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  • Characterization of Vertical Alignment Film by X-Ray Reflectivity

    Ichiro HIROSAWA  Tomoyuki KOGANEZAWA  Hidenori ISHII  


    E94-C No:11

    Depth profile of mass density of vertical alignment film was investigated by X-ray reflectivity, in order to characterize side chains at film surface for vertical alignment of liquid crystals. Existence thin and low density top layer at surface of polyimide film, which was considered to be side chains, was clearly detected. Furthermore, existence of high density layer just below side chain layer was also found, and it is suggested that backbone chain ordering at film surface. Effect of rubbing on VA film was not detected. However, density growth by annealing just below side chain layer of rubbed VA film suggests more ordered backbone chain alignment induced by rubbing.

  • Effects of Multiple Antennas on Outage Performance of Decode-and-Forward Cooperative Networks with Relay Selection

    Wooju LEE  Dongweon YOON  Zhengyuan XU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:11

    In this paper, we consider multiple source and destination antennas based on relay selection scheme to improve the end-to-end outage performance for decode-and-forward cooperative networks. We derive an exact closed-form expression of the outage probability for the proposed system over a Rayleigh fading channel and describe the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of the system. We then analyze the effects of the number of source and destination antennas on the outage probabilities and diversity-multiplexing tradeoffs.

  • Optical Wireless N-CSK with Modified Pseudo Orthogonal M-Sequence Sets

    Yusuke KOZAWA  Hiromasa HABUCHI  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E94-A No:11

    In this paper, N-CSK (N parallel Codes Shift Keying) using modified pseudo orthogonal M-sequence sets (MPOMSs) to realize the parallel combinatory spread spectrum (PC/SS) communication system for the optical communications is proposed. Moreover, the upper bound of data transmission rate and the bit error rate (BER) performance of this N-CSK system using the chip-level detection are evaluated through theoretical analysis by taking into account the scintillation, background-noise, avalanche photo-diode (APD) noise, thermal noise, and signal dependence noise. It is shown that the upper bound of data transmission rate of the proposed system is better than those of OOK/CDM and SIK/CDM. Moreover, the upper bound of data transmission rate of the proposed system can achieve about 1.5 [bit/chip] when the code length of MPOMS is 64 [chip].

  • Threshold Anonymous Password-Authenticated Key Exchange Secure against Insider Attacks

    SeongHan SHIN  Kazukuni KOBARA  Hideki IMAI  


    E94-D No:11

    An anonymous password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocol is designed to provide both password-only authentication and client anonymity against a semi-honest server, who honestly follows the protocol. In INDOCRYPT2008, Yang and Zhang [26] proposed a new anonymous PAKE (NAPAKE) protocol and its threshold (D-NAPAKE) which they claimed to be secure against insider attacks. In this paper, we first show that the D-NAPAKE protocol [26] is completely insecure against insider attacks unlike their claim. Specifically, only one legitimate client can freely impersonate any subgroup of clients (the threshold t > 1) to the server. After giving a security model that captures insider attacks, we propose a threshold anonymous PAKE (called, TAP+) protocol which provides security against insider attacks. Moreover, we prove that the TAP+ protocol has semantic security of session keys against active attacks as well as insider attacks under the computational Diffie-Hellman problem, and provides client anonymity against a semi-honest server, who honestly follows the protocol. Finally, several discussions are followed: 1) We also show another threshold anonymous PAKE protocol by applying our RATIONALE to the non-threshold anonymous PAKE (VEAP) protocol [23]; and 2) We give the efficiency comparison, security consideration and implementation issue of the TAP+ protocol.

  • Cryptanalysis of Group Key Agreement Protocol Based on Chaotic Hash Function

    Eun-Jun YOON  Kee-Young YOO  


    E94-D No:11

    In 2010, Guo and Zhang proposed a group key agreement protocol based on the chaotic hash function. This letter points out that Guo-Zhang's protocol is still vulnerable to off-line password guessing attacks, stolen-verifier attacks and reflection attacks.

  • A Step towards Static Script Malware Abstraction: Rewriting Obfuscated Script with Maude

    Gregory BLANC  Youki KADOBAYASHI  


    E94-D No:11

    Modern web applications incorporate many programmatic frameworks and APIs that are often pushed to the client-side with most of the application logic while contents are the result of mashing up several resources from different origins. Such applications are threatened by attackers that often attempts to inject directly, or by leveraging a stepstone website, script codes that perform malicious operations. Web scripting based malware proliferation is being more and more industrialized with the drawbacks and advantages that characterize such approach: on one hand, we are witnessing a lot of samples that exhibit the same characteristics which make these easy to detect, while on the other hand, professional developers are continuously developing new attack techniques. While obfuscation is still a debated issue within the community, it becomes clear that, with new schemes being designed, this issue cannot be ignored anymore. Because many proposed countermeasures confess that they perform better on unobfuscated contents, we propose a 2-stage technique that first relieve the burden of obfuscation by emulating the deobfuscation stage before performing a static abstraction of the analyzed sample's functionalities in order to reveal its intent. We support our proposal with evidence from applying our technique to real-life examples and provide discussion on performance in terms of time, as well as possible other applications of proposed techniques in the areas of web crawling and script classification. Additionally, we claim that such approach can be generalized to other scripting languages similar to JavaScript.

