the convergence characteristics. We also show that, by increasing the output latency be one, the other architecture can be obtained which has a shorter critical path.

  • Wide-Wavelength-Range Modulator-Integrated DFB Laser Diodes Fabricated on a Single Wafer

    Masayuki YAMAGUCHI  Koji KUDO  Hiroyuki YAMAZAKI  Masashige ISHIZAKA  Tatsuya SASAKI  

    INVITED PAPER-Active Devices for Photonic Networks

    E81-C No:8

    Different-wavelength distributed feedback laser diodes with integrated modulators (DFB/MODs) are fabricated on a single wafer operate at wavelengths from 1. 52 µm to 1. 59 µm, a range comparable to the expanded Er-doped fiber amplifier gain band. A newly developed field-size-variation electron-beam lithography enables grating pitch to be controlled to within 0. 0012 nm, and narrow-stripe selective metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxy is used to control the bandgap wavelength of laser active layers and modulator absorption layers for each channel. The channel spacing of fabricated 40-channel DFB/MODs is 214 GHz in average with a standard deviation of 0. 39 nm. Very uniform lasing and modulating performances are achieved, such as threshold currents about 10 mA and extinction ratios about 20 dB at -2 V in average. These devices have been used to demonstrate 2. 5-Gb/s transmission over 600 km of a normal fiber with a power penalty of less than 1 dB.

  • Optical Add/Drop Filter with Flat Top Spectral Response Based on Gratings Photoinduced on Planar Waveguides

    Hisato UETSUKA  Hideaki ARAI  Korenori TAMURA  Hiroaki OKANO  Ryouji SUZUKI  Seiichi KASHIMURA  


    E81-C No:8

    High- and low-reflection Bragg gratings with a flat-top spectral response free from ripples are proposed. Add/drop filters are created based on gratings photoinduced on planar waveguides by using the new design schemes. The measured spectral responses for the high and low reflection gratings are in good agreement with the calculated ones, and show the flat-top spectral responses.

  • MQW Electroabsorption Optical Gates for WDM Switching Systems

    Mari KOIZUMI  Tatemi IDO  


    E81-C No:8

    We have developed a multiple quantum well (MQW) electroabsorption (EA) modulator for wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) switching systems. The fabricated MQW EA gate has low polarization and wavelength-dependent loss and high extinction ratio within the wavelength range of 1545 to 1560 nm. And by using this gate ultra-high-speed switching is achieved for WDM signals. Moreover, we optimize the EA gate for the full gain-band of an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)(1535 to 1560 nm). This EA gate provides low polarization-dependent loss, higher extinction ratio, and high saturation input power in the wider wavelength range. These MQW EA gates will play an important role in future WDM switching systems.

  • CMA Adaptive Array Antennas Using Analysis and Synthesis Filter Banks

    Takashi SEKIGUCHI  Yoshio KARASAWA  


    E81-A No:8

    A constant modulus adaptive array algorithm is derived using analysis and synthesis filter banks to permit adaptive digital beamforming for wideband signals. The properties of the CMA adaptive array using the filter banks are investigated. This array would be used to realize adaptive digital beamforming when this is difficult by means of ordinary (that is, non-subband) processing due to the limited speed of signal processor operations. As an actual application, we present a beamspace adaptive array structure that combines the analysis and synthesis filter banks with RF-domain multibeam array antennas, such as those utilizing optical signal processing.

  • Athermal Narrow-Band Optical Filter at 1. 55 µ m Wavelength by Silica-Based Athermal Waveguide

    Yasuo KOKUBUN  Shigeru YONEDA  Shinnosuke MATSUURA  


    E81-C No:8

    The temperature dependence of central wavelength of optical filters is a serious problem for the dense WDM systems. This dependence is owing to the temperature dependence of optical path-length of the waveguide. In this study, we realized a temperature independent silica-based optical filter at 1. 55 µm wavelength using an athermal waveguide, in which optical pathlength is independent of temperature. First, we designed a silica-based athermal waveguide, and next we designed and fabricated a ring resonator using the athermal waveguide. As a result, we successfully decreased the temperature dependence of central wavelength to less than 4 10 -4 nm/K, which is 3% and 0. 3% of corresponding values of conventional silica-based and semiconductor waveguide filters, respectively.

