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  • Adaptive Sensor Management Based on Spatial Correlation in Wireless Sensor Networks

    Mohammad Reza ZOGHI  Mohammad Hossein KAHAEI  


    E94-B No:6

    This paper addresses the problem of sensor selection in wireless sensor networks (WSN) subject to a distortion constraint. To do so, first, a cost function is derived based on the spatial correlation obtained using the best estimation of the event source. Then, a new adaptive algorithm is proposed in which the number of active sensors is adaptively determined and the best topology of the active set is selected based on the add-one-sensor-node-at-a-time method. Simulations results show that the active sensors selected using the proposed cost function have less event distortion. Also, it is shown that the proposed sensor selection algorithm is near optimum and it has better performance than other algorithms with regard to the computational burden and distortion.

  • A “Group Marching Cube” (GMC) Algorithm for Speeding up the Marching Cube Algorithm

    Lih-Shyang CHEN  Young-Jinn LAY  Je-Bin HUANG  Yan-De CHEN  Ku-Yaw CHANG  Shao-Jer CHEN  

    PAPER-Computer Graphics

    E94-D No:6

    Although the Marching Cube (MC) algorithm is very popular for displaying images of voxel-based objects, its slow surface extraction process is usually considered to be one of its major disadvantages. It was pointed out that for the original MC algorithm, we can limit vertex calculations to once per vertex to speed up the surface extraction process, however, it did not mention how this process could be done efficiently. Neither was the reuse of these MC vertices looked into seriously in the literature. In this paper, we propose a “Group Marching Cube” (GMC) algorithm, to reduce the time needed for the vertex identification process, which is part of the surface extraction process. Since most of the triangle-vertices of an iso-surface are shared by many MC triangles, the vertex identification process can avoid the duplication of the vertices in the vertex array of the resultant triangle data. The MC algorithm is usually done through a hash table mechanism proposed in the literature and used by many software systems. Our proposed GMC algorithm considers a group of voxels simultaneously for the application of the MC algorithm to explore interesting features of the original MC algorithm that have not been discussed in the literature. Based on our experiments, for an object with more than 1 million vertices, the GMC algorithm is 3 to more than 10 times faster than the algorithm using a hash table. Another significant advantage of GMC is its compatibility with other algorithms that accelerate the MC algorithm. Together, the overall performance of the original MC algorithm is promoted even further.

  • Dynamic Leveling Scheme for Traffic Prediction in Satellite Networks

    SungIl LEE  JaeSung LIM  Jae-Joon LEE  

    LETTER-Satellite Communications

    E94-B No:6

    We propose a new resource prediction method for the Demand Assigned Multiple Access (DAMA) scheme in satellite networks. Inaccurate prediction of future traffic causes degradation of QoS and utilization due to the long delay in satellite networks. The Dynamic Leveling Scheme (DLS) use a leveling method to modify its prediction to a discrete one to change the precision of the prediction result. This new scheme has two features: 1) It enhances the probability of successful prediction and 2) it can be applied to any type of existing prediction method. Simulations show enhanced utilization and performance of the satellite link.

  • Considerations for Reducing Channel Zapping Time for Protected Services in IP Datacast over DVB-H

    Byoung-Dai LEE  

    PAPER-Terrestrial Wireless Communication/Broadcasting Technologies

    E94-B No:6

    IP Datacast over DVB-H has been adopted as a core technology to build complete end-to-end mobile broadcast TV systems. In order for this technology to be successful in the market, provisioning of acceptable QoE (Quality of Experience) to the users, as well as a wide range of business models to the service providers, is essential. In this paper, we analyze the channel zapping time, which is an important metric to measure QoE for mobile broadcast TV services. In particular, we clarify primary components that determine the channel zapping time for protected services in IP Datacast over DVB-H. Our analysis is based on the data gathered during the trial service of the OMA-BCAST Smartcard profile in Singapore, Asia. Based on the analysis, we show that a significant reduction in channel zapping time can be achieved by optimizing the transmission parameters related to the key derivation time and the synchronization time between the content stream and the key stream.