  • A Model of Luminance-Adaptation for Quantifying Brightness in Mixed Visual Adapting Conditions

    Sung-Hak LEE  Kyu-Ik SOHNG  


    E94-C No:11

    The color appearance model gives us the proper brightness information and optimized display conditions for various viewing surroundings. However on conditions of low-level illumination or low background reflectivity, the performance of brightness estimation is relatively poor. Therefore, through our psychophysical experiments, we investigated the state of visual luminance adaptation for comparing single adaptations and mixed adaptations under a complex viewing field, and we also investigated background adaptation degrees and exponential nonlinearity factors for mixed adaptation models. It provides more accurate brightness predictions according to different adapting luminance, which is decided from object and background luminance.

  • Two-Level FIFO Buffer Design for Routers in On-Chip Interconnection Networks

    Po-Tsang HUANG  Wei HWANG  

    PAPER-VLSI Design Technology and CAD

    E94-A No:11

    The on-chip interconnection network (OCIN) is an integrated solution for system-on-chip (SoC) designs. The buffer architecture and size, however, dominate the performance of OCINs and affect the design of routers. This work analyzes different buffer architectures and uses a data-link two-level FIFO (first-in first-out) buffer architecture to implement high-performance routers. The concepts of shared buffers and multiple accesses for buffers are developed using the two-level FIFO buffer architecture. The proposed two-level FIFO buffer architecture increases the utilities of the storage elements via the centralized buffer organization and reduces the area and power consumption of routers to achieve the same performance achieved by other buffer architectures. Depending on a cycle-accurate simulator, the proposed data-link two-level FIFO buffer can realize performance similar to that of the conventional virtual channels, while using 25% of the buffers. Consequently, the two-level FIFO buffer can achieve about 22% power reduction compared with the similar performance of the conventional virtual channels using UMC 65 nm CMOS technology.

  • 24-GHz CW Radar with Beam-Switched Area Coverage for Outdoor Intruder Detection

    Mitsutoshi MORINAGA  Toshiyuki NAGASAKU  Hiroshi SHINODA  Hiroshi KONDOH  

    PAPER-Microwaves, Millimeter-Waves

    E94-C No:11

    A 24-GHz continuous wave (CW) radar with three vertically switched beam antennas for monitoring different range segments has been newly proposed and developed as a means to detect intruders in a fan-shaped ground area with 90 degs. in azimuth and over 10 m in range. This radar can detect moving targets and measure their positions from a tampering-proof height of about 5 m by taking advantage of a two-frequency-CW modulation technique and monopulse scheme used to achieve the wide azimuth coverage. The radar module consists of microstrip-patch planar antennas and monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs), which are placed on the opposite side of a single metal plate to attain compact size and lower cost. An experimental radar successfully detected a human intruder with a position accuracy of 50 cm when moving at 1.4 m/s.

  • A Low Complexity 1D-Based Successive GSC Structure for 2D Adaptive Beamformer Implementation

    Yung-Yi WANG  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E94-A No:11

    In this study, we propose a one dimensional (1D) based successive generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) structure for the implementation of 2D adaptive beamformers using a uniform rectangular antenna array (URA). The proposed approach takes advantage of the URA feature that the 2D spatial signature of the receive signal can be decomposed into an outer product of two 1D spatial signatures. The 1D spatial signatures lie in the column and the row spaces of the receive signal matrix, respectively. It follows that the interferers can be successively eliminated by two rounds of 1D-based GSC structure. As compared to the conventional 2D-GSC structure, computer simulations show that in addition to having significantly low computational complexity, the proposed adaptive approach possesses higher convergence rate.