  • Polarization Independent Semiconductor Optical Amplifier Gate and Its Application in WDM Systems

    Toshio ITO  Naoto YOSHIMOTO  Osamu MITOMI  Katsuaki MAGARI  Ikuo OGAWA  Fumihiro EBISAWA  Yasufumi YAMADA  Yuji HASUMI  


    E81-C No:8

    We studied 2 types of polarization insensitive semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) gates for use in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) applications: 1) a low operation current SOA gate with a small and square bulk active region but without spot-size converters and 2) a multi channel SOA gate array with tapered waveguide spot-size converters (SS-SOA) on both sides. The low operation current SOA gate provided a very low current for fiber-to-fiber loss-less operation (5. 4-7. 0 mA) and a high extinction ratio (>30 dB) over a wide wavelength range (1530-1580 nm). For multi channel array assembling, the SS is indispensable. The 4-channel SS-SOA gate array was assembled on a planar lightwave circuit (PLC) platform for the first time. The gain characteristics of each channel were very similar and a low fiber-to-fiber loss-less current of 33 mA and a high extinction ratio of nearly 40 dB were achieved in all channels. The polarization dependence was less than 1 dB. Using the fully packaged 4-channel hybrid gate array module (a 4 channel SS-SOA on PLC platform), an ultra-wide-band (1530-1600 nm) high speed wavelength selector was successfully demonstrated. Both rise- and fall-times were less than 1 ns, which makes the wavelength selector suitable for high-speed optical packet switching. Electrical and optical interference between channels were negligible.

  • 40-Gbit/s Ti:LiNbO3 Optical Modulator with a Two-Stage Electrode

    Kazuto NOGUCHI  Hiroshi MIYAZAWA  Osamu MITOMI  


    E81-C No:8

    This paper describes the design, fabrication, and performance of a novel Ti:LiNbO3 optical modulator with a two-stage coplanar waveguide electrode for 40 Gbit/s optical transmission systems. The structure consists of a thin lower electrode and a thick upper electrode in conjunction with a ridge structure. The lower electrode ensures low voltage and the upper layer provides good microwave characteristics. Based on simulation results, a fully-packaged module was fabricated. The measured 3-dB electrical bandwidth is 30 GHz with a half-wave voltage of 2. 9 V.

  • Gain-Flattened Hybrid Silica-Based Er-Doped Fiber Amplifiers Designed for More Than 25 nm Optical Bandwidth

    Motoki KAKUI  Tomonori KASHIWADA  Masayuki SHIGEMATSU  Masashi ONISHI  Masayuki NISHIMURA  


    E81-C No:8

    Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) transmission systems have been intensely researched in order to increase the transmission capacity. One of the most important key devices for this use is erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) which feature a flattened gain, a high pumping efficiency and a low noise figure (NF), simultaneously. To fulfill these requirements, hybrid silica-based EDFAs (EDSFAs) composed of Al codoped and P/Al codoped EDSFs have been proposed so far. They are also attractive from the viewpoint of productivity, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, the optical bandwidth has been around 15 nm at most. In this paper, we have proposed newly designed hybrid EDSFAs for more than 25 nm optical bandwidth. The gain peak around 1. 53 µm can be suppressed through the saturation degree control in both EDSFs. The remaining obstacle is the diparound 1. 54 µm, which results in the relative gain non-uniformity of 10. 7% over the wavelength range from 1535 to 1560 nm. Owing to the glass composition optimization, the relative gain non-uniformity has been reduced to 5.8% without gain equalizers(GEQs), which is comparable to that of EDFFAs. As another solution, the hybrid EDSFA including two-stage Fabry Perot etalons as the GEQ has been proposed. In this configuration, the hybrid EDSFA has been designed to exhibit the gain profile similar to the summation of two sinusoidal curves, and the relative gain non-uniformity has been reduced to 3. 7%, which is almost equal to that of the hybrid EDFAs composed of EDSF and EDFF. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that newly developed hybrid EDSFAs exhibit a higher pumping efficiency and a lower NF than EDFFAs and hybrid EDSF/EDFFAs.

  • 40 Gbit/s Single-Channel Soliton Transmission Using Periodic Dispersion Compensation

    Itsuro MORITA  Masatoshi SUZUKI  Noboru EDAGAWA  Keiji TANAKA  Shu YAMAMOTO  


    E81-C No:8

    The effectiveness of periodic dispersion compensation on single-channel 40 Gbit/s soliton transmission system was experimentally investigated. This technique requires just the dispersion compensation fibers and wideband optical filters in the transmission line, which has no difficulty to be used in the practical system. By using polarization-division-multiplexing together with periodic dispersion compensation, single-channel 40 Gbit/s transmission over 4700 km was demonstrated. Single-polarization 40 Gbit/s transmission experiments, which are more suitable for system implementation and compatible with WDM were also conducted. We investigated the transmission characteristics and pulse dynamics in different dispersion maps and in the optimized dispersion map, single-channel, single-polarization 40 Gbit/s transmission over 6300 km was successfully demonstrated.