  • Neary: Conversational Field Detection Based on Situated Sound Similarity

    Toshiya NAKAKURA  Yasuyuki SUMI  Toyoaki NISHIDA  


    E94-D No:6

    This paper proposes a system called Neary that detects conversational fields based on similarity of auditory situation among users. The similarity of auditory situation between each pair of the users is measured by the similarity of frequency property of sound captured by head-worn microphones of the individual users. Neary is implemented with a simple algorithm and runs on portable PCs. Experimental result shows Neary can successfully distinguish groups of conversations and track dynamic changes of them. This paper also presents two examples of Neary deployment to detect user contexts during experience sharing in touring at the zoo and attending an academic conference.

  • Comparing Process Behaviors with Finite Chu Spaces

    Xutao DU  Chunxiao XING  Lizhu ZHOU  

    LETTER-Fundamentals of Information Systems

    E94-D No:6

    We develop a distance function for finite Chu spaces based on their behavior. Typical examples are given to show the coincidence between the distance function and intuition. We show by example that the triangle inequality should not be satisfied when it comes to comparing two processes.

  • Self-Dithered Digital Delta-Sigma Modulators for Fractional-N PLL

    Zule XU  Jun Gyu LEE  Shoichi MASUI  


    E94-C No:6

    Digital delta-sigma modulators (DDSMs) applied in fractional-N frequency synthesizers suffer from spurious tones which undermine the synthesizer's spectral purity. We propose a solution featuring no hardware overhead while achieving equivalent spur elimination effect as using LFSR-dithering. This method can be implemented on MASH and single-loop DDSMs of 3rd- and 2nd-order.

  • Further Improved Remote User Authentication Scheme

    Jung-Yoon KIM  Hyoung-Kee CHOI  John A. COPELAND  

    PAPER-Cryptography and Information Security

    E94-A No:6

    Kim and Chung previously proposed a password-based user authentication scheme to improve Yoon and Yoo's scheme. However, Kim and Chung's scheme is still vulnerable to an offline password guessing attack, an unlimited online password guessing attack, and server impersonation. We illustrate how their scheme can be compromised and then propose an improved scheme to overcome the weaknesses. Our improvement is based on the Rabin cryptosystem. We verify the correctness of our proposed scheme using the BAN logic.

  • An Informative Feature Selection Method for Music Genre Classification

    Jin Soo SEO  

    LETTER-Music Information Processing

    E94-D No:6

    This letter presents a new automatic musical genre classification method based on an informative song-level representation, in which the mutual information between the feature and the genre label is maximized. By efficiently combining distance-based indexing with informative features, the proposed method represents a song as one vector instead of complex statistical models. Experiments on an audio genre DB show that the proposed method can achieve the classification accuracy comparable or superior to the state-of-the-art results.

  • Precoding for OFDM Systems with Imperfect Channel State Information at the Transmitter

    Chongbin XU  Hao WANG  Xiaokang LIN  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:6

    We study the transmission techniques in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems with imperfect channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT). We focus on the issue of utilizing the available CSIT by a single forward error control (FEC) code. We first analyze the system performance for the ideal coding case. We then develop a simple but efficient scheme for the practical coding case, which is based on joint FEC coding and linear precoding at the transmitter and iterative linear minimum-mean-square-error (LMMSE) detection at the receiver. Numerical results show that significant performances gains can be achieved by the proposed scheme.

  • Connectivity Modeling Analysis in Flight-Path Based Aviation Ad Hoc Networks

    Thi Xuan My NGUYEN  Yoshikazu MIYANAGA  Chaiyachet SAIVICHIT  


    E94-B No:6

    In this paper, we propose a framework of connectivity analysis for aviation ad hoc networks on flight paths. First, a general analytical connectivity model for the common one-dimensional ad hoc network is newly developed. Then it is applied for modeling the connectivity of ad hoc networks among aircraft along flight paths where aircraft arrival process follows a Poisson distribution. Connectivity is expressed in terms of connectedness probability of two nodes in the network, connected distance, and network coverage extension factor. An exact closed form derivation of connectedness probability is proposed. The radical effect of mobility on the network connectedness of aircraft over a single flight path is analyzed. The network connectedness probability depends on node density and node distribution, which are derived from node arrival rate and node velocity. Based on these results, the proposed model is extended to the practical case of paths with multi-velocity air traffic classes. Using this model, the critical values of system parameters for the network of aircraft with certain connectivity requirements can be derived. It helps to evaluate network extension capability under the constraints of various system parameters.