  • FPGA-Specific Custom VLIW Architecture for Arbitrary Precision Floating-Point Arithmetic

    Yuanwu LEI  Yong DOU  Jie ZHOU  

    PAPER-Computer System

    E94-D No:11

    Many scientific applications require efficient variable-precision floating-point arithmetic. This paper presents a special-purpose Very Large Instruction Word (VLIW) architecture for variable precision floating-point arithmetic (VV-Processor) on FPGA. The proposed processor uses a unified hardware structure, equipped with multiple custom variable-precision arithmetic units, to implement various variable-precision algebraic and transcendental functions. The performance is improved through the explicitly parallel technology of VLIW instruction and by dynamically varying the precision of intermediate computation. We take division and exponential function as examples to illustrate the design of variable-precision elementary algorithms in VV-Processor. Finally, we create a prototype of VV-Processor unit on a Xilinx XC6VLX760-2FF1760 FPGA chip. The experimental results show that one VV-Processor unit, running at 253 MHz, outperforms the approach of a software-based library running on an Intel Core i3 530 CPU at 2.93 GHz by a factor of 5X-37X for basic variable-precision arithmetic operations and elementary functions.

  • Parallel Implementation Strategy for CoHOG-Based Pedestrian Detection Using a Multi-Core Processor

    Ryusuke MIYAMOTO  Hiroki SUGANO  

    PAPER-Image Processing

    E94-A No:11

    Pedestrian detection from visual images, which is used for driver assistance or video surveillance, is a recent challenging problem. Co-occurrence histograms of oriented gradients (CoHOG) is a powerful feature descriptor for pedestrian detection and achieves the highest detection accuracy. However, its calculation cost is too large to calculate it in real-time on state-of-the-art processors. In this paper, to obtain optimal parallel implementation for an NVIDIA GPU, several kinds of parallelism of CoHOG-based detection are shown and evaluated suitability for implementation. The experimental result shows that the detection process can be performed at 16.5 fps in QVGA images on NVIDIA Tesla C1060 by optimized parallel implementation. By our evaluation, it is shown that the optimal strategy of parallel implementation for an NVIDIA GPU is different from that of FPGA. We discuss about the reason and show the advantages of each device. To show the scalability and portability of GPU implementation, the same object code is executed on other NVIDA GPUs. The experimental result shows that GTX570 can perform the CoHOG-based pedestiran detection 21.3 fps in QVGA images.

  • 3D Face and Motion from Feature Points Using Adaptive Constrained Minima


    PAPER-Image, Vision

    E94-A No:11

    This paper presents a novel method for reconstructing 3D geometry of camera motion and human-face model from a video sequence. The approach combines the concepts of Powell's line minimization with gradient descent. We adapted the line minimization with bracketing used in Powell's minimization to our method. However, instead of bracketing and searching deep down a direction for the minimum point along that direction as done in their line minimization, we achieve minimization by bracketing and searching for the direction in the bracket which provides a lower energy than the previous iteration. Thus, we do not need a large memory as required by Powell's algorithm. The approach to moving in a better direction is similar to classical gradient descent except that the derivative calculation and a good starting point are not needed. The system's constraints are also used to control the bracketing direction. The reconstructed solution is further improved using the Levenberg Marquardt algorithm. No average face model or known-coordinate markers are needed. Feature points defining the human face are tracked using the active appearance model. Occluded points, even in the case of self occlusion, do not pose a problem. The reconstructed space is normalized where the origin can be arbitrarily placed. To use the obtained reconstruction, one can rescale the computed volume to a known scale and transform the coordinate system to any other desired coordinates. This is relatively easy since the 3D geometry of the facial points and the camera parameters of all frames are explicitly computed. Robustness to noise and lens distortion, and 3D accuracy are also demonstrated. All experiments were conducted with an off-the-shelf digital camera carried by a person walking without using any dolly to demonstrate the robustness and practicality of the method. Our method does not require a large memory or the use of any particular, expensive equipment.

  • Robust Generalized Sidelobe Canceller for MC-CDMA with Carrier Frequency Offsets

    Jhih-Chung CHANG  Ann-Chen CHANG  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:11

    In this letter, a generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) with robustness against carrier frequency offset (CFO) is proposed for the uplink MC-CDMA system. It has been shown that a CFO will cause the spreading code mismatch and desired signal cancellation. By incorporating the corrected quiescent weight of the upper branch and blocking matrix of the lower branch, we create an efficient GSC that offers strongly counters the effect of the CFO. Significant performance improvement of the proposed GSC is demonstrated by simulation results.

  • Adaptive Interference Mitigation for Multilevel Flash Memory Devices

    Myeongwoon JEON  Kyungchul KIM  Sungkyu CHUNG  Seungjae CHUNG  Beomju SHIN  Jungwoo LEE  

    LETTER-Analog Signal Processing

    E94-A No:11

    NAND multilevel cell flash memory devices are gaining popularity because they can increase the memory capacity by storing two or more bits to a single cell. However, when the number of levels of a cell increases, the inter-cell interference which shifts threshold voltage becomes more critical. There are two approaches to alleviate the errors caused by the voltage shift. One is the error correcting codes, and the other is the signal processing methods. In this paper, we focus on signal processing methods to reduce the inter-cell interference which causes the voltage shift, and propose two algorithms which reduce the voltage shift effects by adjusting read voltages. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithms are effective for interference mitigation.