  • Novel Wavelength Converter Using an Electroabsorption Modulator

    Noboru EDAGAWA  Masatoshi SUZUKI  Shu YAMAMOTO  


    E81-C No:8

    Wavelength conversion is considered to be one of the key technologies for the future advanced optical networks. So far, intense efforts have been made to realize this functionality by using semiconductor lasers/amplifiers, optical fibers, LiNbO3/semiconductor waveguides. In this paper, we propose a novel wavelength converter using an electroabsorption (EA) modulator. The operating principle is based on the cross-absorption modulation effect of an InGaAsP EA modulator. High quality conversion has been demonstrated at 20 Gbit/s over 30 nm of wavelength range. The applicability to high speed signals (>40 Gbit/s) was also demonstrated. In addition, to study the expected versatility for all optical signal processing applications, broadcasting and extinction-ratio-improvement capability were evaluated.

  • An Estimate of Irregular Sampling in Wavelet Subspace

    Wen CHEN  Shuichi ITOH  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E81-A No:8

    The paper obtains an algorithm to estimate the irregular sampling in wavelet subspaces. Compared to our former work on the problem, the new estimate is relaxed for some wavelet subspaces.

  • Optimization of Fiber Bragg Grating for Dense WDM Transmission System

    Akira INOUE  Toru IWASHIMA  Tadashi ENOMOTO  Shinji ISHIKAWA  Hiroo KANAMORI  


    E81-C No:8

    A fiber Bragg grating, which has periodical perturbation of the refractive index in the fiber core, acts as a wavelength selective reflection filter and steep optical spectrum can be realized by forming more than ten thousand of gratings along the fiber core. Owing to capability of making steep optical spectrum, fiber Bragg gratings has been expected to be introduced practical use as multiplexing or demultiplexing filters in dense WDM transmission systems. On the other hand, radiation mode loss, reflection side mode and temperature dependence of Bragg wavelength, should be improved to put the fiber Bragg grating to practical use in dense WDM transmission systems. In this paper, an optimum design and performance of the fiber Bragg grating for dense WDM systems are described. The photosensitive cladding fiber realized less than 0. 2 dB insertion loss at transmitted signal channels and less than 0. 1 dB splicing loss with standard single-mode fibers. An adequate apodization technique in the refractive index distribution suppressed reflection side modes. A temperature compensating package, which gives longitudinal strain with negative temperature dependence to a fiber Bragg grating, minimized temperature dependence of Bragg wavelength less than 0. 001 nm/. Thermal decay of Bragg grating was also investigated and adequate annealing condition was estimated to obtain sufficient stability for practical use in dense WDM transmission.

  • Segmentation of Sputum Color Image for Lung Cancer Diagnosis Based on Neural Networks

    Rachid SAMMOUDA  Noboru NIKI  Hiromu NISHITANI  Emi KYOKAGE  

    PAPER-Image Processing,Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition

    E81-D No:8

    In our current work, we attempt to make an automatic diagnostic system of lung cancer based on the analysis of the sputum color images. In order to form general diagnostic rules, we have collected a database with thousands of sputum color images from normal and abnormal subjects. As a first step, in this paper, we present a segmentation method of sputum color images prepared by the Papanicalaou standard staining method. The segmentation is performed based on an energy function minimization using an unsupervised Hopfield neural network (HNN). This HNN have been used for the segmentation of magnetic resonance images (MRI). The results have been acceptable, however the method have some limitations due to the stuck of the network in an early local minimum because the energy landscape in general has more than one local minimum due to the nonconvex nature of the energy surface. To overcome this problem, we have suggested in our previous work some contributions. Similarly to the MRI images, the color images can be considered as multidimensional data as each pixel is represented by its three components in the RGB image planes. To the input of HNN we have applied the RGB components of several sputum images. However, the extreme variations in the gray-levels of the images and the relative contrast among nuclei due to unavoidable staining variations among individual cells, the cytoplasm folds and the debris cells, make the segmentation less accurate and impossible its automatization as the number of regions is difficult to be estimated in advance. On the other hand, the most important objective in processing cell clusters is the detection and accurate segmentation of the nuclei, because most quantitative procedures are based on measurements of nuclear features. For this reason, based on our collected database of sputum color images, we found an algorithm for NonSputum cell masking. Once these masked images are determined, they are given, with some of the RGB components of the raw image, to the input of HNN to make a crisp segmentation by assigning each pixel to label such as Background, Cytoplasm, and Nucleus. The proposed technique has yielded correct segmentation of complex scene of sputum prepared by ordinary manual staining method in most of the tested images selected from our database containing thousands of sputum color images.