  • Shaka: User Movement Estimation Considering Reliability, Power Saving, and Latency Using Mobile Phone

    Arei KOBAYASHI  Shigeki MURAMATSU  Daisuke KAMISAKA  Takafumi WATANABE  Atsunori MINAMIKAWA  Takeshi IWAMOTO  Hiroyuki YOKOYAMA  


    E94-D No:6

    This paper proposes a method for using an accelerometer, microphone, and GPS in a mobile phone to recognize the movement of the user. Past attempts at identifying the movement associated with riding on a bicycle, train, bus or car and common human movements like standing still, walking or running have had problems with poor accuracy due to factors such as sudden changes in vibration or times when the vibrations resembled those for other types of movement. Moreover, previous methods have had problems with has the problem of high power consumption because of the sensor processing load. The proposed method aims to avoid these problems by estimating the reliability of the inference result, and by combining two inference modes to decrease the power consumption. Field trials demonstrate that our method achieves 90% or better average accuracy for the seven types of movement listed above. Shaka's power saving functionality enables us to extend the battery life of a mobile phone to over 100 hours while our estimation algorithm is running in the background. Furthermore, this paper uses experimental results to show the trade-off between accuracy and latency when estimating user activity.

  • Modeling of the Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Generator and the Standard Injection Clamp

    Xiaoshe ZHAI  Yingsan GENG  Jianhua WANG  Guogang ZHANG  Yan WANG  

    PAPER-Electromagnetic Theory

    E94-C No:6

    This paper presents an accurate and systematic method to simulate the interference imposed on the input/output (I/O) ports of electronic equipment under the electrical fast transients/burst (EFT/B) test. The equivalent circuit of the EFT/B generator and the coupling clamp are modeled respectively. Firstly, a transfer function (TF) of the EFT pulse-forming network is constructed with the latent parameters based on circuit theory. In the TF, two negative real parameters characterize the non-oscillation process of the network while one complex conjugate pair characterizes the damping-oscillation process. The TF of the pulse-forming network is therefore synthesized in the equivalent circuit of the EFT/B generator. Secondly, the standard coupling clamp is modeled based on the scatter (S) parameter obtained by using a vector network analyzer. By applying the vector fitting method during the rational function approximation, a macromodel of the coupling clamp can be obtained and converted to a Spice compatible equivalent circuit. Based on the aforementioned procedures, the interference imposed on the I/O ports can be simulated. The modeling methods are validated experimentally, where the interference in differential mode and common mode is evaluated respectively.

  • Typing ZINC Machine with Generalized Algebraic Data Types

    Kwanghoon CHOI  Seog PARK  

    PAPER-Software System

    E94-D No:6

    The Krivine-style evaluation mechanism is well-known in the implementation of higher-order functions, allowing to avoid some useless closure building. There have been a few type systems that can verify the safety of the mechanism. The incorporation of the proposed ideas into an existing compiler, however, would require significant changes in the type system of the compiler due to the use of some dedicated form of types and typing rules in the proposals. This limitation motivates us to propose an alternative light-weight Krivine typing mechanism that does not need to extend any existing type system significantly. This paper shows how GADTs (Generalized algebraic data types) can be used for typing a ZINC machine following the Krivine-style evaluation mechanism. This idea is new as far as we know. Some existing typed compilers like GHC (Glasgow Haskell compiler) already support GADTs; they can benefit from the Krivine-style evaluation mechanism in the operational semantics with no particular extension in their type systems for the safety. We show the GHC type checker allows to prove mechanically that ZINC instructions are well-typed, which highlights the effectiveness of GADTs.

  • Secure Broadcast System with Simultaneous Individual Messaging

    Arisa FUJII  Go OHTAKE  Goichiro HANAOKA  Nuttapong ATTRAPADUNG  Hajime WATANABE  Kazuto OGAWA  Hideki IMAI  


    E94-A No:6

    Broadcasters transmit TV programs and often need to transmit an individual message, e.g. an individual contract, to each user. The programs have to be encrypted in order to protect the copyright and the individual messages have to be encrypted to preserve the privacy of users. For these purposes, broadcasters transmit not only encrypted content but also encrypted personalized messages to individual users. Current broadcasting services employ an inefficient encryption scheme based on a symmetric key. Recently, several broadcast encryption schemes using a public key have been proposed in which the broadcaster encrypts a message for some subset S of users with a public key and any user in S can decrypt the broadcast with his/her private key. However, it is difficult to encrypt a personalized message and transmit it to every user efficiently. In this paper, we propose a broadcast encryption scheme that has a personalized message encryption function. We show that our scheme is efficient in terms of the ciphertext size.