  • Robust DOA Estimation for Uncorrelated and Coherent Signals

    Hui CHEN  Qun WAN  Hongyang CHEN  Tomoaki OHTSUKI  

    LETTER-Digital Signal Processing

    E94-A No:10

    A new direction of arrival (DOA) estimation method is introduced with arbitrary array geometry when uncorrelated and coherent signals coexist. The DOAs of uncorrelated signals are first estimated via subspace-based high resolution DOA estimation technique. Then a matrix that only contains the information of coherent signals can be formulated by eliminating the contribution of uncorrelated signals. Finally a subspace block sparse reconstruction approach is taken for DOA estimations of the coherent signals.

  • Web Cache Design and Implementation for Efficient SNMP Monitoring towards Internet-Scale Network Management

    Ahmad Kamil ABDUL HAMID  Yoshihiro KAWAHARA  Tohru ASAMI  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E94-B No:10

    In this paper, we propose an SNMP-aware web cache design that has two main objectives: (1) to avoid overload of network devices by SNMP requests, and (2) guaranteeing the monitoring time granularity of SNMP Object Identifiers (OID) for a large scale network such as the Internet. To meet these objectives, a cache is built into an RESTful active proxy, called Tambourine, which is the gateway for accessing management information through the Internet. Tambourine changes the landscape of traditional SNMP monitoring by allowing the Internet users to monitor closed-domain network devices through translating requests in HTTP into SNMP. However, the typical web cache algorithm can not be used in Tambourine due to two main reasons: (1) SNMP is not a cache-aware protocol and therefore can not provide Tambourine with the caching rules that need to be applied, and (2) the cache in Tambourine needs to accommodate two SNMP monitoring patterns: periodic and on-demand polling. In order for efficient periodic polling, SNMP traffic is reduced by a multi-TTL cache and user (or Manager)-side aggregation. For efficient on-demand polling, four-state transition is used to categorize OIDs into dynamic and static objects, each of which is allocated an optimum TTL. To provide users with a proper time stamp, the cache time stamp is included in the response to the users' request. Our experiments show that our cache design gives the staleness of 0 and a bounded number of SNMP requests even when the number of users' requests goes to infinity.

  • A Visual Signal Reliability for Robust Audio-Visual Speaker Identification

    Md. TARIQUZZAMAN  Jin Young KIM  Seung You NA  Hyoung-Gook KIM  Dongsoo HAR  

    LETTER-Human-computer Interaction

    E94-D No:10

    In this paper, a novel visual signal reliability (VSR) measure is proposed to consider video degradation at the signal level in audio-visual speaker identification (AVSI). The VSR estimation is formulated using a~ Gaussian fuzzy membership function (GFMF) to measure lighting variations. The variance parameters of GFMF are optimized in order to maximize the performance of the overall AVSI. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the score-based reliability measuring technique.

  • A Novel Noise Suppression Method in Channel Estimation

    Xiao ZHOU  Fang YANG  Jian SONG  

    LETTER-Noise and Vibration

    E94-A No:10

    To reduce the error of channel estimation caused by noise, a novel noise suppression method based on the degree of confidence is proposed in this paper. The false alarm and false dismissal probabilities, corresponding to noise being taken as part of channel impulse response (CIR) and part of the CIR being mis-detected as noise, respectively, are also investigated. A false alarm reduction method is therefore presented to reduce the false alarms in the estimated CIR while the mis-detection ratio still remains low. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Optimum Threshold for Indoor UWB ToA-Based Ranging

    Marzieh DASHTI  Mir GHORAISHI  Katsuyuki HANEDA  Jun-ichi TAKADA  Kenichi TAKIZAWA  

    PAPER-Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

    E94-A No:10

    This paper proposes a method for setting the threshold for ultra-wide-band (UWB) threshold-based ranging in indoor scenarios. The optimum threshold is derived based on the full analysis of the ranging error, which is equivalent to the probability of correct detection of first arriving signal in time-based ranging techniques. It is shown that the probability of correct detection is a function of first arriving signal, which has variations with two independent distributions. On the one hand, the first arriving signal varies in different positions with the same range due to multipath interference and on the other, it is a function of distance due to free space path-loss. These two distributions are considered in the derivation of the ranging error, based on which the optimum threshold is obtained. A practical method to derive this threshold is introduced based on the standard channel model. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations, ray-tracing simulations and ranging measurements confirm the analysis and the superior performance of the proposed threshold scheme.