  • Multidimensional Multirate Filter and Filter Bank without Checkerboard Effect

    Yasuhiro HARADA  Shogo MURAMATSU  Hitoshi KIYA  


    E81-A No:8

    The checkerboard effect is caused by the periodic time-variant property of multirate filters which consist of up-samplers and digital filters. Although the conditions for some one-dimensional (1D) multirate systems to avoid the checkerboard effect have been shown, the conditions for Multidimensional (MD) multirate systems have not been considered. In this paper, some theorems about the conditions for MD multirate filters without checkerboard effect are derived. In addition, we also consider MD multirate filter banks without checkerboard effect. Simulation examples show that the checkerboard effect can be avoided by using the proposed conditions.

  • On a Code-Excited Nonlinear Predictive Speech Coding (CENLP) by Means of Recurrent Neural Networks

    Ni MA  Tetsuo NISHI  Gang WEI  


    E81-A No:8

    To improve speech coding quality, in particular, the long-term dependency prediction characteristics, we propose a new nonlinear predictor, i. e. , a fully connected recurrent neural network (FCRNN) where the hidden units have feedbacks not only from themselves but also from the output unit. The comparison of the capabilities of the FCRNN with conventional predictors shows that the former has less prediction error than the latter. We apply this FCRNN instead of the previously proposed recurrent neural networks in the code-excited predictive speech coding system (i. e. , CELP) and shows that our system (FCRNN) requires less bit rate/frame and improves the performance for speech coding.

  • Design of Checkerboard-Distortion-Free Multidimensional Multirate Filters

    Tomohiro TAMURA  Masaki KATO  Toshiyuki YOSHIDA  Akinori NISHIHARA  


    E81-A No:8

    This paper discusses a design technique for multidimensional (M-D) multirate filters which cause no checkerboard distortion. In the first part of this paper, a necessary and sufficient condition for M-D multirate filters to be checkerboard-distortion-free is derived in the frequency domain. Then, in the second part, this result is applied to a scanning line conversion system for television signals. To confirm the effectiveness of the derived condition, band-limiting filters with and without considering the condition are designed, and the results by these filters are compared. A reducibility of the number of delay elements in such a system is also considered to derive efficient implementation.

  • Genetic Feature Selection for Texture Classification Using 2-D Non-Separable Wavelet Bases

    Jing-Wein WANG  Chin-Hsing CHEN  Jeng-Shyang PAN  


    E81-A No:8

    In this paper, the performances of texture classification based on pyramidal and uniform decomposition are comparatively studied with and without feature selection. This comparison using the subband variance as feature explores the dependence among features. It is shown that the main problem when employing 2-D non-separable wavelet transforms for texture classification is the determination of the suitable features that yields the best classification results. A Max-Max algorithm which is a novel evaluation function based on genetic algorithms is presented to evaluate the classification performance of each subset of selected features. It is shown that the performance with feature selection in which only about half of features are selected is comparable to that without feature selection. Moreover, the discriminatory characteristics of texture spread more in low-pass bands and the features extracted from the pyramidal decomposition are more representative than those from the uniform decomposition. Experimental results have verified the selectivity of the proposed approach and its texture capturing characteristics.

  • File Allocation Designs for Distributed Multimedia Information Networks

    Akiko NAKANIWA  Hiroyuki EBARA  Hiromi OKADA  

    PAPER-Heterogeneous Multimedia Servers

    E81-B No:8

    In this paper, we study the optimal allocation of multimedia files in distributed network systems. In these systems, the files are shared by users connected with different servers geographically separated, and each file must be stored in at least one of servers. Users can access any files stored in any servers connected with high-speed communication networks. Copies of the files accessed frequently are to be stored in several servers that have databases. So, it is one of the most important problems how to assign the files to servers in view of costs and delays. Considering these problems in heterogeneous network environments, we present a new system model that covers wide range of multimedia network applications like VOD, CALS, and so on. In these systems, it is obvious that there is trading-off relationship between costs and delays. Our objective is to find the optimal file allocation such that the total cost is minimized subject to the total delay. We introduce a 0-1 integer programming formulation for the optimization problem, and find the optimal file allocation by solving these formulae.

  • Termination of Order-Sorted Rewriting with Non-minimal Signatures

    Yoshinobu KAWABE  Naohiro ISHII  

    PAPER-Software Theory

    E81-D No:8

    In this paper, we extend the Gnaedig's results on termination of order-sorted rewriting. Gnaedig required a condition for order-sorted signatures, called minimality, for the termination proof. We get rid of this restriction by introducing a transformation from a TRS with an arbitrary order-sorted signature to another TRS with a minimal signature, and proving that this transformation preserves termination.