  • Game Theoretic Approach for Enforcing Truth-Telling upon Relay Nodes

    Jinglei LI  Qinghai YANG  Kyung Sup KWAK  Fenglin FU  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    In this letter, an AGV based relay selection mechanism is developed to ensure relays reporting true information in wireless relay networks. The source selects relays based on the channel state information (CSI) of relay-destination links. Selfish relays may report fake CSI in order to obtain a better chance of being selected, whereas the source is not able to tell the reported in real or in false. In the proposed scheme, a relay node receives some payoffs from the destination with respect to the achievable data rate and also some compensations from the others in terms of the reported CSI of all relays. This mechanism not only enforces truth-telling upon relay nodes with maximum payoff but also ensures fairness among them. The equilibrium of payoff is attained when relay nodes report their true CSI. Simulation results demonstrate the theoretical solutions.

  • A Comparison of MIMO Detection Algorithms with Channel Coding in Frequency Selective Fading Channel Environments

    Jin REN  Sukhui LEE  Seokhyun YOON  

    LETTER-Wireless Communication Technologies

    E94-B No:5

    Recent works on MIMO receiver design were mainly focused on sphere decoding, which provides a trade-off between the performance and complexity by suitably choosing the “radius” or the number of candidates in the search space. Meanwhile, another approach, called poly-diagonalization and trellis detection, has been proposed to compromise the complexity and performance. In this paper, we compare various MIMO receiver algorithms in terms of both performance and complexity. The performance is evaluated in a frequency selective fading channel environment on the basis of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with channel coding, for which the generation of soft decision values is crucial. The simulations show that the poly-diagonalization approach matches the performance of sphere decoding at similar computational complexity.

  • Fabrication of InP/InGaAs DHBTs with Buried SiO2 Wires

    Naoaki TAKEBE  Takashi KOBAYASHI  Hiroyuki SUZUKI  Yasuyuki MIYAMOTO  Kazuhito FURUYA  


    E94-C No:5

    In this paper, we report the fabrication and device characteristics of InP/InGaAs double heterojunction bipolar transistors (DHBTs) with buried SiO2 wires. The SiO2 wires were buried in the collector and subcollector layers by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition toward reduction of the base-collector capacitance under the base electrode. A current gain of 22 was obtained at an emitter current density of 1.25 MA/cm2 for a DHBT with an emitter width of 400 nm. The DC characteristics of DHBTs with buried SiO2 wires were the same as those of DHBTs without buried SiO2 wires on the same substrate. A current gain cutoff frequency (fT) of 213 GHz and a maximum oscillation frequency (fmax) of 100 GHz were obtained at an emitter current density of 725 kA/cm2.

  • Interaction of Bis-diethylaminosilane with a Hydroxylized Si (001) Surface for SiO2 Thin-Film Growth Using Density Functional Theory

    Seung-Bin BAEK  Dae-Hee KIM  Yeong-Cheol KIM  


    E94-C No:5

    We studied the interaction of Bis-diethylaminosilane (SiH2[N(C2H5)2]2, BDEAS) with a hydroxylized Si (001) surface for SiO2 thin-film growth using density functional theory (DFT). BDEAS was adsorbed on the Si surface and reacted with the H atom of hydroxyl (-OH) to produce the di-ethylaminosilane (-SiH2[N(C2H5)2], DEAS) group and di-ethylamine (NH(C2H5)2, DEA). Then, DEAS was able to react with another H atom of -OH to produce DEA and to form the O-(SiH2)-O bond at the inter-dimer, inter-row, or intra-dimer site. Among the three different sites, the intra-dimer site was the most probable when it came to forming the O-(SiH2)-O bond.

  • Deterministic Equation for Self-Resonant Structures of Very Small Normal-Mode Helical Antennas

    QuocDinh NGUYEN  Naobumi MICHISHITA  Yoshihide YAMADA  Koji NAKATANI  


    E94-B No:5

    For the easy design of very small normal-mode helical antennas (NMHAs), an equation that helps determine the self-resonant structures of these antennas is developed. For this purpose, the expression for the capacitance of an NMHA is established. The accuracy of this design equation is confirmed by comparing the results obtained using the equation with the simulation results.
